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Group: streetfighter Message: 1755 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/14/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
Group: streetfighter Message: 1756 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/14/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
Group: streetfighter Message: 1757 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/14/1999
Subject: Re: Characters
Group: streetfighter Message: 1758 From: J.J. Date: 8/14/1999
Subject: Re: Languages
Group: streetfighter Message: 1759 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 8/14/1999
Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1760 From: Mike Morgado Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
Group: streetfighter Message: 1761 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Crazy Knuckle NPCs
Group: streetfighter Message: 1762 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Seein' as how there aren't any more SF books...
Group: streetfighter Message: 1763 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
Group: streetfighter Message: 1764 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Languages
Group: streetfighter Message: 1765 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
Group: streetfighter Message: 1766 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Languages (was: German styles and maneuvers)
Group: streetfighter Message: 1767 From: Kristofer Lundstr�m Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
Group: streetfighter Message: 1768 From: Eric Thayer Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Paradox in SF
Group: streetfighter Message: 1769 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
Group: streetfighter Message: 1770 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1771 From: Eric Thayer Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 1772 From: Eric Thayer Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1773 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
Group: streetfighter Message: 1774 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1775 From: SlpStck@aol.com Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
Group: streetfighter Message: 1776 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
Group: streetfighter Message: 1777 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Paradox in SF
Group: streetfighter Message: 1778 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1779 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 1780 From: Garth Wright Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Paradox in SF
Group: streetfighter Message: 1781 From: SlpStck@aol.com Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Paradox in SF
Group: streetfighter Message: 1782 From: Eric Thayer Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Paradox in SF
Group: streetfighter Message: 1783 From: Dark Light Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 1784 From: Dark Light Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1785 From: Dark Light Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1786 From: Christian Conkle Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 1787 From: Christian Conkle Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
Group: streetfighter Message: 1788 From: J.J. Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 1789 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
Group: streetfighter Message: 1790 From: Christian Conkle Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 1791 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1792 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 1793 From: Dustin Wolfe Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
Group: streetfighter Message: 1794 From: Don Corcoran Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Mage, Aberrant, and Focusing... [long organized into parts]
Group: streetfighter Message: 1795 From: Don Corcoran Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 1796 From: Christian Conkle Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
Group: streetfighter Message: 1797 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
Group: streetfighter Message: 1798 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
Group: streetfighter Message: 1799 From: Eric Thayer Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Euro-Focus
Group: streetfighter Message: 1800 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Euro-Focus
Group: streetfighter Message: 1801 From: Kristofer Lundstr�m Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Mage, Aberrant, and Focusing...
Group: streetfighter Message: 1802 From: Kristofer Lundstr�m Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1803 From: Kristofer Lundstr�m Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 1804 From: Kristofer Lundstr�m Date: 8/16/1999
Subject: Re: Euro-Focus (fer crying out loud...)

Group: streetfighter Message: 1755 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/14/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
As per my last letter I agree that mages are more powerful but I do not beleive
they will always come on top.
The best example I can state is a quote from risen.
"If you see a mage..stay out of his way. But if he doesntsee you comin..It's
mage brains all over the place."

Dark Light wrote:

> >I see that somebody has believed the hype! <g> Though it is true >that
> >mages are _supposed_ to be able to do anything, try any of the >stuff in
> >aberrant in practice, and well you'll blow your head up, or >get taken to
> >some nether realm by a paradox spirit. And that's just >in story terms. In
> >game terms, mages >are_not_really_all_that_powerful_. They fit in just
> >well with all >other WOD creatures, so that by default makes them less
> >powerful in the games system.
> >
> >Thoughts?
> The Key to Mages power is thinking & being Subtle, not nuking cities.
> scene 1: An Aberant is flying over head, suddenly, he realises he can't fly,
> & falls to the ground & dies(coincidental life effect, no paradox)
> Scene 2:An Aberant opens up with a huge plasma blast, which misses the
> mage(coincedental entrophy effect, no paradox), the mage picks up a piece of
> concrete from the debris caused by the explosion, & throughs it at the
> Aberant, who is so shocked at someone throwing things at him that he dosn't
> do anything(coincidental Time, Mind effect, no paradox). The debris hits
> him in the head & Kills him(coincedental life entrophy effect, no paradox)
> Scene 3: A 747 falls on the abberant & Kils him(matter, prime, Life effect,
> rolls succesfully, 1 Paradox).
> Scene 4: the mage & abberant are the only one in the room, The abberant goes
> to threaten the mage, but finds he is unable to, due to the fact he is now a
> deck chair(Life, Matter effect, succesful, 1 Paradox).
> Scene 5:The abberants power Kills him(coincedental Life effect, no paradox)
> Shall I go on? With thinking, a mage can do anything.
> I challange you to come up with any situation where a mage couldn't come out
> on top.
> DarkLight.
> ______________________________________________________
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1756 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/14/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
Thats great but Im pretty sure mage sphere's dont qualify in any sort of category.

and the only limit a mage has is the number of dots in a sphere.

Charles Little wrote:

> On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Dark Light wrote:
> > >I see that somebody has believed the hype! <g> Though it is true >that
> > >mages are _supposed_ to be able to do anything, try any of the >stuff in
> > >aberrant in practice, and well you'll blow your head up, or >get taken to
> > >some nether realm by a paradox spirit. And that's just >in story terms. In
> > >game terms, mages >are_not_really_all_that_powerful_. They fit in just
> > >well with all >other WOD creatures, so that by default makes them less
> > >powerful in the games system.
> > >
> > >Thoughts?
> >
> > The Key to Mages power is thinking & being Subtle, not nuking cities.
> >
> > scene 1: An Aberant is flying over head, suddenly, he realises he can't fly,
> > & falls to the ground & dies(coincidental life effect, no paradox)
> > Scene 2:An Aberant opens up with a huge plasma blast, which misses the
> > mage(coincedental entrophy effect, no paradox), the mage picks up a piece of
> > concrete from the debris caused by the explosion, & throughs it at the
> > Aberant, who is so shocked at someone throwing things at him that he dosn't
> > do anything(coincidental Time, Mind effect, no paradox). The debris hits
> > him in the head & Kills him(coincedental life entrophy effect, no paradox)
> > Scene 3: A 747 falls on the abberant & Kils him(matter, prime, Life effect,
> > rolls succesfully, 1 Paradox).
> > Scene 4: the mage & abberant are the only one in the room, The abberant goes
> > to threaten the mage, but finds he is unable to, due to the fact he is now a
> > deck chair(Life, Matter effect, succesful, 1 Paradox).
> > Scene 5:The abberants power Kills him(coincedental Life effect, no paradox)
> >
> > Shall I go on? With thinking, a mage can do anything.
> >
> > I challange you to come up with any situation where a mage couldn't come out
> > on top.
> >
> > DarkLight.
> All well and good, except for the face that all of the effects are
> opposed, and it is well stated in aberrant that mega-attributes
> automatically beat non-mega attributes... Mage loses every time....
> But, good try theoretically, the system just does not support what you are
> trying to do...
> Study the target, and you may be able to attack him where he's weak, but
> it is not always obvious...and even without mega-atributes, most aberrants
> have much higher baseline stats than anyone in the WOD...even a weak
> aberrant is hard to defeat...
> Thoughts?
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1757 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/14/1999
Subject: Re: Characters
Damn .. you have that episode.!!
Ive been looking for that magazine.!
Is that the one where it says Shadoloo's gonna kick your ass on the cover?

"Morgado, Mike" wrote:

> Thats a good idea...only problem is my mom threw out my binder of
> characters. Now I have no one for the PCs to fight. :(
> I was going through all my SF stuff and found Issue 50 of White Wolf
> Inphobia. Its got a Shadowloo team in it. Anyone else have that issue?
> Mike Morgado
> mmorgado@...
> ext. 642
> (519) 383-3642
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Will Dixon [SMTP:ryu_sui_sen@...]
> > Sent: Wednesday, August 11, 1999 10:08 AM
> > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> > Subject: [streetfighter] Characters
> >
> > I have been playing this damn game for 3 and a half years. I was just
> > curious if anybody wanted to share their personal characters so we can
> > see where everybody is. -Will
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> >
> >
> > eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
> > http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
> >
> >
> >
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1758 From: J.J. Date: 8/14/1999
Subject: Re: Languages
First: I appologize for the spelling, I just woke up.

