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Group: streetfighter Message: 3205 From: ronineric@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat
Group: streetfighter Message: 3206 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat
Group: streetfighter Message: 3207 From: ronineric@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat
Group: streetfighter Message: 3208 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat
Group: streetfighter Message: 3209 From: J.J. Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Group: streetfighter Message: 3210 From: azathoth05@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Group: streetfighter Message: 3211 From: azathoth05@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Group: streetfighter Message: 3212 From: Chris Baker Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Group: streetfighter Message: 3213 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3214 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3215 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3216 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Group: streetfighter Message: 3217 From: JSorochins@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Group: streetfighter Message: 3218 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Duelists
Group: streetfighter Message: 3219 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
Group: streetfighter Message: 3220 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Learning Rules
Group: streetfighter Message: 3221 From: SlpStck@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat
Group: streetfighter Message: 3222 From: Azathoth05@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Group: streetfighter Message: 3223 From: Chris Baker Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3224 From: Andy Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3225 From: Chris Baker Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Sakura's just a High School Student for @#$% Sake!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 3226 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
Group: streetfighter Message: 3227 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3228 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Group: streetfighter Message: 3229 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Duelists
Group: streetfighter Message: 3230 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
Group: streetfighter Message: 3231 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3232 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Duelists
Group: streetfighter Message: 3233 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3234 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3235 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3236 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3237 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3238 From: SlpStck@aol.com Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3239 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3240 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3241 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Friendly Fight- Choose your enemy.
Group: streetfighter Message: 3242 From: J.J. Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3243 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3244 From: Azathoth05@aol.com Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Group: streetfighter Message: 3245 From: azathoth05@aol.com Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Speed vs. Strength (formerly You don't want to know)
Group: streetfighter Message: 3246 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
Group: streetfighter Message: 3247 From: JSorochins@aol.com Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
Group: streetfighter Message: 3248 From: Chris Baker Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Speed vs. Strength (formerly You don't want to know)
Group: streetfighter Message: 3249 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Speed vs. Strength (formerly You don't want to know)
Group: streetfighter Message: 3250 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
Group: streetfighter Message: 3251 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
Group: streetfighter Message: 3252 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
Group: streetfighter Message: 3253 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: SFEX + A was Challange to all at SF egroups
Group: streetfighter Message: 3254 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: SFEX + A was Challange to all at SF egroups

Group: streetfighter Message: 3205 From: ronineric@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat
What I meant is that Shock is to dense to notice Apocolypse
manipulating him and if he did Shock would screem DADDY!!! And chace
Apoocolypse til the end of time.
See intimidation, and tings like that work on most minds, but
sometimes, I am prone to think Shack has no mind
Sorry for the mix Up
Later Eric

"robert pascuttini" <rpascuttin-@...> wrote:
original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=3142
> Im not going to comment on the language use, thas between you two.
> But stat wise I thing your both a little off.
> His strength would not be 10
> If anything it would be what ever he wanted it to be with a max
> of at least 30 to 50 as a rough estimated guess
> Stamina ywould range pretty high as well on top of that he
> has bio-organic body armour.
> Ronin Eric...To say that manipulation didnt matter shows that you did
> play apocalypse out fully. Manipulation does matter. The stat wouldnt
> there if it didnt matter.
> actually his mental stats would be about 15. he did manage to somehow
> a ship once used by the celestials, Characters who could blow up
earth with
> out bothering.
> Thats a pretty high intimidation. did you ever make an intimidation
> Maybe you simply rollplayed your intimidations, I dont know.
> article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=2997
> > > it did him no justice obviously who ever ran that stupid game
> > > apocalypse was beaten by shock was a complete idiot along with a
> >of other
> > > stuff but i wont say them oon egroups and it shows that the idiot
> >doesn't
> > > research his stuff before hand because anyone that has seen a
> >comic
> > > book with him in it would know his stats would be like
> >10 strength HE HAD A TEN STRENGTH
> >6 dexterity: wouldn't matter shock is sadly faster
> >11 stamina: he Had an 11 stamina
> >10 manipulation and It wouldn't have mattered
> >15 in his mental stats No, 15 is godly, 10-12 maybe, and he had 10
> > > intimidation of a 20: Shock doesn't care,
> >and he would have deaths visage: Shock Looks at him and says, "Thats
> >cool, can you show me that <no> TEACH ME! <No> O.K. Got any chiken
> >wings???"
> >
> > > so i really don't see anyone getting close enough to him to hurt
> >unless > well you had a GM like who ever ran this stupid campaign
> >
> >And you know I am not an Idiot and I am Offended by that, I would
> >an apology, I did do my home work, and did research, and don't
> >apreciate insults, Critissim goes further than Slander.
> >
> >Best Wishs
> >Ronin Eric
> >
> >
Group: streetfighter Message: 3206 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat
I'm not gonna touch this comment with a ten foot pole. Except, that is,
to say that your interpretation of effective use of the Manipulation
Attribute needs a lot of work.

-----Original Message-----
From: ronineric@... [mailto:ronineric@...]
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 2:39 PM
To: streetfighter@...
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat

What I meant is that Shock is to dense to notice Apocolypse
manipulating him and if he did Shock would screem DADDY!!! And chace
Apoocolypse til the end of time.
See intimidation, and tings like that work on most minds, but
sometimes, I am prone to think Shack has no mind
Sorry for the mix Up
Later Eric

"robert pascuttini" <rpascuttin-@...> wrote:
original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=3142
> Im not going to comment on the language use, thas between you two.
> But stat wise I thing your both a little off.
> His strength would not be 10
> If anything it would be what ever he wanted it to be with a max
> of at least 30 to 50 as a rough estimated guess
> Stamina ywould range pretty high as well on top of that he
> has bio-organic body armour.
> Ronin Eric...To say that manipulation didnt matter shows that you did
> play apocalypse out fully. Manipulation does matter. The stat wouldnt
> there if it didnt matter.
> actually his mental stats would be about 15. he did manage to somehow
> a ship once used by the celestials, Characters who could blow up
earth with
> out bothering.
> Thats a pretty high intimidation. did you ever make an intimidation
> Maybe you simply rollplayed your intimidations, I dont know.
> article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=2997
> > > it did him no justice obviously who ever ran that stupid game
> > > apocalypse was beaten by shock was a complete idiot along with a
> >of other
> > > stuff but i wont say them oon egroups and it shows that the idiot
> >doesn't
> > > research his stuff before hand because anyone that has seen a
> >comic
> > > book with him in it would know his stats would be like
> >10 strength HE HAD A TEN STRENGTH
> >6 dexterity: wouldn't matter shock is sadly faster
> >11 stamina: he Had an 11 stamina
> >10 manipulation and It wouldn't have mattered
> >15 in his mental stats No, 15 is godly, 10-12 maybe, and he had 10
> > > intimidation of a 20: Shock doesn't care,
> >and he would have deaths visage: Shock Looks at him and says, "Thats
> >cool, can you show me that <no> TEACH ME! <No> O.K. Got any chiken
> >wings???"
> >
> > > so i really don't see anyone getting close enough to him to hurt
> >unless > well you had a GM like who ever ran this stupid campaign
> >
> >And you know I am not an Idiot and I am Offended by that, I would
> >an apology, I did do my home work, and did research, and don't
> >apreciate insults, Critissim goes further than Slander.
> >
> >Best Wishs
> >Ronin Eric
> >
> >

-- 20 megs of disk space in your eGroup's Document Vault
-- http://www.egroups.com/docvault/streetfighter/?m=1
Group: streetfighter Message: 3207 From: ronineric@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <clk_whrr_cha-@...> wrote:
original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=3169
> Well I'm up for it but you'll still have to wait for
> eric's answer.
> -Chad Phillips a.k.a shock

MY ANSWER IS!!!!!! o.k pick a day and lets do it.
Your Friendly neighborhood Samurai:
Ronin Eric

> --- Robert Pascuttini <rpascuttini@...> wrote:
> > O I got a gret Idea since everyone here is insistent
> > on disproving ronin
> > eric lets have an online battle. It would solve or
> > prove alot of things.
> >
> > Hey Mike Morgando, Steve, Christian Conkle, Rinaldo
> > what do you think?
> >
> >
> > >From: MITZPD@...
> > >Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > >To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: POLL: Who Can Shock
> > Beat
> > >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:20:10 EDT
> > >
> > >Below is a character that some sent through egroups
> > that if played right
> > >could win
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Name: Kage no Kyn
> > >Style: Kage Do (the way of Shadows)
> > >School: Grand master Kage
> > >Team: Incineraters
> > >Concept: Gardener
> > >Signature: his body glows blue with the power of
> > his Chi
> > >
> > >Strength: 5 Charisma: 3 Perception: 6
> > >Dexterity:5 Manipulation: 1 Intelligence:
> > 6
> > >Stamina: 5 Appearance: 4 Witts: 6
> > >
> > >Talents:
> > >Alertness: 4 Insight: 5 Intimidation: 4
> > Streetwise: 2 Subterfuge: 4
> > >Skills:
> > >Blind Fight: 5 Demolition: 2 Drive (Motorcycle):
> > 5 Stealth: 5
> > >Knowledges:
> > >Arena: 4 Linguistics: 3 Mysteries: 6 Style
> > Lore: 5 Occult: 6
> > >Medicine: 5 Traditional Medicine: 5
> > >
> > >Sensei: 5 Elemental (Fire): 5 Mystical Contacts:
> > 5
> > >
> > >Punch: 5 Kick: 5 Block: 4 Grab: 5 Athletics:
> > 6 Focus: 6 Katana: 5
> > >
> > >Chi: 10
> > >Willpower: 10
> > >Health: 20
> > >
> > >Rank: 7
> > >Division: Freestyle
> > >Honor: 11
> > >Glory: 7
> > >
> > >Maneuvers (Kage Do)
> > >Dimmak
> > >Shockwave
> > >Triple Strike
> > >Foot Sweep
> > >Dragon Kick
> > >Double Hitt Kick
> > >Makka warra
> > >Punch Defence
> > >Kick Defence
> > >Back roll throw
> > >Pheonix Rising
> > >Throw
> > >Backflipp
> > >Groundfighting
> > >Jump
> > >Double Jump
> > >Kippup
> > >Chi Kung Healing
> > >Chi Push
> > >Chi Summon
> > >Fire Ball
> > >Flying Fireball
> > >Ghost Form(Shadow Form)
> > >Improved Fireball
> > >Inferno Strike
> > >Levitation
> > >Mirror Image
> > >Repeating Fireball
> > >Stunning Shout
> > >Teleport
> > >Zen no mind
> > >
> >
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >In the market for computer hardware or software?
> > Compare prices on
> > >more that 100,000 products at CNET.com. Get all the
> > latest news,
> > >reviews and prices!
> > http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/1159
> > >
> > >
> > >eGroups.com home:
> > http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
> > >http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group
> > communications
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> ______________________________________________________
> >
> >
Group: streetfighter Message: 3208 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat
I just noticed that my name has been included in this. (Call me
dense... :p)

Anyway, just what am I supposed to be "proving"?

-----Original Message-----
From: ronineric@... [mailto:ronineric@...]
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 2:59 PM
To: streetfighter@...
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa <clk_whrr_cha-@...> wrote:
original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=3169
> Well I'm up for it but you'll still have to wait for
> eric's answer.
> -Chad Phillips a.k.a shock

MY ANSWER IS!!!!!! o.k pick a day and lets do it.
Your Friendly neighborhood Samurai:
Ronin Eric

> --- Robert Pascuttini <rpascuttini@...> wrote:
> > O I got a gret Idea since everyone here is insistent
> > on disproving ronin
> > eric lets have an online battle. It would solve or
> > prove alot of things.
> >
> > Hey Mike Morgando, Steve, Christian Conkle, Rinaldo
> > what do you think?
> >
> >
> > >From: MITZPD@...
> > >Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > >To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: POLL: Who Can Shock
> > Beat
> > >Date: Tue, 26 Oct 1999 21:20:10 EDT
> > >
> > >Below is a character that some sent through egroups
> > that if played right
> > >could win
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >Name: Kage no Kyn
> > >Style: Kage Do (the way of Shadows)
> > >School: Grand master Kage
> > >Team: Incineraters
> > >Concept: Gardener
> > >Signature: his body glows blue with the power of
> > his Chi
> > >
> > >Strength: 5 Charisma: 3 Perception: 6
> > >Dexterity:5 Manipulation: 1 Intelligence:
> > 6
> > >Stamina: 5 Appearance: 4 Witts: 6
> > >
> > >Talents:
> > >Alertness: 4 Insight: 5 Intimidation: 4
> > Streetwise: 2 Subterfuge: 4
> > >Skills:
> > >Blind Fight: 5 Demolition: 2 Drive (Motorcycle):
> > 5 Stealth: 5
> > >Knowledges:
> > >Arena: 4 Linguistics: 3 Mysteries: 6 Style
> > Lore: 5 Occult: 6
> > >Medicine: 5 Traditional Medicine: 5
> > >
> > >Sensei: 5 Elemental (Fire): 5 Mystical Contacts:
> > 5
> > >
> > >Punch: 5 Kick: 5 Block: 4 Grab: 5 Athletics:
> > 6 Focus: 6 Katana: 5
> > >
> > >Chi: 10
> > >Willpower: 10
> > >Health: 20
> > >
> > >Rank: 7
> > >Division: Freestyle
> > >Honor: 11
> > >Glory: 7
> > >
> > >Maneuvers (Kage Do)
> > >Dimmak
> > >Shockwave
> > >Triple Strike
> > >Foot Sweep
> > >Dragon Kick
> > >Double Hitt Kick
> > >Makka warra
> > >Punch Defence
> > >Kick Defence
> > >Back roll throw
> > >Pheonix Rising
> > >Throw
> > >Backflipp
> > >Groundfighting
> > >Jump
> > >Double Jump
> > >Kippup
> > >Chi Kung Healing
> > >Chi Push
> > >Chi Summon
> > >Fire Ball
> > >Flying Fireball
> > >Ghost Form(Shadow Form)
> > >Improved Fireball
> > >Inferno Strike
> > >Levitation
> > >Mirror Image
> > >Repeating Fireball
> > >Stunning Shout
> > >Teleport
> > >Zen no mind
> > >
> >
> >--------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >In the market for computer hardware or software?
> > Compare prices on
> > >more that 100,000 products at CNET.com. Get all the
> > latest news,
> > >reviews and prices!
> > http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/1159
> > >
> > >
> > >eGroups.com home:
> > http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
> > >http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group
> > communications
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> ______________________________________________________
> >
> >

