Okay well before i post these just rember you asked to
see them. I'm only gonnna bother to post the main stat
putting every background and skill on here would take
to long. The complete charcter will be on my website
A few notes before you read it 1. He paid for
everything he has with ep's nothing was given to him
for free. 2. He a Physical Specialist the Highest any
Physical stat can go is 7, 1 for physical specialist,
1 for being a world warrior, 5 being max human. 3. He
can go to 6 in every other stat 5 base 1 for being a
world warrior. 4. Yes he is dam ugly looks like
somebody ran him over a few dozen times with a mack
truck, a bulldozed, and a lawnmower. 5. Yes he high
mentals but no one ever said just because you are
smart you have to act smart. 6. He can go to 7 in
Punch, Kick, Block, and Gun, he can go to 6 in Grab,
Athletics, and Focus. 7. His glory and or go to 21
because after are third gaming sesson he hit max, and
actually it has a base 21 before whats listed because
when he became a world warrior he started over total =
42. 8. One draw was to terry bogard who he later beat
and was one to ryu who he hopefully will never beat
both shock and his opponent in this case fell
unconcious simeltanously after three rounds of combat.
9. Last note yes he has a super bar this is thanks
wholely to chirs's hoffmans alpha conversion page
thank you very much chris.
Charcter: Grand Master Shock
Style: Westren Kickboxing
Team: Incinerators
Player: Chad Phillips
School: Zaire School
Concept: Soldier
Chronicle: N/A
Stable: N/A
Signature: Shouts "Fists of Death" and procceds to
turn his opponent into a little pile of goo.
Strength: OOOOOO
Dexterity: OOOOOO
Stamina: OOOOOO
Charisma: OOO
Manipulation: OO
Apperance: OO
Perception: OO
Intelligence: OOOOO
Wits: OOOO
Athletics: OOOOO
Wins: 110
Loss: 1
Draw: 2
KO: 112
Super Bar: 3
I am not going to list every frigging manuver here but
I think he knows about 250.
Tell is anyone in the corner yet screaming MOMMY!!!!
If you're still reading this at this point you enjoy
pain. Now for a little of Description of shock. He is
a 6'2" Black Man from Zaire not americe if you call
him american he will look at you and say "What?!!",
"Who are you?", "Did you want something?", "Are you
still here?!!". He rules Zaire with an Iron Fist and
no coneption of it or relaity. He sometimes achieves
surreality if were lucky. He leads an orinization of
super heros called Orision with people such as Guy,
Stryder, Chun Li, Vincet(from Final Fantasy VII) as
part of the group. He works for Learson
Investigation(sorry he just liked candice morgan way
to much not love just psychopathic respect). He owns a
plasma based weapon called the Life Penalty a smaller
version of Vincet's Death Penalty. He run's a matrial
are school(still under construction). He is grand
master of fighting i.e. he is finished all the
manuvers on the storyteller screen except psycho
crusher because he dosen't know ler drit and my
storyteller didn't want him to learn it so we just
said forget and went on. He has mastered yes mastered
30 Martial arts and is still learning. He has never
fought Dee Jay out of sheer respect for him being the
Grand Master of Westren Kickboxing or Guile Shock just
can't find him.
Anyway if anybody has any further questions, comments,
fears about shock just reply. Try not to curse to much
in the reply please.
-- Steve Karstensen <skarsten@...> wrote:
> Good Lord. I have *got* to see this guy's stats.
> My only guess is that whoever was playing the
> opponents was playing them badly. Chun Li alone
> should have shredded him.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
> <clk_whrr_chad@...>
> To: streetfighter@...
> <streetfighter@...>
> Date: Wednesday, October 13, 1999 1:26 AM
> Subject: [streetfighter] You don't want to know
> Ok well first of all could the person who runs the
> dogs of war website please post his web site adress
> thanks.
> Second of all and most disturbing is the charcter
> that
> i Play he is a to be nice psychopath, moron, that
> somehow manages to actually accomplish a whole hell
> of
> alot. His name is shock if you bothered to at the
> look
> at the link I put up in the links room at all he is
> the one being refered to. Anyway basically he has
> beaten with ease and these are not rigged fights
> he's
> not a cyborg or a vampire or a werewolf he's regular
> human streetfighter and he does not have a seven in
> anything. He has beaten:
> Terry Bogard, Chun Li, Killed Bison Twice(long
> story),
> Killed apoclaypse(long story too although i'm sure
> many a person's done that he's too damn easy), had a
> hand in killing akuma, beat Ken Masters, E. Honda,
> Dhalism, Blanka, Sagat, Adon, Dan,
> Sakura(unfortunatley), had a hand in whacking shadow
> charlie and shadow lady, almost realase raging demon
> ryu(tied in world warrior tournament, Zangief, a
> whole
> den of black spiral dancers, other werewolves, a
> vampire, a moron teamate of his that thinks he's a
> pirate, his other temate that is a focus specialist
> with nearly identical stats as mine, Gen, Vega(that
> was a bloody fight), balroc(that fight sucked), beat
> and sent back to hell with the help of 4 other
> friends
> a one (i.e. an old one from d+d still lost worse
> than
> kuthlu, comparison bison was 10 power increase
> exponentialy from there down the numbers to a one),
> beat a elf similar in power to oberon, beat
> repeatedly
> the living shit out of the damn salior scouts and
> tuxedo mask, Fei Long, Cammy, T. Hawk, the sum of it
> all is that shock has died propably a conservative
> estimate of 50 times and he just keeps getting back
> up. This man is stupid when he first met the one
> which
> is supposed to be ultimate evil he looked at him
> made
> fun of him and then procedded to ask if he had any
> buffalo or chicken wings he is obssesed with eating
> them. He is stupid to say the least but the horrible
> thing is he's neutral about all of it. He has
> tendincies toward chaos, good, lawful and evil. For
> Example one time he burned millions of dollars in
> evil
> artifacts good act, another time his best friend and
> teemate decided to go kill the person that had been
> sleeping with the friends sister shock procedded to
> kill him and send to the demon world evil act.
> Anyway i digress my question is does anyone aside
> from
> me and my gamemaster find shock mind bogling and
> annoying/fireghtning/insanse/just down right
> destuctive?
> Thanks, Chad Phillips
> =====
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