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Group: streetfighter Message: 8113 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Street Fighter 2 GURPS
Group: streetfighter Message: 8114 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Street Fighter 2 GURPS
Group: streetfighter Message: 8115 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
Group: streetfighter Message: 8116 From: Thomas Merton Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Challenge
Group: streetfighter Message: 8117 From: Thomas Merton Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: [streetfighter] NON AGES challenge
Group: streetfighter Message: 8118 From: azathoth05@aol.com Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
Group: streetfighter Message: 8119 From: Yasuharu Konishi Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Ten Points for Thomas
Group: streetfighter Message: 8120 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
Group: streetfighter Message: 8121 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
Group: streetfighter Message: 8122 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Delta's Challenge
Group: streetfighter Message: 8123 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
Group: streetfighter Message: 8124 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
Group: streetfighter Message: 8125 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
Group: streetfighter Message: 8126 From: Charles Little Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
Group: streetfighter Message: 8127 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
Group: streetfighter Message: 8128 From: Josh Diemert Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: A little something to brighten everyone's day. :)
Group: streetfighter Message: 8129 From: Soldar Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8130 From: brian fish Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8131 From: Jens-Arthur Leirbakk Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: http://ne.fgn.com/A-gallery.htm (fwd)
Group: streetfighter Message: 8132 From: Soldar Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8133 From: azathoth05@aol.com Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8134 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Challenges
Group: streetfighter Message: 8135 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Ages Challenges: Lee Yung Vs Hyamamoto Suzuki.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8136 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8137 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Ages Challenges: Max Power Vs Zethar.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8138 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Challenges: Max Power Vs Zethar.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8139 From: Soldar Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8140 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Challenges: Max Power Vs Zethar.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8141 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8142 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Ages Challenges: Delta Vs Hyamamoto Suzuki.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8143 From: Charles Little Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Challenges: Max Power Vs Zethar.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8144 From: Soldar Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8145 From: Josh Diemert Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Challenges: Delta Vs Hyamamoto Suzuki.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8146 From: Yasuharu Konishi Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Max Power Vs Zethar.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8147 From: Josh Diemert Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Ages Fighter Database
Group: streetfighter Message: 8148 From: Yasuharu Konishi Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: http://ne.fgn.com/A-gallery.htm
Group: streetfighter Message: 8149 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
Group: streetfighter Message: 8150 From: brian fish Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8151 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8152 From: Josh Diemert Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
Group: streetfighter Message: 8153 From: Josh Diemert Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
Group: streetfighter Message: 8154 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
Group: streetfighter Message: 8155 From: karan dedraconis Date: 6/23/2000
Subject: sorry for the ICQ mess!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 8156 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/23/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] sorry for the ICQ mess!!!
Group: streetfighter Message: 8157 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 6/23/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
Group: streetfighter Message: 8158 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/23/2000
Subject: Yet another Star Wars article
Group: streetfighter Message: 8159 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 6/23/2000
Subject: EPICS in print!
Group: streetfighter Message: 8160 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 6/23/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] EPICS in print!
Group: streetfighter Message: 8161 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/23/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] EPICS in print!
Group: streetfighter Message: 8162 From: Spirto Date: 6/23/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] EPICS in print!

Group: streetfighter Message: 8113 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Street Fighter 2 GURPS
GURPS Street Fighter
Conversion rules by J. Scott Pittman

This is a collection of loose ideas for converting Street Fighter characters
to GURPS. It is not finished or play-tested. It should be used only as an

Street Fighters (characters)
Every Street Fighter has the following in GURPS:

High Pain Threshold (10)
Secret (-15): Fights in illegal tournament fighting: possible
Streetfighter Style (25)
Super Martial Arts Fighting (50)
8 levels of Techniques, none to exceed 5 levels
Characters must have Toughness, level 2, + Super Toughness equal to health
divided by 4 (not lower or greater). Each level of Toughness above 2 costs
10 points. Round fractions down. For example, a character with a Health of
14 would have Super Toughness of 3 (2 points of Toughness + 1 Super

New Advantages

Super Martial Arts Fighting (50 points)
Prerequisite: Martial Arts Style
Super Martial Arts reflects characters who have a natural flair for hand
to hand combat, easily picking up new maneuvers and becoming masters years
earlier than most. It provides the following advantages:
1. Changing facing does not cost movement points.
2. Attacking bare handed hits at a 1-hex range, and close kicks receive no
3. he character uses the nine basic Maneuvers detailed in the Special
maneuvers section, instead of normal punch/kick attacks.
4. The character's number of actions equals 1/2 his Move! This does not
affect or add to judo/karate bonuses, but is used in place of those bonuses

Super Martial Arts Style (25)
A character with this advantage receives lower costs for some Maneuvers.
Each Style is concidered a seperate Advantage. The first choice of Style
indicates Chi and Fatigue bonuses and any penalties. Other Styles may be
chosen, but the primary Chi and fatigue bonuses/penalties will still apply
and not be modified by the new Style. These styles, while similar to those
mentioned in the Martial Arts sourcebook, should not be confused with those
Styles. Instead, these are the Styles commonly used by those with the Super
Martial Arts Fighting advantage (but some "common" fighters also use Super
Martail Arts Style).

Animal Companion
An animal companion is created as an ally. use existing animal scores as a
guideline. Animal Empathy is a good advantage to have in combonation with
this advantage. GURPS Beastiry and Fantasy Folk are good guides to use as
refrence material.

Arena (5 per level)
The character has an arena that is concidered his "home turf". the higher
the level of Arena, the more impressive the place is.

Sensei (varies)
Basic Sensei (250-300 point character) 10
Advanced sensei (350-400 point character) 15
Expert Sensei (450-500 point character) 20
Master sensei (5550-600 point character) 25
true master (660-700 point character) 30
easy access: cost x2
hard to reach: cost x 1/2

The GM should create the Sensei, who can only teach what he knows.

Technique (5/10/20/30/40/50/75/100)
Prerequisite: Super martial Arts Fighting
There are six "Techniques", or skills used by Super-martial Artists. Each
Technique has eight levels, the cost of which is shown above. The character
must pay the diffrence in exp to advance to a new level of Technique. Only
one level may be raised during one game session for each technique. For
example, a character who raises a Technique from 3 to 4 would need 10 exp
points to do so.
Techniques are sometimes prerequites for certain Maneuvers and usually
provide combat bonuses to damage, movement and the like.

New Skills
Insight (M/VH)
Involves insight into one's self and others. Sort of a trained Intuition.
The Intuition Advantage adds +2 to the skill. The skill can be used to
detirmine the morals and motivations of others after a character has been
exposed to a subject for a brief time.

Intimidation (see the GURPS Vampire sourcebook)

This is a specialized Occult skill that allows the character to know much
about the hidden secrets of the martial arts, such as how Chi works, spirits
and spirtual power, as well as some mystical creatures of a combat nature
that still roam the earth.

Style familiarity (see Martial Arts, 26)

GURPS Street Fighter characters detirmine their inititive place in the
round by comparing their Speed +1d6. The character with the highest Speed
goes first.
If a tie occurs, the character with the Intuition advantage goes first. if
both characters have this advantage, compare intelligence (highest goes
first). If tied again, break the tie with a resisted intelligence roll until
someone wins inititive.

Attack Rolls
An attacking character rolls to hit using the appropriate Special maneuver
skill level. A critical hit scores full damage as usual. Critical failure
indicates the character loses any further actions and suffers a -3 to peed
for the next turn.

Damage for any attack is added to any bonuses (Technique and Maneuver) and
then computed using the "dice + adds" system on the sidebar of Pg. B114.

Hit Location
All hits are assumed to hit the target's torso unless specified otherwise
in the Maneuver's description. Note that if a Special Maneuver does strike a
specific area, there is no penalty to hit that area (a sweep hits the legs,
for example).
"Blow-through" rules still apply to hit locations.
These rules can be used, but it is HIGHLY suggested that the GM ignore the
hit-location rules while playing a Street-Fighter campaign.

New Rules
When attemting a normal Basic Grab, a character may only move 1 hex, into
the opponents hex. A Grab ignores the Block Technique.


Basic Maneuvers:
Jab Punch
Speed +2, Damage -1, Move = Athletic Technique
Strong Punch
Speed +0, Damage 1, Move = Athletics technique
Feirce Punch
Speed -1, Damage +3, Move = Athletics technique +1
Short Kick
Speed +1, Damage +0, Move = Athletics technique
Foward Kick
Speed +0, Damage +2, Move= Athletic Technique -1
Roundhouse Kick
Speed -2, Damage +4, Move = Athletic technique -1
Speed +4, Damage None, Move None
Speed +3, Damage: None, Move = Athletics technique + 3
Speed +0, Damage +0, Move: One

Blocks - adds Block Technique in DR. +2 peed the following turn.
Grabs - ignore blocks

Conversion Notes for Special Maneuvers

Power points: Indicates Difficulty of the maneuver as a skill.
1-2: average skill
3-4: hard skill
5-6: very hard ( x2 cost for physical skills)

Damage: Focus Maneuvers in the Street Fighter game that use Focus as a base
for damage should use the character's Intelligence in place of his Strength,
and use his Focus technique as a bonus to damage as usual.

