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Group: streetfighter Message: 12366 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Warrior's Pride Submissions
Group: streetfighter Message: 12367 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids?
Group: streetfighter Message: 12368 From: galin_ra Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids?
Group: streetfighter Message: 12369 From: Blue Dorian Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids?
Group: streetfighter Message: 12370 From: Blue Dorian Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Problems with Streetfighter.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12371 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12372 From: Jens-Arthur Leirbakk Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12373 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12374 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12375 From: necro6hit Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12376 From: mean_liar Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12377 From: mean_liar Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Honor questions
Group: streetfighter Message: 12378 From: mean_liar Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids?
Group: streetfighter Message: 12379 From: J.J. Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids?
Group: streetfighter Message: 12380 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12381 From: Jason Obeston Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12382 From: Dr.Destruction Date: 1/13/2002
Subject: Re: Honor questions
Group: streetfighter Message: 12383 From: Jeremy Date: 1/13/2002
Subject: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
Group: streetfighter Message: 12384 From: necro6hit Date: 1/13/2002
Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
Group: streetfighter Message: 12385 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/13/2002
Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
Group: streetfighter Message: 12386 From: necro6hit Date: 1/13/2002
Subject: thanks
Group: streetfighter Message: 12387 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 1/14/2002
Subject: Re: thanks
Group: streetfighter Message: 12388 From: Dr.Destruction Date: 1/14/2002
Subject: Re: thanks
Group: streetfighter Message: 12389 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 1/14/2002
Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
Group: streetfighter Message: 12390 From: necro6hit Date: 1/14/2002
Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
Group: streetfighter Message: 12391 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 1/14/2002
Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
Group: streetfighter Message: 12392 From: necro6hit Date: 1/14/2002
Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
Group: streetfighter Message: 12393 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 1/15/2002
Subject: Kung Fu variants
Group: streetfighter Message: 12394 From: Jeremy Date: 1/15/2002
Subject: Re: Kung Fu variants
Group: streetfighter Message: 12395 From: Andy Johnston Date: 1/15/2002
Subject: Re: Kung Fu variants
Group: streetfighter Message: 12396 From: Chris Nelson Date: 1/15/2002
Subject: Re: King of Fighters (was Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids)
Group: streetfighter Message: 12397 From: Dr.Destruction Date: 1/15/2002
Subject: Re: Kung Fu variants
Group: streetfighter Message: 12398 From: Dr.Destruction Date: 1/15/2002
Subject: Re: King of Fighters (was Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids)
Group: streetfighter Message: 12399 From: necro6hit Date: 1/15/2002
Subject: Re: Kung Fu variants
Group: streetfighter Message: 12400 From: necro6hit Date: 1/15/2002
Subject: Re: Kung Fu variants
Group: streetfighter Message: 12401 From: mean_liar Date: 1/15/2002
Subject: annoying oversights
Group: streetfighter Message: 12402 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/15/2002
Subject: Re: annoying oversights
Group: streetfighter Message: 12403 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/15/2002
Subject: Re: King of Fighters (was Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids)
Group: streetfighter Message: 12404 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/16/2002
Subject: Re: King of Fighters (was Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids)
Group: streetfighter Message: 12405 From: Blue Dorian Date: 1/16/2002
Subject: Re: annoying oversights
Group: streetfighter Message: 12406 From: Blue Dorian Date: 1/16/2002
Subject: Streetfighter Game.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12407 From: galin_ra Date: 1/16/2002
Subject: Re: Streetfighter Game.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12408 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 1/16/2002
Subject: Re: annoying oversights
Group: streetfighter Message: 12409 From: mean_liar Date: 1/16/2002
Subject: Re: annoying oversights
Group: streetfighter Message: 12410 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/16/2002
Subject: Re: annoying oversights
Group: streetfighter Message: 12411 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/17/2002
Subject: Re: annoying oversights
Group: streetfighter Message: 12412 From: J.J. Date: 1/17/2002
Subject: Street Fighter videos
Group: streetfighter Message: 12413 From: mean_liar Date: 1/17/2002
Subject: Re: annoying oversights
Group: streetfighter Message: 12414 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/17/2002
Subject: Re: annoying oversights
Group: streetfighter Message: 12415 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 1/17/2002
Subject: Re: annoying oversights

Group: streetfighter Message: 12366 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Warrior's Pride Submissions
Where do I send Warrior's Pride submissions again?
----- Original Message -----
From: necro6hit
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 5:38 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Adventures Unlimited & White Wolf Magazine

the one from inphobia is typed up and posted here (messages number
3665 through 3667)


--- In streetfighter@y..., "Jeremy" <confucius@d...> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> I hear that the old gaming magazine "Adventures Unlimited", kind of
like the
> "Dungeon" magazine for DnD, had articles and adventures for the
> Fighter RPG.  I think that it was either issue #3 or #4.  Also,
White Wolf
> Magazine's that had the two articles, one was a promo I think in
issue #43,
> but Mike Tinney did an article called, "Best of the Best" about
NPCs in
> issue #50.
> Does anyone have any of these?
> Jeremy

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Group: streetfighter Message: 12367 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids?

Hi, I'm new here.

It's good to see that there still are people playing this RPG....one wonders why White Wolf dropped it.

Anyways, right now my rules are only missing two things: rules for creating Cybernetic and Hybrid based PCs. My local game store doesn't carry Player's Guide anymore so I can't bridge this gap. I know that these 2 rules are broken, but still those are very vital for the sake of reference.

Also, I need to know how Player's Guide handles the addition of extra appendages for Cybernetics and Hybrids.

Please assist. Thanks in advance....


PS: what do you guys think about a King of Fighter's expansion?

Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: Click Here
Group: streetfighter Message: 12368 From: galin_ra Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids?
I think someone has already done a KOF expansion. I could be wrong.

If not. I would be delighted to have a KOF expansion ^_^


--- In streetfighter@y..., "The King of Chickens 2001"
<chickenno1@h...> wrote:
Group: streetfighter Message: 12369 From: Blue Dorian Date: 1/12/2002
Subject: Re: Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids?
Attachments :
    As my first real post, I've been a lurker for some months. However, I
    felt the need to speak up. The rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids are
    relatively simple, but they -are- bad. That is... They're prone to abuse.
    Sadly, even players you trust in other games might not be trustworthy in
    Streetfighter. But that's neither here nor there - You asked for 'em, here's
    the bare bones rules.

    Cybernetics and Animal Hybrid are both backgrounds, but we'll start with
    Cybernetics. Being a cyborg gives you the equivalent of -2 honor to start.
    Yes, this means you must put most of your starting renown in there, since if
    you get less than 0, you have to retire the PC. It also grants 2 health
    levels, +1 attribute point to either Physical or Mental stats,-1 social
    point, the ability to use either your physical stats or mental stats to fuel
    your Focus based maneuvers and your Focus based maneuvers can be bought
    using your Cybernetics as the Focus requirement, substituting both for range
    and damage, and you can buy any focus maneuver from any style, but it costs
    the most expensive listing. I've seen a player start with Psycho Crusher
    using this. Lastly, you can use health levels instead of chi to fuel
    focus-based maneuvers. Each dot replaces one part of your body(An arm, a
    leg, the torso, the head, etc.). If the Torso is replaced, you can purchase
    an additional pair of limbs - Arms or legs. The rules for additional limbs
    will be discussed below. Also, the bonus attribute point can go in to
    Superhuman attributes. Your Social Attributes always cost *6 XP, as if

    Animal Hybrids - These people start with your basic 9 physical, 4
    mental, 2 social points. They can have physical attributes up to 6 without
    spending Superhuman attributes. And that's to start. Socials can only go up
    to 4. At levels 4 and 5, they get a special animal power, based on their
    hybrid. A Spider might get extra arms and legs(These rules will go down at
    the bottom. But with eight limbs, it could be both an extra pair of arms and
    legs or two extra pairs of either or), a Lizard might get Regeneration(1
    health level of aggravated damage/hour and limbs can regenerate), swimming
    and other stuff. Plus, they get new basic maneuvers like Claw, Bite or
    Porcupine Quill attack in addition to Jab, Strong, Fierce, etc. Now... They
    also get a host of Animal Hybrid maneuvers which do a lot of damage, have a
    high move and are fast and cheap. They're based on the Animal Hybrid
    background(1 freebie/level rather than 5). Did I mention they're fast and
    cheap and do a lot of damage?