Most American's are monolingual. Which means they speak American. I'd say
English, but some find it difficult to understand anyone from England. (You
think I'm joking? That Seinfeld commercial for a credit card was right on
the money if you ever saw it.)

Now there are exceptions. I'f you're in Florida (Miami, Tampa Bay, etc.)
your likely to run into a lot of Spanish (however, again, don't confuse it
with the European version. In fact, some polite words translate as insults
when you cross the ocean). The same is also true of many areas of the
extreme southern states. (Texas and California, a bit of Loiusiana, although
you'll also run into some French there.)

In Wisconsin (my old home), you'll occasionally run into some that
understand German, although WWII put a big damper on parents teaching their
kids German around there. You'll also find a fair population of Hmong, which
IIRC hail from Thailand and are just 'off the boat', ie, first generation
immagrants, who know little or no English.

Of course, there's the High School edition Spanish, German, and French with
a bit of Latin tossed in, but without regular use, it tends to stale by the
time we're 20.

-----Original Message-----
From: Kristofer Lundström <kri5tofer@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 3:18 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Languages (was: German styles and maneuvers)

>A question arose. What languages do Americans usually know, apart from
>English? I mean, the average European speaks his native language and
>one, usually English. In Sweden kids learn English from 4th grade (~10
>old) for crying out loud (not to mention how much English there is on TV
>here; Sweden does not dub, we use subtitles). But what do you Americans
>The main reason I'm asking is that I find it convinient to play "over
>instead of somewhere close. Basically I can invent pretty much anything
>which is plausible. And yes, Hollywood is a good source of inspiration too
> Kristofer
Group: streetfighter Message: 1759 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 8/14/1999
Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
I was research some stuff in the net when I discover a thing, the major part
of Europe styles are Wrestinling ( Exceptions: Savate, Spanish Ninjutsu), why

All right the Orient thing Discipline! Hey I don´t need be a japanese or
chinese guy to have a few kicks or focus manuvers, What the hell is that?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1760 From: Mike Morgado Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
Oh not this again.

If you guys want to argue about SF vs Mage or aberrant, then thats cool, but
if you want to argue about mages vs aberrants please take it off the list.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Pascuttini <Galactus@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 6:24 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Mage Vs. Aberant

>Thats great but Im pretty sure mage sphere's dont qualify in any sort of
>and the only limit a mage has is the number of dots in a sphere.
>Charles Little wrote:
>> On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Dark Light wrote:
>> > >I see that somebody has believed the hype! <g> Though it is true
>> > >mages are _supposed_ to be able to do anything, try any of the >stuff
>> > >aberrant in practice, and well you'll blow your head up, or >get taken
>> > >some nether realm by a paradox spirit. And that's just >in story
terms. In
>> > >game terms, mages >are_not_really_all_that_powerful_. They fit in
>> > >well with all >other WOD creatures, so that by default makes them less
>> > >powerful in the games system.
>> > >
>> > >Thoughts?
>> >
>> > The Key to Mages power is thinking & being Subtle, not nuking cities.
>> >
>> > scene 1: An Aberant is flying over head, suddenly, he realises he can't
>> > & falls to the ground & dies(coincidental life effect, no paradox)
>> > Scene 2:An Aberant opens up with a huge plasma blast, which misses the
>> > mage(coincedental entrophy effect, no paradox), the mage picks up a
piece of
>> > concrete from the debris caused by the explosion, & throughs it at the
>> > Aberant, who is so shocked at someone throwing things at him that he
>> > do anything(coincidental Time, Mind effect, no paradox). The debris
>> > him in the head & Kills him(coincedental life entrophy effect, no
>> > Scene 3: A 747 falls on the abberant & Kils him(matter, prime, Life
>> > rolls succesfully, 1 Paradox).
>> > Scene 4: the mage & abberant are the only one in the room, The abberant
>> > to threaten the mage, but finds he is unable to, due to the fact he is
now a
>> > deck chair(Life, Matter effect, succesful, 1 Paradox).
>> > Scene 5:The abberants power Kills him(coincedental Life effect, no
>> >
>> > Shall I go on? With thinking, a mage can do anything.
>> >
>> > I challange you to come up with any situation where a mage couldn't
come out
>> > on top.
>> >
>> > DarkLight.
>> All well and good, except for the face that all of the effects are
>> opposed, and it is well stated in aberrant that mega-attributes
>> automatically beat non-mega attributes... Mage loses every time....
>> But, good try theoretically, the system just does not support what you
>> trying to do...
>> Study the target, and you may be able to attack him where he's weak, but
>> it is not always obvious...and even without mega-atributes, most
>> have much higher baseline stats than anyone in the WOD...even a weak
>> aberrant is hard to defeat...
>> Thoughts?
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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>Click Here!
>eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1761 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 8/15/1999
Subject: Crazy Knuckle NPCs
Attachments :
    I downloaded a whole bunch of pics that derive from a game called Crazy Knuckle 2.
    Does anyone know of this game??
    The pictures are pretty neat, and would make great NPCs. I've attached an example. If anyone wants me to send them more, let me know.
    What I'm wondering is if anyone has ever heard/played Crazy Knuckle 2. I'd love to know what these characters' names really are, and what fighting styles they would fall under....although from the pics it's easy guess in most cases.
    Fred Chagnon
    "Only in RPGs does fighting
    make you a better person"
    - Peter Olafson
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1762 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Seein' as how there aren't any more SF books...
    A mage can only do a fireball if it A) fits his paradigm and B) wants to risk paradox.  Fireballs are vulgar with or without witnesses, although the fabric of reality is less strained with Street Fighters around (they make the vulgar effect coincidental through nature of their paradigm).
    The final word (well, mine, anyway) is that mages in the WoD are like they are in any other RPG; give them time to plan, and you'll never see what hit you.  Jump them before they can get their defenses in place, and you'll be using their guts for a jumprope.
    A mage fighting an aberrant had better be A) good B) hit from a distance and C) be careful with his effects.  One bad roll can rip a mage apart with Paradox backlash.  It's usually only worth the risk in a life-or-death situation where you can't find a better way.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Tom Pascuttini <Galactus@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 6:15 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Seein' as how there aren't any more SF books...

    Uhhh no, sorry... They are as powerful as they seem.
    The big thing about WoD Mage is that mages can do anything based upon what people
    believe is possible. And if they go up against an abberant who has super
    powers... then so does the mage. Its the same reason they would destroy street
    Mages find no excuse in doing fireballs when they see someone like ryu pulling
    them off.
    Mages are the most powerful beings in WoD. And If put against Abberants
    Mages would take them apart.
    As I stated before the great thing about Abberant is that you can now have Street
    Fighter Vs X-men and such. but you have to increase the power of the SF'ers
    or lower the power of the Heroes.
    Charles Little wrote:
    > On Tue, 10 Aug 1999, Dark Light wrote: > > > > > >I just finished reading the book cover to cover and Aberrants are >more > > >powerful than anything in both SF and World of Darkness. > > > > Yes, they are tough. But they are insignificant weaklings when compared to > > a mage, mages can do anything, literally. > > > > DarkLight > > > I see that somebody has believed the hype! <g> Though it is true that > mages are _supposed_ to be able to do anything, try any of the stuff in > aberrant in practice, and well you'll blow your head up, or get taken to > some nether realm by a paradox spirit. And that's just in story terms. > In game terms, mages are _not_really_all_that_powerful_. They fit in just > well with all other WOD creatures, so that by default makes them less > powerful in the games system. > > Thoughts? > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > ebates.com. Earn up to 25% cash back for shopping online at 75 stores > like Borders, CDNow and Beyond.com. Refer a friend and earn even more! > http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/690 > > eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter > http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications

    click here
    Click Here!
    eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
    www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1763 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
    yah.  okay, here's one;  how does the existence of a Street Fighter change the possible paradox problems with Mages' paradigms?  Fireballs are usually vulgar because no one would 'believe' they could be done... but add Ryu to your game world and that changes things a bit, don't it?
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Mike Morgado <morg@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 12:58 AM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Mage Vs. Aberant

