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Messages Page 220 of 327.

Group: streetfighter Message: 10963 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/3/2001
Subject: Gillbert
Group: streetfighter Message: 10964 From: Jonathan Combs Date: 5/3/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
Group: streetfighter Message: 10965 From: Soldar Date: 5/3/2001
Subject: Re: Javascript Chart generator
Group: streetfighter Message: 10966 From: Robert Pascuttini Date: 5/3/2001
Subject: Re: Help
Group: streetfighter Message: 10967 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Good Link
Group: streetfighter Message: 10968 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: Help
Group: streetfighter Message: 10969 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: SF Pics
Group: streetfighter Message: 10970 From: Ståle Tevik Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Jumping question
Group: streetfighter Message: 10971 From: Andy Johnston Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: SF Pics
Group: streetfighter Message: 10972 From: skarsten@optonline.net Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: Jumping question
Group: streetfighter Message: 10973 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: SF Pics
Group: streetfighter Message: 10974 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: Jumping question
Group: streetfighter Message: 10975 From: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: New poll for streetfighter
Group: streetfighter Message: 10976 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: SF Pics
Group: streetfighter Message: 10977 From: Andy Johnston Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Rolling--rolling.
Group: streetfighter Message: 10978 From: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: New file uploaded to streetfighter
Group: streetfighter Message: 10979 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: SF Pics
Group: streetfighter Message: 10980 From: Josh Diemert Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Artemis Steele Vs Khali
Group: streetfighter Message: 10981 From: cliff rice Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: [re]Its that time again.....
Group: streetfighter Message: 10982 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: [re]Its that time again.....
Group: streetfighter Message: 10983 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Artemis Steele Vs Khali
Group: streetfighter Message: 10984 From: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: New file uploaded to streetfighter
Group: streetfighter Message: 10985 From: ajsolis@aol.com Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: SF and Aeon Continuum
Group: streetfighter Message: 10986 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: Jumping question
Group: streetfighter Message: 10987 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Artemis Steele Vs K...
Group: streetfighter Message: 10988 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
Group: streetfighter Message: 10989 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: Jumping question
Group: streetfighter Message: 10990 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
Group: streetfighter Message: 10991 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
Group: streetfighter Message: 10992 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
Group: streetfighter Message: 10993 From: Gero Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: about jumping
Group: streetfighter Message: 10994 From: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Poll results for streetfighter
Group: streetfighter Message: 10995 From: Thomas Merton Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Re: Gillbert
Group: streetfighter Message: 10996 From: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: New file uploaded to streetfighter
Group: streetfighter Message: 10997 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Re: Gillbert
Group: streetfighter Message: 10998 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Artemis Steele Vs Riad Miedl
Group: streetfighter Message: 10999 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.
Group: streetfighter Message: 11000 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Gateway bouts.
Group: streetfighter Message: 11001 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Cainse Vs Khali
Group: streetfighter Message: 11002 From: sirtelarius@yahoo.com Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: MST3Ks
Group: streetfighter Message: 11003 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
Group: streetfighter Message: 11004 From: Andy Johnston Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: SF Pics
Group: streetfighter Message: 11005 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.
Group: streetfighter Message: 11006 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.
Group: streetfighter Message: 11007 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.
Group: streetfighter Message: 11008 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.
Group: streetfighter Message: 11009 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Artemis Steele Vs K...
Group: streetfighter Message: 11010 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 3: Mr.Military Vs Khurnawian.
Group: streetfighter Message: 11011 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 4: Hotaru Seijuro Vs Vladimir K
Group: streetfighter Message: 11012 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.

Group: streetfighter Message: 10963 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/3/2001
Subject: Gillbert
What the hell is gill doing?


Ive beat every version of 3 with every character and all I know is

1. he dabbles with DNA (making mutants like necro and twelve)

2. he want's to lead all the ppl of earth to some promised land, a
paradise. (what an evil guy!)

3. in one ending Alex turns blue and red like he's gonna work for

4. His brother wears a speedo too and is into the same shit.


Whats it got to do with mexico or the mediteranian? (urien and gills

Why will "The mark of his dignity scar your dna"?

What all does "delivering ppl to paradise" involve???

Does he have anything to do ith the dead sea scrolls or is that justa


What is this villians motivation??

Group: streetfighter Message: 10964 From: Jonathan Combs Date: 5/3/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
I know; but heck, you probably saw me using scissors kick during the
match anyhow. So no real secrets were revealed. :)

