Hey Andy
Well if your players complain tell then that that that is what the increase
in difficulty represents. If he is partially blind he can still try to
figure out where his opponents are.
I dont suggest you do the random roll. A person who is fighting blind should
be able to fight like normal if they have some blind fighting.
But they fight with the Higher difficulty.
Another alternative is that the person rolls a Blind Fighting + wits roll at
the begining of each round. If unusuccesful he attacks in a random
direction. but still at a higher difficulty(He still might hit something.)
A person who blind fights is a person with very good sense of perception and
sensitivity. Even if he jumps to your blinded NPC the NPC might know that
his opponent is doing a jump kick.
People who have blind fighting dont randomly throw uppercuts. They
anticipate it.
but dont over play this. Most people blinded will either Run or panic
and minor Npc's I wouldnt worry about to much...They are cannon Fodder after
Another thing I would do is go easy on the experiance for the blinding
character. They arnt learning anything Why should they gain experiance?
It confuses me how a move like head bite gets no Honour penalty.
As for head bite reduction in Damage...Its your choice...
I would keep it simply to find a way around it.
Imagine how your characters feel when one of there favorite moves is over
Hiding information from characters is usefull at times. I once had a boxer
who had Ice blast but only did it from point blank..making people think he
could only do it by touching them. They were extremlly surprised when they
found out it could be donefrom a distance.
>Ooops! I forgot to comment on blind. As far as what you're saying, Steve,
>about only finding blind at the monks. It does say that Kabaddi is alowed
>get it, however you still have to find this vrey obscure art. My PC,
>Sudinanie, started out with Blind and Extened limbs, with a great story and
>background to boot. He gave himself a 5 in Sensie, so i had to alow him the
>Blind. I cannont find hoever, Robert, where in the Perfect warrior does it
>talk about using Blindfighting in combat.
> I do like your guys idea's about making a blindF roll to lower the
>difficulty of successes. but then my PC will argue that if a guy is
>blind (i.e. with a blind fighting of 1, or 2, <maybe 3>) then they will not
>know in which direction to launch the attack.
>They have allowed me to roll a D6, and take a random pot shot into one of
>the adjacent hexes, as arienie attackes the blind guy with kicks from 4
>hexes away. howeve he's gotten around this slim chance of damadge by
>executing JUMPING kicks. Needless to say, it woudl not be possible for a
>blind opponent to randomly launch power uppercuts trying to hit someone's
>the last time ANYONE get's bind.....GRRR!!!
>These are powere gamers to an extent though....I had to change head Bite's
>stat's to +1 +2 one, just so they don't buy it EVERY TIME!!!!!
>Stupid PC's... 8)
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