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Group: streetfighter Message: 13216 From: necro6hit Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: Fireballs
Group: streetfighter Message: 13217 From: necro6hit Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: Fireballs
Group: streetfighter Message: 13218 From: Andy Johnston Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13219 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: Fireballs
Group: streetfighter Message: 13220 From: necro6hit Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13221 From: necro6hit Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13222 From: Andy Johnston Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13223 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13224 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Street Fighter II V on VHS
Group: streetfighter Message: 13225 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13226 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Fireballs
Group: streetfighter Message: 13227 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13228 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13229 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Street Fighter II V on VHS
Group: streetfighter Message: 13230 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13231 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13232 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13233 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Gravity
Group: streetfighter Message: 13234 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
Group: streetfighter Message: 13235 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: "Akuma Update"
Group: streetfighter Message: 13236 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Allen, Area, Birdie
Group: streetfighter Message: 13237 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Allen, Area, Birdie
Group: streetfighter Message: 13238 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
Group: streetfighter Message: 13239 From: mean_liar Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Fireballs
Group: streetfighter Message: 13240 From: mean_liar Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13241 From: mean_liar Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Void elemental
Group: streetfighter Message: 13242 From: mean_liar Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Allen, Area, Birdie
Group: streetfighter Message: 13243 From: mean_liar Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
Group: streetfighter Message: 13244 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13245 From: cliff rice Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13246 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
Group: streetfighter Message: 13247 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13248 From: Jens-Arthur Leirbakk Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13249 From: J R D Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
Group: streetfighter Message: 13250 From: extrabastardformula Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13251 From: Andy Johnston Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13252 From: Bill Stagge Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13253 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13254 From: mean_liar Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13255 From: mean_liar Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: OT: Sorcerors of Pan-Tang?
Group: streetfighter Message: 13256 From: mean_liar Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13257 From: necro6hit Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 13258 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Void elemental
Group: streetfighter Message: 13259 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
Group: streetfighter Message: 13260 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
Group: streetfighter Message: 13261 From: necro6hit Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Void elemental
Group: streetfighter Message: 13262 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Void elemental
Group: streetfighter Message: 13263 From: necro6hit Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Void elemental
Group: streetfighter Message: 13264 From: necro6hit Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: T. (tournament) time?
Group: streetfighter Message: 13265 From: mean_liar Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Thanks

Group: streetfighter Message: 13216 From: necro6hit Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: Fireballs
one definate advantage you could give them is unlimited range (within
reason obviously)

it seems like when I played my kabaddi character, I would save my
fireballs for when my opponent was out of normal reach, or fleeing
(for non tournament settings).

And everytime that happened, the stupid thing wouldnt reach them.
like with their very first movement card that makes you go "gee i
should start throwing things at this range" they can already go all
the way past your fireball range.

another main drawback of focus characters is that they have to spend
in a whole extra technique, and they have to hone their mental as
well as physical. you could overcome that by giving focus characters
a break on costs if you wanted.

all else fails just tell him to make a new character whos not such a


--- In streetfighter@y..., "nat_drest" <joaqrb@y...> wrote:
> Is it just me, or are fireballs nearly useless? Their only
> is range, and whenever you get a few hexes between you and an
> they anticipate the fireball and jump right over it. Even if your
> opponent doesn't have Jump (or some other anti-fireball maneuver),
> there are plenty of +movement maneuvers that let her catch up to
> and deliver at least as much damage as your fireball hit for.
> I'm thinking about this 'cuz one of the players in my group has
> missing a lot of games lately, and us other PCs are a bit worried
> he feels his Focus-specialized Kabbadi fighter is becoming a bitch
> character.
> What are other people's experiences with fireballs? Does anyone
> any house rules to make them more useful? (Our ST gave all Focus
> maneuvers +1 to speed and damage, but even that hasn't helped much.)
Group: streetfighter Message: 13217 From: necro6hit Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: Fireballs
forgot to add:
zen no mind is your friend.

they cant jump it if they already used their action...


--- In streetfighter@y..., "nat_drest" <joaqrb@y...> wrote:
> Is it just me, or are fireballs nearly useless? Their only
> is range, and whenever you get a few hexes between you and an
> they anticipate the fireball and jump right over it. Even if your
> opponent doesn't have Jump (or some other anti-fireball maneuver),
> there are plenty of +movement maneuvers that let her catch up to
> and deliver at least as much damage as your fireball hit for.
> I'm thinking about this 'cuz one of the players in my group has
> missing a lot of games lately, and us other PCs are a bit worried
> he feels his Focus-specialized Kabbadi fighter is becoming a bitch
> character.
> What are other people's experiences with fireballs? Does anyone
> any house rules to make them more useful? (Our ST gave all Focus
> maneuvers +1 to speed and damage, but even that hasn't helped much.)
Group: streetfighter Message: 13218 From: Andy Johnston Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
Hey. Sorry I've been lax in responding. The mook that most of the info is taken from is Capcom's guide to fighting games 1987-2000. It has a lot of good stuff, and naturally it's in Japanese. I do not know jap, and I'm WAYYY to lazy to translate it all. I get bit's an pieces of it, and let others translate the rest.  There are sites out there that talk about CAP o' Jap's stories, just have to look.
I don't have THAT much about Gill (but then again, did we have alot on Bison when he first came out?). I'm in the process of getting SF3 Gamest mook, and if I can get any info from it (yeah right) I'll let ya know.
here's a little on Gill:
Height: 6'7"-6'10"
Wieght: 285lbs (?)
Hair: TONS
Eyes: Gold.
Skin:... you know.
Style: Rending Art of the Gods (This is totally made up by Andy.;)
Apparently both president and Emperor of a secret society/orginazation (which is fammiliar with but exclusive of shadowloo.) He's big into philosophy and mystical stuff. Heavy emphasis on the heavens and preordination. He belives himself to be a God-figure, and seems
He is known for saying:
Let me be the blesser of all souls...
The mark of my dignity shall scar thy DNA.
 I am your god.
Kneel before you master.
Welcome to your death.

Story as snipped from http://www.tekken.nu/fightermania/
The high priest of an evil society, gaining extreme power through their rituals. Although challenged by his second-in-command and brother Urien , Gill remains the master due to his strength and resurrection Super Art. According to his philosophy, the world is divided between love and hate, black and white, and other opposites. Being someone who can see both sides (reflected in him using both fire and ice) he tries to join the world for an utopian society. He sees potential in Alex and tries to get him as a disciple.
 If I find anything else, I'll let ya know.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13219 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: Fireballs
If he gets repeating fireball everyone else can be his bitch if he uses it
properly (i.e. layeth the smack down on others who have already have gone).