    Oh not this again.
    If you guys want to argue about SF vs Mage or aberrant, then thats cool, but
    if you want to argue about mages vs aberrants please take it off the list.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Tom Pascuttini <Galactus@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 6:24 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
    >Thats great but Im pretty sure mage sphere's dont qualify in any sort of
    > >and the only limit a mage has is the number of dots in a sphere. > >Charles Little wrote: > >> On Wed, 11 Aug 1999, Dark Light wrote: >> >> > >I see that somebody has believed the hype! <g> Though it is true >that >> > >mages are _supposed_ to be able to do anything, try any of the >stuff
    >> > >aberrant in practice, and well you'll blow your head up, or >get taken
    >> > >some nether realm by a paradox spirit. And that's just >in story
    terms. In
    >> > >game terms, mages >are_not_really_all_that_powerful_. They fit in
    >> > >well with all >other WOD creatures, so that by default makes them less >> > >powerful in the games system. >> > > >> > >Thoughts? >> > >> > The Key to Mages power is thinking & being Subtle, not nuking cities. >> > >> > scene 1: An Aberant is flying over head, suddenly, he realises he can't
    >> > & falls to the ground & dies(coincidental life effect, no paradox) >> > Scene 2:An Aberant opens up with a huge plasma blast, which misses the >> > mage(coincedental entrophy effect, no paradox), the mage picks up a
    piece of
    >> > concrete from the debris caused by the explosion, & throughs it at the >> > Aberant, who is so shocked at someone throwing things at him that he
    >> > do anything(coincidental Time, Mind effect, no paradox). The debris
    >> > him in the head & Kills him(coincedental life entrophy effect, no
    >> > Scene 3: A 747 falls on the abberant & Kils him(matter, prime, Life
    >> > rolls succesfully, 1 Paradox). >> > Scene 4: the mage & abberant are the only one in the room, The abberant
    >> > to threaten the mage, but finds he is unable to, due to the fact he is
    now a
    >> > deck chair(Life, Matter effect, succesful, 1 Paradox). >> > Scene 5:The abberants power Kills him(coincedental Life effect, no
    >> > >> > Shall I go on? With thinking, a mage can do anything. >> > >> > I challange you to come up with any situation where a mage couldn't
    come out
    >> > on top. >> > >> > DarkLight. >> All well and good, except for the face that all of the effects are >> opposed, and it is well stated in aberrant that mega-attributes >> automatically beat non-mega attributes... Mage loses every time.... >> >> But, good try theoretically, the system just does not support what you
    >> trying to do... >> >> Study the target, and you may be able to attack him where he's weak, but >> it is not always obvious...and even without mega-atributes, most
    >> have much higher baseline stats than anyone in the WOD...even a weak >> aberrant is hard to defeat... >> >> Thoughts? >> >> ------------------------------------------------------------------------ >> ebates.com. Earn up to 25% cash back for shopping online at 75 stores >> like Borders, CDNow and Beyond.com. Refer a friend and earn even more! >> http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/690 >> >> eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter >> http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications > > > >---------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1764 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Languages
    ...if you believe what you read on the net, most Americans can't even speak American.
    Spanish and (possibly) Cantonese/Mandarin are very popular in the States; there's large pockets of Asian areas on the east coast (especially south near Fort Lee, NJ; it's all Korean down there).  Go to the west coast, like California, especially near the Mexico border, and it's all Spanish down there.  however, Eb0niX has left its mark, so most of the languages will be mutilated beyond recognition.  Heavy on the slang, yo.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: J.J. <tyger1@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 8:04 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Languages

    First: I appologize for the spelling, I just woke up.
    Most American's are monolingual. Which means they speak American. I'd say
    English, but some find it difficult to understand anyone from England. (You
    think I'm joking? That Seinfeld commercial for a credit card was right on
    the money if you ever saw it.)
    Now there are exceptions. I'f you're in Florida (Miami, Tampa Bay, etc.)
    your likely to run into a lot of Spanish (however, again, don't confuse it
    with the European version. In fact, some polite words translate as insults
    when you cross the ocean). The same is also true of many areas of the
    extreme southern states. (Texas and California, a bit of Loiusiana, although
    you'll also run into some French there.)
    In Wisconsin (my old home), you'll occasionally run into some that
    understand German, although WWII put a  big damper on parents teaching their
    kids German around there. You'll also find a fair population of Hmong, which
    IIRC hail from Thailand and are just 'off the boat', ie, first generation
    immagrants, who know little or no English.
    Of course, there's the High School edition Spanish, German, and French with
    a bit of Latin tossed in, but without regular use, it tends to stale by the
    time we're 20.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Kristofer Lundström <kri5tofer@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Saturday, August 14, 1999 3:18 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Languages (was: German styles and maneuvers)
    > >A question arose. What languages do Americans usually know, apart from >English? I mean, the average European speaks his native language and
    >one, usually English. In Sweden kids learn English from 4th grade (~10
    >old) for crying out loud (not to mention how much English there is on TV >here; Sweden does not dub, we use subtitles). But what do you Americans >speak? > >The main reason I'm asking is that I find it convinient to play "over
    >instead of somewhere close. Basically I can invent pretty much anything >which is plausible. And yes, Hollywood is a good source of inspiration too >:) > > Kristofer >

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1765 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
    ??? That message doesnt make sense..
    Can you repeat that message.

    Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:

    > Isn´t German styles after all, just a title is a german. And why anyone
    > trying make the Stf 1 Characthers.
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1766 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Languages (was: German styles and maneuvers)
    Heh wow. That really is an interesting question.
    Ok I cant fully answer that question cause Im Canadian.
    but generally America(U.S) is considered a "melting pot".
    Various cultures all blending into one.
    Does that help?

    Kristofer =?UNKNOWN?Q?Lundstr=F6m?= wrote:

    > >well that sucks
    > >
    > Yeah, whadever-
    > A question arose. What languages do Americans usually know, apart from
    > English? I mean, the average European speaks his native language and another
    > one, usually English. In Sweden kids learn English from 4th grade (~10 years
    > old) for crying out loud (not to mention how much English there is on TV
    > here; Sweden does not dub, we use subtitles). But what do you Americans
    > speak?
    > The main reason I'm asking is that I find it convinient to play "over there"
    > instead of somewhere close. Basically I can invent pretty much anything
    > which is plausible. And yes, Hollywood is a good source of inspiration too
    > :)
    > Kristofer
    > ______________________________________________________
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1767 From: Kristofer Lundstr�m Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
    >yah. okay, here's one; how does the existence of a Street Fighter change
    >the possible paradox problems with Mages' paradigms? Fireballs are usually
    >vulgar because no one would 'believe' they could be done... but add Ryu to
    >your game world and that changes things a bit, don't it?

    Ok... I've read complete nothing about Mage but this is my view. If we start
    by assuming that the presence of Street Fighters in the world make
    fireballs, flight etc slightly less rare. That would make the Mages more
    powerful yes? Being able to pull off more difficult Magick, yes?

    Frankly I don't give a damn about that but it does bring out a pure SF
    question. How widespread is the knowledge of Focus techniques in the world?


    When I think of it, I think I've subconsiously added a SF sort of
    Mist/Fog/Dilerium/Whossname in my game. The crowd sees a fireball being
    tossed. They awe. They cheer. They go home. They repeat to themselves they
    saw a man toss a fireball. They go to work the next day and tell one of
    their co-workers. He doesn't believe it. Suddenly the man from the crowd
    doubts. Then he simply puts it out of his mind. And this happens every
    single time he sees that damn fireball being tossed!

