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Messages Page 8 of 327.

Group: streetfighter Message: 351 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Re: New idea.
Group: streetfighter Message: 352 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Re: New idea.
Group: streetfighter Message: 353 From: Howard Collins Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Re: New idea.
Group: streetfighter Message: 354 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Re: New idea.
Group: streetfighter Message: 355 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: New Merits and flaws
Group: streetfighter Message: 356 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Panantukan
Group: streetfighter Message: 357 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: New NPC: Amanda Savage
Group: streetfighter Message: 358 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Re: Panantukan
Group: streetfighter Message: 359 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: New NPC: Amanda Savage
Group: streetfighter Message: 360 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/10/1998
Subject: Re: Panantukan
Group: streetfighter Message: 361 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/10/1998
Subject: New NPC: Amanda Savage
Group: streetfighter Message: 362 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/10/1998
Subject: New NPC: Amanda Savage
Group: streetfighter Message: 363 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/11/1998
Subject: Re: New NPC: Amanda Savage
Group: streetfighter Message: 364 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/11/1998
Subject: Yes, it's a glitch.
Group: streetfighter Message: 365 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 11/12/1998
Subject: Re: New NPC: Amanda Savage
Group: streetfighter Message: 366 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/12/1998
Subject: Re: New NPC: Amanda Savage
Group: streetfighter Message: 367 From: cam1984@hotmail.com Date: 11/13/1998
Subject: Re: New idea.
Group: streetfighter Message: 368 From: cam1984@hotmail.com Date: 11/13/1998
Subject: Re: New Merits and flaws
Group: streetfighter Message: 369 From: cam1984@hotmail.com Date: 11/13/1998
Subject: french ninjitsu
Group: streetfighter Message: 370 From: cam1984@hotmail.com Date: 11/13/1998
Subject: No Subject
Group: streetfighter Message: 371 From: SirFozzie Date: 11/13/1998
Subject: Cheesy moves
Group: streetfighter Message: 372 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 11/14/1998
Subject: Re: New Merits and flaws
Group: streetfighter Message: 373 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 11/14/1998
Subject: Re: Cheesy moves
Group: streetfighter Message: 374 From: Micheal Duynhoven Date: 11/14/1998
Subject: Beginning of the Story
Group: streetfighter Message: 375 From: Micheal Duynhoven Date: 11/14/1998
Subject: Fw: New NPC: Amanda Savage
Group: streetfighter Message: 376 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 11/15/1998
Subject: Amanda Savage
Group: streetfighter Message: 377 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/16/1998
Subject: Re: New Merits and flaws
Group: streetfighter Message: 378 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/16/1998
Subject: Argh - lost mail
Group: streetfighter Message: 379 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/16/1998
Subject: And now.....French Ninjutsu!
Group: streetfighter Message: 380 From: deadeye13x@hotmail.com Date: 11/16/1998
Subject: scales...
Group: streetfighter Message: 381 From: REMO DISCONZI Date: 11/16/1998
Subject: Re: And now.....French Ninjutsu!
Group: streetfighter Message: 382 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/16/1998
Subject: Re: And now.....French Ninjutsu!
Group: streetfighter Message: 383 From: REMO DISCONZI Date: 11/16/1998
Subject: Re: And now.....French Ninjutsu!
Group: streetfighter Message: 384 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/16/1998
Subject: Re: And now.....French Ninjutsu!
Group: streetfighter Message: 385 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/17/1998
Subject: Gencon
Group: streetfighter Message: 386 From: REMO DISCONZI Date: 11/17/1998
Subject: Re: Gencon
Group: streetfighter Message: 387 From: EvilTyger@aol.com Date: 11/17/1998
Subject: Re: Gencon
Group: streetfighter Message: 388 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/17/1998
Subject: Original adventures
Group: streetfighter Message: 389 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Re: Original adventures
Group: streetfighter Message: 390 From: REMO DISCONZI Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Re: Original adventures
Group: streetfighter Message: 391 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Re: Original adventures
Group: streetfighter Message: 392 From: REMO DISCONZI Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Re: Original adventures
Group: streetfighter Message: 393 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Re: Original adventures
Group: streetfighter Message: 394 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Chat room?
Group: streetfighter Message: 395 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Re: Original adventures
Group: streetfighter Message: 396 From: EvilTyger@aol.com Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Re: Fwd: Original adventures
Group: streetfighter Message: 397 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Re: Original adventures
Group: streetfighter Message: 398 From: Howard Collins Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Re: Original adventures
Group: streetfighter Message: 399 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Brazil, Eww!
Group: streetfighter Message: 400 From: Nelson, Christopher T Date: 11/18/1998
Subject: Re: Chat room?

Group: streetfighter Message: 351 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Re: New idea.
I like it. Don't forget those endless miles and miles of industrial
complex below the island surface. Dungeon-delving, anyone?

If you want to emphasize the ruin of Mriganka, skip Aka Zahn. He
probably escaped or was killed as well. If you don't, then he would be
the kind of power-mad nut who stayed behind to keep his kingdom whole.

Darrick Chen wrote:
> Had a new, random thought on the way to work this morning:
> How to fit Mriganka, that center of all things evil, into my New Legends
> Campaign setting? (Bit of vanity, here, bear with me folks.)
> Well, howzabout Mriganka was abandoned after the Final Conflict in which
> Bison was defeated and then captured? The new base of operations is on a
> manmade island called Rhodos (shades of Fatal Fury the Movie!)
> Anywho, I figured that since they mention that Mriganka was a site for
> genetic experimentation, what if, in the aftermath of Bison's defeat,the
> abandoned experiments went wild and took over the place?
> Maybe there was some sort of funky genetovirus (and you know there
> always IS.....)that mutated everything it came into contact with?
> All those island animals, those wacky Mrigankalese Tribesmen, the
> leftover Monks (they wouldn't have left; fanatacism, don't you
> know).....not to mention that huge freakin' Squid (provided it wasn't
> killed the last time your PCs went romping and stomping in Mriganka).
> I'm thinking the entire setting should have a psuedo Jurassic Park/
> Island of Dr. Moreau feel to it, with a combination of technological and
> organic threats/ As for a reason to actually GO to the Island? That's
> pretty much up to you. Some ideas include maybe retrieving some secret
> files on Shadoloo's secret project or the like. Perhaps Aka Zhan has
> taken over the place and has set himself up as a new ruler.
> Have fun.
> Dare
> ______________________________________________________
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Group: streetfighter Message: 352 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Re: New idea.
there are only three other evil World Warriors, unless Bison counts
himself as an ally.

