> P.S. I hate purists. I would still like to get my hands on that 3-4"
> file of NPC though. Fax?
We're purists out of experience. We have played with the rules before, and a
few of us enjoy fiddling with rules. Unfortunately, a fact we learned the
very hard long way was that once you change one little thing, that little
thing will lead to one other little thing, then that new thing will result
in an unforseen additional little thing. And so on and so forth. Once we
opened the doors of rules alterations, it never ended and the results were
mish-mashed hybrid games whose house-rules outweighed the original rules.
We did this with Cyberbpunk 2020, Battletech, Mekton, and Street Fighter. We
did it so much that our players finally said "STOP~! Enough is enough! No
more house rules! No more modifications!" and now we try to stay as stock as
possible. However, us GM's are always sneaking in one or two new
alterations. The path of the Dark Side is alluring and subtle and constantly
whispers into the ears of Game masters everywhere. Our players must remain
ever vigilant.
We, in this instance, are the main GM's of our gaming group. There are two
of us.
As far as the NPC's, I started typing them up last night. I got a lot
finished, but I've only got about one-quarter of them. Here's a list of
Arenas and Fighters, and this isn't even all of the fighters..
Arenas of the World
Mor Carraig *
The ancestral home of the Scottish Clan MacThule. This Scottish
castle is located on top of a mountain in the highlands. It is not far from
Cammy's castle. Angus MacThule is it's current owner.
Local Fighters:
Angus MacThule (student of PectiWita, or Scottish Battle Magic)
Alice (mysterious young girl from beyond the looking glass)
Amazon (powerful kickboxer from Australia)
Kim Young (street kid from Korea)
Angus MacDougal (vicious drunk bastard)
Cult of Minos *
Home of the Cult of Minos on Crete. The arena is an ancient
ampitheater strewn with the debris of Minoan ruins and fallen columns.
Local Fighters:
Taurus (wild minotaur man from Greece)
Wu Jak "Lightning Jake" Mam (seeker of the way)
Dr. Peter Ramsis (noted archeaologist from Britain)
Micheal Avatar (crusading knight on a quest for God, hates Ramsis)
Ngyen Tran's Arena *
Ngyen Tran's Uncle owns a garage in Canada that serves as a front
for the smuggling of illegal weapons. To earn money for this operation,
Tran holds fights there both for profit and for covert publicity.
Local Fighters:
Ngyen "Jeremy" Tran (Muy Thai boxer from Viet Nam)
Angel (supermodel from America)
Khayman (nomadic biker from America who only talks to his wolf)
Sarge's Barracks *
These barracks at an army base in America serve as a meeting place
for military types all over the globe. They come together to test each
other and prove the might of their county's military. Of course, the
fighters are open to all comers. The fights are illegal, however, so the
Military Police frequently raid the site.
Local Fighters:
Sarge (drill seargent in the U.S. Army)
"General" (Sarge's ferocious German Shepard)
Gunther Kraut (former East German soldier)
Hans (Former member of West Germany's GS-9 anit-terrorist force)
Gordon Henshaw (American soldier and patriot)
Lionheart's Village ***
Lionheart, the chief of a tribe of warriors in the Savannah Plain of
Africa, has recently set up a new arena to bring attention to his warriors.
As yet, no local fighters besides himself have risen to the challenge.
Local Fighters:
Lionheart (proud warrior and chief of his people)
Kanga (Lionheart's pet monkey)
Temple of Infinity *****
The Temple of Infinity is a home to a mysterious Sikh sect in India.
It's inhabitants are reported to be bizarre and otherworldly. It's
caretaker is an ancient man named Dharma Sitra who is reputed to be nearly
invulnerable to harm. The temple is a contradiction in physics. The
interior seems to be larger than the exterior and the laws of science rarely
apply therein.
Local Fighters:
Dharma Sitra (Sikh mystic rumored to be nearly invincible)
Kim Ky (young fighter rumored to know the Great Wall of China)
Slann (mutant frog-man form India)
Ying (Air elemental from Korea, brother to Yang)
Yang (Earth elemental from Korea, brother to Ying)
Goblin (grotesque sub-human from another dimension)
Tattoo (heavily tatooed dwarf mystic from Sri Lanka)
Yahta Dahl (mystic monk from India)
Puma (Female warrior from a lost tribe)
Darkworld *****
This temple is rumored to lie somewhere in the heart of Asia in the
Mongolian Desert. It is the home of those who are not dead, yet not alive.
