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Group: streetfighter Message: 1355 From: Darrick Chen Date: 6/8/1999
Subject: Recent debate.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1356 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1357 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Storyteller System Dice MechanicStatistic alAnalysis
Group: streetfighter Message: 1358 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1359 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1360 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1361 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Storyteller System Dice MechanicStatistic alAnalysis
Group: streetfighter Message: 1362 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Storyteller System Dice MechanicStatistic alAnalysis
Group: streetfighter Message: 1363 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Stats beyond 8 (for Space Fighter Alpha)
Group: streetfighter Message: 1364 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/10/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1365 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Re: Stats beyond 8 (for Space Fighter Alpha)
Group: streetfighter Message: 1366 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Re: Storyteller System Dice MechanicStatistic alAnalysis
Group: streetfighter Message: 1367 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1368 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1369 From: Chris Nelson Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Re: Martia Arts?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1370 From: Chris Nelson Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Raging Demon?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1371 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/12/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1372 From: Jason Stillion Date: 6/14/1999
Subject: Needing Input
Group: streetfighter Message: 1373 From: Garth Wright Date: 6/14/1999
Subject: streetfighter site
Group: streetfighter Message: 1374 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/14/1999
Subject: Re: Needing Input
Group: streetfighter Message: 1375 From: Jason Stillion Date: 6/14/1999
Subject: Re: Needing Input
Group: streetfighter Message: 1376 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Willpower question
Group: streetfighter Message: 1377 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Willpower question
Group: streetfighter Message: 1378 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Help?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1379 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1380 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Help?
Group: streetfighter Message: 1381 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1382 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1383 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1384 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1385 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1386 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1387 From: KristoferLundstr�m Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Willpower question
Group: streetfighter Message: 1388 From: Will Dixon Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Jet Li
Group: streetfighter Message: 1389 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1390 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1391 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Needing Input
Group: streetfighter Message: 1392 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1393 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Jet Li
Group: streetfighter Message: 1394 From: Darrick Chen Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1395 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1396 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1397 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Group: streetfighter Message: 1398 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Planet Conkle is now Evil Schemer (it's moved again)
Group: streetfighter Message: 1399 From: KristoferLundstr�m Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1400 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1401 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/17/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1402 From: KristoferLundstr�m Date: 6/17/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Group: streetfighter Message: 1403 From: Darrick Chen Date: 6/18/1999
Subject: That Guy
Group: streetfighter Message: 1404 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/18/1999
Subject: Re: That Guy

Group: streetfighter Message: 1355 From: Darrick Chen Date: 6/8/1999
Subject: Recent debate.
Hi guys,

Haven't been submitting much of late due to time and work (plus getting ICQ
running for this week's online session) but I have been reading most of
what's been put up.
To be honest, I am really surprised, nay shocked at the amount of time spent
on Ken and Ryu's heritage. More importantly, the ire this seems to have
stirred up.
I'm not going to end the debate conclusively, just offer my opinion.
That opinion would be: Who cares?

I mean, so what if Ken is half Japanese, full Japanese, or neither, or both?
Ken is neither an American or Japanese exclusive name. It's true that just
because Kenneth is an American anme, does not make Ken exclusively American,
nor does it make him totally Japanese. Personally, I always thought that Ken
was an American simply born in Japan and brought up in a Japanese culture
with Western influence from his parents. I think the red hair was just for

Now, I should let ya'll know I am a huge anime fan. I have seen Street
Fighter II V, and while I personally didn't like it much, there is no reason
someone who did can't adapt it. In fact, it's proably a great idea for a
campaign setting; the rise of the World Warriors, and those who witnessed it
and participated.

On that note, anybody who wants to use SS2V as a continuity marker, take
warning: there are several GLARING discrepancies in the storyline. These

1:Chun Li is 15, while Cammy is apparently older and much more "mature". In
Capcom GAME continuity (ie the game manuals) Cammy is supposedly 19 while
Chun Li is 24. Now, there is no way in heck I am beleiving that Cammy is 10
during that anime series.

2: Guile's friend Nash plays a prominent role in the series, and looks
NOTHING like the Charlie Nash we know. Nash appears in the series with black
curly hair.

3: Fei Long looks like a complete tool. Okay so maybe this isn't a
discrepancy, but it's still true. In my opinion, anyway.

Also, I have to say that the notion of Ryu having a German father strikes me
as being something that White Wolf may have made up. Why? I have no idea.
Maybe Capcom established that early on, and I haven't heard of it. I just
don't think that red hair is adequate evidence to suggest cross-racial
parentage; remember, this was a Japanese game, and the Japanese are fond of
portraying Japanese characters with distinctly Western details in comics,
animation, and yes, video games. I think it helps in differentiating

I also don't really think that White Wolf is the best source for the Street
Fighter mythos. Yes, I know they wrote the RPG, but a lot of things seem a
bit hackneyed at best. They made up a cousin for Ken, attributed Bison's
power to a funky meteorite, and basically tied o fill in the gaps of what
they got from Capcom.

Well, that's my take on all it, anyway.



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Group: streetfighter Message: 1356 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
>uh, ryu's hair always looks dark to me, like brown or black. never seen it
>red. except when my TVs color goes screwy...

Oh, Ryu's hair was red in the first Street Fighter, They made it brown in
SF2, but made it red again in SF Alpha 1, 2, & 3. capcom said that he
started dying his hair just before SF2.




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Group: streetfighter Message: 1357 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Storyteller System Dice MechanicStatistic alAnalysis
> No no, the SPEED! THE SPEED!!! Not the MOVE. Speed = Dexterity +/-
>Modifier. Move = Athletics +/- Modifier. The Speed can go below Zero. Many
>fireballs are speed -1. Many Double Dread Kicks are Speed -1. Their MOVE is

sorry, I was useing the word move as a quicker way of writing manuver.
My comments on a MANUVER having a speed minimum of 0 total still stand. i.e.
someone with a wits of 1 has the manuver of "fireball" with a -2 speed
modifier, the manuver's speed is 0, not -1.




eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1358 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
>What? If Ken has an American father and a Japanese mother then Ken is
>American/Japanese. He is not one or the other, he is BOTH!
>In SF2, Ken is American. Because he was trained in Japan doesn't make him
>purely Japanese.
>Plus, someone said Ryu's father was German....I have never heard that
>before. What source was used for that?

I never said that Ken was purly Japanese, I just said that he came from(i.e.
was born in) Japan.
About Ryu's German blood, I said that, & I'm not sure that it was official.
my source was none other than the Street Fighter: The storytelling game,
main rule book, in Ryu's Bio.




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Group: streetfighter Message: 1359 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
>whatever, dude. I outlined my reasoning, and the best you can do is "it's
>not true because I say so." well, Dennis Has Spoken, so I guess I should
>just go back to read-only mode and not bother offering my input anymore.

Well, no. It's not true because of the way Japanese works. Ken's name is
Japanese because in the Japanese versions of the game it's written in
Hirigana, if he had a non-Japanese name(like Guile or Zangief) it would be
written in Katakana, plain & simple.




eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1360 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
>Actully Ive been doing alot of research for the game.
>Most of it is the games them selves, Manuals whenever I can find them
>Fighting Guides, messages to capcom.
>The hard part is trying to find whats official and what isnt.

A good guide to seeing if somthing is official is if it is a Capcom product,
not a Capcom license(like the RPG of SFEX), you can generally tell by
checking the copyright notice on a product.




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Group: streetfighter Message: 1361 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Storyteller System Dice MechanicStatistic alAnalysis
> > No no, the SPEED! THE SPEED!!! Not the MOVE. Speed = Dexterity +/-
> >Modifier. Move = Athletics +/- Modifier. The Speed can go below Zero.
> Many
> >fireballs are speed -1. Many Double Dread Kicks are Speed -1. Their MOVE
> is
> >seperate.
<<sorry, I was useing the word move as a quicker way of writing manuver.
> My comments on a MANUVER having a speed minimum of 0 total still stand.
> i.e.
> someone with a wits of 1 has the manuver of "fireball" with a -2 speed
> modifier, the manuver's speed is 0, not -1.>>
Actually when we play, the speed would be -1 not 0. The reason being is
sometimes there is several people who are using really slow maneuvers and
the people with a speed of 0 would go before the people with a speed of -1.