Howard Collins wrote:
> Actually, the organization of Mriganka should have always fallen under the
> auspices of the Hyperintelligent Mutant Squid, perhaps with his henchman,
> Diablo the Mutant Bull. The Hyperintelligent Mutant Squid would eventually
> take over the island, and Diablo would have the technical know-how to assist
> him (Diablo has dots in Computer and Security). The only problem is that
> eventually a street fighter with Dex 4 or higher would come in there and
> just jab/move away them for a week until they were beaten.
> I know... aren't they supposed to be loyal to Bison? Yes, but Bison is
> limited to 5 dots of allies... 4 for the evil World Warriors, and the
> remaining one has to be used on Aka Zahn, since he keeps the others in
> line! Once the Hyperintelligent Mutant Squid figures out that Bison didn't
> spend experience on him as an ally, Shadoloo's days are numbered.
> 8P
> --
> http://www.accessgate.net/howard for nonsensical rants about things nobody
> cares about
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Group: streetfighter Message: 353 From: Howard Collins Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Re: New idea.
Doh... okaaaay, 3 for the evil guys, 1 for Aka Zahn, and umm one for that mousy
scientist from the animated movie.

Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen wrote:

> there are only three other evil World Warriors, unless Bison counts
> himself as an ally.

http://www.accessgate.net/howard for nonsensical rants about things nobody cares

Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 354 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Re: New idea.
no, no no... Bison as the Squid as an ally so it's Diablo who's scheming
to bring them both down.

Howard Collins wrote:
> Doh... okaaaay, 3 for the evil guys, 1 for Aka Zahn, and umm one for that mousy
> scientist from the animated movie.
> Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen wrote:
> > there are only three other evil World Warriors, unless Bison counts
> > himself as an ally.
> --
> http://www.accessgate.net/howard for nonsensical rants about things nobody cares
> about
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> NextCard Internet VISA -- 2.9% intro APR
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Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 355 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: New Merits and flaws
I need advice on cost/bonus for these. Also, some of the
wordings seem awkward to me.


Incredible Potential (4, 5 or 6 pts.)

Your potential in one area is unmatched. You may select one
ability (for four points), one technique (for five points),
or one attribute (for six points) and have the ability to
raise it to nine through experience points. This does not
give you more points at character creation, nor does it
allow you to raise the affected score beyond five.

This merit may be taken no more than twice for the same score.


Large Build (1 pt.)

Your build is large and a little bit clumsy. You may not
take superhuman Dexterity. You may take the flaw short.

Small Frame (2 pt.)

Your frame is smaller than average and somewhat frailer.
You may not take superhuman Strength or Stamina. You may
not take Huge Size.

staredown@... staredown@...

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win--we
merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

Black holes are God's way of dividing by zero.------------------------------------------------------------------------
Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 356 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Panantukan
Panantukan is a form of Filipino kickboxing, one of the arts that Bruce
Lee incorporated into Jeet Kune Do. Panatukan focuses on "limb

Schools: At present Panantukan is widely unknown, but some Escrima
schools offer it.

Concepts: Athelete, competitor, Filipino martial arts enthusiast.

Intitial Chi: 2
Initial Willpower: 5


Punch: Hyper Fist 4, Spinning Backfist 1
Kick: Foot Sweep 1, Flying Knee Thrust, Knee Strike 1, Stepping Front
Kick 3, Ax Kick 2, Falling Ax Kick 3, Heel Stamp 2, Rising Jaguar 5
Block: Wooden Dummy 2, Deflecting Punch 1, Maka Wara 3, Counterstrike 2,
Destructive Block 2
Grab: Knee Basher 2, BRain Cracker 1
Athletics: Esquives 4, Displacement 3
Focus: Common Maneuvers

All for now, folks! Next: An art of my own devising: French Ninjutsu!
(Yes, you read that right!)

Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 357 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: New NPC: Amanda Savage
These are the stats for one of my home brewed characters, who I
admittedly didn't use very much. Her name is Amanda Savage, and she's
pretty basic as far as NPC flavor goes.

Name: Amanda Savage
Age: 19
Chronicle: New Legends
Style: Jeet Kune Do
School: Locarno's Martial Arts Gym
Stable: Simon Vincenza
Team: Team XLR8
Concept: Athelete
Signature: Throws fist in the air, "Yeah!"

Background: Amanda is the youngest in a large family. She and her five
older brothers (Mark, Fred, Eric, Steve, and Lorenzo) were very close
growing up. Her entire family being atheletes, each of her brothers was
into a particular sport (baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, football)
and she grew up in a very testosterone-heavy atmosphere.
But after Lorenzo was almost paralyzed in a football game, Amanda's
parents soon became against her engaging in any sort of contact sport.
So, she was doomed to spend her teenage energy in aerobics classes.

Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 358 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: Re: Panantukan
Darrick Chen wrote:

> All for now, folks! Next: An art of my own devising: French Ninjutsu!
> (Yes, you read that right!)

do they get little spikes on their pointy wooden shoes so they can do
their Dim Mak with their feet?

I am... NINJA FROG. *Croak*
Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 359 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/9/1998
Subject: New NPC: Amanda Savage
These are the stats for one of my home brewed characters, who I
admittedly didn't use very much. Her name is Amanda Savage, and she's
pretty basic as far as NPC flavor goes.

Name: Amanda Savage
Age: 19
Chronicle: New Legends
Style: Jeet Kune Do
School: Locarno's Martial Arts Gym
Stable: Simon Vincenza
Team: Team XLR8
Concept: Athelete
Signature: Throws fist in the air, "Yeah!"

Background: Amanda is the youngest in a large family. She and her five
older brothers (Mark, Fred, Eric, Steve, and Lorenzo) were very close
growing up. Her entire family being atheletes, each of her brothers was
into a particular sport (baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, football)
and she grew up in a very testosterone-heavy atmosphere.
But after Lorenzo was almost paralyzed in a football game, Amanda's
parents soon became against her engaging in any sort of contact sport.
So, she was doomed to spend her teenage energy in aerobics classes.
But, one day she saw a notice on the bulletin board at the health club
for a free martial arts lesson. Having nothing to do at the time, she
And she loved it.
She got in touch with the instructor and soon began to take private
lessons in Jeet Kune Do. Her parents still frowned upon contact sports,
so she kept it a secret from them, although her brothers knew and
supported her.
Eventually her parents did find out and were quite upset about the whole
deal. They forbade her from continuing with the lessons. Desperate,
Amanda made them a deal: if she could win her first upcoming
competition, then she would be allowed to continue. IF she lost, then
she would stop.
At the tournament, Amanda made an impressive shwing, but did not win due
to a techncal knockout. Depressed that she would have to give her
passion for martial arts, she was surprised when her father declared
that she could continue on if she wanted.
Seems that her father ran into an old friend of his at the tournament, a
man named Simon Vincenza. Simon was an ex heavyweight boxer who had
retired a few years prior and now acted as manager to his own team,
XLR8. During her match, Simon had commented on the potential she
possessed and had persuaded her father to not only let her continue with
the her training, but also to sign onto his stable.

