> In addition, I also tend to drop hints about enemy die pools. I found
that if an enemy is having a Bad Dice Day and is whiffing all of their
damage rolls, I can describe near-misses as having had enough force to "have
really hurt had it been on the mark." Players ducking punches that put
holes through walls on a whiff also tends to make them a little more
cautious and fearful; they don't want that wall to be their head next round,
and they begin to play smarter.
I do this too.
One of my players really wants me to tell him the stats of all the moves my
NPCs play (the show your opponent your card thing). Does anyone tell that
much information in gameplay (i.e. I am throwing a fierce at you that goes
on 3, does 12 damage, and moves 2?) I would find doing that to remove a lot
of the strategy and thinking from the game.
Okay maybe you can help. I've got a friend that says
you can dodge projectiles just by moving out of the
way if you gotta higher speed and interupt when they
launch the attack and that you don't even have to
make a roll. I have only the main book and it doesn't
make it too clear if you can. COuld someone clearify
for me?
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 11917
From: William Adams
Date: 11/22/2001
Subject: Re: Dodging Missles
You roll to dodge when you use Jump to get out of the way of missile
attacks. If you act before the other guy and move outside the range of the
missile attack then I would make you roll a dodge too because he could still
tag you during the time you're in range. Of course if all you have to do is
step one hex back to get out of range then it should be easier if you can't
get out of range unless you step to the side. You should judge it a case by
case basis. And to be fair you shouldn't allow automatic dodges if you
allow missile attacks to be dodged through movement. The book isn't very
clear but the intent seems to be that the only way to dodge a missile attack
was to be by jumping over it.
William Adams woa@...
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11918
From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com
Date: 11/22/2001
Subject: Re: Character Generator
it really just depends on how you want to interpret/apply/write the
rules. they arent too clear on this.
I would make them dodge like a jump, stating that movement does not
avoid projectiles.
but i see where that guy is coming from too. if you throw a baseball
at me and i move i can dodge it without jumping!
but this is not reality its a game so I would just go with the rules
and say "nowhere in the description of movement does it say you can
avoid attack"
mainly bacause there is no time taken into consideration from when it
leaves your hands to the time it hits them in this game. he has to
dodge before (and thrower would just retarget) or after (when its
pointless) but he cant dodge DURING flight of the missile because
that is zero time. when it is thrown it hits. instantly.
--- In streetfighter@y..., Jason Obeston <callanme@y...> wrote:
> Okay maybe you can help. I've got a friend that says
> you can dodge projectiles just by moving out of the
> way if you gotta higher speed and interupt when they
> launch the attack and that you don't even have to
> make a roll. I have only the main book and it doesn't
> make it too clear if you can. COuld someone clearify
> for me?
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just
> http://geocities.yahoo.com/ps/info1
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11919
From: Tony Figueroa
Date: 11/23/2001
Subject: Re: Character Generator
> Okay maybe you can help. I've got a friend that says
> you can dodge projectiles just by moving out of the
> way if you gotta higher speed and interupt when they
> launch the attack and that you don't even have to
> make a roll. I have only the main book and it doesn't
> make it too clear if you can. COuld someone clearify
> for me?
Well, I think that if you interrupt their projectile attack by moving out of
range before they go, you've managed to avoid it.
Likewise, say you're playing a jumping short kick, you may either choose to
interrupt their fireball by simply leaping at them and attacking them before
they throw it (then you get hit if they don't dizzy you). Or, you may
attempt to dodge it and attack (getting knocked out of the air if you fail).
The rules on Jump say you can use them to avoid projectiles; it doesn't say
you have to try. If you succeed of course, then it was worth it.
another of my stupid question...
A dizziy combo...let's take fro example strong to strong to strong (dizzy)
I strike an ennemy with 3 in Stamina
first round i do 2 damage.....second round i do 2 damage (so the guy is
dizzy cause 2+2>3)...then the third round i do again 2 damage.....my
question is :
as the guy was already dizzied in the combo does the count restart at 0, or
does it's still run from the round 2...translate in number :
the third round, he is dizzy because 2+2+2>3, or he is not because the only
2 damage of the third round is not suffisant to dizzy him?
Sorry if it's not clear..;;i try to explain that with the poor education i
received in school in the shakspeare's language =)
Oh and to try an answer, for my part i would consider any projectile is
faster than any running streetfighter, so you can't use mouvement to run out
of range of a projectile. =)
Read you soon
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11921
From: Ronny Anderssen
Date: 11/23/2001
Subject: Re: dizzy combo
It's not a stupid question.
It's a well discussed problem.
I for my part always says that as soon as the opponent has taken
enough damage in a dizzy combo(by one maneuver or two, or all three),
he will be dizzy.
You could also go with a rule that says as long as you don't dizzy him
in one hit. You have to wait unitl the combo is done to calculate
damage towards dizzy.
Just my rambling.
--- In streetfighter@y..., "Herve Gander" <gander@s...> wrote:
> Hello all,
> another of my stupid question...
> A dizziy combo...let's take fro example strong to strong to strong
> I strike an ennemy with 3 in Stamina
> first round i do 2 damage.....second round i do 2 damage (so the guy is
> dizzy cause 2+2>3)...then the third round i do again 2 damage.....my
> question is :
> as the guy was already dizzied in the combo does the count restart
at 0, or
> does it's still run from the round 2...translate in number :
> the third round, he is dizzy because 2+2+2>3, or he is not because
the only
> 2 damage of the third round is not suffisant to dizzy him?
> Sorry if it's not clear..;;i try to explain that with the poor
education i
> received in school in the shakspeare's language =)
> Oh and to try an answer, for my part i would consider any projectile is
> faster than any running streetfighter, so you can't use mouvement to
run out
> of range of a projectile. =)
> Read you soon
> Herve
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11922
From: skarsten@optonline.net
Date: 11/23/2001
Subject: Re: Character Generator
guys, the question wasn't about moving out of range, it was about moving, period.
you cannot dodge a projectile merely by moving out of the hex you were standing in when your opponent was about to throw it. This is because you're interrupting your opponent *prior* to his making the attack. This is so because otherwise you would not be able to halt a maneuver (such as a Dragon Punch) and not waste Willpower if your opponent moved out of range.
So what happens is, you interrupt his projectile launch, move to a new position, and then he just adjusts his aim and blasts you anyway, provided you haven't moved out of range. If you have, he can chose to not use his attack.
On the other hand, if you're playing a maneuver that can dodge projectiles (Drunken Monkey Roll, Jump, et. al) you can interrupt your opponent *during* the attack, in which case you make the standard resisted Dex + Athletics roll to dodge. If you succeed, he's wasted his attack.
Original Message:
From: Tony Figueroa tony.figueroa@...
Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 02:20:55 -0500
To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Re: Character Generator
> Okay maybe you can help. I've got a friend that says
> you can dodge projectiles just by moving out of the
> way if you gotta higher speed and interupt when they
> launch the attack and that you don't even have to
> make a roll. I have only the main book and it doesn't
> make it too clear if you can. COuld someone clearify
> for me?
Well, I think that if you interrupt their projectile attack by moving out of
range before they go, you've managed to avoid it.
