Updated the Combat Chart Generator in the Downloads area to Version 7.
- Updated the old URL and email listed, with my new ones
- Fixed the “Back” button, which didn’t work anymore in newer browsers
- Changed layout for usability
- Added title tags to focus moves for reference and usability
- Combined the javascript file and the html file into one, so that only a single file is needed
- Tested in IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera and Safari
I totally forgot that exchange ever happened…
Hey, would it be possible to explain to me how to add new Maneuvers? I want to add my own into the mix for personal use, cause this is a really useful app. I won’t give it to anyone else, I promise.
Oh and I suck at programming, I tried to figure it out myself, but failed.
Also great work on the Redesign! I really dig your work! Used your conversions already a lot!
Glad you like my site, thanks!
No secrets here, all the code is viewable.
Lines 9-23 (no change) are the variables you will use later to test if they have the prerequisites.
Lines 24-32 (no change) are used for calculating damage later, they are some of the variables from above added together. stpu = st + pu (strength plus punch)
Lines 33-1337 (add stuff), you need to add 3 or 4 lines for each new maneuver (speed, damage, move, text). Like so:
You should be able to tell how the variables from above are used here. Speed for dashing punch = de (variable for dexterity), Damage is stpu (variable for strength + punch)+4 and move is at (variable for athletics) +2
As you can see in my code this must be done 3 different times for focus moves, so they can be calculated using the cybernetics background and physical, or cybernetics and mental.
Lines 1389-2316 (change) check to see if the checkbox on the form is checked when you submit. If it is that move will appear on your sheet. You will need to make new code for each new move you add:
Change the output to write your new maneuver’s speed, damage, move, and text which you defined in the last step.
Line 6296 onward (change) you will add the checkbox to the form. For this to work you need to be sure you name the checkbox on the form the right NAME=”” for it to read, like so:
Make sure it’s the same name you checked in the previous step:
Lines 2425-6063 (change) are where prerequisites are checked. You will need to add yours if you want the prerequisite checker to work, like so:
This will be triky depending on what your prerequisites are but you should be able to copy off the other moves. As you can see above if dashing punch is checked (document.chargen.dashingpunch.checked) and your punch rating is less than 4 (document.chargen.punch.value < 4) then change their punch rating to 4 (document.chargen.punch.value = 4) and tell them ('You just got punch 4, as a prerequisite for Dashing Punch.') So to recap: Step 1 – add stats for your maneuver like lines 33-1337
Step 2 – write the maneuver to the chart if the checkbox is checked like lines 1389-2316
Step 3 – make a checkbox on your form for the move like lines 6296+, make sure the NAME=”” of the checkbox matches what your code looks for in step 2
Step 4 – check for prerequisites like lines 2425-6063
Also FYI, testing the Beta for version 8.
Wow! Thanks a lot! I actually got it to work!
That’s good to know I can explain things correctly, lol. I wasn’t sure if I did.
Made a slight tweak just now that doesn’t warrant a whole new version.