Menat has been revealed for SFV. You may recognize her as the fortune teller from Ed’s story mode. She is an apprentice of Rose and seems to use a variant of the same fighting style, including Soul Reflect and several other magical orb attacks. She’s short and has an Egyptian motif. She seems to fill the “magical girl” character slot, like Ingrid, or KOFs Athena.
I’m having trouble designing moves for her crystal ball. I think it should use an extra marker on the board, to where she sent it, and it must be retrieved in the next turn or any after that. Damagewise it should be the object’s toughness (Stamina) plus her focus, I think.
But here comes the trouble:
Name? Should be a generic one so others could use it, “Telekinetic Object”?
Does it cost Chi to retrieve it?
Should the return speed be the same as the “throw”?
Distance is pretty obviously intelligence + focus
How do I handle the three directions? Must the player tell the direction it goes when using it, or should it be done with a check if it hit’s aerial targets or crouched ones?
Would you guys give me a hand?