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Group: streetfighter Message: 13568 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13569 From: warlockfm Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13570 From: warlockfm Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13571 From: warlockfm Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13572 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13573 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: What happened to Steve Karstensen and his website?
Group: streetfighter Message: 13574 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13575 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13576 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: What happened to Steve Karstensen and his website?
Group: streetfighter Message: 13577 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13578 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13579 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13580 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13581 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13582 From: Jason Obeston Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13583 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13584 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13585 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13586 From: Jason Obeston Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13587 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13588 From: Thomas Merton Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: What happened to Steve Karstensen and his website?
Group: streetfighter Message: 13589 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13590 From: warlockfm Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: What happened to Steve Karstensen and his website?
Group: streetfighter Message: 13591 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13592 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13593 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: What happened to Steve Karstensen and his website?
Group: streetfighter Message: 13594 From: Jason Obeston Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13595 From: extrabastardformula Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13596 From: Kim Foster Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Streetfighter WWF
Group: streetfighter Message: 13597 From: Jason Obeston Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13598 From: Jeff Yurkiw Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
Group: streetfighter Message: 13599 From: Abbadon240@aol.com Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
Group: streetfighter Message: 13600 From: Abbadon240@aol.com Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: about a post.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13601 From: Kim Foster Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
Group: streetfighter Message: 13602 From: Abbadon240@aol.com Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
Group: streetfighter Message: 13603 From: Blue DragonWolf Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
Group: streetfighter Message: 13604 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13605 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
Group: streetfighter Message: 13606 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: about a post.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13607 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: the book of.......
Group: streetfighter Message: 13608 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13609 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: streetfighter rap
Group: streetfighter Message: 13610 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13611 From: Blue Dorian Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
Group: streetfighter Message: 13612 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Group: streetfighter Message: 13613 From: warlockfm Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: the book of.......
Group: streetfighter Message: 13614 From: chuangbao Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: the book of.......
Group: streetfighter Message: 13615 From: galin_ra Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: about a post.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13616 From: galin_ra Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: the book of.......
Group: streetfighter Message: 13617 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: the book of.......

Group: streetfighter Message: 13568 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!


It seems to have worked well for Necro.

Just to make sure: OK, you see the fighter's league logo.....are there blanks where images should be?

Also, go into Tools/Internet Options under the Advanced tab. Make sure all options under Java (sun) and Java VM are checked.

Anyone else have this problem?

If all else fails I'll take the hover buttons off and replace them with plain ol' links next update.

>From: "warlockfm"

>Reply-To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
>To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
>Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 08:41:51 -0000
>I am running in 1280x1024 res, IE5.5, java should be on, the banner loads, but I only see the "the fighters lounge" picture which doesn't always finish loading.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 13569 From: warlockfm Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Ok, I'm running Opera 6.01, with java/javascript/cookies/etc enabled and the pictures won't load and I don't hear music.

I try IE5.5, and the logo and watermark loads, but still no music and no buttons.

Java and javascript is enabled.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13570 From: warlockfm Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Ok, for some strange reason, I associated quicktime plugins with various midi and picture file extensions, and the java applets look like they're loading, but as usual, java doesn't like to work for me in Opera.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13571 From: warlockfm Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
Ok, sorry to post so many times, but I think I have narrowed the problem down to 3 possibilities if you haven't touched the code.

1. associating quicktime plugin with various media files in opera.(unlikely)
2. turning off zone alarm (had ad and cookie protection on - still unlikely)
3. using my isp's proxy because it's a slow connection to your isp.
(most likely i think)

Anyway, I've managed to load it albeit slowly in opera and so far the information is quite interesting, so some cheers from me, King of Chickens. ^_^
Group: streetfighter Message: 13572 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
--- In streetfighter@y..., "The King of Chickens 2001"
<chickenno1@h...> wrote:
> It seems to have worked well for Necro.

you can call me Matt, necro6hit was just my stupid geocities log-on.

actually when I viewed your page I got tired of waiting for the java
applet to load and looked at the source. after pulling the links out
of the code i browsed your page without the navigator frame.

at the time i thought it was just slow loading.

now after seing the java i find it has another problem.

at some very popular screen sizes, you cant even see all the buttons,
they hang off the right side.
because you disabled scrolling in the top frame the layman has no way
to get to them unless they know a few tricks.

everything else i was going to say about it was just pet peeves but
this is a real problem, your visitors might not be able to navigate
your page.

I suggest for the navigation:
A. lose the applet or make it optional, the effect isnt really neat
enough to warrent the load time and could almost be achieved with css.
B. enable scrolling on the top frame if your going to have the
contents just barely fit at 1024X768.. lots of ppl view at 800X600
and web design is all about making it work for everyone.

and in general:
C. disable the music or have it optional, some ppl dont want to wait
for it to load, some ppl dont even have speakers.
D. change the background pic or the white text. they are almost the
same color and makes it hard on the eyes.
E. embed your fonts onto the page if you havent already. not
everyone has those fonts and your page will look different on their
F. always provide an alternative for pppl without
java/javascript/frames/images. some ppl dont have these, or disable
them on purpose.