Playing Amanda: You are still somewhat of a tomboy, welcoming each an
every challenge that the ring has to offer. You don't hate men or
anything, but you like to rub it in thier faces when they lose due tpo
underestimating you.
Otherwise, you are a rather friendly, cheerful young girl with a strong
sense of fmaily and loyalty to your friends. You are also a born leader
people seem to always rally around you when a team effort is needed.

Appearance: Amanda is of average height and weight, with a body toned
from aerobics. Her brown hair is short and combed to either side of her
face (imagine Kyo Kusanagi from King of Fighters or Akira from Rival
In the ring or in training, Amanda wears biking shorts, hi-top shoes, a
T-shirts, and one of her brother's basketball jerseys.


Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3


Alertness 3, Subterfuge 1, Everything Else 2
Blind Fighting 2, Drive 3 (father races cars), Leadership 4, Stealth 1,
Survival 2 (Camping with the family every summer)
Arena 2, Computer 2, Investigation 2, Medecine 1 (mother is a nurse)
Style Lore 2

Allies 3 (Team XLR8)
Fame 1
Manager 4 (Vincenza is GOOD)
Resources 1

Techniques: Punch 3, Kick 3, Block 3, Grab 2, Athletics 4, Focus 2

Power Uppercut
Spinning Backfist
Triple Strike
Reverse Front Kick
Double-Hit Kick
Spinning thrust Kick
Knee Strike
Foot Sweep
Handstand Kick

Glory: 3
Honor: 4
Division: Freestyle
Rank: 5
Wins: 22
Losses: 6
Draws 3
KOs: 13

Chi: 4
Willpower: 5
Health: 12

That's about it, kids. Enjoy. To be honest, I couldn't find much use for
Amanda in my campaign, but that's probably because I used her before I
had any sort of background for her. Most of what you read above in her
background I came up with just now. Anyway, see how ell she works in
your campaign, and let me know what you think!



PS: If any of you want to read about my first incarnation of the Cadrem
read my Fanfic "The OFF Squad) at www.erols.com/amunoz/w+p

Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 360 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/10/1998
Subject: Re: Panantukan
---Darrick Chen <dare2live@...> wrote:

>Panantukan is a form of Filipino kickboxing, one of the
arts that Bruce
>Lee incorporated into Jeet Kune Do. Panatukan focuses on

>Schools: At present Panantukan is widely unknown, but some
>schools offer it.

>Concepts: Athelete, competitor, Filipino martial arts

>Intitial Chi: 2
>Initial Willpower: 5


>Punch: Hyper Fist 4, Spinning Backfist 1
>Kick: Foot Sweep 1, Flying Knee Thrust, Knee Strike 1,
Stepping Front
>Kick 3, Ax Kick 2, Falling Ax Kick 3, Heel Stamp 2, Rising
Jaguar 5
>Block: Wooden Dummy 2, Deflecting Punch 1, Maka Wara 3,
Counterstrike 2,
>Destructive Block 2
>Grab: Knee Basher 2, BRain Cracker 1
>Athletics: Esquives 4, Displacement 3
>Focus: Common Maneuvers

If it focuses on limb destruction, why don't you have
wounded knee?

>All for now, folks! Next: An art of my own devising: French

Did I read that right?

>(Yes, you read that right!)

Oh. Ok. Well, why not. We could always use more
assassination styles.

We've got Spanish Ninjitsu. We've got Japanese Ninjitsue,

We've got <A
Ninjitsu</A>, The Lin Kuei have Chinese Ninjitsu, and the
U.S. has Politics (guaranteed to kill any good idea).

staredown@... staredown@...

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win--we
merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

Let's bring it up to date with some snappy nineteenth
century dialogue.
-- Samuel Goldwyn ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 361 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/10/1998
Subject: New NPC: Amanda Savage
These are the stats for one of my home brewed characters, who I
admittedly didn't use very much. Her name is Amanda Savage, and she's
pretty basic as far as NPC flavor goes.

Name: Amanda Savage
Age: 19
Chronicle: New Legends
Style: Jeet Kune Do
School: Locarno's Martial Arts Gym
Stable: Simon Vincenza
Team: Team XLR8
Concept: Athelete
Signature: Throws fist in the air, "Yeah!"

Background: Amanda is the youngest in a large family. She and her five
older brothers (Mark, Fred, Eric, Steve, and Lorenzo) were very close
growing up. Her entire family being atheletes, each of her brothers was
into a particular sport (baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, football)
and she grew up in a very testosterone-heavy atmosphere.
But after Lorenzo was almost paralyzed in a football game, Amanda's
parents soon became against her engaging in any sort of contact sport.
So, she was doomed to spend her teenage energy in aerobics classes.

Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 362 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/10/1998
Subject: New NPC: Amanda Savage
These are the stats for one of my home brewed characters, who I
admittedly didn't use very much. Her name is Amanda Savage, and she's
pretty basic as far as NPC flavor goes.

Name: Amanda Savage
Age: 19
Chronicle: New Legends
Style: Jeet Kune Do
School: Locarno's Martial Arts Gym
Stable: Simon Vincenza
Team: Team XLR8
Concept: Athelete
Signature: Throws fist in the air, "Yeah!"

Background: Amanda is the youngest in a large family. She and her five
older brothers (Mark, Fred, Eric, Steve, and Lorenzo) were very close
growing up. Her entire family being atheletes, each of her brothers was
into a particular sport (baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, football)
and she grew up in a very testosterone-heavy atmosphere.
But after Lorenzo was almost paralyzed in a football game, Amanda's
parents soon became against her engaging in any sort of contact sport.
So, she was doomed to spend her teenage energy in aerobics classes.

Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 363 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/11/1998
Subject: Re: New NPC: Amanda Savage
OKAY! OKAY! I'll post her to Contenders:TNG! That's what you want,
isn't it?! Eh? OKAY! I'll do it! Just stop sending her to the list!
Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 364 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/11/1998
Subject: Yes, it's a glitch.