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-- http://www.egroups.com/vote?listname=streetfighter&m=1
Group: streetfighter Message: 3209 From: J.J. Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Actually, there's an Inquisitor Numina (Hedge Magic) called Via Ignis that
does just that at +1 Dice per level. The additional damage is agg to
everyone due to the fact that
1) It's fire. (Vampires, Werewolves, Fae, Materialized Spirits)
2) It's Magical (Mages) and
3) It's faith based. (Wraiths)

There's also Pyrokinetics from Project Twilight that does no damage at level
1 (in and of itself, so you might need a whiskey bottle to start out with),
but does more at higher levels.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Hoffmann <staredown@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Monday, November 08, 1999 7:19 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Streetfighter LARP

>--- SlpStck@... wrote:
>> actually, i have been working on and off on a SF LARP game. so far, the
>> only
>> thing i have to work on is interaction between other WoD creatures...
>> already
>> have things for mages, werewolves, and vampires, but still need stuff
>> for
>> wraiths and fae.
>> i almost had a chance to play test it awhile back, but the LARP group i
>> was
>> going to try it on/with broke up for various reasons, so i never got to
>> try...
>Whenever I play in a WoD larp (rare, but it happens), I always try to play
>a street fighter if the GM'll let me. Failing that, I play a mortal with
>the fist of god merit (usualy flaming fist, we tend to use tabletop rules
>instead of larp rules in my area). It always startles vamps when a guy
>with a mortal aura does aggrevated damage to them.
>staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown
>"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
>--we merely expect them to try."
> -- Robert Heinlein
>Do You Yahoo!?
>Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com
>-- Check out your eGroup's private Chat room
>-- http://www.egroups.com/ChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1
Group: streetfighter Message: 3210 From: azathoth05@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Wow, speaking of Mekton if anyone does any non-white wolf games I'm
working on a total conversion for Rifts from Palladium's crappy system
to Interloc's hits and kills system(Mekton combined with
cybergeneration, actually). I actually shouldn't say working on, it's
like 93% complete, and it's pretty friggin huge. I'm gonna post it on
a site soon as an alternate system for those (like me) who can't take
all the problems with the Palladium core rules.
just buzz me if you're interested, I only mention it b/c I remember
someone posted once that they were using Fuzion for Street fighter &
whoever it was might wanna take a look, not trying to take away from
Street Fighter or anything.

chris hoffmann <staredow-@...> wrote:
original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=3197
> --- Chris Baker <cbaker@...> wrote:
> > I worked on a live action Mekton once
> Now _that_ has got to be interesting.
> =====
> staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown
> "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
> --we merely expect them to try."
> -- Robert Heinlein
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 3211 From: azathoth05@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Every time someone brought up a white wolf game I would always say, "I
can't wait to whack that werewolf with a sonic boom!", even for
Aberrant, and eventually they got sick of it and how I'd contantly say
how buff street fighters are. The moral of the story is that we are
now playing Street Fighter and have shelved the other stuff. Nuff

'Course when Hunter comes out it may be plausible to sonic boom a
werewolf... Hmmmmmmmmm......

chris hoffmann <staredow-@...> wrote:
original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=3196
> --- SlpStck@... wrote:
> > actually, i have been working on and off on a SF LARP game. so far,
> > only
> > thing i have to work on is interaction between other WoD
> > already
> > have things for mages, werewolves, and vampires, but still need
> > for
> > wraiths and fae.
> > i almost had a chance to play test it awhile back, but the LARP
group i
> > was
> > going to try it on/with broke up for various reasons, so i never
got to
> > try...
> Whenever I play in a WoD larp (rare, but it happens), I always try to
> a street fighter if the GM'll let me. Failing that, I play a mortal
> the fist of god merit (usualy flaming fist, we tend to use tabletop
> instead of larp rules in my area). It always startles vamps when a
> with a mortal aura does aggrevated damage to them.
> =====
> staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown
> "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
> --we merely expect them to try."
> -- Robert Heinlein
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 3212 From: Chris Baker Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Good idea! we did that too once. The Fuzion guy was me.
It's almost better to make a conversion filter, rather than a full
conversion. But if you have it in PDF I'd like to check it out.

-- Chris B.

> From: azathoth05@...
> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 15:59:10 -0800
> To: streetfighter@...
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Streetfighter LARP
> Wow, speaking of Mekton if anyone does any non-white wolf games I'm
> working on a total conversion for Rifts from Palladium's crappy system
> to Interloc's hits and kills system(Mekton combined with
> cybergeneration, actually). I actually shouldn't say working on, it's
> like 93% complete, and it's pretty friggin huge. I'm gonna post it on
> a site soon as an alternate system for those (like me) who can't take
> all the problems with the Palladium core rules.
> just buzz me if you're interested, I only mention it b/c I remember
> someone posted once that they were using Fuzion for Street fighter &
> whoever it was might wanna take a look, not trying to take away from
> Street Fighter or anything.
> chris hoffmann <staredow-@...> wrote:
> original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=3197
>> --- Chris Baker <cbaker@...> wrote:
>>> I worked on a live action Mekton once
>> Now _that_ has got to be interesting.
>> =====
>> staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown
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>> --we merely expect them to try."
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3213 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Sure, I'll go with that. I was never one of the privileged that got to see
the end sequence where Ryu originally defeated Sagat. I'll admit that I
sucked at the first game when it first came out. Ran into it a couple of
months ago at an arcade in a nearby city. Well, I kicked some major ass for
a while, but then had to leave because of other stuff. Foiled again!

True enough, however. Shin Shoryuken translates to True Dragon Punch.

>From: "Robert Pascuttini" <rpascuttini@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 21:26:50 EST
>Ahh chris...Actually I think it was a flaming dragon punch he defeated
>sagat with. I remember watching it in the arcade.
>As I recall there wasnt much of a choice at the end, when you defeated
>sagat the computer would take over and do a graphic of ryu doing a dragon
>punch to finish sagat. Im pretty sure it was flaming to.
>Im not sure if it was the very same punch, but shin Shoryu ken.
>Im pretty sure that translates to True Dragon Punch.
>But I think your right he is a true master.
>>From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
>>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 01:27:43 PDT
>>Actually, I think that's been addressed. If you recall from SF3, Ryu had
>>the super "Shin-Shoryuken". Apparently, this is the very same punch that
>>burned a scar in Sagat's chest. Also in SF3, the bio of Ryu states that
>>has indeed become a true master of Shotokan Karate. I'm pretty sure that
>>wasn't a Flaming Dragon Punch (otherwise he'd have the nifty little
>>trail effects that Fei Long did when he unleashed the Dragon Kick on Ryu
>>during their *really* cool fight).
>>>From: SlpStck@...
>>>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>>>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 23:30:22 EDT
>>>In a message dated 10/25/99 6:52:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
>>>azathoth05@... writes:
>>><< Many times in anime out
>>> of desperation a character pulls off a move he never could before or
>>> accesses powers he never knew he had. >>
>>>heck, ryu did it at the end of SF1. he beat sagat with a flaming dragon
>>>punch, a move he STILL hasn't learned, btw.
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3214 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Sure, I'll agree that speed helps a lot, but unless you knock the guy you're
fighting out, or knock him down, or tie him up in any way, it's almost a
sure fire bet that if he's in range to hit you, he will. Also, if he's
moving at a much slower speed than you, you can be pretty sure that it'll be
some really nasty move. Whatever that may be. I've had a bunch of players
that decided to be really fast at one point, so I tossed a heavy-hitting,
slow moving fighter against them. They thought of other strategies than
just being faster than the other guy after that. It kept them on their toes
a little. Actually, I have to thank Steve for some of that stuff. Now,
players try to leave off the cheese a little.

>From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 18:53:55 -0200
> All right you got the point but don�t need be angry, I don�t have my
>mainbook actualy I lost the book on excursion and I want buy another one,
>and no speed aren�t all but helps a lot.
>Preston Elizarde wrote:
> > --- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
> > > Easy, boy, easy. Just a rules misinterpretation here. No need to
> > > flame.
> > >
> >
> > Sorry I just had this dispute with a group of kids I am teaching how to
> > play...and they just can't comprehend that speed isn't everything that
> > strategy is.
> >
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3215 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Believe me, I can sympathize. I have a player in my group who I
affectionately call "Cheese Weasel". He plays a Cyborg Native American
Wrestler from Japan with Speed of the Mongoose. He always does it after a
block. He's also got a Dexterity of 4 and his Wits and Perception are also
at 4, just in case there's a small chance that he might be tied for speed
with anyone. BTW his Cyborg background is maxed out. Can we say Storm
Hammer at extremely gross speeds? Again, not a problem. Storm Hammer's a
great move, but only versus one opponent *GRIN*. There are so many ways to
deal with speedy characters that they're not all that horrible when you
really play strategically. A stunning shout works fantastically against
really fast characters. They get really appalled when their next move's at
a -4 speed. They hate it. A lot. Heh.

>From: Preston Elizarde <usul_97@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 09:27:11 -0800 (PST)
>--- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
> > Easy, boy, easy. Just a rules misinterpretation here. No need to
> > flame.
> >
>Sorry I just had this dispute with a group of kids I am teaching how to
>play...and they just can't comprehend that speed isn't everything that
>strategy is.
>Do You Yahoo!?
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3216 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
Not a problem. My friend seems to be really keen on the idea, so we're
going to sit down and write some stuff up. If you want, I'll let you know
what we have written up later on. I also have a question for most of you
out there who know more about this than I do. How do I send in some of the
stuff I have to the Vault? It's on disk, but I don't know how to send it

>From: JSorochins@...
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Streetfighter LARP
>Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 00:15:20 EST
>In a message dated 11/7/99 7:56:50 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>inrifrost@... writes:
><< You are not alone, dude. We have a couple of us up here who've thought
> about doing this as well. I'd like to see what you've got, if possible.
> >>
>Well, I am ashamed to say I have nothing at all yet. I just got back from
>Vampire LARP that I didn't much enjoy and started kicking around the idea
>the Streetfighter LARP and thinking it might just work. For instance, in
>Vampire LARP, combat takes a looong time and ties up a lot of judges time
>use standard V:tM rules). In Streetfighter, it seems the combat could be
>mostly player run, so at least the judges can concentrate more on story
>-- 20 megs of disk space in your eGroup's Document Vault
>-- http://www.egroups.com/docvault/streetfighter/?m=1

Group: streetfighter Message: 3217 From: JSorochins@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
In a message dated 11/8/99 7:11:36 PM Pacific Standard Time,
inrifrost@... writes:

<< Not a problem. My friend seems to be really keen on the idea, so we're
going to sit down and write some stuff up. If you want, I'll let you know
what we have written up later on. I also have a question for most of you
out there who know more about this than I do. How do I send in some of the
stuff I have to the Vault? It's on disk, but I don't know how to send it
in. >>

I would DEFINATELY like to see what you have on this.
Group: streetfighter Message: 3218 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Duelists
Sure enough. I do agree with you on the fact that both Karin and Sakura are
definitely not World Warriors. Not a problem. Actually, I still do think
that it happens during a tournament sort of setting, just not a set
tournament in one location. More, I think it's that they sort of start in a
tournament then sort of stops being completely tournament when the
characters meet their mid-bosses then move on to their goals (which involves
taking down Bison at some point). Sounds completely convoluted, but bear
with me here. Yes, I do agree that they do walk around and challenge each
other, therefore they get the official matches, as per the RPG style of

However, when I meant that the characters were assumed to be at World
Warrior Level, I stated it incorrectly. I just meant to say "comparable to
the World Warriors in terms of skill, and technique". In other words,
saying that they wouldn't get the crap kicked out of them by the Warriors
and actually put up a fight. Again, not a problem. By the way, correct me
if I'm wrong here, but I believe that the premise of the Alpha series was
exactly what happened between SF1 and SF2. So, are the main characters at
World Warrior level then? I happen to think that they might be at a Rank 6
to 8, sort of on the cusp of the exalted rank 9 and 10.

>From: "Robert Pascuttini" <rpascuttini@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Duelists
>Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 21:21:07 EST
>I got to do the same Chris
>Heres my reply:
>I dont agree that it was a "story that was happening during a tournament".
>The SFa series of games best demonstrates the idea of the characters
>wandering around and challanging one another when they meet each other as
>the RPG states. This clearly happens when you play as sakura (or is it Ken)
>in SFA3. Sakura approaches ken and says
>"Ken I challange you."
>This is also shown as none of the characters end at a tournament,
>especially at the end of sfa3 where they fight at bisons base.
>And especially charlie who gets killed in all the SFA series games except
>If you mean that it was a freestyle tournament where the characters wander
>and try to challange another as per the RPG game, then yes I agree but I
>dont beleive it is a tournament with placings as shown ins
>SF2 and SF1.
>I do not beleive all the characters in SFA series are world warrior.
>It would be ridiculous to think so. I doubt very much that Sakura and Karin
>are world warriors.
>The way I see it is as though the main world warriors are determined in SF2
>but the other characters either try to become or are on there way.
>Im sorry but the video game doesnt show that
>>From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
>>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Duelists
>>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 00:56:37 PDT
>>I agree/disagree here:
>>1. Yup, I agree that SF1 and SF2 were tournaments.
>>2. I disagree with SFA being just story. I'd say that it was more of a
>>"story that happens during a tournament", so to speak. The matches
>>happened, but each character won/lost the tournament, and eventually met
>>with an adversary that either hindered or furthered the character's goals.
>>Sort of the way the end bosses for each of the characters were written in.
>>Also, in response to Rinaldo, I believe that the book also states that
>>characters who are World Warriors can come from any division. The video
>>game series assumes that the characters in the tournaments are already at
>>World Warrior rank. This help a bit?
>>My two cents, at any rate. Anybody else got an opinion on this?
>>>From: "Robert Pascuttini" <rpascuttini@...>
>>>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Duelists
>>>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:13:03 EDT
>>>Ok rinaldo several things.
>>>1. SF1 and SF@ were tournamemnts
>>>2. SFA series is not a tournament, more like stories that happen to the
>>>players. So they might not be official matchs.
>>>>From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
>>>>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Duelists
>>>>Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 09:50:14 -0200
>>>> One thing I want figure out, the main book of STF explain about the
>>>>for a tournament and where he can be stay. The game are doubt to me
>>>>the video game series people with hand guns (Eagle, Rolento, Vega,
>>>>using weapons, they win receive less honor and if the game is fight with
>>>>they are at right place? Because guys with weapons only in duelists
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3219 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
True enough.