--- In streetfighter@y..., throwrocks@b... wrote:
> I fight him next, it was just a little joke like "tell me all about
> your moves and strategy"
> :)
> I think I WILL do Jimmy Ling next....
> --- In streetfighter@y..., "Niemand" <hybrid_niemand@h...> wrote:
> > Hey Matt why dont you do some more characters before begin to
> chraracter's moves?
> > I'm really waitin for a Jimmy Ling's sketch
> > Niemand (Jimmy Ling's Player)
> >
> > PS. If you need any further detail on Jimmy feel free to ask me..
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: throwrocks@b...
> > To: streetfighter@y...
> > Sent: Monday, April 30, 2001 7:14 PM
> > Subject: [streetfighter] Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
> >
> >
> > I remember that, I forgot that was you.
> >
> > i think i said something like "Bison would never train someone
> with
> > any capacity to reform" but thats just my oppinion.
> >
> > So cross is an evil ler drit guy huh...
> >
> > I think i'll draw a picture of him as bisons right hand man in
> > bison-esque outfit.
> >
> > I had a player playing an ex shadowloo person with amnsia too.
> > special forces chick named jazz. funny thing is she could only
> > remember glymses of her past and all of shadowloos super-
> technology
> > (she was a shadowloo test pilot) so she was convinced she came
> from
> > the future in her crashed plane (thats how she got amnesia).
> Everyone
> > thought she was crazy and she was a pretty funny/interesting
> > character. ("SUUUUURE your from the future, we believe you
> > Have you taken your meds today? maybe you should lay down for a
> > while...")
> >
> > Matt
> >
> > --- In streetfighter@y..., "Jonathan Combs" <doc_mental@y...>
> wrote:
> > > That's the idea. Nobody knows. Not even him. He woke up,
> having
> > no
> > > memory of who he was or where he was going. He does not
> remember
> > > getting the tattoo; he took up refuge with Master Takashi in
> > > California to figure out what to do next; at his mentors'
> urging,
> > he
> > > went out into the world to discover his past. It is odd that
> of
> > all
> > > things, he remembers how to fight- very well, in fact. ;)
> > >
> > > Noteable moves: Scissor Kick; Crouching Fierce
> > >
> > > Other notes: I've had different ideas for his real origin. A
> while
> > > back, I posted the idea of a reformed 'Ler Drit' fighter, and
> got
> > > some cool responses. Also, I came up with the idea that he
> > indeed
> > > the personification of justice that came to be when a small
> cult of
> > > clergy prayed out of a need for a champion to deliver them
> > > evil... who really knows, though? ;)
> > >
> > > -Jonathan
> > >
> > > --- In streetfighter@y..., throwrocks@b... wrote:
> > > > Thanks man.
> > > >
> > > > Hey I just thought of a really good idea. Tell me all your
> moves
> > > and
> > > > strategy and stats so I can draw some cool pictures
> of "cross"
> > > > fighting!
> > > >
> > > > (Hmm, who do you fight next anyway?)
> > > >
> > > > Matt
> > > > www.geocities.com/necro6hit
> > > >
> > > > P.S. Is "Cross" supposed to be some kind of religious hero
> did
> > > he
> > > > have a cross tattooed over his deadeye just for kicks?
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In streetfighter@y..., "Jonathan Combs"
> > wrote:
> > > > > WOW! That's an outstanding job, right on the money!
> Thanks! :)
> > > > >
> > > > > -Jonathan 'Cross' Combs
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In streetfighter@y..., <streetfighter@y...> wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Hello,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > This email message is a notification to let you know
> > > > > > a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the
> > streetfighter
> > > > > > group.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > File : /Matt's/Pics/Gateway 2/Cross.jpg
> > > > > > Uploaded by : throwrocks@b...
> > > > > > Description : "Cross"
> > > > > >
> > > > > > You can access this file at the URL
> > > > > >
> > > > > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/streetfighter/files/Matt%
> > > > > 27s/Pics/Gateway%202/Cross.jpg
> > > > > >
> > > > > > To learn more about file sharing for your group, please
> visit
> > > > > >
> > > > > > http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/groups/files
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Regards,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > throwrocks@b...
> >
> >
> > Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> >
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
> Service.
Group: streetfighter Message: 10965 From: Soldar Date: 5/3/2001
Subject: Re: Javascript Chart generator
One more vote for... I love it!

----- Original Message -----
From: <throwrocks@...>
To: <streetfighter@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, May 03, 2001 9:30 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] Javascript Chart generator

> Hi all.
> I recently found some problems with that Javascript chart generator I
> made.
> It's availiable at www.geocities.com/necro6hit or in the files
> section of the group at Files > Matt's > Script
> (Do any of you guys even use it? I get very little feedback)
Group: streetfighter Message: 10966 From: Robert Pascuttini Date: 5/3/2001
Subject: Re: Help

Hey  mike I already in yahoo groups now I just have to join up on to the SF newsgroup again.

>From: "Mike"
>Reply-To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: RE: [streetfighter] Help
>Date: Sun, 29 Apr 2001 23:32:25 -0400
>Its a big screwed up mess with Yahoogroups taking over egroups.
>If you havent registered a yahoo id, go to www.yahoogroups.com and there
>should be a button where you login like egroups did and it registers you
>with yahoo. Youll have to create a new id again. But once you do that, you
>will be able to access the groups like you used with egroups.
>Let me know where you run into problems, and Ill see what I can do.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Robert Pascuttini [mailto:rpascuttini@...]
>Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2001 11:06 PM
>To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Help
>I need a hand here. I have access to the Email groups from my hotmail
>account but I havnt been on the website for a while and I dont remeber how
>to get back in can you help me?
>Im having trouble getting into Egroups or YAhoo, whatever its called now.
>COntact me at Rpascuttini@...
>Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
>Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com.
Group: streetfighter Message: 10967 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Good Link

The history and a lot of official facts about every version of sf2
Group: streetfighter Message: 10968 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: Help
if you already have a yahoo login you should be able to go to
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/streetfighter/ and click "join club" or

--- In streetfighter@y..., "Robert Pascuttini" <rpascuttini@h...>
Group: streetfighter Message: 10969 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: SF Pics
Anyone know a good site to find big, clear, OFICIAL CAPCOM pics of
street fighters?

Specifically looking for the guys from 3 and also the guys from 1 who
never came back.

Group: streetfighter Message: 10970 From: Ståle Tevik Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Jumping question

I may have forgotten the facts
about jumping distance, so I ask;

How long and how high can a
character jump, based on his or her
athletics rating?

Herr Tevik
Group: streetfighter Message: 10971 From: Andy Johnston Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: SF Pics
You have run into a problem that I have dealt with for a while. What it comes down to is that there aren't as many high quality SF pics online as people think... OR they are very hard to find.   Most of the pics I got for things like the World Warrior Wallpaper are from paper, and I've scaned them in. SF3 in particular is pretty skimpy in the artwork department.  However there are SOME pictures..
here's a start:
Good luck,
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 1:49 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] SF Pics

Anyone know a good site to find big, clear, OFICIAL CAPCOM pics of
street fighters?

Specifically looking for the guys from 3 and also the guys from 1 who
never came back.


Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Group: streetfighter Message: 10972 From: skarsten@optonline.net Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: Jumping question
a character can jump one hex per dot of athletics. she can also jump three feet into the air per dot.

'twas this bit of info what led me to believe hexes are three feet across.


Original Message:
From: Ståle Tevik herrTevik@...
Date: Fri, 04 May 2001 11:31:11 +0000
To: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Jumping question


I may have forgotten the facts
about jumping distance, so I ask;

How long and how high can a
character jump, based on his or her
athletics rating?

Herr Tevik

Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to http://docs.yahoo.com/info/terms/

Mail2Web - Check your email from the web at
http://www.mail2web.com/ .
Group: streetfighter Message: 10973 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: SF Pics
if you were to put the individual scans (as oppsed to the wallpaper)
in your folder i would be eternally gratefull.