    Okay - Last thing. Extra limbs. Each extra pair of arms gives you +1 to
    your grab and punch techniques. Each extra pair of legs gives you +1 to kick
    and athletics techniques. Yes, this means you could theoretically start with
    a cyborg with a 7 in one of these techniques or, without spending freebies,
    enough to not even worry about the costs involved in getting the spinning
    piledriver or it's like.

    MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:
    Group: streetfighter Message: 12370 From: Blue Dorian Date: 1/12/2002
    Subject: Problems with Streetfighter.
    Attachments :
      Being done lurking, I now wish to posit a question - The players of
      Streetfighter have learned, over a period of time, that fast fighters with
      knockdown techniques will always win over slow fighters with powerful
      attacks. This is because, if you get knocked down, you lose your attack. Has
      anyone figured out a way to balance things out so that slow, powerful
      fighters can hold a candle to high-speed knockdown fighters? Even Kippup
      only subtracts 1 from the penalty the next round. It doesn't give back lost
      actions. Does Groundfighting work well with that? I've never actually
      playtested it to find out.

      Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12371 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/12/2002
      Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.

      Hey, thanks for the info....

      BTW: Ler Drit is a banned style at least where I played a long time ago, NPCs only (since when does Bison have any good-aligned proteges?) Same for Spanish Ninjutsu and Rising Storm Crow.  Therefore, no problems with first level Psycho Crushers.....

      As for that dilemma....

      How's about imposing a honor & glory penalty for pulling off the same combo/special manuver 3 times in a row?

      a) Continuously exploiting weaknesses is dishonorable

      b) Who'd want to watch a match in which someone just sweeps an opponent to kingdom come?

      For this case note that only temporary points are lost (permanent points are lost only for attacking dizzied opponents). As usual, if the temporaries becomes zero and further subtraction must be done, the permanents do get subtracted.

      This should, to a certain extent, stop people cheezing off with ultra effective manuvers. Gamewise, it still won't stop Bison from cheezing off his opponent so it's balanced.

      Hope this helps.....



      Join the world�s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Click Here
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12372 From: Jens-Arthur Leirbakk Date: 1/12/2002
      Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
      Furthermore, regarding Knockdowns...

      * If you're blocking, you're immune to knockdowns.

      Most of the slow, powerful fighters that I've played with (i.e., other
      PCs, not my own character), eventually built a Block - something combo,
      and then busted the head in of the fast, KD based fighters.

      You are correct, however, in pointing out this flaw - for instance, if
      Zangief would be in my campaign (or Balrog, to a lesser extent), one or
      two of the player characters would trounce him. Or, my ex-campaign - I
      don't have a current campaign in SF, I'm afraid :-)

      Go for, say, a Block - Suplex combo, or Block - Bear Hug, or for that
      matter, a Block - Knee Basher. Knee Basher is an excellent maneuver.

      * If the opponent uses a specific combo all the time, he's predictable.

      I once got "suckered" with an Air Throw. My character was at that time a
      low-rank Savate fighter with one or two combos. I didn't start with Block,
      but I did start with Jump. And my chief kick technique was Cartwheel Kick.
      I.e., the combo I had when that character was beginning, would be... you
      guessed it, Jump to Cartwheel Kick.

      It is a good combo, but for reasons that will soon become eminently clear,
      as it was my ONLY combo, I became a bit too predictable.

      My opponent was a wrestler - Native American - with, of course Air Throw.
      The third or fourth time I executed that combo, he smacked me with an Air
      Throw, giving me 12 or so dice of damage AFTER I'd removed my Stamina from
      the damage.

      He won that fight, and we then formed the fighter team Eight Skilled
      Gentlemen :-)

      Remember Insight. Remember Knowledge: Arena. If a particular fighter keeps
      smacking people with KD maneuvers, chances are that people have heard
      about it.

      And, obviously, go airborne. Foot Sweep, for instance, is crouching. Smack
      'im with Ax Kick. Hits crouching and is an aerial maneuver.

      On Sun, 13 Jan 2002, The King of Chickens 2001 wrote:

      > Hey, thanks for the info....
      > BTW: Ler Drit is a banned style at least where I played a long time ago,
      > NPCs only (since when does Bison have any good-aligned proteges?) Same
      > for Spanish Ninjutsu and Rising Storm Crow.  Therefore, no problems with
      > first level Psycho Crushers.....
      > As for that dilemma....
      > How's about imposing a honor & glory penalty for pulling off the same
      > combo/special manuver 3 times in a row?
      > a) Continuously exploiting weaknesses is dishonorable
      > b) Who'd want to watch a match in which someone just sweeps an opponent
      > to kingdom come?
      > For this case note that only temporary points are lost (permanent points
      > are lost only for attacking dizzied opponents). As usual, if the
      > temporaries becomes zero and further subtraction must be done, the
      > permanents do get subtracted.
      > This should, to a certain extent, stop people cheezing off with ultra
      > effective manuvers. Gamewise, it still won't stop Bison from cheezing off
      > his opponent so it's balanced.
      > Hope this helps.....
      > ________________________________________________________________________________
      > Join the world’s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Click Here
      > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
      > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.

      Jens-Arthur Leirbakk
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12373 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 1/12/2002
      Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.

      0. Someone using Groundfighting at the time can't very well be knocked down.
      So it is effective for that.

      1. Give the slow people many block combos or better combos.

      2. Gang up on the speedy guy.

      3. Allow for a maneuver called Maintain Balance (won't work against grabs)
      where you roll your DEX+Athletics vs the damage of a knockdown attack. If
      you equal the damage, you bound right back on your feet and aren't knocked

      4. Allow for Kipup to "Maneuver" combos (i.e. wake-up attacks).
      I.e. If someone must use kipup at the start of the round to get back up they
      get +2 speed for their maneuver that round, minus the penalty for standing.
      You may have noticed that in the old SF videogames, the person standing back
      up always got a higher priority on their attack than the person foolish
      enough to stand next to them (not applicable to SFA3 though).

      ----- Original Message -----
      From: "Blue Dorian" <bdorian@...>
      To: <streetfighter@yahoogroups.com>
      Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 3:08 PM
      Subject: [streetfighter] Problems with Streetfighter.

