Today I solved the mystery of Bojutsu 棒術.
I was thinking about how “Bojutsu” is listed as the official fighting style of Street Fighter’s character “Eagle”, and how that makes no sense at all since Eagle doesn’t fight with a bo staff (he uses what appear to be eskrima sticks).
Long story short, his official fighting style is listed as 棒術 which translates literally to something more like “stick fighting” or “art of the stick”. “Bojutsu” is also a correct interpretation, but only if the context is there (which it is not, as he doesn’t use a 6 foot staff).
- First I found the Wikipedia article for Bojutsu.
- Then I copied the kanji from that page 棒術.
- Then I did a google search of the kanji and looked for images that were similar to Eagle’s weapons.
- When I found one, I translated the page and found it translates to “stick fighting”.
- Then I confirmed the translation with a fluent Japanese speaker.
- Then I also checked it in Google Translate.
- Then I also checked each character (棒 and 術) separately [1] [2].
棒 – noun
rod, pole, stick, club術 – noun
art, way, means
That’s how I figured out Eagle’s fighting style is “Stick Fighting”, and was incorrectly translated to “Bojutsu”. Case closed.
I suppose it could also be a bit of a pun or play on words as one translation of stick is “bar” which would make it “Bar Fighting” (Eagle is a bouncer in the story-line). That might be on purpose since Hakan’s translations also contain puns and jokes.
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