I can help you more specifically with any of this if you want it.

Group: streetfighter Message: 13573 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: What happened to Steve Karstensen and his website?
--- In streetfighter@y..., "warlockfm" <warlockfm@y...> wrote:
> As above.
> warlockfm

When i was talking about scanning the books so everyone could have
them for free, he threatened to personally turn me in because
copyright infringement is bad.. (he also admitted he played copied
games, and was being a hypocrite, go figure...)

A huge argument ensued and he dissappeared and pulled down his site.

I tried to pursuade him to return with a "reply here if you want
steve to come back" and not a single person replied.

Ive since been told by reliable sources that he was on the verge of
taking it down anyway so I probably shouldn't feel guilty or take all
the credit/blame.

I have since ceased any plan to copy the books and instead collect
them and will give them away for free, determined to accomplish the
same goal without breaking the law, because some ppl feel so strongly
about the law..

I find it Ironic that ppl threw a fit when I was going to scan them
when countless web sites have copyrighted material on them.
the character sheet/combat cards are the only parts with given
permission to reproduce in ANY way.

if a site has styles lists/ move lists/ moves/ or any other info, you
are in violation of the same law. (even steve)

http://www.lunarpages.com/onlinerpgs/SFRPG/InterfaceF.html for
example seems to be almost entirely dedicated to posting matrial from
the book.

yet in this issue which is about principles, they somehow see it as
being "not AS illegal" if its not the whole book. like its ok to
break the law a little bit.
well then the principles go out the window.

I would love nothing more than to scan the books for those who dont
have em, but it has been made clear to me that some ppl here feel
strongly enough about the principle of intellectual property rights
that they would try to ruin me despite the fact that I would not be
profiting from it or taking away from any sales (since its out of

Group: streetfighter Message: 13574 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
>I suggest for the navigation:
>A. lose the applet or make it optional, the effect isnt really neat
>enough to warrent the load time and could almost be achieved with css.

I'm getting rid of the applets next update. I shoulda known that they would be more of a hinderance than a help.

>B. enable scrolling on the top frame if your going to have the

>contents just barely fit at 1024X768.. lots of ppl view at 800X600
>and web design is all about making it work for everyone.

Hmm....no way to just enable horizontal scrolling. and I don't want to reduce my screen size just to make my web page at that. But I will switch the links and the banner around.

OR....I intend to replace my banner with something more well designed and not that wide, and longer, so that I can squeeze the links below the banner (I made the banner frame resizable, so this should cover it).

>C. disable the music or have it optional, some ppl dont want to wait for it to load, some ppl dont even have speakers.

I think I'll keep the music. They're less than 100KB apiece (suprisingly good quality for small files, aren't they?). I don't think music's the problem here.

>D. change the background pic or the white text. they are almost the same color and makes it hard on the eyes

Taken note of. I was thinking Yellow or Cyan but couldn't decide before the launch date. 

>E. embed your fonts onto the page if you havent already. not
>everyone has those fonts and your page will look different on their pc.

Sorry....need to ask you how to do that in HTML.....I don't know much, that's why I'm using a program like Frontpage 2000.

Still....it doesn't really matter. My sister had no problem viewing the page in default fonts.

>F. always provide an alternative for pppl without
>java/javascript/frames/images. some ppl dont have these, or disable them on purpose.

I'm getting rid of the Javascript next update.....the non-frames page might have to wait tho.

Next update by the end of this week latest.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 13575 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
--- In streetfighter@y..., "The King of Chickens 2001"
>Hmm....no way to just enable horizontal scrolling. and I don't want
>to reduce my screen size just to make my web page at that. But I
>will switch the links and the banner around.

if you dont specify scrolling yes or no, it's default is to have
scrollbars only when needed.

meaning if the top frame was tall enough their would be no vertical
scrollbar, but if it was too wide, only a horizontal scrollbar would
appear, and only on PCs with small screensizes.

>C. disable the music or have it optional, some ppl dont want to wait
>for it to load, some ppl dont even have speakers.
>I think I'll keep the music. They're less than 100KB apiece
>(suprisingly good quality for small files, aren't they?). I don't
>think music's the problem here.

entirely up to you. I just know a lot of ppl hate being made to load
music instead of having an "on/off" switch for it.