      > Being done lurking, I now wish to posit a question - The players of
      > Streetfighter have learned, over a period of time, that fast fighters with
      > knockdown techniques will always win over slow fighters with powerful
      > attacks. This is because, if you get knocked down, you lose your attack.
      > anyone figured out a way to balance things out so that slow, powerful
      > fighters can hold a candle to high-speed knockdown fighters? Even Kippup
      > only subtracts 1 from the penalty the next round. It doesn't give back
      > actions. Does Groundfighting work well with that? I've never actually
      > playtested it to find out.
      > _________________________________________________________________
      > Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com
      > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12374 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 1/12/2002
      Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
      For this case note that only temporary points are lost (permanent points are lost only for attacking dizzied opponents). As usual, if the temporaries becomes zero and further subtraction must be done, the permanents do get subtracted.
      >>>Permanent points are only lost for using Firearms or amassing enough negative temporaries (excluding house rules). I believe hitting a dizzied person is only -1 Temp.
      Tony Figueroa "Knight of the Black Rose"
      Street Fighter RPG/STG: http://home.fuse.net/shermie/
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12375 From: necro6hit Date: 1/12/2002
      Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
      and when they lose honor for that, be sure you accurately reflect
      that anyone who comes in contact with them thinks they suck.

      roleplaying renown scores effectively will make ANY one be good
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12376 From: mean_liar Date: 1/12/2002
      Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
      What high-speed maneuvers are you talking about (besides the 2 Will-
      costing Tiger Knee)? A fighter that is BLocking cannot be knocked
      down, regardless of damage suffered -- which means +2 Speed on the
      next maneuver, or +4 if part of a combo. (covered elsewhere) -- for
      Grapplers, I believe the ultimate response to this is either Block-
      Flying Tackle-Iron Claw, but doubtless there are thousands of
      variations of this theme.

      Regarding Cyborgs with Psycho Crusher, they can take it because the
      Cyborg can take ANY Focus maneuver, without regard to Style. The
      maneuver is simulated with technology, and not an actual "Focus"
      maneuver. So, they don't need Ler Drit, etc. to acquire Psycho
      Crusher (or any other Focus maneuver). They do need to have all
      prerequisites, though. I think they can also ignore the
      Elemental/Ninjitsu/Animal Hybrid background requirements when
      acquiring Focus powers.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12377 From: mean_liar Date: 1/12/2002
      Subject: Honor questions
      I suppose its a by-product of the style of campaign I've been
      running (starting level characters too weak to involve with
      Shadoloo), but it seems incredibly hard to acquire Honor.

      I mean, the only ways I can see to gain Honor in the ring are...

      Knocking the poop out of someone (Dizzy), and then waiting for them
      to recover. Wu Shu need not apply.

      Accepting a challenge from a higher-Ranked Street Fighter. Hope
      your GM is using an alternate system to determine Rank!

      Losing honorably. Not much fun here, either.

      Does anyone use an alternate awards structure? My campaign hasn't
      really started rolling yet, as the characters are still Rank 2-3
      (depending on record), but Honor seems incredibly difficult to
      gain. As in, the only character that has gained a permanent Honor
      in 8 sessions is the one that continually Dizzys his opponents.

      As a side note, anyone else have cheap PCs? I had a guy start a
      Block to Elbow Smash combo against a Dizzied opponent in order to
      hit him at +6 Speed the moment he recovered, in order to get the
      Honor. Geez. From now on in my game, you only get the Honor/Glory
      award for not striking a Dizzied opponent if you end the turn with
      space between you and the Dizzied opponent; no more hanging over the
      guy to smack him down the moment he recovers.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12378 From: mean_liar Date: 1/12/2002
      Subject: Re: Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids?
      CYBORGS also have the benefit of never paying the increased
      experience cost for raising an Attribute over 5. Its x4 all the way
      to 8 for them.


      A BACKGROUND?!!! Perhaps it might be playable with "Cyborg" as a
      Technique, but a BACKGROUND?!!!
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12379 From: J.J. Date: 1/12/2002
      Subject: Re: Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids?
      ----- Original Message -----
      Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 3:26 AM
      Subject: [streetfighter] Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids?

      Hi, I'm new here.

      It's good to see that there still are people playing this RPG....one wonders why White Wolf dropped it.

      Capcom dropped it. WW replaced it with Trinity. (Capcom may have felt that it would have clashed with their deal with Marvel Comics.) Adventure! seems to be a better line for the SF fanatic though.

      Anyways, right now my rules are only missing two things: rules for creating Cybernetic and Hybrid based PCs. My local game store doesn't carry Player's Guide anymore so I can't bridge this gap. I know that these 2 rules are broken, but still those are very vital for the sake of reference.

      Since the basics of those two rules have been thrown up already, I'll give you an alternative. WW's Ascension's Right Hand & Bygone Bestiary use a more play-balanced Merit & Flaw method of gaining bonuses and penalties for 'odd creatures'. Demon Hunter X has a section on Wetware & Cybornetics that is a bit tougher, but still more balanced. 

      Group: streetfighter Message: 12380 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 1/12/2002
      Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
      I for one am glad to see a system that really awards speed and agility as well as brute strength. Most systems do not, including Dungeons and Dragons (not that I am not a huge fan of D&D, of course: second edition, of course, but that is a discussion for another mailing list).
        My point is, big strong characters do tend to hit the fast ones a lot less. It makes sense that way. But when the big guys connect with a powerful move, like say a sustained hold, you've pretty much had it if you depending on your speed to save your butt.
        On a final note, the Storyteller dice allow for failures very easily, with each one cancelling out successes that are hard to gain in the first place. A quick fighter can easily miss his target in this system, and then get pulverized by another slow character.
        Have a bad guy wear armored leggings with spikes on them... that would stop me from trying to sweep his ankles...
      ----- Original Message -----
      Sent: Saturday, January 12, 2002 3:08 PM
      Subject: [streetfighter] Problems with Streetfighter.

           Being done lurking, I now wish to posit a question - The players of
      Streetfighter have learned, over a period of time, that fast fighters with
      knockdown techniques will always win over slow fighters with powerful
      attacks. This is because, if you get knocked down, you lose your attack. Has
      anyone figured out a way to balance things out so that slow, powerful
      fighters can hold a candle to high-speed knockdown fighters? Even Kippup
      only subtracts 1 from the penalty the next round. It doesn't give back lost
      actions. Does Groundfighting work well with that? I've never actually
      playtested it to find out.

      Chat with friends online, try MSN Messenger: http://messenger.msn.com

      Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12381 From: Jason Obeston Date: 1/12/2002
      Subject: Re: Problems with Streetfighter.
      > Have a bad guy wear armored leggings with spikes
      > on them... that would stop me from trying to sweep
      > his ankles...

      Or someone with high block, stamina, and maka wara

      Do You Yahoo!?
      Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12382 From: Dr.Destruction Date: 1/13/2002
      Subject: Re: Honor questions
      on 1/12/02 4:13 PM, mean_liar at mean_liar@... wrote:

      > Does anyone use an alternate awards structure? My campaign hasn't
      > really started rolling yet, as the characters are still Rank 2-3
      > (depending on record), but Honor seems incredibly difficult to
      > gain. As in, the only character that has gained a permanent Honor
      > in 8 sessions is the one that continually Dizzys his opponents.

      Here's my chart:

      Out of Tournament Honor/Glory
      Suffering Injury while protecting an innocent +1/+0
      Accepting a challenge +0/+1
      Running from a challenge -1/-2
      Putting criminal group out of business +1/+3
      Ignoring someone in need of help -1/+0
      Helping someone for no material gain +2/+0 (This is the one that
      helps a lot)
      Defeating a much more powerful foe +2/+2
      > As a side note, anyone else have cheap PCs? I had a guy start a
      > Block to Elbow Smash combo against a Dizzied opponent in order to
      > hit him at +6 Speed the moment he recovered, in order to get the
      > Honor. Geez. From now on in my game, you only get the Honor/Glory
      > award for not striking a Dizzied opponent if you end the turn with
      > space between you and the Dizzied opponent; no more hanging over the
      > guy to smack him down the moment he recovers.