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Group: streetfighter Message: 1362 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Re: Storyteller System Dice MechanicStatistic alAnalysis
I disagree, and it's obvious our two game styles differ. If this works in
your games, that's fine. But by doing so, you are giving an edge to strong
slow power-maneuver types like Zangeif and other wrestlers. By capping the
minimum Speed at 0, then they lose the penalty of using slow vs. fast
maneuvers. If your Roundhouse is the same speed as your Jab, guess which one
you're gonna perform?

Again, personal campaign styles will vary.

Christian Conkle
Web Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

work: conklec@...
home: conkle@...

On Wednesday, June 09, 1999 3:49 AM, Dennis Bryant
[SMTP:dl_bryant@...] wrote:
> > No no, the SPEED! THE SPEED!!! Not the MOVE. Speed = Dexterity +/-
> >Modifier. Move = Athletics +/- Modifier. The Speed can go below Zero.
> >fireballs are speed -1. Many Double Dread Kicks are Speed -1. Their MOVE
> >seperate.
> sorry, I was useing the word move as a quicker way of writing manuver.
> My comments on a MANUVER having a speed minimum of 0 total still stand.
> someone with a wits of 1 has the manuver of "fireball" with a -2 speed
> modifier, the manuver's speed is 0, not -1.
> Dennis
> ______________________________________________________
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1363 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/9/1999
Subject: Stats beyond 8 (for Space Fighter Alpha)
I was looking at the preview of Aberrant and their description of
"Mega-Strength" and it gave me some ideas for how super-human stats could be
handled for Street Fighter.

First of all, I acknowledge the maximum of 8 for superhuman abilities. But I
propose that this max of 8 doesn't cover truly cosmic-levels of power. Goku,
Superman, Tekkaman, Ken from Fist of the North Star, etc.

Anyway, I compared the values for Mega-Strength to the chart listed in the
Storyteller's Screen. I found a remarkable progression and correlation.
Here's how it works out:

Str. Description Lift Avg. Success
1 Poor 40 .4
2 Average 100 .8
3 Good 250 1.2
4 Exceptional 400 1.6
5 Outstanding 650 2.0
6 800 2.4
7 900 2.8
8 curr. maximum 1000 3.2
9 1200 3.6
10 1500 4.0
11 (1) Stupendous 1 ton 5 auto successes
12 (2) Amazing 10 tons 10 auto successes
13 (3) Incredible 25 tons 15 auto successes
14 (4) Spectacular 50 tons 20 auto successes
15 (5) Godlike 100 ton 25 auto successes

Of course, if we were to go on a straight linear progression, equating auto
successes to average successes, the 5 Mega-Strength would ACTUALLY be:
Mega-stat = Linear Street Fighter Stat = average successes
1 = 12.5 = 5 avg. successes
2 = 25 = 10 avg. successes
3 = 37.5 = 15 avg. successes
4 = 50 = 20 avg. successes
5 = 62.5 = 25 avg. successes

I prefer the logarithmic progression, personally.

So here's what I propose. Superhuman stats, those merely going from 6-10,
cost the normal superhuman XP times the next level ( I can't remember the
exact number right now, it's 6x the next level, right?), and Megahuman
stats, or Cosmic stats, would cost more, like 10 XP times the next level.

That would allow for the increase into the truly Cosmic range necessary for
fighters to take on Space Ships (which will be in the Cosmic or Mega stat

Keep in mind that this is not a recommendation for all SF campaigns. Only
those which plan on increasing the power level to the point where the
opponents are other Godlings and Cosmic Superpowers. Dragonball Z, Tekkaman,
Silver Surfer, Superman, etc.

Christian Conkle
Web Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

work: conklec@...
home: conkle@...


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Group: streetfighter Message: 1364 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/10/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
this is the last time I'm going to address this issue, right, wrong, or otherwise.
1) just because a name has a meaning or method of being written in two languages does not make it native to one or the other.  Why write Ken as a 'foreign' word if it can be written natively? 
2) I seem to recall an old newsgroup argument about the proper pronunciation and meaning of Ryu's name.  Even *NATIVE* Japanese speakers were divided on the issue.
3) Ken obviously feels a strong tie with the States or else he would not have entered the World Warrior tournaments AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE USA.  In every Street Fighter game ever published he is listed as being from the United States.  Ryu chooses to live (mostly) in Japan and regardless of his German background (which is tentative at best, red hair or no) he chooses his affiliation with that country rather than any other.
4) as previously stated, who cares?  Capcom's canon itself is contradictory and these other sources conflict even further.  I offered an opinion, and an opinion alone, based on the sources I chose to use.  I know others contradict them, but using the Golden Rule of Storytelling I chose to toss them out.  A previous E-mail I wrote springs to mind, one which says "Personally I like ambiguity in the storyline because it gives me the opportunity to mold things to my liking, without some story lawyer saying 'You can't do that! Vega would *never* wear a bunny suit!'"
5) Until you people start being more civil, I'm refraining from posting anymore.  The fact that I've had to quell four different potential flame wars in the past week has told me that this list is becoming a burden.  Look, I am no God-Appointed Street Fighter Authority, but consider the following;
    a) I run one of the most widely-visited and recognized SFRPG web sites on the 'net.  It was one of the first and it remains one of the most comprehensive, need-of-an-overhaul notwithstanding.  Even the people at White Wolf appreciate it and I was thanked by Mr. Weick for my efforts.
    b) I have been a member of this list since before it even WAS a list.  I was one of the first people to be added to the original "CC: from hell" grouping and one of the first signups for the list.  I have helped a *lot* of people over the course of two years with this game, and the E-mail I receive about my site tells me of this fact.  I have also brought now less than four of the current members of our mailing list into the fold; they wouldn't even BE here if I didn't have links to the signup page or forward their messages along for subscription.
Now, I am not always right; but even when I am wrong I expect to be disagreed with respectfully, especially given my contributions to this "community", as it were, and over the last week I, as well as others, have been jumped on by a select few over VERY trivial things.  It's petty, it's annoying, and it's got to stop.  And until it does, I am not going to be contributing further.  After all, my opinions keep getting slung right back at me, so it's obvious that no one wants to hear them.
-----Original Message-----
From: Dennis Bryant <dl_bryant@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Wednesday, June 09, 1999 6:59 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Tournaments and other stuff.

>whatever, dude.  I outlined my reasoning, and the best you can do is "it's 
>not true because I say so." well, Dennis Has Spoken, so I guess I should >just go back to read-only mode and not bother offering my input anymore.
Well, no. It's not true because of the way Japanese works. Ken's name is Japanese because in the Japanese versions of the game it's written in Hirigana, if he had a non-Japanese name(like Guile or Zangief) it would be written in Katakana, plain & simple. Dennis ______________________________________________________

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eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1365 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Re: Stats beyond 8 (for Space Fighter Alpha)
>I prefer the logarithmic progression, personally.
>So here's what I propose. Superhuman stats, those merely going from 6-10,
>cost the normal superhuman XP times the next level ( I can't remember the
>exact number right now, it's 6x the next level, right?), and Megahuman
>stats, or Cosmic stats, would cost more, like 10 XP times the next level.

Thats pretty cool. But I think it's 6x the current level.




eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1366 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Re: Storyteller System Dice MechanicStatistic alAnalysis
>I disagree, and it's obvious our two game styles differ. If this works in
>your games, that's fine. But by doing so, you are giving an edge to strong
>slow power-maneuver types like Zangeif and other wrestlers. By capping the
>minimum Speed at 0, then they lose the penalty of using slow vs. fast
>maneuvers. If your Roundhouse is the same speed as your Jab, guess which
>you're gonna perform?
>Again, personal campaign styles will vary.