--- In streetfighter@y..., "Andy Johnston" <dlatrex@h...> wrote:
> You have run into a problem that I have dealt with for a while.
What it comes down to is that there aren't as many high quality SF
pics online as people think... OR they are very hard to find. Most
of the pics I got for things like the World Warrior Wallpaper are
from paper, and I've scaned them in. SF3 in particular is pretty
skimpy in the artwork department. However there are SOME pictures..
> here's a start:
> http://www.geocities.com/liquidfists/gallery.htm
> Good luck,
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: throwrocks@b...
> To: streetfighter@y...
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 1:49 AM
> Subject: [streetfighter] SF Pics
> Anyone know a good site to find big, clear, OFICIAL CAPCOM pics
> street fighters?
> Specifically looking for the guys from 3 and also the guys from 1
> never came back.
> matt
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
Group: streetfighter Message: 10974 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: Jumping question
i think it actualy says somewhere that hexes are 3 feet across

--- In streetfighter@y..., "skarsten@o..." <skarsten@o...> wrote:
> a character can jump one hex per dot of athletics. she can also
jump three feet into the air per dot.
> 'twas this bit of info what led me to believe hexes are three feet
> :)
> Original Message:
> -----------------
> From: Ståle Tevik herrTevik@s...
> Date: Fri, 04 May 2001 11:31:11 +0000
> To: streetfighter@y...
> Subject: [streetfighter] Jumping question
> Hail.
> I may have forgotten the facts
> about jumping distance, so I ask;
> How long and how high can a
> character jump, based on his or her
> athletics rating?
> Herr Tevik
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> --------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mail2Web - Check your email from the web at
> http://www.mail2web.com/ .
Group: streetfighter Message: 10975 From: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: New poll for streetfighter
Enter your vote today! A new poll has been created for the
streetfighter group:

I started making combat charts for all
the contenders and I found that they
aren't even legal characters. Alexander
for instance, needs Spinning Backfist,
Jump, Throw, and Headbutt to meet the
prerequisites for the moves he has.
Phoenix Bright needs her Block raised
to 4 to get Maka Wara (She originally
had Block 1). Poor old Dhakmar needs
Jump, Throw, Kick 5, Focus 4, and Grab
3 to meet the prerequisites for his
existing moves (He originally had Kick
3, Focus 1, Grab 2). If I were to post
such a resource online how would you
want it?

o Post the illegal characters Combat Charts "As-is". Where they have moves they don't qualify for.
o Give the characters whatever prerequisites they don't have. (Note: This would make a lot of ppl a LOT more powerfull)
o Take away whatever moves the fighters don't meet the prerequisites for. (Note: This would make a lot of ppl a LOT less powerfull)

To vote, please visit the following web page:


Note: Please do not reply to this message. Poll votes are
not collected via email. To vote, you must go to the Yahoo! Groups
web site listed above.

Group: streetfighter Message: 10976 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: SF Pics
--- Andy Johnston <dlatrex@...> wrote:
> You have run into a problem that I have dealt with for a while. What it comes
> down to is that there aren't as many high quality SF pics online as people
> think... OR they are very hard to find. Most of the pics I got for things
> like the World Warrior Wallpaper are from paper, and I've scaned them in. SF3
> in particular is pretty skimpy in the artwork department. However there are
> SOME pictures..
> here's a start:
> http://www.geocities.com/liquidfists/gallery.htm
> Good luck,

hehe, I just got done looking at the Champion Edition artwork. Doesn't it look
just a little bit familiar?

staredown@... http://www.workspot.net/~staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

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Group: streetfighter Message: 10977 From: Andy Johnston Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Rolling--rolling.
Well, that summer time has come again, and I am OUT as of tomorrow.
I will be in Australia for the next three weeks reasearching the mighty
Kangaroo kickboxing that the orignal book talked about. Fare the well, and
see ya guys sometime in late May.

En Taro Adun!

Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 10978 From: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: New file uploaded to streetfighter

This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the streetfighter

File : /Matt's/Script/newestversion.zip
Uploaded by : throwrocks@...
Description : Combat Chart Generator Version 5.5. This script calculates the speed damage and move for all your moves instantly, giving it to you in a nice printable format with the "system text" for each move too. This version fixes some major oversights which could have given you bad info in previous versions. Check the readme file for details on changes.

You can access this file at the URL


To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit



Group: streetfighter Message: 10979 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: SF Pics
i was kind of hoping for full body pics.
they have these for alpha 3 but not sf Three.

I was going to do everyones sheets all nice and story page like this:
everyone from all the games

also alpha 3 are too small. when blown up they are too pixelated.

anyone who sends me the pics i need or a link to them gets a big
thank you for their contribution in the finished work.


--- In streetfighter@y..., "Andy Johnston" <dlatrex@h...> wrote:
> You have run into a problem that I have dealt with for a while.
What it comes down to is that there aren't as many high quality SF
pics online as people think... OR they are very hard to find. Most
of the pics I got for things like the World Warrior Wallpaper are
from paper, and I've scaned them in. SF3 in particular is pretty
skimpy in the artwork department. However there are SOME pictures..
> here's a start:
> http://www.geocities.com/liquidfists/gallery.htm
> Good luck,
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: throwrocks@b...
> To: streetfighter@y...
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 1:49 AM
> Subject: [streetfighter] SF Pics
> Anyone know a good site to find big, clear, OFICIAL CAPCOM pics
> street fighters?
> Specifically looking for the guys from 3 and also the guys from 1
> never came back.
> matt
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
Group: streetfighter Message: 10980 From: Josh Diemert Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Artemis Steele Vs Khali
--- Chris Hoffmann <staredown@...> wrote:

=== message truncated ===

I LOVED IT!!! I think that was your funniest one yet,
Chris. Can't wait to see the next one.

Yes, sometimes Artemis does live up to her family
name. But we'll see what happens in the next fight.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 10981 From: cliff rice Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: [re]Its that time again.....
Staredown Man i loved this, this was some funny crap
wold you me interested in msting a story i wrote?


Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices
Group: streetfighter Message: 10982 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: [re]Its that time again.....
--- cliff rice <shinzite@...> wrote:
> Staredown Man i loved this, this was some funny crap
> wold you me interested in msting a story i wrote?
> Cliff

Nah I don't mind. Feel free to send it to my staredown@... address
as long as it's under a meg (or point me at the URL).

It won't be Ryu, Ken and Vega though, since Ryu kinda hurt their feelings at
the end, so I'll have to figure out who my new reviewers'll be. There'll be a
poll shortly to see who my new minions will be.

staredown@... http://www.workspot.net/~staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices
Group: streetfighter Message: 10983 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Artemis Steele Vs Khali
--- Josh Diemert <boomergold@...> wrote:
> --- Chris Hoffmann <staredown@...> wrote:
> I LOVED IT!!! I think that was your funniest one yet,
> Chris.

Thanks. It was the hardest one to write too, probably because the fight was so

> Can't wait to see the next one.

