Cliff maybe this the problem the variable ranks, I don´t want say how the
way to you drive the show but if you make all fighters with same rank call
more attention from other persons, you known they want more explain in the
area how you avoid unbalancing fights among high ranks and lower ranks,
these type of thing.
cliff rice wrote:
> Oh a while back I wanted to make a tourney for
> fighters of rank 6 to 9 loys of people said they were
> interested but no one sent their character's how it
> worked was you rolled up youre fighter as normal
> but he got 50 experience points per rank above First
> and 2 background points per rank above second.
> but no one submitted a character.
> Cliff
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 6513
From: brian fish
Date: 4/16/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Street fury alpha?
you running it email or chat? if chat, where and when, I might be interested
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6514
From: Steve Karstensen
Date: 4/17/2000
Subject: The "last word" on Wu Shu and Kung Fu
well, the last word from ME, at any rate.
I know a Sifu who lives in Chinatown (NYC) who, for all intents and
purposes, can be considered pretty "old school" when it comes to his style.
He's not a master, but he knows his shit. After seeing him temporarily heal
a friend's arthritis without even *touching* her, I'm inclined to believe he
knows more about this sort of thing than any of us can hope to.
I went to see Du-Sifu yesterday, since he's an excellent physical therapist
and is the only one who's been able to relieve my back pain. He wasn't
busy, so we took him to lunch before the appointment and, with my loving
wife as a translator, asked him a few questions about Life, the Universe,
and Kung Fu.
I asked him the following questions, and recieved the following answers.
Toward the end, he commented a little bit on our buddy Jet Li, and I found
the information VERY interesting.
Q: "What is the difference between Wu Shu and Kung Fu?"
A: Kung Fu is the Northern Chinese term for martial arts. Wu Shu is the
Southern. Otherwise, there is no difference.
Q: "What's the story on Mao (or anyone else) in the government outlawing
Kung Fu?
A: It's not true. In fact, One of Mao's generals (Li, I think his name was)
was a Shaolin monk and Kung Fu master in his own right.
Q: "So the whole story about Wu Shu being a more politically correct way to
teach Kung Fu is basically wrong."
A: Correct. (My wife added that while Wu Shu is required to be taught by
the government in public schooling, it's not taught for combat. Form over
function, as it were.)
And finally, he had this to say:
"There are many Kung Fu masters in China who do not wish to reveal
themselves to the world, and who are better than anyone can imagine. Once
Jet Li gets better at his style, he will receive challenge letters from
these masters. But, he dares not accept them."
When asked why, he said:
"Because he would lose, and that would be very bad for his public image."
Kinda makes ya think, dudn't it?
What do you think, sirs?
Stephen Karstensen
Applications Consultant
Concurrent Technologies
(908)604-6100 x216
> I hate to hear you wont be there with us Chris!
> joespitt
Just a matter of logistics, I'm afraid. I don't personally own a computer, all
the postings and other webstuff I do are off campus computers which don't have
an IRC client (and part of my agreement to use them is not to hack security to
add software). Besides, I wouldn't be able to access them on weekends which is
probably when you'll do this.
It is good to know that I'll be missed, but I'm sure you'll persevere. Just be
sure to clock Bison one for me.
"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 6516
From: Steve Karstensen
Date: 4/17/2000
Subject: D'oh. One more thing...
actually, when I asked if it was true that Kung Fu had been outlawed by the
government, Du-Sifu said that it hadn't... but prior to the government's
legislation, Kung Fu schools were separate entities and were always fighting
amongst themselves. The government tried to dissolve these schools and
unify them under one leader. So in a sense, the schools' teaching of Kung
Fu was outlawed, but the actual practice of the style was not.
Stephen Karstensen
Applications Consultant
Concurrent Technologies
(908)604-6100 x216
> We came up with this house rule last time we played and I was wondering if I
> could get your opinion. It was to up the lethality level of our campaign so
> combat would be scarier. :)
> It seemed to work ok.