>E. embed your fonts onto the page if you havent already. not
>everyone has those fonts and your page will look different on their
>Sorry....need to ask you how to do that in HTML.....I don't know
>much, that's why I'm using a program like Frontpage 2000.
>Still....it doesn't really matter. My sister had no problem viewing
>the page in default fonts.

it's not neccessary at all, thats strictly a control thing for
webmasters. it can be viewed fine without the fonts you intended,
but it wont look exactly like you wanted it to look.

some ppl freak out about their "artistic vision", some dont:)

>F. always provide an alternative for pppl without
>java/javascript/frames/images. some ppl dont have these, or disable
>them on purpose.
>I'm getting rid of the Javascript next update.....the non-frames
>page might have to wait tho.

a simple work around for the frames is to use the NOFRAMES tag.
anything in it will be displayed to ppl who cant use frames. just put
something like "you dont have frames. go HERE" with a link to the
page that is loaded into the nav frame where all your links are..

its a lot easier than making up a whole new version of your site
without frames.

p.s. I like your site a lot btw, I was just trying to be helpfull
with the input.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13576 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: What happened to Steve Karstensen and his website?
He was a casualty of the last "great" Flame War on this list.

Anyone could be next!


::Runs away screaming::.

"Sit by my fire, and hear a tale."

Arkon, Dark Lord of Chaos; Keeper of Mysteries; Circuit Folklorist; Seeker of the Lost Paths; Master of the Strangeways
Group: streetfighter Message: 13577 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
In a message dated 4/22/02 11:52:03 PM Central Daylight Time, mean_liar@... writes:

Just to clarify Arkon's point, the world was known to be round for
millenia before Columbus.

Yes, thank you.  That's half my point.

The other half is that the man is being alternately idolized or reviled for a HUGE mistake (rather than to things he knowingly did).

And he was wrong; even if the Americas weren't in the way, it would take too long to reach to reach China to make his route a decent investment.

Sweet, sweet irony....

The whole flat vs. round/stupid peasants thing is a pet peeve of

Half the popular examples about how dumb people in the past were are the result of smug people in the present trying to feel superior at their ancestors' expense.

"Sit by my fire, and hear a tale."

Arkon, Dark Lord of Chaos; Keeper of Mysteries; Circuit Folklorist; Seeker of the Lost Paths; Master of the Strangeways
Group: streetfighter Message: 13578 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
I, too, have troubles viewing your site.  I tried both AOL and IE from my home computer, as well as the awesome power of the lab computers at collage.

I have been completely unable to get past the front page with any method.

In a message dated 4/23/02 2:42:31 AM Central Daylight Time, chickenno1@... writes:

Let's see....
- Did you have Java enabled?

I did, but I may be using outdated Java.  In which case I am simply screwed until AOL gives me an update.

- What is your screen resolution? (I did my site at 1024X768)

That is also my screen resolution, but because of the program I use, I can't always work with a full screen web-page.  But I feel that shouldn't make a difference at simply trying to view the articles.  I don't always work from a computer with changable settings, and on my last computer I had to go with a lower resolution to run at a decent speed.

- Did you see a frames page, or just one page? The banner and the menus are on the top frame.

In all browsers I used, I got frames, but the top frame had no menus, just big gray boxes.

Aside from that, and the load time, your site looks great.  When can I see the articles?

"Sit by my fire, and hear a tale."

Arkon, Dark Lord of Chaos; Keeper of Mysteries; Circuit Folklorist; Seeker of the Lost Paths; Master of the Strangeways
Group: streetfighter Message: 13579 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
the big gray boxes is what slow-loading java applets look like when
they have not loaded yet.

at my work computer thats all I could get too so I viewed the source
and pulled the url's out of it.

it finally did load after I left it loading while I went out on lunch.


--- In streetfighter@y..., arkondloc@a... wrote:
> In all browsers I used, I got frames, but the top frame had no
menus, just
> big gray boxes.
> Aside from that, and the load time, your site looks great. When
can I see
> the articles?
Group: streetfighter Message: 13580 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
king of chickens,
I will help you on however much of your pages coding as you want me

I enjoy designing web pages, and sometimes hand coding can get the
same end-result as an html editor but with much smaller filesize.

just offering,
Group: streetfighter Message: 13581 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
not everyone idolizes him.

when i think of columbus i think of a guy who was completely lost.
("indians", HA)

Apparently some ppl give Amerigo Vespucci a little credit for being
right about the continent, since we live in "America" and
not "Columbia"


--- In streetfighter@y..., arkondloc@a... wrote:
> Yes, thank you. That's half my point.
> The other half is that the man is being alternately idolized or
reviled for a
> HUGE mistake (rather than to things he knowingly did).
> And he was wrong; even if the Americas weren't in the way, it would
take too
> long to reach to reach China to make his route a decent investment.
> Sweet, sweet irony....
Group: streetfighter Message: 13582 From: Jason Obeston Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Me, I actively dislike columbus for some other things
he did but even if the example is erronous it's still
a good one to use cause people at least get what you
mean even if its not accurate.