Evading projectiles: use the Dodge skill, as usual. Characters with the
Super martial Arts Fighting advantage can attempt to dodge any projectile,
including bullets and lasers. This is due more to training than speed.

Willpower equals Fatigue in GURPS. Double the Willpower cost to detirmine
the GURPS Fatigue cost.

Speed is used as an inititive modifier. Normal Inititive, then, for GURPS,
would be Speed + 1d6 + (Maneuver Speed from SF:TSG).

Move is equal to the character's Athletics Technique plus or minus the
modifer as is from SF:TSG

Damage: Add Technique and Maneuver damage to find appropriate "strength"
for damage purposes. Karate, Brawling, Jdo and similar skills do not modify
damage from Special Maneuvers or Basic Maneuvers.

Dodge Skill - equal to Move + Athletics Technique

Block Skill: Equal to technique level on the following chart. A character
may block any number of attacks each turn, unless stunned.

Technique: Skill
level 1 10
level 2 12
level 3 15
leve 4 18
level 5 20
level 6 24
level 7 27
level 8 30
Group: streetfighter Message: 8114 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Street Fighter 2 GURPS
+2 peed the following turn

hahhaha. That should have read "Speed"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8115 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
exactly who are you trying to contact? This is a mailibng list


----- Original Message -----
From: <karan.empyre@...>
To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:44 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network

> Hello!
> I have tried to contact you through ICQ but couldn't find you in the ICQ
Community! If you are using ICQ, please send me your ICQ number by ICQ Email
Express to 18320360@...
> If you are not using ICQ, I would like to invite you to join the ICQ
community so we can send messages, chat and find more friends to join us.
> Download ICQ by going to:
> http://www.icq.com/
> Once you do so, we can communicate online.
> Seek you @ ICQ
> nachtergaële david
> ICQ #: 18320360
> Here are the 4 ways you can find me in the ICQ community:
> - My ICQ number is 18320360
> - My Personal Communication Center on the Web, from which you can send me
a message without having the ICQ program is: http://wwp.icq.com/18320360
> - You can send me an Email Express which will appear directly on my
computer screen to 18320360@....
> - My ICQ Web Front is members.icq.com/18320360. If I am online and
activated my ICQ Web Front, you will be able to have a 2 way dialog with me
from this page.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> 1 out of 3 have it and they don't know it.
> Find out and win $1500!
> http://click.egroups.com/1/5602/6/_/17512/_/961505326/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group: streetfighter Message: 8116 From: Thomas Merton Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Challenge
>Max is about 6' 6" tall, 280 pounds, and is bald... he
>doesn't shave his head, he's just bald. He wears a
>one-piece gold bodysuit with a red mushroom cloud on
>the front and "Power" in gold letters inside the
>mushroom. He is wearing a red cape and no shoes...
>...and he looks kinda dumb...
...and he has yellow skin, and bulging eyeballs...ahh, forget it.
Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 8117 From: Thomas Merton Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: [streetfighter] NON AGES challenge
Hey, folks, it seems I've gone and challenged Arkon, the Dark Lord of Chaos.
Does anyone want to moderate the match?

Thomas "The Hurtin'" Merton

Get Your Private, Free E-mail from MSN Hotmail at http://www.hotmail.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 8118 From: azathoth05@aol.com Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
I think he's trying to contact everyone, his hobbies say White Wolf and such.
I wouldn't mind listing everyone's ICQ's but I'm far too lazy to just write
them all down from the egroups site, so I'm glad someone else took the
initiative :)
Group: streetfighter Message: 8119 From: Yasuharu Konishi Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Ten Points for Thomas
--- Thomas Merton <thehurtin@...> wrote:
> >...and he looks kinda dumb...
> >
> ....and he has yellow skin, and bulging
> eyeballs...ahh, forget it.

You're right on the money!

Although he wasn't much of a boxer, he sure gave
former president George Bush a run for his money in
that brawl, and he swings a mean Whacking stick...

"...he's twenty feet tall, and covered in gold!" :)


____________________________________________________________... from the desk of The Robotomizer@... ...____________________________________________________________ Get Right with "Bob" at Triple X Day draws ever nigher!!!

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Group: streetfighter Message: 8120 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
looks like ICQ Advert spam masquerading as a legitimate message, to me.

-----Original Message-----
From: J. Scott Pittman <joespitt@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network

>exactly who are you trying to contact? This is a mailibng list
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <karan.empyre@...>
>To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:44 AM
>Subject: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
>> Hello!
>> I have tried to contact you through ICQ but couldn't find you in the ICQ
>Community! If you are using ICQ, please send me your ICQ number by ICQ
>Express to 18320360@...
>> If you are not using ICQ, I would like to invite you to join the ICQ
>community so we can send messages, chat and find more friends to join us.
>> Download ICQ by going to:
>> http://www.icq.com/
>> Once you do so, we can communicate online.
>> Seek you @ ICQ
>> nachtergaële david
>> ICQ #: 18320360
>> Here are the 4 ways you can find me in the ICQ community:
>> - My ICQ number is 18320360
>> - My Personal Communication Center on the Web, from which you can send me
>a message without having the ICQ program is: http://wwp.icq.com/18320360
>> - You can send me an Email Express which will appear directly on my
>computer screen to 18320360@....
>> - My ICQ Web Front is members.icq.com/18320360. If I am online and
>activated my ICQ Web Front, you will be able to have a 2 way dialog with me
>from this page.
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> 1 out of 3 have it and they don't know it.
>> Find out and win $1500!
>> http://click.egroups.com/1/5602/6/_/17512/_/961505326/
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>Porsche Boxter. You and a friend. Nine dream days from
>Napa Valley to Beverly Hills. Provided by CarsDirect.com.
>Click to enter.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8121 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 6/20/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
I assume in this case that Karan had made a mistake by searching for
streetfighter@egroups.com on ICQ.
In any case, if anyone wants to post their ICQ numbers...they're available
in the database section on our page...



Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
seagull@... make you a better person."
seagull@... - Peter Olafson

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Karstensen" <skarsten@...>
To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 9:29 PM
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network

| looks like ICQ Advert spam masquerading as a legitimate message, to me.
| -----Original Message-----
| From: J. Scott Pittman <joespitt@...>
| To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
| Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:12 PM
| Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
| >exactly who are you trying to contact? This is a mailibng list
| >
| >Scott
| >
| >----- Original Message -----
| >From: <karan.empyre@...>
| >To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
| >Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:44 AM
| >Subject: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
| >
| >
| >> Hello!
| >>
| >>
| >> I have tried to contact you through ICQ but couldn't find you in the
| >Community! If you are using ICQ, please send me your ICQ number by ICQ
| Email
| >Express to 18320360@...
| >>
| >> If you are not using ICQ, I would like to invite you to join the ICQ
| >community so we can send messages, chat and find more friends to join us.
| >>
| >> Download ICQ by going to:
| >>
| >> http://www.icq.com/
| >>
| >> Once you do so, we can communicate online.
| >>
| >> Seek you @ ICQ
| >> nachtergaële david
| >> ICQ #: 18320360
| >>
| >> Here are the 4 ways you can find me in the ICQ community:
| >> - My ICQ number is 18320360
| >> - My Personal Communication Center on the Web, from which you can send
| >a message without having the ICQ program is: http://wwp.icq.com/18320360
| >> - You can send me an Email Express which will appear directly on my
| >computer screen to 18320360@....
| >> - My ICQ Web Front is members.icq.com/18320360. If I am online and
| >activated my ICQ Web Front, you will be able to have a 2 way dialog with
| >from this page.
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
| >>
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| >> 1 out of 3 have it and they don't know it.
| >> Find out and win $1500!
| >> http://click.egroups.com/1/5602/6/_/17512/_/961505326/
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| >>
| >>
| >
| >
| >------------------------------------------------------------------------
| >Porsche Boxter. You and a friend. Nine dream days from
| >Napa Valley to Beverly Hills. Provided by CarsDirect.com.
| >Click to enter.
| >http://click.egroups.com/1/4882/6/_/17512/_/961546498/
| >------------------------------------------------------------------------
| >
| >
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
| Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:
| http://click.egroups.com/1/5533/6/_/17512/_/961550914/
| ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group: streetfighter Message: 8122 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Delta's Challenge
Jade says it´s okay I must make 4 or 5 fights well it´s work. :)

Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:

> All right I will ask to Jade...
> Josh Diemert wrote:
> > Delta studied the mix of fighters the Guardian had
> > summoned carefully. This wasn't like any pit fight
> > she'd ever been in, and was glad the fights weren't to
> > the death. She was tired of killing, tired of
> > worrying whether or not her next fight would be her
> > last. If she won here, those days would finally be
> > over.
> >
> > Delta carefully stretched out, then smiled. She
> > needed some practice before the main event. Going
> > over to the one called Hyamoto, she tapped him on the
> > shoulder and said,
> >
> > "Care for a warm-up match?"
> >
> > Delta is challenging Hyamoto Suzuki.
> >
> > __________________________________________________
> > Do You Yahoo!?
> > Send instant messages with Yahoo! Messenger.
> > http://im.yahoo.com/
> >
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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> > iKena software is quick to download, simple to install, easy to use.
> > http://click.egroups.com/1/5257/6/_/17512/_/961530337/
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Get 6 months of FREE* MSN Internet access!
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> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group: streetfighter Message: 8123 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
guys, haven't you ever seen this sort of thing before? Doesn't it
strike you as a *little* odd that his message just coincidentally gives
you *all* of the information you may need in order to subscribe to ICQ?
Who writes like an advertisement if they're just trying to reach a

I see this all the time. I used to use Yahoo!'s Personals to find dates
before I got married, and the amount of Personals that were fake was
astounding. They were either disguised ads for adult web sites or were
just there to harvest your E-mail so they could spam you later.

of course, it just occurred to me that ICQ may have an option to send a
form letter to someone you're trying to reach. If that's the case,
carry on, nothing to see here. :)

-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Karstensen [mailto:skarsten@...]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 9:30 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network

looks like ICQ Advert spam masquerading as a legitimate message, to me.

-----Original Message-----
From: J. Scott Pittman <joespitt@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network

>exactly who are you trying to contact? This is a mailibng list
>----- Original Message -----
>From: <karan.empyre@...>
>To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:44 AM
>Subject: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
>> Hello!
>> I have tried to contact you through ICQ but couldn't find you in the
>Community! If you are using ICQ, please send me your ICQ number by ICQ
>Express to 18320360@...
>> If you are not using ICQ, I would like to invite you to join the ICQ
>community so we can send messages, chat and find more friends to join
>> Download ICQ by going to:
>> http://www.icq.com/
>> Once you do so, we can communicate online.
>> Seek you @ ICQ
>> nachtergaële david
>> ICQ #: 18320360
>> Here are the 4 ways you can find me in the ICQ community:
>> - My ICQ number is 18320360
>> - My Personal Communication Center on the Web, from which you can
send me
>a message without having the ICQ program is:
>> - You can send me an Email Express which will appear directly on my
>computer screen to 18320360@....
>> - My ICQ Web Front is members.icq.com/18320360. If I am online and
>activated my ICQ Web Front, you will be able to have a 2 way dialog
with me
>from this page.
>> 1 out of 3 have it and they don't know it.
>> Find out and win $1500!
>> http://click.egroups.com/1/5602/6/_/17512/_/961505326/
>Porsche Boxter. You and a friend. Nine dream days from
>Napa Valley to Beverly Hills. Provided by CarsDirect.com.
>Click to enter.

Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:
Group: streetfighter Message: 8124 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
| of course, it just occurred to me that ICQ may have an option to send a
| form letter to someone you're trying to reach. If that's the case,
| carry on, nothing to see here. :)

This is exactly the case.
When searching for a user on ICQ -- of they are not found by the criteria
you have specified (name, email, ICQ#), you are given an option to enter
their email address, and request that they get ICQ. That is when this form
letter is sent out.

This is exactly what this email is. Nothing more. Probably a simple

As you were...

Fred Chagnon Customer Network Specialist
fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business Services
Group: streetfighter Message: 8125 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
heh. You know what the sad thing is? I've had ICQ for like two years

Then again, I never use it anymore. My entire Friends list is N/A 24
hours a day. I just use Yahoo! Pager so people can be confused when my
Away Message reads "in Everquest". They get annoyed when I "ignore"
their "What's Everquest?" pages (you can't Alt-Tab out of Everquest).

(If you *really* want an adventure, get AOL Instant Messanger.
Geniuses, every last one of them...)

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Chagnon [mailto:seagull@...]
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 9:51 AM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network

| of course, it just occurred to me that ICQ may have an option to send
| form letter to someone you're trying to reach. If that's the case,
| carry on, nothing to see here. :)

This is exactly the case.
When searching for a user on ICQ -- of they are not found by the
you have specified (name, email, ICQ#), you are given an option to enter
their email address, and request that they get ICQ. That is when this
letter is sent out.

This is exactly what this email is. Nothing more. Probably a simple

As you were...

Fred Chagnon Customer Network Specialist
fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business Services

仲間とはじめる、仲間を見つける eグループ
Group: streetfighter Message: 8126 From: Charles Little Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
ICQ does have this option. A form letter just like the one sent is sent
out to whomever you want. They discouracge spamming using the system, and
have an anti spam page. I think it was an honest mistake or attempt to
get others to contact the guy, but you can visit their anti spam page and
report his ICQ UIN if you feel so inclined. Now can we get back to street
fighter? Let's see some fights Renaldo! ;^)

On Wed, 21 Jun 2000, Steve Karstensen wrote:

> guys, haven't you ever seen this sort of thing before? Doesn't it
> strike you as a *little* odd that his message just coincidentally gives
> you *all* of the information you may need in order to subscribe to ICQ?
> Who writes like an advertisement if they're just trying to reach a
> friend?
> I see this all the time. I used to use Yahoo!'s Personals to find dates
> before I got married, and the amount of Personals that were fake was
> astounding. They were either disguised ads for adult web sites or were
> just there to harvest your E-mail so they could spam you later.
> of course, it just occurred to me that ICQ may have an option to send a
> form letter to someone you're trying to reach. If that's the case,
> carry on, nothing to see here. :)
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Steve Karstensen [mailto:skarsten@...]
> Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 9:30 PM
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
> looks like ICQ Advert spam masquerading as a legitimate message, to me.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: J. Scott Pittman <joespitt@...>
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> Date: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:12 PM
> Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
> >exactly who are you trying to contact? This is a mailibng list
> >
> >Scott
> >
> >----- Original Message -----
> >From: <karan.empyre@...>
> >To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> >Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 8:44 AM
> >Subject: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
> >
> >
> >> Hello!
> >>
> >>
> >> I have tried to contact you through ICQ but couldn't find you in the
> >Community! If you are using ICQ, please send me your ICQ number by ICQ
> Email
> >Express to 18320360@...
> >>
> >> If you are not using ICQ, I would like to invite you to join the ICQ
> >community so we can send messages, chat and find more friends to join
> us.
> >>
> >> Download ICQ by going to:
> >>
> >> http://www.icq.com/
> >>
> >> Once you do so, we can communicate online.
> >>
> >> Seek you @ ICQ
> >> nachtergaële david
> >> ICQ #: 18320360
> >>
> >> Here are the 4 ways you can find me in the ICQ community:
> >> - My ICQ number is 18320360
> >> - My Personal Communication Center on the Web, from which you can
> send me
> >a message without having the ICQ program is:
> http://wwp.icq.com/18320360
> >> - You can send me an Email Express which will appear directly on my
> >computer screen to 18320360@....
> >> - My ICQ Web Front is members.icq.com/18320360. If I am online and
> >activated my ICQ Web Front, you will be able to have a 2 way dialog
> with me
> >from this page.
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >> 1 out of 3 have it and they don't know it.
> >> Find out and win $1500!
> >> http://click.egroups.com/1/5602/6/_/17512/_/961505326/
> >>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> >Porsche Boxter. You and a friend. Nine dream days from
> >Napa Valley to Beverly Hills. Provided by CarsDirect.com.
> >Click to enter.
> >http://click.egroups.com/1/4882/6/_/17512/_/961546498/
> >-----------------------------------------------------------------------
> -
> >
> >
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Best friends, most artistic, class clown Find 'em here:
> http://click.egroups.com/1/5533/6/_/17512/_/961550914/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ãç´Ö¤È¤Ï¤¸¤á¤ë¡¢Ãç´Ö¤ò¸«¤Ä¤±¤ë¡¡£å¥°¥ë¡¼¥×
> ¡¡¡¡¡¡¡Ö¥°¥ë¡¼¥×¥á¡¼¥ë¤·¤Þ¤»¤ó¤«¡©¡×
> ¥µ¡¼¥¯¥ë¡¦Æ±Áë²ñ¡¦Æ±Î½¡¦¥Ó¥¸¥Í¥¹¡¦²È²¤Ç¤É¤¦¤¾¡ª
> ¡¡http://www.egroups.co.jp/info/features.html
> http://click.egroups.com/1/3411/8/_/17512/_/961593062/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group: streetfighter Message: 8127 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network
heh. sorry I flew off the handle, guys. one too many "SWF seeks SWM,
come look at my (adult) web page for my picture!" ads over on Yahoo.

and in response to the "post your Magic rules" requests, I don't have
enough to post. All of my notes are in my head, and the only part I got
the opportunity to write down in a presentable form was the beginning
section on character creation. When I get back to work on it, you'll be
the first to know.