I wrote that one because of all the no damage results in that fight

> Yes, sometimes Artemis does live up to her family
> name. But we'll see what happens in the next fight.

I wrote that one because of all the no damage results in that fight appealed to
the sillyness that is myself. Hopefully the next round will have a fight that
is equally ridiculous for me to work with.

> Josh

staredown@... http://www.workspot.net/~staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

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Group: streetfighter Message: 10984 From: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com Date: 5/4/2001
Subject: New file uploaded to streetfighter

This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the streetfighter

File : /Matt's/Sheets/SF Sheet Perfect.pdf
Uploaded by : throwrocks@...
Description : Result of my current PDF learnin'. Should be a perfect sheet, no imperfections no matter how much you zoom in.

You can access this file at the URL


To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit



Group: streetfighter Message: 10985 From: ajsolis@aol.com Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: SF and Aeon Continuum
 Anyway, I could see Gill, Urien, Necro, Twelve, and Blanka being low level
Novas.  I could see arguments for Akuma as well (or else just a demonstration
of how blurry the difference can be between a SF and a nova).
  Rose and Bison could definitely be played as Psychomorphs, perhaps Dhalsim
as well.  
   And from what I've heard the Paramorphs of Adventure are going to be
generically cinematic enough that they could just be merged with SF without
too much difficulty.  
   Adventure is also going to have a civilization or two of sentient
gorillas, that is just soooooooo perfect for street fighter as well.  :)
Group: streetfighter Message: 10986 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: Jumping question
| a character can jump one hex per dot of athletics. she can also jump
three feet into the air per dot.
| 'twas this bit of info what led me to believe hexes are three feet across.

Imagine being able to catapult yourself 15 feet in the air...
ANyone with an Athletics of 5 can automatically have Nike or Reebok as a

Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
fred@... make you a better person."
fchagnon@... - Peter Olafson
Group: streetfighter Message: 10987 From: arkondloc@aol.com Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Artemis Steele Vs K...
In a message dated 5/5/01 4:20:57 AM Central Daylight Time,
staredown@... writes:

Yahoo is being stupid and I don't think this went through the first time.  If
you get this message twice, load you're guns 'cause we're gonna hunt down
der varmits. YAHOO!!!  OYAJIIII!!!

I've gotten it four times now.  That's ok, it makes up for the mails that
don't come in, or that come in three days after the discussions they start
end.  But I had assumed AOL was the villain.  Well... we'll have to get them
both.  Just let me get my "staff of horrible destruction".

"Conspirators wanted.  Must have new ideas.  Apply at ArkonDLoC@...."

Arkon, Dark Lord of Chaos; Keeper of Mysteries; Circuit Folklorist; Seeker of
the Lost Paths
Group: streetfighter Message: 10988 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
Fantastic! Wow make copies of all the books! lol
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 6:04 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] New file uploaded to streetfighter


This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the streetfighter

  File        : /Matt's/Sheets/SF Sheet Perfect.pdf
  Uploaded by : throwrocks@...
  Description : Result of my current PDF learnin'. Should be a perfect sheet, no imperfections no matter how much you zoom in.

You can access this file at the URL


To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit




Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of Service.
Group: streetfighter Message: 10989 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: Jumping question
well in the sf world, michael jordan and those guys probably have 6,
7, or 8's in athletics..


--- In streetfighter@y..., "Fred Chagnon" <seagull@a...> wrote:
> | a character can jump one hex per dot of athletics. she can also
> three feet into the air per dot.
> | 'twas this bit of info what led me to believe hexes are three
feet across.
> Imagine being able to catapult yourself 15 feet in the air...
> ANyone with an Athletics of 5 can automatically have Nike or Reebok
as a
> sponsor.
> ___________________________________________________
> Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
> fred@m... make you a better person."
> fchagnon@a... - Peter Olafson
Group: streetfighter Message: 10990 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
I made that in word, then captured the screen into jpg. then made the
jpg a pdf.

I WISH I had a scanner that good to make a perfect scan like that!!!

youll notice the slight differences in the Mistral font availiable
now and the one the sf guys used.

(the tail on the "D" and the updide down "X". Know of any other

Thats been bugging me so Im working now to modify mistral font to be
exactly right..

Ill upload the font when im done.


--- In streetfighter@y..., "J. Scott Pittman" <joespitt@t...> wrote:
> Fantastic! Wow make copies of all the books! lol
> Scott
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: streetfighter@y...
> To: streetfighter@y...
> Sent: Friday, May 04, 2001 6:04 PM
> Subject: [streetfighter] New file uploaded to streetfighter
> Hello,
> This email message is a notification to let you know that
> a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the streetfighter
> group.
> File : /Matt's/Sheets/SF Sheet Perfect.pdf
> Uploaded by : throwrocks@b...
> Description : Result of my current PDF learnin'. Should be a
perfect sheet, no imperfections no matter how much you zoom in.
> You can access this file at the URL
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/streetfighter/files/Matt%
> To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit
> http://help.yahoo.com/help/us/groups/files
> Regards,
> throwrocks@b...
> Yahoo! Groups Sponsor
> Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to the Yahoo! Terms of
Group: streetfighter Message: 10991 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
| I made that in word, then captured the screen into jpg. then made the
| jpg a pdf.

Can I get the MS Word version of that file?
Awesome job.

Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
fred@... make you a better person."
fchagnon@... - Peter Olafson
Group: streetfighter Message: 10992 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
sure thing, ill upload it later

--- In streetfighter@y..., "Fred Chagnon" <seagull@a...> wrote:
> | I made that in word, then captured the screen into jpg. then made
> | jpg a pdf.
> Can I get the MS Word version of that file?
> Awesome job.
> ___________________________________________________
> Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
> fred@m... make you a better person."
> fchagnon@a... - Peter Olafson
Group: streetfighter Message: 10993 From: Gero Date: 5/5/2001
Subject: about jumping
If you have verical rolling attack you actually jump 4 feet per athletics when
using than maneuver.

now add up all your bonuses what kinda height could a number crunchin-muchkin

Athletics 8
Light Feet +3
Speed of the Mongoose +6
Musical Accompaniment +1
Verical Rolling Attack +0 (gets 4ft per hex)
Balance +1 all aerial maneuvers
19 hexes at 4ft a hex or 76 feet


just some number crunching using legal rules, howeven improbable.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 10994 From: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Poll results for streetfighter
The following streetfighter poll is now closed. Here are the
final results:

POLL QUESTION: Should there be "Supers" in the
SF:STG??? (I was thinking of making a
system for creating them)