--- necro6hit <ringthief@...> wrote:
> not everyone idolizes him.
> when i think of columbus i think of a guy who was
> completely lost.
> ("indians", HA)
> Apparently some ppl give Amerigo Vespucci a little
> credit for being
> right about the continent, since we live in
> "America" and
> not "Columbia"
> Matt
> --- In streetfighter@y..., arkondloc@a... wrote:
> > Yes, thank you. That's half my point.
> >
> > The other half is that the man is being
> alternately idolized or
> reviled for a
> > HUGE mistake (rather than to things he knowingly
> did).
> >
> > And he was wrong; even if the Americas weren't in
> the way, it would
> take too
> > long to reach to reach China to make his route a
> decent investment.
> >
> > Sweet, sweet irony....
> >

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Group: streetfighter Message: 13583 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
it was a good example, I was just expressing that I too am part of
the minority that dont think he's all that.

I was agreeing, but trying to say the original poster was not alone.


--- In streetfighter@y..., Jason Obeston <callanme@y...> wrote:
> Me, I actively dislike columbus for some other things
> he did but even if the example is erronous it's still
> a good one to use cause people at least get what you
> mean even if its not accurate.
> --- necro6hit <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > not everyone idolizes him.
> >
> > when i think of columbus i think of a guy who was
> > completely lost.
> > ("indians", HA)
> >
> > Apparently some ppl give Amerigo Vespucci a little
> > credit for being
> > right about the continent, since we live in
> > "America" and
> > not "Columbia"
> >
> > Matt
> >
> > --- In streetfighter@y..., arkondloc@a... wrote:
> > > Yes, thank you. That's half my point.
> > >
> > > The other half is that the man is being
> > alternately idolized or
> > reviled for a
> > > HUGE mistake (rather than to things he knowingly
> > did).
> > >
> > > And he was wrong; even if the Americas weren't in
> > the way, it would
> > take too
> > > long to reach to reach China to make his route a
> > decent investment.
> > >
> > > Sweet, sweet irony....
> > >
> >
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more
> http://games.yahoo.com/
Group: streetfighter Message: 13584 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!

Nah, I don't wanna cause you too much trouble.

You already have a website up, and I wouldn't want to burden you with another responsibility.

Besides, your tools have already been a big help to me...any more help and it would no longer have any shread of originality whatsoever in my part.

>From: "necro6hit"
>Reply-To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
>To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
>Date: Tue, 23 Apr 2002 17:40:58 -0000
>king of chickens,
>I will help you on however much of your pages coding as you want me
>I enjoy designing web pages, and sometimes hand coding can get the
>same end-result as an html editor but with much smaller filesize.
>just offering,

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13585 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
It would still be your content and layout!
I would just code it more efficiently than a program would.

thanks by the way for acknowledging me on your site.
if you like the tools i had before, you should see the one i am
working on now. MUAHAH... err.. sorry ...


--- In streetfighter@y..., "The King of Chickens 2001"
<chickenno1@h...> wrote:
> Nah, I don't wanna cause you too much trouble.

You already have a website up, and I wouldn't want to burden you with
another responsibility.

Besides, your tools have already been a big help to me...any more
help and it would no longer have any shread of originality whatsoever
in my part.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13586 From: Jason Obeston Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Yep and on a side note I think this message will
officially kill this thread.

--- necro6hit <ringthief@...> wrote:
> it was a good example, I was just expressing that I
> too am part of
> the minority that dont think he's all that.
> I was agreeing, but trying to say the original
> poster was not alone.
> M
> --- In streetfighter@y..., Jason Obeston
> <callanme@y...> wrote:
> > Me, I actively dislike columbus for some other
> things
> > he did but even if the example is erronous it's
> still
> > a good one to use cause people at least get what
> you
> > mean even if its not accurate.
> >
> > --- necro6hit <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > > not everyone idolizes him.
> > >
> > > when i think of columbus i think of a guy who
> was
> > > completely lost.
> > > ("indians", HA)
> > >
> > > Apparently some ppl give Amerigo Vespucci a
> little
> > > credit for being
> > > right about the continent, since we live in
> > > "America" and
> > > not "Columbia"
> > >
> > > Matt
> > >
> > > --- In streetfighter@y..., arkondloc@a... wrote:
> > > > Yes, thank you. That's half my point.
> > > >
> > > > The other half is that the man is being
> > > alternately idolized or
> > > reviled for a
> > > > HUGE mistake (rather than to things he
> knowingly
> > > did).
> > > >
> > > > And he was wrong; even if the Americas weren't
> in
> > > the way, it would
> > > take too
> > > > long to reach to reach China to make his route
> a
> > > decent investment.
> > > >
> > > > Sweet, sweet irony....
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> >
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and
> more
> > http://games.yahoo.com/

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Group: streetfighter Message: 13587 From: necro6hit Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness

--- In streetfighter@y..., Jason Obeston <callanme@y...> wrote:
> Yep and on a side note I think this message will
> officially kill this thread.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13588 From: Thomas Merton Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: What happened to Steve Karstensen and his website?
> > As above.
> >
> > warlockfm

The facts are that he left the list and removed his page at the end of last
year, following a heated debate about copying the books and distributing
them online. He did not explicitly say why he left the list. Any further
details would be colored by my interpretation of them. If anyone wants the
transcripts, the post that triggered everything is


and the whole affair takes up 90% of the following 140 posts. While
time-consuming, and missing a few crucial references (since his page is now
gone) it offers more detail and objectivity than one summary could manage.