-----Original Message-----
From: Charles Little [mailto:wraith808@...]
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 11:05 AM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: RE: [streetfighter] I wish to contact you on the ICQ Network

Group: streetfighter Message: 8128 From: Josh Diemert Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: A little something to brighten everyone's day. :)
Here is a list of twenty-eight "Ancient Chinese
Proverbs" that I have on a t-shirt. With these, it's
all in the pronunciation, not the actual meaning. I
hold nothing against the Chinese, I just want to share
something with you guys that I think is funny.

With that said, here they are:

1)Are you a fugitive? Wai Yu Hai Ding?
2)Approach me Kum Hia
3)Stupid fellow Dum Gai
4)Small horse Tai Ni Po Ni
5)The prices are to high here No Bai Dam Ting
6)That vacation agreed with you Ya Mai Ti Tan
7)Late Night Beijing Talk Show Jah Ni Ka Sun
8)I bumped the coffee table Ai Bang Mai Ni
9)Have you considered a facelift? Chin Tu Fat
10)Are you saving electricity? Wai So Dim?
11)Is the bus late? Hao Long Wei Ting?
12)Unauthorized Execution Lin Ching
13)You're blowing your diet Wai Yu Mun Ching?
14)Keep out of Pond No Wei Ding
15)Tow-away Zone No Pah King
16)Don't you know anything else? Wai Yu Sing Dum
17)You're not very bright Yu So Dum
18)I have a press pass Ai No Pei
19)I don't deserve to die! Wai Hang Mi?
20)Stay a while Wai Go Nao?
21)Our meeting is tomorrow. Wai Yu Kum Nao?
22)Become intoxicated Tai Wan Ahn
23)They're approaching Hia Dei Kum
24)Remain out of sight Lei Lo
25)Cleaning automobile Wa Shing Ka
26)Cigarettes are hazardous No Tsmo King
27)Late Night Television Program Lei Tsho
28)Get a close-up of that Zhu Min



"If only the good die young, then I want to be evil and live forever!"

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Group: streetfighter Message: 8129 From: Soldar Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Actually, Guile is my personal fave, and while not a big fan of SD, I thought the site was pretty cute. (The man gets so little respect!) =)

------Original Message------
From: Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Sent: June 20, 2000 7:23:13 PM GMT
Subject: RE: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"

Rainbow Mika forever, baby!

-----Original Message-----
From: Josh Diemert [mailto:boomergold@...]
Sent: Tuesday, June 20, 2000 3:22 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"

Hey, knock it off. Just because a female fan (very
rare in the SF community) wants to show off her love
of the muscle-bound Fighting American, doesn't mean
you guys have the right to slam her site. I'm sure
there are tons of people out there who would feel the
same about your guy's sites. I for one am glad that
there is someone out there who isn't a Ken/Ryu/Chun
Li/Cammy/M. Bison/Sakura fan.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 8130 From: brian fish Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Guile is like one of the crappiest world warriors, in the RPG or the game.
Now CAMMY, there's a street fighter, might not be one of the best, but she
sure looks good doing it. I'll have to quote my character when I say "You
can do whatever you want, but I'll only let you hit me with the thigh
press" ha ha ha.

If I had to go with a cool guy world warrior I'd go with Guy, Fei Long, or
Ryu, they're pretty much my favs.

>Actually, Guile is my personal fave, and while not a big fan of SD, I
thought the site was pretty cute. (The man gets so little respect!) =)
Group: streetfighter Message: 8131 From: Jens-Arthur Leirbakk Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: http://ne.fgn.com/A-gallery.htm (fwd)
Here's an URL to an excellent site that contains enough graphics files to
make a slew of your very own foldups. Go nuts :)

Jens-Arthur Leirbakk
Group: streetfighter Message: 8132 From: Soldar Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
----- Original Message -----
From: "brian fish" <fishbn@...>
To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 4:16 PM
Subject: RE: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"

>Guile is like one of the crappiest world warriors,
Only "Like"? Crap! Apparently he can't even do that right! > in the RPG or
the game.

{Snip non sequitur}

> If I had to go with a cool guy world warrior I'd go with Guy, Fei Long, or
Ryu, they're pretty much my favs.

Sure, using Guile actually takes practice. His timing is completely off from
everyone else's, but I've never been disappointed. Played correctly, he can
lay a big hurt on an opponent.

> >Actually, Guile is my personal fave, and while not a big fan of SD, I
> thought the site was pretty cute. (The man gets so little respect!) =)
Group: streetfighter Message: 8133 From: azathoth05@aol.com Date: 6/21/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
You're all nuts! Guile kicks ass! And if you saw Street Fighter V, you'd
agree how cool he is. Granted by the end of the series Ken and Ryu have
surpassed his abilities, but it was their encounter with Guile in the
beginning that convinced them to continue their training and become World
Warriors!!! According to SFV, without that push from Guile Ken and Ryu would
be nothing.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8134 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Challenges
I don´t send the results of challenges because I want finish all fights first
and send them in the same day but I have some troubles:
-Sha Long Vs Ghost Bear - Sorry but without Ghost Bear I can´t do this.
-Joseph Masterson Vs Max Power- Cliff I need your tactics.
I finish soon and send the results but remember this only test fights without
value only knownledge value of course.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8135 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Ages Challenges: Lee Yung Vs Hyamamoto Suzuki.
Lee Yung Style: Praying Mantis Kung Fu Country: China Player: Npc.

Appearance: Lee Yung is a short chinese man about 4'8" 100 lbs. with oriental skin, bald but use a beard and a mustache both in black color his eyes remain closed because he is blind, his fashion is the typical chinese monk clothes.

Quote before fight: Meditate... and don´t talk nothing.


Hyamamoto Suzuki Style: Sumo Wrestiling Country: Japan Player: Jade M Prout.

Appearance (it´s not official): A huge sumo wrestler with sure using the tradicional sumo dress, and japanese type. Ps: I need ask to Jade a better description.

Quote before fight: Suzuki's manager speaks:

"So... Ghost Bear scared of Suzuki's haiku!!! Giant Suzuki not only world's most powerful Sumo Wrestler... also world's strongest poet!!!

"Now who is this Lee Yung? Suzuki told me just this morning that he would like a Chinaman for breakfast!!! I tell him 'Chill out, Homie, that not politically correct!' But he nevertheless starved himself all day, and now he is illin' from mad
hunger and want to lay the smack down!!!

"Suffice to say, Sukuki accepts Lee Yung's challenge and looks forward to a full stomach!!! But now, he would like to read for you a love poem..."

Suzuki emerges from his tent and rises to his full height of seven and a half feet, clearing his throat before beginning:

"Aoitorio oikakeruno...
aoitoriwa kieteshimau...
futarino <love> eienni...
eienno koibitotachi"

Arena: Guardian Island courtyards, a beautifull view but now the fighters will start fighters are 3 hexes from each other, and nobody is looking.

Move 1- Lee Yung try to Jump but fail in Blind fight test and Hyamamoto Suzuki use Shockwave and hit Lee Yung suffer: 8 points of damage and stun!!!
Move 2- Hyamamoto Suzuki make Grabbling Defense for combo (dizzy) and Lee Yung is dizzy.
Move 3- Lee Yung recover from stun and move 3 hexes and try to make a Double Hit Kick for combo (dizzy) (pass blind fight) but Hyamamoto Suzuki is more faster with Elbow Smash for combo (dizzy) and Lee Yung receive: 4 points of damage and Lee
Yung hit his Double Hit Kick for combo (dizzy) and Hyamamoto Suzuki suffer: 4 points of damage and 3 points of damage and Hyamamoto Suzuki stun and his combo is broken.
Move 4- Hyamamoto Suzuki is dizzy and Lee Yung use Regeneration (I think he don´t need blind fight to heal himself) and restore 3 points of health.
Move 5- Lee Yung block for combo (dizzy) and Hyamamoto Suzuki hit a Elbow Smash for combo (dizzy) and Lee Yung suffer: 2 points of damage.
Move 6- Hyamamoto Suzuki try to make a Elbow Smash but Lee Yung Rekka Ken Fierce is more faster and Hyamamoto Suzuki receive: 5 points of damage and Lee Yung receive from Hyamamoto Suzuki a Elbow Smash (dizzy) and Lee Yung suffer: 5 points of
damage and Lee Yung lost his balance and colapse falling at the ground is a knockout.
Hyamamoto Suzuki wins by Knockout.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8136 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
Guile was prolly the most overpowered World Warrior in SF2. I remember
some jerk named Mike something-or-other who used to cheap the hell out
of people in national tournaments. His Guile was so perfected no one
could take him.