Yeah exeactly, I've never had a problem dealing with it, since most of the
people I play with Generally have a Dex of 3 or more. I just thought that
the book said there was a minimum of 0, but I'm probably wrong. As allways,
use the one stand fast rule in the game:do what you want to do with the
game, & don't let the rules get in the way.




eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1367 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
>this is the last time I'm going to address this issue, right, wrong, or
>1) just because a name has a meaning or method of being written in two
>languages does not make it native to one or the other. Why write Ken as a
>'foreign' word if it can be written natively?

Just my opinion.
>2) I seem to recall an old newsgroup argument about the proper
>pronunciation and meaning of Ryu's name. Even *NATIVE* Japanese speakers
>were divided on the issue.

That seems really unlikely, but, we get that in english so much it MUST
happen in other countries as well.

>3) Ken obviously feels a strong tie with the States or else he would not
>have entered the World Warrior tournaments AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE USA.
>In every Street Fighter game ever published he is listed as being from the
>United States. Ryu chooses to live (mostly) in Japan and regardless of his
>German background (which is tentative at best, red hair or no) he chooses
>his affiliation with that country rather than any other.

um, I allways said that Ken was half American, living in America.

>4) as previously stated, who cares? Capcom's canon itself is contradictory
>and these other sources conflict even further. I offered an opinion, and
>an opinion alone, based on the sources I chose to use. I know others
>contradict them, but using the Golden Rule of Storytelling I chose to toss
>them out. A previous E-mail I wrote springs to mind, one which says
>"Personally I like ambiguity in the storyline because it gives me the
>opportunity to mold things to my liking, without some story lawyer saying
>'You can't do that! Vega would *never* wear a bunny suit!'"

apparentlly you care. otherwise you would'nt be writting insulting letters
to the list just because someone does somthing differntly.

>5) Until you people start being more civil, I'm refraining from posting
>anymore. The fact that I've had to quell four different potential flame
>wars in the past week has told me that this list is becoming a burden.
>Look, I am no God-Appointed Street Fighter Authority, but consider the
> a) I run one of the most widely-visited and recognized SFRPG web sites
>on the 'net. It was one of the first and it remains one of the most
>comprehensive, need-of-an-overhaul notwithstanding. Even the people at
>White Wolf appreciate it and I was thanked by Mr. Weick for my efforts.
> b) I have been a member of this list since before it even WAS a list.
>I was one of the first people to be added to the original "CC: from hell"
>grouping and one of the first signups for the list. I have helped a *lot*
>of people over the course of two years with this game, and the E-mail I
>receive about my site tells me of this fact. I have also brought now less
>than four of the current members of our mailing list into the fold; they
>wouldn't even BE here if I didn't have links to the signup page or forward
>their messages along for subscription.

That really seems a little childish(no offence), not posting because people
are being, in your eyes, uncivil. It's odd, because the most abrasive
letters have come from you. Yes, I agree that you run a very nice website.

>Now, I am not always right; but even when I am wrong I expect to be
>disagreed with respectfully, especially given my contributions to this
>"community", as it were, and over the last week I, as well as others, have
>been jumped on by a select few over VERY trivial things. It's petty, it's
>annoying, and it's got to stop. And until it does, I am not going to be
>contributing further. After all, my opinions keep getting slung right back
>at me, so it's obvious that no one wants to hear them.

Nobody is allways right, but it's nice to get everyone's oppinion. & you
are not the only one who expects to be dissagreed with respectfully, over
the past week you have been posting quite a few petty letters yourself,
which is a pitty, because you are one of the people who gennerally makes
usefull are insightfull postings on the list.




eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1368 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
---Dennis Bryant <dl_bryant@...> wrote:

>A good guide to seeing if somthing is official is if it is a Capcom
>not a Capcom license(like the RPG of SFEX), you can generally tell by
>checking the copyright notice on a product.


"the RPG _of_ SFEX"?

If this isn't a typo, I definately want to know more.

staredown@... staredown@...

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win--we
merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

It's amazing how much "mature wisdom" resembles being too tired.
-- Robert Heinlein

eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1369 From: Chris Nelson Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Re: Martia Arts?
I storytell typically. I'm lucky right now in that I've found two
other suckers... er, storytellers, so I don't really feel the need to
run (2 games a week is plenty for me). Once one of these games dies
down, I'll probably start my own up again. 'til then, I'm more than
content to sit back & role play.

On other notes. I'm sure by now we've all played SFA3, right? I've
seen plenty of rules (we're all invented one by now, right?) for
building a Rage gage/super meter. Has anyone played with the whole
V-ism/A-ism thing for the RPG? Where you can either get custom combos
or super combos, but not both?

Just curious... as always. =)

--- Tom Pascuttini <galactus@...> wrote:
> (Grin) Its why I asked. I was curious about how many people that play
> the
> game take MA. Do you Story tell Chris or are you a player?
> Chris Nelson wrote:
> > I'm specialized in 'charge down 2 seconds, up + kick'-Fu
> >
> > For whoever's counting... figured someone needed to get on & point
> out
> > we aren't all taking martial arts. =)
> > -Laters!
> > -Chris!
> >
> > --- MITZPD@... wrote:
> > >
> > >
> >
> > > BrainPlay.com has your favorite interactive friend. Each Furby
> has
> > > its own unique personality. Train them to sing, dance and
> perform
> > > their own tricks. Visit BrainPlay.com to order your friend today!
> > > http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/322
> > >
> > >
> > > eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > eGroups Spotlight:
> > "Veterans of Jewish Ancestry" - US Military veterans of
> > Jewish descent talk about their experiences.
> > http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/124
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1370 From: Chris Nelson Date: 6/11/1999
Subject: Raging Demon?
When/Where did white wolf say the raging demon would do 40 points of


--- Dennis Bryant <dl_bryant@...> wrote:
> > > maximum amount of throwable dice;
> > >
> > > 8 maximum Strength + 8 maximum Technique + 7 (highest special
> maneuver
> >damage bonus) - 1 minimum Stamina (soak) = 22.
> Yeah, & Zangief can pull 20. Well, also, White wolf said that a
> raging
> demon would have a flat damage rating of 40.
> Dennis
> ______________________________________________________
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1371 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/12/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
>"the RPG _of_ SFEX"?
>If this isn't a typo, I definately want to know more.

Sorry, it is a typo, that f really should have been an r.




eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1372 From: Jason Stillion Date: 6/14/1999
Subject: Needing Input
Recently my ISP's E-mail server crashed and I lost all but a few of 6-10-99
Mail. I was wondering if any can forward me them.

I have my Style guide done and to my knowledge it's completely accurate.
I was wondering if anyone could give me feedback on it and see if any of you
caught any errors I missed. Looking for Positive and Negative feed back.

Some of the things I plan on adding is the prerequisites to the left on the
maneuvers and possible the book/page number.

It's at

or I can break it up and post the entire thing if anyone wants it posted
here. It's about 149 kb


Jason Stillion


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Group: streetfighter Message: 1373 From: Garth Wright Date: 6/14/1999
Subject: streetfighter site

I'm new to this mailing list, but I have a contribution. :) I've started a
Street Fighter STG pbem game. Right now it's just combat oriented, but
there's always room for growth. Check out my web page if interested:




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Group: streetfighter Message: 1374 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/14/1999
Subject: Re: Needing Input
This is just from initial scanning, I haven't actually proofread it yet, but
under Special Forces, Isreal's intelligence aggency is called Mossad, not

Christian Conkle
Web Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

work: conklec@...
home: conkle@...