Incidentally, I have nothing but love for Steve, but he left by his own
design, and I respect that decision. The petition struck me as counter to
his own free will.

Finally, Arkon, you are correct. You are next. I will start by saying that
the Psychic Meteor is in fact, White Wolf canon, and that we must include it
in all SF campaigns, regardless of its appropriateness, relevancy,
feasability, campatability with Storyteller's tastes, or flavor. Flame on.

The Hurtin'

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13589 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: KOF supplement website site launch!
In a message dated 4/23/02 12:23:00 PM Central Daylight Time, ringthief@... writes:

the big gray boxes is what slow-loading java applets look like when
they have not loaded yet.

And what does it mean if they're still there when it stops loading?

Wait, I know, it means my Java is out of date.  :)

"Sit by my fire, and hear a tale."

Arkon, Dark Lord of Chaos; Keeper of Mysteries; Circuit Folklorist; Seeker of the Lost Paths; Master of the Strangeways
Group: streetfighter Message: 13590 From: warlockfm Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: What happened to Steve Karstensen and his website?
You know, Joe Dever released all his Lone Wolf publications on the internet for free...and they are quite old.

--- In streetfighter@y..., "Thomas Merton" <thehurtin@h...> wrote:
> > > As above.
> > >
> > > warlockfm
> The facts are that he left the list and removed his page at the end of last
> year, following a heated debate about copying the books and distributing
> them online. He did not explicitly say why he left the list. Any further
> details would be colored by my interpretation of them. If anyone wants the
> transcripts, the post that triggered everything is
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/streetfighter/message/12060
> and the whole affair takes up 90% of the following 140 posts. While
> time-consuming, and missing a few crucial references (since his page is now
> gone) it offers more detail and objectivity than one summary could manage.
> Incidentally, I have nothing but love for Steve, but he left by his own
> design, and I respect that decision. The petition struck me as counter to
> his own free will.
> Finally, Arkon, you are correct. You are next. I will start by saying that
> the Psychic Meteor is in fact, White Wolf canon, and that we must include it
> in all SF campaigns, regardless of its appropriateness, relevancy,
> feasability, campatability with Storyteller's tastes, or flavor. Flame on.
> The Hurtin'
> _________________________________________________________________
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13591 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
In a message dated 4/23/02 1:27:58 PM Central Daylight Time, ringthief@... writes:

not everyone idolizes him.

I know that.  I personally think he's a joke.  And I know enough people hate him that it's almost fashionable.

when i think of columbus i think of a guy who was completely lost.
("indians", HA)

He wasn't lost, he just didn't expect two ****ing huge chunks of real estate in the middle of the ocean.  And, of course, he couldn't swallow his pride in front of the kings of Europe and admit how badly he had messed up on Spain's money....

There's an interesting problem to throw to your PCs.  Give them a powerful backer, and let them badly waste a good chunk of said backer's money, and see what they do.

Apparently some ppl give Amerigo Vespucci a little credit for being
right about the continent, since we live in "America" and
not "Columbia

Thank the cartographer for that.  Pity the man only gets a couple of paragraphs (at best) in any standard history book.

"Sit by my fire, and hear a tale."

Arkon, Dark Lord of Chaos; Keeper of Mysteries; Circuit Folklorist; Seeker of the Lost Paths; Master of the Strangeways
Group: streetfighter Message: 13592 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
In a message dated 4/23/02 1:45:05 PM Central Daylight Time, callanme@... writes:

Me, I actively dislike columbus for some other things
he did but even if the example is erronous it's still
a good one to use cause people at least get what you
mean even if its not accurate. 

The problem with an erroneous example is that if the error is revealed, that mistake becomes associated with your reasoning.  And there are some vile people, like a certain Dark Lord, who use such opportunities to throw conversations widely off-base.  If you'd used a hypothetical situation, or checked your facts thoroughly (or just not been arguing such a pointless, volatile subject), I would have left everyone in peace.

"Sit by my fire, and hear a tale."

Arkon, Dark Lord of Chaos; Keeper of Mysteries; Circuit Folklorist; Seeker of the Lost Paths; Master of the Strangeways
Group: streetfighter Message: 13593 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: What happened to Steve Karstensen and his website?
In a message dated 4/23/02 6:49:49 PM Central Daylight Time, thehurtin@... writes:

Finally, Arkon, you are correct. You are next.  I will start by saying that
the Psychic Meteor is in fact, White Wolf canon, and that we must include it
in all SF campaigns, regardless of its appropriateness, relevancy,
feasability, campatability with Storyteller's tastes, or flavor.  Flame on.