'course, I never followed that stuff too closely.

-----Original Message-----
From: Soldar [mailto:soldar@...]
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 10:10 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"

----- Original Message -----
From: "brian fish" <fishbn@...>
To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, June 21, 2000 4:16 PM
Subject: RE: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"

>Guile is like one of the crappiest world warriors,
Only "Like"? Crap! Apparently he can't even do that right! > in the RPG
the game.

{Snip non sequitur}

> If I had to go with a cool guy world warrior I'd go with Guy, Fei
Long, or
Ryu, they're pretty much my favs.

Sure, using Guile actually takes practice. His timing is completely off
everyone else's, but I've never been disappointed. Played correctly, he
lay a big hurt on an opponent.

> >Actually, Guile is my personal fave, and while not a big fan of SD, I
> thought the site was pretty cute. (The man gets so little respect!) =)

Secure, online sales force automation with 5 users FREE for 1 year!
Group: streetfighter Message: 8137 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Ages Challenges: Max Power Vs Zethar.
Max Power Style: Wrestiling Country: U.S.A Player: Yasuharu Konishi

Appearance: Max is about 6' 6" tall, 280 pounds, and is bald... he doesn't shave his head, he's just bald. He wears a one-piece gold bodysuit with a red mushroom cloud on the front and "Power" in gold letters inside the mushroom. He is wearing a red cape and no shoes...
...and he looks kinda dumb..

Quote before fight: "Okay, Zethar, there are three ways to do this... the right way, the wrong way, and the Max Power way! I forget which is which though... Oh well, let's rock and roll!"


Zethar Style: Western Kickboxing Country: Canada Player: Fred Chagnon.

Appearance: Zethar is a tall man of medium build. Outside the ring he is usually wearing light clothing, earthen colours. Greens, browns and beiges. Inside the ring he dawns a thick green hooded cape. He will always remove it for battle, however and fight simply in a tank top and light
pants. If Zethar is up against what looks to be a worthy opponent he may dawn blue Celtic woe, to help strike fear into the opponent’s heart.

Quote before fight: “Strength to my friends, death to my foes!”

Move 1- Max Power don´t move and Block for his combo (dizzy) and Zethar move 1 hex and make Hyper Fist but miss and hit air.
Move 2- Zethar abort his action and try use Jump to avoid Max Power Flying Tackle for combo (dizzy) but he´s too slow and Zethar suffer: 1 point of damage but is enought to cause his efect and both fighters going to the ground (knockdown).
Move 3- Zethar stand up and try to use Jump to avoid Max Power Braincracker (dizzy) but is no use and he´s caught by Max Power Braincracker and Zethar suffer: 3 points of damage. Strenght test to see if Max Power hold and Zethar break the hold.
Move 4- Max Power want use Braincracker for combo (dizzy) but Zethar this time escape using Jump and move 2 hexes back.
Move 5- Zethar try to make a Foward Kick he move 2 hexes and try to hit but Max Power Elbow Smash (dizzy) is more faster and Zethar suffer: 3 points of damage and Zethar hit his Foward Kick and Max Power receive: 4 points of damage.
Move 6- Max Power make a Elbow Smash for combo and Zethar try to make a Power Uppercut but is too slow and Zethar suffer: 2 points of damage and Zethar hit his Power Uppercut and Max Power receive: 7 points of damage and for this great amount of damage he stun and have his combo
Move 7- Max Power is dizzy and Zethar smile with this chance and deliver a Double Dread Kick and Max Power suffer: 3 points of damage with this Max Power retreat 1 hex (knockback) and he receive 3 points of damage and retreat 1 hex (knockback).
Move 8- Zethar try to make a Reverse Frontal Kick but Max Power is more faster using Improved Pin and he grab Zethar and with this he receive: 6 points of damage and he stun!!! But Max Power don´t want his target leave and continue holding, here I doubt appear a dizzy opponent can make
strenght contest anyway I make but Max Power keep the hold.
Move 9- Max Power continue the Improved Pin and Zethar suffer: 3 points of damage and in Strenght test Max Power continue holding.
Move 10- Max Power continue the Improved Pin and Zethar suffer: 3 points of damage and Zethar don´t show resistence anymore that´s it he lost his counscious and this a knockout.

Max Power wins by knockout.

Quote if he Wins: "Aw, don't feel bad. When you wake up, the first round of beers is on... MAX POWER!"
Group: streetfighter Message: 8138 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Challenges: Max Power Vs Zethar.
| Max Power wins by knockout.
| Quote if he Wins: "Aw, don't feel bad. When you wake up, the first round
of beers is on... MAX POWER!"

'twas a close one.
You only had 3 health points left...

I'll be up for a rematch anytime vs. Max Power.

Zethar awaits further challenges.

Is there anyway we could create in the database perhaps a list of all
Ages Fighters..their Fighting Styles, and say a win/loss record?

Fred Chagnon Customer Network Specialist
fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business Services
Group: streetfighter Message: 8139 From: Soldar Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Karstensen"
> Guile was prolly the most overpowered World Warrior in SF2.
Overpowered? I don't think so. Balanced, yes.
> I remember some jerk named Mike something-or-other who used to cheap the
hell out
> of people in national tournaments.
I can safely say that I don't play 'cheap'. Where I'm from, that could get
you an invitation around back of the arcade.
As an aside, the cheapest bastards I have ever had the displeasure of
knowing, almost invariably played Ken or Ryu.
>His Guile was so perfected no one could take him.
Was he 'cheap', or just good? Or had he perfected being 'cheap'? (No sarcasm
intended, looking for clarification)
----- Original Message -----
> From: "brian fish"
> >Guile is like one of the crappiest world warriors,
> Only "Like"? Crap! Apparently he can't even do that right! > in the RPG
> or
> the game.
> {Snip non sequitur}
> > If I had to go with a cool guy world warrior I'd go with Guy, Fei
> Long, or
> Ryu, they're pretty much my favs.
> Sure, using Guile actually takes practice. His timing is completely off
> from
> everyone else's, but I've never been disappointed. Played correctly, he
> can
> lay a big hurt on an opponent.
Group: streetfighter Message: 8140 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Challenges: Max Power Vs Zethar.
Maybe but remember this fights are only testing isn´t official thing but a
data base could be fine, I always put the style of fighters in the fights but
the records...

Fred Chagnon wrote:

> | Max Power wins by knockout.
> | Quote if he Wins: "Aw, don't feel bad. When you wake up, the first round
> of beers is on... MAX POWER!"
> 'twas a close one.
> You only had 3 health points left...
> I'll be up for a rematch anytime vs. Max Power.
> Zethar awaits further challenges.
> Rinaldo,
> Is there anyway we could create in the database perhaps a list of all
> Ages Fighters..their Fighting Styles, and say a win/loss record?
> _________________________________________________________
> Fred Chagnon Customer Network Specialist
> fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
> 416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business Services
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Secure, online sales force automation with 5 users FREE for 1 year!
> http://click.egroups.com/1/2658/8/_/17512/_/961679593/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group: streetfighter Message: 8141 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
both, actually. The guy could really play, but there were a couple of
patterns he could trick you into that were impossible to defend against.
One I remember off the toppa my head was his defense against jumping
attacks. Crouching Jab (somehow caused opponent to whiff no matter
what) then tick-throw. (Ticking was the time-honored method of freezing
your opponent by jabbing him and then throwing). In addition, any time
his opponent jumped backward he'd run under them and tick-throw the
second they landed. Basically, you couldn't leave the ground, and since
Guile has excellent projectile/followup combos, it made him impossible
to touch.

He was a real trash-talking prick, too. :P

-----Original Message-----
From: Soldar [mailto:soldar@...]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 9:15 AM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Karstensen"
> Guile was prolly the most overpowered World Warrior in SF2.
Overpowered? I don't think so. Balanced, yes.
> I remember some jerk named Mike something-or-other who used to cheap
hell out
> of people in national tournaments.
I can safely say that I don't play 'cheap'. Where I'm from, that could
you an invitation around back of the arcade.
As an aside, the cheapest bastards I have ever had the displeasure of
knowing, almost invariably played Ken or Ryu.
>His Guile was so perfected no one could take him.
Was he 'cheap', or just good? Or had he perfected being 'cheap'? (No
intended, looking for clarification)
----- Original Message -----
> From: "brian fish"
> >Guile is like one of the crappiest world warriors,
> Only "Like"? Crap! Apparently he can't even do that right! > in the
> or
> the game.
> {Snip non sequitur}
> > If I had to go with a cool guy world warrior I'd go with Guy, Fei
> Long, or
> Ryu, they're pretty much my favs.
> Sure, using Guile actually takes practice. His timing is completely
> from
> everyone else's, but I've never been disappointed. Played correctly,
> can
> lay a big hurt on an opponent.