On Sunday, June 13, 1999 10:00 PM, Jason Stillion [SMTP:cardiss@...]
> Recently my ISP's E-mail server crashed and I lost all but a few of
> Mail. I was wondering if any can forward me them.
> I have my Style guide done and to my knowledge it's completely accurate.
> I was wondering if anyone could give me feedback on it and see if any of
> caught any errors I missed. Looking for Positive and Negative feed back.


eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1375 From: Jason Stillion Date: 6/14/1999
Subject: Re: Needing Input
Thank you for responding to my message. Your the first one to do so and thanks for catching the misspelling. I was wondering when I post the much corrected version would you mind if I put your name and or e-mail address under a thank you section that will be near the top.
Corrected the mistake on the master version. Will wait a bit until get more correction and release another version.
Just let me know if you catch any other errors and thanks again for the input, I really appreciate it.
Much appreciation again
Jason Stillion
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Conkle [mailto:ConkleC@...]
Sent: Monday, June 14, 1999 11:46 AM
To: 'streetfighter@egroups.com'
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Needing Input

This is just from initial scanning, I haven't actually proofread it yet, but
under Special Forces, Isreal's intelligence aggency is called Mossad, not

Christian Conkle
Web Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

work: conklec@...
home: conkle@...

On Sunday, June 13, 1999 10:00 PM, Jason Stillion [SMTP:cardiss@...]
> Recently my ISP's E-mail server crashed and I lost all but a few of
> Mail. I was wondering if any can forward me them. > > I have my Style guide done and to my knowledge it's completely accurate. > I was wondering if anyone could give me feedback on it and see if any of
> caught any errors I missed. Looking for Positive and Negative feed back.

eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1376 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Willpower question
I seem to remember reading somewhere that a player can't spend a Willpower
to ensure a damage point. I can't find the reference anywhere. Am I in error
in remembering this or is it really in the book somewhere?

Christian Conkle
Web Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

work: conklec@...
home: conkle@...


eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1377 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Willpower question
Its in the example under the combat section. Spending a willpower point,
allows you to roll an additional die for damage.

Mike Morgado
ext. 642
(519) 383-3642

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Conkle [SMTP:ConkleC@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 11:49 AM
> To: Streetfighter (E-mail)
> Subject: [streetfighter] Willpower question
> I seem to remember reading somewhere that a player can't spend a Willpower
> to ensure a damage point. I can't find the reference anywhere. Am I in
> error
> in remembering this or is it really in the book somewhere?
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Christian Conkle
> Web Development Specialist
> Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
> work: conklec@...
> home: conkle@...
> -----------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Receive seasonal how-to's and climate-specific advice via e-mail.
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1378 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Help?
Hello all,

I haven't run a game of SF in over a year. Mostly because our roleplaying
group all went our seperate ways. Well as it turns out, I got myself a
group again and they want me to run Street Fighter. After my initial joy of
being able to run my favourite game, I began to think of possible adventures
to run. Usually not a problem. However, right now I got a major case of
writer's block. Can anyone post some ideas for an adventure? I have a bunch,
but half the group has already played them.

Thanks for the help in advance.

Mike Morgado
ext. 642
(519) 383-3642


eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
Group: streetfighter Message: 1379 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Other Media

Can anyone think of any other media that is Street Figher-ish? You know,
like the movie Bloodsport, Mortal Kombat the movie, the Fatal Fury animated

What Im looking for is basically movies, anime, comics and or novels that
have a Street Figher feel to them. Im trying to devise a list of them, so
send as many things as you can think of. If you dont want to bother the
list with them, feel free to send them to me personally at
mmorgado@... or morg@....

Thanks for the help.

Mike Morgado
ext. 642
(519) 383-3642


eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
Group: streetfighter Message: 1380 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Help?
On Tuesday, June 15, 1999 10:44 AM, Morgado, Mike [SMTP:MMorgado@...]
Can anyone post some ideas for an adventure? I have a bunch,
> but half the group has already played them.

Street Fighter stories come from all directions, the universe is just so
open to ideas:

A master jewel thief has stolen the fabled Baseball Diamond from the country
of Pinkistan. The police are baffled. Interpol calls on the PC's to help
track down and catch the criminal who, as they soon discover, maintains a
stable of world class fighters as bodyguards in a remote Madagascar

The Earth is menaced by mysterious plague from outer space. The Mysterians
from Planet X are secretly using the plague to wipe out our populace. The
Earth now has a year to live. However, one Mysterian has broken ranks and
defected to Earth. He is shot down in the remote woodlands, only to be
discovered by the PC's. Before he dies, he tells them of the secret plan and
where to find the Cosmo-DNA that will save the Earth from annihilation. No
one would ever believe their story. However, the dead Mysterian's trusty
astromech robot repairs his ship and helps pilot the PC's to outer space
where they encounter all kinds of fun and adventure. They must go to the
far-off space station and survive the gladitorial arena to win the Cosmo-DNA
from the slug-like intergalactic crime lord, Horta, then fight their way
past the hordes of Mysterians that stand in their way. Oh, and they'll have
to convince the governments of the world that there is an alien menace to
thwart. Else they'll have to go to the base of the Mysterians on the far
side of the moon and deal with them themselves in ritualized one-on-one

A nuclear weapon has been stolen. It has been traced to a remote pacific
island. Interpol asks the PC's to investigate and recover the weapon. They
arrive to discover a massive underground submarine base. The weapon is being
prepared for shipment to another base. If they recover it now, they'll never
know the location of the main base. They'll have to stow away (or be
captured) and go to the main base to discover who is running the show and
stop them before they can extort 1 million dollars from the US Government
(pinkie held to mouth).

The Siberian Cybernetics Corporation is manufacturing Cyborg parts and
supplying them to assassins and mercenaries and criminals. The parts are
experimental and are resulting in crazed out psycho killers when their
psyche rejects the cyborg parts. It's getting out of hand and Interpol (or
whomever) asks the PC's help in investigating what's going on.

Christian Conkle
Web Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

work: conklec@...
home: conkle@...


eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1381 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Oh, all kinds!!

any Bruce Lee movie, any Jackie Chan movie, Xena, Fist of the North Star,
any Golden Harvest or Shaw Bros. Kung-Fu movie, any John Woo Triad movie,
Ranma 1/2, Ninku, Heroic Trio, any Sammo Hung movie, A Chinese Ghost Story
(I, II, or III), Night Warriors, Project A-Ko, any early Jean Claude
Van-Damme movie, the list goes on and on and on.

Christian Conkle
Web Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

work: conklec@...
home: conkle@...

On Tuesday, June 15, 1999 10:48 AM, Morgado, Mike [SMTP:MMorgado@...]
> Hello,
> Can anyone think of any other media that is Street Figher-ish? You know,
> like the movie Bloodsport, Mortal Kombat the movie, the Fatal Fury
> movies.
> What Im looking for is basically movies, anime, comics and or novels that
> have a Street Figher feel to them. Im trying to devise a list of them, so
> send as many things as you can think of. If you dont want to bother the
> list with them, feel free to send them to me personally at
> mmorgado@... or morg@....
> Thanks for the help.
> Mike Morgado
> mmorgado@...
> ext. 642
> (519) 383-3642
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Big Yellow! Your yellow pages on the web.
> To find out more about Computers and Internet click here!
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eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1382 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Martial Arts anime includes;
Battle Arena Tohshinden
Tekken: the Motion Picture
Samurai Shodown
The Ultimate Teacher
Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (for your WoD crossover fix)
Enter the Dragon
Live-Action Movies:
Armor of God II: Operation Condor
Rumble in the Bronx
The Drunken Master I & II (especially II; only live-action Flying Body Spear I've ever seen)
First Strike
Diggstown (organized crime meets street boxing)
Black Mask
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
-----Original Message-----
From: Morgado, Mike <MMorgado@...>
To: 'StreetFighter' <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 2:16 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Other Media


Can anyone think of any other media that is Street Figher-ish? You know,
like the movie Bloodsport, Mortal Kombat the movie, the Fatal Fury animated

What Im looking for is basically movies, anime, comics and or novels that
have a Street Figher feel to them.  Im trying to devise a list of them, so
send as many things as you can think of.  If you dont want to bother the
list with them, feel free to send them to me personally at
mmorgado@... or morg@....

Thanks for the help.