Tony "Knight of the Black Rose" Figueroa
Street Fighter RPG/STG: http://home.fuse.net/shermie/

----- Original Message -----
From: "nat_drest" <joaqrb@...>
To: <streetfighter@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 4:53 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Fireballs

> Is it just me, or are fireballs nearly useless? Their only advantage
> is range, and whenever you get a few hexes between you and an opponent
> they anticipate the fireball and jump right over it. Even if your
> opponent doesn't have Jump (or some other anti-fireball maneuver),
> there are plenty of +movement maneuvers that let her catch up to you
> and deliver at least as much damage as your fireball hit for.
> I'm thinking about this 'cuz one of the players in my group has been
> missing a lot of games lately, and us other PCs are a bit worried that
> he feels his Focus-specialized Kabbadi fighter is becoming a bitch
> character.
> What are other people's experiences with fireballs? Does anyone have
> any house rules to make them more useful? (Our ST gave all Focus
> maneuvers +1 to speed and damage, but even that hasn't helped much.)
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
Group: streetfighter Message: 13220 From: necro6hit Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
some guy named Tiamat pointed me to his faq when i asked about it on
another board. its good shit, check it out:


(cut n paste the url or "Save AS")

Has a little on Gill and his orginazation, the (danger, cliche
ahead) "Illuminati".


--- In streetfighter@y..., "Andy Johnston" <dlatrex@h...> wrote:
> Hey. Sorry I've been lax in responding. The mook that most of the
info is taken from is Capcom's guide to fighting games 1987-2000. It
has a lot of good stuff, and naturally it's in Japanese. I do not
know jap, and I'm WAYYY to lazy to translate it all. I get bit's an
pieces of it, and let others translate the rest. There are sites out
there that talk about CAP o' Jap's stories, just have to look.
> I don't have THAT much about Gill (but then again, did we have alot
on Bison when he first came out?). I'm in the process of getting SF3
Gamest mook, and if I can get any info from it (yeah right) I'll let
ya know.
> here's a little on Gill:
> Height: 6'7"-6'10"
> Wieght: 285lbs (?)
> Hair: TONS
> Eyes: Gold.
> Skin:... you know.
> Style: Rending Art of the Gods (This is totally made up by Andy.;)
> Apparently both president and Emperor of a secret
society/orginazation (which is fammiliar with but exclusive of
shadowloo.) He's big into philosophy and mystical stuff. Heavy
emphasis on the heavens and preordination. He belives himself to be a
God-figure, and seems
> He is known for saying:
> Die!
> Pyrokinesis!
> Cyrokinesis!
> Resurrection!
> Let me be the blesser of all souls...
> The mark of my dignity shall scar thy DNA.
> I am your god.
> Kneel before you master.
> Welcome to your death.
> Story as snipped from http://www.tekken.nu/fightermania/
> The high priest of an evil society, gaining extreme power through
their rituals. Although challenged by his second-in-command and
brother Urien , Gill remains the master due to his strength and
resurrection Super Art. According to his philosophy, the world is
divided between love and hate, black and white, and other opposites.
Being someone who can see both sides (reflected in him using both
fire and ice) he tries to join the world for an utopian society. He
sees potential in Alex and tries to get him as a disciple.
> If I find anything else, I'll let ya know.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13221 From: necro6hit Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
and I can hook you up with that sf3 gamest mook if you want.
after I scan the pictures for ppls character sheets.

Cost me an arm and a leg on ebay but im nicer than that.


--- In streetfighter@y..., "Andy Johnston" <dlatrex@h...> wrote:
> Hey. Sorry I've been lax in responding. The mook that most of the
info is taken from is Capcom's guide to fighting games 1987-2000. It
has a lot of good stuff, and naturally it's in Japanese. I do not
know jap, and I'm WAYYY to lazy to translate it all. I get bit's an
pieces of it, and let others translate the rest. There are sites out
there that talk about CAP o' Jap's stories, just have to look.
> I don't have THAT much about Gill (but then again, did we have alot
on Bison when he first came out?). I'm in the process of getting SF3
Gamest mook, and if I can get any info from it (yeah right) I'll let
ya know.
> here's a little on Gill:
> Height: 6'7"-6'10"
> Wieght: 285lbs (?)
> Hair: TONS
> Eyes: Gold.
> Skin:... you know.
> Style: Rending Art of the Gods (This is totally made up by Andy.;)
> Apparently both president and Emperor of a secret
society/orginazation (which is fammiliar with but exclusive of
shadowloo.) He's big into philosophy and mystical stuff. Heavy
emphasis on the heavens and preordination. He belives himself to be a
God-figure, and seems
> He is known for saying:
> Die!
> Pyrokinesis!
> Cyrokinesis!
> Resurrection!
> Let me be the blesser of all souls...
> The mark of my dignity shall scar thy DNA.
> I am your god.
> Kneel before you master.
> Welcome to your death.
> Story as snipped from http://www.tekken.nu/fightermania/
> The high priest of an evil society, gaining extreme power through
their rituals. Although challenged by his second-in-command and
brother Urien , Gill remains the master due to his strength and
resurrection Super Art. According to his philosophy, the world is
divided between love and hate, black and white, and other opposites.
Being someone who can see both sides (reflected in him using both
fire and ice) he tries to join the world for an utopian society. He
sees potential in Alex and tries to get him as a disciple.
> If I find anything else, I'll let ya know.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13222 From: Andy Johnston Date: 4/3/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
Thanks and thanks.. what'ever yur willing to help with.. =)
----- Original Message -----
From: necro6hit
Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 7:57 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: THE ANDY!!!!

and I can hook you up with that sf3 gamest mook if you want.
after I scan the pictures for ppls character sheets.

Cost me an arm and a leg on ebay but im nicer than that.