    How have you fellas done it?

    Back to Mage + SF. Just because some people who can hurl fireballs exist,
    fireballs aren't a more common occurance. I e Mages receive no benefit.

    I assume that in a real Mage game, if 20 Mages got together and tossed
    fireballs downtown 48 hours straight, it wouldn't turn fireballs more
    "common", or would it?


    Group: streetfighter Message: 1768 From: Eric Thayer Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Paradox in SF
    >From: "Kristofer Lundstr�m" <kri5tofer@...>
    >Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    >To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
    >Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 00:01:42 CEST
    >I assume that in a real Mage game, if 20 Mages got together and tossed
    >fireballs downtown 48 hours straight, it wouldn't turn fireballs more
    >"common", or would it?
    > Kristofer

    Actually after incurring massive Paradox eventually people would begin to
    accept it as reality so it would cause less and less Paradox until there
    wasn't any at all... at least not until tourists come to visit town but even
    then EVENTUALLY if the mages didn't die from Paradox backlashes the world
    would come to accept fireball town as reality. A friend of mine had a game
    where something similar happened. A mage flew around the city he lived in
    every day and eventually he was accepted as the town's superhero ala
    Superman... course I suppose in the end it's up to the ST.

    As for the frequency of focus powers I'd say they're pretty rare.
    Streetfighters are an elite group that don't exactly coexist with the rest
    of the world. Most of them study their given art for years before ever
    entering on a circuit. And even then intro level focus users tend to only
    have 1 or 2 powers (and tend to suck otherwise). World Warriors are viewed
    as Supermen and there are what 13 or so in the whole world? IF I were to
    ever do a SF/WoD crossover (which I won't) I would make focus users subject
    to Paradox, but I would decrease the Paradox for such maneuvers as they
    increase in glory and recognition.

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1769 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
    Thats very interesting.
    This can turn into quite an interesting philisophical question.

    Those are very good points and I'm impressed. but your right how well known is
    the fireball and other mystical techniques in the SF universe.

    Looking at street fighter it is quite possible they are very well known.
    Several aspects show this.

    Street Fighters do have fans or groupies. This Idea was originally presented in
    contenders(I was appalled by it) but later the first street fighting groupie
    Later in SFA3 Karin is privy to odd information aswell. such as knowledge of
    Guys ninja clan.

    This shows that there is some wide spread knowledge of street fighters to the
    general populance.
    But they are still surprised by strange things such as blanka.

    Well to cut it short people probably beleive in these "mystical" moves
    about as much as people beleive in chi. but to a lesser degree.
    These moves are after all special moves. usually reserved as final or
    desperation techniques. but the way its used in the game you would think

    I'd write more but I gotta go.

    Comments please.

    Kristofer =?UNKNOWN?Q?Lundstr=F6m?= wrote:

    > >yah. okay, here's one; how does the existence of a Street Fighter change
    > >the possible paradox problems with Mages' paradigms? Fireballs are usually
    > >vulgar because no one would 'believe' they could be done... but add Ryu to
    > >your game world and that changes things a bit, don't it?
    > Ok... I've read complete nothing about Mage but this is my view. If we start
    > by assuming that the presence of Street Fighters in the world make
    > fireballs, flight etc slightly less rare. That would make the Mages more
    > powerful yes? Being able to pull off more difficult Magick, yes?
    > Frankly I don't give a damn about that but it does bring out a pure SF
    > question. How widespread is the knowledge of Focus techniques in the world?
    > Hmmm.
    > When I think of it, I think I've subconsiously added a SF sort of
    > Mist/Fog/Dilerium/Whossname in my game. The crowd sees a fireball being
    > tossed. They awe. They cheer. They go home. They repeat to themselves they
    > saw a man toss a fireball. They go to work the next day and tell one of
    > their co-workers. He doesn't believe it. Suddenly the man from the crowd
    > doubts. Then he simply puts it out of his mind. And this happens every
    > single time he sees that damn fireball being tossed!
    > How have you fellas done it?
    > Back to Mage + SF. Just because some people who can hurl fireballs exist,
    > fireballs aren't a more common occurance. I e Mages receive no benefit.
    > I assume that in a real Mage game, if 20 Mages got together and tossed
    > fireballs downtown 48 hours straight, it wouldn't turn fireballs more
    > "common", or would it?
    > Kristofer
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1770 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
    The reason is probably because europe history in fighting starts with
    pancration. Which is probably the oldest known fighting style.

    The orient has taken fighting arts to their hearts more. It is a part of
    culture and history. It was a way of life for many. An ideal. In
    countries we do not
    have something equivilent to a "Ken-sei" (Miyamoto Musashi is the
    Ken-sei of Japan)
    a patron spirit. Or even General Kwon of china who was revered to be a
    great martial
    artist and another patron spirit. His statue is often seen in
    and many stores, Holding a kwan-Do.

    You right you dont have to be a chinese guy. Pancration was known to
    have kicks in
    it. But the focus is based upon the idea of chi and meditation which is
    eastern idea.Western ideals never really had much on the idea of
    improving the self.
    The best character in sf to exemplify this is Ryu. Ryu is like a modern
    Mushashi. Wandering, not taking wife., challanging others to improve him
    self or his

    Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:

    > I was research some stuff in the net when I discover a thing, the major part
    > of Europe styles are Wrestinling ( Exceptions: Savate, Spanish Ninjutsu), why
    > this?
    > All right the Orient thing Discipline! Hey I don´t need be a japanese or
    > chinese guy to have a few kicks or focus manuvers, What the hell is that?
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1771 From: Eric Thayer Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Styles
    You know, something just struck me as being a colossal fault in the SF game
    system. The Styles... Every world class martial artist I've ever heard of is
    a master of SEVERAL styles of martial arts using all of it in a composite
    art that works best for him/her. In SF you know 1 style and that is what you
    primarily buy your maneuvers from. It just doesn't make much sense to me
    that even the World Warriors have limited themselves to a single style.
    Anyone else have any thoughts on this?


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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1772 From: Eric Thayer Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
    Well, there is the whole idea that there wasn't quite the limitation on
    weapons in Europe that there was in the Orient. Many Martial arts evolved
    when large empires took over areas and forbade the people to possess
    weapons. Karate in Okinawa, TKD in Korea.. etc. In Europe just about
    everyone who was ever involved in conflicts had access to weapons. Serfs and
    peasants were so indoctrinated into their lowness that they didn't have the
    care or education to develop martial arts. Innovative thinking was not
    encouraged... anyone who could fight well without weapons was probably a
    witch and should be immediately killed. There are of course exceptions but
    most unarmed combat was restricted to the simplicity of boxing and wrestling
    around on the ground.


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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1773 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
    It´s simple a Christian Conkle wrote about a page with German styles, and this
    page isn´t a page with German styles, just the title is german the text are
    english and the styles are japanese thing. And second nobody make a conversion of
    Street fighter one characthers. Well this all.
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1774 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
    This a good point but if the people developed savate or spanish ninjutusu(by Vega),
    well I belive in the imagination power, and create fictional style is fun (well for me
    The focus manuvers, I agreed for Ryu idea, but the superation factor is good point, in
    Anime Series Ryu discover the Chi ideas when he go to China and meet a old master of
    "Raduko"(the term is it?) but he can´t understand, he goes to Thailand meet´s Sagat he
    see a picture of Raduko and told a history, Ryu goes to India and learn the Raduko
    initial doctrine with Dhalsin, but the ofensive and definitive Fireball "Raduken"
    (Again the term is it?) he developed alone and for his determination and with his
    willpower. So the focus don´t be need a Oriental thing after all.