      I've got a sovereign remedy for all Block Combo abuses. A Block is
      considered to be ineffective when it is used and no attack is forthcoming.
      Think about it, if you aren't hit, it isn't a Block, it's just you putting
      your hands up. So just like any Maneuver in a combo that misses, a Block
      that doesn't Block anything is pretty much a miss. That means that the next
      Maneuver can't be attempted since the Combo was interrupted by a miss.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12383 From: Jeremy Date: 1/13/2002
      Subject: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
      > 3. Allow for a maneuver called Maintain Balance (won't work against grabs)
      > where you roll your DEX+Athletics vs the damage of a knockdown attack. If
      > you equal the damage, you bound right back on your feet and aren't knocked
      > down.

      The reason why these moves (not grabs, see below for that) cause a knockdown
      is because they are either interupting an aerial move with rather unexpected
      results, you are not going to land well, or they are taking your feet out
      from under you (foot sweep and slide kick). Balance has nothing to do with
      it, because you don't have your legs beneith you to balance with. The only
      thing you can do is kippup (any 1) which brings you right back up again
      restoring your footing quickly. Alternatively, just block, if they don't do
      damage, you don't go down.

      As for grabs I believe there is a move like this and it is called
      "Breakfall" from the "Contenders" book. You roll your dex+athletics and for
      each success you get you minus one from the damage. This is done after
      damage is worked out, so you don't have the 50/50 one dice minimum. You can
      easily reduce a throw (most common thing that breakfall gives you the
      advantage over) to nothing more than free movement with you perfectly fine.

      Throws cause a knockdown, but if I may quote from page 140 of the main book,
      "A knockdown only takes effect if the Knockdown actually scores at least one
      health level of damage." Thus, if you score well enough on your Breakfall
      roll, you will effectively be thrown through the air to land exactly how you
      want. After all, that's what your trained to do, and this is only a 1-2
      point move, Jiu Jiutsu gets it for FREE. Quite often one of the first
      things you learn is how to land safely.

      An example: Mario the wrestler, after just being rudely punched in the face
      by Bruce the boxer decides to joist this bitch to the other end of Kansas.
      He does a throw which does say, 8 damage, say minus 3 for Bruce's stamina,
      leaving 5 dice. He rolls and gets 3 successes.

      Bruce has breakfall! He rolls his dex+athletics, say 6 six and scores 4
      successes. Mario hefts Bruce across the ring only to watch Bruce hit the
      ground totally unpreturbed and still standing.

      Just as a side note, my personal rule is that if you score no damage on your
      throw, you didn't manage to pick him up well enough and you lose your grip,
      letting him stay where he is. But like I say, that is just my rule.

      As for blocks, yes you really should be blocking an attack, not just
      standing there for the first turn both blocking to get the speed benefit.
      You have NOT blocked. To block you must be rolling dice and defending
      against an attack. If no attack comes, you did NOT block, you stood still
      and did nothing, waiting in great preparation for an attack to come that
      never did.

      An example: Mario the wrestler is getting ready to get pounded by Bruce (a
      boxer) as so is using punch defense. Bruce actually thought he would
      surprise Mario with a roundhouse kick expecting him to come in close (as in
      across three hexes) for a grab. Bruce can only move one hex with a
      roundhouse kick, and Mario isn't moving. Bruce doesn't actually step
      forward and do the kick knowing full well that it will not reach him, it is
      a wasted move.

      And as such, a wasted block. No attack, means no block, means no speed

      "The Majestic Cow"
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12384 From: necro6hit Date: 1/13/2002
      Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
      i have to disagree to a certain extent.

      balance is keeping your center of gravity over your feet, and
      therefore any move that takes your feet out from under you, (or your
      body out from over them) takes your balance.

      also it bears mentioning that there is more than one way to "sweep"
      someone. in judo it is more clearly taking your balance.

      I have been hit with many sweeps from a variety of styles in real
      life, and the one thing that they all have in common is sometimes i
      am able to "maintain balance" and sometimes i am not.

      but on the other hand their are some moves that their is no way
      keeping balance will keep you up.


      --- In streetfighter@y..., "Jeremy" <confucius@d...> wrote:
      > > 3. Allow for a maneuver called Maintain Balance (won't work
      against grabs)
      > > where you roll your DEX+Athletics vs the damage of a knockdown
      attack. If
      > > you equal the damage, you bound right back on your feet and
      aren't knocked
      > > down.
      > The reason why these moves (not grabs, see below for that) cause a
      > is because they are either interupting an aerial move with rather
      > results, you are not going to land well, or they are taking your
      feet out
      > from under you (foot sweep and slide kick). Balance has nothing to
      do with
      > it, because you don't have your legs beneith you to balance with.
      The only
      > thing you can do is kippup (any 1) which brings you right back up
      > restoring your footing quickly. Alternatively, just block, if they
      don't do
      > damage, you don't go down.
      > As for grabs I believe there is a move like this and it is called
      > "Breakfall" from the "Contenders" book. You roll your
      dex+athletics and for
      > each success you get you minus one from the damage. This is done
      > damage is worked out, so you don't have the 50/50 one dice
      minimum. You can
      > easily reduce a throw (most common thing that breakfall gives you
      > advantage over) to nothing more than free movement with you
      perfectly fine.
      > Throws cause a knockdown, but if I may quote from page 140 of the
      main book,
      > "A knockdown only takes effect if the Knockdown actually scores at
      least one
      > health level of damage." Thus, if you score well enough on your
      > roll, you will effectively be thrown through the air to land
      exactly how you
      > want. After all, that's what your trained to do, and this is only
      a 1-2
      > point move, Jiu Jiutsu gets it for FREE. Quite often one of the
      > things you learn is how to land safely.
      > An example: Mario the wrestler, after just being rudely punched in
      the face
      > by Bruce the boxer decides to joist this bitch to the other end of
      > He does a throw which does say, 8 damage, say minus 3 for Bruce's
      > leaving 5 dice. He rolls and gets 3 successes.
      > Bruce has breakfall! He rolls his dex+athletics, say 6 six and
      scores 4
      > successes. Mario hefts Bruce across the ring only to watch Bruce
      hit the
      > ground totally unpreturbed and still standing.
      > Just as a side note, my personal rule is that if you score no
      damage on your
      > throw, you didn't manage to pick him up well enough and you lose
      your grip,
      > letting him stay where he is. But like I say, that is just my rule.
      > As for blocks, yes you really should be blocking an attack, not just
      > standing there for the first turn both blocking to get the speed
      > You have NOT blocked. To block you must be rolling dice and
      > against an attack. If no attack comes, you did NOT block, you
      stood still
      > and did nothing, waiting in great preparation for an attack to come
      > never did.
      > An example: Mario the wrestler is getting ready to get pounded by
      Bruce (a
      > boxer) as so is using punch defense. Bruce actually thought he
      > surprise Mario with a roundhouse kick expecting him to come in
      close (as in
      > across three hexes) for a grab. Bruce can only move one hex with a
      > roundhouse kick, and Mario isn't moving. Bruce doesn't actually
      > forward and do the kick knowing full well that it will not reach
      him, it is
      > a wasted move.
      > And as such, a wasted block. No attack, means no block, means no
      > benefit.
      > Jeremy
      > "The Majestic Cow"
      > Moo-Kung-Fu
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12385 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/13/2002
      Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
      >The reason why these moves (not grabs, see below for that) cause a knockdown
      >is because they are either interupting an aerial move with rather unexpected
      >results, you are not going to land well, or they are taking your feet out
      >from under you (foot sweep and slide kick). Balance has nothing to do with
      >it, because you don't have your legs beneith you to balance with. The only
      >thing you can do is kippup (any 1) which brings you right back up again
      >restoring your footing quickly. Alternatively, just block, if they don't do
      >damage, you don't go down.