- No, too powerfull! Health doesn't last as long in the STG as it does in the video game!, 3 votes, 20.00%
- Yes, a generic white wolf 10 point row of dots to spend only on supers (like chi or will is on specials)., 6 votes, 40.00%
- Yes, three levels like alpha (with varying degrees of the move), 5 votes, 33.33%
- Yes, just a big bar like sf2, 1 votes, 6.67%
- Yes, a big bar you can charge X number of times depending on the move (like sf3), 0 votes, 0.00%

- No, too powerfull! Health doesn't last as long in the STG as it does in the video game!
- Voodoo171@...
- thehurtin@...
- musashi@...
- Yes, a generic white wolf 10 point row of dots to spend only on supers (like chi or will is on specials).
- throwrocks@...
- sansakka@...
- undead@...
- cybermage@...
- menele@...
- boomergold@...
- Yes, three levels like alpha (with varying degrees of the move)
- shinzite@...
- rockmancarpg@...
- staredown@...
- sirtelarius@...
- arkondloc@...
- Yes, just a big bar like sf2
- gero24@...
- Yes, a big bar you can charge X number of times depending on the move (like sf3)

For more information about this group, please visit

For help with Yahoo! Groups, please visit
Group: streetfighter Message: 10995 From: Thomas Merton Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Re: Gillbert
>What is this villians motivation??

All Gilbert wants is a decent job, where the boss isn't an idiot, and his
work isn't taken for granted
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 10996 From: streetfighter@yahoogroups.com Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: New file uploaded to streetfighter

This email message is a notification to let you know that
a file has been uploaded to the Files area of the streetfighter

File : /Matt's/For Fred/Sheet2.doc
Uploaded by : throwrocks@...
Description : The sheet Fred requested. made in Word 2000

You can access this file at the URL


To learn more about file sharing for your group, please visit



Group: streetfighter Message: 10997 From: throwrocks@bigfoot.com Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Re: Gillbert
No your thinking of Gilbert Grape

--- In streetfighter@y..., "Thomas Merton" <thehurtin@h...> wrote:
> >What is this villians motivation??
> >
> All Gilbert wants is a decent job, where the boss isn't an idiot,
and his
> work isn't taken for granted
> _________________________________________________________________
> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 10998 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Artemis Steele Vs Riad Miedl

Well it´s take some time but now I can finish all the bouts and send them to list. Sorry for the long delay :).

Artemis Steele Country: U.S.A Player: Josh Diemert

Apperance:  Slender, 6' tall American woman, with loose and wavy shoulder-length golden blond hair, dark blue eyes, and
fair skin.  Artemis wears a black jacket over a sleeveless, form-fitting blue jumpsuit, black calf-high boots, and a pair of black leather belts crossed over her hips.

Quote before fight:  "Hope I'm not too rough on ya."


Riad Miedl Player: Npc Country: Myanmar (Burma)
Apperance: A normal asiatic type he isn´t much 5'0" and 100 lbs, but his quick hand movements can make him a impressive opponent, yellow oriental skin, black short hair and dark brown eyes, dress military pants and heavy arm boots.
Quote Before Fight: "...."
Arena: Society of Dragon secret underground.
Fighters are 3 hexes from each other the judge give a signal and the fight start.

Move 1- Riad Miedl abort his combo to block and Artemis Steele move 3 hexes to make a Scissor Kick and Riad Miedl receives: 3 points of damage and 1 point of damage.

Move 2- Artemis Steele block and Riad Miedl make a Elbow Smash for his combo (dizzy ) and Artemis Steele receive: A botch... And Riad Miedl lost his balance and his combo is finish.

Move 3- Riad Miedl try to make a Knee Basher but Artemis Steele interrupt and make a Flying Knee Thrust for her combo (dizzy) and Riad Miedl receive: 2 points of damage but Riad Miedl make his Knee Basher and Artemis Steele receive: 3 points of damage and strenght roll and Riad Miedl continue his hold and with this Artemis Steele combo is broken.

Move 4- Artemis Steele is under Riad Miedl hold and he make another Knee Basher and Artemis Steele receive: 3 points of damage and after this Riad Miedl release Artemis from the hold (she suffer Knee Basher efect), she recover in this turn.

Move 5- Artemis Steele try to make a Foot Sweep but Riad Miedl is more faster and make a Elbow Smash for his combo (dizzy) and Artemis Steele receive: 2 points of damage and Artemis Steele hit her Foot Sweep and Riad Miedl receive: 2 points of damage and suffer a knockdown and break his combo.

Move 6- Riad Miedl stand up and try to make a Knee Basher but Artemis Steele just block and Riad Miedl make his Knee Basher and Artemis Steele receive:4 points of damage and strenght test and Artemis Steele break the hold.

Move 7- Riad Miedl try to make another Knee Basher but Artemis Steele is more faster and make a Jab Punch and with this Riad Miedl receive: 1 point of damage and Riad Miedl make his Knee Basher and Artemis Steele receive: 3 points of damage and that´s it Artemis didn´t show any more resistence she pass out.

Riad Miedl wins by knockout.

Riad Miedl receive 4 exp points receive 1 glory point

Artemis Steele receive 3 exp points lost 1 glory point. Glory for bout against Khali 3 glory points and 1 honor point.

Group: streetfighter Message: 10999 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.

Gokiwa Player: Chris Hoffmann Country: Japan

Appearance: An eighteen year old Japanese male with short black spikey hair and
a ready smile.  He wears a white gi top with black gi pants when fighting.  He
has an air of confidence that borders on cockyness and is almost always smiling.

Quote Before Fight: "Glad to meet you.  Ready for your butt whomping?  Nothing personal, just something I gotta do."


Achmet Player: Npc Country: Iraq
Apperance: Achmet have brown skin, with black hair and brown eyes, he have 5'10" 200 lbs, his face is not much atractive because a large scar at his face.
Quote Before Fight: "Very well"

Arena: Society of Dragon secret underground. 

Fighters are 3 hexes from each other after a signal from judge the fight start.

Move 1- Achmet didn´t move and try to make a Foot Sweep but Gokiwa is more faster and block for his combo.

Move 2- Achmet didn´t move and try to make a Foot Sweep but Gokiwa is more faster and make a Dragon Punch and Achmet receive: 2 points of damage and receive a knockback with this he retreat 1 hex.