For some reason, my NPC posting keeps appearing on this list. Just
disregard them and to whoever runs or manages this thing: Help!!


Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 365 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 11/12/1998
Subject: Re: New NPC: Amanda Savage
Damn that took long enough

And more than just that message appears twice (or more)

On Wed, 11 Nov 1998 12:24:22 -0500 "Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen"
<skarsten@...> writes:
>OKAY! OKAY! I'll post her to Contenders:TNG! That's what you want,
>isn't it?! Eh? OKAY! I'll do it! Just stop sending her to the list!
>Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com

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Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 366 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/12/1998
Subject: Re: New NPC: Amanda Savage
Ryan M Rich wrote:
> Damn that took long enough
> And more than just that message appears twice (or more)

I'd planned on posting her anyway, but I was going to ask the author's
permission first. Unfortunately it takes me so long to update these
days I just have to file everything away and make note to update later.
Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 367 From: cam1984@hotmail.com Date: 11/13/1998
Subject: Re: New idea.
yeah, you could send jeff goldbloom(jurasic park) and jill valentine(re) in to mop the place up!!!
what a team!

Had a new, random thought on the way to work this morning:
> How to fit Mriganka, that center of all things evil, into my New Legends
> Campaign setting? (Bit of vanity, here, bear with me folks.)
> Well, howzabout Mriganka was abandoned after the Final Conflict in which
> Bison was defeated and then captured? The new base of operations is on a
> manmade island called Rhodos (shades of Fatal Fury the Movie!)
> Anywho, I figured that since they mention that Mriganka was a site for
> genetic experimentation, what if, in the aftermath of Bison's defeat,the
> abandoned experiments went wild and took over the place?
> Maybe there was some sort of funky genetovirus (and you know there
> always IS.....)that mutated everything it came into contact with?
> All those island animals, those wacky Mrigankalese Tribesmen, the
> leftover Monks (they wouldn't have left; fanatacism, don't you
> know).....not to mention that huge freakin' Squid (provided it wasn't
> killed the last time your PCs went romping and stomping in Mriganka).
> I'm thinking the entire setting should have a psuedo Jurassic Park/
> Island of Dr. Moreau feel to it, with a combination of technological and
> organic threats/ As for a reason to actually GO to the Island? That's
> pretty much up to you. Some ideas include maybe retrieving some secret
> files on Shadoloo's secret project or the like. Perhaps Aka Zhan has
> taken over the place and has set himself up as a new ruler.
> Have fun.
> Dare
> ______________________________________________________
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com

See the original message at http://www.egroups.com/list/streetfighter/?start=349
Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 368 From: cam1984@hotmail.com Date: 11/13/1998
Subject: Re: New Merits and flaws
i think if you want incredible potential you should do it through roleplaying. if you want to kick ass, kick ass, you dont need a merit. also 8 is pretty damn high considering five is normal human max(schwarzenagger) 8 is ridiculous, forget about 9. also the creation of this would imply that ryu doesnt have incredible potential, neither do any world warriors.


I need advice on cost/bonus for these. Also, some of the
> wordings seem awkward to me.
> Merits:
> Incredible Potential (4, 5 or 6 pts.)
> Your potential in one area is unmatched. You may select one
> ability (for four points), one technique (for five points),
> or one attribute (for six points) and have the ability to
> raise it to nine through experience points. This does not
> give you more points at character creation, nor does it
> allow you to raise the affected score beyond five.
> This merit may be taken no more than twice for the same score.
> Flaws:
> Large Build (1 pt.)
> Your build is large and a little bit clumsy. You may not
> take superhuman Dexterity. You may take the flaw short.
> Small Frame (2 pt.)
> Your frame is smaller than average and somewhat frailer.
> You may not take superhuman Strength or Stamina. You may
> not take Huge Size.
> ===
> staredown@... staredown@...
> http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/1062
> "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win--we
> merely expect them to try."
> -- Robert Heinlein
> Black holes are God's way of dividing by zero.------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com

See the original message at http://www.egroups.com/list/streetfighter/?start=355
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Group: streetfighter Message: 369 From: cam1984@hotmail.com Date: 11/13/1998
Subject: french ninjitsu
french ninjitsu, i weep for the future.
they could have a ninja suit with a berret and a black and white horizontal striped shirt.
Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 370 From: cam1984@hotmail.com Date: 11/13/1998
Subject: No Subject
my friend had a rad idea, shouldnt ryus stage be in front of goukens grave!?
that would be bad ass for akuma to be his boss and the stage be goukens grave.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 371 From: SirFozzie Date: 11/13/1998
Subject: Cheesy moves
A) Cartwheel kick. Thank ghu I finally found a way to make that less cheesy while keeping the spirit of the move.

B) BACKFLIP Kick. grrr.. One of my players in my SFRPG campaign is a Type B munchkin (loves makeing people who "win", but have realistic rp'ers too) After we convinced him that Cartwheel Kick was a bit out there.. well.. He found this beaut. He created a DEX 6 character with pretty high Strength and a 3 Stamina.. He would wait until the person declared his move, then interrupt with the backflip kick, doing damage, and the other person would be stuck there. Next turn.. do it again. Combine this with moves that cause knockdowns (such as foot sweep) and he'd defeat guys without taking any damage, and not OVER using (although close to it) moves.

Any others?
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Group: streetfighter Message: 372 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 11/14/1998
Subject: Re: New Merits and flaws
Who says Ryu does'nt already have this? He is in my oppinion
past a 10 on the Rank after Street Fighter 3. Legendary Rank (everyone
knows Ryu!) Incredible Potential that is.


On 13 Nov 1998 23:57:52 -0000 cam1984@... writes:
> also the
>creation of this would imply that ryu doesnt have incredible
>potential, neither do any world warriors.
>I need advice on cost/bonus for these. Also, some of the
>> wordings seem awkward to me.
>> staredown@... staredown@...
>> http://www.geocities.com/tokyo/1062
>> "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win--we
>> merely expect them to try."
>> -- Robert Heinlein
>> Black holes are God's way of dividing by
>> Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
>See the original message at
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Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 373 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 11/14/1998
Subject: Re: Cheesy moves
I played Chun Li at the White Wolf Street Fighter tourney at Gen
Con, took a pretty good place too. Now there's some quick frustrating
play, when i knew the rules (kinda) and no one else did. Back Flip,
Forward Flip, Fast foot sweeps.