Mike Morgado
ext. 642
(519) 383-3642

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Group: streetfighter Message: 1383 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
I forgot Big Trouble in Little China. :p
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Conkle <ConkleC@...>
To: 'streetfighter@egroups.com' <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 2:51 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Other Media

Oh, all kinds!!

any Bruce Lee movie, any Jackie Chan movie, Xena, Fist of the North Star,
any Golden Harvest or Shaw Bros. Kung-Fu movie, any John Woo Triad movie,
Ranma 1/2, Ninku, Heroic Trio, any Sammo Hung movie, A Chinese Ghost Story
(I, II, or III), Night Warriors, Project A-Ko, any early Jean Claude
Van-Damme movie, the list goes on and on and on.

Christian Conkle
Web Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

work: conklec@...
home: conkle@...

On Tuesday, June 15, 1999 10:48 AM, Morgado, Mike [SMTP:MMorgado@...]
> Hello, > > Can anyone think of any other media that is Street Figher-ish? You know, > like the movie Bloodsport, Mortal Kombat the movie, the Fatal Fury
> movies. > > What Im looking for is basically movies, anime, comics and or novels that > have a Street Figher feel to them. Im trying to devise a list of them, so > send as many things as you can think of. If you dont want to bother the > list with them, feel free to send them to me personally at > mmorgado@... or morg@.... > > Thanks for the help. > > Mike Morgado > mmorgado@... > ext. 642 > (519) 383-3642 > PC/ITS > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > Big Yellow! Your yellow pages on the web. > To find out more about Computers and Internet click here! > http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/229 > > > > eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter > http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications > > >

click here
Click Here!

eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1384 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Oh I agree there are tonnes. But for the life of me I couldnt think of any.
Its one of those days.
Anyone pick up the comic Mega Dragon and Tiger? Very cool. (I think so


Mike Morgado
ext. 642
(519) 383-3642

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Christian Conkle [SMTP:ConkleC@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 2:52 PM
> To: 'streetfighter@egroups.com'
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Other Media
> Oh, all kinds!!
> any Bruce Lee movie, any Jackie Chan movie, Xena, Fist of the North Star,
> any Golden Harvest or Shaw Bros. Kung-Fu movie, any John Woo Triad movie,
> Ranma 1/2, Ninku, Heroic Trio, any Sammo Hung movie, A Chinese Ghost Story
> (I, II, or III), Night Warriors, Project A-Ko, any early Jean Claude
> Van-Damme movie, the list goes on and on and on.
> -----------------------------------------------------
> Christian Conkle
> Web Development Specialist
> Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
> work: conklec@...
> home: conkle@...
> -----------------------------------------------------
> On Tuesday, June 15, 1999 10:48 AM, Morgado, Mike
> [SMTP:MMorgado@...]
> wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > Can anyone think of any other media that is Street Figher-ish? You know,
> > like the movie Bloodsport, Mortal Kombat the movie, the Fatal Fury
> animated
> > movies.
> >
> > What Im looking for is basically movies, anime, comics and or novels
> that
> > have a Street Figher feel to them. Im trying to devise a list of them,
> so
> > send as many things as you can think of. If you dont want to bother the
> > list with them, feel free to send them to me personally at
> > mmorgado@... or morg@....
> >
> > Thanks for the help.
> >
> > Mike Morgado
> > mmorgado@...
> > ext. 642
> > (519) 383-3642
> > PC/ITS
> >
> >
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Big Yellow! Your yellow pages on the web.
> > To find out more about Computers and Internet click here!
> > http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/229
> >
> >
> >
> > eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
> > http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group communications
> >
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> Women.com, RollingStone, Travelocity, and more...
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1385 From: Morgado, Mike Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Theres an anime called Enter the Dragon? I love the movie with Bruce Lee,
but never knew there was an anime with the same title.

What about novels? Are there any good novels that deals with martial

oh and for anyone who has seen Black Mask, was it any good? By the time I
got a chance to see it, it was gone :(



> Martial Arts anime includes;
> Battle Arena Tohshinden
> Tekken: the Motion Picture
> Samurai Shodown
> The Ultimate Teacher
> Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (for your WoD crossover fix)
> Enter the Dragon
> Live-Action Movies:
> Armor of God II: Operation Condor
> Rumble in the Bronx
> The Drunken Master I & II (especially II; only live-action Flying Body
> Spear I've ever seen)
> First Strike
> Diggstown (organized crime meets street boxing)
> Black Mask
> Comics:
> Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Morgado, Mike < MMorgado@... <mailto:MMorgado@...>>
> To: 'StreetFighter' < streetfighter@egroups.com
> <mailto:streetfighter@egroups.com>>
> Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 2:16 PM
> Subject: [streetfighter] Other Media
> Hello,
> Can anyone think of any other media that is Street Figher-ish? You know,
> like the movie Bloodsport, Mortal Kombat the movie, the Fatal Fury
> animated
> movies.
> What Im looking for is basically movies, anime, comics and or novels that
> have a Street Figher feel to them. Im trying to devise a list of them, so
> send as many things as you can think of. If you dont want to bother the
> list with them, feel free to send them to me personally at
> mmorgado@... or morg@....
> Thanks for the help.
> Mike Morgado
> mmorgado@...
> ext. 642
> (519) 383-3642
> _____
> click hereClick Here! <http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/323>
> eGroups.com home: <http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter>
> www.egroups.com <http://www.egroups.com> - Simplifying group
> communications
> _____
> click hereClick Here! <http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/323>
> eGroups.com home: <http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter>
> www.egroups.com <http://www.egroups.com> - Simplifying group
> communications


eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1386 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
whoops.  no, I stuck Enter the Dragon under the wrong header.  I was, of course, referring to the Bruce Lee film.
-----Original Message-----
From: Morgado, Mike <MMorgado@...>
To: 'streetfighter@egroups.com' <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 3:12 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Other Media

Theres an anime called Enter the Dragon? I love the movie with Bruce Lee,
but never knew there was an anime with the same title.  

What about novels? Are there any good novels that deals with martial

oh and for anyone who has seen Black Mask, was it any good? By the time I
got a chance to see it, it was gone :(



> Martial Arts anime includes; > > Battle Arena Tohshinden > Tekken: the Motion Picture > Samurai Shodown > The Ultimate Teacher > Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (for your WoD crossover fix) > Enter the Dragon > > Live-Action Movies: > Armor of God II: Operation Condor > Rumble in the Bronx > The Drunken Master I & II (especially II; only live-action Flying Body > Spear I've ever seen) > First Strike > Diggstown (organized crime meets street boxing) > Black Mask > > Comics: > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles > > -----Original Message----- > From: Morgado, Mike < MMorgado@... <mailto:MMorgado@...>> > To: 'StreetFighter' < streetfighter@egroups.com > <mailto:streetfighter@egroups.com>> > Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 2:16 PM > Subject: [streetfighter] Other Media > > > Hello, > > Can anyone think of any other media that is Street Figher-ish? You know, > like the movie Bloodsport, Mortal Kombat the movie, the Fatal Fury > animated > movies. > > What Im looking for is basically movies, anime, comics and or novels that > have a Street Figher feel to them. Im trying to devise a list of them, so > send as many things as you can think of. If you dont want to bother the > list with them, feel free to send them to me personally at > mmorgado@... or morg@.... > > Thanks for the help. > > Mike Morgado > mmorgado@... > ext. 642 > (519) 383-3642 > PC/ITS > > _____ > > > click hereClick Here! <http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/323> > > eGroups.com home: <http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter> > www.egroups.com <http://www.egroups.com> - Simplifying group > communications > > > _____ > > > click hereClick Here! <http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/323> > > eGroups.com home: <http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter> > www.egroups.com <http://www.egroups.com> - Simplifying group > communications >

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Group: streetfighter Message: 1387 From: KristoferLundstr�m Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Willpower question
>Its in the example under the combat section. Spending a willpower point,
>allows you to roll an additional die for damage.

Don't you just love it when you find important rules in combat examples and
nowhere else? Way to WW!


>Mike Morgado
>ext. 642
>(519) 383-3642

> > I seem to remember reading somewhere that a player can't spend a
> > to ensure a damage point. I can't find the reference anywhere. Am I in
> > error
> > in remembering this or is it really in the book somewhere?
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------------
> > Christian Conkle



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Group: streetfighter Message: 1388 From: Will Dixon Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Jet Li
Black Mask has been on video for 2 years. Go to an Asian import store
if you are able, and They will have all of the releases for the next 5
years. Peace.