Move 3- Achmet try to make a Sleeper for his combo but Gokiwa is more faster and make a Jumping Fierce and Achmet receive: 4 points of damage and Achmet make his manuver and catch Gokiwa with Sleeper for his combo and Gokiwa receive: 2 points of damage and in strenght contest Achmet continue the hold.

Move 4- Gokiwa is under Achmet Sleeper for his combo and receive: 3 points of damage and strenght contest Gokiwa break the hold.

Move 5- Achmet try to make a Back Roll Throw (end combo) but Gokiwa abort for Jump and avoid the Grab he jump 1 hex back.

Move 6- Achmet try to make a Roundhouse Kick but Gokiwa is more faster and move 1 hex to make a Power Uppercut and Achmet receive: 3 points of damage and Achmet hit his Roundhouse Kick and Gokiwa receive: 2 points of damage.

Move 7- Achmet try to make a Foot Sweep but Gokiwa is more faster Gokiwa make Jumping Fierce and Achmet receive: 5 points of damage... Achmet put his hands over head try to walk but this worthless he fall over the ground and this a knockout. Gokiwa wins by knockout.

Gokiwa receive 4 exp points and 1 Glory point. From bout against Steinar Gokiwa receive 1 Glory point.

Achmet receive 3 exp points and lost 1 Glory point.

Gokiwa win quote: "Damn, that was great!  Anytime you want a rematch, it's your's pal!"


Group: streetfighter Message: 11000 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Gateway bouts.
I send some fights now and the others at monday. sorry for delay but now I add glory and honor.
Group: streetfighter Message: 11001 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Cainse Vs Khali
Cainse Player: Jacob Milicic Country: U.S.A
Apperance:Age: 25 Height: 5'6" Weight: 155 lbs.Build: Not terribly strong looking, but his frameallows for impressive speed and he is deceptively
tough.Hair Color/Style: Dark brown, long (to the middle of his back), and thick, usually pulled back into a tail when he fights. Eye color: A piercing, almost crystaline hazel. Clothing: To this day, he still wears a blacktrenchcoat which drapes to his ankles, worn loose and unbuttoned. Beneath the coat is usually a black t-shirt and black jeans. Looks like one of those psychotic teenager people, with slightly paled skin and all, but more like a college student as far as age is concerned.  He wears totally black, flat shoes on his feet, and black leather gloves rest on his hands,so that the only part of his slightly (and I emphasize the slightly) pale skin that is seen is his neck and face. He has an expressionless face and a blank stare, even in combat.
Quote Before Fight: "You lost to your last opponent. Seeking redemption? Then why are you fighting me?"


Khali Country: India Player: Npc

Apperance: Khalis is a short but well build man, with nice fectures but serious look, his skin is a light brown, no hair but his green eyes can make a man with double of his size fear him, he wears only trunks like boxing trunks.

Quote before fight: "Put in your mind one thing this only a contest of strenght, my strength against your strenght."

Arena: Society of Dragon secret underground.
Fighters are 3 hexes from each other the judge give a signal and the fight start.

Move 1- Khali block for his combo and Cainse retreat 4 hexes.

Move 2- Cainse make a Pyscho Shot (Fireball) and Khali abort to block and receive: 1 point of damage

Move 3- Cainse move nothing and make a Fierce Punch (psychokinetic channeling) and Khali move 3 hexes ahead, of course Cainse miss his attack.

Move 4- Khali try to make a Braincracker he move 1 hex and but Cainse is more faster and retreat 4 hexes with this he avoid Khali attack.

Move 5- Cainse make a Pyscho Shot (Fireball) and Khali abort for block and receive: 1 point of damage.

Move 6- Khali move 3 hexes near Cainse move nothing and make a Fierce Punch (psychokinetic channeling) but miss his target.

Move 7- Khali block for his combo and Cainse retreat 4 hexes.

Move 8- Khali move 3 hexes trying to reach Cainse and he make a Pyscho Shot and Khali receive: 2 points of damage.

Move 9- Cainse try to make a Fierce Punch (psychokinetic channeling) but Khali is more faster and make a Braincracker (Using Leech manuver) and Cainse receive: 3 points of damage (Leech) and 1 point of damage (Braincracker) and strength test Khali continue holding.

Move 10- Khali make another Braincraker and Cainse receive: 1 point of damage and Khali release Cainse.

Move 11- Cainse retreat 4 hexes and Khali try to make a Head Butt for his combo (dizzy) but miss.

Move 12- Khali abort his action and block and Cainse make a Pyscho Shot (Fireball) and Khali receive: no damage...

Move 13- Khali move 3 hexes trying to reach his enemy and Cainse make a Fierce Punch (psychokinetic channeling) but miss.

Move 14- Khali try to make a Braincracker but Cainse retreat 4 hexes.

Move 15- Cainse make a Pycho Shot (Fireball) and Khali move 3 hexes ahead trying to reach his opponent and receive: 1 point of damage.

Move 16- Caise try to make Fierce Punch but Khali is more faster and make a Braincracker (Leech manuver) and Cainse receive: 2 points of damage (Leech) and 2 points of damage (Braincracker).

Move 17- Khali try to make a Head Butt for his combo but Cainse is more faster and retreat 4 hexes and avoid Khali grab.

Move 18- Khali move 3 hexes to reach his opponent and Cainse make a Pycho Shot and Khali receive: 5 points of damage and stun!!!

Move 19- Cainse block and Khali is dizzy.

Move 20- Khali recover from stun and try to make a Brain Cracker but Cainse Fierce Punch is more faster and Khali receive: 4 points of damage and Khali stun!!! Cainse will block but the time is out... Cainse wins by time out.

Cainse receive 4 exp points and 1 glory point. and from Riad Miedl bout he receive 1 glory point.

Khali receive 3 exp points and lost 1 glory point.

After a victory in which the fight was close - "Thank you. Your challenge honors my task. I hope we meet again someday."



Group: streetfighter Message: 11002 From: sirtelarius@yahoo.com Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: MST3Ks
Hey, Chris. Think you could think of one of them MST3Ks for Cainse's
last fight? I know it will be difficult, considering it went the full
20 rounds, but it might be interesting to see comments about Cainse's
"hit and run" strategy. Thanks, and talk to you later!
Group: streetfighter Message: 11003 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 5/6/2001
Subject: Re: New file uploaded to streetfighter
| sure thing, ill upload it later

Got it. Pretty sweet! Thanks.

Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
fred@... make you a better person."
fchagnon@... - Peter Olafson
Group: streetfighter Message: 11004 From: Andy Johnston Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: SF Pics
>if you were to put the individual scans (as oppsed to the wallpaper)
>in your folder i would be eternally gratefull.