--- In streetfighter@y..., "Andy Johnston" <dlatrex@h...> wrote:
> Hey. Sorry I've been lax in responding. The mook that most of the
info is taken from is Capcom's guide to fighting games 1987-2000. It
has a lot of good stuff, and naturally it's in Japanese. I do not
know jap, and I'm WAYYY to lazy to translate it all. I get bit's an
pieces of it, and let others translate the rest.  There are sites out
there that talk about CAP o' Jap's stories, just have to look.
> I don't have THAT much about Gill (but then again, did we have alot
on Bison when he first came out?). I'm in the process of getting SF3
Gamest mook, and if I can get any info from it (yeah right) I'll let
ya know.
> here's a little on Gill:
> Height: 6'7"-6'10"
> Wieght: 285lbs (?)
> Hair: TONS
> Eyes: Gold.
> Skin:... you know.
> Style: Rending Art of the Gods (This is totally made up by Andy.;)
> Apparently both president and Emperor of a secret
society/orginazation (which is fammiliar with but exclusive of
shadowloo.) He's big into philosophy and mystical stuff. Heavy
emphasis on the heavens and preordination. He belives himself to be a
God-figure, and seems
> He is known for saying:
> Die!
> Resurrection!
> Let me be the blesser of all souls...
> The mark of my dignity shall scar thy DNA.
I am your god.
> Kneel before you master.
> Welcome to your death.

> Story as snipped from http://www.tekken.nu/fightermania/
> The high priest of an evil society, gaining extreme power through
their rituals. Although challenged by his second-in-command and
brother Urien , Gill remains the master due to his strength and
resurrection Super Art. According to his philosophy, the world is
divided between love and hate, black and white, and other opposites.
Being someone who can see both sides (reflected in him using both
fire and ice) he tries to join the world for an utopian society. He
sees potential in Alex and tries to get him as a disciple.
If I find anything else, I'll let ya know.

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13223 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
e mail me and we'll work out the details.

--- In streetfighter@y..., "Andy Johnston" <dlatrex@h...> wrote:
> Thanks and thanks.. what'ever yur willing to help with.. =)
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: necro6hit
> and I can hook you up with that sf3 gamest mook if you want.
> after I scan the pictures for ppls character sheets.
> Cost me an arm and a leg on ebay but im nicer than that.
> Matt
Group: streetfighter Message: 13224 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Street Fighter II V on VHS
>Hey all. THought I would hit this list first before considering other
>online selling methods.
>I have all nine Street Fighter 2 V VHS tapes that I'm looking to sell.
>They're not mint, but they are in good condition.
>Took me a long time to come up with them all, but now I've got the DVDs.
>Email me personally if you're interested and we'll talk further.

um, I'm sure you'll find someone who wants them, but, I have all ten. Are
you missing one of the tapes?


Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 13225 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
> > Actually, in all the Japanese games Gouki has just the same symbol
>on his > back as in the American versions. I think this is actually
>in referance to > Gouken, Ryu & Ken's teacher. As a side note, in
>the origional Street > Fighter 2 comics Ryu donns a Gi with the
>symbol 'mu'(or Kara, as in Karate) > on the back for his fight with
>I think its a deeper concept than 'Kara'. 'Mu' represents
>nothingness, but more importantly, the Void (one more for the
>scorecard: one of the Japanese five elements, a la Go Rin No Sho AKA
>Book of Five Rings). It is the nothingness that unifies and defines
>all things, and so it is nothingness that is the closest that an
>ordinary person can get to godliness (this is the Japanese equivalent
>of achieving one with the taoist Way, or more basically,

Yep, that's actually the way Gichen Funakoshi described the 'kara' part of
Karate, though the kanji for kara & mu are different. Common misconception
is that what Karate means by 'empty hand' is simply fighting without
weapons, where in fact it's far more to do with embracing the
quintessence(the term Funakoshi used as a translation of 'kara') of karate.
Sorry, I'm probably just rambling now, as my years of Karate indoctrination
try to spread themselves to others.


P.S. Does anyone else think it's interesting that the Japanese elements
(wind, earth, fire, water & void) are like the typical eroupean elements, &
not like the elements in most other aisan countries(earth, fire, water,
metal, wood).

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Group: streetfighter Message: 13226 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Fireballs
>If he gets repeating fireball everyone else can be his bitch if he uses it
>properly (i.e. layeth the smack down on others who have already have gone).

Fireballs get on the nasty side when they're put in a block combo. See how
scared people get when your improved fireball is speed 8!!!


Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13227 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE ANDY!!!!
>here's a little on Gill:
>Height: 6'7"-6'10"
>Wieght: 285lbs (?)
>Hair: TONS
>Eyes: Gold.
>Skin:... you know.
>Style: Rending Art of the Gods (This is totally made up by Andy.;)

The only thing I know about Gill is that the burst that keeps you away from
him while he's resurecting misses you if you hurricane kick over it! You
put him down he rises into the air, just in time for your foot to hit him in
the face, land & hit him with a superart that he shouldn't be able to


MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:
Group: streetfighter Message: 13228 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
someone should make rules for a "Void elemental"

--- In streetfighter@y..., "Dennis Bryant" <gvwinterdawn@h...> wrote:
> > P.S. Does anyone else think it's interesting that the Japanese
> (wind, earth, fire, water & void) are like the typical eroupean
elements, &
> not like the elements in most other aisan countries(earth, fire,
> metal, wood).
Group: streetfighter Message: 13229 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Street Fighter II V on VHS
> um, I'm sure you'll find someone who wants them, but, I have all ten. Are
> you missing one of the tapes?

Whoops. My mistake. I have all 10. For some reason I thought there was

Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
seagull@... make you a better person."
seagull@... - Peter Olafson
Group: streetfighter Message: 13230 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
wow, another martial artist.

I wonder how many ppl here are actually fighters....


--- In streetfighter@y..., "Dennis Bryant" <gvwinterdawn@h...> wrote:
> Sorry, I'm probably just rambling now, as my years of Karate
> try to spread themselves to others.
> DarkLight
Group: streetfighter Message: 13231 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
--- necro6hit <ringthief@...> wrote:
> someone should make rules for a "Void elemental"

Would certainly explain Rose and Lord Vega. Especially if you go with the
European system of Air Earth Fire Water and Spirit.

staredown@... http://staredown.8m.net

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

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Group: streetfighter Message: 13232 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
ahhh, I am reminded of Wong from Psychic Force.
Those were the good ole days.

maybe if i made a void elemental system id make wong too.
I like the idea of releasing a character with a new system, like Paco
the icepick with cyborgs or That gay guy with savate..