On a side note: has anybody noticed that Kairi off of SFex2 resembles the
EGM version of Sheng Long? I mean, a hell of a lot?

>From: Chris Baker <cbaker@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
>Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 13:08:41 -0500
>It could have been a totally even fight, the odds then would have been
>(depending on Gouken's attitude of course), Gouken may have even been
>better. Remember, just because someone loses a fight doesn't mean he is
>weaker than his opponent, just that he lost that fight. How many times has
>weaker character defeated one of your powerful bosses in an RPG? I find
>pretty often.
>Gouken may have even been heads and tails stronger than Akuma, But he may
>have had some heart condition, a need to protect Ken & Ryu through self
>sacrifice, or he may have just realised it was his destiny to lose to
>Until Capcom releases official details on that particular fight, (that'll
>the day) we can only speculate.
>Just remember in roleplaying, the dots are secondary.
>-- Chris B.
> > From: Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...>
> > Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 08:57:07 -0500
> > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
> >
> >
> > Gouken is one of those guys where you don't bother to write stats. You
> > just give him whatever the hell you want him to have at the time and the
> > only way anyone could get the upper hand on him is if you as the
> > Storyteller decide it. Of course, in my campaign world Gouken is dead,
> > jus' nobody knows it, nor why. ;)
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Robert Pascuttini [mailto:rpascuttini@...]
> > Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 9:30 PM
> > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > Subject: [streetfighter] Challange to all at SF egroups
> >
> >
> > Hey everyone.
> > Im very curious, I would like to see everyones Idea of what the stats
> > would
> > be for gouken. Ken and Ryu's Master.
> >
> > The way I figure it he would be weaker than akuma since akuma killedhim,
> > but
> > I could be wrong.
> >
> > ______________________________________________________
> >
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> >
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> >
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3220 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Learning Rules
Hey, Robert, glad to have you back. In response to your last question, I
think that you can find the newsletter Warrior's Pride in the Vault section.

>From: "Robert Pascuttini" <rpascuttini@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Learning Rules
>Date: Sun, 07 Nov 1999 00:15:46 EST
>Hey guys sorry I havnt been around for a while
>Rinaldo. Youll find I sent you the rules for tournamnet experiance that we
>agreed upon.
>Secondly here are the time learning rules from The perfect Warrior
>In real life, training in the martial arts is a life long process;
>it takes months or even years to learn, let alone master, a new technique.
>However, the street fighter world is a little more forgiving: Street
>Fighters who are dedicated and study hard can learn new manuevers much
>faster. In terms of game mechanics, if a kung fu practitioner has 16 free
>experiance points, she can theoretically learn the Rising Storm Crow
>But this doesnt really make for a very satisfying story-if it was so easy
>master everybody would know it! It is reccomended that story tellers
>a character to train for a long time before he can automattically succeed
>preforming the new manuever. A good length of time is one month of tough
>training for every two experiance points that the manuever costs to buy.
>Thus, in the case of the Risong Storm Crow, eight months of dedicated
>practice would make the character a master of this maneuver.
>During the intervening period, the character can attempt the maneuver at
>time. This requires two tests. The first is to determine how capable the
>character is of performing this maneuver. Roll wits plus the most difficult
>technique the manuever is based on (Athletics or grab in the case of the
>rising storm crow), with difficulty equal to the number of months remain;
>the minimum difficulty must be 3. If the first test succesds, the character
>is then able to attempt the maneuver normally with a second test; if the
>first test is failed, the maneuver's speed, move and damage of a succesful
>second test are all halved. If either test is botched, the maneuver fails
>spectacularly, leaving the character in a vulnerable(and embarrasing)
>This method can also be used to simulate characters learning of maneuvers
>maneuvers that they are saving up experiance points for.
>If a character has six points and is saving up for a 12 point maneuver, The
>storyteller may allow her to start learning it. However
>, all of the characters free experiance must go towards that maneuver until
>it is completely paid off, and the character can only learn one new
>at a time this way.
>Ok guys ther you go.
>Hopefully Ill be scanning those maps I promised and the Ad in the old WW
>magazine about shadows over mexico.
>Can anyone tell me what happened to the SFer magazine that was supposed to
>come out?
>-- Talk to your group with your own voice!
>-- http://www.egroups.com/VoiceChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1

Group: streetfighter Message: 3221 From: SlpStck@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: POLL: Who Can Shock Beat
In a message dated 11/8/99 10:37:24 AM Eastern Standard Time,
skarstensen@... writes:

<< my fellow did an average of about 150-200 points a round.
this clown somehow managed to go about 250. >>
whats even worse, one of my friends actually has a guy, who, if he rolls a
nat 20, and rolls max damage, could fall the tarrasque in one hit, with about
15 HP left over, just in case... all that would be left would be the wish to
KEEP the tarr. dead!
Group: streetfighter Message: 3222 From: Azathoth05@aol.com Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
So would I
Group: streetfighter Message: 3223 From: Chris Baker Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Just as an aside, for interest only. In real life, Speed is extremely
important in a fight. The actual damage inflicted in martial arts has more
to do with speed than strength. (except for something like wrestling) The
concept in Shotokan, for instance, is If you can throw a focused punch at
say 95MPH (not unreasonable trust me) You are impacting with a fist
travelling at 95MPH hitting a Generally 2"by 2" area (first two knuckles of
your fist), you are doing some serious damage. (their bones tend to break
more easily than the fist does too). There's a formula for it.
Power (damage) = mass X speed2 (squared)
By this reasoning, It is more advantageous to work on speed rather than bulk
and muscle. This concept is what truly sets Martial Arts apart from
Brawling, and allows a small person to overcome a bigger opponent. It's what
Martial Arts are all about, thats the secret.(well one of them)

An example: Zangeif's strikes do damage because he's big. (Although if he
could become faster he would do more damage, a lot more, but he would have
to lose some bulk.)
Ryu does damage because he's skilled and fast.
Being faster than Zangeif also allows him to fight circles
around the poor Russian. Unless of course he gets grabbed.

OPINION CORNER - <<<I really don't like the trading blows in Streetfighter,
I find them rather unrealistic. Blocks and Dodges are reactionary, not
planned, so I support making defence rolls instead of using the block or
dodge manoeuvre. Yes...Yes I know about spending the willpower point to
abort, but you CAN punch first in a fight and IMMEDIATELY block your
opponent's counterstrike, In Streetfighter you can't.>>>

In Streetfighter I've almost always found that a combination of strength and
stamina generally won out over speed, except in fireball situations.

SENARIO - The slow strong tough guy got his movement, The faster guy
interrupts and hits the slower guy but not enough to dizzy him (because of
his stamina) then stands there while the slower guy knocks him
dizzy,(because he spent most of his points on speed, the fool) and finishes
him a round later. It was a constant theme in our games. Speed guy loses. At
least until he fights someone just like him or he gets time to improve his
stamina or strength.

-- Chris B.

> From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 18:13:36 PST
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> Sure, I'll agree that speed helps a lot, but unless you knock the guy you're
> fighting out, or knock him down, or tie him up in any way, it's almost a
> sure fire bet that if he's in range to hit you, he will. Also, if he's
> moving at a much slower speed than you, you can be pretty sure that it'll be
> some really nasty move. Whatever that may be. I've had a bunch of players
> that decided to be really fast at one point, so I tossed a heavy-hitting,
> slow moving fighter against them. They thought of other strategies than
> just being faster than the other guy after that. It kept them on their toes
> a little. Actually, I have to thank Steve for some of that stuff. Now,
> players try to leave off the cheese a little.
>> From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
>> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>> Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 18:53:55 -0200
>> All right you got the point but don´t need be angry, I don´t have my
>> Stf
>> mainbook actualy I lost the book on excursion and I want buy another one,
>> and no speed aren´t all but helps a lot.
>> Preston Elizarde wrote:
>>> --- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
>>>> Easy, boy, easy. Just a rules misinterpretation here. No need to
>>>> flame.
>>> Sorry I just had this dispute with a group of kids I am teaching how to
>>> play...and they just can't comprehend that speed isn't everything that
>>> strategy is.
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3224 From: Andy Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
For those of you that weren't fortunate enough to View the ending of SF1,
fear ye not; You're not missing much.
You get to see the usual beat up mug <of sagat> and he says the same routine
"What strength, but dont' forget that there are others like you all over the
world!" and then it cycles through all the lose frams of the other
characters. We find out nothing about Sagat's scarring until 1990, in SF:WW.
As far as the TYPE of dragon punch is concerend, i've wondered about that
myself for a while.
The only real refference that was made to it <I don't remeber if it was an
offical source> Stated that it was a punch that BURNED a scar across his
chest. Although this would seem to indicate a flaming Dr. Pun, I don't know
if we could rule out shin shoryken.
I personally lean towards Flm Dr Pun.

----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...>
To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 9:00 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know

> Sure, I'll go with that. I was never one of the privileged that got to
> the end sequence where Ryu originally defeated Sagat. I'll admit that I
> sucked at the first game when it first came out. Ran into it a couple of
> months ago at an arcade in a nearby city. Well, I kicked some major ass
> a while, but then had to leave because of other stuff. Foiled again!
> True enough, however. Shin Shoryuken translates to True Dragon Punch.
> >From: "Robert Pascuttini" <rpascuttini@...>
> >Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 21:26:50 EST
> >
> >Ahh chris...Actually I think it was a flaming dragon punch he defeated
> >sagat with. I remember watching it in the arcade.
> >As I recall there wasnt much of a choice at the end, when you defeated
> >sagat the computer would take over and do a graphic of ryu doing a dragon
> >punch to finish sagat. Im pretty sure it was flaming to.
> >
> >Im not sure if it was the very same punch, but shin Shoryu ken.
> >Im pretty sure that translates to True Dragon Punch.
> >
> >But I think your right he is a true master.
> >
> >
> >>From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
> >>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >>Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 01:27:43 PDT
> >>
> >>Actually, I think that's been addressed. If you recall from SF3, Ryu
> >>the super "Shin-Shoryuken". Apparently, this is the very same punch
> >>burned a scar in Sagat's chest. Also in SF3, the bio of Ryu states that
> >>he
> >>has indeed become a true master of Shotokan Karate. I'm pretty sure
> >>it
> >>wasn't a Flaming Dragon Punch (otherwise he'd have the nifty little
> >>flaming
> >>trail effects that Fei Long did when he unleashed the Dragon Kick on Ryu
> >>during their *really* cool fight).
> >>
> >>
> >>>From: SlpStck@...
> >>>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >>>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >>>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >>>Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 23:30:22 EDT
> >>>
> >>>In a message dated 10/25/99 6:52:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
> >>>azathoth05@... writes:
> >>>
> >>><< Many times in anime out
> >>> of desperation a character pulls off a move he never could before or
> >>> accesses powers he never knew he had. >>
> >>>heck, ryu did it at the end of SF1. he beat sagat with a flaming dragon
> >>>punch, a move he STILL hasn't learned, btw.
> >>>
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3225 From: Chris Baker Date: 11/8/1999
Subject: Re: Sakura's just a High School Student for @#$% Sake!!!!
In the Video Game I find, Sakura is more than a match for many world
warriors, at least when she's controlled by the CPU! She really pulls my
chain sometimes!!! Ok I'm better now. ;)

-- Chris B.

