GURPS Street Fighter
Conversion rules by J. Scott Pittman
This is a collection of loose ideas for converting Street Fighter characters
to GURPS. It is not finished or play-tested. It should be used only as an
Street Fighters (characters)
Every Street Fighter has the following in GURPS:
High Pain Threshold (10)
Secret (-15): Fights in illegal tournament fighting: possible
Streetfighter Style (25)
Super Martial Arts Fighting (50)
8 levels of Techniques, none to exceed 5 levels
Characters must have Toughness, level 2, + Super Toughness equal to health
divided by 4 (not lower or greater). Each level of Toughness above 2 costs
10 points. Round fractions down. For example, a character with a Health of
14 would have Super Toughness of 3 (2 points of Toughness + 1 Super
New Advantages
Super Martial Arts Fighting (50 points)
Prerequisite: Martial Arts Style
Super Martial Arts reflects characters who have a natural flair for hand
to hand combat, easily picking up new maneuvers and becoming masters years
earlier than most. It provides the following advantages:
1. Changing facing does not cost movement points.
2. Attacking bare handed hits at a 1-hex range, and close kicks receive no
3. he character uses the nine basic Maneuvers detailed in the Special
maneuvers section, instead of normal punch/kick attacks.
4. The character's number of actions equals 1/2 his Move! This does not
affect or add to judo/karate bonuses, but is used in place of those bonuses
Super Martial Arts Style (25)
A character with this advantage receives lower costs for some Maneuvers.
Each Style is concidered a seperate Advantage. The first choice of Style
indicates Chi and Fatigue bonuses and any penalties. Other Styles may be
chosen, but the primary Chi and fatigue bonuses/penalties will still apply
and not be modified by the new Style. These styles, while similar to those
mentioned in the Martial Arts sourcebook, should not be confused with those
Styles. Instead, these are the Styles commonly used by those with the Super
Martial Arts Fighting advantage (but some "common" fighters also use Super
Martail Arts Style).
Animal Companion
An animal companion is created as an ally. use existing animal scores as a
guideline. Animal Empathy is a good advantage to have in combonation with
this advantage. GURPS Beastiry and Fantasy Folk are good guides to use as
refrence material.
Arena (5 per level)
The character has an arena that is concidered his "home turf". the higher
the level of Arena, the more impressive the place is.
Sensei (varies)
Basic Sensei (250-300 point character) 10
Advanced sensei (350-400 point character) 15
Expert Sensei (450-500 point character) 20
Master sensei (5550-600 point character) 25
true master (660-700 point character) 30
easy access: cost x2
hard to reach: cost x 1/2
The GM should create the Sensei, who can only teach what he knows.
Technique (5/10/20/30/40/50/75/100)
Prerequisite: Super martial Arts Fighting
There are six "Techniques", or skills used by Super-martial Artists. Each
Technique has eight levels, the cost of which is shown above. The character
must pay the diffrence in exp to advance to a new level of Technique. Only
one level may be raised during one game session for each technique. For
example, a character who raises a Technique from 3 to 4 would need 10 exp
points to do so.
Techniques are sometimes prerequites for certain Maneuvers and usually
provide combat bonuses to damage, movement and the like.
New Skills
Insight (M/VH)
Involves insight into one's self and others. Sort of a trained Intuition.
The Intuition Advantage adds +2 to the skill. The skill can be used to
detirmine the morals and motivations of others after a character has been
exposed to a subject for a brief time.
Intimidation (see the GURPS Vampire sourcebook)
This is a specialized Occult skill that allows the character to know much
about the hidden secrets of the martial arts, such as how Chi works, spirits
and spirtual power, as well as some mystical creatures of a combat nature
that still roam the earth.
Style familiarity (see Martial Arts, 26)
GURPS Street Fighter characters detirmine their inititive place in the
round by comparing their Speed +1d6. The character with the highest Speed
goes first.
If a tie occurs, the character with the Intuition advantage goes first. if
both characters have this advantage, compare intelligence (highest goes
first). If tied again, break the tie with a resisted intelligence roll until
someone wins inititive.
Attack Rolls
An attacking character rolls to hit using the appropriate Special maneuver
skill level. A critical hit scores full damage as usual. Critical failure
indicates the character loses any further actions and suffers a -3 to peed
for the next turn.
Damage for any attack is added to any bonuses (Technique and Maneuver) and
then computed using the "dice + adds" system on the sidebar of Pg. B114.
Hit Location
All hits are assumed to hit the target's torso unless specified otherwise
in the Maneuver's description. Note that if a Special Maneuver does strike a
specific area, there is no penalty to hit that area (a sweep hits the legs,
for example).
"Blow-through" rules still apply to hit locations.
These rules can be used, but it is HIGHLY suggested that the GM ignore the
hit-location rules while playing a Street-Fighter campaign.
New Rules
When attemting a normal Basic Grab, a character may only move 1 hex, into
the opponents hex. A Grab ignores the Block Technique.
Basic Maneuvers:
Jab Punch
Speed +2, Damage -1, Move = Athletic Technique
Strong Punch
Speed +0, Damage 1, Move = Athletics technique
Feirce Punch
Speed -1, Damage +3, Move = Athletics technique +1
Short Kick
Speed +1, Damage +0, Move = Athletics technique
Foward Kick
Speed +0, Damage +2, Move= Athletic Technique -1
Roundhouse Kick
Speed -2, Damage +4, Move = Athletic technique -1
Speed +4, Damage None, Move None
Speed +3, Damage: None, Move = Athletics technique + 3
Speed +0, Damage +0, Move: One
Blocks - adds Block Technique in DR. +2 peed the following turn.
Grabs - ignore blocks
Conversion Notes for Special Maneuvers
Power points: Indicates Difficulty of the maneuver as a skill.
1-2: average skill
3-4: hard skill
5-6: very hard ( x2 cost for physical skills)
Damage: Focus Maneuvers in the Street Fighter game that use Focus as a base
for damage should use the character's Intelligence in place of his Strength,
and use his Focus technique as a bonus to damage as usual.
Evading projectiles: use the Dodge skill, as usual. Characters with the
Super martial Arts Fighting advantage can attempt to dodge any projectile,
including bullets and lasers. This is due more to training than speed.
Willpower equals Fatigue in GURPS. Double the Willpower cost to detirmine
the GURPS Fatigue cost.
Speed is used as an inititive modifier. Normal Inititive, then, for GURPS,
would be Speed + 1d6 + (Maneuver Speed from SF:TSG).
Move is equal to the character's Athletics Technique plus or minus the
modifer as is from SF:TSG
Damage: Add Technique and Maneuver damage to find appropriate "strength"
for damage purposes. Karate, Brawling, Jdo and similar skills do not modify
damage from Special Maneuvers or Basic Maneuvers.
Dodge Skill - equal to Move + Athletics Technique
Block Skill: Equal to technique level on the following chart. A character
may block any number of attacks each turn, unless stunned.
Technique: Skill
level 1 10
level 2 12
level 3 15
leve 4 18
level 5 20
level 6 24
level 7 27
level 8 30