--- In streetfighter@y..., Chris Hoffmann <staredown@r...> wrote:
> --- necro6hit <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > someone should make rules for a "Void elemental"
> Would certainly explain Rose and Lord Vega. Especially if you go
with the
> European system of Air Earth Fire Water and Spirit.
> =====
> staredown@r... http://staredown.8m.net
> "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
> --we merely expect them to try."
> -- Robert Heinlein
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
> http://taxes.yahoo.com/
Group: streetfighter Message: 13233 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Gravity
I've been planning a campaign in the far future for a while and I was wondering
what you thought of these house rules for gravity conditions.

Any physicists on the list with a specialty in gravitational effects?

0.0-0.3g - Freefall. Gravity is negligible to nonexistant. No idea how to
handle this yet.

0.3-0.8g - Low gravity planet. Increase all movement by a factor of 1.5 (Round
Up). Jumping height is increased to 5' per dot of Athletics. All dizzies
knock the victom back a number of hexes equal to half of the relevant technique
(Round Down). Throw range is increased by 1.5 (Round Up). Knockback from Heel
Stamp is doubled.

0.8-1.2g - No changes. A bit of a spring in your step or lead in your boot
respectively, but no game effects.

1.2-1.7g - High gravity world. Halve (round-up) all movement. Jumping height
is reduced to 1' per dot of athletics. Throw range is decreased to half
(round-up). Knockback from Heels Stamp is decreased in the same way.
Knockdown causes 2 (soakable) damage, unless the striking surface is fairly

1.7-2.0g - Maximum gravity that a human can fight in without chemical,
mechanical, or someother form of aid. Most Aerial maneuvers are impossible,
and throw merely throws them into an adjacent hex. Knockback from Heel Stamp
is nonexistant. Knockdown causes 5 (soakable) damage, unless the striking
surface is unusually forgiving.

staredown@... http://staredown.8m.net

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

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Group: streetfighter Message: 13234 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
you should have a special move for this condition.
like ground fighting helps on the gournd, "Zero G fighting" could
help there. I would definately have a penalty to damage in zero g
for characters without this skill who cannot generate the appropriate
torque without their feet planted.

zero g is whack, but for different degrees of gravity modifiers to
move etc. should work. look at "Lightness" or whatever the heck its
called that decreases your weight. I think its in the PHB?

Also, http://www.mecha.com/~conkle/sfighter/index.html has some good
future stuff i think.


--- In streetfighter@y..., Chris Hoffmann <staredown@r...> wrote:
> I've been planning a campaign in the far future for a while and I
was wondering
> what you thought of these house rules for gravity conditions.
> Any physicists on the list with a specialty in gravitational
> 0.0-0.3g - Freefall. Gravity is negligible to nonexistant. No
idea how to
> handle this yet.
> 0.3-0.8g - Low gravity planet. Increase all movement by a factor
of 1.5 (Round
> Up). Jumping height is increased to 5' per dot of Athletics. All
> knock the victom back a number of hexes equal to half of the
relevant technique
> (Round Down). Throw range is increased by 1.5 (Round Up).
Knockback from Heel
> Stamp is doubled.
> 0.8-1.2g - No changes. A bit of a spring in your step or lead in
your boot
> respectively, but no game effects.
> 1.2-1.7g - High gravity world. Halve (round-up) all movement.
Jumping height
> is reduced to 1' per dot of athletics. Throw range is decreased to
> (round-up). Knockback from Heels Stamp is decreased in the same
> Knockdown causes 2 (soakable) damage, unless the striking surface
is fairly
> giving.
> 1.7-2.0g - Maximum gravity that a human can fight in without
> mechanical, or someother form of aid. Most Aerial maneuvers are
> and throw merely throws them into an adjacent hex. Knockback from
Heel Stamp
> is nonexistant. Knockdown causes 5 (soakable) damage, unless the
> surface is unusually forgiving.
> =====
> staredown@r... http://staredown.8m.net
> "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
> --we merely expect them to try."
> -- Robert Heinlein
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
> http://taxes.yahoo.com/
Group: streetfighter Message: 13235 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: "Akuma Update"
I forgot to mention Dennis, that if the script runs slow on your
computer, a hint is to tick the box by "Disable Dhalsim" while your
filling it out.

This will keep it from checking the entire document anytime you do
anything and speed it up a lot.

Then you can just un check it once before you finish and Dhalsim will
correct everything at once.

(it runs slow on any computer i think, because its a big ass script
that runs everytime you change something.. It checks everything
everytime you click.)


--- In streetfighter@y..., "Dennis Bryant" <gvwinterdawn@h...> wrote:
> > >thats great news!
> >I know next to nothing about JavaScript. I bought a book on it and
> >pretty much just learned how to do what i needed to do.
> >so that script is like ALL i know about it.
> >
> >If your friend makes it better thats great, I would really like if
> >were an exe, that way you wouldnt have to worry about browser
> >compatibility.
> Well, he has a degree in Computer Science, so I figure if he gets
time, He
> should do a pretty good job of it.
> DarkLight
> _________________________________________________________________
> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
Group: streetfighter Message: 13236 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Allen, Area, Birdie
thats funny how drasticly they changed him.

do you think i should use his normal white guy art or his so-many-
muscles-i-cant-move black guy art?


--- In streetfighter@y..., "Dennis Bryant" <gvwinterdawn@h...> wrote:

> Well, Birde was a white english street thug who decided to put on
heaps of
> muscle & become black :) :)
> DarkLight
Group: streetfighter Message: 13237 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Allen, Area, Birdie
--- necro6hit <ringthief@...> wrote:
> thats funny how drasticly they changed him.
> do you think i should use his normal white guy art or his so-many-
> muscles-i-cant-move black guy art?

I suppose it depends on whether you're bassing him off the Alpha series or SF1.

staredown@... http://staredown.8m.net

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

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Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
Group: streetfighter Message: 13238 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
--- necro6hit <ringthief@...> wrote:
> you should have a special move for this condition.
> like ground fighting helps on the gournd, "Zero G fighting" could
> help there. I would definately have a penalty to damage in zero g
> for characters without this skill who cannot generate the appropriate
> torque without their feet planted.
> zero g is whack, but for different degrees of gravity modifiers to
> move etc. should work. look at "Lightness" or whatever the heck its
> called that decreases your weight. I think its in the PHB?
> Also, http://www.mecha.com/~conkle/sfighter/index.html has some good
> future stuff i think.
> Matt

I thought about it (Zero G fighting), but I decided that it would be so
commonplace, it would be a skill just about everyone would master fairly early
in life (excluding those with some sort of medical condition). There are
Fighting socieities that never even go near a planet. (They use artifical
gravity to keep healthy, another reason zero G combat is everywhere.).

staredown@... http://staredown.8m.net

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
Group: streetfighter Message: 13239 From: mean_liar Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Fireballs
--- In streetfighter@y..., "nat_drest" <joaqrb@y...> wrote:
> Is it just me, or are fireballs nearly useless?