Likewise, say you're playing a jumping short kick, you may either choose to
interrupt their fireball by simply leaping at them and attacking them before
they throw it (then you get hit if they don't dizzy you). Or, you may
attempt to dodge it and attack (getting knocked out of the air if you fail).
The rules on Jump say you can use them to avoid projectiles; it doesn't say
you have to try. If you succeed of course, then it was worth it.
mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web.com/ .
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11923
From: William Adams
Date: 11/23/2001
Subject: Re: dizzy combo
on 11/23/01 7:54 AM, Ronny Anderssen at randerssen@... wrote:
>It's not a stupid question.
>It's a well discussed problem.
>I for my part always says that as soon as the opponent has taken
>enough damage in a dizzy combo(by one maneuver or two, or all three),
>he will be dizzy.
>You could also go with a rule that says as long as you don't dizzy him
>in one hit. You have to wait unitl the combo is done to calculate
>damage towards dizzy.
But wouldn't that allow him to interrupt in the third round when he would
normally be dizzied?
Take the example Strong > Strong > Strong (Dizzy). The first hit connects
doing 2 damage and then the second one connects doing 2 damage. If he isn't
Dizzy he could conceivably block the third attack or Interrupt it with a Jab
or Short breaking the combo, but then since it is a Dizzy combo after he
broke it he would be Dizzy on the fourth round when the combo is done. The
other option would be to have him dizzy on both round three and four.
In this case I would have to agree with the original poster. The dizzy
would take effect on round three allowing one free strike. And on round
four after the combo is finished there would be no dizzy since it already
occurred. It doesn't follow the game play from the arcade but it does make
sense from a game balance standpoint.
I at one point had an interesting campaign planned called Fist Fight
High. It was a teenaged based Streetfighter Chronicle. Has anyone else
run any scenario like this?
If anyone is interested in it or if you see an area where you can
improve what I have done, please do so!
By all means and Good Fight Good Night!
I have some interesting rules on how to deal with the chronicle
Resources (Family):
The income given is in terms of yen, the money used in Japan. To
convert to dollars, consult your local paper's financial section, or
you can use the rough conversion factor of 100 yen equaling one dollar.
1 Poor Family --Your family doesn't have much money. You have an
allowance of Y300 per week, and you pretty much walk or take the bus
everywhere. If liquidated, you might be able to afford a couple of
2 Working Class Family--You live like the Connors from Roseanne. Above
the Mouth to mouth level, but still struggling. You have your own
bedroom, probably, and at least a bicycle (A motorcycle if you are old
enough). You have an allowance of Y500 per week. If liquidated, you
could probably sell all your old toys for about Y5000 or so.
3 Middle Class Family--You live pretty well off. You definitely have
your own bedroom, and probably your own stereo. You might have a car,
but you definitely have access to the family cars, if you're old enough
to drive. You have an allowance of Y1000 per week. If liquidated, you
could probably scrounge up Y10000.
4 Well off Family--Your father and/or Mother is probably a rich doctor,
lawyer, stockbroker, or similar upper middle class type person. You
have your own car if old enough, or can get someone to drive you around
as needed. You have your own bedroom, TV, VCR, and stereo. You might
have your own computer, too. You have an allowance of Y2000 per week.
If liquidated, you could probably scrounge up Y20000.
5 Rich Family--Your father and/or mother is rolling in dough. You live
like Richie Rich. Well, maybe not quite that rich :) You have your own
limousine, with driver if needed/desired. You have your own swimming
pool, and as much neat entertainment stuff as you can stand. Your
allowance is Y10000 per week. But if you try to sell your stuff, your
parents will probably get mad at you.
Teen Angst:
Normally, you have NO permanent Teen Angst. As you experience
frustrations, or exhibit abnormal self-control, your teen angst builds
up until you must release it. Most frustrating situations give you one
point of Teen Angst, but really heavy things like flunking a class,
being dumped by a long term boyfriend, or having your ass kicked by a
kid 3 or more years younger than you can be worth two or three points.
Once your teen angst = your willpower, you must make a WP check every
time you get teen angst, or release it in an incredibly foolish display
of behavior. If you fail the check, you must release it all at once. If
you botch the check, you release it all at once, and gain one permanent
Teen Angst point. Which can only be gotten rid of by groveling really
hard and buying your Storyteller something he wants, or however else he
chooses to make you jump through hoops to be rid of it. You can also
choose to release your angst earlier, but must release at least half of
Angst release examples:
1-3 points: Very minor act like refusing to do a chore until it
irritates your parents and they yell at you, letting your desk get
4-5 points: Adopting a life style that screams, "I am Angsting!"
Wearing black, smoking clove cigarettes, voluntarily listening to the
Cure, reading anything by Sartre.
6 point: Indulging in alcohol or cigarettes, regardless of your
tolerance for them, no smoking signs, attack squads from the American
Cancer Association, etc. Dieting until you lose 40 pounds.
7 points: Speeding. Petty law violations. Getting so wasted you dance
naked on the table...the dinner table, in front of your parents.
8 points: Going into total teenage rebellion mode. Getting a mohawk.
Burning your school uniform. Telling your principal to @#$@#$ off.
Changing your name to "Butthead"
9 points: Insanely self-destructive behavior, like getting pregnant or
taking up drugs just to irritate your parents.
10 points: Running away from home to join the Sabbat. Walking up to
Methuselah�s and saying, "Bite me". Driving a bulldozer through your
local Garou caern. Not things anyone would want to do.
School-Related Systems
How not to be caught fighting
When 2 kids fight it out a teacher will wait 5 turns a pricipal will
wait 3. Get you licks in while you can or be gone before they show up.
To BS your way out of looking like you have been fighting, Manipulation
(or Charisma){which ever is higher} + Subterfuge vs. Adults Perception
(or Wits){whichever is lower} + Insight. Difficulty is 6 if you have
more successes than the adult he does not suspect you. if you tie he
suspects you . . but ay not do anything about it. If you botch it is
obvious and you are busted!
There are, of course, a million ways to cheat in class, from writing
answers on your hand to using your Telepathy to read the answers from
the mind of other students. Here's systems for a few of the common
Buying Pre-written Papers: Perception + Streetwise, Difficulty 5 to
find someone willing to sell you one. On a failure, you can't find
anyone, on a botch, you get sold a paper that gets you an F.
Concealing Answers on Your Body or Clothing: (Your Intelligence +
Subterfuge vs. the Teacher's Perception + Subterfuge at difficulty 6).
If your successes - hers is greater than her perception, she suspects
nothing. If you get equal to or less than her perception, she has a
vague uncomfortable feeling something is wrong; add +1 to the
difficulty if you cheat again within a week. But she can't prove it, so
you get away with it. If you each get equal successes, her suspicions
are aroused; add +2 to difficulty of future cheating. You still got
away with it, just barely. If she gets more than you, she catches you.
Hope you can talk your way out of it.
Looking at Other People's Papers: (Your Perception + Subterfuge vs. vs.
the Teacher's Perception + Subterfuge at difficulty 6). Use system
above to resolve results of the compared roll. Effectively gives you
successes on the assignment equal to the person you cheated off.
