All right, now you can gape in the awe and majesty that is myself in white wolf
Name: Chris Hoffmann
Style: French School of Fencing
Team: None
Player: Staredown
School: The Institute for Ethical Violence (well, that's what I like to call
Concept: Otaku Wookie
Chronical: The Really Real World, Really
Stable: No, not really
Signature: Hair. Lots of hair.
Strenght: 3 (Well, closer to 3 than two, I bench 200 lb.)
Dexterity: 2 (I can walk, chew gum, and play harmonica all at once)
Stamina: 1 (Damn asthma, bumped me down a point)
Charisma: 3 (Yes people confide in me, no I don't know why)
Manipulation: 1 (I mostly grunt my way through a conversation)
Appearance: 1 (There has to be a reason I get in so many fights)
Perception: 3 (I'm pretty observant)
Intelligence: 5 (And everyone else here should be at least a five)
Wits: 4 (I have a very odd sense of humor, I believe I could do stand up)
Alertness: 4 (I've been jumped too many times not to have a four)
Insight: 2 (Come on, figuring out if someone's a lefty or not is easy)
Instruction: 3 (I use to teach colledge students computer programming/use. I
also teach some of the newer students in my salle)
Interrogation: 0 ('course that depends a lot on manipulation)
Intimidation: 3 (When I'm mad, every body steps back)
Manage: 0 (I can balance a checkbook and compute compound interest which
according to the book is a two, but I doubt that's all there is to Managing)
Searching: 0 (I never did manage to find my Christmas presants before the
twenty fifth)
Streetwise: 0 (Probably another reason I got in those fights)
Subterfuge: 0 (I can not tell a lie. Well okay, I can not tell a convincing
Blind fighting: 3 (There are perks to being legally blind)
Bookie: 1 (I'm not a gambling man)
Demolions: 0 (The blue wire is always the one right?)
Disguise: 0 (I'm a wookie, damnit!)
Drive: 0 (But I'll take anyone on in Ridge Racer)
Leadership: 0 (Nope, can't think of anything funny about this one)
Publicist: 0 (I've been banned from sales meetings)
Repair: 3 (I can not count the number of video game systems I got working
again, at least for a while)
Security: 2 (Yes, I can hot wire a car. No, you probably shouldn't ask)
Stealth: 1 (I am a dark haired wookie)
Survival: 2 (I use to be a member of the Wookie Scouts)
Arena: 2 (I've played all the games)
Computer: 3 (I've written more than a few programs)
Cybernetics: 0 (Bwahahahaha!)
Finance: 2 (And I'm very scared that I know that much)
Investigation: 0 (I've never been able to write a research paper)
Law: 1 (I know my rights, left jabs, uppercuts, etc.)
Linguistics: 0 (I can barely speak english)
Medicine: 2 (I payed close attention to what the doctor did when I broke my
Mysteries: 4 (I role play. Nuff said.)
Science: 0 (I'm good at physics and biology, but Washu I ain't)
Style Lore: 1 (Distance is a fencer's best friend [right after the sharp pointy
metal thing in his right hand])
Allies: 5 (I've got friends who are willing to beat in a few heads for me)
Animal Companion: 4 (At all times I am surounded by at least 15 four-legged
animals that I am on speaking terms with)
Arena: 1 (A small barn we retreat into when it starts to rain)
Backing: 0 (No expence account for me)
Fame: 1 (You guys know me)
Sensei: 2 (The guy who teaches me is not a master)
Punch: 3 (I've broken a few boards on occasion. Sometimes I even do it on
Kick: 0 (Two feet on the ground at all times, yup, yup, yup)
Block: 2 (The only bout you win, is one where you don't get touched)
Grab: 2 (I always won the wrestling moduel in gym class)
Athletics: 1 (Walking a straight line requires my entire foucs)
Focus: 1 (I meditate)
Sword: 3 (Been fencing for over three years)
Club: 1 (My brother and I use to go after each other with baseball bats...)
Staff: 1 (...which naturally led to us using staves)
Chi: 2 (That mediation thing is a recent development)
Willpower: 8 (More than once, I've succeeded out of pure stuborness and ego)
Health: 10 (I can take a beating. I don't particularly enjoy it, but I can
take it)
Glory: 0 (I've bouted in a tournament format, but never when there was an
audience of any real size)
Honor: 3 (I like to think I'm fairly honorable, maneuvers notwistanding)
Barehand Maneuvers: Ear Pop, Haymaker, Spinning Back Fist, Bear Hug, Dislocate
Limb (Slightly Different, see below), Throw
Fencing Maneuvers: Side Step (The only fencing maneuver I see the need to draw
up stats for), Parry (Punch Defense with swords), Parry/Riposte (Deflecting
Punch), Thrust (Jab), Lunge (Strong), Overlunge (Fierce), Redouble (Double-Hit
Dislocate Limb, Kickless Version
Prereqs: Grab 3, Punch 2
Power Points: Ummm Aikido for sure (2), probably other grappeling styles like
Jiujitsu and Lua in the 2-4 range.
Grab your opponents arm with both hands and swing your body into a crouch so
that your back is to the opponent and their arm is in front of you. Then stand
up as quickly as you can, ramming your shoulder into the opponent's arm pit
while yanking down on their imobolized arm.
System: Identical to the Dislocate Limb maneuver in the Player's guide.
Cost: None
Speed: -2 (the one in the player's guide seems like it would be quicker.)
Damage: -1 (I don't know why the PG one has a +1, it even says in the
description that it's not very damaging)
Move: One (again, I don't know why the PG give this move a +1, though this was
probably a misprint.)
Side Step
Prerequisits: Block 2, Athletics 1, Sword 2
Power Points: Fencing (Small Sword) 2
The fencer moves their rear foot to the right (or left if a left hander) while
extending their arm at the opponent. Idealily this move shifts the body out of
the way of the opponent's point while both striking the opponent's valid target
area and the player's blade providing sufficient opposition so that the
opponent can not remize and strike you.
System: This maneuver only side steps the opponent's attack if the character
has enough speed to beat their opponent and succeeds in an opposed
dexterity+sword vs. the opponent's dexterity+appropriate technique. However,
opponents without weapons find the difficulty of this roll raised to seven.
Damage tests are made as normal, however. Even if the attack is not dodged,
the coutner attack may still be made, though too late if this match is based on
Cost: 1 Willpower
Speed: +2
Damage: -1 (the blade is rarely angled perfectly straight at the opponent after
this kind of body movement)
Move: Zero (You're still in the same hex after the side step)
"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
-we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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