Emperor of Evil
From his island nation of Mriganka, Bison spreads his evil psychic influence across the world. This malevolent monarch commands his villainous armies in their war to corrupt the world.
World leaders are powerless. Global authorities are paralyzed by international treaties…
A Desperate Call for Heroes
The world is in desperate need of heroes willing to put their lives on the line and their abilities to the test to take down Shadoloo.
This book gives you everything you need to know about Shadoloo and its role in your Street Fighter chronicles, including:
- Descriptions of Sagat, Vega and M. Bison
- Three new martial arts styles with new Special MAneuvers
- Details of Shadoloo’s global operations, including M. Bison’s island fortress of Mriganka
- “Tourist Trap”, a ready-to-run adventure-can the characters survive a run-in with Shadoloo’s Spanish assassins?
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