Secure, online sales force automation with 5 users FREE for 1 year!
Group: streetfighter Message: 8142 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Ages Challenges: Delta Vs Hyamamoto Suzuki.
Delta Andrycha Style: Pankration Country: Roman Empire Player: Josh Diemert

Appearance: Shoulder length black hair, loose and curly Amber eyes Tanned
Complexion Thunderbolt birthmark over her right eye.
Outfit: Short, dove gray tunic tied at both shoulders Black leather belt
around her waist Black leather bracers Soft knee-high boots

Quote before fight: "Ave, imperator, morituri te salutant." (Hail, emperor,
those who will die salute you.)


Hyamamoto Suzuki Style: Sumo Wrestiling Country: Japan Player: Jade M Prout.

Appearance (it´s not official): A huge sumo wrestler with sure using the
tradicional sumo dress, and japanese type. Ps: I need ask to Jade a better

Quote before fight: Suzuki's manager begins another tirade: "A woman has
challenged the Giant Suzuki? What folly! The only kind of wrestling Suzuki
like with women take place in bed!"

Suzuki appears suddenly and taps his manager on the shoulder. When he turns
to face the seven-and-a-half foot sumotori, Suzuki slaps him with the back
of his hand, sending the little man flying to the ground. He then speaks:

"That is no way to talk to a woman! Shameful dog! YOU are FIRED! If the
madam would like to engage in honorable combat, I will accept. Best to do it
right away and not think too hard about it!" For a moment, the massive
yokozuna appears to be blushing!

Meanwhile, his manager scurries away, shaking his fist with rage. "I'll get
you for this, Suzuki!!!"

Arena: Guardian Temple the place is empty except for some monks and the
fighters. Fighters are 3 hexes from each other.

Before the fight start Suzuki give use his intimidation he try this in Lee
Yung fight too but I forgot to put this line and Suzuki got using his
charisma + manipulation against permanent willpower of Delta: 5 success so
Delta for the first turn receive a speed penalty.

Move 1- Delta try to make a Jump Short Kick she move 3 hexes but Hyamamoto
Suzuki is more faster and make Shockwave and with this Delta receive: 4
points of damage and suffer knockdown she stand up in this turn.
Move 2- Hyamamoto Suzuki abort his action to a block for combo (dizzy) and
Delta hit her Spinning Back Fist and Hyamamoto Suzuki receive: 1 point of
Move 3- Delta try to make a Slide Kick but Hyamamoto Suzuki is more faster
and use Suplex for combo (dizzy) and Delta suffer: 2 points of damage but
receive knockdown she stand up in this turn.
Move 4- Delta block and Hyamamoto Suzuki make a Elbow Smash (dizzy) and
Delta receive: 3 points of damage and stun!!!
Move 5- Delta is dizzy and Hyamamot Suzuki don´t move or make any action.
Move 6- Hyamamoto Suzuki abort his action to a Jump and retreat 3 hexes and
Delta miss her Flying Tackle for combo.
Move 7- Delta move 1 hex and try to make a Back Roll Throw but miss his
target and Hyamamoto Suzuki make a Shockwave and Delta receive: 3 points of
damage and suffer knockdown she stand up in this turn.
Move 8- Hyamamoto Suzuki try to make a Fierce Punch but Delta is more faster
and make a Flying Knee Thrust and Hyamamoto Suzuki receive: 4 points of
damage and Hyamamoto Suzuki hit his Fierce Punch and Delta suffer: 6 points
of damage and stun!!!
Move 9- Delta is dizzy and Hyamamoto Suzuki don´t move or make any action.
Move 10- Hyamamoto Suzuki use Grabbling Defense for combo (dizzy) and Delta
Move 11- Delta try to make a Spinning Knuckle but Hyamamoto Suzuki is more
faster and hit a Elbow Smash for combo (dizzy) and Delta receive: 6 points
of damage and is a knockout.
Hyamamoto Suzuki wins by knockout.
Quote if he wins: Suzuki hangs his head in shame. "There is no honor in
this... she did not know what I was capable of. First I offended her, and
now I have hurt her. I only hope she will grow stronger from our encounter,
and not bear a grudge..." With that, Suzuki bows and returns to his tent to
Group: streetfighter Message: 8143 From: Charles Little Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Challenges: Max Power Vs Zethar.
Well, egroups has a facility for databases... if someone tells me what
columns they want in it, I'll set it up if noone else can... but someone
else will have to maintain it...

On Thu, 22 Jun 2000, Fred Chagnon wrote:

> | Max Power wins by knockout.
> | Quote if he Wins: "Aw, don't feel bad. When you wake up, the first round
> of beers is on... MAX POWER!"
> 'twas a close one.
> You only had 3 health points left...
> I'll be up for a rematch anytime vs. Max Power.
> Zethar awaits further challenges.
> Rinaldo,
> Is there anyway we could create in the database perhaps a list of all
> Ages Fighters..their Fighting Styles, and say a win/loss record?
> _________________________________________________________
> Fred Chagnon Customer Network Specialist
> fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
> 416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business Services
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Secure, online sales force automation with 5 users FREE for 1 year!
> http://click.egroups.com/1/2658/8/_/17512/_/961679593/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group: streetfighter Message: 8144 From: Soldar Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
------Original Message------
From: Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Sent: June 22, 2000 1:33:07 PM GMT
Subject: RE: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"

>both, actually. The guy could really play, but there were a >couple of
>patterns he could trick you into that were impossible to defend >against.
>One I remember off the toppa my head was his defense against >jumping
>attacks. Crouching Jab (somehow caused opponent to whiff no >matter
>what) then tick-throw. (Ticking was the time-honored method of >freezing
aHH, yes...unfortunately, I'm familiar with it...my experience has been largely with Ken/Ryu: Low Kick/Throw...same *wonderful* effect.(#@!%!)
>your opponent by jabbing him and then throwing). In addition, >any time his opponent jumped backward he'd run under them and >tick-throw the second they landed.
Ok, that's sad. With just about any character, if you time it right (cross-up), you can get the same effect with just a throw.
>Basically, you couldn't leave the ground, and since
>Guile has excellent projectile/followup combos, it made him >impossible to touch.

>He was a real trash-talking prick, too. :P
And that's just uncalled for. Actually, I tend to compliment my opponent during a match. I respect those I learn from.
(And it confuses the trash-talkers ;->)

-----Original Message-----
From: Soldar [mailto:soldar@...]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 9:15 AM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"

----- Original Message -----
From: "Steve Karstensen"
> Guile was prolly the most overpowered World Warrior in SF2.
Overpowered? I don't think so. Balanced, yes.
> I remember some jerk named Mike something-or-other who used to cheap
hell out
> of people in national tournaments.
I can safely say that I don't play 'cheap'. Where I'm from, that could
you an invitation around back of the arcade.
As an aside, the cheapest bastards I have ever had the displeasure of
knowing, almost invariably played Ken or Ryu.
>His Guile was so perfected no one could take him.
Was he 'cheap', or just good? Or had he perfected being 'cheap'? (No
intended, looking for clarification)
----- Original Message -----
> From: "brian fish"
> >Guile is like one of the crappiest world warriors,
> Only "Like"? Crap! Apparently he can't even do that right! > in the
> or
> the game.
> {Snip non sequitur}
> > If I had to go with a cool guy world warrior I'd go with Guy, Fei
> Long, or
> Ryu, they're pretty much my favs.
> Sure, using Guile actually takes practice. His timing is completely
> from
> everyone else's, but I've never been disappointed. Played correctly,
> can
> lay a big hurt on an opponent.

Secure, online sales force automation with 5 users FREE for 1 year!

Secure, online sales force automation with 5 users FREE for 1 year!
Group: streetfighter Message: 8145 From: Josh Diemert Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Challenges: Delta Vs Hyamamoto Suzuki.
Delta shook her head as she got to her feet. THAT was
going to hurt in the morning. As she carefully moved
her battered body over to the sidelines, she made a
mental note of what the titanic wrestler was capable
of. She had watched the other matches that day as
well, and started to formulate a new plan. She smiled
to herself. Next time, she thought to herself, will
be different.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 8146 From: Yasuharu Konishi Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Max Power Vs Zethar.
You're right it was close. Good fight! Zethar is a
bad-ass. I'm just glad he didn't dye himself blue and
whip out his broadsword! As for a rematch...