Yes, they ARE nearly useless. There are only a few (non-Elemental)
Focus powers that are worth it:

Improved Fireball (causes Knockdown)
Repeating Fireball
Zen No Mind
Pschyokinetic Channeling (use w/ Rekka Ken if your GM lets you)
Psycho Crusher
Mind Reading

I suppose there are more, but these are the few that occured to me.

> I'm thinking about this 'cuz one of the players in my group has
been> missing a lot of games lately, and us other PCs are a bit
worried that > he feels his Focus-specialized Kabbadi fighter is
becoming a bitch> character.

Unfortunately, your feelings are correct. A Focus-based character
stinks. If you're effective, its because you have a Focus of 5+ and
high Mental stats (which means that your physical stats are in the
tank and you'll not be using physical Techniques) and one of the
moves I listed above AND you make heavy use of it (Block to Repeating
Fireball (dizzy), Block to Improved Fireball to Repeating Fireball
(dizzy), etc.).

In my opinion, to truly make a FUN use of Focus powers (as in not
using a continuous stream of Repeating Fireballs until you win, sigh)
you need to have a character build up to using Focus, with a good
basis in another fundamental Technique achieved first (I would say
Punch, since it's the most versatile). A Zen No Mind where you can
play a Braincracker, Widowmaker, or Repeating Fireball (as the start
of a Dizzy combo) is devastating; a Zen No Mind where your choices
are Fireball, Repeating Fireball, Improved Fireball isn't as neat.

A Focus-only character will stink for a long, long time. Unless
they're using Repeating Fireball Dizzy combos, in which case they'll
not suck, but still be mind-numbingly boring to play.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13240 From: mean_liar Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
--- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> wow, another martial artist.
> I wonder how many ppl here are actually fighters....

I study Tai Chi Praying Mantis (not to be confused with Tai Chi; this
is a Northern Praying Mantis style).
Group: streetfighter Message: 13241 From: mean_liar Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Void elemental
> > someone should make rules for a "Void elemental"
> Would certainly explain Rose and Lord Vega. Especially if you go
with the> European system of Air Earth Fire Water and Spirit.

A nice corollary to this is that Ler Drit practitioners aren't
allowed to be Elementalists.

I imagine the first thing to do would be to go through the Ler Drit
list and pick out the Focus maneuvers that seem most Void-esque (Mind
Control, for one).

It would probably mean that Ler Drit practitioners must be Void
Elementals, and its inherent in the style.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13242 From: mean_liar Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Allen, Area, Birdie
--- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> thats funny how drasticly they changed him.
> do you think i should use his normal white guy art or his so-many-
> muscles-i-cant-move black guy art?

So-many-muscles black guy art.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13243 From: mean_liar Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
Zero-G combat means combat in Zero-G... I doubt it would be familiar
to anyone but those that would fight in space, as in 'the vaccuum of
space', away from gravity. Its not a good place to be, so if they
have it they're either Immune to Pressure Effects AND Immune to
Breathing Requirements, or they're some sort of Space Marine that
goes around in empty space fighting (presumably with a suit on).

In fact, living in artificial gravity would be the first indication
that they aren't that comfortable with zero-g, much less Zero-G
Group: streetfighter Message: 13244 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
cool, I started out in judo and jiu jitsu, and I moved on to
brazilian jiu jitsu.


--- In streetfighter@y..., "mean_liar" <mean_liar@h...> wrote:
> --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > wow, another martial artist.
> >
> > I wonder how many ppl here are actually fighters....
> I study Tai Chi Praying Mantis (not to be confused with Tai Chi;
> is a Northern Praying Mantis style).
Group: streetfighter Message: 13245 From: cliff rice Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
I took some judo lessons so i could learn to take a
bump and now i am a decent wrestler. One day i aspire
to be a jobber in the WWF. Oh GLory days >=)


--- necro6hit <ringthief@...> wrote:
> cool, I started out in judo and jiu jitsu, and I
> moved on to
> brazilian jiu jitsu.
> M
> --- In streetfighter@y..., "mean_liar"
> <mean_liar@h...> wrote:
> > --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit"
> <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > > wow, another martial artist.
> > >
> > > I wonder how many ppl here are actually
> fighters....
> >
> > I study Tai Chi Praying Mantis (not to be confused
> with Tai Chi;
> this
> > is a Northern Praying Mantis style).

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Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
Group: streetfighter Message: 13246 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
--- In streetfighter@y..., "mean_liar" <mean_liar@h...> wrote:
> Zero-G combat means combat in Zero-G... I doubt it would be
> to anyone but those that would fight in space, as in 'the vaccuum
> space', away from gravity. Its not a good place to be, so if they
> have it they're either Immune to Pressure Effects AND Immune to
> Breathing Requirements, or they're some sort of Space Marine that
> goes around in empty space fighting (presumably with a suit on).

I figured he meant like on space stations or ships.
There would be no gravity there but you would not be exposed to the
vacuum of space either. (barring someone turns on the artificial

Actually the more i think about it zero g combat would be really
cool, kinda like blitzball:)

I have given serious thought before to irl zero g fighting and it
seems to me (not like im able to tell for sure) that Grappling would
be a lot more effective than striking. Might wanna think about that
to anyone making rules for this..

i mean take the armbar for example in BJJ, it works if your on your
face up, face down, on your side, on top, on bottom, on your head.
(or you could think Bearhug or Iron Claw for an in-game example)

A Boxers right cross however would not work so well if you, oh say,
turned him upside down 180 degrees. An upside down boxer would have a
pretty crappy right cross. Boxers power comes from their footwork,
they throw power punches with their whole body rotation working from
the ground up.

Group: streetfighter Message: 13247 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
wrestlings fun as hell, i love sparring in BJJ, which is basically
just wrestling around.

its also good that you can practice grappling just like you would do
it in a fight, while strikers dont get very realistic practice by
sparring using only light contact.