The Hurtin'

Very well.  I will treat your statement with all the seriousness it deserves.

::Grabs 'The Hurtin' by the nose::.


::Runs away::.

"Sit by my fire, and hear a tale."

Arkon, Dark Lord of Chaos; Keeper of Mysteries; Circuit Folklorist; Seeker of the Lost Paths; Master of the Strangeways
Group: streetfighter Message: 13594 From: Jason Obeston Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Lol guess not

--- necro6hit <ringthief@...> wrote:
> no
> :)
> --- In streetfighter@y..., Jason Obeston
> <callanme@y...> wrote:
> > Yep and on a side note I think this message will
> > officially kill this thread.

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more
Group: streetfighter Message: 13595 From: extrabastardformula Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
--- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> not everyone idolizes him.
> when i think of columbus i think of a guy who was completely lost.
> ("indians", HA)
> Apparently some ppl give Amerigo Vespucci a little credit for being
> right about the continent, since we live in "America" and
> not "Columbia"

The name "Indians" was part of his poor Latin. Those he found were a
people before the Lord, or "En Deios." What we call India now was
called Hindustan in Columbus time.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13596 From: Kim Foster Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Streetfighter WWF
I hope this isn't a silly or hoplessly trendy question, but does anyone know
of Streetfighter RPG writeups for the WWF superstars, such as the Rock,
Undertaker, etc? With their signature moves?
Group: streetfighter Message: 13597 From: Jason Obeston Date: 4/23/2002
Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
Bah the example was still good cause everyone still
understood what I meant. They knew what I meant cause
it is a widely held perception of history that people
believed the world to be flat. ;)

--- arkondloc@... wrote:
> The problem with an erroneous example is that if the
> error is revealed, that
> mistake becomes associated with your reasoning. And
> there are some vile
> people, like a certain Dark Lord, who use such
> opportunities to throw
> conversations widely off-base. If you'd used a
> hypothetical situation, or
> checked your facts thoroughly (or just not been
> arguing such a pointless,
> volatile subject), I would have left everyone in
> peace.
> "Sit by my fire, and hear a tale."
> Arkon, Dark Lord of Chaos; Keeper of Mysteries;
> Circuit Folklorist; Seeker of
> the Lost Paths; Master of the Strangeways

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more
Group: streetfighter Message: 13598 From: Jeff Yurkiw Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
If i ever find the time this summer to do my D20 Streetfighter game, that's going to be one of the settings!
----- Original Message -----
From: Kim Foster
Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 8:40 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Streetfighter WWF

I hope this isn't a silly or hoplessly trendy question, but does anyone know
of Streetfighter RPG writeups for the WWF superstars, such as the Rock,
Undertaker, etc? With their signature moves?

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13599 From: Abbadon240@aol.com Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
Well, Guy I have some move stats if you want them....

not that I need them

Group: streetfighter Message: 13600 From: Abbadon240@aol.com Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: about a post.
Hi guys I got real board recently and decided to dig around my old online SF
material and I found a saved copy of Warrior's World by Ewan Cluny and I
decided to edit it and clean it up a bit, (thanks to Matt's font set) and I
am interested to know is anyone interested in looking at my work.

Also this in no way is an infringement on Ewan's great Peace I just felt like
helping so let me know.

Group: streetfighter Message: 13601 From: Kim Foster Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
At 01:11 AM 4/24/02 EDT, you wrote:
>Well, Guy I have some move stats if you want them....
>not that I need them

I'd really like to seem them.

>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Group: streetfighter Message: 13602 From: Abbadon240@aol.com Date: 4/24/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
Attachments :
    Here you go
    just open the attachment.

    Group: streetfighter Message: 13603 From: Blue DragonWolf Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF

    Well not quite....... I do participate in one thing where it's online wrestling. Basically how it's run is that you create a wrestler and then you role play (doing the whole "he walks down the ring, delivers his speech, plays to the crowd, etc, etc, etc and then leaves" kind of a thing) and then your wins and losses are decided by how good of RPs you deliver vs. your opponants kind of a thing. That's about as close to what you're talking about as i've seen.

    But I do know what you're talking about and I used to have a very basic kind of a system worked out, I lost it a long time ago but if you're intrested i'd love to work with someone and try to get the system worked out again. It followed very basic combat rules. You created a wrestler (I would not want to do a system based on wrestlers from the WWF because for me it takes so much of the fun out of it) and filled in basic moves and shit like that and went from there.


    "You haven't truly made it until your head is on a pez dispenser."
    "I once stayed up all night playing poker with tarot cards. I dealt a full house and 4 people died."
    ~ Steven Wright
    "Be Not Nobody"
    ~Vanessa Carlton
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    MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos: Click Here
    Group: streetfighter Message: 13604 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
    --- In streetfighter@y..., arkondloc@a... wrote:
    > There's an interesting problem to throw to your PCs. Give them a
    > backer, and let them badly waste a good chunk of said backer's
    money, and see
    > what they do.