--- "Morgado, Mike" <MMorgado@...> wrote:
> Theres an anime called Enter the Dragon? I love the
> movie with Bruce Lee,
> but never knew there was an anime with the same
> title.
> What about novels? Are there any good novels that
> deals with martial
> artists?
> oh and for anyone who has seen Black Mask, was it
> any good? By the time I
> got a chance to see it, it was gone :(
> Thanks
> MikeM
> > Martial Arts anime includes;
> >
> > Battle Arena Tohshinden
> > Tekken: the Motion Picture
> > Samurai Shodown
> > The Ultimate Teacher
> > Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (for your
> WoD crossover fix)
> > Enter the Dragon
> >
> > Live-Action Movies:
> > Armor of God II: Operation Condor
> > Rumble in the Bronx
> > The Drunken Master I & II (especially II; only
> live-action Flying Body
> > Spear I've ever seen)
> > First Strike
> > Diggstown (organized crime meets street boxing)
> > Black Mask
> >
> > Comics:
> > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
> >
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Morgado, Mike < MMorgado@...
> <mailto:MMorgado@...>>
> > To: 'StreetFighter' < streetfighter@egroups.com
> > <mailto:streetfighter@egroups.com>>
> > Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 2:16 PM
> > Subject: [streetfighter] Other Media
> >
> >
> > Hello,
> >
> > Can anyone think of any other media that is Street
> Figher-ish? You know,
> > like the movie Bloodsport, Mortal Kombat the
> movie, the Fatal Fury
> > animated
> > movies.
> >
> > What Im looking for is basically movies, anime,
> comics and or novels that
> > have a Street Figher feel to them. Im trying to
> devise a list of them, so
> > send as many things as you can think of. If you
> dont want to bother the
> > list with them, feel free to send them to me
> personally at
> > mmorgado@... or morg@....
> >
> > Thanks for the help.
> >
> > Mike Morgado
> > mmorgado@...
> > ext. 642
> > (519) 383-3642
> > PC/ITS
> >
> > _____
> >
> >
> > click hereClick Here!
> <http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/323>
> >
> > eGroups.com home:
> <http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter>
> > www.egroups.com <http://www.egroups.com> -
> Simplifying group
> > communications
> >
> >
> > _____
> >
> >
> > click hereClick Here!
> <http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/323>
> >
> > eGroups.com home:
> <http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter>
> > www.egroups.com <http://www.egroups.com> -
> Simplifying group
> > communications
> >
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> in-box.
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1389 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Hmm Actually thanks for the tip.
Right now Im getting info from tje street fighter alpha 3 strategy guide. Its
got a lot of good info.

Dennis Bryant wrote:

> >Actully Ive been doing alot of research for the game.
> >Most of it is the games them selves, Manuals whenever I can find them
> >Fighting Guides, messages to capcom.
> >The hard part is trying to find whats official and what isnt.
> A good guide to seeing if somthing is official is if it is a Capcom product,
> not a Capcom license(like the RPG of SFEX), you can generally tell by
> checking the copyright notice on a product.
> Dennis
> ______________________________________________________
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1390 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Ok this letter is a bit late. Ive been scanning throught the messages lately no really responding.
Anyways many people have responded saying "who cares" to certain letters.
Unfortunatley people do. Especially for people who play the SF RPG and want to find out as mush about the characters as possible.

Another thng. Arguements are good. Its how people learn, but when you argue you have to be able to accept when you are wrong or saying the same thing.
Try not to get mad. Just think about where the conversation is going  and what your talking about.

The arguments in this Newsgroup are where we learn things.

Steve Karstensen wrote:

 this is the last time I'm going to address this issue, right, wrong, or otherwise. 1) just because a name has a meaning or method of being written in two languages does not make it native to one or the other.  Why write Ken as a 'foreign' word if it can be written natively? 2) I seem to recall an old newsgroup argument about the proper pronunciation and meaning of Ryu's name.  Even *NATIVE* Japanese speakers were divided on the issue. 3) Ken obviously feels a strong tie with the States or else he would not have entered the World Warrior tournaments AS A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE USA.  In every Street Fighter game ever published he is listed as being from the United States.  Ryu chooses to live (mostly) in Japan and regardless of his German background (which is tentative at best, red hair or no) he chooses his affiliation with that country rather than any other. 4) as previously stated, who cares?  Capcom's canon itself is contradictory and these other sources conflict even further.  I offered an opinion, and an opinion alone, based on the sources I chose to use.  I know others contradict them, but using the Golden Rule of Storytelling I chose to toss them out.  A previous E-mail I wrote springs to mind, one which says "Personally I like ambiguity in the storyline because it gives me the opportunity to mold things to my liking, without some story lawyer saying 'You can't do that! Vega would *never* wear a bunny suit!'" 5) Until you people start being more civil, I'm refraining from posting anymore.  The fact that I've had to quell four different potential flame wars in the past week has told me that this list is becoming a burden.  Look, I am no God-Appointed Street Fighter Authority, but consider the following;    a) I run one of the most widely-visited and recognized SFRPG web sites on the 'net.  It was one of the first and it remains one of the most comprehensive, need-of-an-overhaul notwithstanding.  Even the people at White Wolf appreciate it and I was thanked by Mr. Weick for my efforts.    b) I have been a member of this list since before it even WAS a list.  I was one of the first people to be added to the original "CC: from hell" grouping and one of the first signups for the list.  I have helped a *lot* of people over the course of two years with this game, and the E-mail I receive about my site tells me of this fact.  I have also brought now less than four of the current members of our mailing list into the fold; they wouldn't even BE here if I didn't have links to the signup page or forward their messages along for subscription. Now, I am not always right; but even when I am wrong I expect to be disagreed with respectfully, especially given my contributions to this "community", as it were, and over the last week I, as well as others, have been jumped on by a select few over VERY trivial things.  It's petty, it's annoying, and it's got to stop.  And until it does, I am not going to be contributing further.  After all, my opinions keep getting slung right back at me, so it's obvious that no one wants to hear them.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 1391 From: Tom Pascuttini Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Needing Input
Hey Jason welcome to the group.

Jason Stillion wrote:

 Thank you for responding to my message. Your the first one to do so and thanks for catching the misspelling. I was wondering when I post the much corrected version would you mind if I put your name and or e-mail address under a thank you section that will be near the top. Corrected the mistake on the master version. Will wait a bit until get more correction and release another version. Just let me know if you catch any other errors and thanks again for the input, I really appreciate it. Much appreciation againJason Stillioncardiss@... 
-----Original Message-----
From: Christian Conkle [mailto:ConkleC@...]
Sent: Monday, June 14, 1999 11:46 AM
To: 'streetfighter@egroups.com'
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Needing Input

This is just from initial scanning, I haven't actually proofread it yet, but
under Special Forces, Isreal's intelligence aggency is called Mossad, not

Christian Conkle
Web Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

work: conklec@...
home: conkle@...

On Sunday, June 13, 1999 10:00 PM, Jason Stillion [SMTP:cardiss@...]
> Recently my ISP's E-mail server crashed and I lost all but a few of
> Mail. I was wondering if any can forward me them.
> I have my Style guide done and to my knowledge it's completely accurate.
> I was wondering if anyone could give me feedback on it and see if any of
> caught any errors I missed. Looking for Positive and Negative feed back.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 1392 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
my girlfriend grew up on kung fu novels.  apparently, they're very popular in China.  She was especially fond of a series of books revolving around a character named "The Dragon Princess" (No relation to Chow-Yen).  According to a friend of mine who worked at a bookstore, they have made their way to the 'States, although whether in English or Chinese I don't know.  You may be able to find them if you look hard enough.  I'll see if I can get her to remember the titles and name of the author.
-----Original Message-----
From: Morgado, Mike <MMorgado@...>
To: 'streetfighter@egroups.com' <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 3:12 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Other Media

Theres an anime called Enter the Dragon? I love the movie with Bruce Lee,
but never knew there was an anime with the same title.  