    Tom Pascuttini wrote:

    > The reason is probably because europe history in fighting starts with
    > pancration. Which is probably the oldest known fighting style.
    > The orient has taken fighting arts to their hearts more. It is a part of
    > their
    > culture and history. It was a way of life for many. An ideal. In
    > non-orient
    > countries we do not
    > have something equivilent to a "Ken-sei" (Miyamoto Musashi is the
    > Ken-sei of Japan)
    > a patron spirit. Or even General Kwon of china who was revered to be a
    > great martial
    > artist and another patron spirit. His statue is often seen in
    > restaurants
    > and many stores, Holding a kwan-Do.
    > You right you dont have to be a chinese guy. Pancration was known to
    > have kicks in
    > it. But the focus is based upon the idea of chi and meditation which is
    > another
    > eastern idea.Western ideals never really had much on the idea of
    > improving the self.
    > The best character in sf to exemplify this is Ryu. Ryu is like a modern
    > Miyamoto
    > Mushashi. Wandering, not taking wife., challanging others to improve him
    > self or his
    > art.
    > Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:
    > > I was research some stuff in the net when I discover a thing, the major part
    > > of Europe styles are Wrestinling ( Exceptions: Savate, Spanish Ninjutsu), why
    > > this?
    > >
    > > All right the Orient thing Discipline! Hey I don´t need be a japanese or
    > > chinese guy to have a few kicks or focus manuvers, What the hell is that?
    > >
    > >
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1775 From: SlpStck@aol.com Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
    In a message dated 08/15/1999 9:57:50 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
    kri5tofer@... writes:

    << Back to Mage + SF. Just because some people who can hurl fireballs exist,
    fireballs aren't a more common occurance. I e Mages receive no benefit. >>
    alright, hopefully, this will help end this debate! i play most of the WW
    games, including mage and SF. my opinion is this. first, to have a mage be
    able to cast a coincidental fireball. the SF in question would have to have a
    FAME of 5. second, of course, the SF has to be able to throw fireballs in the
    first place. third, the ST makes a roll to see if anyone recognizes the SF,
    and thus, know that he can throw fireballs! finally, the mage must have all
    spheres and whatnot to throw said fireball. and, if anyone wants to know,
    this is my reasoning.
    if the people in the immediate vacinity know that the SF can throw fireballs,
    the general public is stupid enought to think that the people he is with (or
    fighting against) can do the same thing. so, in that immediate area, someone
    throwing a fireball WOULD BE coincidental. thats it. easy, no?
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1776 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
    I've always made Focus powers hard to learn, hard to find someone to teach, and therefore, when someone uses one, they are worthy of much respect.  There's an aura of mystery about them... and stuff like Blanka.  A lot of people think he's only a legend and don't believe in hybrids or mutants unless they see one firsthand.  Makes it tough to hide once you annoy the wrong people. :)
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Kristofer Lundström <kri5tofer@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 9:15 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Mage Vs. Aberant

    >yah.  okay, here's one;  how does the existence of a Street Fighter change 
    >the possible paradox problems with Mages' paradigms? Fireballs are usually >vulgar because no one would 'believe' they could be done... but add Ryu to >your game world and that changes things a bit, don't it?
    Ok... I've read complete nothing about Mage but this is my view. If we start by assuming that the presence of Street Fighters in the world make fireballs, flight etc slightly less rare. That would make the Mages more powerful yes? Being able to pull off more difficult Magick, yes? Frankly I don't give a damn about that but it does bring out a pure SF question. How widespread is the knowledge of Focus techniques in the world? Hmmm. When I think of it, I think I've subconsiously added a SF sort of Mist/Fog/Dilerium/Whossname in my game. The crowd sees a fireball being tossed. They awe. They cheer. They go home. They repeat to themselves they saw a man toss a fireball. They go to work the next day and tell one of their co-workers. He doesn't believe it. Suddenly the man from the crowd doubts. Then he simply puts it out of his mind. And this happens every single time he sees that damn fireball being tossed! How have you fellas done it? Back to Mage + SF. Just because some people who can hurl fireballs exist, fireballs aren't a more common occurance. I e Mages receive no benefit. I assume that in a real Mage game, if 20 Mages got together and tossed fireballs downtown 48 hours straight, it wouldn't turn fireballs more "common", or would it? Kristofer ______________________________________________________

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1777 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Paradox in SF
    well, here we run into the local versus collective definition of disbelief, reality, and paradox.  While at the heart of the Ascension War, each faction seeks to re-shape reality in accordance to its own paradigm, it's not as simple as that.
    things are the way they are due to the collective belief of the Sleepers (IE, us).  Mages believe their own way of things so strongly that they can bring it into reality.  However, most believe that Paradox is a backlash resulting from a single Mage's reality clashing with the reality as everyone else believes it.  Strength in numbers, as it were.
    Still, reality is only what we make of it; a Dreamspeaker shaman wouldn't incur paradox summoning spirits on his reservation since that is the mainstream belief of the area.  However, in most places, those fireball mages would indeed have paradox problems until, as was said, they worked to change the local paradigm enough that it was acceptable.  Unfortunately, this is very difficult to do for such an outlandish effect.
    Street Fighters make that different, in a sense...
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Eric Thayer <lord_kirtan@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 10:16 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Paradox in SF

    >From: "Kristofer Lundström" <kri5tofer@...>
    >Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com >To: streetfighter@egroups.com >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Mage Vs. Aberant >Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 00:01:42 CEST >> >I assume that in a real Mage game, if 20 Mages got together and tossed >fireballs downtown 48 hours straight, it wouldn't turn fireballs more >"common", or would it? > > Kristofer
    Actually after incurring massive Paradox eventually people would begin to accept it as reality so it would cause less and less Paradox until there wasn't any at all... at least not until tourists come to visit town but even then EVENTUALLY if the mages didn't die from Paradox backlashes the world would come to accept fireball town as reality. A friend of mine had a game where something similar happened. A mage flew around the city he lived in every day and eventually he was accepted as the town's superhero ala Superman... course I suppose in the end it's up to the ST. As for the frequency of focus powers I'd say they're pretty rare. Streetfighters are an elite group that don't exactly coexist with the rest of the world. Most of them study their given art for years before ever entering on a circuit. And even then intro level focus users tend to only have 1 or 2 powers (and tend to suck otherwise). World Warriors are viewed as Supermen and there are what 13 or so in the whole world? IF I were to ever do a SF/WoD crossover (which I won't) I would make focus users subject to Paradox, but I would decrease the Paradox for such maneuvers as they increase in glory and recognition. _______________________________________________________________ Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1778 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
    Here's the way I see it;
    styles evolve from a philosophy, especially in the East.  After all, Kung Fu mimicks animal styles to a great degree... so how many grappling animals do you know in China?  I can think of (maybe) one, but Panda Kung Fu is relatively rare, to my knowledge. (hehe).
    In the West, nobody cared about philosophy with regard to war.  They, as mentioned, had weapons.  Plus, fighting was quite straightforward.  Grappling is *very* effective when done properly.  So, to cater to a stereotype, Eastern styles are for thinking men, Western styles are for barbarians.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Tom Pascuttini <Galactus@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 10:19 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?