Turning a Web Site into a Paper to Turn In: (Perception + Computers,
difficulty 6 if you have do not have the Knowleges: Computers, the
difficulty is an 8) Each success counts as a success on the paper. The
teacher then gets a Perception + Insight (difficulty of your
Intelligence + 3) to determine if you have produced a better paper in
this manner than you're capable of. If her successes equal yours, she
is suspicious, if they exceed yours, she knows you must have cheated,
and likely will take measures...
The systems for doing your homework are going to vary greatly by
subject, but here's some guidelines to difficulties and modifiers:
Typical homework assignment: Difficulty 4 if they have the appropriate
ability, difficulty 5 if not.
Write a short story or poem: Wits + Streetwise, difficulty 4-6,
depending on length, usually. Difficulty 9 if you have to do it in
Esperanto, backwards.
Science Projects: Difficulty 6 if you have an appropriate knowledge,
difficulty 8 if not, unless you rope your parents into helping. This is
an extended roll, made once per week of work. Any botches along the way
mean you'll get an interesting disaster when you take it to the
Science Fair...
Pretending to knowledge you don't have: Sometimes, you may lack any
useful knowledge, so you just have to bluff like a maniac. Manipulation
+ Subterfuge, difficulty 6 vs. the Teacher's Perception + (appropriate
ability) to write an assignment with no meaningful content and get away
with it.
Research Papers. If you have an appropriate knowledge, you can roll it,
and each success on Intelligence + Appropriate Knowledge reduces the
research difficulty by 1 up to a -3 difficulty bonus. Then roll
Perception + Insight (difficulty 5, max number of successes equal to
your willpower, at which point you're too bored to keep working). You
then roll Wits + Expression, with a difficulty equal to 10 - # of
successes at research (min. difficulty of 3)).
Skipping School Without Getting In Trouble
Step 1a: Faking Illness. This requires Manipulation + Subterfuge
(difficulty 7) vs. Parent's Perception + Insight (Difficulty 7 for Dad,
Difficulty 5 for Mom). If you get any successes, they buy it and let
you stay home. If you tie, they take you to the doctor, determine
you're faking it, and you get in trouble. If you botch, they ground you
for lying, then send you to school.
Step 1b: Forging a Note from the Parents. If the parents didn't fall
for it, then you get to try to forge a note. This requires Manipulation
+ Subterfuge, difficulty 6 vs. the Teacher or Vice-Principal's
Perception + Insight. If you get any successes, they buy it. If you get
none, they accept it, but you add +1 to the difficulty if you try this
within their Perception weeks again. If you botch, they send you to
Step 2: Find something fun to do. This requires Wits + Streetwise
(difficulty 7). The more successes, the cooler the thing you manage to
find to do while out of school. On Zero successes, I guess you'll be
playing Space Invaders all day. On a botch, you and your friends head
for where the Truant Officer likes to hang out.
Test Taking
Multiple Choice is difficulty 4.
Fill in the Blank is difficulty 5.
Short Answers are difficulty 6.
Essay Tests are difficulty 7.
Teen Life-Related Systems
Dating and other Romance stuff
Dating is not the same thing as Seduction, although it can often end up
with the same results, over a much longer period of time. Here's a few
dating related systems:
Getting A Date for the Big Dance: You can go about this either of two
A: Getting a specific person to go out with you. Roll on Charisma +
Leadership, difficulty = their Willpower/2 + 3.
B: Getting a date, any date. Roll Appearance + Leadership, difficulty
6. The successes = their appearance. On a zero, no one wants to date
you at all. On a botch, you get stuck going with some complete loser
who will drive you insane. This causes you to gain a point of temporary
teen angst.
Attracting a guy or gal's romantic attention: Appearance + Leadership
at difficulty of 6. Reduce difficulty by one if you've read a teen
magazine with articles like Top Fifty Ways to Make Him Go Out With You
And Sign Over His Life Insurance Right Now in it within Intelligence
days. On a failure, he doesn't notice. On a botch, he or she decides
you are a slut, and responds appropriately. You gain one teen angst.
Stringing a guy along to get him to do stuff for you, without you doing
anything for him: Manipulation + Subterfuge, difficulty = his
Intelligence + 3.
Remembering your one month anniversary and other important dates:
Intelligence, difficulty 6. Males have a +2 difficulty addition due to
the fact most men do not remember such things. Especially when they are
worried about getting their ass kicked by a kid 3 years younger than
they are!
Everyone has faced these dickheads before. They are the guys who
poushed you down and laughed threw gum in your friends hair, and
thought it would be cool to put a dead frog in the the teachers desk.
A Typical Bully:
Attributes: Strength: 2 Dexterity: 2 Stamina: 3 Perception: 1
Intelligence: 1 Wits: 2 Charisma: 1 Manipulation: 3 Appearance: 2
Talents: Insight 2, Intimidation: 2, Streetwise: 2
Skills: Stealth 2, Survival 2
Knowledges: Sports Trivia: 2
Techniques: Punch 2, Kick 0, Block 0, Grab 1, Athletics 2, Focus 0
Willpower: 3
Chi: 1
Health: 8
Maneuvers: Power Uppercut, Push(Throw) same as throw but 2 hex max
range to be pushed to; causes knockdown.
Faceless Minions:
These are your basic, generic faceless minions. Classic example is the
gangers that attack in swarms.
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 11925
From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com
Date: 11/24/2001
Subject: Re: dizzy combo
whether dizzying from a dizzy combo occurs immediately upon gaining
enough damage or only after the whole combo is another thing that is
up to you. It is not very clear.
I recomend you wait till the whole combo is done though because if
not, they can just pick a lightning leg or something that hits
mul;tiple times as the first hit of a dizzy combo. then they can
just do that and combine for dizzy, ignoring the rest of the combo,
it gives them a godlike double hit kick or lightning leg or whatever.
I think its better to have to do the whole combo, i think thats more
in the spirit of the game.
--- In streetfighter@y..., "Herve Gander" <gander@s...> wrote:
> Hello all,
> another of my stupid question...
> A dizziy combo...let's take fro example strong to strong to strong
> I strike an ennemy with 3 in Stamina
> first round i do 2 damage.....second round i do 2 damage (so the
guy is
> dizzy cause 2+2>3)...then the third round i do again 2 damage.....my
> question is :
> as the guy was already dizzied in the combo does the count restart
at 0, or
> does it's still run from the round 2...translate in number :
> the third round, he is dizzy because 2+2+2>3, or he is not because
the only
> 2 damage of the third round is not suffisant to dizzy him?
> Sorry if it's not clear..;;i try to explain that with the poor
education i
> received in school in the shakspeare's language =)
> Oh and to try an answer, for my part i would consider any
projectile is
> faster than any running streetfighter, so you can't use mouvement
to run out
> of range of a projectile. =)
> Read you soon
> Herve
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11926
From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com
Date: 11/24/2001
Subject: Re: Character Generator
im with steve
--- In streetfighter@y..., "skarsten@o..." <skarsten@o...> wrote:
> guys, the question wasn't about moving out of range, it was about
moving, period.
> you cannot dodge a projectile merely by moving out of the hex you
were standing in when your opponent was about to throw it. This is
because you're interrupting your opponent *prior* to his making the
attack. This is so because otherwise you would not be able to halt a
maneuver (such as a Dragon Punch) and not waste Willpower if your
opponent moved out of range.