What about novels? Are there any good novels that deals with martial

oh and for anyone who has seen Black Mask, was it any good? By the time I
got a chance to see it, it was gone :(



> Martial Arts anime includes; > > Battle Arena Tohshinden > Tekken: the Motion Picture > Samurai Shodown > The Ultimate Teacher > Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (for your WoD crossover fix) > Enter the Dragon > > Live-Action Movies: > Armor of God II: Operation Condor > Rumble in the Bronx > The Drunken Master I & II (especially II; only live-action Flying Body > Spear I've ever seen) > First Strike > Diggstown (organized crime meets street boxing) > Black Mask > > Comics: > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles > > -----Original Message----- > From: Morgado, Mike < MMorgado@... <mailto:MMorgado@...>> > To: 'StreetFighter' < streetfighter@egroups.com > <mailto:streetfighter@egroups.com>> > Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 2:16 PM > Subject: [streetfighter] Other Media > > > Hello, > > Can anyone think of any other media that is Street Figher-ish? You know, > like the movie Bloodsport, Mortal Kombat the movie, the Fatal Fury > animated > movies. > > What Im looking for is basically movies, anime, comics and or novels that > have a Street Figher feel to them. Im trying to devise a list of them, so > send as many things as you can think of. If you dont want to bother the > list with them, feel free to send them to me personally at > mmorgado@... or morg@.... > > Thanks for the help. > > Mike Morgado > mmorgado@... > ext. 642 > (519) 383-3642 > PC/ITS > > _____ > > > click hereClick Here! <http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/323> > > eGroups.com home: <http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter> > www.egroups.com <http://www.egroups.com> - Simplifying group > communications > > > _____ > > > click hereClick Here! <http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/323> > > eGroups.com home: <http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter> > www.egroups.com <http://www.egroups.com> - Simplifying group > communications >

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Group: streetfighter Message: 1393 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/15/1999
Subject: Re: Jet Li
yea.  American cinema is just now starting to realize the value of imported movies.  I took my girlfriend to see Twin Dragons (it was released here not too long ago) and she said "This movie is like ten years old.  I saw it when I was in China, a long time ago!"
-----Original Message-----
From: Will Dixon <ryu_sui_sen@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 8:25 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Jet Li

Black Mask has been on video for 2 years.  Go to an Asian import store
if you are able, and They will have all of the releases for the next 5
years.  Peace.

--- "Morgado, Mike" <MMorgado@...> wrote:
> Theres an anime called Enter the Dragon? I love the > movie with Bruce Lee, > but never knew there was an anime with the same > title. > > What about novels? Are there any good novels that > deals with martial > artists? > > oh and for anyone who has seen Black Mask, was it > any good? By the time I > got a chance to see it, it was gone :( > > Thanks > > MikeM > > > Martial Arts anime includes; > > > > Battle Arena Tohshinden > > Tekken: the Motion Picture > > Samurai Shodown > > The Ultimate Teacher > > Night Warriors: Darkstalkers' Revenge (for your > WoD crossover fix) > > Enter the Dragon > > > > Live-Action Movies: > > Armor of God II: Operation Condor > > Rumble in the Bronx > > The Drunken Master I & II (especially II; only > live-action Flying Body > > Spear I've ever seen) > > First Strike > > Diggstown (organized crime meets street boxing) > > Black Mask > > > > Comics: > > Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles > > > > -----Original Message----- > > From: Morgado, Mike < MMorgado@... > <mailto:MMorgado@...>> > > To: 'StreetFighter' < streetfighter@egroups.com > > <mailto:streetfighter@egroups.com>> > > Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999 2:16 PM > > Subject: [streetfighter] Other Media > > > > > > Hello, > > > > Can anyone think of any other media that is Street > Figher-ish? You know, > > like the movie Bloodsport, Mortal Kombat the > movie, the Fatal Fury > > animated > > movies. > > > > What Im looking for is basically movies, anime, > comics and or novels that > > have a Street Figher feel to them. Im trying to > devise a list of them, so > > send as many things as you can think of. If you > dont want to bother the > > list with them, feel free to send them to me > personally at > > mmorgado@... or morg@.... > > > > Thanks for the help. > > > > Mike Morgado > > mmorgado@... > > ext. 642 > > (519) 383-3642 > > PC/ITS > > > > _____ > > > > > > click hereClick Here! > <http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/323> > > > > eGroups.com home: > <http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter> > > www.egroups.com <http://www.egroups.com> - > Simplifying group > > communications > > > > > > _____ > > > > > > click hereClick Here! > <http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/323> > > > > eGroups.com home: > <http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter> > > www.egroups.com <http://www.egroups.com> - > Simplifying group > > communications > > > >
> FREE email Newsletters delivered right to your > in-box. > CNET, USAToday, RollingStone, and more… > Click Here Now! > http://clickhere.egroups.com/click/314 > > > eGroups.com home: > http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter > http://www.egroups.com - Simplifying group > communications > > > > >

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Group: streetfighter Message: 1394 From: Darrick Chen Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Well, in addition to the choices Steve mentioned, my vote is for The Quest,
a Van Damme film released in 1996. It's simply one of the best martial arts
films in terms of the variety of styles exhibited. My favorite is the
Capoeira vs monkey style kung fu (watch this one twice, the second time in
slow motion).
The storyline itself is very Streetfighterish: gathering of fighters from
around the world to compete in an ancient tournament. There are fighters
from Africa, Scotland, Spain, China, Japan, Okinawa, Korea, Siam (it takes
place in the 20s, so it's not called Thailand yet) Turkey, Mongolia, and
other places. Arts like Capoeira, Sumo, Muay Thai, and three different
animal styles of kung fu are displayed with stunning form.
On a side note, this was Van damme's first directorial effort, and was a
joint project with Frank Dux, the man he portrayed in Bloodsport.

That's my two cents. Other suggestions are:

The Heroic Trio and its sequel, the Executioners (if you so happen to be
running an all-female character campaign).
Only the Strong (for Capoeira enthusiasts)

Movies to avoid:
The Tekken anime. It just sucks. Hardly any fighting for a fighting anime.
Demon Century Suikoden. Not to be confused witht he PSX game. It's just
The Fatal Fury TV shows (the first 2 videos). Cheesy, hokey, and campy.

That's about it.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 1395 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
I'd have to say one of the best films to get would be "future cops", it's a
HK action film with a really odd story. But all of the characters in it are
(for no apparant reason) Street Fighter characters! The fights are how the
live action street fighter SHOULD have been.




eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1396 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
Well, I'd also say the Phantom meanace. It's got some really cool martial
sceens in it, espescially for weapons combat.

& on the note about HK films, yeah, I've noticed that over the past year
we've got about 4-5 years of HK cinema.




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Group: streetfighter Message: 1397 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Tournaments and other stuff.
Ken is American. Hira or Kata, he's all pasty and blonde.


On Wed, 09 Jun 1999 03:59:08 PDT Dennis Bryant <dl_bryant@...>
>>whatever, dude. I outlined my reasoning, and the best you can do is
>>not true because I say so." well, Dennis Has Spoken, so I guess I
>>just go back to read-only mode and not bother offering my input
>Well, no. It's not true because of the way Japanese works. Ken's name
>Japanese because in the Japanese versions of the game it's written in
>Hirigana, if he had a non-Japanese name(like Guile or Zangief) it
>would be
>written in Katakana, plain & simple.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 1398 From: Christian Conkle Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Planet Conkle is now Evil Schemer (it's moved again)
This is just a note to anyone who cares that Planet Conkle is now Evil
Schemer. All of Evil Schemer/Planet Conkle has moved to
http://www.mecha.com/~conkle thanks to the generous offer from Jon Simola.
No longer will you have to put up with Xoom.com's annoying frames and
advertisements. I apologize for the inconvenience the new move has created.
Please update your bookmarks and links accordingly. I promise that Evil
Schemer will stay at mecha.com for a long time.