    The reason is probably because europe history in fighting starts with
    pancration. Which is probably the oldest known fighting style.
    The orient has taken fighting arts to their hearts more. It is a part of
    culture and history. It was a way of life for many. An ideal. In
    countries we do not
    have something equivilent to a "Ken-sei" (Miyamoto Musashi is the
    Ken-sei of Japan)
    a patron spirit. Or even General Kwon of china who was revered to be a
    great martial
    artist and another patron spirit. His statue is often seen in
    and  many stores, Holding a kwan-Do.
    You right you dont have to be a chinese guy. Pancration was known to
    have kicks in
    it. But the focus is based upon the idea of chi and meditation which is
    eastern idea.Western ideals never really had much on the idea of
    improving the self.
    The best character in sf to exemplify this is Ryu. Ryu is like a modern
    Mushashi. Wandering, not taking wife., challanging others to improve him
    self or his
    Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:
    > I was research some stuff in the net when I discover a thing, the major part > of Europe styles are Wrestinling ( Exceptions: Savate, Spanish Ninjutsu), why > this? > > All right the Orient thing Discipline! Hey I don´t need be a japanese or > chinese guy to have a few kicks or focus manuvers, What the hell is that? > >

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1779 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/15/1999
    Subject: Re: Styles
    There are two ways to think of this;
    1) let your players learn multiple styles.  Unfortunately, it takes forever.  After all, in the real world you can study a style for years and not master it, so imagine spreading yourself really thin.  Then again, there were people like Bruce Lee, who did just that.
    2) These "moves from other styles" fall under the Common Maneuvers category; IE, the moves available at the "Any" cost.  Some of them are available to other styles at cheaper costs, so one can assume they are picked up that way.  For example, if I'm a Wu Shu fighter and I learn Back Breaker from a Sanbo guy, I just added a new move from a different style to my arsenal.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Eric Thayer <lord_kirtan@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 10:21 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Styles

    You know, something just struck me as being a colossal fault in the SF game 
    system. The Styles... Every world class martial artist I've ever heard of is 
    a master of SEVERAL styles of martial arts using all of it in a composite 
    art that works best for him/her. In SF you know 1 style and that is what you 
    primarily buy your maneuvers from. It just doesn't make much sense to me 
    that even the World Warriors have limited themselves to a single style. 
    Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1780 From: Garth Wright Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Paradox in SF
    The other denizens in the world of darkness don't get paradox because (quoting from The Book of Mirrors) "...what they do conforms to static boundaries. Their powers work the same way with the same limitations each time."
    That kind of sums up the Street Fighter fireball. What gets me are Iteration X cyborgs, which can generate paradox. Thus the cyborgs in SF Players Guide would need a different excuse. :)
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1781 From: SlpStck@aol.com Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Paradox in SF
    In a message dated 08/16/1999 1:44:59 AM Eastern Daylight Time,
    garthw@... writes:

    << The other denizens in the world of darkness don't get paradox because
    (quoting from The Book of Mirrors) "...what they do conforms to static
    boundaries. Their powers work the same way with the same limitations each

    That kind of sums up the Street Fighter fireball. What gets me are Iteration
    X cyborgs, which can generate paradox. Thus the cyborgs in SF Players Guide
    would need a different excuse. :)

    Garth >>
    yes, but don't forget the ever printed WWgolden rule. "if you don't like
    something in a game, change it" pretty much sums it up right there, don't it?
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1782 From: Eric Thayer Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Paradox in SF
    >From: "Garth Wright" <garthw@...>
    >Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    >To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Paradox in SF
    >Date: Sun, 15 Aug 1999 23:41:38 -0600
    >The other denizens in the world of darkness don't get paradox because
    >(quoting from The Book of Mirrors) "...what they do conforms to static
    >boundaries. Their powers work the same way with the same limitations each
    >That kind of sums up the Street Fighter fireball. What gets me are
    >Iteration X cyborgs, which can generate paradox. Thus the cyborgs in SF
    >Players Guide would need a different excuse. :)

    I disagree, the other denziens of the WoD don't get paradox because they
    exist outside of static reality... nobody believes that Werewolves or
    Vampires exist and that existence causes its own sort of Paradox which
    attempts to cover their presence. The Veil and Delirium for Garou and the
    Masquerade for Kindred. Like Marauders these beings conform to their own
    outside reality. Street Fighters are human(humanoid in the case of hybrids)
    Focus powers are Magickal effects... they may be hedge magic but they are
    still susceptible to the laws of reality and therefore Paradox.

    Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1783 From: Dark Light Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Styles
    Most Martial artists do actually do one style, once they have mastered that
    style, it just gives guidelines to how to fight. Once someone has mastered
    a style, they should be able to use any techniques in combat. for instance,
    I do Shotokan, but can easily learn moves from other styles & not effect how
    I fight. To show this in the game, maybe once a character has mastered a
    style, you could let them learn any manuvers. BTW, in the case of Bruce
    Lee, if you've seen him fight in tournements, you'll see that as soon as his
    opponent stars to put up a fight, he does nothing but Wing Chun.


    >You know, something just struck me as being a colossal fault in the SF game
    >system. The Styles... Every world class martial artist I've ever heard of
    >a master of SEVERAL styles of martial arts using all of it in a composite
    >art that works best for him/her. In SF you know 1 style and that is what
    >primarily buy your maneuvers from. It just doesn't make much sense to me
    >that even the World Warriors have limited themselves to a single style.
    >Anyone else have any thoughts on this?

    Group: streetfighter Message: 1784 From: Dark Light Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
    >"Raduko"(the term is it?)
    >"Raduken"(Again the term is it?)

    Hado(or Hadou)
    Hadoken(or Hadouken)
    it is also refered to as Kiko in SF2V (as in Chunli's Kikoken)

    Group: streetfighter Message: 1785 From: Dark Light Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
    Well, the main reason that there isn't many Martial art styles in europe
    is that every one there learned how to use a sword instead. Also, if your
    interested in focus manuvers from that area, how about Witch Craft?


    > I was research some stuff in the net when I discover a thing, the
    >major part
    >of Europe styles are Wrestinling ( Exceptions: Savate, Spanish Ninjutsu),
    All right the Orient thing Discipline! Hey I don�t need be a japanese
    >chinese guy to have a few kicks or focus manuvers, What the hell is that?

    Group: streetfighter Message: 1786 From: Christian Conkle Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Styles
    Well, One: The Street Fighter Video Games are all about different fighting
    styles fighting each other. Each character is more or less a representative
    of that style and the country or society the style hails from, with the odd
    exceptions of Blanka and Vega. This gets blurred in the later Alpha games as
    SF becomes more about odd and eccentric characters than their styles.

    Two: the SF RPG tried it's best to emulate the video games, which they did
    pretty well. I mean, really, Street Fighter isn't the most accurate in
    portraying realistic Martial Arts, but it does the best job in protraying
    Video Game martial arts.

    Three: You can adapt Street Fighter RPG to be more realistic, but you'd have
    to re-work a lot. You'd have to add DEX to the hit-roll equation (making it
    STR+DEX+Style+modifier vs. STA+DEX+Block/Dodge+modifier), or splitting the
    hit-roll into seperate hit and damage rolls (like WoD Combat), give all
    maneuvers a flat point cost (like WoD Combat), then just list what maneuvers
    what styles teach in the style section (like WoD combat), then provide a
    higher XP cost for learning out-of-style maneuvers, not to mention finding a
    new Sensei and possibly having to travel to remote lands to learn new
    out-of-style maneuvers from inaccessible masters.

    Christian Conkle
    Webmaster - National Committee for Quality Assurance
    conkle@... - conkle@... - conkle@...

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Eric Thayer [mailto:lord_kirtan@...]
    > Sent: Sunday, August 15, 1999 10:21 PM
    > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    > Subject: [streetfighter] Styles
    > You know, something just struck me as being a colossal fault
    > in the SF game
    > system. The Styles... Every world class martial artist I've
    > ever heard of is
    > a master of SEVERAL styles of martial arts using all of it in
    > a composite
    > art that works best for him/her. In SF you know 1 style and
    > that is what you
    > primarily buy your maneuvers from. It just doesn't make much
    > sense to me
    > that even the World Warriors have limited themselves to a
    > single style.
    > Anyone else have any thoughts on this?
    > -Kirtan
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1787 From: Christian Conkle Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
    *groan* the STYLES aren't German, the page that PRESENTS the styles is
    German. I apologize for the inaccuracy of English syntax, but if the styles
    came from a German author, are listed in German, and are on a German Web
    Server, and are, in fact, the only SF styles to come from the country of
    Germany that I've seen, so I referred to them as the German Styles. *rolls

    Christian Conkle
    Webmaster - National Committee for Quality Assurance
    conkle@... - conkle@... - conkle@...