Chiller began calling fights there recently for mysterious reasons. It is a
dark and mysterious place filled with decay, darkness, and crypts.
Local Fighters:
Chiller (undead warrior seeking mysterious vengeance)
Nosferatu (the Rat Lord, a reeking decaying monster)
Feral (a scavenging sub-human parasite)
Count Karloff (a dark and forboding figure from Eastern Europe)
Dragon (Dragon fighter from another dimension)
Ulon Bator (reincarnation of the Kahn who built the temple)
Spitter (mutant Snake-boy, lost brother of Kobra)
Dojo no Ichigo *****
The dojo of the Ichigo (or strawberry) Ninja Clan in Japan. This is
where many of Japan's elite warriors go to train and fight. The arena is a
large atrium in the middle of the dojo resplendant with Bonsai and statues
to Shinto Gods and Warriors.
Local Fighters:
Tanaka Ichigo (leader of the Ichigo clan)
Yoe Ichigo (son of Tanaka Ichigo and spokesperson for the clan)
Kage (ninja warrior)
Aruku Sabi (ninja warrior who can hypnotize his opponents)
Mariko (female ninja who is very fast)
Key-Yo Di (ninja warrior)
Bombay Boy (student of Akuma who throws repeating fireballs)
Leiji Matsumoto (son of a Yakuza Oyabun and student of Akuma)
Brooklyn Boxing Studio ***
This famous boxing ring is a training ground for many American
boxers. It is run by the aging manager P.B. Malone (short for Punching
Bag), the legendary boxer from the Forties. To better train his boxers, he
encourages them to fight opponents of many different styles, and his
training ring is open to all comers.
Local Fighters:
Knuckles Malone (son to P.B. Malone and Irish-American boxer)
Crucifus (Italian-American, head of Crucifus Cosa Nostra)
Ham (Polish-American boxer)
Kid Combo (young African-American boxer)
Kelly (tall female Anglo-American boxer who hits hard)
Bad Boy Leroy (pro-wrestler who wears a mask over his face)
Uppercut Kid (young Anglo-American boxer, partner with Big Murry)
Big Murry (huge hairy Anglo-American wrestler)
Champion Circus Sideshow *
A long-running circus whose performers make side money by holding
fights against all comers. The arena is in a large circus tent in the
center ring surrounded by elephants, zebras, lions and other performers.
Often, props such as burning hoops, trapeezes and tightropes are used.
Local Fighters:
Stripera (mutant tiger who is very fast and powerful)
Killer Croc (alligator-man from the sewers)
Large (Fattest man alive)
Pounder (Large's partner, boxer and strong man)
Grand Pow-Wow *
The Grand Pow-Wow is a rondevous of various Native American Tribes
held occasionally on Rocky Butte in Arizona. There they meet to determine
who is strongest. The challenge is open to all, however, and the Native
Americans have no problem with proving that the they are stronger. The
Arena is on the top of the Butte and overlooks the Arizona desert and the
surrounding buttes and mountains.
Local Fighters:
Wolf (Native American wolf-warrior)
Snow-Fang (white wolf and companion to Wolf)
Nathan Running-Bear (ex-con and mean son-of-a-bitch)
Butte (big wrestler)
Michelle Bison (female Native American Wrestler)
Manbull (Native American Wrestler)
Wolf2 (Native American Wrestler)
Shamatookna Village *****
This Inuit village lies at the top of Canada near the North Pole.
Many Canadians and Inuit go there to fight and prove their strength. The
arena is inside the main lodge and igloo of the tribe that lives there. The
interior is lined with fur and houses two wood-burning stoves. The walls
are made of ice blocks.
Local Fighters:
Nonitchuk (village elder and cheif of his tribe)
Nootka (eldest son of Nontichuk, distrustful and deceitful)
Klatskinie (second son of Nontichuk, hunter and warrior)
Chinook (large polar bear friend of Klatskinie)
Killer Canuck (Canadian boxer and bush pilot)
Frenchy alla Quebec (French Canadian trapper and fighter)
Fu Street, Zheng, China **
This ordinary looking street in Zheng, China, is actually an arena.