    "let them" badly waste the money?

    they are player characters, its inevidible isn't it?

    Group: streetfighter Message: 13605 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
    i have never heard of that.
    and frankly, I would rather see SF:STG used for good instead of


    --- In streetfighter@y..., Kim Foster <nexus@q...> wrote:
    > I hope this isn't a silly or hoplessly trendy question, but does
    anyone know
    > of Streetfighter RPG writeups for the WWF superstars, such as the
    > Undertaker, etc? With their signature moves?
    Group: streetfighter Message: 13606 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: about a post.
    i'd like to see it.

    --- In streetfighter@y..., Abbadon240@a... wrote:
    > Hi guys I got real board recently and decided to dig around my old
    online SF
    > material and I found a saved copy of Warrior's World by Ewan Cluny
    and I
    > decided to edit it and clean it up a bit, (thanks to Matt's font
    set) and I
    > am interested to know is anyone interested in looking at my work.
    > Also this in no way is an infringement on Ewan's great Peace I just
    felt like
    > helping so let me know.
    > Later
    > Eric
    Group: streetfighter Message: 13607 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: the book of.......
    I thought of something kinda funny.

    If I ever get my shit together and put all my resources etc into one
    document, since one of my screennames is apparently "Necro"I could
    call it:

    The Necronomicon (my book)

    or possibly:

    The Necronomitron (my e-book)

    this brought me endless ammusement driving home from work yesterday,
    but thats when I'm most goofy so who knows.

    Group: streetfighter Message: 13608 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
    Hindustan was Constantinople. Been a long time gone, Constantinople.
    J. Scott Pittman
    Look to Dragonslayer Games for character sketches, the EPICS rpg, and more!
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 8:39 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Perception+awareness

    --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
    > not everyone idolizes him.
    > when i think of columbus i think of a guy who was completely lost.
    > ("indians", HA)
    > Apparently some ppl give Amerigo Vespucci a little credit for being
    > right about the continent, since we live in "America" and
    > not "Columbia"

    The name "Indians" was part of his poor Latin.  Those he found were a
    people before the Lord, or "En Deios."  What we call India now was
    called Hindustan in Columbus time.

    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
    Group: streetfighter Message: 13609 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: streetfighter rap
    can anyone here help me find info on this cd i have?

    *its blue and white with a streetfighter logo on the back.
    *its full of bad rap with sf references.
    *and its marked "capcom special offer, not for resale"

    I got it from my gf's sister who is a bartender and said it stayed
    too long in the lost and found. it was in a big case full of cd's so
    I dont have the jewel case or insert for it.

    some of the songs on their are HILARIOUS!

    Group: streetfighter Message: 13610 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
      I don't think that anyone argued the point that people used to beleive that the world was flat. The fact you were stating was that that view of reality was the truth because the people beleived it, and we debated that, saying that the people were wrong no matter if all of them beleived it or not. It was part of the debate of whether or not an action is good or evil, if the person that commits the action beleives the action is good or evil.
      Anyway, I think that's how it went. I am ready to end this thread myself, and this shall be my last e-mail on the subject. I do not beleive that is evil.
    J. Scott Pittman
    Look to Dragonslayer Games for character sketches, the EPICS rpg, and more!
    ----- Original Message -----
    Sent: Tuesday, April 23, 2002 8:51 PM
    Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Re: Perception+awareness

    Bah the example was still good cause everyone still
    understood what I meant.  They knew what I meant cause
    it is a widely held perception of history that people
    believed the world to be flat.  ;)

    --- arkondloc@... wrote:
    > The problem with an erroneous example is that if the
    > error is revealed, that
    > mistake becomes associated with your reasoning.  And
    > there are some vile
    > people, like a certain Dark Lord, who use such
    > opportunities to throw
    > conversations widely off-base.  If you'd used a
    > hypothetical situation, or
    > checked your facts thoroughly (or just not been
    > arguing such a pointless,
    > volatile subject), I would have left everyone in
    > peace.
    > "Sit by my fire, and hear a tale."
    > Arkon, Dark Lord of Chaos; Keeper of Mysteries;
    > Circuit Folklorist; Seeker of
    > the Lost Paths; Master of the Strangeways

    Do You Yahoo!?
    Yahoo! Games - play chess, backgammon, pool and more

    Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
    Group: streetfighter Message: 13611 From: Blue Dorian Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: Streetfighter WWF
    >>--- In streetfighter@y..., Kim Foster <nexus@q...> wrote:
    > > I hope this isn't a silly or hoplessly trendy question, but does
    >anyone know
    > > of Streetfighter RPG writeups for the WWF superstars, such as the
    > > Undertaker, etc? With their signature moves?