> From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 19:23:46 PST
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Duelists
> Sure enough. I do agree with you on the fact that both Karin and Sakura are
> definitely not World Warriors. Not a problem. Actually, I still do think
> that it happens during a tournament sort of setting, just not a set
> tournament in one location. More, I think it's that they sort of start in a
> tournament then sort of stops being completely tournament when the
> characters meet their mid-bosses then move on to their goals (which involves
> taking down Bison at some point). Sounds completely convoluted, but bear
> with me here. Yes, I do agree that they do walk around and challenge each
> other, therefore they get the official matches, as per the RPG style of
> setting.
> However, when I meant that the characters were assumed to be at World
> Warrior Level, I stated it incorrectly. I just meant to say "comparable to
> the World Warriors in terms of skill, and technique". In other words,
> saying that they wouldn't get the crap kicked out of them by the Warriors
> and actually put up a fight. Again, not a problem. By the way, correct me
> if I'm wrong here, but I believe that the premise of the Alpha series was
> exactly what happened between SF1 and SF2. So, are the main characters at
> World Warrior level then? I happen to think that they might be at a Rank 6
> to 8, sort of on the cusp of the exalted rank 9 and 10.
>> From: "Robert Pascuttini" <rpascuttini@...>
>> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Duelists
>> Date: Sat, 06 Nov 1999 21:21:07 EST
>> I got to do the same Chris
>> Heres my reply:
>> I dont agree that it was a "story that was happening during a tournament".
>> The SFa series of games best demonstrates the idea of the characters
>> wandering around and challanging one another when they meet each other as
>> the RPG states. This clearly happens when you play as sakura (or is it Ken)
>> in SFA3. Sakura approaches ken and says
>> "Ken I challange you."
>> This is also shown as none of the characters end at a tournament,
>> especially at the end of sfa3 where they fight at bisons base.
>> And especially charlie who gets killed in all the SFA series games except
>> Sfa3.
>> If you mean that it was a freestyle tournament where the characters wander
>> and try to challange another as per the RPG game, then yes I agree but I
>> dont beleive it is a tournament with placings as shown ins
>> SF2 and SF1.
>> I do not beleive all the characters in SFA series are world warrior.
>> It would be ridiculous to think so. I doubt very much that Sakura and Karin
>> are world warriors.
>> The way I see it is as though the main world warriors are determined in SF2
>> but the other characters either try to become or are on there way.
>> Im sorry but the video game doesnt show that
>>> From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
>>> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Duelists
>>> Date: Wed, 27 Oct 1999 00:56:37 PDT
>>> I agree/disagree here:
>>> 1. Yup, I agree that SF1 and SF2 were tournaments.
>>> 2. I disagree with SFA being just story. I'd say that it was more of a
>>> "story that happens during a tournament", so to speak. The matches
>>> happened, but each character won/lost the tournament, and eventually met
>>> up
>>> with an adversary that either hindered or furthered the character's goals.
>>> Sort of the way the end bosses for each of the characters were written in.
>>> Also, in response to Rinaldo, I believe that the book also states that
>>> characters who are World Warriors can come from any division. The video
>>> game series assumes that the characters in the tournaments are already at
>>> World Warrior rank. This help a bit?
>>> My two cents, at any rate. Anybody else got an opinion on this?
>>>> From: "Robert Pascuttini" <rpascuttini@...>
>>>> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Duelists
>>>> Date: Mon, 25 Oct 1999 21:13:03 EDT
>>>> Ok rinaldo several things.
>>>> 1. SF1 and SF@ were tournamemnts
>>>> 2. SFA series is not a tournament, more like stories that happen to the
>>>> players. So they might not be official matchs.
>>>>> From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
>>>>> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>>> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>>> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Duelists
>>>>> Date: Sun, 24 Oct 1999 09:50:14 -0200
>>>>> One thing I want figure out, the main book of STF explain about the
>>>>> options
>>>>> for a tournament and where he can be stay. The game are doubt to me
>>>>> because
>>>>> in
>>>>> the video game series people with hand guns (Eagle, Rolento, Vega,
>>>>> Hayate)
>>>>> using weapons, they win receive less honor and if the game is fight with
>>>>> hands,
>>>>> they are at right place? Because guys with weapons only in duelists
>>>>> tournaments?
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3226 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
Yeah, you´re right but I think he have something with Akuma...

Chris Krug-Iron wrote:

> True enough.
> On a side note: has anybody noticed that Kairi off of SFex2 resembles the
> EGM version of Sheng Long? I mean, a hell of a lot?
> Spooky.
> >From: Chris Baker <cbaker@...>
> >Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
> >Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 13:08:41 -0500
> >
> >It could have been a totally even fight, the odds then would have been
> >50/50
> >(depending on Gouken's attitude of course), Gouken may have even been
> >better. Remember, just because someone loses a fight doesn't mean he is
> >weaker than his opponent, just that he lost that fight. How many times has
> >a
> >weaker character defeated one of your powerful bosses in an RPG? I find
> >it's
> >pretty often.
> >Gouken may have even been heads and tails stronger than Akuma, But he may
> >have had some heart condition, a need to protect Ken & Ryu through self
> >sacrifice, or he may have just realised it was his destiny to lose to
> >Akuma.
> >Until Capcom releases official details on that particular fight, (that'll
> >be
> >the day) we can only speculate.
> >Just remember in roleplaying, the dots are secondary.
> >
> >-- Chris B.
> >
> >
> > > From: Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...>
> > > Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > > Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 08:57:07 -0500
> > > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > > Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
> > >
> > >
> > > Gouken is one of those guys where you don't bother to write stats. You
> > > just give him whatever the hell you want him to have at the time and the
> > > only way anyone could get the upper hand on him is if you as the
> > > Storyteller decide it. Of course, in my campaign world Gouken is dead,
> > > jus' nobody knows it, nor why. ;)
> > >
> > > -----Original Message-----
> > > From: Robert Pascuttini [mailto:rpascuttini@...]
> > > Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 9:30 PM
> > > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > > Subject: [streetfighter] Challange to all at SF egroups
> > >
> > >
> > > Hey everyone.
> > > Im very curious, I would like to see everyones Idea of what the stats
> > > would
> > > be for gouken. Ken and Ryu's Master.
> > >
> > > The way I figure it he would be weaker than akuma since akuma killedhim,
> > > but
> > > I could be wrong.
> > >
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3227 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Except for one excession the boxer faster guy, you put Str 3 Dex 5 Stamina 3,
right after that you put 5 in punch technique and for a final touch you buy the
Rekka Ken manuver and elbow smash, make a single combo with jab and elbow smash
and end. I don´t know if you read the "Friendly" fights emails but at these two
fights a jab with elbow smash dizzy the enemy fighter, and after this a block and
rekka ken moves finish the job. Conclusion you can make a faster and at same time
make a great damage for example the maximum damage of this guy are 12.

Chris Baker wrote:

> Just as an aside, for interest only. In real life, Speed is extremely
> important in a fight. The actual damage inflicted in martial arts has more
> to do with speed than strength. (except for something like wrestling) The
> concept in Shotokan, for instance, is If you can throw a focused punch at
> say 95MPH (not unreasonable trust me) You are impacting with a fist
> travelling at 95MPH hitting a Generally 2"by 2" area (first two knuckles of
> your fist), you are doing some serious damage. (their bones tend to break
> more easily than the fist does too). There's a formula for it.
> Power (damage) = mass X speed2 (squared)
> By this reasoning, It is more advantageous to work on speed rather than bulk
> and muscle. This concept is what truly sets Martial Arts apart from
> Brawling, and allows a small person to overcome a bigger opponent. It's what
> Martial Arts are all about, thats the secret.(well one of them)
> An example: Zangeif's strikes do damage because he's big. (Although if he
> could become faster he would do more damage, a lot more, but he would have
> to lose some bulk.)
> Ryu does damage because he's skilled and fast.
> Being faster than Zangeif also allows him to fight circles
> around the poor Russian. Unless of course he gets grabbed.
> OPINION CORNER - <<<I really don't like the trading blows in Streetfighter,
> I find them rather unrealistic. Blocks and Dodges are reactionary, not
> planned, so I support making defence rolls instead of using the block or
> dodge manoeuvre. Yes...Yes I know about spending the willpower point to
> abort, but you CAN punch first in a fight and IMMEDIATELY block your
> opponent's counterstrike, In Streetfighter you can't.>>>
> In Streetfighter I've almost always found that a combination of strength and
> stamina generally won out over speed, except in fireball situations.
> SENARIO - The slow strong tough guy got his movement, The faster guy
> interrupts and hits the slower guy but not enough to dizzy him (because of
> his stamina) then stands there while the slower guy knocks him
> dizzy,(because he spent most of his points on speed, the fool) and finishes
> him a round later. It was a constant theme in our games. Speed guy loses. At
> least until he fights someone just like him or he gets time to improve his
> stamina or strength.
> -- Chris B.
> > From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
> > Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 18:13:36 PST
> > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >
> > Sure, I'll agree that speed helps a lot, but unless you knock the guy you're
> > fighting out, or knock him down, or tie him up in any way, it's almost a
> > sure fire bet that if he's in range to hit you, he will. Also, if he's
> > moving at a much slower speed than you, you can be pretty sure that it'll be
> > some really nasty move. Whatever that may be. I've had a bunch of players
> > that decided to be really fast at one point, so I tossed a heavy-hitting,
> > slow moving fighter against them. They thought of other strategies than
> > just being faster than the other guy after that. It kept them on their toes
> > a little. Actually, I have to thank Steve for some of that stuff. Now,
> > players try to leave off the cheese a little.
> >
> >
> >> From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
> >> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >> Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 18:53:55 -0200
> >>
> >> All right you got the point but don´t need be angry, I don´t have my
> >> Stf
> >> mainbook actualy I lost the book on excursion and I want buy another one,
> >> and no speed aren´t all but helps a lot.
> >>
> >> Preston Elizarde wrote:
> >>
> >>> --- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
> >>>> Easy, boy, easy. Just a rules misinterpretation here. No need to
> >>>> flame.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Sorry I just had this dispute with a group of kids I am teaching how to
> >>> play...and they just can't comprehend that speed isn't everything that
> >>> strategy is.
> >>>
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3228 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Streetfighter LARP
--- azathoth05@... wrote:
> Every time someone brought up a white wolf game I would always say, "I
> can't wait to whack that werewolf with a sonic boom!", even for
> Aberrant, and eventually they got sick of it and how I'd contantly say
> how buff street fighters are. The moral of the story is that we are
> now playing Street Fighter and have shelved the other stuff. Nuff
> said.
> 'Course when Hunter comes out it may be plausible to sonic boom a
> werewolf... Hmmmmmmmmm......

It is out, and it looks _very_ cool. It just might get me back into WoD.

staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3229 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Duelists
--- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
> Sure enough. I do agree with you on the fact that both Karin and Sakura
> are
> definitely not World Warriors. Not a problem. Actually, I still do
> think
> that it happens during a tournament sort of setting, just not a set
> tournament in one location. More, I think it's that they sort of start
> in a
> tournament then sort of stops being completely tournament when the
> characters meet their mid-bosses then move on to their goals (which
> involves
> taking down Bison at some point). Sounds completely convoluted, but
> bear
> with me here. Yes, I do agree that they do walk around and challenge
> each
> other, therefore they get the official matches, as per the RPG style of
> setting.

If it is a tournament (and I think it is, but I'll deal with that in a
moment), then Sakura (and Dan) became a world warrior by Alpha 2. Karin
will be one by alpha 4 (come on, you know they're going to make one).

How, you ask? Simple. If you beat a world warrior in a tournament match,
then you become a world warrior, regardless of what rank and division you
are/were. It's in the main book somewhere.

Now is Alpha a tournament? I agree with Chris K. that it started as a
tournament, but it kind of fell apart when each person started following
their own agendas. Sort of like in Enter The Dragon, it started off as a
tournament, but when Bruce Lee started poking his nose where the head guy
(who's name I can't remember) didn't want it poked the tournament ended
and he jumped to the (attempted) execution of Bruce Lee.

Just my 1/50th of a dollar.

staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3230 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
--- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
> True enough.
> On a side note: has anybody noticed that Kairi off of SFex2 resembles
> the
> EGM version of Sheng Long? I mean, a hell of a lot?
> Spooky.

Not spooky, down right scarry.

staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3231 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
--- Andy <dlatrex@...> wrote:
> For those of you that weren't fortunate enough to View the ending of
> SF1,
> fear ye not; You're not missing much.
> You get to see the usual beat up mug <of sagat> and he says the same
> routine
> "What strength, but dont' forget that there are others like you all over
> the
> world!" and then it cycles through all the lose frams of the other
> characters. We find out nothing about Sagat's scarring until 1990, in
> SF:WW.
> As far as the TYPE of dragon punch is concerend, i've wondered about
> that
> myself for a while.
> The only real refference that was made to it <I don't remeber if it was
> an
> offical source> Stated that it was a punch that BURNED a scar across his
> chest. Although this would seem to indicate a flaming Dr. Pun, I don't
> know
> if we could rule out shin shoryken.
> I personally lean towards Flm Dr Pun.

Well, the burning was mentioned in the SF main book, but it's in the air
wether we consider it 'official'.

Personaly, I don't deal much with official stuff in my campaigns, I tend
to 'correct' the 'official stuff instead.

staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3232 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Duelists
that would be Mr. Han, one of *THE* coolest villains in any martial arts
flick ever.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Hoffmann [mailto:staredown@...]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 8:32 AM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Duelists

--- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
> Sure enough. I do agree with you on the fact that both Karin and
> are
> definitely not World Warriors. Not a problem. Actually, I still do
> think
> that it happens during a tournament sort of setting, just not a set
> tournament in one location. More, I think it's that they sort of
> in a
> tournament then sort of stops being completely tournament when the
> characters meet their mid-bosses then move on to their goals (which
> involves
> taking down Bison at some point). Sounds completely convoluted, but
> bear
> with me here. Yes, I do agree that they do walk around and challenge
> each
> other, therefore they get the official matches, as per the RPG style
> setting.

If it is a tournament (and I think it is, but I'll deal with that in a
moment), then Sakura (and Dan) became a world warrior by Alpha 2. Karin
will be one by alpha 4 (come on, you know they're going to make one).

How, you ask? Simple. If you beat a world warrior in a tournament
then you become a world warrior, regardless of what rank and division
are/were. It's in the main book somewhere.

Now is Alpha a tournament? I agree with Chris K. that it started as a
tournament, but it kind of fell apart when each person started following
their own agendas. Sort of like in Enter The Dragon, it started off as
tournament, but when Bruce Lee started poking his nose where the head
(who's name I can't remember) didn't want it poked the tournament ended
and he jumped to the (attempted) execution of Bruce Lee.

Just my 1/50th of a dollar.

staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3233 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it impossible to afford Rekka Ken
with a starting character's point allotment? It takes Punch 4 (I think)
and at least four power points. You can't put more than three points
into punch when allocating your technique dots, so that means you don't
qualify for the RK when you spend your seven special maneuver points.
Then, when you spend your freebies, you take five for the extra punch
dot, and then the RK will require like 16 more.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rinaldo Gambetta [mailto:rinaldo@...]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 6:18 AM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know

Except for one excession the boxer faster guy, you put Str 3 Dex 5
Stamina 3,
right after that you put 5 in punch technique and for a final touch you
buy the
Rekka Ken manuver and elbow smash, make a single combo with jab and
elbow smash
and end. I don´t know if you read the "Friendly" fights emails but at
these two
fights a jab with elbow smash dizzy the enemy fighter, and after this a
block and
rekka ken moves finish the job. Conclusion you can make a faster and at
same time
make a great damage for example the maximum damage of this guy are 12.