      When you block, you automatically become immune to knockdown (unless the move happens to ignore blocks). While blocking a sweep, your blocking limb takes and absorbs the full force of the sweep. Yes you still take damage because the force of the sweep colliding with your blocking limb naturally would hurt, but since the force of the sweep is absorbed by your limb and not your center of balance so you don't get knocked over.

      Note that I use the term 'blocking limb' because it is possible to block a move with your feet/knee as well.

      Also note that while you're immune to knockdown while blocking, you WILL still be stunned (dizzied) if the blow is strong enough to inflict significant hurt enough to exceed your stamina. In King of Fighters this is called a 'guard crush'.

      >As for blocks, yes you really should be blocking an attack, not just
      >standing there for the first turn both blocking to get the speed benefit.
      >You have NOT blocked. To block you must be rolling dice and defending
      >against an attack. If no attack comes, you did NOT block, you stood still
      >and did nothing, waiting in great preparation for an attack to come that
      >never did.
      Also since he isn't really blocking per se as long as the move does not hit, it doesn't count towards the 3-consecutive-blocks glory demerit.

      Join the world�s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Click Here
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12386 From: necro6hit Date: 1/13/2002
      Subject: thanks
      I just got done checking every other board, group etc. im a member of
      and it reminded me.....

      Id like to thank all you guys for being the nicest group I know of.

      every other group is full of a$$holes.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12387 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 1/14/2002
      Subject: Re: thanks
      So is this one... we just hide it well. =)
      ----- Original Message -----
      From: necro6hit
      Sent: Sunday, January 13, 2002 8:43 PM
      Subject: [streetfighter] thanks

      I just got done checking every other board, group etc. im a member of
      and it reminded me.....

      Id like to thank all you guys for being the nicest group I know of.

      every other group is full of a$$holes.

      Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12388 From: Dr.Destruction Date: 1/14/2002
      Subject: Re: thanks
      on 1/14/02 12:43 AM, necro6hit at throwrocks@... wrote:

      > I just got done checking every other board, group etc. im a member of
      > and it reminded me.....
      > Id like to thank all you guys for being the nicest group I know of.
      > every other group is full of a$$holes.

      Dude, don't say that or you'll jinx it.
      Dr. Michael Redford
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12389 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 1/14/2002
      Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
      > > 3. Allow for a maneuver called Maintain Balance (won't work against
      > > where you roll your DEX+Athletics vs the damage of a knockdown attack.
      > > you equal the damage, you bound right back on your feet and aren't
      > > down.
      > The reason why these moves (not grabs, see below for that) cause a
      > is because they are either interupting an aerial move with rather
      > results, you are not going to land well, or they are taking your feet out
      > from under you (foot sweep and slide kick). Balance has nothing to do
      > it,

      Then call the move, "I get knocked down and I get back up again." Anyhow, I
      would only apply this to foot sweep-type attacks (slide kicks, etc.). I
      figure if you have a paranormal sense of balance you could spring back up
      quickly and continue fighting with disorientation. Or, if both feet are
      swept out from beneath you from the side, you can put the first swept foot
      back down before your second foot is swept out. Thereby, you can remain

      I simply the borrowed the idea from from Ninjas and Superspies to represent
      someone instantly springing back up to their feet, continuing with their
      action as if they hadn't been knocked down.

      But it's just an idea, and I never said whether it was a good one or not.

      However, I would still apply the Blocking speed bonus whether or not it
      Blocked an attack. The Street Fighter system has its imperfections, one of
      them is representing well-timed attacks (because speeds are always Set,
      based on Dex and maneuver speed). The blocking speed bonus can represent
      taking time out to measure your opponent and timing your attack well.

      I always try to compare it to the videogame, where sometimes a roundhouse
      can out-prioritize a short kick depending on when you started it. It's not
      because of a combo. Therefore, the only way seems to be using Blocks to
      represent taking a moment to time your attack well.

      Tony Figueroa "Knight of the Black Rose"
      Street Fighter RPG/STG: http://home.fuse.net/shermie/
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12390 From: necro6hit Date: 1/14/2002
      Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
      wow, just like the chumba wumba song:)

      --- In streetfighter@y..., "Tony Figueroa" <tony.figueroa@f...> wrote:
      > Then call the move, "I get knocked down and I get back up again."
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12391 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 1/14/2002
      Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
      Yeah, that was my joke ^^;;

      > wow, just like the chumba wumba song:)
      > lol
      > --- In streetfighter@y..., "Tony Figueroa" <tony.figueroa@f...> wrote:
      > > Then call the move, "I get knocked down and I get back up again."
      > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12392 From: necro6hit Date: 1/14/2002
      Subject: Re: Blocks, throws and knockdowns
      just call me "captain obvious"

      --- In streetfighter@y..., "Tony Figueroa" <tony.figueroa@f...> wrote:
      > Yeah, that was my joke ^^;;
      > > wow, just like the chumba wumba song:)
      > > lol
      > >
      > > --- In streetfighter@y..., "Tony Figueroa" <tony.figueroa@f...>
      > > > Then call the move, "I get knocked down and I get back up
      > >
      > >
      > >
      > >
      > > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
      > >
      > >
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12393 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 1/15/2002
      Subject: Kung Fu variants
      There are a million flavours of Kung Fu. Do you guys think it's worth having
      a different representation of each Kung Fu style, or does the
      all-encompassing "Kung Fu" style included in the first manual do the trick?

      This is why I've always had trouble with the Majestic Crow Kung Fu style.
      Once that was brought in, I felt that the regular Kung Fu style should be
      deemed Win-Chun Kung Fu -- and that other variants should start to be
      included -- but then I wondered, would these styles actually be *that* much

      For example, I'm working on a conversion character right now from another
      video game who's style is She Quan -- or Snake-Style Kung Fu. Should I make
      up a Snake-Style Kung Fu style, or just envelope the charcter into regular
      Kung Fu and pay closer attention to the special manuevers?

      Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
      seagull@... make you a better person."
      seagull@... - Peter Olafson
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12394 From: Jeremy Date: 1/15/2002
      Subject: Re: Kung Fu variants
      I think the thing that many people forget is that each style has its own way
      of doing things and distinctive "look". This is where Style Lore comes in
      as watching say a Monkey Kung Fu fighter throw a roundhouse kick, would look
      completely alien when compared to a Muay Thai roundhouse kick.

      Pick and choose the special moves that work for your particular sub-style,
      and even rename soem of the moves as Majestic Crow has done (crow beats it's
      wings - hundred hand slap). Tell a sumo and majestic crow student that they
      are the same move and they would probably laugh at you, unless they had
      sufficient style lore.

      Style lore is being able to remove the "flair" or lack thereof of the style
      and look at what is being accomplished with the move. Majestic Crow has a
      completely different set of moves as it is a "lost" system. That is to say
      that main styles of Kung Fu have known about each other and been able to
      see, train and even fight against these other varients for many years.
      Majestic Crow is all but non-existant, and as such its moves are very

      Of course, if you want sperate lists, do seperate lists. I personally feel
      that the game has more than enough moves to keep any style happy for years
      of play.