"Beer first, tournament later!" ;)

--- Fred Chagnon <seagull@...> wrote:
> | Max Power wins by knockout.
> | Quote if he Wins: "Aw, don't feel bad. When you
> wake up, the first round
> of beers is on... MAX POWER!"
> 'twas a close one.
> You only had 3 health points left...
> I'll be up for a rematch anytime vs. Max Power.
> Zethar awaits further challenges.
> Rinaldo,
> Is there anyway we could create in the database
> perhaps a list of all
> Ages Fighters..their Fighting Styles, and say a
> win/loss record?
> Fred Chagnon Customer Network
> Specialist
> fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
> 416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business
> Services

____________________________________________________________ Get Right with "Bob" at www.subgenius.com Triple X Day is almost upon us!____________________________________________________________

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Group: streetfighter Message: 8147 From: Josh Diemert Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Ages Fighter Database
I have started such a database on e-groups, and would
be willing to maintain it for the duration of the
tourney. In fact, I have already added Delta to the

It consists of the following:

The Fighter's Name
Their Style
What time period they're from
Who their "Manager" is (i.e. who's playing them)

I hope everyone puts their character in the database,
and good luck to them in the Tourney.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 8148 From: Yasuharu Konishi Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: http://ne.fgn.com/A-gallery.htm
Hey thanks for the tip. I found some groovy wallpaper!

--- Jens-Arthur Leirbakk <leirbakk@...> wrote:
> Here's an URL to an excellent site that contains
> enough graphics files to
> make a slew of your very own foldups. Go nuts :)
> ---
> Jens-Arthur Leirbakk
> leirbakk@...

____________________________________________________________ Get Right with "Bob" at www.subgenius.com Triple X Day is almost upon us!____________________________________________________________

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Group: streetfighter Message: 8149 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
| I have started such a database on e-groups, and would
| be willing to maintain it for the duration of the
| tourney. In fact, I have already added Delta to the
| list.
| It consists of the following:
| The Fighter's Name
| Their Style
| What time period they're from
| Who their "Manager" is (i.e. who's playing them)
| I hope everyone puts their character in the database,
| and good luck to them in the Tourney.

Great stuff Josh.
Just curious. Maybe we could change "time Period" to "Concept".


Fred Chagnon Customer Network Specialist
fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business Services
Group: streetfighter Message: 8150 From: brian fish Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
It's been my experience that the Cheapest players on SF2 usually played
Chun Li, Ken and Ryu got pretty bad, but Chun Li was BY FAR the cheapest
character in the original. I never said Guile wasn't an interesting
character, and obviously, any of the characters in the game can be good if
used correctly, I just think Guile isn't as good as some of the others. . .
. .
Group: streetfighter Message: 8151 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"
it's inside joke time. bonus points if you can guess.

"Guile is unfair to some and whatnot..."

-----Original Message-----
From: brian fish [mailto:fishbn@...]
Sent: Thursday, June 22, 2000 3:44 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Yesterday's "Awful Link of the Day"

It's been my experience that the Cheapest players on SF2 usually played
Chun Li, Ken and Ryu got pretty bad, but Chun Li was BY FAR the cheapest
character in the original. I never said Guile wasn't an interesting
character, and obviously, any of the characters in the game can be good
used correctly, I just think Guile isn't as good as some of the others.
. .
. .

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Group: streetfighter Message: 8152 From: Josh Diemert Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
> Great stuff Josh.
> Just curious. Maybe we could change "time Period" to
> "Concept".
> Thoughts?

Why not both? Easily enough done.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 8153 From: Josh Diemert Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
--- Josh Diemert <boomergold@...> wrote:
> > Great stuff Josh.
> > Just curious. Maybe we could change "time Period"
> to
> > "Concept".
> >
> > Thoughts?
> Why not both?

As the SCV says in StarCraft...

"Job's Finished."

Any other things I could add to the d-base?

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Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
Group: streetfighter Message: 8154 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 6/22/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
Josh I think they not known is my fault after some time I not repeat the
background of tournament this mean they don´t known about the wish and
history, well I fix this The Guardian is a powerfull creature with no limit
to his powers he travel around time and space to colect fighters with valour
to fight in Ages Tournament winner win a wish without limits. In this litle
text I mean the fighters can came from any time and place and at last they
want something to wish after the victory in the tournament, I hope this can
clear any background doubt.:)

Josh Diemert wrote:

> > Great stuff Josh.
> > Just curious. Maybe we could change "time Period" to
> > "Concept".
> >
> > Thoughts?
> Why not both? Easily enough done.
> Josh
> __________________________________________________
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Get Yahoo! Mail - Free email you can access from anywhere!
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> Shop online together. Plan vacations. Visit your favorite sites.
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> iKena software is quick to download, simple to install, easy to use.
> http://click.egroups.com/1/5257/8/_/17512/_/961718561/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Group: streetfighter Message: 8155 From: karan dedraconis Date: 6/23/2000
Subject: sorry for the ICQ mess!!!
Attachments :
    Sorry for this, really! I just reinstalled everything on my
    computer, and a routine in ICQ re-send my adress to all my
    bookmarks!! sorry!

    Boîte aux lettres - Caramail - http://www.caramail.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 8156 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/23/2000
    Subject: Re: [streetfighter] sorry for the ICQ mess!!!
    no apologies necessary. I've been cranky all week and have been getting
    a little more spam than usual. I flew off the handle unecessarily. :)
    Welcome to the list!

    -----Original Message-----
    From: karan dedraconis [mailto:karandedraconis@...]
    Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 4:58 AM
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    Subject: [streetfighter] sorry for the ICQ mess!!!

    Sorry for this, really! I just reinstalled everything on my
    computer, and a routine in ICQ re-send my adress to all my
    bookmarks!! sorry!

    Boîte aux lettres - Caramail - http://www.caramail.com

    Win a trip to Vegas for you and 20 friends, $15,000 and a suite at
    Bellagio for New Year's, courtesy of Expedia.com. Or win 2 roundtrip
    tickets anywhere in the U.S. given away daily. Click for a chance to
    Group: streetfighter Message: 8157 From: Fred Chagnon Date: 6/23/2000
    Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
    | Josh I think they not known is my fault after some time I not repeat the
    | background of tournament this mean they don´t known about the wish and
    | history, well I fix this The Guardian is a powerfull creature with no
    | to his powers he travel around time and space to colect fighters with
    | to fight in Ages Tournament winner win a wish without limits. In this
    | text I mean the fighters can came from any time and place and at last they
    | want something to wish after the victory in the tournament, I hope this
    | clear any background doubt.:)

    Now this is a cool plan.
    Based on this, I can change Zethar's story to make him a real Celtic
    Barbarian rather than a wannabe. :)

    Rinaldo, can you email me (off the list) the story on how the Ages
    tournament began and some background info in the Guardian?


    Fred Chagnon Customer Network Specialist
    fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
    416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business Services
    Group: streetfighter Message: 8158 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/23/2000
    Subject: Yet another Star Wars article
    from the folks at Echo Station, this one on the influence of modern
    martial arts on the fighting styles in development for Episode II.


    Stephen Karstensen
    Applications Consultant
    Concurrent Technologies
    (908)604-6100 x216

    Warning, this is a plot complication!
    Warning, this is a plot complication!
    - The Ship's Computer, "Star Drek"
    Group: streetfighter Message: 8159 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 6/23/2000
    Subject: EPICS in print!
    I'm very pleased to announce that EPICS, a new role-playing game, has just
    gone into print and is avalible for a much reduced price. The system is
    unique and player-friendly, and includes lots of artwork from four diffrent
    artists, including Greg Loudon, who has worked with White Wolf in the past.
    Take a look, I think you will like what you see!
    I apologize for spamming, but I'm very excited and wanted to share the
    news with my friends at the Street Fighter mailing list.

    EPICS can be viewed at the following web-page. Deserve to Survive!

    J. Scott Pittman
    Game Designer

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Fred Chagnon <seagull@...>
    To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:28 PM
    Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database

    > | Josh I think they not known is my fault after some time I not repeat the
    > | background of tournament this mean they don´t known about the wish and
    > | history, well I fix this The Guardian is a powerfull creature with no
    > limit
    > | to his powers he travel around time and space to colect fighters with
    > valour
    > | to fight in Ages Tournament winner win a wish without limits. In this
    > litle
    > | text I mean the fighters can came from any time and place and at last
    > | want something to wish after the victory in the tournament, I hope this
    > can
    > | clear any background doubt.:)
    > Now this is a cool plan.
    > Based on this, I can change Zethar's story to make him a real Celtic
    > Barbarian rather than a wannabe. :)
    > Rinaldo, can you email me (off the list) the story on how the Ages
    > tournament began and some background info in the Guardian?
    > Thanks.
    > _________________________________________________________
    > Fred Chagnon Customer Network Specialist
    > fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
    > 416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business Services
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Shop online together. Plan vacations. Visit your favorite sites.
    > With iKena you and your friends can see the Web together.
    > iKena software is quick to download, simple to install, easy to use.
    > http://click.egroups.com/1/5257/8/_/17512/_/961788255/
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Group: streetfighter Message: 8160 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 6/23/2000
    Subject: Re: [streetfighter] EPICS in print!
    Check out this offer for a free character sketch too:
    Sorry about the spamming, PLEASE don't ban me, I just thought the offer was
    a good one and this is a way to reach role-players, who are often interested
    in a good character sketch.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: J. Scott Pittman <joespitt@...>
    To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 3:24 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] EPICS in print!