Damn you woman!


On 14 Nov 1998 00:34:50 -0000 "SirFozzie" <tarislan@...> writes:
>A) Cartwheel kick. Thank ghu I finally found a way to make that less
>cheesy while keeping the spirit of the move.
>B) BACKFLIP Kick. grrr.. One of my players in my SFRPG campaign is a
>Type B munchkin (loves makeing people who "win", but have realistic
>rp'ers too) After we convinced him that Cartwheel Kick was a bit out
>there.. well.. He found this beaut. He created a DEX 6 character with
>pretty high Strength and a 3 Stamina.. He would wait until the person
>declared his move, then interrupt with the backflip kick, doing
>damage, and the other person would be stuck there. Next turn.. do it
>again. Combine this with moves that cause knockdowns (such as foot
>sweep) and he'd defeat guys without taking any damage, and not OVER
>using (although close to it) moves.
>Any others?
>Play Free Games on Excite -
>Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com

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Group: streetfighter Message: 374 From: Micheal Duynhoven Date: 11/14/1998
Subject: Beginning of the Story
Attachments :
    I have the beginning of the story of my group's first adventure, Lasted
    almost 2 years of playing time up to thier unknown conclusion. (to be told
    at a later date).

    Micheal Duynhoven

    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 375 From: Micheal Duynhoven Date: 11/14/1998
    Subject: Fw: New NPC: Amanda Savage
    > From: Darrick Chen <dare2live@...>
    > To: streetfighter@...
    > Subject: [streetfighter] New NPC: Amanda Savage
    > Date: November 9, 1998 4:39 PM
    > These are the stats for one of my home brewed characters, who I
    > admittedly didn't use very much. Her name is Amanda Savage, and she's
    > pretty basic as far as NPC flavor goes.

    Fear that. I have an NPC called Amanda Savage as well, ended up being one
    of the main PC's lover.

    I will post the first few pages of the story of said PC in a followup

    Micheal Duynhoven

    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 376 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 11/15/1998
    Subject: Amanda Savage
    To the two of you who have Amanda Savage in games, I have only one thing
    to say:

    It's people like you wot cause unrest. ;o)

    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 377 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/16/1998
    Subject: Re: New Merits and flaws
    ---cam1984@... wrote:

    i think if you want incredible potential you should do it
    through roleplaying. if you want to kick ass, kick ass, you
    dont need a merit. also 8 is pretty damn high considering
    five is normal human max(schwarzenagger) 8 is ridiculous,
    forget about 9. also the creation of this would imply that
    ryu doesnt have incredible potential, neither do any world


    Ryu (and the rest of the fighters) might or might not have
    it. Since none of the World Warriors have an eight in
    anything, we don't know if they have this merit or not.
    Personally I can only think of one (maybe two) people in
    street fighter who would have incredible potential,
    Shin-Akuma/Goki. (The other possibility is Gill, who is in
    Street Fighter III, a game I have never played.)

    <Merit and Flaws Sniped>

    staredown@... staredown@...

    "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win--we
    merely expect them to try."
    -- Robert Heinlein

    40 seconds? But I want it now!
    -- Homer Simpson ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 378 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/16/1998
    Subject: Argh - lost mail
    can someone re-forward me all the messages that the list got over the
    weekend? a boo-boo with NT at work caused me to lose forty-some-odd
    messages before I got to read them. :p
    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 379 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/16/1998
    Subject: And now.....French Ninjutsu!
    Here we are, folks. Due to popular demand......fear the art that is
    French Ninjutsu!
    To be honest, French Ninja had a somewhat ignoble origin in my campaign.
    As the story would have it, my PCs were traipsing through an old
    abandoned factory in Paris, when thirteen shapes crashed though the
    windows to face them.
    Marie Fontaine, the 18-year-old savate fighter who was accompanying the
    party of the time whispered: "Mon Dieu! French Ninjas!".
    I think that that one line alone is why the French Ninja exist.


    BACKGROUND: Much like the Spaniards, the French have recently taken
    interest in the Japanese art of ninjutsu. Thus, one of Shadoloo's newest
    overlords, the Marquis Maurice du Slade, has begun to train his own
    brigade of French Ninja.
    French Ninjutsu is similar to Spanish Ninjutsu in that it combines
    traditional European fencing with Japanese hand-to-hand techniques.

    SCHOOLS: The Marquis' Academie de Ninjutsu Francais is currently the
    only place to learn this highly unorthodox art.

    MEMBERS: Bored French Nobility

    CONCEPTS: French Assassins, mimes with grudges.


    QUOTE: "Ha,ha! Taste the steely kiss of my blade, you swine!"


    PUNCH: Common techniques
    KICK: Heel Stamp 2, Backflip Kick 2, Stepping Front Kick 4
    BLOCK: Common techniques
    GRAB: Disengage 2, Backroll Throw 1
    ATHLETICS: Esquives 2, Displacement 3, Drunken Monkey Roll 2, Wall
    Spring 1
    FOCUS: Common Techniques
    WEAPONS: Dazing Blow 2, Riposte 1, Bloody Slash* 1, Fleche 1, Iaido 3,
    Mark of (Your Name Here)* 1

    GMs can use French Ninja mainly in 2 ways:

    1) As a new and terrible threat to be dealt with as Shadoloo increases
    its ranks.
    2) As comic relief. I mean, c'mon. In my campaign all Spanish Ninja
    excluding Vega were used solely as comic relief or cannon fodder.
    Likewise, French Ninja can be used as a plot twist for when your PCs
    have an incredible urge to massacre something. This excludes the current
    master of French Ninjutsu, "Marquis" Maurice du Slade.
    If you are going to use French Ninja as a comedic device, play it up;
    make them obnoxious and more annoying than dangerous. Give them horribly
    overpronounced accents. Dress thim in mime-wear. Like I say often in my
    campaign: "French Ninja: Not overly dangerous, they're just overly

    Let me know how this works out for you guys.



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    Group: streetfighter Message: 380 From: deadeye13x@hotmail.com Date: 11/16/1998
    Subject: scales...
    hi i'm a newbie here and i've been playing sf:rpg since it first came out. i'm a street fighter junkie (street fighter II was the reason to buy a SNES!!) i haven't been playing alot lately, mostly just writing fanfics...but anyways onto the point.

    i've been wondering about how the players relate to the environment around them and vice versa...how does a car compare to a street fighter in terms of damage caused and taken, movement etc.

    i have the star wars rpg (can't wait till next summmer for star wars episode 1!!) by west end games and they have scale charts for character, vehicle, and starship sized objects. damage caused and taken, between scales (what would happen if a psycho jawa decided to attack an at-at and vice versa) hit modifiers (a jawa in a space suit using a blaster to hit the death star from 100 meters can't miss!! :))

    so i'm wondering what you think should/could scales charts be adapted to street fighter rpg??
    send me an email or post your answer on the newsgroup and let me know. i'll try and work out an easier explaination and example of how scales could work...

    sorry about the babbling it's in my nature!!