Chris Baker wrote:

> Just as an aside, for interest only. In real life, Speed is extremely
> important in a fight. The actual damage inflicted in martial arts has
> to do with speed than strength. (except for something like wrestling)
> concept in Shotokan, for instance, is If you can throw a focused punch
> say 95MPH (not unreasonable trust me) You are impacting with a fist
> travelling at 95MPH hitting a Generally 2"by 2" area (first two
knuckles of
> your fist), you are doing some serious damage. (their bones tend to
> more easily than the fist does too). There's a formula for it.
> Power (damage) = mass X speed2 (squared)
> By this reasoning, It is more advantageous to work on speed rather
than bulk
> and muscle. This concept is what truly sets Martial Arts apart from
> Brawling, and allows a small person to overcome a bigger opponent.
It's what
> Martial Arts are all about, thats the secret.(well one of them)
> An example: Zangeif's strikes do damage because he's big. (Although if
> could become faster he would do more damage, a lot more, but he would
> to lose some bulk.)
> Ryu does damage because he's skilled and fast.
> Being faster than Zangeif also allows him to fight
> around the poor Russian. Unless of course he gets grabbed.
> OPINION CORNER - <<<I really don't like the trading blows in
> I find them rather unrealistic. Blocks and Dodges are reactionary, not
> planned, so I support making defence rolls instead of using the block
> dodge manoeuvre. Yes...Yes I know about spending the willpower point
> abort, but you CAN punch first in a fight and IMMEDIATELY block your
> opponent's counterstrike, In Streetfighter you can't.>>>
> In Streetfighter I've almost always found that a combination of
strength and
> stamina generally won out over speed, except in fireball situations.
> SENARIO - The slow strong tough guy got his movement, The faster guy
> interrupts and hits the slower guy but not enough to dizzy him
(because of
> his stamina) then stands there while the slower guy knocks him
> dizzy,(because he spent most of his points on speed, the fool) and
> him a round later. It was a constant theme in our games. Speed guy
loses. At
> least until he fights someone just like him or he gets time to improve
> stamina or strength.
> -- Chris B.
> > From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
> > Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 18:13:36 PST
> > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >
> > Sure, I'll agree that speed helps a lot, but unless you knock the
guy you're
> > fighting out, or knock him down, or tie him up in any way, it's
almost a
> > sure fire bet that if he's in range to hit you, he will. Also, if
> > moving at a much slower speed than you, you can be pretty sure that
it'll be
> > some really nasty move. Whatever that may be. I've had a bunch of
> > that decided to be really fast at one point, so I tossed a
> > slow moving fighter against them. They thought of other strategies
> > just being faster than the other guy after that. It kept them on
their toes
> > a little. Actually, I have to thank Steve for some of that stuff.
> > players try to leave off the cheese a little.
> >
> >
> >> From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
> >> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >> Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 18:53:55 -0200
> >>
> >> All right you got the point but don´t need be angry, I don´t have
> >> Stf
> >> mainbook actualy I lost the book on excursion and I want buy
another one,
> >> and no speed aren´t all but helps a lot.
> >>
> >> Preston Elizarde wrote:
> >>
> >>> --- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
> >>>> Easy, boy, easy. Just a rules misinterpretation here. No need
> >>>> flame.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Sorry I just had this dispute with a group of kids I am teaching
how to
> >>> play...and they just can't comprehend that speed isn't everything
> >>> strategy is.
> >>>
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> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> Get A 0% Intro APR Visa with Instant Approval right now a
> >> GetSmart.com at http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/1264
> >>
> >> eGroup Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/
> >> http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
> >>
> >>
> >
> > ______________________________________________________
> >
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3234 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
your speed guys need to learn grabs or knockdown maneuvers. Citing, for
example, Howard Collins' animal hybrid Judo Wolf; 6 Dex, Flying Tackle
to Head Bite Combo. 3 Strength, 3 Stamina. Never took a scratch
because he kept his opponents tied up in holds the entire fight.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Baker [mailto:cbaker@...]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 12:57 AM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know

Just as an aside, for interest only. In real life, Speed is extremely
important in a fight. The actual damage inflicted in martial arts has
to do with speed than strength. (except for something like wrestling)
concept in Shotokan, for instance, is If you can throw a focused punch
say 95MPH (not unreasonable trust me) You are impacting with a fist
travelling at 95MPH hitting a Generally 2"by 2" area (first two knuckles
your fist), you are doing some serious damage. (their bones tend to
more easily than the fist does too). There's a formula for it.
Power (damage) = mass X speed2 (squared)
By this reasoning, It is more advantageous to work on speed rather than
and muscle. This concept is what truly sets Martial Arts apart from
Brawling, and allows a small person to overcome a bigger opponent. It's
Martial Arts are all about, thats the secret.(well one of them)

An example: Zangeif's strikes do damage because he's big. (Although if
could become faster he would do more damage, a lot more, but he would
to lose some bulk.)
Ryu does damage because he's skilled and fast.
Being faster than Zangeif also allows him to fight
around the poor Russian. Unless of course he gets grabbed.

OPINION CORNER - <<<I really don't like the trading blows in
I find them rather unrealistic. Blocks and Dodges are reactionary, not
planned, so I support making defence rolls instead of using the block or
dodge manoeuvre. Yes...Yes I know about spending the willpower point to
abort, but you CAN punch first in a fight and IMMEDIATELY block your
opponent's counterstrike, In Streetfighter you can't.>>>

In Streetfighter I've almost always found that a combination of strength
stamina generally won out over speed, except in fireball situations.

SENARIO - The slow strong tough guy got his movement, The faster guy
interrupts and hits the slower guy but not enough to dizzy him (because
his stamina) then stands there while the slower guy knocks him
dizzy,(because he spent most of his points on speed, the fool) and
him a round later. It was a constant theme in our games. Speed guy
loses. At
least until he fights someone just like him or he gets time to improve
stamina or strength.

-- Chris B.

> From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 18:13:36 PST
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> Sure, I'll agree that speed helps a lot, but unless you knock the guy
> fighting out, or knock him down, or tie him up in any way, it's almost
> sure fire bet that if he's in range to hit you, he will. Also, if
> moving at a much slower speed than you, you can be pretty sure that
it'll be
> some really nasty move. Whatever that may be. I've had a bunch of
> that decided to be really fast at one point, so I tossed a
> slow moving fighter against them. They thought of other strategies
> just being faster than the other guy after that. It kept them on
their toes
> a little. Actually, I have to thank Steve for some of that stuff.
> players try to leave off the cheese a little.
>> From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
>> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>> Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 18:53:55 -0200
>> All right you got the point but don´t need be angry, I don´t have my
>> Stf
>> mainbook actualy I lost the book on excursion and I want buy another
>> and no speed aren´t all but helps a lot.
>> Preston Elizarde wrote:
>>> --- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
>>>> Easy, boy, easy. Just a rules misinterpretation here. No need to
>>>> flame.
>>> Sorry I just had this dispute with a group of kids I am teaching how
>>> play...and they just can't comprehend that speed isn't everything
>>> strategy is.
>>> __________________________________________________
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>>> -- http://www.egroups.com/vote?listname=streetfighter&m=1
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>> GetSmart.com at http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/1264
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> -- http://www.egroups.com/vote?listname=streetfighter&m=1

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Group: streetfighter Message: 3235 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
I'll say. One of my players has a Dex 7 squirrel hybrid. He is
paranoid about being interrupted... so he has been trying to push his
speeds through the roof for the course of over a year. Pounce to Head
Bite, for example.

Thing is, people like that *hate* Dim Mak. I dropped his Dex to 3 for
an entire adventure once.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Krug-Iron [mailto:inrifrost@...]
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 9:27 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know

Believe me, I can sympathize. I have a player in my group who I
affectionately call "Cheese Weasel". He plays a Cyborg Native American
Wrestler from Japan with Speed of the Mongoose. He always does it after
block. He's also got a Dexterity of 4 and his Wits and Perception are
at 4, just in case there's a small chance that he might be tied for
with anyone. BTW his Cyborg background is maxed out. Can we say Storm
Hammer at extremely gross speeds? Again, not a problem. Storm Hammer's
great move, but only versus one opponent *GRIN*. There are so many ways
deal with speedy characters that they're not all that horrible when you
really play strategically. A stunning shout works fantastically against

really fast characters. They get really appalled when their next move's
a -4 speed. They hate it. A lot. Heh.

>From: Preston Elizarde <usul_97@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>Date: Thu, 4 Nov 1999 09:27:11 -0800 (PST)
>--- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
> > Easy, boy, easy. Just a rules misinterpretation here. No need to
> > flame.
> >
>Sorry I just had this dispute with a group of kids I am teaching how to
>play...and they just can't comprehend that speed isn't everything that
>strategy is.
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3236 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
--- Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...> wrote:
> correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it impossible to afford Rekka Ken
> with a starting character's point allotment? It takes Punch 4 (I think)
> and at least four power points. You can't put more than three points
> into punch when allocating your technique dots, so that means you don't
> qualify for the RK when you spend your seven special maneuver points.
> Then, when you spend your freebies, you take five for the extra punch
> dot, and then the RK will require like 16 more.

While it never says one way or the other in the main book, you can spend
freebie points at any time during the creation process. I deduced this
because one of the supposidly newbie characters (one of the ravens, I
think, or maybe the dude from the creation example) did something similar.

staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 3237 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
ah yes, one of the groups I originally played with did this instead of
following the purchase order. It does indeed allow for some sick
things, like being able to start with Yoga Flame or Dragon Punch combos.

...Precisely why I don't allow it.

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Hoffmann [mailto:staredown@...]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 10:32 AM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know

--- Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...> wrote:
> correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it impossible to afford Rekka Ken
> with a starting character's point allotment? It takes Punch 4 (I
> and at least four power points. You can't put more than three points
> into punch when allocating your technique dots, so that means you
> qualify for the RK when you spend your seven special maneuver points.
> Then, when you spend your freebies, you take five for the extra punch
> dot, and then the RK will require like 16 more.

While it never says one way or the other in the main book, you can spend
freebie points at any time during the creation process. I deduced this
because one of the supposidly newbie characters (one of the ravens, I
think, or maybe the dude from the creation example) did something

staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
Do You Yahoo!?
Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com

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Group: streetfighter Message: 3238 From: SlpStck@aol.com Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
funny, i never saw anywhere that you couldn't buy your techs higher then
three. your abilities yes, but not your techs. some of my characters have had
4s in their techs...
Group: streetfighter Message: 3239 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Chapter Four, Character Creation.

-----Original Message-----
From: SlpStck@... [mailto:SlpStck@...]
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 1:17 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know

funny, i never saw anywhere that you couldn't buy your techs higher then

three. your abilities yes, but not your techs. some of my characters
have had
4s in their techs...

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Group: streetfighter Message: 3240 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
I don´t know how to say it to you but my book aren´t a real book I live in
Brazil and all stuff about Stf is from a Rpg magazine called "Dragão Brasil"
or translated Dragon Brazil, my main book or all magazines (3 at the total)
are in portuguese and maybe the translation could be wrong, but I don´t see
any restriction in chapter of characthers creation or any part of book, but
see the thing The guy is boxer what he needs punch, block and athletics with
my 8 normal techs Punch 3 Block 2 and Athletics 3 with freebies I elevate
Punch dot to 5. Rekka ken is can be bought by boxers at 4 power points and
requires punch 4 and athletics 2, It isn´t too expansive
Of course the fighter don´t have much manuvers this of the example have only
Rekka ken, Elbow smash and small combo, ah I put him for anyone see. I use
this guy in the two of first Friendly fights, but I want change a litle and
I don´t need hide this one anymore
Here is a boxer with Rekka ken

Name:Thomas Watson, style:Boxing, Team:None, Player:Rinaldo, Scholl: Private
mananger, Concept:Rich aristocrat, Stable:None, Signature:Good Looking
Appearence: 6’7” 180 lbs. Blond hair, green eyes, white skin and dresses a
rich vest.