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Rinaldo Gambetta [mailto:rinaldo@...]
    > Sent: Sunday, August 15, 1999 10:50 PM
    > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    > Subject: [streetfighter] Re: German styles and maneuvers
    > It´s simple a Christian Conkle wrote about a page with German
    > styles, and this
    > page isn´t a page with German styles, just the title is
    > german the text are
    > english and the styles are japanese thing. And second nobody
    > make a conversion of
    > Street fighter one characthers. Well this all.
    > --------------------------------------------------------------
    > ----------
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    > satisfied, your subscription will continue at the guaranteed
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1788 From: J.J. Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Styles
    Another option, allow characters to buy 'out of style' maneuvers at an
    increased cost. (power points x 6 or 7? Maybe 8 for Focus techniques or
    disallow them for focus completely?)

    As for Dex, rather than upping the damage, I tend to allow certain maneuvers
    to swap out Str and put Dex in. (IE, Dex for the Dim Mak, but a clothesline
    will always be STR)
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1789 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Mage Vs. Aberant
    ---Steve Karstensen <skarsten@...> wrote:
    > yah. okay, here's one; how does the existence of a Street Fighter
    change the possible paradox problems with Mages' paradigms? Fireballs
    are usually vulgar because no one would 'believe' they could be done...
    but add Ryu to your game world and that changes things a bit, don't it?

    [[[The way I do it is that the various fireball/chi blasts are invisible
    unless you have at least a focus of one (which most people don't have,
    hense they think it's impossibe). Mages can use either one life (chi is
    life energy) or 1 forces. Other supernaturals can subsitute four occult
    for the 1 focus and see them that way (although I'll make em' roll the
    first time they encounter them. Yes that is a direct steal from SFV.]]]

    staredown@... staredown@...

    "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win--we
    merely expect them to try."
    -- Robert Heinlein

    Grief can take care of itself, but to get the full value
    of a joy you must have somebody to divide it with.
    --Mark Twain
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1790 From: Christian Conkle Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Styles
    The only problem with upping the XP cost is what do you base the cost on? In
    the current incarnation of Street Fighter, there is no "base cost", and
    basing the cost on "the highest listed" comes into trouble when a new style
    comes out and gives a new highest cost for a maneuver. In a perfect world,
    all maneuvers would have a "base cost" and different styles will have to pay
    a varying amount more for that maneuver. Then "out-of-style" maneuvers could
    cost a set multiplier of the "base cost".

    Regarding the Dex, if you plan on using dex instead of Str for attacking,
    you should allow the use for dodging instead of blocking too. Then you have
    to go in and seperate Str-based attacks from Dex-based attacks for each
    attack. Instead, my formula (Str+Dex+Tech+Mod vs. Sta+Dex+Tech+Mod) just
    takes Dex into account on both sides and evens it out. This gives the nimble
    Dex-based characters more of a shot against hulking brutes, whereas now
    their best hope is to get a point in, not get hit when bruiser retaliates
    with handfulls of dice, then keep aborting to jump and hope they have enough
    Willpower to wait it out.
    Christian Conkle
    Webmaster - National Committee for Quality Assurance
    conkle@... - conkle@... - conkle@...

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: J.J. [mailto:tyger1@...]
    > Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 12:15 PM
    > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    > Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Styles
    > Another option, allow characters to buy 'out of style' maneuvers at an
    > increased cost. (power points x 6 or 7? Maybe 8 for Focus
    > techniques or
    > disallow them for focus completely?)
    > As for Dex, rather than upping the damage, I tend to allow
    > certain maneuvers
    > to swap out Str and put Dex in. (IE, Dex for the Dim Mak, but
    > a clothesline
    > will always be STR)
    > --------------------------------------------------------------
    > ----------
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1791 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
    also, the prophet Yosenkai spoke of in the V series was Bodidharma/Buddha.  He was one of the first to learn Chi control and begin the studies of Hadou.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Dark Light <dl_bryant@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Monday, August 16, 1999 6:55 AM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?

    >"Raduko"(the term is it?)
    >"Raduken"(Again the term is it?)
    Hado(or Hadou) Hadoken(or Hadouken) it is also refered to as Kiko in SF2V (as in Chunli's Kikoken) ______________________________________________________

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1792 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Styles
    the current version of Jeet Kune Do as listed in Contenders already lets you do this...
    -----Original Message-----
    From: J.J. <tyger1@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Monday, August 16, 1999 12:50 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Styles

    Another option, allow characters to buy 'out of style' maneuvers at an
    increased cost. (power points x 6 or 7? Maybe 8 for Focus techniques or
    disallow them for focus completely?)
    As for Dex, rather than upping the damage, I tend to allow certain maneuvers
    to swap out Str and put Dex in. (IE, Dex for the Dim Mak, but a clothesline
    will always be STR)

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1793 From: Dustin Wolfe Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
    What's the problem with making conversions of SF1 characters? I've made
    conversions of them...I just gave them a few extra maneuvers. Pretty much
    the same thing Capcom did with Adon, Birdie, and Gen...

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Sunday, August 15, 1999 8:50 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: German styles and maneuvers

    >It´s simple a Christian Conkle wrote about a page with German styles, and
    >page isn´t a page with German styles, just the title is german the text are
    >english and the styles are japanese thing. And second nobody make a
    conversion of
    >Street fighter one characthers. Well this all.
    >Click here for 4 FREE TRIAL ISSUES of Sports Illustrated! If you're
    >satisfied, your subscription will continue at the guaranteed lowest rate
    >of $.75 an issue for 52 issues! http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/678
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1794 From: Don Corcoran Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Mage, Aberrant, and Focusing... [long organized into parts]
    Okay, lets put it all into perspective....
    1)  Although I would not want to push a topic that others might be bored with I will deal with certain aspects of the conversations as they pertain to possibly adding Mage and Aberrant, etc. elements to SF
    2)  Mage is a game about Philosophy and spiritualism... not how to throw fireballs.  The Mage's ability to bend reality to her will is one based on conflicting ideas on how to attain enlightenment.  The Order of Hermes believe its through Ritual sorcery, the Akashic Brotherhood through physical. mental and spiritual discipline through martial arts, and the Euthanatos believe it is through dying and the process of death and rebirth.  Each group (we shant speak of the Nephandi, Technocracy and Marauders right now) has its own vision of how things should be and how to go about it.  If a starting Mage and even an Adept (Upto four dots in a sphere with a little experience) wants to do an effect it must be using the various mental placebos that go along with that philosophy.  The Tradition exception to this are Hollow Ones who are apathetic and dissident to begin with and never take such proactive steps toward screwing with reality.  If you are playing Mage ANY OTHER WAY you may be having fun and more power to you...but you are not playing Mage and have destroyed the spirit of the game.
    3)  A little note on Arete, Sheres and Paradox.  Arete is a statistic (and it is Uber-important) that determines how much of the Metaphysics of magik (the idea that will equals reality) your meager human brain can comprehend.  Even though you may not need Foci at certain levels of Arete ou still have a Philosophy to adhere to.  If magic is not consistent with your groups Philosophy then it just doesn't work becasue you cannot mentally conceieve that it would work.  Thus, just becasue you as a player understand how it should work, your character can't really handle it.
    4)  Sheres ... Although conceptually will equals reality you still have to follow the mechanics.  A starting level character can only use starting points to get up to three levels in a shere and then spheres cost five points per dot.  If a GM allows characters to get beyond the four dots mark and the characters are not made NPCs then it is my opinion they are just a fool.  Most reasonable effects require a significant level in a Sphere (its like a skill, sort of).  There is a philosophy behind how the Shperes work.  In a nushell (and this isn't completly accurate but will do for our discussion) level one effects Perception only...you can see the effects and the pattern that make up that sphere in the world around you.  level two allows you to effect you and yours minutely (Usually a few dots of effect...maybe an extra action or two extra dice of damage or even make an existing damage effect aggravated), level three you can effect others in small way.  Three allows you to control the Shpere's influence that already exists.  Four allows you to start massive effects on single targets or subtle effects (subtel does not mean their hearts stop) on groups, and level five is almost complete mastery over a Sphere such as Creation and Destruction.  Even at level five there is still a finite level of damage you can inflict (and most Aberrant Bricks can take that damage).  Each dot only deals so much damage to a target no matter what the effect.  So you not only have to face resistance from the target (which reduces successes), you have to do enough damage to kill the character to turn him into a lawn chair (which would require at least four Life and three Matter), before the effect is completely successful.
    5)  Paradox - this is the collective contiousness of the who dimension's belief on how the natural laws work.  You are never alone in this dimension becasue 1) you always have Gaia (which would be optional in an SF game).  Gaia is the spirit of the Earth and she does have certain natural laws you have to follow.  She is the main reason Werewolves do not incurr paradox (among others).  Second, reality is almost sentient.  It is aware when its laws are being broken and will fight back.  Unlike the rest of the system, GMs can impose almost any effect on a player he or she wants.  If reality wants to squish the player like a bug for lighting a match with her finger then the GM has every right to...that is the danger of playing with reality.  Humans do not have to be present to incure Paradox...they just strengthen Paradox.  Mages even can cause Paradox for one another.  If you are a Hermetic Mage and a Dreamspeaker opens a portal to another dimension using a rock you will have a hard time believeing that should happen.  You do not assume that jsu becasue your magic works that all other magic should work, otherwise people would not practice magic in a particular way.  Lastly, Chi and Focus are special concepts within the SF reality that are possible without Paradox in a certain venue.  You could believe that the World Class fighter Ryu could produce a fireball (just like Hedge mages and Sorcerers in WoD who do not incure Paradox becasue they exist in their own little social pockets that believe i them) becasue he has trained and worked so hard to.  Mr Beginning Mage would have to pump a lot of PR and Fame into getting other to believe he could do the same.
    6)  Aberrants are not well suited for the SF genre (excpet against one another) becasue they have no such foibles as Chi, Focus, Paradox, etc.  Not only are they unbelievably powerful (just ran a few games this weekend) they also can pump up their power level by spending one Willpower and some extra Quantum (22-30 to start).  This maxes out his abilities to almost any extreme (Panther claws that did 2 extra dice of damage (not including Strength) now do 10 extra dice of Agg damage for 11 Quantum points.  Trust me, nothing can deal with them on a reasonable level, especailly starting character to starting character.
    PS  If you plan on arguing with this I would ask that you take it point by point and we should start siting pages in books.  I do not want to bog this down and I like the discussion but this will stop it from being a "MY opinion vs your opinion" and get down to statistics and game philosophy.
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1795 From: Don Corcoran Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Styles
    Being a Martial Artist myself I know that it is often very difficult to
    switch styles. An punch is not just a punch. It involves body movement and
    arm placement and even breathing techniques that can vary from one style to
    the next. Although the system is not completely accurate, I can live with
    the idea that once you take a style for so many years (enough to make you
    good enough to compete) then you get yourself into a particular mental and
    physical state. An option may be using XP (and someone might have suggested
    this) to change schools at the cost of half your Willpower and you get no XP
    for using your original style for a few dots in a technique or manuever (bad
    habits die hard). maybe a good set time is after spending five Power Points
    on a certain style's manuevers.