> So what happens is, you interrupt his projectile launch, move to a
new position, and then he just adjusts his aim and blasts you anyway,
provided you haven't moved out of range. If you have, he can chose
to not use his attack.
> On the other hand, if you're playing a maneuver that can dodge
projectiles (Drunken Monkey Roll, Jump, et. al) you can interrupt
your opponent *during* the attack, in which case you make the
standard resisted Dex + Athletics roll to dodge. If you succeed,
he's wasted his attack.
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Tony Figueroa tony.figueroa@f...
> Date: Fri, 23 Nov 2001 02:20:55 -0500
> To: streetfighter@y...
> Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Re: Character Generator
> > Okay maybe you can help. I've got a friend that says
> > you can dodge projectiles just by moving out of the
> > way if you gotta higher speed and interupt when they
> > launch the attack and that you don't even have to
> > make a roll. I have only the main book and it doesn't
> > make it too clear if you can. COuld someone clearify
> > for me?
> Well, I think that if you interrupt their projectile attack by
moving out of
> range before they go, you've managed to avoid it.
> Likewise, say you're playing a jumping short kick, you may either
choose to
> interrupt their fireball by simply leaping at them and attacking
them before
> they throw it (then you get hit if they don't dizzy you). Or, you
> attempt to dodge it and attack (getting knocked out of the air if
you fail).
> The rules on Jump say you can use them to avoid projectiles; it
doesn't say
> you have to try. If you succeed of course, then it was worth it.
> Tony Figueroa "Knight of the Black Rose"
> Street Fighter RPG/STG: http://home.fuse.net/shermie/
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> mail2web - Check your email from the web at
> http://mail2web.com/ .
> im with steve
> --- In streetfighter@y..., "skarsten@o..." <skarsten@o...> wrote:
> >
> > guys, the question wasn't about moving out of range, it was about
> moving, period.
I agree with that answer too.
> > you cannot dodge a projectile merely by moving out of the hex you
> were standing in when your opponent was about to throw it. This is
> because you're interrupting your opponent *prior* to his making the
> attack. This is so because otherwise you would not be able to halt a
> maneuver (such as a Dragon Punch) and not waste Willpower if your
> opponent moved out of range.
> >
> > So what happens is, you interrupt his projectile launch, move to a
> new position, and then he just adjusts his aim and blasts you anyway,
> provided you haven't moved out of range. If you have, he can chose
> to not use his attack.
> >
> > On the other hand, if you're playing a maneuver that can dodge
> projectiles (Drunken Monkey Roll, Jump, et. al) you can interrupt
> your opponent *during* the attack, in which case you make the
> standard resisted Dex + Athletics roll to dodge. If you succeed,
> he's wasted his attack.
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11928
From: Tony Figueroa
Date: 11/24/2001
Subject: Re: dizzy combo
> whether dizzying from a dizzy combo occurs immediately upon gaining
> enough damage or only after the whole combo is another thing that is
> up to you. It is not very clear.
I've always played with the understanding that once you take enough damage
to be dizzied, you're dizzied. Any damage you take while dizzied doesn't
count towards another dizzy. Once you're not dizzied, the dizzying damage
can start adding up again from zero.
I didn't see any ambiguity in the books about dizzying, but I could have
missed it.
And yes, people have been dizzied with a multi-hit dizzy move as the first
hit of a combo. But if you're honorable, a dizzy combo can often be your
undoing (I can't hit him! I'm too honorable!)
Dizzy combos for honorable characters is just for the glory. Heh...
Dizzy your opponent. Spend the turn your opponent is dizzy with Posing
to the audience.
+1 Glory.
--- In streetfighter@y..., "Tony Figueroa" <tony.figueroa@f...> wrote:
> > whether dizzying from a dizzy combo occurs immediately upon gaining
> > enough damage or only after the whole combo is another thing that is
> > up to you. It is not very clear.
> I've always played with the understanding that once you take enough
> to be dizzied, you're dizzied. Any damage you take while dizzied doesn't
> count towards another dizzy. Once you're not dizzied, the dizzying
> can start adding up again from zero.
> I didn't see any ambiguity in the books about dizzying, but I could have
> missed it.
> And yes, people have been dizzied with a multi-hit dizzy move as the
> hit of a combo. But if you're honorable, a dizzy combo can often be your
> undoing (I can't hit him! I'm too honorable!)
> Tony Figueroa "Knight of the Black Rose"
> Street Fighter RPG/STG: http://home.fuse.net/shermie/
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11930
From: firefirefi@aol.com
Date: 11/24/2001
Subject: Re: dizzy combo
In a message dated 01-11-24 14:26:10 EST, you write:
<< Dizzy combos for honorable characters is just for the glory. Heh...
Dizzy your opponent. Spend the turn your opponent is dizzy with Posing
to the audience.
+1 Glory. >>
And the bonus for not striking a dizzied opponent.
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11931
From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com
Date: 11/24/2001
Subject: Re: dizzy combo
IMO, the ambiguity is where it just says "accumulates turn by turn
for dizzy" without saying if the whole combo has to be done or not.
the word "accumulates" could mean you add up the total damage of the
combo when its over, or as you go. both would be ways to accumulate
then the example they give doesnt shed any light on it cuz its like,
jab to fierce combo and the victim has three stam. the jab does one
and the fierce does 2 = dizzy.
so the example doesnt rule out either one since in it, the damage
adds up to dizzy at the same time as the combo is completely finished.
I wonder, did steves e mail interview with whats-his-face include
-- In streetfighter@y..., "Tony Figueroa" <tony.figueroa@f...> wrote:
> I didn't see any ambiguity in the books about dizzying, but I could
> missed it.
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11932
From: Steve Karstensen
Date: 11/25/2001
Subject: Re: dizzy combo
however, there is a section where it states that if at any time you take
more damage than your Stamina, you're dizzy.
nope, didn't ask Steve Weick about that... just about Ear Pop and someone
else bugged him about Tiger Knee.
IMO, the ambiguity is where it just says "accumulates turn by turn
for dizzy" without saying if the whole combo has to be done or not.
the word "accumulates" could mean you add up the total damage of the
combo when its over, or as you go. both would be ways to accumulate
then the example they give doesnt shed any light on it cuz its like,
jab to fierce combo and the victim has three stam. the jab does one
and the fierce does 2 = dizzy.
so the example doesnt rule out either one since in it, the damage
adds up to dizzy at the same time as the combo is completely finished.
I wonder, did steves e mail interview with whats-his-face include
-- In streetfighter@y..., "Tony Figueroa" <tony.figueroa@f...> wrote:
> I didn't see any ambiguity in the books about dizzying, but I could
> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
> From: "ronald caldwell" <cyouthere@...>
> To: "cliff rice" <car8420@...>, "really
> unknowed" <Dfmcmo@...>, "weston"
> <ddr2325@...>, "jim
> caldwell" <jmmarcal@...>, "james caldwell"
> <jhcal@...>, "judy
> standley" <jas3548@...>, "judy stanley"
> <jule@...>, "millie
> blondal" <burntcookie1@...>, "mary
> caldwell" <maryjcald@...>, "wayne
> caldwell" <wcaldwell@...>
> Subject: Fw: Fwd:Little Prayer
> Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2001 19:10:06 -0800
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: DEBEEPER2@...