The new addresses are as follows:

2K20 (Cyberpunk 2020), http://www.mecha.com/~conkle/cyber/

Nova Team Arcol is GO! (Mekton Zeta),

Bubblgum Conumdrum (BGC:RPG), http://www.mecha.com/~conkle/bgc

Dragon Knights:2050 (Mekton Fuzion),

Star Wars: Dark Heritage (Star Wars:RPG),

TranzFuzion (Fuzion), http://www.mecha.com/~conkle/fuzion

Street Fighter Ultra (Street Fighter:RPG),

Mists of the Aeons (Call of Cthulhu and Delta Green),

Mekton: Powersuit City (Mekton Zeta),

Rangers (Alternate Setting for Star Wars:RPG),

CyberTWERPS (TWERPS), http://www.mecha.com/~conkle/twerps/cyber.html

MechaTWERPS (TWERPS), http://www.mecha.com/~conkle/twerps/mecha.html

Robwar:2041 (Homebrew), http://www.mecha.com/~conkle/robwar

Spacewar (Homebrew), http://www.mecha.com/~conkle/spacewar/spacewar.html

(phew!! I didn't know I supported so many games!!)

Please update your links accordingly.

Once again, I apologize.

Christian Conkle
Web Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

work: conklec@...
home: conkle@...


eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1399 From: KristoferLundstr�m Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
>Well, in addition to the choices Steve mentioned, my vote is for The Quest,
>a Van Damme film released in 1996. It's simply one of the best martial arts
>films in terms of the variety of styles exhibited. My favorite is

Ok... put that way... Many styles, ok. Fairly cool fights, yeah, sure. But
apart from that, it... well... not so good. I disliked it. Strongly. Yup.

Jean Claude shouldn't be directing. That's just the way it is.


>Capoeira vs monkey style kung fu (watch this one twice, the second time in
>slow motion).
>The storyline itself is very Streetfighterish: gathering of fighters from
>around the world to compete in an ancient tournament. There are fighters
>from Africa, Scotland, Spain, China, Japan, Okinawa, Korea, Siam (it takes
>place in the 20s, so it's not called Thailand yet) Turkey, Mongolia, and
>other places. Arts like Capoeira, Sumo, Muay Thai, and three different
>animal styles of kung fu are displayed with stunning form.
>On a side note, this was Van damme's first directorial effort, and was a
>joint project with Frank Dux, the man he portrayed in Bloodsport.
>That's my two cents. Other suggestions are:
>The Heroic Trio and its sequel, the Executioners (if you so happen to be
>running an all-female character campaign).
>Only the Strong (for Capoeira enthusiasts)
>Movies to avoid:
>The Tekken anime. It just sucks. Hardly any fighting for a fighting anime.
>Demon Century Suikoden. Not to be confused witht he PSX game. It's just
>The Fatal Fury TV shows (the first 2 videos). Cheesy, hokey, and campy.
>That's about it.



eGroups.com home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 1400 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/16/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
well, the main beefs I had with the Tekken anime were that the soundtrack was too prominent.  the music blared and it seemed like the characters were shouting over it.
the few fights that did exist were cool, although there were too many parallels between Heihachi and M. Bison... even though Heihachi reminds me of the pointy-haired boss from Dilbert.
-----Original Message-----
From: Darrick Chen <dare2live@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Wednesday, June 16, 1999 12:47 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Other Media

Well, in addition to the choices Steve mentioned, my vote is for The Quest, 
a Van Damme film released in 1996. It's simply one of the best martial arts 
films in terms of the variety of styles exhibited. My favorite is the 
Capoeira vs monkey style kung fu (watch this one twice, the second time in 
slow motion).
The storyline itself is very Streetfighterish: gathering of fighters from 
around the world to compete in an ancient tournament. There are fighters 
from Africa, Scotland, Spain, China, Japan, Okinawa, Korea, Siam (it takes 
place in the 20s, so it's not called Thailand yet) Turkey, Mongolia, and 
other places. Arts like Capoeira, Sumo, Muay Thai, and three different 
animal styles of kung fu are displayed with stunning form.
On a side note, this was Van damme's first directorial effort, and was a 
joint project with Frank Dux, the man he portrayed in Bloodsport.

That's my two cents. Other suggestions are:

The Heroic Trio and its sequel, the Executioners (if you so happen to be 
running an all-female character campaign).
Only the Strong (for Capoeira enthusiasts)

Movies to avoid:
The Tekken anime. It just sucks. Hardly any fighting for a fighting anime.
Demon Century Suikoden. Not to be confused witht he PSX game. It's just 
The Fatal Fury TV shows (the first 2 videos). Cheesy, hokey, and campy.

That's about it.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 1401 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/17/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
>Jean Claude shouldn't be directing. That's just the way it is.

Directing? he shouldn't even be fighting! Ever since Bloodsport & Kickboxer
his form has gotten so sloppy it just isn't funny.




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Group: streetfighter Message: 1402 From: KristoferLundstr�m Date: 6/17/1999
Subject: Re: Other Media
>>Jean Claude shouldn't be directing. That's just the way it is.
>Directing? he shouldn't even be fighting! Ever since Bloodsport &
>his form has gotten so sloppy it just isn't funny.>

Someone who is a pretty nice fella to watch however is the guy from the
movie "Drive", the same actor who played in "The crying freeman", although I
haven't seen that one myself. He is fast, and he spins like football when he
jumps. Looks kinda funny.





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Group: streetfighter Message: 1403 From: Darrick Chen Date: 6/18/1999
Subject: That Guy

That guy from Drive and Crying Freeman is Mark Dacascos, who is a fighter of
some note. He comes from a great martial arts heritage: His Father, Al
Dacascos, founded the Wun Hop Kuen Do fighting system (not to be confused
with Hapkido). Mark is of mixed Filipino, Chinese, and Japanese ancestry, as
well as others.
In addition to Drive and Crying Freeman (which I don't think has ever been
released), he has starred in Only the Strong (the other film I mentioned)
Double Dragon the Movie (avoid this for one reason: trying to pass off a
post-Who's the Boss Alyssa Milano and a pre-Party of Five Scott Wolf as
martial artists. It's just painful to watch, really. Dacascos is like the
only, and I mean only actor in the film who can fight), Boogie Boy (his only
non-MA flickm haven't seen it), and he currently stars in the Crow: Stairway
to Heaven TV series (still trying to figure out if it's good or not).
To be honest, he's not that spectacular an actor, but he is a great martial
artist, in my opinion, anyway.

Another martial artist I like is Michelle "Mouse" Krasnoo. She's in a few
films, none of note. Again, a dubious actor, but I bring her up for an
important reason. If any of you have read my sourcebook for New Legends, the
character Shannon Sparks in the introductory fiction was based off of her.
Okay, enough ego-flaunting.

On the whole, "Other Media" topic, I must say I'm sort of really
disappointed with a lot of he Direct-To-Video martial arts films. Most of
the time, they are thinly-veiled excuses to show soft-core porn (in one
film, there is a orgy scene, for no apparent reason whatsoever. I of course
didn't know this was in the film, and NO, I am not saying which one). And
they are always very poorly acted. I really think these "filmmakers" should
stop trying to cash in on martial arts a a quick way to make dough through
splashy violence. As a martial artist myself, it does sadden me to see such
a great part of our world's culture cheapened in such a way.

That's my opinion, anyway.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 1404 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 6/18/1999
Subject: Re: That Guy
Crying Freeman (which I don't think has ever been released),

It came out over a year ago. It is a film version of the 1st episode of the
anime. Except for the fact that they changed the ending a bit(to make it a
stand alone film), & forgot to put subtitles in the Japanese scenes, it's a
pretty faithful adaptation.

>Double Dragon the Movie (avoid this for one reason: trying to pass off a
>post-Who's the Boss Alyssa Milano and a pre-Party of Five Scott Wolf as
>martial artists. It's just painful to watch, really. Dacascos is like the
>only, and I mean only actor in the film who can fight)

OK, I Know the film is crap, but hey, it's Alyssa Milano.




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