    Also, I would like to add that a lot of Martial Artists that change styles
    get honorary degrees (like Wesley Snipes), belts and don't study the other
    arts half as much as they do thier original. I think the original system
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1796 From: Christian Conkle Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
    Am I the only one who's getting multiple repeated messages from this list?

    Christian Conkle
    Webmaster - National Committee for Quality Assurance
    conkle@... - conkle@... - conkle@...
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1797 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
    *emits several tortured drowning noises from under a sea of electronic transmissions*
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Christian Conkle <conkle@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Monday, August 16, 1999 2:51 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: German styles and maneuvers

    Am I the only one who's getting multiple repeated messages from this list?
    Christian Conkle 
    Webmaster - National Committee for Quality Assurance
    conkle@... - conkle@... - conkle@...

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1798 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: German styles and maneuvers
    Well I wasn't really reading them...just thought you guys were talking a lot.
    But bow that you mention it....there were a couple messages I recieved 3 times.
    I wonder if, when egroups went down yesterday, they went and screwed something up.
    Fred Chagnon
    "Only in RPGs does fighting
    make you a better person"
     - Peter Olafson
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Monday, August 16, 1999 2:51 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: German styles and maneuvers

    *emits several tortured drowning noises from under a sea of electronic transmissions*
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Christian Conkle <conkle@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Monday, August 16, 1999 2:51 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: German styles and maneuvers

    Am I the only one who's getting multiple repeated messages from this list?
    Christian Conkle 
    Webmaster - National Committee for Quality Assurance
    conkle@... - conkle@... - conkle@...

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 1799 From: Eric Thayer Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Euro-Focus
    Witchcraft has little to nothing to do with unarmed combat. It is rarely
    used for violence at all but even so, such curses make people dead or
    diseased rather than have any combat use. I suppose that Elementalists would
    be the closest to combat witches.


    >From: "Dark Light" <dl_bryant@...>
    >Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    >To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
    >Date: Mon, 16 Aug 1999 11:00:34 GMT
    > Well, the main reason that there isn't many Martial art styles in europe
    >is that every one there learned how to use a sword instead. Also, if your
    >interested in focus manuvers from that area, how about Witch Craft?

    Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit http://www.msn.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1800 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Euro-Focus
    > Witchcraft has little to nothing to do with unarmed combat. It is rarely
    > used for violence at all but even so, such curses make people dead or
    > diseased rather than have any combat use. I suppose that Elementalists
    > be the closest to combat witches.
    > -Kirtan

    Traditionally Kabbadi and Tai-chi-Chuan aren't fighting styles either, but
    rather meditation practises.

    In the world of Street Fighter, anything can be combat (I guess).

    Fred Chagnon
    "Only in RPGs does fighting
    make you a better person"
    - Peter Olafson
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1801 From: Kristofer Lundstr�m Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Mage, Aberrant, and Focusing...
    >Okay, lets put it all into perspective....

    I really did enjoy the stuff about Mage, mainly because I've contemplated
    buying it, but perhaps we should end the Mage thing permanently now.
    Dragging paradox into SF just doesn't feel right.

    Making fireballs invisible to all without Focus: Neet. Not a bad idea at all

    Keeping Focus, Blanka etc obscure: I tried but it didn't really work, and
    somehow it didn't seem to fit the feel of the game. How I've done it now is:
    Focus among fighters, uncommon but known. Focus among non-fighters, very
    very rare and almost completely unknown. Hybrids (and to some extent
    Cyborgs); since I got hold of the rules very late, they haven't appeared in
    my Chronicle at all.

    That's it for now.


    Group: streetfighter Message: 1802 From: Kristofer Lundstr�m Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Why European styles like wrestiling?
    >anyone who could fight well without weapons was probably a
    >witch and should be immediately killed.

    - She turned me into a newt!
    - And she's got a wart, see!
    - And she Dragon Punched me into next week she did!


    - BURN HER!!!

    Kristofer ;)

    Group: streetfighter Message: 1803 From: Kristofer Lundstr�m Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Styles
    >BTW, in the case of Bruce
    >Lee, if you've seen him fight in tournements, you'll see that as soon as
    >opponent stars to put up a fight, he does nothing but Wing Chun.

    If that's true, it's very interesting indeed.

    BTW, have you fellas received several copies of some mails the last 24
    hours, or is it just me?


    Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 1804 From: Kristofer Lundstr�m Date: 8/16/1999
    Subject: Re: Euro-Focus (fer crying out loud...)
    > > Witchcraft has little to nothing to do with unarmed combat. It is rarely
    > > used for violence at all but even so, such curses make people dead or
    > > diseased rather than have any combat use. I suppose that Elementalists
    > > be the closest to combat witches.
    > >
    > > -Kirtan
    >Traditionally Kabbadi and Tai-chi-Chuan aren't fighting styles either, but
    >rather meditation practises.
    >In the world of Street Fighter, anything can be combat (I guess).
    >Fred Chagnon

    I can go with the latter. And bear in mind that the witches portayed by
    author Terry Pratchett can be a rather violent bunch :)