--- In streetfighter@y..., cliff rice <shinzite@y...> wrote:
> I took some judo lessons so i could learn to take a
> bump and now i am a decent wrestler. One day i aspire
> to be a jobber in the WWF. Oh GLory days >=)
> Cliff
> --- necro6hit <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > cool, I started out in judo and jiu jitsu, and I
> > moved on to
> > brazilian jiu jitsu.
> >
> > M
> >
> > --- In streetfighter@y..., "mean_liar"
> > <mean_liar@h...> wrote:
> > > --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit"
> > <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > > > wow, another martial artist.
> > > >
> > > > I wonder how many ppl here are actually
> > fighters....
> > >
> > > I study Tai Chi Praying Mantis (not to be confused
> > with Tai Chi;
> > this
> > > is a Northern Praying Mantis style).
> >
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
> http://taxes.yahoo.com/
Group: streetfighter Message: 13248 From: Jens-Arthur Leirbakk Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
I did, actually, when I developed the "master" of the style I called "Dark
Sorcerers of Pan-Tang".

In essence, I just put down a couple of special maneuvers that are
specific for the Void Elemental - Gateless Barrier strike and Mu (one with
the world) - and then allowed them access to any other elemental maneuver
as if their Void background was three less - i.e. Void ***** is also
Elemental (any) **.

And no, I didn't let any player characters even near that one :-)

On Thu, 4 Apr 2002, necro6hit wrote:

> someone should make rules for a "Void elemental"
> --- In streetfighter@y..., "Dennis Bryant" <gvwinterdawn@h...> wrote:
> > > P.S. Does anyone else think it's interesting that the Japanese
> elements
> > (wind, earth, fire, water & void) are like the typical eroupean
> elements, &
> > not like the elements in most other aisan countries(earth, fire,
> water,
> > metal, wood).
> >
> >
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

Jens-Arthur Leirbakk
Group: streetfighter Message: 13249 From: J R D Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
>At 7:28 AM -0800 4/4/02, Chris Hoffmann wrote:
>1.2-1.7g - High gravity world. Halve (round-up) all movement. Jumping height
>is reduced to 1' per dot of athletics. Throw range is decreased to half
>(round-up). Knockback from Heels Stamp is decreased in the same way.
>Knockdown causes 2 (soakable) damage, unless the striking surface is fairly
>1.7-2.0g - Maximum gravity that a human can fight in without chemical,
>mechanical, or someother form of aid. Most Aerial maneuvers are impossible,
>and throw merely throws them into an adjacent hex. Knockback from Heel Stamp
>is nonexistant. Knockdown causes 5 (soakable) damage, unless the striking
>surface is unusually forgiving.
In high grav environs, I'd suggest increasing the costs of physical
attacks, perhaps 1 Chi or Willpower per .25 G above 1 G, to reflect
the strain of quick movements in high G.

"This is reality, not T.V. Can't you tell the difference?"
"Sure, I just like T.V. better."

Group: streetfighter Message: 13250 From: extrabastardformula Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Here (raises hand). Western boxing and Greco-Roman wrestling.

--- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> wow, another martial artist.
> I wonder how many ppl here are actually fighters....
> Matt
> --- In streetfighter@y..., "Dennis Bryant" <gvwinterdawn@h...>
> > Sorry, I'm probably just rambling now, as my years of Karate
> indoctrination
> > try to spread themselves to others.
> >
> > DarkLight
> >
Group: streetfighter Message: 13251 From: Andy Johnston Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
Recently started taking Jujitsu, and I must agree, I love the back bumps. I work with pupils that want to learn how to do their throws better, just so I can do falling. JJ its great stuff.
In the archaic past I took tae Kwan do and the smallest amount of Muay Thai.
Ahhh.. if I only had knees again. =)
----- Original Message -----
From: necro6hit
Sent: Thursday, April 04, 2002 1:19 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: THE AKUMA!!!!

wrestlings fun as hell, i love sparring in BJJ, which is basically
just wrestling around.

its also good that you can practice grappling just like you would do
it in a fight, while strikers dont get very realistic practice by
sparring using only light contact.


--- In streetfighter@y..., cliff rice <shinzite@y...> wrote:
> I took some judo lessons so i could learn to take a
> bump and now i am a decent wrestler. One day i aspire
> to be a jobber in the WWF. Oh GLory days >=)
> Cliff
> --- necro6hit <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > cool, I started out in judo and jiu jitsu, and I
> > moved on to
> > brazilian jiu jitsu.
> >
> > M
> >
> > --- In streetfighter@y..., "mean_liar"
> > <mean_liar@h...> wrote:
> > > --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit"
> > <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > > > wow, another martial artist.
> > > >
> > > > I wonder how many ppl here are actually
> > fighters....
> > >
> > > I study Tai Chi Praying Mantis (not to be confused
> > with Tai Chi;
> > this
> > > is a Northern Praying Mantis style).
> >
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
> http://taxes.yahoo.com/

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13252 From: Bill Stagge Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
i had an idea earlier for somethign kinda funky. what if there was a
quote/unquote opposite version of Raging Demon. Instead of thrusting them
through hell, it shoots them into heaven for a split second. instead of
being subject to a verying damage, they would suffer a pre-set ammount,
dependant on the person. ie, 10 - their honor + Int. (yes, PLUS Int. using a
bit from another WW game, the smarter they are, the more the realize that
they are tainted, and going to such a pure place as heaven destroies that
taint). Just a thought.

>From: "necro6hit" <ringthief@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
>To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
>Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 12:48:12 -0000
>--- In streetfighter@y..., Jason Obeston <callanme@y...> wrote:
> > This manauver is basicly unavailable to pc's anyway
> > right? So have it do ungodly damage (neighborhood of
> > 20-30 dice with no blocking) and then add extra damage
> > just based on what you know about the recieving
> > person's past sins (Bison is so screwed)
>thanks, but im too much of a perfectionist to post a system that
>loose for the raging demon. I know if I was a player and my dm did a
>move on me where he just go to "make up" damage, I would be pissed as
> > Stronly opionated and running on a lack of sleep does
> > not make one an asshole.
>but i think it actually might:)
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

Luck? Its just a roll of the dice...

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 13253 From: necro6hit Date: 4/4/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
or heaven forbid (nyuk nyuk nyuk) it could heal you as oposed to the
raging demon hurting you.