...... What you are suggesting would be very unlikely to occur. I have about
10 books chok-full of Capcom artwork. Mainly Street fighter related. The
scans I made were all later compiled into the pictures that are listed in
the vault... however I only have a few remaning scans which are several megs
in size. Chances are that they also are not "clean" pictures, as I've had to
tweak and crop them for my needs. The other 300+ pics I have of SF guys are
from various sites around the net. Either way it would be very impractical
to make an online folder for anything close to my entire collection. I can
offer you this much: if you need something specific ask me, and with a
little bit of luck I should be able to get it to you. Delay can be excpected
however as you will note in my following letter...
Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at http://explorer.msn.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 11005 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.
--- Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo.gambetta@...> wrote:
Sorry Rinaldo, but I've got a problem with this fight.

> Fighters are 3 hexes from each other after a signal from judge the fight
> start.

Okay, three hexes appart, no problem here.

> Move 1- Achmet didn�t move and try to make a Foot Sweep but Gokiwa is more
> faster and block for his combo.

Still three hexes appart.

> Move 2- Achmet didn�t move and try to make a Foot Sweep but Gokiwa is more
> faster and make a Dragon Punch and Achmet receive: 2 points of damage and
> receive a knockback with this he retreat 1 hex.

No. My dragon punch would have had to move three hexes to hit him. Gokiwa is
a very scarry fellow, but he doesn't quite have the five athletics it would
take to pull that off.

The thing is, I'm not sure if it would have made a difference if my dragon
punch had wiffed like I think it should have.

> Move 5- Achmet try to make a Back Roll Throw (end combo) but Gokiwa abort for
> Jump and avoid the Grab he jump 1 hex back.


I don't remember saying that. I'm not saying this is wrong. I'm just saying
that I'm getting senile or something, cause I can't remember the new tactics I
sent you.

> Move 6- Achmet try to make a Roundhouse Kick but Gokiwa is more faster and
> move 1 hex to make a Power Uppercut and Achmet receive: 3 points of damage
> and Achmet hit his Roundhouse Kick and Gokiwa receive: 2 points of damage.

Works for me. Did I actually have power uppercut in my strategy or was it a
replacement for something else? (CAN'T REMEMBER DAMNIT!!) Please send me my
strategy. This'll drive me nuts all week if you don't.

Damages taken:
Achmet: 14
Gokiwa: 7

So even if my dragon punch hadn't connected connected, I still would have done
twelve damage and my Jumping Fierce would have reached him in the third round

So if you don't want to bother doing a rematch, I'll understand. Just thought
you should know.

staredown@... http://www.workspot.net/~staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

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Group: streetfighter Message: 11006 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.
--- Chris Hoffmann <staredown@...> wrote:
[snip what that damned idiot Chris Hoffmann wrote]


Sorry 'bout that, that was meant for Rinaldo's eyes only.

staredown@... http://www.workspot.net/~staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices
Group: streetfighter Message: 11007 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.
Boy I make great mistake in Dragon punch range, but it doesn´t matter Achmet
will lose anyway (I make some tests after receive this e-mail) and you win
all bouts.
Gokiwa is tough anyway. Well about abort for jump, this my mistake I take
notes from first notes from Gokiwa of first ediction and second (a more
complete tactical work if we join them) and in the first you avoid grabs,
fireballs, and manuvers like cartwheel kick using abort for jump.

I in a hurry to finish all bouts this could make me pass some notes or
things like that you want a rematch? I can do it but Achmet isn´t tough
fighter you will win him if rematch, and your pattern:

well you buy block for Dragon punch combo and have jumping fierce for block
for dragon punch.

1) Block
2) Dragon Punch (Combo)
3) Jumping Fierce
4) Block (Combo)
5) Dragon Punch (Combo)
6) Power Uppercut
7) Jumping Uppercut
8) Block (Combo)
9) Dragon Punch (Combo)

----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Hoffmann <staredown@...>
To: <streetfighter@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 11:35 AM
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs

> --- Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo.gambetta@...> wrote:
> Sorry Rinaldo, but I've got a problem with this fight.
> > Fighters are 3 hexes from each other after a signal from judge the fight
> > start.
> Okay, three hexes appart, no problem here.
> > Move 1- Achmet didn´t move and try to make a Foot Sweep but Gokiwa is
> > faster and block for his combo.
> Still three hexes appart.
> > Move 2- Achmet didn´t move and try to make a Foot Sweep but Gokiwa is
> > faster and make a Dragon Punch and Achmet receive: 2 points of damage
> > receive a knockback with this he retreat 1 hex.
> No. My dragon punch would have had to move three hexes to hit him.
Gokiwa is
> a very scarry fellow, but he doesn't quite have the five athletics it
> take to pull that off.
> The thing is, I'm not sure if it would have made a difference if my dragon
> punch had wiffed like I think it should have.
> > Move 5- Achmet try to make a Back Roll Throw (end combo) but Gokiwa
abort for
> > Jump and avoid the Grab he jump 1 hex back.
> ...
> I don't remember saying that. I'm not saying this is wrong. I'm just
> that I'm getting senile or something, cause I can't remember the new
tactics I
> sent you.
> > Move 6- Achmet try to make a Roundhouse Kick but Gokiwa is more faster
> > move 1 hex to make a Power Uppercut and Achmet receive: 3 points of
> > and Achmet hit his Roundhouse Kick and Gokiwa receive: 2 points of
> Works for me. Did I actually have power uppercut in my strategy or was it
> replacement for something else? (CAN'T REMEMBER DAMNIT!!) Please send me
> strategy. This'll drive me nuts all week if you don't.
> Damages taken:
> Achmet: 14
> Gokiwa: 7
> So even if my dragon punch hadn't connected connected, I still would have
> twelve damage and my Jumping Fierce would have reached him in the third
> anyway.
> So if you don't want to bother doing a rematch, I'll understand. Just
> you should know.
> =====
> staredown@... http://www.workspot.net/~staredown
> "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
> --we merely expect them to try."
> -- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter Message: 11008 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.
--- Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo.gambetta@...> wrote:


Now I don't feel so bad.