    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 381 From: REMO DISCONZI Date: 11/16/1998
    Subject: Re: And now.....French Ninjutsu!
    > 2) As comic relief. I mean, c'mon. In my campaign all Spanish Ninja
    > excluding Vega were used solely as comic relief or cannon fodder.

    Who do you DARE doing this to the *sacred* art of Spanish Ninjitsu. I
    don't see nothing "funny" or "hilarious" in Spanish Ninjitsu, really. I
    think it is a very good art, very stylish, classy and beautiful, and I also
    like the way it originated.
    I loved your French Ninjitsu, because it seems very classy and good.
    Imagine when the characters are walking through the streets of Paris, when
    a mime who was performing his art right there suddenly backflips, jumps,
    hurl multiple throwing daggers at his opponents, and when he lands, he
    draws a stiletto and start fighting the characters, in a very artistical,
    acrobatic and beautiful way!!! COOL!!!
    About your style, I think it could have Knife Hand Strike as a Punch
    maneuver, Slide of Forward Slide Kick as a Kick maneuver, Tumbling Attack
    and Diving Hawk for Athletics and Air Suplex for Grab. Also, can you tell
    me where can I find the weapon maneuvers you used?
    Well that's it, and please, don't make fun of the beautiful style you
    created. It's *very* and you shan't waste it in only "hilarious"

    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 382 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/16/1998
    Subject: Re: And now.....French Ninjutsu!
    I still say Vega should wear a big pink bunny suit.

    REMO DISCONZI wrote:
    > > 2) As comic relief. I mean, c'mon. In my campaign all Spanish Ninja
    > > excluding Vega were used solely as comic relief or cannon fodder.
    > Who do you DARE doing this to the *sacred* art of Spanish Ninjitsu. I
    > don't see nothing "funny" or "hilarious" in Spanish Ninjitsu, really. I
    > think it is a very good art, very stylish, classy and beautiful, and I also
    > like the way it originated.
    > I loved your French Ninjitsu, because it seems very classy and good.
    > Imagine when the characters are walking through the streets of Paris, when
    > a mime who was performing his art right there suddenly backflips, jumps,
    > hurl multiple throwing daggers at his opponents, and when he lands, he
    > draws a stiletto and start fighting the characters, in a very artistical,
    > acrobatic and beautiful way!!! COOL!!!
    > About your style, I think it could have Knife Hand Strike as a Punch
    > maneuver, Slide of Forward Slide Kick as a Kick maneuver, Tumbling Attack
    > and Diving Hawk for Athletics and Air Suplex for Grab. Also, can you tell
    > me where can I find the weapon maneuvers you used?
    > Well that's it, and please, don't make fun of the beautiful style you
    > created. It's *very* and you shan't waste it in only "hilarious"
    > situations.
    > -R3M0
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > NextCard Internet VISA -- 2.9% intro APR
    > Earn free airline tickets WITH DOUBLE Rew@rds points.
    > http://ads.egroups.com/click/64/0/nextcard
    > Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 383 From: REMO DISCONZI Date: 11/16/1998
    Subject: Re: And now.....French Ninjutsu!
    > I still say Vega should wear a big pink bunny suit.

    You bad taste elemental! ~~# Really, what do you guys have against Vega
    darling? Really, I just cannot understand. And I bet YOU LIKE AKUMA, just
    to make things worse..


    "Handsome fighters never lose a battle"
    -- Vega, Super Street Fighter 2

    "People who play Akuma are either unskilled or just plain stupid."
    -- R3M0, at the local arcade
    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 384 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/16/1998
    Subject: Re: And now.....French Ninjutsu!
    what do I have against Vega? not a damn thing. He's a bad-ass fighter
    and one of my favorite World Warriors. You, on the other hand, are fun
    to watch when someone bags on Vega. That's why I do it.

    Oh, and for the record, I hate Akuma.

    REMO DISCONZI wrote:
    > > I still say Vega should wear a big pink bunny suit.
    > You bad taste elemental! ~~# Really, what do you guys have against Vega
    > darling? Really, I just cannot understand. And I bet YOU LIKE AKUMA, just
    > to make things worse..
    > -R3M0
    > "Handsome fighters never lose a battle"
    > -- Vega, Super Street Fighter 2
    > "People who play Akuma are either unskilled or just plain stupid."
    > -- R3M0, at the local arcade
    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 385 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/17/1998
    Subject: Gencon

    I was wondering if anyone here was thinking about going to Gencon next
    year. And if so, are there any Street Fighter Events?


    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 386 From: REMO DISCONZI Date: 11/17/1998
    Subject: Re: Gencon
    Gencon? Where will it happen? When?


    "Well, I guess I am thru. There are no more bones to break."
    -- Vice, The King of Fighters '98

    > De: Darrick Chen <dare2live@...>
    > Para: streetfighter@...
    > Assunto: [streetfighter] Gencon
    > Data: Terça-feira, 17 de Novembro de 1998 19:07
    > Hey,
    > I was wondering if anyone here was thinking about going to Gencon next
    > year. And if so, are there any Street Fighter Events?
    > Dare
    > ______________________________________________________
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > The Weather Underground. We provide weather across the world.
    > Visit http://www.wunderground.com
    > Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 387 From: EvilTyger@aol.com Date: 11/17/1998
    Subject: Re: Gencon
    Gen Con happens in Milwaukee on an Annual basis (once a year), can't remember
    when particularly off the top of my head....

    It had been sponsored by TSR, and when WotC (?) bought them out, they decided
    to just keep it in Milwaukee (if it ain't broke, don't fix it)
    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 388 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/17/1998
    Subject: Original adventures

    I was wondering: does anyone here have any original adventures
    available? I've been to a lot of homepages, but all I seem to be able to
    find are campaign settings. If anyone has an adventure written out, I'd
    love to take a look at it. I'm a little stumped for ideas right now.