> Sent: Sunday, November 25, 2001 8:30 AM
> To: Champ007@...; cyouthere@...;
> CHARLES61825@...; dollyandroyce@...;
> GDMcP@...; J110653@...; EDWARDHMN@...;
> knuu_az@...; LadyLi22@...;
> popcurn@...; Mango_M@...;
> taflitcroft@...
> Subject: Fwd:Little Prayer
> Dear Lord:
> Every single evening As I'm lying here in bed
> This tiny little prayer keeps running through my
> head.
> GOD bless my Mom and Dad, and other family.
> Keep them warm and safe from harm for they're so
> close to me.
> And GOD, there is one more thing I wish that you
> could do.
> Hope you don't mind me asking, Bless my computer
> too.
> Now I know that it's not normal to bless a mother
> board,
> But listen just a second while I explain to you 'My
> Lord'.
> You see, that little metal box holds more than odds
> & ends
> Inside those small compartments rest so many of my
> I know so much about them By the kindness that they
> give
> And this little scrap of metal takes me in to where
> they live.
> By faith is how I know them much the same as you
> We share in what life brings us and from that our
> friendship grew.
> Please, take an extra minute from your duties up
> above
> To bless those in my address book that's filled with
> so much love!
> Wherever else this prayer may reach to each and
> every friend,
> Bless each email inbox and the person who hits send.
> When you update your heavenly list on your own
> Remember each who've said this prayer sent up to
> GOD.com. Amen.
> Please send this poem to all of your on-line friends
> to show how much you care! Also, make sure you send
> it back to whomever sent
> it to you because they obviously care about you! Get
> more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :
> http://explorer.msn.com
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month. http://geocities.yahoo.com/ps/info1
> From: car8420@... (cliff rice)
> Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 09:36:10 -0800 (PST)
> To: shinzite@...
> Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fw: Fw: Charge on EMail???
> ATTACHMENT part 2 message/rfc822
> From: "ronald caldwell" <cyouthere@...>
> To: "bill neal" <beal7734@...>, "james caldwell"
> <jamesbcaldwell@...>, "cliff
> rice" <car8420@...>, "dan neal"
> <neallariet1@...>, "really
> unknowed" <Dfmcmo@...>, "weston"
> <ddr2325@...>, "edward
> hanson" <babyhuewy@...>, "fabian unknow"
> <hairhanesbeus@...>, "greg
> lucas" <greg.lucas@...>, "jerry and carry
> watson" <cjwatson@...>, "judy
> standley" <jas3548@...>, "judy stanley"
> <jule@...>, "kenny
> rice" <guitarkenny@...>, "millie blondal"
> <burntcookie1@...>, "mary
> caldwell" <maryjcald@...>, "debbie morse"
> <debeeper2@...>, "bobbie
> perry503-665-3428" <ellivron@...>, "paul
> holebrook" <pholebrook@...>, "terry
> flitcroft" <taflitcroft@...>, "tony smizick"
> <alpsincoos@...>, "wayne
> caldwell" <wcaldwell@...>
> Subject: Fw: Fw: Fw: Charge on EMail???
> Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 08:08:05 -0800
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Terri Flitcroft
> Sent: Thursday, November 29, 2001 9:32 AM
> To: Jamie Sanderlin; CATHI SMITH; Mark Swanson; Leon
> Trafelet; Brian S Varley; Mom; KenLouise Beckwith;
> ronald caldwell; Ronda Clark; Judy M Cole; Christi
> Criswell; Desia; Ric Shari Dowling; Sharon Elrod;
> Ronald Kerri Flitcroft; Vicki Goodrich; Dave
> Kennedy; Laremy; Bud McKay; Debbie Morse; Debbie
> Murto; Billy Neal; Jacklyn Sanderlin
> Subject: Fwd: Fw: Fw: Charge on EMail???
> >
> >
> >Subject: Fwd: Charge on EMail???
> >
> >
> > >
> > >
> > > >Federal Bill 602p
> > > >
> > > >Guess the warnings were true. Federal Bill 602P
> 5-cents per E-mail sent.
> > > >It figures! No more free E-mail! We knew this
> was coming!! Bill 602P
> > > >will permit the Federal Government to charge a
> 5-cent charge on every
> > > >delivered
> > > >E-mail. Please read the following carefully if
> you intend to stay online
> > > >and continue using E-mail. The last few months
> have revealed an alarming
> > > >trend
> > > >in the Government of the United States
> attempting to quietly push through
> > > >legislation that will affect our use of the
> Internet.
> > > >
> > > >Under proposed legislation, the US Postal
> Service will be attempting to
> > > >bill E-mail users out of "alternative postage
> fees."
> > > >
> > > >Bill 602P will permit the Federal Government to
> charge a 5-cent surcharge
> > > >on every e-mail delivered, by billing Internet
> Service Providers at
> >source.
> > > >The consumer would then be billed in turn by
> the ISP.
> > > >
> > > >Washington DC lawyer Richard Stepp is working
> without pay to prevent this
> > > >legislation from becoming law. The US Postal
> Service is claiming lost
> > > >revenue, due to the proliferation of E-mail, is
> costing nearly
> >$230,000,000
> > > >in revenue per year. You may have noticed their
> recent ad campaign:
> >"There
> > > >is nothing like a letter."
> > > >
> > > >Since the average person received about 10
> pieces of E-mail per day in
> > > >1998, the cost of the typical individual would
> be an additional 50 cents
> >a
> > > >day --
> > > >or over $180 per year -- above and beyond their
> regular Internet costs.
> > > >
> > > >Note that this would be money paid directly to
> the US Postal Service for
> >a
> > > >service they do not even provide.
> > > >
> > > >The whole point of the Internet is democracy
> and noninterference. You are
> > > >already paying an exorbitant price for snail
> mail because of bureaucratic
> > > >inefficiency. It currently takes up to 6 days
> for a letter to be
> >delivered
> > > >from coast to coast. If the US Postal Service
> is allowed to tinker with
> > > >E-mail, it will mark the end of the "free"
> Internet in the United States.
> > > >
> > > >Congressional representative, Tony Schnell (R)
> has even suggested a
> > > >"$20-$40 per month surcharge on all Internet
> service" above and beyond
> >the
> > > >governments proposed E-mail charges. Note that
> most of the major
> > > >newspapers have ignored the story the only
> exception being the
> > > >Washingtonian which called the idea of E-mail
> surcharge "a useful concept
> > > >who's time has come" (March 6th, 1999
> Editorial). Do not sit by and
> >watch
> > > >your freedom erode away!
> > > >
> > > >Send this E-mail to EVERYONE on your list, and
> tell all your friends and
> > > >relatives to write their congressional
> representative and say "NO" to
> > > >Bill 602P.
> > > >
> > > >It will only take a few moments of your time
> and could very well be
> > > >instrumental in killing a bill we do not want.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at
> http://explorer.msn.com/intl.asp
> > >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >Get more from the Web. FREE MSN Explorer download :
> http://explorer.msn.comGet more from the Web. FREE
> MSN Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting,
> just $8.95/month.Get more from the Web. FREE MSN
> Explorer download : http://explorer.msn.com
Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month. http://geocities.yahoo.com/ps/info1
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11936
From: David Yellope
Date: 11/30/2001
Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: Fw: Fw: Charge on EMail???
