Updated the Combat Chart Generator in the Downloads section to version 8.
- Made the prerequisite checking function loop, so you don’t have to click “add prerequisites” more than once
- More layout tweaks, looking much closer to the books now.
- Added “check all” boxes to catagories
- Added auto print dialog when new window opens
- Fixed popup issue so you can now generate more than once without reloading
- Tool now checks animal hybrid background against how many hybrid basic maneuvers you have
- Updated really old code for W3C compliance (Was originally validating at 5543 Errors, 488 warnings)
- Changed the way combos are printed out, so if you have none you won’t still see “Combos: “
- Added a dropdown for normal fonts (Thanks Caias Ward for the feedback!).
- Added some spaces to text formatting to keep column widths down (Thanks Caias Ward for the feedback!).
- Changed the branding in the footer to suggest you download my fonts to work with this.
Today it occurred to me I don’t have an option on here for savate shoes. No one has ever complained of this. Shows you how popular Savate is!
I actually had one player choosing it.
Still would be nice if you get it to print it in Combat-Cards format. Just create them, set to print in combat cards, print and then cut them out.
Would be way easier than to write them yourself.
Any chance of getting that to work?
absolutely, but that will take a while so maybe version 9. have to make all the descriptions shorter.
need some help?
I would gladly accept help if you wanted to send me a bunch of shorter descriptions!
Here is the code to change: https://sfrpg.com/sfchartgen/vars.txt
That will speed things up a lot!
Okay, will see what I can do.