    PS: I am considering writing a short adventure exclusively for this

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    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 389 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/18/1998
    Subject: Re: Original adventures
    ---Darrick Chen <dare2live@...> wrote:


    >I was wondering: does anyone here have any original
    >adventures available? I've been to a lot of homepages, but
    >all I seem to be able to find are campaign settings. If
    >anyone has an adventure written out, I'd love to take a
    look >at it. I'm a little stumped for ideas right now.

    When I GM, I usually take a loose (usually very loose) core
    idea, and free-form the rest. I don't actually plot out
    adventures. But hey, if you want ideas, here's the place
    for em.

    1) A crossover with another fighting game -- Yeah, it's been
    done to death, but it can still work if the game is
    relatively obscure like Darkstalkers and Star Gladiator.

    2) Crossover with an anime -- Again, done to death. But
    also again, the key is using relatively obscure anime (or
    having players who've never seen anime, but how many of us
    have players like that?) Some good ones to crossover with
    are Ninja Scrolls, Bubble gum Crisis (Shadoloo with
    hard-suits), and even 8 Man After and Record of the Lodoss

    3) Crossover (Ok this is the last crossover, I promise) with
    other RPG -- This one doesn't have to be obscure, but it
    does have to either fit in, or be totally inappropriate.
    Some good ones are Vampire the Mascarade (How would Ryu
    react to an honest to goodness 'I vant to bite your neck'
    bloodsucking fiend?), Ninjas and Superspies (It does have a
    nice anime feel to it already), and even Shadowrun (Also has
    a bit of the anime feel).

    4) Steal em' -- A nuke was smuggled in to the Florida Keys
    (or your favorite country/state/province/etc.) by terrorists
    posing as art buyers (True Lies), Shadowloo has been testing
    nukes in the Philapines again and now there's a rather
    large, rather irate iguana on it's way to New York City
    (*cough*, *cough*, Godzilla [better known as Sissyzilla].
    The new, sucky one). Take a plot from a movie and adapt it
    to street fighter.

    5) THE FRENCH -- Yes this country has done great wrongs to
    us all. First they inflict Sissyzilla upon the world, and
    now they have...NINJA-MIMES! In an unprecedented alliance,
    Shadowloo and Interpol have teamed up to deal with the
    croussaunt eating, gum chewing (makes them look more
    American) lot of them. (And man am I going to catch some
    flack if any of you guys are French)

    6) THE U.S. -- (A transparent and desperate attempt to atone
    for my silly, yet probably inflammatory remarks last item).
    Come on, you've seen X-Files. We're in league with the
    aliens, we're performing illegal genetic testing and
    experiments on our own people, and we keep on annoying the 5
    or so honest people in our government. As Big Head would
    say "Somebody stop me"


    >PS: I am considering writing a short adventure exclusively
    for this list.

    Hey, anything that ups the volume of this list is a good

    staredown@... staredown@...

    "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win--we
    merely expect them to try."
    -- Robert Heinlein

    The saddest moment of a person's life comes but once. ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 390 From: REMO DISCONZI Date: 11/18/1998
    Subject: Re: Original adventures
    > 5) THE FRENCH -- Yes this country has done great wrongs to
    > us all. First they inflict Sissyzilla upon the world, and
    > now they have...NINJA-MIMES! In an unprecedented alliance,
    > Shadowloo and Interpol have teamed up to deal with the
    > croussaunt eating, gum chewing (makes them look more
    > American) lot of them. (And man am I going to catch some
    > flack if any of you guys are French)

    American people are xenophobes, really. I really do think France is
    country with more history in arts and culture than the U.S. will ever be,
    so that may be a mixture o xenophobia and jealousy, maybe.
    I just wonder what sort of horrible things they might say about Brazil

    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 391 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/18/1998
    Subject: Re: Original adventures
    not all of us Yanks are xenophobic. Personally I have a tremendous
    admiration for Asian cultures. Jealous? Eh. Maybe. A bit peeved that
    all the best-lookin' women are overseas? Yes. Heh. Still, anime is
    better than any American cartoon I've ever seen, sushi beats hamburgers
    any day of the week (well, almost - sometimes ya just gotta eat a cow)
    and those silk Chinese gowns are incredible. (no, I don't wear them,
    you twits. I meant on the women. :p )

    I tell ya, the more folks I meet from the far East, the more I wanna
    pack up and move.

    REMO DISCONZI wrote:
    > > 5) THE FRENCH -- Yes this country has done great wrongs to
    > > us all. First they inflict Sissyzilla upon the world, and
    > > now they have...NINJA-MIMES! In an unprecedented alliance,
    > > Shadowloo and Interpol have teamed up to deal with the
    > > croussaunt eating, gum chewing (makes them look more
    > > American) lot of them. (And man am I going to catch some
    > > flack if any of you guys are French)
    > American people are xenophobes, really. I really do think France is
    > country with more history in arts and culture than the U.S. will ever be,
    > so that may be a mixture o xenophobia and jealousy, maybe.
    > I just wonder what sort of horrible things they might say about Brazil
    > there..
    > -R3M0
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > The Weather Underground. We provide weather across the world.
    > Visit http://www.wunderground.com
    > Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 392 From: REMO DISCONZI Date: 11/18/1998
    Subject: Re: Original adventures
    Move to the East? What a coincidence, for I also want to move to Japan.
    Yet, I looooove McDonalds!


    "Well, I guess I am thru. There are no more bones to break."
    -- Vice, The King of Fighters '98
    > not all of us Yanks are xenophobic. Personally I have a tremendous
    > admiration for Asian cultures. Jealous? Eh. Maybe. A bit peeved that
    > all the best-lookin' women are overseas? Yes. Heh. Still, anime is
    > better than any American cartoon I've ever seen, sushi beats hamburgers
    > any day of the week (well, almost - sometimes ya just gotta eat a cow)
    > and those silk Chinese gowns are incredible. (no, I don't wear them,
    > you twits. I meant on the women. :p )
    > I tell ya, the more folks I meet from the far East, the more I wanna
    > pack up and move.
    > REMO DISCONZI wrote:
    > >
    > > > 5) THE FRENCH -- Yes this country has done great wrongs to
    > > > us all. First they inflict Sissyzilla upon the world, and
    > > > now they have...NINJA-MIMES! In an unprecedented alliance,
    > > > Shadowloo and Interpol have teamed up to deal with the
    > > > croussaunt eating, gum chewing (makes them look more
    > > > American) lot of them. (And man am I going to catch some
    > > > flack if any of you guys are French)
    > >
    > > American people are xenophobes, really. I really do think France is
    > > country with more history in arts and culture than the U.S. will ever
    > > so that may be a mixture o xenophobia and jealousy, maybe.
    > > I just wonder what sort of horrible things they might say about
    > > there..
    > >
    > > -R3M0
    > >
    > > The Weather Underground. We provide weather across the world.
    > > Visit http://www.wunderground.com
    > >
    > > Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 393 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/18/1998
    Subject: Re: Original adventures
    not all of us Yanks are xenophobic. Personally I have a tremendous
    admiration for Asian cultures.