Hmmm... lethal, but only if your players decide to use it. I like it!
> Dude, I ain't even gonna go there.
> Ah hell, who'm I kidding. Yes I am.
I was wondering that myself.
> Point by point, here we go.
> "I would agree with you to a point, but lets face it, there should be more
> male fighters than female, that's just the way it is, the only exception
> might be Wu Shu."
I wouldn't say that. In my fencing Salle we have about 25 to 30 people with
the men/women split being somewhere between 50/50 and 60/40.
> I wouldn't say that. Any woman who takes Martial Arts and is serious about
> her competition is (at least, in Street Fighter) going to want to take on
> all comers who she considers equals. Can she do this in legitimate
> tournaments? No, she can't, because last time I checked, there was no such
> thing as Coed divisions in professional sports.
> In the real world, Wu Shu is just another name for Kung Fu (with some slight
> differences) and is taught to (nearly) all Chinese. It's a required part of
> physical education China's public school system. My wife studied it for
> twelve years as a result. Now think about this. EVERY CHILD going to
> school in China learns Wu Shu. China's population, is, well, enormous.
> Really enormous.
> Knock-the-Earth-out-of-its-orbit-if-all-of-them-jumped-off-a-chair-at-the-sa
> me-time enormous. Now granted, not all Chinese who study Wu Shu are going
> to become Street Fighters, but given the "all Wu Shu fighters are women"
> stereotype put forth in Street Fighter, and the fact that all Chinese learn
> at least some basic Wu Shu, it's just a matter of numbers. There *will* be
> a higher percentage of Wu Shu fighters than not.
Besides, if women can invent their own viable styles of Kung Fu (Wing Chun
comes to mind), then they're presence is going to be felt no matter what
percentage they have.
> "My GM has this thing for 15 year old girls in his games,
> and they're some of the most dangerous characters, but, as their stat
> system goes, all things are NOT equal, do you honestly think there is a
> woman alive who is as strong as the worlds strongest man competitors?"
> Now you're just stereotyping. Chun Li is as strong as Ryu. Cammy is as
> strong as Vega (I think; is he Str 4 or 5?). Any woman can achieve the same
> physical levels as any man under the Street Fighter system.
He sort of almost has a point though. Chun Li is the self-proclaimed
'strongest woman in the world'. It kind of implies that women can't get beyond
a five, or at least haven't yet. Of course, I wouldn't cap a female PC's
strength at five, but I would increase Chun-Li's (and everyone else's) strength
Besides, if there's a surplus of fifteen year old girls running around in your
chronicals, they probably also have magic wands, mini skirts, and draw their
power from heaven... no, ummm, celestial, yeah celestial bodies, so they
wouldn't count.
If you're going to cap the gal's strength, are you going to cap the guy's
dexterity and/or athletics? After all, women are so much more agile and
flexible then men. I see it in anime and video games all the time so it must
be true.
Pardon me, I have a mess to clean up. It seems I dripped some sarcasm on the
> "I
> think my tourney is geared realisticly, it's about 10% female, and not a
> one of them has a strength higher than 3. look at street fighter, none of
> their women fighters (other than chun li of course) are really more than a
> gimmick."
> Cammy. Juni & Juli. Sai. Lady Khan. Corona. Orihime. Matrix.
I feel out of the loop. I only recognize Cammy and Juni & Juli, unless Lady
Khan is Shao Khan's wife.
On a related note, I think Trinity would be a kick ass character to play in a
matrix fighting game.
> "I mean I'm not saying it isn't ok to have a few female characters
> now and then, but look at the list, do we have even one female??"
Probably not (If I'm wrong, I'm sure she'll speak up).
> this list is on the Internet (male dominated) for gamers (male dominated)
> for Kung Fu geeks (male dominated). Talk about a sub-section of a
> sub-section. As a result, it doesn't count.
And we only have a couple of hundred members tops (probably less). Not a
statistically viable group when you consider the millions (maybe billions) of
martial artist running around.