--- In streetfighter@y..., "Bill Stagge" <jynxboy316@h...> wrote:
> i had an idea earlier for somethign kinda funky. what if there was
> quote/unquote opposite version of Raging Demon. Instead of
thrusting them
> through hell, it shoots them into heaven for a split second.
instead of
> being subject to a verying damage, they would suffer a pre-set
> dependant on the person. ie, 10 - their honor + Int. (yes, PLUS
Int. using a
> bit from another WW game, the smarter they are, the more the
realize that
> they are tainted, and going to such a pure place as heaven
destroies that
> taint). Just a thought.
> >From: "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...>
> >Reply-To: streetfighter@y...
> >To: streetfighter@y...
> >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
> >Date: Wed, 03 Apr 2002 12:48:12 -0000
> >
> >--- In streetfighter@y..., Jason Obeston <callanme@y...> wrote:
> > > This manauver is basicly unavailable to pc's anyway
> > > right? So have it do ungodly damage (neighborhood of
> > > 20-30 dice with no blocking) and then add extra damage
> > > just based on what you know about the recieving
> > > person's past sins (Bison is so screwed)
> >
> >
> >thanks, but im too much of a perfectionist to post a system that
> >loose for the raging demon. I know if I was a player and my dm
did a
> >move on me where he just go to "make up" damage, I would be pissed
> >hell:)
> >
> >
> >
> > > Stronly opionated and running on a lack of sleep does
> > > not make one an asshole.
> >
> >
> >thanks,
> >but i think it actually might:)
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> >
> >
> Luck? Its just a roll of the dice...
> Jynx
> _________________________________________________________________
> Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger:
Group: streetfighter Message: 13254 From: mean_liar Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
--- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> wrestlings fun as hell, i love sparring in BJJ, which is basically
> just wrestling around.
> its also good that you can practice grappling just like you would
do > it in a fight, while strikers dont get very realistic practice
by > sparring using only light contact.


I love it when wrestlers think that.
Group: streetfighter Message: 13255 From: mean_liar Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: OT: Sorcerors of Pan-Tang?
--- In streetfighter@y..., Jens-Arthur Leirbakk <leirbakk@p...>
> I did, actually, when I developed the "master" of the style I
called "Dark Sorcerers of Pan-Tang".

Have you read "Elric!"? Or did you choose the name 'Pan-Tang' on a

Were they like the Chaotic Sorcerors of Pan-Tang? How the HELL did
you work them into a modern (I assume modern, anyway) campaign?
Group: streetfighter Message: 13256 From: mean_liar Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
--- In streetfighter@y..., "mean_liar" <mean_liar@h...> wrote:
> --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > wrestlings fun as hell, i love sparring in BJJ, which is
> > just wrestling around.
> >
> > its also good that you can practice grappling just like you
would > do > it in a fight, while strikers dont get very realistic
practice > by > sparring using only light contact.
> :)
> I love it when wrestlers think that.

I should clarify that:

The wooden dummy gets the full-force hit. Mmmm, nice soft wood.

Your sparring partner only gets the light contact... unless they're
not paying attention. Then they get a little more. :)
Group: streetfighter Message: 13257 From: necro6hit Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: THE AKUMA!!!!
i should clarify too.

i didnt mean in any way that strikers suck or anything, just that its
hard to get full-force practice against a living-breathing-bobbing-
weaving opponent because the moves are more dangerous than grappling
to practice.

Grappling moves are often softer and more humane. You can beat your
opponent without really hurting him often times. so its only natural
that practice in grappling is closer to the real thing, because no
one wants you to strike them full force for the sake of practice.

There are of course obvious and glaring exeptions to this.
plus how much force is used in practice isnt even a big issue
(adrenaline usually makes the adjustment for you outside o practice).
I wasnt trying to say that grappling is totally superior or anything,
this is just one of its good points.

striking and grappling both have many and varied good points and bad


--- In streetfighter@y..., "mean_liar" <mean_liar@h...> wrote:
> --- In streetfighter@y..., "mean_liar" <mean_liar@h...> wrote:
> > --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > > wrestlings fun as hell, i love sparring in BJJ, which is
> basically
> > > just wrestling around.
> > >
> > > its also good that you can practice grappling just like you
> would > do > it in a fight, while strikers dont get very realistic
> practice > by > sparring using only light contact.
> >
> > :)
> >
> > I love it when wrestlers think that.
> I should clarify that:
> The wooden dummy gets the full-force hit. Mmmm, nice soft wood.
> Your sparring partner only gets the light contact... unless they're
> not paying attention. Then they get a little more. :)
Group: streetfighter Message: 13258 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Void elemental
--- mean_liar <mean_liar@...> wrote:
> > > someone should make rules for a "Void elemental"
> >
> > Would certainly explain Rose and Lord Vega. Especially if you go
> with the> European system of Air Earth Fire Water and Spirit.
> A nice corollary to this is that Ler Drit practitioners aren't
> allowed to be Elementalists.

I had forgotten about that.

> I imagine the first thing to do would be to go through the Ler Drit
> list and pick out the Focus maneuvers that seem most Void-esque (Mind
> Control, for one).

Pretty much all the focus maneuvers in Secrets of Shadoloo, Telepathy, Mind
Reading, Zen No Mind, Sense Element and Healing (cause all elementals get
those, though I can see why an exception might be made here) should be a good

Special thanks goes to mean_liar for putting all the maneuvers in the group

> It would probably mean that Ler Drit practitioners must be Void
> Elementals, and its inherent in the style.

And anyone who tries without being a void elemental winds up a revenant (or a
theon if they're lucky)...

I think we're on to something here.

staredown@... http://staredown.8m.net

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

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Group: streetfighter Message: 13259 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
--- necro6hit <ringthief@...> wrote:
> --- In streetfighter@y..., "mean_liar" <mean_liar@h...> wrote:
> > Zero-G combat means combat in Zero-G... I doubt it would be
> familiar
> > to anyone but those that would fight in space, as in 'the vaccuum
> of
> > space', away from gravity. Its not a good place to be, so if they
> > have it they're either Immune to Pressure Effects AND Immune to
> > Breathing Requirements, or they're some sort of Space Marine that
> > goes around in empty space fighting (presumably with a suit on).
> I figured he meant like on space stations or ships.
> There would be no gravity there but you would not be exposed to the
> vacuum of space either. (barring someone turns on the artificial
> gravity)

Yep. The group I was referring to are basically space nomads. They live in
ships, only entering solar systems for trade with 'groundies' (just about
everyone else). The reason they use artificial gravity at all is to prevent
them from suffering muscle atrophy. They don't use it often (AG is expensive,
and annoying if you spend most of your life in zero G), just enough to keep in

> Actually the more i think about it zero g combat would be really
> cool, kinda like blitzball:)

And it's posts like this that really drive home my need for a PS2.