Don't believe it... this is just somebody getting their jollies. Trust
me.. if there was such a thing, there would be a national outcry.
And one last thing..
Forward chain letters
There is No Lumber Cartel..And I am NOT Member #01538
(L5R2.1)UN:+ S- G+ Y+ D- O+ EJ+ I+++ Sc(32) C E++ !M T D++ K++ H-- Tk IC++ U+
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11937
From: shinzite@yahoo.com
Date: 11/30/2001
Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: Fw: Fw: Charge on EMail???
I know but this one seemed like it might be important. Even if it is
crap I think its something to consider.
--- In streetfighter@y..., David Yellope <yelloped@m...> wrote:
> Don't believe it... this is just somebody getting their jollies.
> me.. if there was such a thing, there would be a national outcry.
> And one last thing..
> NEVER...
> EVER....
> Forward chain letters
> There is No Lumber Cartel..And I am NOT Member #01538
> (L5R2.1)UN:+ S- G+ Y+ D- O+ EJ+ I+++ Sc(32) C E++ !M T D++ K++ H--
Tk IC++ U+
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11938
From: David Yellope
Date: 11/30/2001
Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: Fw: Fw: Charge on EMail???
On Fri, 30 Nov 2001 18:32:50 -0000, you wrote:
>I know but this one seemed like it might be important. Even if it is
>crap I think its something to consider.
>--- In streetfighter@y..., David Yellope <yelloped@m...> wrote:
>> Don't believe it... this is just somebody getting their jollies.
>> me.. if there was such a thing, there would be a national outcry.
>> And one last thing..
>> NEVER...
>> EVER....
>> EVER!
>> Forward chain letters
>> There is No Lumber Cartel..And I am NOT Member #01538
Here's a hint.. if this is the first time you're seeing it through a
chain mail, it's not true. Besides, the problem with taxing the
internet is.. how do you determine if the person sending it is
Use common sense.. never forward chain letters or its ilk
There is No Lumber Cartel..And I am NOT Member #01538
(L5R2.1)UN:+ S- G+ Y+ D- O+ EJ+ I+++ Sc(32) C E++ !M T D++ K++ H-- Tk IC++ U+
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11939
From: skarsten@optonline.net
Date: 11/30/2001
Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: Fw: Fw: Charge on EMail???
hey, anyone wanna send me the Neiman Marcus cookie recipe? I hear if you send out 1000 copies of it Bill Gates will use his new E-mail tracking program to send you to Disneyland with a free case of Budweiser...
Steve, the Urban Legends Know-It-All
Original Message:
From: David Yellope yelloped@...
Date: Fri, 30 Nov 2001 13:29:03 -0500
To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Re: Fwd: Fw: Fw: Fw: Charge on EMail???
On Fri, 30 Nov 2001 18:32:50 -0000, you wrote:
>I know but this one seemed like it might be important. Even if it is
>crap I think its something to consider.
>--- In streetfighter@y..., David Yellope <yelloped@m...> wrote:
>> Don't believe it... this is just somebody getting their jollies.
>> me.. if there was such a thing, there would be a national outcry.
>> And one last thing..
>> NEVER...
>> EVER....
>> EVER!
>> Forward chain letters
>> There is No Lumber Cartel..And I am NOT Member #01538
Here's a hint.. if this is the first time you're seeing it through a
chain mail, it's not true. Besides, the problem with taxing the
internet is.. how do you determine if the person sending it is
Use common sense.. never forward chain letters or its ilk
There is No Lumber Cartel..And I am NOT Member #01538
(L5R2.1)UN:+ S- G+ Y+ D- O+ EJ+ I+++ Sc(32) C E++ !M T D++ K++ H-- Tk IC++ U+
mail2web - Check your email from the web at http://mail2web.com/ .
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11940
From: Rodrigo Tatekawa
Date: 11/30/2001
Subject: Books
Hello, guys!
I'm new on this discussion list, and, well, this
isn't the best fomr of introducing myself, but... I
need a favor.
Anyone knows where I can find a copy of Secrets of
Shadoloo and Street Fighter: Contenders? I really need
those two books to finish my collection. ^_^
Thanks a lot
Yahoo! GeoCities
Tenha seu lugar na Web. Construa hoje mesmo sua home page no Yahoo! GeoCities. É fácil e grátis! http://br.geocities.yahoo.com/
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11941
From: arkondloc@aol.com
Date: 11/30/2001
Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: Fw: Fw: Charge on EMail???
In a message dated 11/30/01 12:35:59 PM Central Standard Time, shinzite@... writes:
I know but this one seemed like it might be important. Even if it is
crap I think its something to consider.
First off, how many people on this list have seen that one more than a dozen times?
It's hardly an old bit of 'netlore. And if it had EVER been legitimate, that time has long passed, even if someone found it nessesary (or funny) to update certain dates, names, and figures.
I'm something of an amatur folklorist, but I hate to see these lies in my Inbox. It's really crowded enough without them.
Just my opinion, but if I knew who started a hoax like this, I would skin them alive with the frames of my glasses.
But that's just me.
"Soon, the Paths shall stand revealed."
Arkon, Dark Lord of Chaos; Keeper of Mysteries; Circuit Folklorist; Seeker of the Lost Paths
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11942
From: Fred Chagnon
Date: 11/30/2001
Subject: Re: Books
> Anyone knows where I can find a copy of Secrets of
> Shadoloo and Street Fighter: Contenders? I really need
> those two books to finish my collection. ^_^
Ding ding ding!
You've just asked the #1 "new members question".
Books are hard to find. If they're not on ebay, then you'll have to dig
through the books of comic book stores and honnyists. The odd convention
may have some as well.
But I recommend setting up search agents on eBay. You'll be emailed if
anyone ever puts one up there.
Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting seagull@... make you a better person." seagull@... - Peter Olafson
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11943
From: Jason Obeston
Date: 11/30/2001
Subject: Re: Chainletters
Here's a good little rule of thumb if it contains fwd
in the subject heading do not send it to a list you
are on. It will just upset the people.
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 11944
From: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
Date: 12/2/2001
Subject: New poll for streetfighter
Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
streetfighter group:
What books do you guys NOT have.
I have some extra's I've been
collecting for a series of contests @
my site and I just wanna see who has
what, cuz I'd rather give them to ppl
who need them rather than just want a
spare. Be honest:)
o Main Book
o Players H-Book
o Contenders
o Secrets 'o' Shadowloo
o Perfect Warrior
o Crappy Screen
> Here's a good little rule of thumb if it contains
> fwd
> in the subject heading do not send it to a list you
> are on. It will just upset the people.
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting,
> just $8.95/month.
> http://geocities.yahoo.com/ps/info1
Do You Yahoo!?
Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping. http://shopping.yahoo.com
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11946
From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com
Date: 12/2/2001
Subject: Re: Chainletters
I aint mad atcha'
--- In streetfighter@y..., cliff rice <shinzite@y...> wrote:
> Sheesh Ok ok i am sorry it was am mistake!