> And before you counter with "there are no women gamers", I have played as
> the lone male in an all-women group, and at times, over half the players in
> my own group have been women. And not just because their boyfriends dragged
> them along.
Lucky guy. I can count the number of female gamers I personally know on one
> "And do you
> honestly think a guy wants so be in a female dominated environment, even in
> a role playing game? just some things to think about..."
> sounds to me like you have some gender issues. I never said the entire
> environment was female, just that there is a much larger percentage of
> female Street Fighters than, say, ten percent. I'd put it more at 30, or
> even 40.
That jives with what I've seen IRL. I'd even bump your guess up to a 40 to 45 range.
> I play many time and I remember many last words from the bad guys I�m curious
> if someone
> have a good one, just use the memory and remember the good moment. this words
> are from
> thugs and of course the boss. This could be fun see the other people campaing
> words in
> the list :).
Cool Idea!
1. Hmmm. You're not bad. Want to join the winning team? We have a great
dental plan. *after the players procede with the smackdown* Ouch, I'm glad I
had that plan...Boss
2. I am Franz and he be Hanz and were here to f@ck *flexes* you up!...Mid Boss
3. Boss! I'm in big trouble here and I need... what? Yes I'll hold...Corrupt
4. Ouch! You've been using codes! Cheater!...Thug
5. Hah! You have fallen in to my trap. Now I can anilate you with my
ultimate plot device! Now where did I put that...Boss
6. Hah! Once again you have fallen in to my trap. Now I shall anilate you
just SUCKS!... Boss II Return of the Sequel
7. Hmmm, you are just one man. We should just beat the living crap out of
you. Fortunately, we are enlightened thugs and know your kung fu is better
than ours, so we shall run. *procede to run smack into a wall*...Thugs
8. Go away! I'm in my happy place!...Boss
9. Thank god it's not those damn turtles again!...Boss
10. Wait! What are you doing! You can't beat us up, we're just bankrobbers.
Bison is going to conquer the world while you deal with small timers like us.
How about you let us go, and we won't get in your way.
I didn't think you'd go for it...Thugs
As you can tell, my campaigns tend to run in the surreal.
> 1- You must be kidding... (Smash)... No he isn�t it. Thug words.
> 2- If have a few seconds...Boss words.
> 3- Hey this isn�t fair how can you untie your ropes open the Metal door and
> appear here
> in my secret lab all this and just in few minutes. Boss words.
> 4- Trust me. Thug words.
> 5- No problem I solve it soon. Thug words.
> 6- I�m invincible. Boss words.
> 7- Oh s...(well people do this in the bathroom). Boss and Thug words.
> 8- He is only a old guy. Thug words about any martial arts master.
> 9- We are 3 he can�t beat us right guys? Guys? Hey where everybody go? Thug
> words.
> 10- Why I put a self destruction buttom in my secret vulcano base? Boss
> words.
> Bad Mr. Frosty! I was unbeatable in Clay Fighter using him! But no I would
> never use him against my players, they used to play Clay Fighters against me
> and would probably give up without a fight if I ever introduced him.
"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 6521
From: brian fish
Date: 4/17/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] "The last words" By evil guys.
You forgot
Well, if it's a fair fight you want. . . . .Oh, wait, I just remembered, I
don't fight fair . . . . .Boss
>1. Hmmm. You're not bad. Want to join the winning team? We have a great
>dental plan. *after the players procede with the smackdown* Ouch, I'm
glad I
>had that plan...Boss
>2. I am Franz and he be Hanz and were here to f@ck *flexes* you up!...Mid
>3. Boss! I'm in big trouble here and I need... what? Yes I'll
>4. Ouch! You've been using codes! Cheater!...Thug
>5. Hah! You have fallen in to my trap. Now I can anilate you with my
>ultimate plot device! Now where did I put that...Boss
>6. Hah! Once again you have fallen in to my trap. Now I shall anilate you
>just SUCKS!... Boss II Return of the Sequel
>7. Hmmm, you are just one man. We should just beat the living crap out of
>you. Fortunately, we are enlightened thugs and know your kung fu is better
>than ours, so we shall run. *procede to run smack into a wall*...Thugs
>8. Go away! I'm in my happy place!...Boss
>9. Thank god it's not those damn turtles again!...Boss
>10. Wait! What are you doing! You can't beat us up, we're just
>Bison is going to conquer the world while you deal with small timers like
>How about you let us go, and we won't get in your way.