> I have given serious thought before to irl zero g fighting and it
> seems to me (not like im able to tell for sure) that Grappling would
> be a lot more effective than striking. Might wanna think about that
> to anyone making rules for this..

Yeah, since anytime a punch or kick is landed, both people suffer knockback.
Athletics and maybe focus would be important to. I haven't decided if a
fireball will propel you backwards or not. Stone definitely will though.

> i mean take the armbar for example in BJJ, it works if your on your
> face up, face down, on your side, on top, on bottom, on your head.
> (or you could think Bearhug or Iron Claw for an in-game example)

Throw has some interesting possibilities, since it's theoretically possible to
injure yourself with it. You throw someone, and then the 'equal and opposite
reaction' kicks in and slams you into something.

Suplex would be useless unless you're close to some kind of surface to slam the
opponent in to.

> A Boxers right cross however would not work so well if you, oh say,
> turned him upside down 180 degrees. An upside down boxer would have a
> pretty crappy right cross. Boxers power comes from their footwork,
> they throw power punches with their whole body rotation working from
> the ground up.

Leverage given by the ground is important for just about every technique. Even
grab and focus, though to a lesser extent.

> M

staredown@... http://staredown.8m.net

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

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Group: streetfighter Message: 13260 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Gravity
--- J R D <jrdss@...> wrote:
> In high grav environs, I'd suggest increasing the costs of physical
> attacks, perhaps 1 Chi or Willpower per .25 G above 1 G, to reflect
> the strain of quick movements in high G.

Hmmm, that's a bit harsh. That means a 2.0 G fight couldn't go past two
rounds. Some kind of fatigue system would represent that better, but I'm
reluctant to use one since it's so against the genre.

Or do you mean fight above the 2.0 G limit. That could work, since they're not
supost to be able to do that at all.

staredown@... http://staredown.8m.net

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

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Group: streetfighter Message: 13261 From: necro6hit Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Void elemental
you dare to question white wolf's great and mighty "meteor theory"?!?!


--- In streetfighter@y..., Chris Hoffmann <staredown@r...> wrote:
> --- mean_liar <mean_liar@h...> wrote:
> > > > someone should make rules for a "Void elemental"
> > >
> > > Would certainly explain Rose and Lord Vega. Especially if you
> > with the> European system of Air Earth Fire Water and Spirit.
> >
> > A nice corollary to this is that Ler Drit practitioners aren't
> > allowed to be Elementalists.
> I had forgotten about that.
> > I imagine the first thing to do would be to go through the Ler
> > list and pick out the Focus maneuvers that seem most Void-esque
> > Control, for one).
> Pretty much all the focus maneuvers in Secrets of Shadoloo,
Telepathy, Mind
> Reading, Zen No Mind, Sense Element and Healing (cause all
elementals get
> those, though I can see why an exception might be made here) should
be a good
> start.
> Special thanks goes to mean_liar for putting all the maneuvers in
the group
> vault.
> > It would probably mean that Ler Drit practitioners must be Void
> > Elementals, and its inherent in the style.
> And anyone who tries without being a void elemental winds up a
revenant (or a
> theon if they're lucky)...
> I think we're on to something here.
> =====
> staredown@r... http://staredown.8m.net
> "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
> --we merely expect them to try."
> -- Robert Heinlein
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
> http://taxes.yahoo.com/
Group: streetfighter Message: 13262 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Void elemental
--- necro6hit <ringthief@...> wrote:
> you dare to question white wolf's great and mighty "meteor theory"?!?!
> infedel!!!
> lol

Dude, how do you think Buffalo or what ever his name was _became_ a void elemental?

staredown@... http://staredown.8m.net

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

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Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
Group: streetfighter Message: 13263 From: necro6hit Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Re: Void elemental
my fools logic has been beaten by retard logic!!

so now that weve established you become a void elemental by coming in
contact with bisons "pet rock". what then is Roses connection to

I think what probably happened in the white wolf world is that rose
is obviously an alien. sent here by here society to stop Bison from
abusing the same power they use. "meteor power" (as seen in EX)

Rose is definately an alien.
probably she slaughs off her skin suit and looks like the ones from
mars attacks.


--- In streetfighter@y..., Chris Hoffmann <staredown@r...> wrote:
> --- necro6hit <ringthief@c...> wrote:
> > you dare to question white wolf's great and mighty "meteor
> > infedel!!!
> > lol
> Dude, how do you think Buffalo or what ever his name was _became_ a
void elemental?
> =====
> staredown@r... http://staredown.8m.net
> "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
> --we merely expect them to try."
> -- Robert Heinlein
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! Tax Center - online filing with TurboTax
> http://taxes.yahoo.com/
Group: streetfighter Message: 13264 From: necro6hit Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: T. (tournament) time?
Would anyone be interested in a tournament?
I had some ideas for one:

1. not a story, just a tourney, like Gateway
2. rather than using "strategys" it would actually be played round by
3. it would be ongoing, youd gain exp, prolly 5 per fight, win or
lose, an so youd be stronger @ the next one.
4. since everyone would be gaining exp at basicly the same rate, it
would be easy to add ppl in later and give them that much.
5. I would actually have a page set up for it with a picture of the
hexmap, your fighters, etc. and would update it each round. (like a
gallery you could quickly scroll from round to round)
6. no NPCs, all us. I figure you dont get SF fans from all over the
globe together online to fight NPCs, we wanna fight each other!

It basically came from the fact that i hate using "strategys" so
much. They are ironicly named as i feel they actually REMOVE a lot
of strategy from the game. playing it round by round allows you to
actually look at the arena map and plan your next move like a chess

yeah it would take a little longer with all the e mailing, but i feel
i could make this time up by the fact that we could do several fights
at once (since updating a fight for 1 round having passed doesnt take

would anyone like to participate if i did this??

Group: streetfighter Message: 13265 From: mean_liar Date: 4/5/2002
Subject: Thanks
> Special thanks goes to mean_liar for putting all the maneuvers in
the group> vault.

Mine is only an extension/editing of a previously written Styles list
by Jeremy Meredith (aka 'Majestic Cow'). Thanks go to him.