      The Majestic Cow

      ----- Original Message -----
      From: "Fred Chagnon" <seagull@...>
      To: "Streetfighter List" <streetfighter@yahoogroups.com>
      Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2002 9:43
      Subject: [streetfighter] Kung Fu variants

      > There are a million flavours of Kung Fu. Do you guys think it's worth
      > a different representation of each Kung Fu style, or does the
      > all-encompassing "Kung Fu" style included in the first manual do the
      > This is why I've always had trouble with the Majestic Crow Kung Fu style.
      > Once that was brought in, I felt that the regular Kung Fu style should be
      > deemed Win-Chun Kung Fu -- and that other variants should start to be
      > included -- but then I wondered, would these styles actually be *that*
      > different?
      > For example, I'm working on a conversion character right now from another
      > video game who's style is She Quan -- or Snake-Style Kung Fu. Should I
      > up a Snake-Style Kung Fu style, or just envelope the charcter into regular
      > Kung Fu and pay closer attention to the special manuevers?
      > ____________________________________________________
      > Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
      > seagull@... make you a better person."
      > seagull@... - Peter Olafson
      > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12395 From: Andy Johnston Date: 1/15/2002
      Subject: Re: Kung Fu variants
      What a great take on the different aspecst of Kung Fu. I could not more
      completely agree with you Jeremy.

      > Style lore is being able to remove the "flair" or lack thereof of the
      > and look at what is being accomplished with the move. Majestic Crow has a
      > completely different set of moves as it is a "lost" system. That is to
      > that main styles of Kung Fu have known about each other and been able to
      > see, train and even fight against these other varients for many years.
      > Majestic Crow is all but non-existant, and as such its moves are very
      > different.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12396 From: Chris Nelson Date: 1/15/2002
      Subject: Re: King of Fighters (was Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids)
      Well, I didn't really do an expansion for KoF, but I did write up a lot
      of the characters on my page. Feel free to use it as a starting point
      if you're looking for info or what not.


      --- galin_ra <randerssen@...> wrote:
      > I think someone has already done a KOF expansion. I could be wrong.
      > If not. I would be delighted to have a KOF expansion ^_^
      > -----Ronin-----
      > --- In streetfighter@y..., "The King of Chickens 2001"
      > <chickenno1@h...> wrote:
      > >

      Do You Yahoo!?
      Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12397 From: Dr.Destruction Date: 1/15/2002
      Subject: Re: Kung Fu variants
      on 1/15/02 9:43 AM, Fred Chagnon at seagull@... wrote:

      > There are a million flavours of Kung Fu. Do you guys think it's worth having
      > a different representation of each Kung Fu style, or does the
      > all-encompassing "Kung Fu" style included in the first manual do the trick?
      > This is why I've always had trouble with the Majestic Crow Kung Fu style.
      > Once that was brought in, I felt that the regular Kung Fu style should be
      > deemed Win-Chun Kung Fu -- and that other variants should start to be
      > included -- but then I wondered, would these styles actually be *that* much
      > different?
      > For example, I'm working on a conversion character right now from another
      > video game who's style is She Quan -- or Snake-Style Kung Fu. Should I make
      > up a Snake-Style Kung Fu style, or just envelope the charcter into regular
      > Kung Fu and pay closer attention to the special manuevers?

      Each style of 'animal' Kung Fu should ideally be represented by one or two
      unique maneuvers. Also there's a bunch of common denominators that should
      remain the same even though they have different names and look different. An
      Asiatic thrust is pretty much the same as a Jab, but goes under a lot of
      different names and each variant of Kung Fu also places emphasis on the
      position and form of the hand when delivering a strike. So the best
      compromise would be to keep Kung Fu as a basic template and then introduce
      the variants through their signature moves.
      Dr. Michael Redford
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12398 From: Dr.Destruction Date: 1/15/2002
      Subject: Re: King of Fighters (was Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids)
      on 1/15/02 2:22 PM, Chris Nelson at ptc075@... wrote:
      > Well, I didn't really do an expansion for KoF, but I did write up a lot
      > of the characters on my page. Feel free to use it as a starting point
      > if you're looking for info or what not.
      > --- galin_ra <randerssen@...> wrote:
      >> I think someone has already done a KOF expansion. I could be wrong.
      >> If not. I would be delighted to have a KOF expansion ^_^

      My question: Gameplay-wise, What's the difference between Streetfighter and
      King of Fighters? When Streetfighter Turbo came out, what version of King of
      Fighters was playing? If the games were basically the same as far as arcade
      mechanics go then there shouldn't even be a need for a conversion. That wave
      thing that Andy and the rest do could easily be interpreted as a Crouching
      Fireball. Other maneuvers could be converted just as easily.
      Dr. Michael Redford
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12399 From: necro6hit Date: 1/15/2002
      Subject: Re: Kung Fu variants
      id have to say (imo) that in general its easier(=funner) to stick
      with the kung fu in the book.

      more time spent playing, less time spent writing stuff up.
      (and its clear anyway that this games not SUPPOSED to be a realistic
      interpretation of ANY style)

      but however, if you are converting that snake kung fu person and the
      moves they need simply arent in kung fu that would be a good excuse
      to do it. that way the conversion will seem right, just make "snake
      kung fu".

      also interesting that no one mentioned there is more than 1 type of
      karate, wrestling, jiu jitsu, sanbo, special forces training, etc.
      and they are all lumped into 1 style (each) as well.


      --- In streetfighter@y..., "Fred Chagnon" <seagull@a...> wrote:
      > There are a million flavours of Kung Fu. Do you guys think it's
      worth having
      > a different representation of each Kung Fu style, or does the
      > all-encompassing "Kung Fu" style included in the first manual do
      the trick?
      > This is why I've always had trouble with the Majestic Crow Kung Fu
      > Once that was brought in, I felt that the regular Kung Fu style
      should be
      > deemed Win-Chun Kung Fu -- and that other variants should start to
      > included -- but then I wondered, would these styles actually be
      *that* much
      > different?
      > For example, I'm working on a conversion character right now from
      > video game who's style is She Quan -- or Snake-Style Kung Fu.
      Should I make
      > up a Snake-Style Kung Fu style, or just envelope the charcter into
      > Kung Fu and pay closer attention to the special manuevers?
      > ____________________________________________________
      > Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
      > seagull@a... make you a better person."
      > seagull@n... - Peter Olafson
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12400 From: necro6hit Date: 1/15/2002
      Subject: Re: Kung Fu variants
      forgot to add: I too think it was bunk how majestic crow broke their
      own rule about kung fu being all-encompassing.

      I think that goes back to some of the supplements seem to be written
      by ppl who didnt fully understand the rules o the first book.

      I mean christ, you need "kick defense" or a "ducking block" to block
      a "lunging punch" according to shades of gray.

      then of course theirs the "riposte" move, lol, that is on a npc's
      sheet but yet doesnt exist.

      If I ever ran a game again I think I would just forget majestic crow
      existed unless a player wanted to use it.


      --- In streetfighter@y..., "necro6hit" <throwrocks@b...> wrote:
      > id have to say (imo) that in general its easier(=funner) to stick
      > with the kung fu in the book.
      > more time spent playing, less time spent writing stuff up.
      > (and its clear anyway that this games not SUPPOSED to be a
      > interpretation of ANY style)
      > but however, if you are converting that snake kung fu person and
      > moves they need simply arent in kung fu that would be a good excuse
      > to do it. that way the conversion will seem right, just
      make "snake
      > kung fu".
      > also interesting that no one mentioned there is more than 1 type of
      > karate, wrestling, jiu jitsu, sanbo, special forces training, etc.
      > and they are all lumped into 1 style (each) as well.
      > :)
      > Matt
      > --- In streetfighter@y..., "Fred Chagnon" <seagull@a...> wrote:
      > > There are a million flavours of Kung Fu. Do you guys think it's
      > worth having
      > > a different representation of each Kung Fu style, or does the
      > > all-encompassing "Kung Fu" style included in the first manual do
      > the trick?
      > >
      > > This is why I've always had trouble with the Majestic Crow Kung
      > style.
      > > Once that was brought in, I felt that the regular Kung Fu style
      > should be
      > > deemed Win-Chun Kung Fu -- and that other variants should start
      > be
      > > included -- but then I wondered, would these styles actually be
      > *that* much
      > > different?
      > >
      > > For example, I'm working on a conversion character right now from
      > another
      > > video game who's style is She Quan -- or Snake-Style Kung Fu.
      > Should I make
      > > up a Snake-Style Kung Fu style, or just envelope the charcter
      > regular
      > > Kung Fu and pay closer attention to the special manuevers?
      > >
      > > ____________________________________________________
      > > Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
      > > seagull@a... make you a better person."
      > > seagull@n... - Peter Olafson
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12401 From: mean_liar Date: 1/15/2002
      Subject: annoying oversights
      I'd add to that the lack of Vega having any skill with his Claw. As
      in, "Vega's Technique with Claw adds to the damage of his Tumbling