>I didn't think you'd go for it...Thugs
>As you can tell, my campaigns tend to run in the surreal.
>> 1- You must be kidding... (Smash)... No he isn´t it. Thug words.
>> 2- If have a few seconds...Boss words.
>> 3- Hey this isn´t fair how can you untie your ropes open the Metal door and
>> appear here
>> in my secret lab all this and just in few minutes. Boss words.
>> 4- Trust me. Thug words.
>> 5- No problem I solve it soon. Thug words.
>> 6- I´m invincible. Boss words.
>> 7- Oh s...(well people do this in the bathroom). Boss and Thug words.
>> 8- He is only a old guy. Thug words about any martial arts master.
>> 9- We are 3 he can´t beat us right guys? Guys? Hey where everybody go? Thug
>> words.
>> 10- Why I put a self destruction buttom in my secret vulcano base? Boss
>> words.
>"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
>--we merely expect them to try."
> -- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 6523
From: brian fish
Date: 4/17/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] D'oh. One more thing...
I bow to your sifu's superior knowledge of Chinese history and culture, my
sources of info may not be quite. . . . . ..exact, we all have our strong
suits, I know more about Japanese styles than Chinese (I tried learning
Kung Fu and the different stances and forms hurt me), anyways, it appears I
have several misconceptions about chinese martial arts in general, but
wasn't Jet Li a forms champion? I knew there was a chinese full contact
sport (the name escapes me right now), but I think Cung Le is the current
champ of that.
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6524
From: Steve Karstensen
Date: 4/17/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Sorry, But I want to press myself up against l
> Cammy. Juni & Juli. Sai. Lady Khan. Corona. Orihime. Matrix.
"I feel out of the loop. I only recognize Cammy and Juni & Juli, unless
Khan is Shao Khan's wife."
Sai, Lady Khan, and Matrix are all from Contenders, Corona is from Secrets
of Shadoloo, and Orihime is from the Player's Guide. The point I was trying
to make was that it's highly possible to include women in Street Fighter
that aren't gimmicks, and the video games aren't the only places to look.
When you really get down to it, 99.9% of the fighters in Alpha 3 (INCLUDING
the originals!) are gimmicks. We have about six Shoto-Clones (Ryu, Ken,
Dan, Sakura, Akuma, Sagat, Evil Ryu), three wanna-bes (Charlie/Guile,
Sakura/Ryu, Kairin/Ken), a Bruce Lee ripoff (Fei Long), and a list of racial
stereotypes a mile long...
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6525
From: Steve Karstensen
Date: 4/17/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] D'oh. One more thing...
you are correct, sir. Although I don't have specifics, I do know that Jet
Li is a five-time champion of a very esteemed tournament whose name escapes
me right now. Perhaps someone else would like to fill us in on this one.
-----Original Message-----
From: brian fish [mailto:fishbn@...]
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] D'oh. One more thing...
I bow to your sifu's superior knowledge of Chinese history and culture, my
sources of info may not be quite. . . . . ..exact, we all have our strong
suits, I know more about Japanese styles than Chinese (I tried learning
Kung Fu and the different stances and forms hurt me), anyways, it appears I
have several misconceptions about chinese martial arts in general, but
wasn't Jet Li a forms champion? I knew there was a chinese full contact
sport (the name escapes me right now), but I think Cung Le is the current
champ of that.