At night, the locals gather to watch Wu Shu fighters compete and test their
form. The street is always busy and is lined with merchants, people,
lanterns, and animals.
Local Fighters:
Little Lightning (young Chinese girl who is deadly with her legs)
Can Stru (Chinese Wu Shu fighter)
Siberian Cybernetics Factory *
This isolated factory in the icy wastes of Siberia was once a Soviet
work camp. Now it is turning a profit as the underground producer of
illegal cybernetics. To test their newest cyberware, they invite fighters
from all over the world to come and fight their creations. The arena is an
open area on steel grating in the center of the factory surrounded by
hanging chains and working machinery. It is dirty and grimy and not a
pleasant place to work.
Local Fighters:
Fist (heavily armored warrior with a single large bionic arm)
Chiller2 (cyber-warrior with Ice Blast)
John Bisonetics (cyber-warrior rumored to have Shadoloo connections)
Cybernetta (female cyber-warrior with sexy curves)
Muy Thai Wat *
This ruined temple in Thailand has been converted to a Muy Thai
training ground for some of the meanest Thai Kickboxers in the world. The
arena is in a cobblestoned area surrounded by fallen statues of ancient Thai
gods and warriors covered in vines.
Local Fighters:
Steel Tong (bionic warrior of Thai Kickboxing)
Kira Loos (female Muy Thai warrior)
Kata Ru (powerful Muy Thai warrior)
Komodo (leader of a powerful Tong Mafia. Very dangerous opponent)
Ka-Tong (member of Komodo's Tong Mafia. Always wears a black suit)
Seong-Tong (member of Komodo's Tong. Wears a black suit)
Tao-Tong (member of Komod's Tong Mafia. Always wears a black suit)
Arena de Carnivale, Rio de Janerio *
This arena has the look of a party. Whether it is actually
Carnivale time in Rio or not is irrelevant to the fighters who come here.
The arena is in an open street surrounded by costumed partiers and half
naked sun-worshipers. Only the very rich or very fun can fight in this
Local Fighters:
Picolo (wiry Capoerist with questionable resources)
Carlos Santo (Brazilian dancer and sun-worshipper)
Rachel (Californian sun-worshipper and Capoerist)
Cuban Pete (ex-patriate from Cuba who can dance a storm)
Bella Diablos (Beautiful Devils, Brother/Sister Spanish dancing
Eric Sloane (French dilletante and Kurt's brother, very rich)
Kurt Sloane (French dilletante and Eric's brother, Muy Thai fighter)
Big John Kahunahuna's Hawaiian Rib Shack *
Big John owns a rib shack on the beach in Waikiki that is a hangout
for fighters and sumo wrestlers. Many warriors come here from all over the
world for the best ribs available and some of the best fights offered. The
regulars at Big John's Rib Shack are laid back and friendly. They like a
good party and an even better surf.
Local Fighters:
Big John Kahunahuna (Owner and major partier. Likeable guy)
James T. (Sci-Fi TV actor. Has trouble leaving work behind)
Philipe Monne (French film star. Very debonair)
Domino (Female Sumo wrestler)
Spider Monkey Smith (American film star from Hollywood)
Walkabout Canyon ***
This canyon is located near Don Hogan's orphanage deep in the
Ausralian outback. The walls of the canyon are decorated with the hand
paintings of generations of Aborigines,
Local Fighters:
Chea Lynn Sunz (Female Western Kickboxer studying under Hogan)
Dingo (Wild orphan found in the outback who was raised by wild dogs)
Hank's Country Honky-Tonk and Saloon **
This raucous saloon in Texas is home to some of the oneriest
cowpokes and toughest customers this side of the Rio Grande. The
old-fashioned bar boasts the hardest liquor and the hardest punches. It is
a popular hangout for drifters, cowboys, and bikers.
Local Fighters:
Lolita Sugah (Big strong woman with a mean punch)
Harley (Biker with a mean streak)
Bubba (Big ol' boy who can whip the tar outta' pencil necked geeks)
Drifter (Mysterious biker from the open road)
Tex Armstrong (Cowboy who's not too quick on the draw.)
Christian Conkle
Web Development Specialist
Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory
work: conklec@...
home: conkle@...
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