You'll be getting a new strategy from yours truly before the week is out,

But not the rest of you.


staredown@... http://www.workspot.net/~staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices
Group: streetfighter Message: 11009 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 1: Artemis Steele Vs K...
--- arkondloc@... wrote:
> In a message dated 5/5/01 4:20:57 AM Central Daylight Time,
> staredown@... writes:
> > Yahoo is being stupid and I don't think this went through the first time.
> If
> > you get this message twice, load you're guns 'cause we're gonna hunt down
> > dem
> > der varmits. YAHOO!!! OYAJIIII!!!
> I've gotten it four times now. That's ok, it makes up for the mails that
> don't come in, or that come in three days after the discussions they start
> end. But I had assumed AOL was the villain. Well... we'll have to get them
> both. Just let me get my "staff of horrible destruction".

I'm specifically after yahoo mail, since it's the one that kept giving me those
thrice damned 'this page can not be reached' messages whenever I tried to send
out the MST3K. Theoretically, yahoogroups is innocent in this matter.

But why should we let that stop us?


staredown@... http://www.workspot.net/~staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Auctions - buy the things you want at great prices
Group: streetfighter Message: 11010 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 3: Mr.Military Vs Khurnawian.

Mr.Military Player: J.Scott Pittman Country: U.S.A

Appearace: I don´t have the appearance for Mr.Military but I can say is an afro american guy, dress in military style.

Quote before fight: Smoke his cigar and throw the smoke at his opponent.


Khurnawian Player: Npc Country: Indonesia

Apperance: 5'0" 140 lbs, light brown skin, dress a white vest, black hair and brown eyes.

Quote Before Fight: "..."

Arena: Society of Dragon secret underground. 

Fighters are 3 hexes from each other after a signal from judge the fight start.

Move 1- Khurnawian don´t move and make a Roundhouse Kick but miss because Mr.Miliary block.

Move 2- Mr. Military move 2 hexes and make a Backflip Kick and Khurnawian is more faster and wait Mr.Military action and after he move 4 hexes ahead to stay close.

Move 3- Khurnawian move 1 hex and try to make Dislocated Limb and Mr.Military try to make a Foot Sweep but is too slow and receive: 1 point of damage but Mr.Military didn´t left the pain stop him and hit his Foot Sweep for combo (dizzy) and Khurnawian receive: 2 points of damage and receive knockdown.

Move 4- Khurnawian stand up and try to make a Dislocated Limb but Mr.Military is more faster and make a Backflip Kick (end of dizzy combo) move 2 hexes back and Khurnwian receive: 4 points of damage and stun!!!

Move 5- Mr.Military block and Khurnawian is dizzy.

Move 6- Khurnawian move 2 hexes to reach Mr.Military but this one make a Foot Sweep for his combo (dizzy) and Khurnawian receive: 3 points of damage.

Move 7- Khurnawian try to make a Roundhouse Kick but Mr.Military is more faster using Backflip Kick (end of combo dizzy) and Khurnawian receive: 2 points of damage after receive this impact Khurnawian retreat and try to advance and keep his guard up but it´s worthless he lost his balance and fall this a knockout.

Mr. Military wins by knockout.

Mr. Military receive 4 exp points and receive 1 glory point but lost 1 honor point. from the other bout 1 glory point.


Group: streetfighter Message: 11011 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 4: Hotaru Seijuro Vs Vladimir K
Hotaru Seijuro Player: Lord Arkon Country: Japan

Appearance: A short man wearing a hooded robe similar to a Shinto priest's, on the back is the drawing of a firefly.  With the hood pulled over his face he seems normal, until someone notices his gigantic feet and large fingers, both of which are covered in soft brown fur.  As he draws back his hood, the llusion of humanity is lost.  His face is that of a rabbit.  His long ears are held to the back of his head by a red headband.  The only human facial features he has are his large, green eyes.

Quote Before Fight: "Kon'nichi wa, honorable opponent.  May this battle bring honor and glory to both our houses."


Vladimir Kulik Player:Npc Country: Russia

Apperance: Vladimir dress a military uniform from russian comandos unit, his
boots are always shinning like his smile.
Dark short hair, white skin, green eyes, 6'0" 160 lbs.

Quote: "Hmmph....."

Arena: Society of Dragon underground.
Fighters are 3 hexes from each other.

Move 1- Hotaru Seijuro move 2 hexes to make a Foward Kick but Vladimir Kulik is more faster and wait Hotaru Seijuro movement and retreat 1 hex.

Move 2- Vladimir Kulik try to make a Foot Sweep for combo but Hotaru Seijuro is more faster and move 1 hex to make a Throw and Vladimir Kulik receive: 2 points of damage and Vladimir Kulik fall at ground 3 hexes ahead and broke Vladimir Kulik combo.

Move 3- Vladimir Kulik move 3 hexes and try to make a Spinning Back Fist but Hotaru Seijuro is more faster and make Rolling Attack with this Vladimir Kulik receive: 3 points of damage and Hotaru Seijuro move 2 hexes back.

Move 4- Hotaru Seijuro move 2 hexes and try to make a Roundhouse Kick but Vladimir Kulik is more faster and move 1 hex to make a Double Hit Kick and Hotaru Seijuro receive: 1 point of damage and 3 points of damage and Hotaru Seijuro hit his Roundhouse Kick and Vladimir Kulik receive: 4 points of damage and stun!!!

Move 5- Vladimir Kulik is dizzy and Hotaru Seijuro block.

Move 6- Vladimir Kulik try to make a Foot Sweep for combo but Hotaru Seijuro is more faster and hit a Double Hit Kick and Vladimir Kulik receive: 2 points of damage and 2 points of damage, and that´s it Kulik is out a knockout. Hotaru Seijuro wins by knockout.

Hotaru Seijuro receive 4 exp points and 1 glory point. Lost 1 glory point of other bout.

Vladimir Kulik receive 3 exp points and lost 1 glory point.

Group: streetfighter Message: 11012 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 5/7/2001
Subject: Re: Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs Achmet.
Now I´m feel stupid I send the tactics and everything to the public, hmm...
Dammit but I think this so bad at last, well I must finish other fights and
with hope and if get some time make the next stage.
----- Original Message -----
From: Chris Hoffmann <staredown@...>
To: <streetfighter@yahoogroups.com>
Sent: Monday, May 07, 2001 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Gateway Tournament 2 Bouts - Group 2: Gokiwa Vs

> --- Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo.gambetta@...> wrote:
> [snip]
> ...
> Now I don't feel so bad.
> You'll be getting a new strategy from yours truly before the week is out,
> Rinaldo.
> But not the rest of you.
> =====
> staredown@... http://www.workspot.net/~staredown
> "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
> --we merely expect them to try."
> -- Robert Heinlein
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