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 6526
From: Chris Hoffmann
Date: 4/17/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Sorry, But I want to press myself up against l
> > Cammy. Juni & Juli. Sai. Lady Khan. Corona. Orihime. Matrix.
> "I feel out of the loop. I only recognize Cammy and Juni & Juli, unless
> Lady
> Khan is Shao Khan's wife."
> Sai, Lady Khan, and Matrix are all from Contenders, Corona is from Secrets
> of Shadoloo, and Orihime is from the Player's Guide.
Well in the words of a great philosopher and a great American:
"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 6527
From: Rinaldo Gambetta
Date: 4/17/2000
Subject: Ages challenges: Joseph Masterson Vs Lars Ax.
Ear pop is bad manuver for weak fighter but if you have a good punch
technique and have
strenght.... well is powerfull and the better thing ignore stamina for
soak purposes.
Well this another fight to people see.
Joseph Masterson Player: Cliff Rice Style: Boxing/Sambo Country:
Appearance: Joseph Is only about 5'11" But is abseenly huge muscled he
wears elbow pads
and combat boodt in the ring his hands are taped up. He has brown hair
cut similarly
like balrogs and wears ripped blue jeans.
Quote before fight: "Come Face me little man" (Pops his knuckles)
Lars Ax Player: Npc Style: Wrestiling Country: Norway
Appearance: Lars Ax is a giant nordic type with well builded muscles, he
wear only a
wrestiling pants and use military boots at his torso is a printed some
nordic runes, a
good luck charm (he think this).
His size is about 7'11" 400 lbs, and of course he carry his wrestiling
champion belt.
Quote before fight: Look with curious to opponent and close hands in a
fight stance.
Move 1- Lars Ax move 3 hexes and try to make a Ear Pop for combo but
Joseph Masterson is more faster and hit his Jab for combo (dizzy) and
Lars Ax receive: 1 point of damage and Lars Ax hit his Ear Pop and
Joseph Masterson receive: 3 points of damage.
Move 2- Lars Ax try to make a Widowmaker but Joseph Masterson is more
faster and make a Jab for combo (dizzy) and Lars Ax receive: 4 points of
damage but Lars Ax hit his Widowmaker and Joseph Masterson receive: 4
points of damage and suffer knockdown this broke his combo.
Move 3- Joseph Masterson stand up and a try to make a Neck Choke for
combo but Lar Ax is more faster and make a Suplex and Joseph Masterson
receive: 4 points of damage and receive knockdown, he stand up in this
Move 4- Joseph Masterson try to make a Neck Choke for combo but Lars Ax
is more faster and make a Braincracker and Joseph Masterson receive: 5
points of damage and knockout.
Lars Ax wins by knockout.
Lars Ax celebrate his victory with smile.
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6528
From: Chris Hoffmann
Date: 4/17/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] "The last words" By evil guys.
"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 6529
From: Steve Karstensen
Date: 4/17/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] D'oh. One more thing...
Corralled my cubemate (Chinese, gorgeous, you know the type) and she
informed me that Jet Li is a five time winner of the National Wushu
-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Karstensen [mailto:skarstensen@...]
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 11:47 AM
Subject: RE: [streetfighter] D'oh. One more thing...
you are correct, sir. Although I don't have specifics, I do know that Jet
Li is a five-time champion of a very esteemed tournament whose name escapes
me right now. Perhaps someone else would like to fill us in on this one.
-----Original Message-----
From: brian fish [mailto:fishbn@...]
Sent: Monday, April 17, 2000 11:44 AM
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] D'oh. One more thing...
I bow to your sifu's superior knowledge of Chinese history and culture, my
sources of info may not be quite. . . . . ..exact, we all have our strong
suits, I know more about Japanese styles than Chinese (I tried learning
Kung Fu and the different stances and forms hurt me), anyways, it appears I
have several misconceptions about chinese martial arts in general, but
wasn't Jet Li a forms champion? I knew there was a chinese full contact
sport (the name escapes me right now), but I think Cung Le is the current
champ of that.
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