    > I'm very pleased to announce that EPICS, a new role-playing game, has just
    > gone into print and is avalible for a much reduced price. The system is
    > unique and player-friendly, and includes lots of artwork from four
    > artists, including Greg Loudon, who has worked with White Wolf in the
    > Take a look, I think you will like what you see!
    > I apologize for spamming, but I'm very excited and wanted to share the
    > news with my friends at the Street Fighter mailing list.
    > EPICS can be viewed at the following web-page. Deserve to Survive!
    > http://www.tsixroads.com/~joespitt/epics.htm
    > J. Scott Pittman
    > Game Designer
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: Fred Chagnon <seagull@...>
    > To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    > Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:28 PM
    > Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
    > > | Josh I think they not known is my fault after some time I not repeat
    > > | background of tournament this mean they don´t known about the wish and
    > > | history, well I fix this The Guardian is a powerfull creature with no
    > > limit
    > > | to his powers he travel around time and space to colect fighters with
    > > valour
    > > | to fight in Ages Tournament winner win a wish without limits. In this
    > > litle
    > > | text I mean the fighters can came from any time and place and at last
    > they
    > > | want something to wish after the victory in the tournament, I hope
    > > can
    > > | clear any background doubt.:)
    > >
    > > Now this is a cool plan.
    > > Based on this, I can change Zethar's story to make him a real Celtic
    > > Barbarian rather than a wannabe. :)
    > >
    > > Rinaldo, can you email me (off the list) the story on how the Ages
    > > tournament began and some background info in the Guardian?
    > >
    > > Thanks.
    > >
    > > _________________________________________________________
    > > Fred Chagnon Customer Network Specialist
    > > fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
    > > 416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business Services
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > > Shop online together. Plan vacations. Visit your favorite sites.
    > > With iKena you and your friends can see the Web together.
    > > iKena software is quick to download, simple to install, easy to use.
    > > http://click.egroups.com/1/5257/8/_/17512/_/961788255/
    > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > >
    > >
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Shop online together. Plan vacations. Visit your favorite sites.
    > With iKena you and your friends can see the Web together.
    > iKena software is quick to download, simple to install, easy to use.
    > http://click.egroups.com/1/5257/8/_/17512/_/961791975/
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Group: streetfighter Message: 8161 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 6/23/2000
    Subject: Re: [streetfighter] EPICS in print!
    don't worry about it. We're proud of you, man. Keep up the good work.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: J. Scott Pittman [mailto:joespitt@...]
    Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 8:08 PM
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    Subject: Re: [streetfighter] EPICS in print!

    Check out this offer for a free character sketch too:
    Sorry about the spamming, PLEASE don't ban me, I just thought the offer
    a good one and this is a way to reach role-players, who are often
    in a good character sketch.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: J. Scott Pittman <joespitt@...>
    To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 3:24 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] EPICS in print!

    > I'm very pleased to announce that EPICS, a new role-playing game, has
    > gone into print and is avalible for a much reduced price. The system
    > unique and player-friendly, and includes lots of artwork from four
    > artists, including Greg Loudon, who has worked with White Wolf in the
    > Take a look, I think you will like what you see!
    > I apologize for spamming, but I'm very excited and wanted to share
    > news with my friends at the Street Fighter mailing list.
    > EPICS can be viewed at the following web-page. Deserve to Survive!
    > http://www.tsixroads.com/~joespitt/epics.htm
    > J. Scott Pittman
    > Game Designer
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: Fred Chagnon <seagull@...>
    > To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    > Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:28 PM
    > Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
    > > | Josh I think they not known is my fault after some time I not
    > > | background of tournament this mean they don´t known about the wish
    > > | history, well I fix this The Guardian is a powerfull creature with
    > > limit
    > > | to his powers he travel around time and space to colect fighters
    > > valour
    > > | to fight in Ages Tournament winner win a wish without limits. In
    > > litle
    > > | text I mean the fighters can came from any time and place and at
    > they
    > > | want something to wish after the victory in the tournament, I hope
    > > can
    > > | clear any background doubt.:)
    > >
    > > Now this is a cool plan.
    > > Based on this, I can change Zethar's story to make him a real Celtic
    > > Barbarian rather than a wannabe. :)
    > >
    > > Rinaldo, can you email me (off the list) the story on how the Ages
    > > tournament began and some background info in the Guardian?
    > >
    > > Thanks.
    > >
    > > _________________________________________________________
    > > Fred Chagnon Customer Network Specialist
    > > fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
    > > 416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business Services
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > Shop online together. Plan vacations. Visit your favorite sites.
    > > With iKena you and your friends can see the Web together.
    > > iKena software is quick to download, simple to install, easy to use.
    > > http://click.egroups.com/1/5257/8/_/17512/_/961788255/
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > Shop online together. Plan vacations. Visit your favorite sites.
    > With iKena you and your friends can see the Web together.
    > iKena software is quick to download, simple to install, easy to use.
    > http://click.egroups.com/1/5257/8/_/17512/_/961791975/

    Shop online together. Plan vacations. Visit your favorite sites.
    With iKena you and your friends can see the Web together.
    iKena software is quick to download, simple to install, easy to use.
    Group: streetfighter Message: 8162 From: Spirto Date: 6/23/2000
    Subject: Re: [streetfighter] EPICS in print!
    Thats it, your banned buddy. Now I have to go to egroups, login, find your
    email address, ban you, save the changes....ah forget it. ;)

    Seriously though, congrats on your game. Planning on releasing source books
    or getting it distrubited in stores?


    -----Original Message-----
    From: J. Scott Pittman [mailto:joespitt@...]
    Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 8:08 PM
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    Subject: Re: [streetfighter] EPICS in print!

    Check out this offer for a free character sketch too:
    Sorry about the spamming, PLEASE don't ban me, I just thought the offer was
    a good one and this is a way to reach role-players, who are often interested
    in a good character sketch.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: J. Scott Pittman <joespitt@...>
    To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 3:24 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] EPICS in print!

    > I'm very pleased to announce that EPICS, a new role-playing game, has just
    > gone into print and is avalible for a much reduced price. The system is
    > unique and player-friendly, and includes lots of artwork from four
    > artists, including Greg Loudon, who has worked with White Wolf in the
    > Take a look, I think you will like what you see!
    > I apologize for spamming, but I'm very excited and wanted to share the
    > news with my friends at the Street Fighter mailing list.
    > EPICS can be viewed at the following web-page. Deserve to Survive!
    > http://www.tsixroads.com/~joespitt/epics.htm
    > J. Scott Pittman
    > Game Designer
    > ----- Original Message -----
    > From: Fred Chagnon <seagull@...>
    > To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    > Sent: Friday, June 23, 2000 12:28 PM
    > Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Ages Fighter Database
    > > | Josh I think they not known is my fault after some time I not repeat
    > > | background of tournament this mean they don´t known about the wish and
    > > | history, well I fix this The Guardian is a powerfull creature with no
    > > limit
    > > | to his powers he travel around time and space to colect fighters with
    > > valour
    > > | to fight in Ages Tournament winner win a wish without limits. In this
    > > litle
    > > | text I mean the fighters can came from any time and place and at last
    > they
    > > | want something to wish after the victory in the tournament, I hope
    > > can
    > > | clear any background doubt.:)
    > >
    > > Now this is a cool plan.
    > > Based on this, I can change Zethar's story to make him a real Celtic
    > > Barbarian rather than a wannabe. :)
    > >
    > > Rinaldo, can you email me (off the list) the story on how the Ages
    > > tournament began and some background info in the Guardian?
    > >
    > > Thanks.
    > >
    > > _________________________________________________________
    > > Fred Chagnon Customer Network Specialist
    > > fchagnon@... AT&T Canada
    > > 416.341.5347 Internet & E-Business Services
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > >
    > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > > Shop online together. Plan vacations. Visit your favorite sites.
    > > With iKena you and your friends can see the Web together.
    > > iKena software is quick to download, simple to install, easy to use.
    > > http://click.egroups.com/1/5257/8/_/17512/_/961788255/
    > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > >
    > >
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------
    > Shop online together. Plan vacations. Visit your favorite sites.
    > With iKena you and your friends can see the Web together.
    > iKena software is quick to download, simple to install, easy to use.
    > http://click.egroups.com/1/5257/8/_/17512/_/961791975/
    > ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Shop online together. Plan vacations. Visit your favorite sites.
    With iKena you and your friends can see the Web together.
    iKena software is quick to download, simple to install, easy to use.