Strenght 3 Dexterity 5 Stamina 3
Charisma 2 Manipulation 2 Apperance 2
Perception 2 Intelligence 2 Wits 4

Talents 7
Alertness 3, Insight 3, Streetwise 1
Skills 9
Stealth 3, Meditation 3, Blind fighting 3
Knowledges 4
Arena 2, Medicine 1, Style lore 1

Backgrounds 5

Resources 5

Techniques 8+2

Punch 5 Kick BlocK 2 Athletics 3 Grabs Focus

Manuvers 7

Rekka Ken (4pts): Speed:+3 any basic punch.
Elbow Smash (2pts) Speed: 7 Damage: 10 Move: 0
Combo: Jab to Elbow smash (1pt)

Basic Manuvers:
Light Jab +2 -1 +0 S,C,A: Speed: 7 Damage: 7 Move: 3
Medium Jab +1 +0 +0 S,C,A: Speed: 6 Damage: 8 Move: 3
Heavy Jab +0 +1 +0 S,C,A: Speed: 5 Damage: 9 Move: 3
Cross +0 +2 -1 S,C,A: Speed: 5 Damage: 10 Move: 2
Straight Right -1 +3 -1 S,C,A Speed: 4 Damage: 11 Move: 2
Roundhouse Punch -2 +4 -1 S,C,A Speed: 3 Damage: 12 Move: 2
Block: Speed: 9 Abs: 5 Damage: none Movement: none.
Move: Speed: 8 Damage: none Movement: 6

Chi 1 Willpower 6

Glory 1 Honor 2

Health 10

Steve Karstensen wrote:

> correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it impossible to afford Rekka Ken
> with a starting character's point allotment? It takes Punch 4 (I think)
> and at least four power points. You can't put more than three points
> into punch when allocating your technique dots, so that means you don't
> qualify for the RK when you spend your seven special maneuver points.
> Then, when you spend your freebies, you take five for the extra punch
> dot, and then the RK will require like 16 more.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Rinaldo Gambetta [mailto:rinaldo@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 6:18 AM
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> Except for one excession the boxer faster guy, you put Str 3 Dex 5
> Stamina 3,
> right after that you put 5 in punch technique and for a final touch you
> buy the
> Rekka Ken manuver and elbow smash, make a single combo with jab and
> elbow smash
> and end. I don´t know if you read the "Friendly" fights emails but at
> these two
> fights a jab with elbow smash dizzy the enemy fighter, and after this a
> block and
> rekka ken moves finish the job. Conclusion you can make a faster and at
> same time
> make a great damage for example the maximum damage of this guy are 12.
> Chris Baker wrote:
> > Just as an aside, for interest only. In real life, Speed is extremely
> > important in a fight. The actual damage inflicted in martial arts has
> more
> > to do with speed than strength. (except for something like wrestling)
> The
> > concept in Shotokan, for instance, is If you can throw a focused punch
> at
> > say 95MPH (not unreasonable trust me) You are impacting with a fist
> > travelling at 95MPH hitting a Generally 2"by 2" area (first two
> knuckles of
> > your fist), you are doing some serious damage. (their bones tend to
> break
> > more easily than the fist does too). There's a formula for it.
> > Power (damage) = mass X speed2 (squared)
> > By this reasoning, It is more advantageous to work on speed rather
> than bulk
> > and muscle. This concept is what truly sets Martial Arts apart from
> > Brawling, and allows a small person to overcome a bigger opponent.
> It's what
> > Martial Arts are all about, thats the secret.(well one of them)
> >
> > An example: Zangeif's strikes do damage because he's big. (Although if
> he
> > could become faster he would do more damage, a lot more, but he would
> have
> > to lose some bulk.)
> > Ryu does damage because he's skilled and fast.
> > Being faster than Zangeif also allows him to fight
> circles
> > around the poor Russian. Unless of course he gets grabbed.
> >
> > OPINION CORNER - <<<I really don't like the trading blows in
> Streetfighter,
> > I find them rather unrealistic. Blocks and Dodges are reactionary, not
> > planned, so I support making defence rolls instead of using the block
> or
> > dodge manoeuvre. Yes...Yes I know about spending the willpower point
> to
> > abort, but you CAN punch first in a fight and IMMEDIATELY block your
> > opponent's counterstrike, In Streetfighter you can't.>>>
> >
> > In Streetfighter I've almost always found that a combination of
> strength and
> > stamina generally won out over speed, except in fireball situations.
> >
> > SENARIO - The slow strong tough guy got his movement, The faster guy
> > interrupts and hits the slower guy but not enough to dizzy him
> (because of
> > his stamina) then stands there while the slower guy knocks him
> > dizzy,(because he spent most of his points on speed, the fool) and
> finishes
> > him a round later. It was a constant theme in our games. Speed guy
> loses. At
> > least until he fights someone just like him or he gets time to improve
> his
> > stamina or strength.
> >
> > -- Chris B.
> >
> > > From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
> > > Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > > Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 18:13:36 PST
> > > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > > Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> > >
> > > Sure, I'll agree that speed helps a lot, but unless you knock the
> guy you're
> > > fighting out, or knock him down, or tie him up in any way, it's
> almost a
> > > sure fire bet that if he's in range to hit you, he will. Also, if
> he's
> > > moving at a much slower speed than you, you can be pretty sure that
> it'll be
> > > some really nasty move. Whatever that may be. I've had a bunch of
> players
> > > that decided to be really fast at one point, so I tossed a
> heavy-hitting,
> > > slow moving fighter against them. They thought of other strategies
> than
> > > just being faster than the other guy after that. It kept them on
> their toes
> > > a little. Actually, I have to thank Steve for some of that stuff.
> Now,
> > > players try to leave off the cheese a little.
> > >
> > >
> > >> From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
> > >> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > >> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > >> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> > >> Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 18:53:55 -0200
> > >>
> > >> All right you got the point but don´t need be angry, I don´t have
> my
> > >> Stf
> > >> mainbook actualy I lost the book on excursion and I want buy
> another one,
> > >> and no speed aren´t all but helps a lot.
> > >>
> > >> Preston Elizarde wrote:
> > >>
> > >>> --- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
> > >>>> Easy, boy, easy. Just a rules misinterpretation here. No need
> to
> > >>>> flame.
> > >>>>
> > >>>
> > >>> Sorry I just had this dispute with a group of kids I am teaching
> how to
> > >>> play...and they just can't comprehend that speed isn't everything
> that
> > >>> strategy is.
> > >>>
> > >>> __________________________________________________
> > >>> Do You Yahoo!?
> > >>> Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com
> > >>>
> > >>>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >>> -- Create a poll/survey for your eGroup!
> > >>> -- http://www.egroups.com/vote?listname=streetfighter&m=1
> > >>
> > >>
> > >>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >> Get A 0% Intro APR Visa with Instant Approval right now a
> > >> GetSmart.com at http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/1264
> > >>
> > >> eGroup Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/
> > >> http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
> > >>
> > >>
> > >
> > > ______________________________________________________
> > >
> > >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > > -- Create a poll/survey for your eGroup!
> > > -- http://www.egroups.com/vote?listname=streetfighter&m=1
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -- eGroup Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?m=1
> > -- Free email groups at eGroups.com
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- 20 megs of disk space in your eGroup's Document Vault
> -- http://www.egroups.com/docvault/streetfighter/?m=1
Group: streetfighter Message: 3241 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: Friendly Fight- Choose your enemy.
For Gokiwa style: Shotokan Karate (Chris Hoffmann) Coutry: Japan.
Genryu-kai style: Shotokan Karate Fire elemental (SlpStck@...) Coutry: Japan
and Blaise style: Kung Fu (Chris Krug-Iron) Coutry: Usa. I will retire Thomas
Watson the boxer (I always use him and I want change a litle)- I put his stats in
the list, but for next friendly fights you can choose someone from this list just
e-mail me when you ready with your tatics and of course the name of your enemy.

Ty Hong style: Muay Tai (Npc) Country: Thailand.
Al Salen style: Baraqah (Npc) Coutry: Marroco.
Kozminski style: Tai chi Ch’uan (Npc) Coutry: Poland.
Tzar Gregorovich style: Wrestiling (Npc) Coutry: Hungary.
Wing Sho style: Majestic Crow Kung Fu (Npc): China.
François style: Savate (Npc) Coutry: France.
Gauss style: Raufen (Npc) Coutry: Germany.
O´Connor style: Special Forces (Npc) Coutry: North Ireland.
Julian Del Solar III: Reconquista (Npc) Country: Spain.
Lars style: Glimae (Npc) Coutry: Sweden.
Goliath style: Pankration (Npc) Coutry: Greece.
Group: streetfighter Message: 3242 From: J.J. Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
Now granted, it is a house rule that popped up immediately, but likewise I
hadn't seen any mention of an official restriction on Techniques using the
initial points....

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 10:20 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know

>Chapter Four, Character Creation.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: SlpStck@... [mailto:SlpStck@...]
>Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 1:17 PM
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>funny, i never saw anywhere that you couldn't buy your techs higher then
>three. your abilities yes, but not your techs. some of my characters
>have had
>4s in their techs...
>-- Check out your eGroup's private Chat room
>-- http://www.egroups.com/ChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1
>-- Easily schedule meetings and events using the group calendar!
>-- http://www.egroups.com/cal?listname=streetfighter&m=1
Group: streetfighter Message: 3243 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/9/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
you clowns are gonna make me dig my book out and quote it, I see.
Chapter 4.  Page 41, paragraph 3.  Techniques.
"You start with eight points to divide among the different martial arts techniques.  These techniques are similar to the
different maneuvers common in the Street Fighter coin-op.  You cannot begin with more than three dots in any one Technique.  However, you can supercede three dots by spending 'freebie' points."
-----Original Message-----
From: J.J. <tyger1@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 9:54 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know

Now granted, it is a house rule that popped up immediately, but likewise I
hadn't seen any mention of an official restriction on Techniques using the
initial points....

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 10:20 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know

> >Chapter Four, Character Creation. > >-----Original Message----- >From: SlpStck@... [mailto:SlpStck@...] >Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 1:17 PM >To: streetfighter@egroups.com >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know > > >funny, i never saw anywhere that you couldn't buy your techs higher then > >three. your abilities yes, but not your techs. some of my characters >have had >4s in their techs... > >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >-- Check out your eGroup's private Chat room >-- http://www.egroups.com/ChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1 > > >------------------------------------------------------------------------ >-- Easily schedule meetings and events using the group calendar! >-- http://www.egroups.com/cal?listname=streetfighter&m=1 > > >

click here
Click here
eGroups.com Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
Group: streetfighter Message: 3244 From: Azathoth05@aol.com Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: You don't want to know
that's a good point. Actually, I always gave my players the freebie's before
they bought the special maneuvers, so it would be possible in my campaign.
But to be honest the truth is that it simply never dawned on me to do it the
way you're suggesting, which sounds a hell of a lot better and makes more
sense... I wonder if it would affect any of my player's current characters if
I changed the ruling? Hmmmmm....
Group: streetfighter Message: 3245 From: azathoth05@aol.com Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Speed vs. Strength (formerly You don't want to know)
I just ran a tournament with 3 PC's and 5 NPC's, two of which were
Siren and Kahn from Secrets of Shadowloo(aka starting level characters.
One PC was a Kung Fu guy with a high block to high speed elbow smash
combo he lost to Siren's superior speed. Another was a Western
Kickbocking no block but all power mid speed moves, he lost to Kahn's
strength because he couldn't dizzy him before the return punches
knocked him out. The third character was a blind capoeira dancer who
had to roll perception three times a round to even hit the guy. He
blew through all four matches and won the tournament. Why? The first
guy chased Siren as she danced around, the second went punch for bunch
with a stronger guy, but the dancer I don't think spent too rounds in
the same hex. He used backflip kick, backroll throw, and Vertical
rolling attack(knocks down aerial), plus his dex of 5, to keep his
opponents from retaliating. You don't have to dizzy a guy to keep him
from hitting you, throwing him out of range, using knockdown maneuvers,
and jumping away can keep you in control. And this guy had no block
technique and no combos, nor was he a "power fighter"(no techniques
over 3, and he spend freebies on perception not special powers). All
in all I haveta say the fights were a lot more exciting than leaving
two models on the table next to each other that just sit there for 8
rounds exchanging punches. He also used a maneuver's movement to move
out of range sometimes when it looked like moving in for the attack
would get him clobbered, which was good tactics for his first match
ever(2nd game, but he sawno combat in the first one). just because
your foward kick lets you move two hexes doesn't mean it's gotta be
towards the enemy!

steve karstensen <skarstense-@...> wrote:
original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=3234
> your speed guys need to learn grabs or knockdown maneuvers. Citing,
> example, Howard Collins' animal hybrid Judo Wolf; 6 Dex, Flying Tackle
> to Head Bite Combo. 3 Strength, 3 Stamina. Never took a scratch
> because he kept his opponents tied up in holds the entire fight.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Baker [mailto:cbaker@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 12:57 AM
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> Just as an aside, for interest only. In real life, Speed is extremely
> important in a fight. The actual damage inflicted in martial arts has
> more
> to do with speed than strength. (except for something like wrestling)
> The
> concept in Shotokan, for instance, is If you can throw a focused punch
> at
> say 95MPH (not unreasonable trust me) You are impacting with a fist
> travelling at 95MPH hitting a Generally 2"by 2" area (first two
> of
> your fist), you are doing some serious damage. (their bones tend to
> break
> more easily than the fist does too). There's a formula for it.
> Power (damage) = mass X speed2 (squared)
> By this reasoning, It is more advantageous to work on speed rather
> bulk
> and muscle. This concept is what truly sets Martial Arts apart from
> Brawling, and allows a small person to overcome a bigger opponent.
> what
> Martial Arts are all about, thats the secret.(well one of them)
> An example: Zangeif's strikes do damage because he's big. (Although if
> he
> could become faster he would do more damage, a lot more, but he would
> have
> to lose some bulk.)
> Ryu does damage because he's skilled and fast.
> Being faster than Zangeif also allows him to fight
> circles
> around the poor Russian. Unless of course he gets grabbed.
> OPINION CORNER - <<<I really don't like the trading blows in
> Streetfighter,
> I find them rather unrealistic. Blocks and Dodges are reactionary, not
> planned, so I support making defence rolls instead of using the block
> dodge manoeuvre. Yes...Yes I know about spending the willpower point
> abort, but you CAN punch first in a fight and IMMEDIATELY block your
> opponent's counterstrike, In Streetfighter you can't.>>>
> In Streetfighter I've almost always found that a combination of
> and
> stamina generally won out over speed, except in fireball situations.
> SENARIO - The slow strong tough guy got his movement, The faster guy
> interrupts and hits the slower guy but not enough to dizzy him
> of
> his stamina) then stands there while the slower guy knocks him
> dizzy,(because he spent most of his points on speed, the fool) and
> finishes
> him a round later. It was a constant theme in our games. Speed guy
> loses. At
> least until he fights someone just like him or he gets time to improve
> his
> stamina or strength.
> -- Chris B.
> > From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
> > Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 18:13:36 PST
> > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >
> > Sure, I'll agree that speed helps a lot, but unless you knock the
> you're
> > fighting out, or knock him down, or tie him up in any way, it's
> a
> > sure fire bet that if he's in range to hit you, he will. Also, if
> he's
> > moving at a much slower speed than you, you can be pretty sure that
> it'll be
> > some really nasty move. Whatever that may be. I've had a bunch of
> players
> > that decided to be really fast at one point, so I tossed a
> heavy-hitting,
> > slow moving fighter against them. They thought of other strategies
> than
> > just being faster than the other guy after that. It kept them on
> their toes
> > a little. Actually, I have to thank Steve for some of that stuff.
> Now,
> > players try to leave off the cheese a little.
> >
> >
> >> From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
> >> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >> Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 18:53:55 -0200
> >>
> >> All right you got the point but don´t need be angry, I don´t have
> >> Stf
> >> mainbook actualy I lost the book on excursion and I want buy
> one,
> >> and no speed aren´t all but helps a lot.
> >>
> >> Preston Elizarde wrote:
> >>
> >>> --- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
> >>>> Easy, boy, easy. Just a rules misinterpretation here. No need
> >>>> flame.
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> Sorry I just had this dispute with a group of kids I am teaching
> to
> >>> play...and they just can't comprehend that speed isn't everything
> that
> >>> strategy is.
> >>>
> >>> __________________________________________________
> >>> Do You Yahoo!?
> >>> Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com
> >>>
> >>>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>> -- Create a poll/survey for your eGroup!
> >>> -- http://www.egroups.com/vote?listname=streetfighter&m=1
> >>
> >>
> >>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> Get A 0% Intro APR Visa with Instant Approval right now a
> >> GetSmart.com at http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/1264
> >>
> >> eGroup Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/
> >> http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
> >>
> >>
> >
> > ______________________________________________________
> >
> >
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -- Create a poll/survey for your eGroup!
> > -- http://www.egroups.com/vote?listname=streetfighter&m=1
> >
> >
Group: streetfighter Message: 3246 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
I don't know if it has anything to do with Akuma...as far as I know, he was
an amnesiatic. So, where would Akuma come in? If Kairi defeated Akuma and
took his powers, sure enough, but that still doesn't explain his appearance.
The other thing is that, he's an amnesiatic...how would he remember the

