Decapre for Ultra Street Fighter IV! March 16, 2014 By Webmaster 4 Comments The 5th character has finally been announced for the upcoming Ultra Street Fighter IV. It will be Decapre, one of Bison’s Dolls.
MOELANDER says April 20, 2014 at 6:16 pm Well, another Bison doll. And here I hoped for an Israeli Krav Maga practitioner, or a scottish wrestler. Or even a german Kickboxer. Well she’ll have to do! looks like she’s a clone of Cammy with that hairstyle. Reply
SFRPG says April 20, 2014 at 6:47 pm Ditto, I’ve been hoping for krav since IV was first announced, but I also wanted dolls so win either way, ha.
MOELANDER says April 21, 2014 at 2:22 am Yeah it’s not bad. I just hope they announce USFIV for Wii U now. I will buy it for PC, but I’d love it for Wii U. Finding people here in Germany to play the RPG is hard though.
PaladinDemo says April 23, 2014 at 9:51 am I think the clone is a literal cannon interpetation since Decapre was in the Juri OVA along with Cammy. I agree with you. We should gather the Hulkamaniacs and Ultimate Warrior fans. And run wild on Capcom.
Well, another Bison doll. And here I hoped for an Israeli Krav Maga practitioner, or a scottish wrestler. Or even a german Kickboxer.
Well she’ll have to do! looks like she’s a clone of Cammy with that hairstyle.
Ditto, I’ve been hoping for krav since IV was first announced, but I also wanted dolls so win either way, ha.
Yeah it’s not bad. I just hope they announce USFIV for Wii U now.
I will buy it for PC, but I’d love it for Wii U.
Finding people here in Germany to play the RPG is hard though.
I think the clone is a literal cannon interpetation since Decapre was in the Juri OVA along with Cammy.
I agree with you. We should gather the Hulkamaniacs and Ultimate Warrior fans. And run wild on Capcom.