Nice treatment... there have been a number of versions of Brazilian JJ, and
a lot of them fall short. The main problem is that in adapting a realistic
style to a game with styles based on their video game versions, you tend to
either run into trouble because the realistic style isn't powerful enough,
or you wind up giving the realistic style tons and tons of point breaks to
compensate, and make it too powerful (especially at low levels). This one
looks pretty good though; I'd be interested in seeing a log of a playtest,
or running one, sometime.
The other prob is that many BJJ practicioners have their own particular
style of fighting; Royce is a defensive groundfighter, Renzo attacks
relentlessly, Rickson is an unpredictable master who uses some effective leg
kicking and boxing, etc. etc. Might be interesting to come up with sample
record sheets of the various fighters as traditionalists.
All of my dippy comments come from observing and sparring with BJJ and Luta
Livre practicioners, and none of my suggestions have been theough the most
important crucible yet: playtesting.
Darrick Chen wrote:
> A few notes about new manuevers: A lot of my work is based off the
> format of Ewen Cluney's netbook "Warrior's World" which I am sure you
> are all familial with. Many of the techniques listed are from their, as
Hmm, I'll have to dig this up and refresh myself...
> Members: Anyone can join a school, but practitioners of this art tend to
> lean more towards large, muscular men.
While Luta Livre and Ruas Vale Tudo tend to favor certain types of physical
specimens, there are a lot of different kinds of BJJ practicioners, and
those who are commonly considered to be at the highest level (the various
Gracie brothers) tend to have more of a swimmer's build, lean and wiry.
> Punch: Ear Pop 2, Head Butt 1, Banishing Punch 3
Banishing Punch? Is this also from Warrior's World?
> Kick: Wounded Knee 2
Foot Sweep seems more apropos to me.
> Grab: Air Throw 1, BAck BReaker 2, Bear Hug 1, Brain Cracker 1,
> GRappling Defense 3, Head Bite 2, Iron Claw 4, Neck Choke 1, Stomach
> Pump 3, Thigh Press 2,Joint Break 3, Joint Lock 2, Disengage 2,
> Dislocate Limb 3, Sleeper 3, Spinning Neck Lock* 2, Face Drive* 1, Fish
> Hook* 1, Head Butt Hold 2, Eye Rake 1, Pin 2, Improved Pin 2
Hmm... dat's a lotta grabs. I'd offer the following: as demonstrated in
the ring, BJJ practicioners do not typically go airborne, nor do they throw
opponents, preferring to keep control of them on the ground; in fact all
throws in the JJ system were more or less removed by Gastao Gracie, the
art's progenitor, because he thought they were inefficient.
How about this: Air Throw up to 2 (BJJ practicioners tend to remain
grounded, but it's not unreasonable that they might learn to deal with an
unrooted enemy in this way), Grappling Defense to 2 (they practice grappling
all day), Sleeper to 2 (the naked choke is a favorite finish), remove Back
Breaker and Head Bite, add Suplex 1 (a quick standing takedown). Flying
Tackle (Shades of Grey) seems emminently appropriate as the classic
double-leg takedown, but it already costs 2 and is a pretty powerful
maneuver as-is.
> Athletics: Air Smash 1
Breakfall 1 and Ground Fighting 2 seems appropriate here.
> Focus: Common Manuevers
What sort of focus maneuver might they have if they were in a video game?
Would Regeneration 2 and Zen No-Mind 3 be too silly?
> That's it for now. Next time: Kenpo!
> Darrick Chen
> dare2live@...
- for nonsensical rants about things no one cares
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