> cliff
> --- Jason Obeston <callanme@y...> wrote:
> > Here's a good little rule of thumb if it contains
> > fwd
> > in the subject heading do not send it to a list you
> > are on. It will just upset the people.
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting,
> > just $8.95/month.
> > http://geocities.yahoo.com/ps/info1
> >
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping.
> http://shopping.yahoo.com
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11947
From: cliff rice
Date: 12/2/2001
Subject: Warriors Pride.
Whatever happened to the hew warriors pride?
Do You Yahoo!?
Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping. http://shopping.yahoo.com
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11948
From: Kim Foster
Date: 12/2/2001
Subject: House Rules
What sort of house rules have people instituted in their games?
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11949
From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com
Date: 12/2/2001
Subject: Re: House Rules
I play pretty much by the book except for making up our own moves
styles etc.
and one time I had a teenage skateboarder character in the party and
I made up some rules for that. like + to move going down hills, and
doing tricks to get glory among other skaters (yun) etc.
He was gonna by some fighting moves with his board but never got
around to it and we quit.
--- In streetfighter@y..., Kim Foster <nexus@q...> wrote:
> What sort of house rules have people instituted in their games?
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11950
From: Jason Obeston
Date: 12/2/2001
Subject: Re: Chainletters
Actually neither am I it was more a point that you
risk pissing people off with unnessacary mail. Sorry
if it came off mad and pissy. We cool man?
> I aint mad atcha'
> --- In streetfighter@y..., cliff rice
> <shinzite@y...> wrote:
> > Sheesh Ok ok i am sorry it was am mistake!
> >
> > cliff
> >
> > --- Jason Obeston <callanme@y...> wrote:
> > > Here's a good little rule of thumb if it
> contains
> > > fwd
> > > in the subject heading do not send it to a list
> you
> > > are on. It will just upset the people.
> > >
> > >
> __________________________________________________
> > > Do You Yahoo!?
> > > Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site
> hosting,
> > > just $8.95/month.
> > > http://geocities.yahoo.com/ps/info1
> > >
> >
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping.
> > http://shopping.yahoo.com
Do You Yahoo!?
Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping. http://shopping.yahoo.com
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11951
From: Ronny Anderssen
Date: 12/3/2001
Subject: Re: House Rules
Heh.. House Rules ^_^
We reworked alot in Trondheim.
We added a to hit system, where you use Dex+Technique against
opponents Athletics. 10's giving you extra damage dice(critical)
We also added a D3 to speed. Just to randomize the speed a little.
Made Fights more unpredictable.
AND WE REMOVED THE COMBAT CARDS. Heck... It's not as if we were
playing a card game is it??
We got Shadwofist, and Magic for that^_^
We never used the darn Combat cards.
We also used a new maneuver as a basic move.
Speed: +3
Dmg: +0
Move: -1
Roll Dex+Athletics to avoid getting hit.
Just as jump, only against everything, Except projectiles.
There... I think I got it all.
--- In streetfighter@y..., throwrocks@b... wrote:
> I play pretty much by the book except for making up our own moves
> styles etc.
> and one time I had a teenage skateboarder character in the party and
> I made up some rules for that. like + to move going down hills, and
> doing tricks to get glory among other skaters (yun) etc.
> He was gonna by some fighting moves with his board but never got
> around to it and we quit.
> --- In streetfighter@y..., Kim Foster <nexus@q...> wrote:
> > What sort of house rules have people instituted in their games?
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11952
From: Jens-Arthur Leirbakk
Date: 12/3/2001
Subject: Re: House Rules
That's correct, we did use Evasion - and as far as I can remember, we used
a Recovery rule as well...
However, in the game I am/was running (Street Fighter: Tien Tao), I
figured that Evasion was over-powered. In essence, it gave you a dodge
chance AS A BASIC MANEUVER. Not good. Besides, it made Esquives
superfluous (dang, that's a lot of 'u'-s) - and that's not a good thing.
In my opinion, at least.
Not only did we add a d3 to initiative, we also created a "phases" system
for the speeds - as well as add the "normal" WoD seven-hit to heaven
aggravated wound system. With penalties.
So, it wasn't really a totally new system, as much as it was an adaption
of the usual WoD Combatica system for SF. I believe that if you use all
the optionals in the big book o' combat for WoD, you'd get a very similar
But we were first :-)
On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Ronny Anderssen wrote:
> Heh.. House Rules ^_^
> We reworked alot in Trondheim.
> We added a to hit system, where you use Dex+Technique against
> opponents Athletics. 10's giving you extra damage dice(critical)
> We also added a D3 to speed. Just to randomize the speed a little.
> Made Fights more unpredictable.
> AND WE REMOVED THE COMBAT CARDS. Heck... It's not as if we were
> playing a card game is it??
> We got Shadwofist, and Magic for that^_^
> We never used the darn Combat cards.
> We also used a new maneuver as a basic move.
> Evasion
> Cost:None
> Speed: +3
> Dmg: +0
> Move: -1
> Roll Dex+Athletics to avoid getting hit.
> Just as jump, only against everything, Except projectiles.
> There... I think I got it all.
> Enjoy...
> -----Ronin-----
> --- In streetfighter@y..., throwrocks@b... wrote:
> > I play pretty much by the book except for making up our own moves
> > styles etc.
> >
> > and one time I had a teenage skateboarder character in the party and
> > I made up some rules for that. like + to move going down hills, and
> > doing tricks to get glory among other skaters (yun) etc.
> >
> > He was gonna by some fighting moves with his board but never got
> > around to it and we quit.
> >
> >
> > --- In streetfighter@y..., Kim Foster <nexus@q...> wrote:
> > > What sort of house rules have people instituted in their games?
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/
> Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
> streetfighter group:
> What books do you guys NOT have.
> I have some extra's I've been
> collecting for a series of contests @
> my site and I just wanna see who has
> what, cuz I'd rather give them to ppl
> who need them rather than just want a
> spare. Be honest:)
> o Main Book
> o Players H-Book
Shouldn't we be trying to stop the spread of this scorge?
> o Contenders
> o Secrets 'o' Shadowloo
After the PHB, it's the most important book.
> o Perfect Warrior
> o Crappy Screen
Aw come on. It's not... No wait, yep it sucks. Only good thing about it is
it's damn fine art.
I voted, but I'm not sure that Yahoo will accept my no checked boxes reply so
I'll just state for the record I've got all the books except the aformentioned
Shadows over Mexico.
Don't bother trying to hit me up for a copy, I consider these books some of my
most prized posessions and they ain't for sale at any price.
"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 11954
From: Fred Chagnon
Date: 12/3/2001
Subject: Re: New poll for streetfighter
> > o Crappy Screen
> Aw come on. It's not... No wait, yep it sucks. Only good thing about it is
> it's damn fine art.
The Shades of Grey insert pretty good. I don't care so much for the
adventure, but the extra maneuvers and talents are good, and I like the
team of Antagonists (team Venice I think) that's included.
Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting seagull@... make you a better person." seagull@... - Peter Olafson
"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Buy the perfect holiday gifts at Yahoo! Shopping. http://shopping.yahoo.com
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11956
From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com
Date: 12/3/2001
Subject: Re: House Rules
We TRIED to remove combat cards in my group but one guy always
cheated so we had to re instate them.