    I ever mention that I'm Chinese? :)

    Jealous? Eh. Maybe. A bit peeved that
    all the best-lookin' women are overseas? Yes.

    Amen to that!

    Heh. Still, anime is
    better than any American cartoon I've ever seen

    YEAH! Most of my storylines used fro SF are anime-based.

    , sushi beats hamburgers
    any day of the week (well, almost - sometimes ya just gotta eat a cow)

    I'd have to pass on that. Call me wacky, but I ;like my fish cooked.

    and those silk Chinese gowns are incredible. (no, I don't wear them,
    you twits. I meant on the women. :p )

    Another agreement here. I dig chi pao dresses as well.
    I tell ya, the more folks I meet from the far East, the more I wanna
    pack up and move.

    REMO DISCONZI wrote:

    5) THE FRENCH -- Yes this country has done great wrongs to
    us all. First they inflict Sissyzilla upon the world, and
    now they have...NINJA-MIMES! In an unprecedented alliance,
    Shadowloo and Interpol have teamed up to deal with the
    croussaunt eating, gum chewing (makes them look more
    American) lot of them. (And man am I going to catch some
    flack if any of you guys are French)

    American people are xenophobes, really. I really do think France is
    country with more history in arts and culture than the U.S. will ever
    be,so that may be a mixture o xenophobia and jealousy, maybe.
    I just wonder what sort of horrible things they might say about Brazil

    Actually, I'd have to agree with Remo on this point. France does have an
    amazing cultural history. "La Vie en Rose"is one of my favorite musical
    pieces (I play it everytime my PCs go to France.
    Also, insted of mime-wear, my French Ninja actually wear costumes from
    18th century France.

    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 394 From: Darrick Chen Date: 11/18/1998
    Subject: Chat room?
    Hey, I was wondering:

    Is there a chat room where all of us can meet?


    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 395 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/18/1998
    Subject: Re: Original adventures
    REMO DISCONZI wrote:
    > Move to the East? What a coincidence, for I also want to move to Japan.
    > Yet, I looooove McDonalds!
    > -Remo

    they have McDonalds in Japan. But do they have Roy Rogers and Wendys?
    Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 396 From: EvilTyger@aol.com Date: 11/18/1998
    Subject: Re: Fwd: Original adventures
    Attachments :
      Blast, it.... might the list be set so that replys go to it rather than the

      In a message dated 11/18/98 8:29:44 AM Pacific Standard Time,
      skarsten@... writes:

      << EvilTyger@... wrote:
      > In a message dated 11/18/98 8:15:46 AM Pacific Standard Time,
      > skarsten@... writes:
      > << Heh. Still, anime is
      > better than any American cartoon I've ever seen, >>
      > Heavy Metal is the exception.

      I'll give you that.

      > Even after this much time, still top of the line for animation.
      > Transformers the Movie is near the top as well.... but not sure that isn't
      > Anime.

      It is. Next? :) >>

      Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
      Group: streetfighter Message: 397 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 11/18/1998
      Subject: Re: Original adventures
      Darrick Chen wrote:
      > I ever mention that I'm Chinese? :)

      I had a feeling, based on your name. Got a sister in her twenties who's
      lookin' for a boyfriend? ;)


      > Actually, I'd have to agree with Remo on this point. France does have an
      > amazing cultural history. "La Vie en Rose"is one of my favorite musical
      > pieces (I play it everytime my PCs go to France.
      > Also, insted of mime-wear, my French Ninja actually wear costumes from
      > 18th century France.

      Two words; Les Miserables.

      > ______________________________________________________
      > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      > The Weather Underground. We provide weather across the world.
      > Visit http://www.wunderground.com
      > Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
      Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
      Group: streetfighter Message: 398 From: Howard Collins Date: 11/18/1998
      Subject: Re: Original adventures
      Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen wrote:

      > Darrick Chen wrote:
      > >
      > > I ever mention that I'm Chinese? :)
      > I had a feeling, based on your name. Got a sister in her twenties who's
      > lookin' for a boyfriend? ;)

      OK Steve, time for you to go practice not sucking at Starcraft. You're
      obviously entering the silly zone again. 8P

      http://www.accessgate.net/howard for nonsensical rants about things nobody
      cares about

      Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
      Group: streetfighter Message: 399 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 11/18/1998
      Subject: Brazil, Eww!
      >so that may be a mixture o xenophobia and jealousy, maybe.
      > I just wonder what sort of horrible things they might say about

      I'm a racist and a hedonist, with self serving tendencies, and I think
      the french have a thing with kissing in the air (my ex-girlfriend helen
      is there and she sez so.

      But, the Brazilians, damn, if I had it so bad with the organ transplant
      hookers, brutal cops and corrupt politicians I'd die. I guess the heavy
      metal would make up for it.

      by the way I don't really believe every stereotype. But I do thnk we are
      (as Americans) hard headed, image imposing and self righteous.

      If you people listened to everything I had to say I'd be in trouble.

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      or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
      Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
      Group: streetfighter Message: 400 From: Nelson, Christopher T Date: 11/18/1998
      Subject: Re: Chat room?
      Well, I don't know of a chat-room per se, but I know a friend of mine
      was busy building a Street-Fighter based Mud/Muck for us fans to
      go & run around on. I don't know if it ever took off, cuz I forgot the
      address shortly after I moved. A-ways it was something like

      warriorsdreams@... ???

      If anyone recognizes that address, (or better yet, remembers the
      right one) could you post it? It might be a good start. Plus, if it
      ever DID get going (AKA if it still exists, this was over a year ago now)
      I'm sure he/they could be convinced to add a chat room.

      A-ways, hope that helps some

      > ----------
      > From: Darrick Chen[SMTP:dare2live@...]
      > Hey, I was wondering:
      > Is there a chat room where all of us can meet?
      > Dare
      > ______________________________________________________
      > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
      > The Weather Underground. We provide weather across the world.
      > Visit http://www.wunderground.com
      > Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com
      Free Web-based e-mail groups -- http://www.eGroups.com