      On a side note...
      And what the hell is that damn tumbling attack all about? Isn't it
      just a BIT powerful? People complain about the Cartwheel Kick, but
      not the Tumbling Attack?
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12402 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/15/2002
      Subject: Re: annoying oversights

      Believe it or not Tumbling Attack is more balanced than Cartwheel Kick. For one thing, look at the modifiers. They're mostly minuses for speed and damage (whereas Cartwheel Kicks are pluses). Also look at the power point cost; only Spanish Ninjutsu and Capoeira (which isn't that popular when I played) can purchase it for a cheaper price, everyone else must purchase it for 5 power points (which happens to cost quite a bomb for low level characters).

      If you already think that's unbalanced, then you'd have to ban every other similar move, like Hurricane Kick and Spinning Clothesline, which basically does the same thing but with different 'animation'.

      As for Vega having Claw skill with Tumbling Attack, use his Weapon skill to calculate damage from Tumbling Attack, and then when he somehow loses his weapon he can't do it! While it isn't in the spirit of the arcade game (he CAN do Tumbling Attack even without the claw) it is more balanced....if you want to keep it in the spirit of the arcade game simply give him 2 combat cards, one for weapon and one for non-weapon.

       >From: "mean_liar"

      >Reply-To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >Subject: [streetfighter] annoying oversights
      >Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 00:30:45 -0000
      >I'd add to that the lack of Vega having any skill with his Claw. As
      >in, "Vega's Technique with Claw adds to the damage of his Tumbling
      >On a side note...
      >And what the hell is that damn tumbling attack all about? Isn't it
      >just a BIT powerful? People complain about the Cartwheel Kick, but
      >not the Tumbling Attack?

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      Group: streetfighter Message: 12403 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/15/2002
      Subject: Re: King of Fighters (was Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids)

      When SFT came out, it was I think King of Fighters '94 era.

      The difference in gameplay is about how they fight in teams. Think of the KOF as a new tournament type with 3 on 3 rules. While in Street Fighter STG you can already just let everyone into the ring at the same time, the KOF system is that you can't, it's 1 on 1 elimination style, and there will be a permanent ring doctor that heals 3D10 difficulty 6 (but will always heal one point of damage regardless of botch or not) which will heal the victor in between rounds. Of course characters can bring in their own ring doctors but there are disadvantages to that.....

      In case you're wondering whether I'll be implementing strikers, NO WAY. In this method, one team member will NOT have the chance to actually fight, and thus would ruin the game.

      Also I want to introduce a few new styles and maybe rehash some of the already created characters and special moves. eg. I saw in the ultimate manuvers compendium a listing under Nu Psycho Reflector. Don't you think Athena already uses something called Energy Reflection? In KOF, all moves that reflect fireballs can hit as well, so this is like saying that you need to have seperate moves for Yamizaki's Bai Gaeshi and Eiji's....I forgot the name.



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      Group: streetfighter Message: 12404 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/16/2002
      Subject: Re: King of Fighters (was Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids)

      Thanks, Chris! It has most of the information I need!
      I just hope I have the endurance and time to get this project started and going....

      >From: Chris Nelson
      >Reply-To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: King of Fighters (was Rules for Cybernetics and Hybrids)
      >Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2002 10:22:07 -0800 (PST)
      >Well, I didn't really do an expansion for KoF, but I did write up a lot
      >of the characters on my page. Feel free to use it as a starting point
      >if you're looking for info or what not.
      >--- galin_ra wrote:
      > > I think someone has already done a KOF expansion. I could be wrong.
      > >
      > > If not. I would be delighted to have a KOF expansion ^_^
      > >
      > > -----Ronin-----
      > >
      > > --- In streetfighter@y..., "The King of Chickens 2001"
      > > wrote:
      > > >
      > >
      > >
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      Group: streetfighter Message: 12405 From: Blue Dorian Date: 1/16/2002
      Subject: Re: annoying oversights
      >On a side note...
      >And what the hell is that damn tumbling attack all about? Isn't it
      >just a BIT powerful? People complain about the Cartwheel Kick, but
      >not the Tumbling Attack?

      Well, it's not just the difference in damage, but it's also the
      difference in Move. Cartwheel Kick has a +-4- to it's move, which means that
      it gets, assuming everything else is equal, 4 more hits against the opponent
      than Tumbling Attack. And at -1 damage to +1, that means on average 8 more
      dice of damage against an opponent. Let's say a character has both Tumbling
      Attack and Cartwheel kick. They hit a theoretical person who will take,
      say... 4 hits at 2 dice each. With Cartwheel kick, they would get 8 hits at
      4 dice each. Considering that at 2 dice the odds of botching are much more
      than at 4 dice, you probably will even stop it earlier. But let's ignore
      that and go straight to damage...

      8 dice versus 32 dice. And did I mention Cartwheel Kick has lower
      requirements and a lower point cost? In this example, Tumbling Attack would
      do, on average(If all hit), 3.2 health levels of damage compared to 14.8
      health levels of damage. Bad.

      Join the world�s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12406 From: Blue Dorian Date: 1/16/2002
      Subject: Streetfighter Game.
      Any Streetfighter games out there going on? Might be fun to join one.

      Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12407 From: galin_ra Date: 1/16/2002
      Subject: Re: Streetfighter Game.
      Come to:

      http://groups.yahoo.com/group/sf_uw_forum/ - The forum
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      And join the soon-to-start Online SF campaign ^_^


      --- In streetfighter@y..., "Blue Dorian" <bdorian@h...> wrote:
      > Any Streetfighter games out there going on? Might be fun to join one.
      > _________________________________________________________________
      > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12408 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 1/16/2002
      Subject: Re: annoying oversights
      --- Blue Dorian <bdorian@...> wrote:
      > Well, it's not just the difference in damage, but it's also the
      > difference in Move. Cartwheel Kick has a +-4- to it's move, which means that
      > it gets, assuming everything else is equal, 4 more hits against the opponent
      > than Tumbling Attack. And at -1 damage to +1, that means on average 8 more
      > dice of damage against an opponent. Let's say a character has both Tumbling
      > Attack and Cartwheel kick. They hit a theoretical person who will take,
      > say... 4 hits at 2 dice each. With Cartwheel kick, they would get 8 hits at
      > 4 dice each. Considering that at 2 dice the odds of botching are much more
      > than at 4 dice, you probably will even stop it earlier. But let's ignore
      > that and go straight to damage...
      > 8 dice versus 32 dice. And did I mention Cartwheel Kick has lower
      > requirements and a lower point cost? In this example, Tumbling Attack would
      > do, on average(If all hit), 3.2 health levels of damage compared to 14.8
      > health levels of damage. Bad.