--- In streetfighter@y..., "Ronny Anderssen" <randerssen@h...> wrote:
> Heh.. House Rules ^_^
> We reworked alot in Trondheim.
> We added a to hit system, where you use Dex+Technique against
> opponents Athletics. 10's giving you extra damage dice(critical)
> We also added a D3 to speed. Just to randomize the speed a little.
> Made Fights more unpredictable.
> AND WE REMOVED THE COMBAT CARDS. Heck... It's not as if we were
> playing a card game is it??
> We got Shadwofist, and Magic for that^_^
> We never used the darn Combat cards.
> We also used a new maneuver as a basic move.
> Evasion
> Cost:None
> Speed: +3
> Dmg: +0
> Move: -1
> Roll Dex+Athletics to avoid getting hit.
> Just as jump, only against everything, Except projectiles.
> There... I think I got it all.
> Enjoy...
> -----Ronin-----
> --- In streetfighter@y..., throwrocks@b... wrote:
> > I play pretty much by the book except for making up our own moves
> > styles etc.
> >
> > and one time I had a teenage skateboarder character in the party
> > I made up some rules for that. like + to move going down hills,
> > doing tricks to get glory among other skaters (yun) etc.
> >
> > He was gonna by some fighting moves with his board but never got
> > around to it and we quit.
> >
> >
> > --- In streetfighter@y..., Kim Foster <nexus@q...> wrote:
> > > What sort of house rules have people instituted in their games?
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11957
From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com
Date: 12/3/2001
Subject: Re: New poll for streetfighter
ugh, I hate the moves in shades of grey.
useless expensive heart punch when you could be doing the same amount
of REAL damage.
and the flying tackle is waay to good imo.
freakin' lunge punch i could rant about all day (use kick defense or
a ducking block to block it?)
blech, did the person who wrote that book actually even KNOW the
--- In streetfighter@y..., Fred Chagnon <seagull@a...> wrote:
> > > o Crappy Screen
> >
> > Aw come on. It's not... No wait, yep it sucks. Only good thing
about it is
> > it's damn fine art.
> The Shades of Grey insert pretty good. I don't care so much for the
> adventure, but the extra maneuvers and talents are good, and I like
> team of Antagonists (team Venice I think) that's included.
> ___________________________________________________
> Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
> seagull@a... make you a better person."
> seagull@n... - Peter Olafson
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11958
From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com
Date: 12/3/2001
Subject: Re: New poll for streetfighter
now I know your kidding about that art....
your kidding right?
--- In streetfighter@y..., Chris Hoffmann <staredown@r...> wrote:
> Aw come on. It's not... No wait, yep it sucks. Only good thing
about it is
> it's damn fine art.
"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 11960
From: Fred Chagnon
Date: 12/3/2001
Subject: Re: New poll for streetfighter
> freakin' lunge punch i could rant about all day (use kick defense or
> a ducking block to block it?)
> blech, did the person who wrote that book actually even KNOW the
> rules?
Good points.
Crouching block has always been a question, since in the books there
never really is any differentiation.
Okay, well I still like Team Venice. A team of bullies is always fun to
beat on.
Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting seagull@... make you a better person." seagull@... - Peter Olafson
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11961
From: Jason Obeston
Date: 12/3/2001
Subject: Re: House Rules
Well lets see our gm thought it would be funny for our
technocracy characters to go up against our
streetfighter characters. So he pretty much reworked
a lot of it. Streetfighters can soak agg. All their
attacks are bashing except for stuff that is fire
based which is lethal or agg if it hits a vamp or
werewolf. health levels go -0 -0 -0 -0 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3
-5 and then incap. Since we are crossed over into the
wod we have 13/9/5 for abilities and can take anything
not exclusive to a group (primal-urge et) Instead of
combat cards we just write the move we are going to do
a sheet of paper and then everyone announces speed.
The house rule I really hate though is if you have a
higher speed and someone fireballs you. You can just
interupt and step out of the way. They've still used
their attack and everything. Oh and a lot of
storyline stuff is changed (no shadaloo etc.)
> --- In streetfighter@y..., throwrocks@b... wrote:
> > I play pretty much by the book except for making
> up our own moves
> > styles etc.
> >
> > and one time I had a teenage skateboarder
> character in the party and
> > I made up some rules for that. like + to move
> going down hills, and
> > doing tricks to get glory among other skaters
> (yun) etc.
> >
> > He was gonna by some fighting moves with his board
> but never got
> > around to it and we quit.
> >
> >
> > --- In streetfighter@y..., Kim Foster <nexus@q...>
> wrote:
> > > What sort of house rules have people instituted
> in their games?
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 11962
From: J. Scott Pittman
Date: 12/3/2001
Subject: Re: House Rules & Shameless Web Page Plug
All of my house rules can be found at my two Street
Fighter Web Pages. CHAMPS rules take first place if the rules conflict with each
other. I plan to make CHAMPS Backgrounds from the Backgrounds found in the main
rulebooks and on the Dogs of War home page, if I ever get around to it. Right
now I'm concentrating on my DnD campaign and some GURPS stuff.
The CHAMPS home page (rules for making up new
Maneuvers, Styles, and Backgrounds - and I post those sent to me made with this
I play pretty much by the book except for making up our own
moves styles etc.
and one time I had a teenage skateboarder
character in the party and I made up some rules for that. like + to
move going down hills, and doing tricks to get glory among other skaters
(yun) etc.
He was gonna by some fighting moves with his board but never
got around to it and we quit.
--- In streetfighter@y..., Kim
Foster <nexus@q...> wrote: > What sort of house rules have people
instituted in their games?
> > o Main Book
> > o Players H-Book
> Shouldn't we be trying to stop the spread of this scorge?
> > o Contenders
> > o Secrets 'o' Shadowloo
> After the PHB, it's the most important book.
After the PHB? Was that sarcasm, or did you mean the main book?
> > o Perfect Warrior
> > o Crappy Screen
> Aw come on. It's not... No wait, yep it sucks. Only good thing about it
> it's damn fine art.
> I voted, but I'm not sure that Yahoo will accept my no checked boxes reply
> I'll just state for the record I've got all the books except the
> Shadows over Mexico.
Ah, same here...
Only took me two months, surely it can't be THAT hard for other people to
> Don't bother trying to hit me up for a copy, I consider these books some
of my
> most prized posessions and they ain't for sale at any price.
Not even the accursed Player's Handbook? ;-)
"I look at the world and I notice it's turning
While my guitar gently weeps
With every mistake we must surely be learning
Still my guitar gently weeps"
- George Harrison (1943-2001)
Group: streetfighter
Message: 11964
From: Tommy Brownell
Date: 12/3/2001
Subject: Re: New poll for streetfighter
> --- throwrocks@... wrote:
> > now I know your kidding about that art....
> > your kidding right?
> > (shudders)
> Yeah I liked the art in the screen (was there art in Shades of Gray?
> remember).
> Are you implying that my sense of the aesthetic is not universal?
FWIW, I also liked *most* of the art on the screen...a couple of the guys
didn't "fit" to me, but they were mostly good.