>From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
>Date: Tue, 09 Nov 1999 09:06:42 -0200
>Yeah, you�re right but I think he have something with Akuma...
>Chris Krug-Iron wrote:
> > True enough.
> >
> > On a side note: has anybody noticed that Kairi off of SFex2 resembles
> > EGM version of Sheng Long? I mean, a hell of a lot?
> > Spooky.
> >
> > >From: Chris Baker <cbaker@...>
> > >Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > >To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> > >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
> > >Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 13:08:41 -0500
> > >
> > >It could have been a totally even fight, the odds then would have been
> > >50/50
> > >(depending on Gouken's attitude of course), Gouken may have even been
> > >better. Remember, just because someone loses a fight doesn't mean he is
> > >weaker than his opponent, just that he lost that fight. How many times
> > >a
> > >weaker character defeated one of your powerful bosses in an RPG? I find
> > >it's
> > >pretty often.
> > >Gouken may have even been heads and tails stronger than Akuma, But he
> > >have had some heart condition, a need to protect Ken & Ryu through self
> > >sacrifice, or he may have just realised it was his destiny to lose to
> > >Akuma.
> > >Until Capcom releases official details on that particular fight,
> > >be
> > >the day) we can only speculate.
> > >Just remember in roleplaying, the dots are secondary.
> > >
> > >-- Chris B.
> > >
> > >
> > > > From: Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...>
> > > > Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > > > Date: Mon, 8 Nov 1999 08:57:07 -0500
> > > > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > > > Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Gouken is one of those guys where you don't bother to write stats.
> > > > just give him whatever the hell you want him to have at the time and
> > > > only way anyone could get the upper hand on him is if you as the
> > > > Storyteller decide it. Of course, in my campaign world Gouken is
> > > > jus' nobody knows it, nor why. ;)
> > > >
> > > > -----Original Message-----
> > > > From: Robert Pascuttini [mailto:rpascuttini@...]
> > > > Sent: Saturday, November 06, 1999 9:30 PM
> > > > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > > > Subject: [streetfighter] Challange to all at SF egroups
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > Hey everyone.
> > > > Im very curious, I would like to see everyones Idea of what the
> > > > would
> > > > be for gouken. Ken and Ryu's Master.
> > > >
> > > > The way I figure it he would be weaker than akuma since akuma
> > > > but
> > > > I could be wrong.
> > > >
> > > > ______________________________________________________
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > -- Easily schedule meetings and events using the group calendar!
> > > > -- http://www.egroups.com/cal?listname=streetfighter&m=1
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > -- Easily schedule meetings and events using the group calendar!
> > > > -- http://www.egroups.com/cal?listname=streetfighter&m=1
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > >eGroup Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/
> > >http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
> > >
> > >
> >
> > ______________________________________________________
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -- 20 megs of disk space in your eGroup's Document Vault
> > -- http://www.egroups.com/docvault/streetfighter/?m=1
>-- 20 megs of disk space in your eGroup's Document Vault
>-- http://www.egroups.com/docvault/streetfighter/?m=1

Group: streetfighter Message: 3247 From: JSorochins@aol.com Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
In a message dated 11/9/99 10:14:28 PM Pacific Standard Time,
inrifrost@... writes:

<< I don't know if it has anything to do with Akuma...as far as I know, he
an amnesiatic. So, where would Akuma come in? If Kairi defeated Akuma and
took his powers, sure enough, but that still doesn't explain his appearance.
The other thing is that, he's an amnesiatic...how would he remember the
fight? >>

While we are on the subject, does anybody know the stories behind the SFex
series. I can find all sorts of intro stuff, but nothing at all about the
Group: streetfighter Message: 3248 From: Chris Baker Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Speed vs. Strength (formerly You don't want to know)
The only thing better, a character that can move after an attack (or move
the opponent) Unless the opponent's got a fireball. I find if you have a
maneuver that allows a lot of movement after your attack (and before
usually) that doesn't cost you chi or willpower. you will win. always.

-- Chris B.

> From: azathoth05@...
> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Date: Tue, 09 Nov 1999 21:39:04 -0800
> To: streetfighter@...
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Speed vs. Strength (formerly You don't want to
> know)
> I just ran a tournament with 3 PC's and 5 NPC's, two of which were
> Siren and Kahn from Secrets of Shadowloo(aka starting level characters.
> One PC was a Kung Fu guy with a high block to high speed elbow smash
> combo he lost to Siren's superior speed. Another was a Western
> Kickbocking no block but all power mid speed moves, he lost to Kahn's
> strength because he couldn't dizzy him before the return punches
> knocked him out. The third character was a blind capoeira dancer who
> had to roll perception three times a round to even hit the guy. He
> blew through all four matches and won the tournament. Why? The first
> guy chased Siren as she danced around, the second went punch for bunch
> with a stronger guy, but the dancer I don't think spent too rounds in
> the same hex. He used backflip kick, backroll throw, and Vertical
> rolling attack(knocks down aerial), plus his dex of 5, to keep his
> opponents from retaliating. You don't have to dizzy a guy to keep him
> from hitting you, throwing him out of range, using knockdown maneuvers,
> and jumping away can keep you in control. And this guy had no block
> technique and no combos, nor was he a "power fighter"(no techniques
> over 3, and he spend freebies on perception not special powers). All
> in all I haveta say the fights were a lot more exciting than leaving
> two models on the table next to each other that just sit there for 8
> rounds exchanging punches. He also used a maneuver's movement to move
> out of range sometimes when it looked like moving in for the attack
> would get him clobbered, which was good tactics for his first match
> ever(2nd game, but he sawno combat in the first one). just because
> your foward kick lets you move two hexes doesn't mean it's gotta be
> towards the enemy!
> steve karstensen <skarstense-@...> wrote:
> original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=3234
>> your speed guys need to learn grabs or knockdown maneuvers. Citing,
> for
>> example, Howard Collins' animal hybrid Judo Wolf; 6 Dex, Flying Tackle
>> to Head Bite Combo. 3 Strength, 3 Stamina. Never took a scratch
>> because he kept his opponents tied up in holds the entire fight.
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Chris Baker [mailto:cbaker@...]
>> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 12:57 AM
>> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>> Just as an aside, for interest only. In real life, Speed is extremely
>> important in a fight. The actual damage inflicted in martial arts has
>> more
>> to do with speed than strength. (except for something like wrestling)
>> The
>> concept in Shotokan, for instance, is If you can throw a focused punch
>> at
>> say 95MPH (not unreasonable trust me) You are impacting with a fist
>> travelling at 95MPH hitting a Generally 2"by 2" area (first two
> knuckles
>> of
>> your fist), you are doing some serious damage. (their bones tend to
>> break
>> more easily than the fist does too). There's a formula for it.
>> Power (damage) = mass X speed2 (squared)
>> By this reasoning, It is more advantageous to work on speed rather
> than
>> bulk
>> and muscle. This concept is what truly sets Martial Arts apart from
>> Brawling, and allows a small person to overcome a bigger opponent.
> It's
>> what
>> Martial Arts are all about, thats the secret.(well one of them)
>> An example: Zangeif's strikes do damage because he's big. (Although if
>> he
>> could become faster he would do more damage, a lot more, but he would
>> have
>> to lose some bulk.)
>> Ryu does damage because he's skilled and fast.
>> Being faster than Zangeif also allows him to fight
>> circles
>> around the poor Russian. Unless of course he gets grabbed.
>> OPINION CORNER - <<<I really don't like the trading blows in
>> Streetfighter,
>> I find them rather unrealistic. Blocks and Dodges are reactionary, not
>> planned, so I support making defence rolls instead of using the block
> or
>> dodge manoeuvre. Yes...Yes I know about spending the willpower point
> to
>> abort, but you CAN punch first in a fight and IMMEDIATELY block your
>> opponent's counterstrike, In Streetfighter you can't.>>>
>> In Streetfighter I've almost always found that a combination of
> strength
>> and
>> stamina generally won out over speed, except in fireball situations.
>> SENARIO - The slow strong tough guy got his movement, The faster guy
>> interrupts and hits the slower guy but not enough to dizzy him
> (because
>> of
>> his stamina) then stands there while the slower guy knocks him
>> dizzy,(because he spent most of his points on speed, the fool) and
>> finishes
>> him a round later. It was a constant theme in our games. Speed guy
>> loses. At
>> least until he fights someone just like him or he gets time to improve
>> his
>> stamina or strength.
>> -- Chris B.
>>> From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
>>> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>> Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 18:13:36 PST
>>> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>>> Sure, I'll agree that speed helps a lot, but unless you knock the
> guy
>> you're
>>> fighting out, or knock him down, or tie him up in any way, it's
> almost
>> a
>>> sure fire bet that if he's in range to hit you, he will. Also, if
>> he's
>>> moving at a much slower speed than you, you can be pretty sure that
>> it'll be
>>> some really nasty move. Whatever that may be. I've had a bunch of
>> players
>>> that decided to be really fast at one point, so I tossed a
>> heavy-hitting,
>>> slow moving fighter against them. They thought of other strategies
>> than
>>> just being faster than the other guy after that. It kept them on
>> their toes
>>> a little. Actually, I have to thank Steve for some of that stuff.
>> Now,
>>> players try to leave off the cheese a little.
>>>> From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
>>>> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>>> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
>>>> Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 18:53:55 -0200
>>>> All right you got the point but don´t need be angry, I don´t have
> my
>>>> Stf
>>>> mainbook actualy I lost the book on excursion and I want buy
> another
>> one,
>>>> and no speed aren´t all but helps a lot.
>>>> Preston Elizarde wrote:
>>>>> --- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
>>>>>> Easy, boy, easy. Just a rules misinterpretation here. No need
> to
>>>>>> flame.
>>>>> Sorry I just had this dispute with a group of kids I am teaching
> how
>> to
>>>>> play...and they just can't comprehend that speed isn't everything
>> that
>>>>> strategy is.
>>>>> __________________________________________________
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Group: streetfighter Message: 3249 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Speed vs. Strength (formerly You don't want to know)
Like I said before, there's nothing wrong with that extra bit of speed.
Being pretty quick will get you out of situations that normally, were you
slow, you wouldn't be able to get out of. A high athletics rating also
helps. My only problem was characters that relied on speed, and nothing
else. Also, the game I run is a pretty low-ranking game with the only
focus-based projectile being a Drench from a Water elemental. So, it stood
to reason that being quick only meant you hit or did whatever you wanted to
first, then the opponent hit you later (and MUCH harder).