      True story. One of my players wanted to have cartwheel kick for a new
      character (I think he was a ninja). I had just (half an hour before) gotten
      the PG so I said that anything from it had to be aproved by the GM (me). So I
      looked over the maneuver, wet myself, and said no.

      The punchline is that my player hadn't really read the maneuver. He just
      wanted it because it sounded like what Foxy Roxy (Ivan's the man) from Brutal:
      Paws of Fury (an okay game) had for one of her attacks.

      I think he wound up dropping his entire concept and made a sumo instead. And
      so it goes.

      staredown@... http://staredown.8m.net

      "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
      --we merely expect them to try."
      -- Robert Heinlein

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      Group: streetfighter Message: 12409 From: mean_liar Date: 1/16/2002
      Subject: Re: annoying oversights
      "As for Vega having Claw skill with Tumbling Attack, use his Weapon
      skill to calculate damage from Tumbling Attack..."

      Yep. But my copy of Secrets of Shadoloo doesn't list Vega as having
      any Technique in Claw.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12410 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/16/2002
      Subject: Re: annoying oversights

      Hmmm....didn't realize that. Most of the  rules I got off the net, from some site that closed down last december. Ah well.

      You can make his weapon rating equal to or more than his punch rating. Note here: since he uses his claw more often than his punch, make his original punch rating equal to his claw rating, then reduce the punch rating by 1 or 2.

      >From: "mean_liar"
      >Reply-To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: annoying oversights
      >Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 19:10:59 -0000
      >"As for Vega having Claw skill with Tumbling Attack, use his Weapon
      >skill to calculate damage from Tumbling Attack..."
      >Yep. But my copy of Secrets of Shadoloo doesn't list Vega as having
      >any Technique in Claw.

      Join the world�s largest e-mail service with MSN Hotmail. Click Here
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12411 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/17/2002
      Subject: Re: annoying oversights

      What I'd do is:

      - Remove Cartwheel Kick from the manuvers compendium entirely

      - Let Ninjutsu purchase Tumbing Attack at the price of Spanish Ninjutsu

      After all, isn't the 'Cartwheel Kick' just another Tumbling Attack with a *very slight;y* different animation? And isn't S.Ninjutsu an offshoot from normal Ninjutsu such that this move should be just as easy to learn?

      >From: Chris Hoffmann

      >Reply-To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >Subject: Re: [streetfighter] annoying oversights
      >Date: Wed, 16 Jan 2002 09:07:15 -0800 (PST)
      >--- Blue Dorian wrote:
      > > Well, it's not just the difference in damage, but it's also the
      > > difference in Move. Cartwheel Kick has a +-4- to it's move, which means that
      > > it gets, assuming everything else is equal, 4 more hits against the opponent
      > > than Tumbling Attack. And at -1 damage to +1, that means on average 8 more
      > > dice of damage against an opponent. Let's say a character has both Tumbling
      > > Attack and Cartwheel kick. They hit a theoretical person who will take,
      > > say... 4 hits at 2 dice each. With Cartwheel kick, they would get 8 hits at
      > > 4 dice each. Considering that at 2 dice the odds of botching are much more
      > > than at 4 dice, you probably will even stop it earlier. But let's ignore
      > > that and go straight to damage...
      > >
      > > 8 dice versus 32 dice. And did I mention Cartwheel Kick has lower
      > > requirements and a lower point cost? In this example, Tumbling Attack would
      > > do, on average(If all hit), 3.2 health levels of damage compared to 14.8
      > > health levels of damage. Bad.
      >True story. One of my players wanted to have cartwheel kick for a new
      >character (I think he was a ninja). I had just (half an hour before) gotten
      >the PG so I said that anything from it had to be aproved by the GM (me). So I
      >looked over the maneuver, wet myself, and said no.
      >The punchline is that my player hadn't really read the maneuver. He just
      >wanted it because it sounded like what Foxy Roxy (Ivan's the man) from Brutal:
      >Paws of Fury (an okay game) had for one of her attacks.
      >I think he wound up dropping his entire concept and made a sumo instead. And
      >so it goes.
      >staredown@... http://staredown.8m.net
      >"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
      >--we merely expect them to try."
      > -- Robert Heinlein
      >Do You Yahoo!?
      >Send FREE video emails in Yahoo! Mail!

      Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12412 From: J.J. Date: 1/17/2002
      Subject: Street Fighter videos
      Alright. I've finally broke down and went over to Manga.com to try to find the rest of Street Fighter II V & Alpha. YAY! It'll only cost me $100 to complete it. ($160 if I go for a DVD set).
      Anyone know wher I can replace my Street Fighter II: the Animated Movie from?
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12413 From: mean_liar Date: 1/17/2002
      Subject: Re: annoying oversights
      Well, I think I could give Vega any rating I felt accurate for his
      Claw, probably a 5.

      Which puts his Tumbling Attack damage to...

      7 (ATHLETICS)
      + 4 (STRENGTH) (not sure about this score)
      + 5 (CLAW)
      + 1 (CLAW MODIFIER)

      = 16, with a Move of 7.

      Then, consider he's got a Tumbling Attack to Tumbling Attack (Dizzy)

      I hear he's a Boss!
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12414 From: The King of Chickens 2001 Date: 1/17/2002
      Subject: Re: annoying oversights


      Ugh. Now I realized it. You're not supposed to calculate Tumbling Attack using is punch/claw technique unless the manuver says so itself. Thusly Tumbling Attack is calculated by Strength + Athletics + Manuver Modifier.

      Str 4 + Athletics 7 + Modifier -1 = 10 damage per hit at 7 hits....which hits still quite hard, but not as obscenely hard as *16*.  

      >From: "mean_liar"
      >Reply-To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: annoying oversights
      >Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 00:55:48 -0000
      >Well, I think I could give Vega any rating I felt accurate for his
      >Claw, probably a 5.
      >Which puts his Tumbling Attack damage to...
      > 7 (ATHLETICS)
      > + 4 (STRENGTH) (not sure about this score)
      > + 5 (CLAW)
      > + 1 (CLAW MODIFIER)
      >= 16, with a Move of 7.
      >Then, consider he's got a Tumbling Attack to Tumbling Attack (Dizzy)
      >I hear he's a Boss!

      Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com.
      Group: streetfighter Message: 12415 From: Tony Figueroa Date: 1/17/2002
      Subject: Re: annoying oversights
      Yeah, Vega's Tumbling Attack with his Claw should have stats of Speed 7, Damage 11 (Str 4 +Athletics 7 + maneuver -1 + claw +1), Move 7.
      There should never be an instance where you add more than one Technique to the appropriate attribute to calculate damage (it's either one Technique or the other).
      ----- Original Message -----
      Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2002 9:11 PM
      Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Re: annoying oversights


      Ugh. Now I realized it. You're not supposed to calculate Tumbling Attack using is punch/claw technique unless the manuver says so itself. Thusly Tumbling Attack is calculated by Strength + Athletics + Manuver Modifier.

      Str 4 + Athletics 7 + Modifier -1 = 10 damage per hit at 7 hits....which hits still quite hard, but not as obscenely hard as *16*.  

      >From: "mean_liar"
      >Reply-To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
      >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: annoying oversights
      >Date: Fri, 18 Jan 2002 00:55:48 -0000
      >Well, I think I could give Vega any rating I felt accurate for his
      >Claw, probably a 5.
      >Which puts his Tumbling Attack damage to...
      > 7 (ATHLETICS)
      > + 4 (STRENGTH) (not sure about this score)
      > + 5 (CLAW)
      > + 1 (CLAW MODIFIER)
      >= 16, with a Move of 7.
      >Then, consider he's got a Tumbling Attack to Tumbling Attack (Dizzy)
      >I hear he's a Boss!

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