    Signature moves? Well, the Rocks signature move is an elbow drop from
    three feet off the ground, only it takes longer to execute because he has to
    bounce off the ropes twice. Call it...

    Damage:+1(Like a strong punch)
    Move: 0(He starts over the fallen warrior)

    Special: +2 temporary glory when executed, like a pose. It's not really
    damaging, it just shows that you -can- execute this horrible maneuver.

    The Undertaker Chokeslam is just a backbreaker. Hogan's legdrop is the
    same as the People's Elbow. Hmm... In fact, the only people with really
    -good- finishing maneuvers would be Chris Benoit, with a series of sustained
    holds, and Kurt Angle, with his Siberian Suplex. Oh - And Tajiri. He has
    Acid Breath.

    Join the world�s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
    Group: streetfighter Message: 13612 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: Perception+awareness
    --- In streetfighter@y..., "mean_liar" <mean_liar@h...> wrote:
    > Just to clarify Arkon's point, the world was known to be round for
    > millenia before Columbus.

    not known by everyone.

    some silly ppl still believe the earth is flat and all the footage of
    moon landings etc. were faked by the powers that be..

    flat-earthers freak me out.
    they have a whole little "society".

    Group: streetfighter Message: 13613 From: warlockfm Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: the book of.......
    Anybody like Army of Darkness?

    --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
    > I thought of something kinda funny.
    > If I ever get my shit together and put all my resources etc into one
    > document, since one of my screennames is apparently "Necro"I could
    > call it:
    > The Necronomicon (my book)
    > or possibly:
    > The Necronomitron (my e-book)
    > this brought me endless ammusement driving home from work yesterday,
    > but thats when I'm most goofy so who knows.
    > Matt
    Group: streetfighter Message: 13614 From: chuangbao Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: the book of.......
    Necronomitron gave me a laughter, too ^_^

    --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
    > I thought of something kinda funny.
    > If I ever get my shit together and put all my resources etc into
    > document, since one of my screennames is apparently
    "Necro"I could
    > call it:
    > The Necronomicon (my book)
    > or possibly:
    > The Necronomitron (my e-book)
    > this brought me endless ammusement driving home from
    work yesterday,
    > but thats when I'm most goofy so who knows.
    > Matt
    Group: streetfighter Message: 13615 From: galin_ra Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: about a post.
    If Ewan doesn't mind.. Oh yess...

    Me want, me want ^_^


    --- In streetfighter@y..., Abbadon240@a... wrote:
    > Hi guys I got real board recently and decided to dig around my old
    online SF
    > material and I found a saved copy of Warrior's World by Ewan Cluny
    and I
    > decided to edit it and clean it up a bit, (thanks to Matt's font
    set) and I
    > am interested to know is anyone interested in looking at my work.
    > Also this in no way is an infringement on Ewan's great Peace I just
    felt like
    > helping so let me know.
    > Later
    > Eric
    Group: streetfighter Message: 13616 From: galin_ra Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: the book of.......
    No!!! Heaven's forbid..

    I LOVE IT ^_^

    It's almost as good a movie as Evil Dead 2. But that's just my opinion.


    --- In streetfighter@y..., "warlockfm" <warlockfm@y...> wrote:
    > Anybody like Army of Darkness?
    > --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
    > > I thought of something kinda funny.
    > >
    > > If I ever get my shit together and put all my resources etc into one
    > > document, since one of my screennames is apparently "Necro"I could
    > > call it:
    > >
    > > The Necronomicon (my book)
    > >
    > > or possibly:
    > >
    > > The Necronomitron (my e-book)
    > >
    > > this brought me endless ammusement driving home from work yesterday,
    > > but thats when I'm most goofy so who knows.
    > >
    > > Matt
    Group: streetfighter Message: 13617 From: necro6hit Date: 4/24/2002
    Subject: Re: the book of.......
    ditto that.
    Army of Drakness kicked ass, but not as much ass as Evil Dead 2.


    --- In streetfighter@y..., "galin_ra" <randerssen@h...> wrote:
    > No!!! Heaven's forbid..
    > I LOVE IT ^_^
    > It's almost as good a movie as Evil Dead 2. But that's just my
    > -----Ronin-----
    > --- In streetfighter@y..., "warlockfm" <warlockfm@y...> wrote:
    > > Anybody like Army of Darkness?
    > >
    > > --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
    > > > I thought of something kinda funny.
    > > >
    > > > If I ever get my shit together and put all my resources etc
    into one
    > > > document, since one of my screennames is apparently "Necro"I
    > > > call it:
    > > >
    > > > The Necronomicon (my book)
    > > >
    > > > or possibly:
    > > >
    > > > The Necronomitron (my e-book)
    > > >
    > > > this brought me endless ammusement driving home from work
    > > > but thats when I'm most goofy so who knows.
    > > >
    > > > Matt