>From: Chris Baker <cbaker@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Speed vs. Strength (formerly You don't want to
>Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 03:52:35 -0500
>The only thing better, a character that can move after an attack (or move
>the opponent) Unless the opponent's got a fireball. I find if you have a
>maneuver that allows a lot of movement after your attack (and before
>usually) that doesn't cost you chi or willpower. you will win. always.
>-- Chris B.
> > From: azathoth05@...
> > Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > Date: Tue, 09 Nov 1999 21:39:04 -0800
> > To: streetfighter@...
> > Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Speed vs. Strength (formerly You don't want
> > know)
> >
> > I just ran a tournament with 3 PC's and 5 NPC's, two of which were
> > Siren and Kahn from Secrets of Shadowloo(aka starting level characters.
> > One PC was a Kung Fu guy with a high block to high speed elbow smash
> > combo he lost to Siren's superior speed. Another was a Western
> > Kickbocking no block but all power mid speed moves, he lost to Kahn's
> > strength because he couldn't dizzy him before the return punches
> > knocked him out. The third character was a blind capoeira dancer who
> > had to roll perception three times a round to even hit the guy. He
> > blew through all four matches and won the tournament. Why? The first
> > guy chased Siren as she danced around, the second went punch for bunch
> > with a stronger guy, but the dancer I don't think spent too rounds in
> > the same hex. He used backflip kick, backroll throw, and Vertical
> > rolling attack(knocks down aerial), plus his dex of 5, to keep his
> > opponents from retaliating. You don't have to dizzy a guy to keep him
> > from hitting you, throwing him out of range, using knockdown maneuvers,
> > and jumping away can keep you in control. And this guy had no block
> > technique and no combos, nor was he a "power fighter"(no techniques
> > over 3, and he spend freebies on perception not special powers). All
> > in all I haveta say the fights were a lot more exciting than leaving
> > two models on the table next to each other that just sit there for 8
> > rounds exchanging punches. He also used a maneuver's movement to move
> > out of range sometimes when it looked like moving in for the attack
> > would get him clobbered, which was good tactics for his first match
> > ever(2nd game, but he sawno combat in the first one). just because
> > your foward kick lets you move two hexes doesn't mean it's gotta be
> > towards the enemy!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > steve karstensen <skarstense-@...> wrote:
> > original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=3234
> >>
> >> your speed guys need to learn grabs or knockdown maneuvers. Citing,
> > for
> >> example, Howard Collins' animal hybrid Judo Wolf; 6 Dex, Flying Tackle
> >> to Head Bite Combo. 3 Strength, 3 Stamina. Never took a scratch
> >> because he kept his opponents tied up in holds the entire fight.
> >>
> >> -----Original Message-----
> >> From: Chris Baker [mailto:cbaker@...]
> >> Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 12:57 AM
> >> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >>
> >>
> >> Just as an aside, for interest only. In real life, Speed is extremely
> >> important in a fight. The actual damage inflicted in martial arts has
> >> more
> >> to do with speed than strength. (except for something like wrestling)
> >> The
> >> concept in Shotokan, for instance, is If you can throw a focused punch
> >> at
> >> say 95MPH (not unreasonable trust me) You are impacting with a fist
> >> travelling at 95MPH hitting a Generally 2"by 2" area (first two
> > knuckles
> >> of
> >> your fist), you are doing some serious damage. (their bones tend to
> >> break
> >> more easily than the fist does too). There's a formula for it.
> >> Power (damage) = mass X speed2 (squared)
> >> By this reasoning, It is more advantageous to work on speed rather
> > than
> >> bulk
> >> and muscle. This concept is what truly sets Martial Arts apart from
> >> Brawling, and allows a small person to overcome a bigger opponent.
> > It's
> >> what
> >> Martial Arts are all about, thats the secret.(well one of them)
> >>
> >> An example: Zangeif's strikes do damage because he's big. (Although if
> >> he
> >> could become faster he would do more damage, a lot more, but he would
> >> have
> >> to lose some bulk.)
> >> Ryu does damage because he's skilled and fast.
> >> Being faster than Zangeif also allows him to fight
> >> circles
> >> around the poor Russian. Unless of course he gets grabbed.
> >>
> >> OPINION CORNER - <<<I really don't like the trading blows in
> >> Streetfighter,
> >> I find them rather unrealistic. Blocks and Dodges are reactionary, not
> >> planned, so I support making defence rolls instead of using the block
> > or
> >> dodge manoeuvre. Yes...Yes I know about spending the willpower point
> > to
> >> abort, but you CAN punch first in a fight and IMMEDIATELY block your
> >> opponent's counterstrike, In Streetfighter you can't.>>>
> >>
> >> In Streetfighter I've almost always found that a combination of
> > strength
> >> and
> >> stamina generally won out over speed, except in fireball situations.
> >>
> >> SENARIO - The slow strong tough guy got his movement, The faster guy
> >> interrupts and hits the slower guy but not enough to dizzy him
> > (because
> >> of
> >> his stamina) then stands there while the slower guy knocks him
> >> dizzy,(because he spent most of his points on speed, the fool) and
> >> finishes
> >> him a round later. It was a constant theme in our games. Speed guy
> >> loses. At
> >> least until he fights someone just like him or he gets time to improve
> >> his
> >> stamina or strength.
> >>
> >> -- Chris B.
> >>
> >>
> >>> From: "Chris Krug-Iron" <inrifrost@...>
> >>> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >>> Date: Mon, 08 Nov 1999 18:13:36 PST
> >>> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >>> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >>>
> >>> Sure, I'll agree that speed helps a lot, but unless you knock the
> > guy
> >> you're
> >>> fighting out, or knock him down, or tie him up in any way, it's
> > almost
> >> a
> >>> sure fire bet that if he's in range to hit you, he will. Also, if
> >> he's
> >>> moving at a much slower speed than you, you can be pretty sure that
> >> it'll be
> >>> some really nasty move. Whatever that may be. I've had a bunch of
> >> players
> >>> that decided to be really fast at one point, so I tossed a
> >> heavy-hitting,
> >>> slow moving fighter against them. They thought of other strategies
> >> than
> >>> just being faster than the other guy after that. It kept them on
> >> their toes
> >>> a little. Actually, I have to thank Steve for some of that stuff.
> >> Now,
> >>> players try to leave off the cheese a little.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>> From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
> >>>> Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >>>> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >>>> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: You don't want to know
> >>>> Date: Thu, 04 Nov 1999 18:53:55 -0200
> >>>>
> >>>> All right you got the point but don�t need be angry, I don�t have
> > my
> >>>> Stf
> >>>> mainbook actualy I lost the book on excursion and I want buy
> > another
> >> one,
> >>>> and no speed aren�t all but helps a lot.
> >>>>
> >>>> Preston Elizarde wrote:
> >>>>
> >>>>> --- Chris Krug-Iron <inrifrost@...> wrote:
> >>>>>> Easy, boy, easy. Just a rules misinterpretation here. No need
> > to
> >>>>>> flame.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Sorry I just had this dispute with a group of kids I am teaching
> > how
> >> to
> >>>>> play...and they just can't comprehend that speed isn't everything
> >> that
> >>>>> strategy is.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> __________________________________________________
> >>>>> Do You Yahoo!?
> >>>>> Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com
> >>>>>
> >>>>>
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ---
> >>>>> -- Create a poll/survey for your eGroup!
> >>>>> -- http://www.egroups.com/vote?listname=streetfighter&m=1
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ---
> >>>> Get A 0% Intro APR Visa with Instant Approval right now a
> >>>> GetSmart.com at http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/1264
> >>>>
> >>>> eGroup Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/
> >>>> http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
> >>>>
> >>>>
> >>>
> >>> ______________________________________________________
> >>>
> >>>
> >> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
> > ---
> >>> -- Create a poll/survey for your eGroup!
> >>> -- http://www.egroups.com/vote?listname=streetfighter&m=1
> >>>
> >>>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > -- Check out your eGroup's private Chat room
> > -- http://www.egroups.com/ChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1
> >
> >
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>-- http://www.egroups.com/VoiceChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1

Group: streetfighter Message: 3250 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
Gah. Nothing at all, really. The only thing I knew was Kairi's story, and
that was related to his appearance (you know, looking like "Sheng Long" and
all). Honestly enough, I didn't become interested at all in the EX series
until after I saw Kairi in the arcade. I used to own the first one on the
Playstation. Mastered it, then became quite bored with it. Oh, well.
After that, I just didn't want to play it anymore. I would, however like to
find out more information, in hindsight.

>From: JSorochins@...
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
>Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 02:22:04 EST
>In a message dated 11/9/99 10:14:28 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>inrifrost@... writes:
><< I don't know if it has anything to do with Akuma...as far as I know, he
> an amnesiatic. So, where would Akuma come in? If Kairi defeated Akuma
> took his powers, sure enough, but that still doesn't explain his
> The other thing is that, he's an amnesiatic...how would he remember the
> fight? >>
>While we are on the subject, does anybody know the stories behind the SFex
>series. I can find all sorts of intro stuff, but nothing at all about the
>-- 20 megs of disk space in your eGroup's Document Vault
>-- http://www.egroups.com/docvault/streetfighter/?m=1

Group: streetfighter Message: 3251 From: Chris Krug-Iron Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
One more thing. The endings in the first game didn't really explain
anything at all. They were actually CG movie bits that had the characters
doing something (i.e. Ken doing a Dragon Punch, Skullomania revelling in the
fact that he figures he's finally become a superhero, etc.) and no text as a
follow-up to the movie. So nothing is really explained. Sucked bigtime.

>>From: JSorochins@...
>>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
>>Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 02:22:04 EST
>>In a message dated 11/9/99 10:14:28 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>>inrifrost@... writes:
>><< I don't know if it has anything to do with Akuma...as far as I know, he
>> an amnesiatic. So, where would Akuma come in? If Kairi defeated Akuma
>> took his powers, sure enough, but that still doesn't explain his
>> The other thing is that, he's an amnesiatic...how would he remember
>> fight? >>
>>While we are on the subject, does anybody know the stories behind the SFex
>>series. I can find all sorts of intro stuff, but nothing at all about the
>>-- 20 megs of disk space in your eGroup's Document Vault
>>-- http://www.egroups.com/docvault/streetfighter/?m=1
>eGroup Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/
>http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications

Group: streetfighter Message: 3252 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
I guess this means EX Plus Alpha 2 is out? When will it be available
for the Playstation? Personally, I felt the original was one of the
best SF games out there. That and Alpha 3 (Ga, did I actually say that?
"Go for it man!")

-----Original Message-----
From: Chris Krug-Iron [mailto:inrifrost@...]
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 3:17 AM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups

Gah. Nothing at all, really. The only thing I knew was Kairi's story,
that was related to his appearance (you know, looking like "Sheng Long"
all). Honestly enough, I didn't become interested at all in the EX
until after I saw Kairi in the arcade. I used to own the first one on
Playstation. Mastered it, then became quite bored with it. Oh, well.
After that, I just didn't want to play it anymore. I would, however
like to
find out more information, in hindsight.

>From: JSorochins@...
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
>Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 02:22:04 EST
>In a message dated 11/9/99 10:14:28 PM Pacific Standard Time,
>inrifrost@... writes:
><< I don't know if it has anything to do with Akuma...as far as I know,
> an amnesiatic. So, where would Akuma come in? If Kairi defeated
> took his powers, sure enough, but that still doesn't explain his
> The other thing is that, he's an amnesiatic...how would he remember
> fight? >>
>While we are on the subject, does anybody know the stories behind the
>series. I can find all sorts of intro stuff, but nothing at all about
>-- 20 megs of disk space in your eGroup's Document Vault
>-- http://www.egroups.com/docvault/streetfighter/?m=1


eGroup Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/
http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
Group: streetfighter Message: 3253 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: SFEX + A was Challange to all at SF egroups
Ok, I have been playing Street Fighter Ex plus Alpha for a little bit now,
and I really like it, (except the endings suck). But when you go to versus
mode there is four characters that are blocked out, how do you unlock them?



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Karstensen [SMTP:skarstensen@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 8:34 AM
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
> I guess this means EX Plus Alpha 2 is out? When will it be available
> for the Playstation? Personally, I felt the original was one of the
> best SF games out there. That and Alpha 3 (Ga, did I actually say that?
> "Go for it man!")
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Krug-Iron [mailto:inrifrost@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 3:17 AM
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
> Gah. Nothing at all, really. The only thing I knew was Kairi's story,
> and
> that was related to his appearance (you know, looking like "Sheng Long"
> and
> all). Honestly enough, I didn't become interested at all in the EX
> series
> until after I saw Kairi in the arcade. I used to own the first one on
> the
> Playstation. Mastered it, then became quite bored with it. Oh, well.
> After that, I just didn't want to play it anymore. I would, however
> like to
> find out more information, in hindsight.
> >From: JSorochins@...
> >Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
> >Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 02:22:04 EST
> >
> >In a message dated 11/9/99 10:14:28 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> >inrifrost@... writes:
> >
> ><< I don't know if it has anything to do with Akuma...as far as I know,
> he
> >was
> > an amnesiatic. So, where would Akuma come in? If Kairi defeated
> Akuma
> >and
> > took his powers, sure enough, but that still doesn't explain his
> >appearance.
> > The other thing is that, he's an amnesiatic...how would he remember
> the
> > fight? >>
> >
> >While we are on the subject, does anybody know the stories behind the
> SFex
> >series. I can find all sorts of intro stuff, but nothing at all about
> the
> >endings
> >
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> >-- 20 megs of disk space in your eGroup's Document Vault
> >-- http://www.egroups.com/docvault/streetfighter/?m=1
> >
> >
> ______________________________________________________
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> eGroup Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/
> http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> -- Check out your eGroup's private Chat room
> -- http://www.egroups.com/ChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1
Group: streetfighter Message: 3254 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 11/10/1999
Subject: Re: SFEX + A was Challange to all at SF egroups
play in Expert Training mode. the more moves you successfully pull off,
the more points you score. certain point values allow you to unlock
certain characters.

My personal high is about 950 or so out of 1000. Anyone get a perfect

-----Original Message-----
From: Morgado, Mike [mailto:MMorgado@...]
Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 8:30 AM
To: 'streetfighter@egroups.com'
Subject: [streetfighter] SFEX + A was Challange to all at SF egroups

Ok, I have been playing Street Fighter Ex plus Alpha for a little bit
and I really like it, (except the endings suck). But when you go to
mode there is four characters that are blocked out, how do you unlock



> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Karstensen [SMTP:skarstensen@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 8:34 AM
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
> I guess this means EX Plus Alpha 2 is out? When will it be available
> for the Playstation? Personally, I felt the original was one of the
> best SF games out there. That and Alpha 3 (Ga, did I actually say
> "Go for it man!")
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Chris Krug-Iron [mailto:inrifrost@...]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 10, 1999 3:17 AM
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
> Gah. Nothing at all, really. The only thing I knew was Kairi's
> and
> that was related to his appearance (you know, looking like "Sheng
> and
> all). Honestly enough, I didn't become interested at all in the EX
> series
> until after I saw Kairi in the arcade. I used to own the first one on
> the
> Playstation. Mastered it, then became quite bored with it. Oh, well.

> After that, I just didn't want to play it anymore. I would, however
> like to
> find out more information, in hindsight.
> >From: JSorochins@...
> >Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Challange to all at SF egroups
> >Date: Wed, 10 Nov 1999 02:22:04 EST
> >
> >In a message dated 11/9/99 10:14:28 PM Pacific Standard Time,
> >inrifrost@... writes:
> >
> ><< I don't know if it has anything to do with Akuma...as far as I
> he
> >was
> > an amnesiatic. So, where would Akuma come in? If Kairi defeated
> Akuma
> >and
> > took his powers, sure enough, but that still doesn't explain his
> >appearance.
> > The other thing is that, he's an amnesiatic...how would he
> the
> > fight? >>
> >
> >While we are on the subject, does anybody know the stories behind the
> SFex
> >series. I can find all sorts of intro stuff, but nothing at all
> the
> >endings
> >
> -
> >-- 20 megs of disk space in your eGroup's Document Vault
> >-- http://www.egroups.com/docvault/streetfighter/?m=1
> >
> >
> ______________________________________________________
> eGroup Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/
> http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
> -- Check out your eGroup's private Chat room
> -- http://www.egroups.com/ChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1

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