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Messages Page 13 of 327.

Group: streetfighter Message: 603 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 1/17/1999
Subject: Re: Rule #2 (Glory)
Group: streetfighter Message: 604 From: EvilTyger@aol.com Date: 1/17/1999
Subject: Re: Rule #2 (Glory)
Group: streetfighter Message: 605 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 1/17/1999
Subject: Re: Rule #2 (Glory)
Group: streetfighter Message: 606 From: EvilTyger@aol.com Date: 1/17/1999
Subject: Re: Rule #2 (Glory)
Group: streetfighter Message: 607 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 1/18/1999
Subject: Re: Rule #2 (Glory)
Group: streetfighter Message: 608 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/18/1999
Subject: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 609 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 1/18/1999
Subject: Re: Tekken Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 610 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 1/18/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 611 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/18/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 612 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 1/19/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 613 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/19/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 614 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Another fix for Esquives
Group: streetfighter Message: 615 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Re: Tekken Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 616 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Re: Tekken Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 617 From: Kristofer Lundstrom Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Re: Another fix for Esquives
Group: streetfighter Message: 618 From: Kristofer Lundstrom Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Re: Tekken Styles
Group: streetfighter Message: 619 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Repost: The Redhawks
Group: streetfighter Message: 620 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Repost: Amanda Savage
Group: streetfighter Message: 621 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Diamondback
Group: streetfighter Message: 622 From: Wayne French Date: 1/21/1999
Subject: Compendium; revised
Group: streetfighter Message: 623 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/22/1999
Subject: Contenders Update
Group: streetfighter Message: 624 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 1/24/1999
Subject: My maneuver ideas for the Compendium
Group: streetfighter Message: 625 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/24/1999
Subject: Fwd: Fw: ketty (fwd)
Group: streetfighter Message: 626 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 627 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Street Fighter Zero 2
Group: streetfighter Message: 628 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Rose, a possible tie-in for Darkstalkers, and other ramblings.
Group: streetfighter Message: 629 From: Tristan Anderson Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Rose, a possible tie-in for Darkstalkers, and other ramblings.
Group: streetfighter Message: 630 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 631 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Purism, and analism (that is being anal [retentive])
Group: streetfighter Message: 632 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Rose, a possible tie-in for Darkstalkers, and other ramblings.
Group: streetfighter Message: 633 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Rose, a possible tie-in for Darkstalkers, and other ramblings.
Group: streetfighter Message: 634 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 635 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Rose, a possible tie-in for Darkstalkers, and other ramblings.
Group: streetfighter Message: 636 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Purism, and analism (that is being anal [retentive])
Group: streetfighter Message: 637 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers - the controvery continues
Group: streetfighter Message: 638 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 639 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 640 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers - the controvery continues
Group: streetfighter Message: 641 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 642 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 643 From: Kristofer Lundstrom Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Psychos...
Group: streetfighter Message: 644 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Psychos...
Group: streetfighter Message: 645 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Psychos...
Group: streetfighter Message: 646 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Help!
Group: streetfighter Message: 647 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Help!
Group: streetfighter Message: 648 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Help!
Group: streetfighter Message: 649 From: Jeremy David Balsley Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Help!
Group: streetfighter Message: 650 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 1/26/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 651 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 1/26/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Group: streetfighter Message: 652 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 1/26/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers

Group: streetfighter Message: 603 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 1/17/1999
Subject: Re: Rule #2 (Glory)
yes, hello again.  I was in London this past week.  Y'know somethin'?  Stonehenge is a *lot* smaller than one might think.
Players should indeed buy Honor with their Renown dots.  After all, you haven't even fought yet; who the hell is going to know who you are?
By the way, I'm thinking of writing a Net book on Darkstalkers with new rules, character types, styles, and what-not.  look for it in its budding form at Street Fighter Central in the near future.
-----Original Message-----
From: Kristofer Lundstrom <kri5tofer@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Sunday, January 17, 1999 5:31 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Rule #2 (Glory)

Time for lesson #2.

Why buy Glory? In game terms, Honor is approx 7.4 times better. Group A 
in my campaign figured that out in less than 3.7 seconds and bought a 
group total of 9 Honor and nill Glory.

But Glory grows on players. Suddenly they are comparing Glory and 
actually using it as a way of measuring who is best at the moment. Glory 
suddenly turns cool. Glory is suddenly desired.

Then the poor players are going to start from scratch with new 
characters. Honor which is better by the book, or Glory which is 
generally a status meeter?

Somewhere along these lines I invented a very simple rule.

* A fighter can not have more dots in Physical Attributes than he has 
permanents dots in Glory +10. I.e. the 3 free dots (one each ya know), 
the 7 dots 99% of all beginning fighters place there and then one extra 
dot per point of Glory. By Freebie or Experience.

A side effect is that bad guys suddenly turned lethal. "Bad guys" being 
guys without Honor that is. Not only do they Roundhouse Dizzied 
opponents but they are allowed higher Physicals too.

As always; comments?


PS. And lets all welcome Skarsten back from London!


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eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 604 From: EvilTyger@aol.com Date: 1/17/1999
Subject: Re: Rule #2 (Glory)
In a message dated 1/17/99 3:34:46 PM Pacific Standard Time,
skarsten@... writes:

<< By the way, I'm thinking of writing a Net book on Darkstalkers with new
rules, character types, styles, and what-not. look for it in its budding form
at Street Fighter Central in the near future.

One question, as (on of) the resident WoD fans, how much influence is going to
come from Vampire: the Masquarade, WtA, and the other books?

eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 605 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 1/17/1999
Subject: Re: Rule #2 (Glory)
the only thing it may have in common are the vampiric Humanity ratings for humans possessing Dark Gifts or are part Darkstalker, like Donovan.  Oh, and the general "supernatural can puree a human" attitudes that most WoD games have.
-----Original Message-----
From: EvilTyger@... <EvilTyger@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Sunday, January 17, 1999 8:37 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Rule #2 (Glory)

In a message dated 1/17/99 3:34:46 PM Pacific Standard Time,
skarsten@... writes:

<< By the way, I'm thinking of writing a Net book on Darkstalkers with new
rules, character types, styles, and what-not.  look for it in its budding form
at Street Fighter Central in the near future.
One question, as (on of) the resident WoD fans, how much influence is going to come from Vampire: the Masquarade, WtA, and the other books?

eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
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eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 606 From: EvilTyger@aol.com Date: 1/17/1999
Subject: Re: Rule #2 (Glory)
In a message dated 1/17/99 5:59:36 PM Pacific Standard Time,
skarsten@... writes:

<< the only thing it may have in common are the vampiric Humanity ratings for
humans possessing Dark Gifts or are part Darkstalker, like Donovan. Oh, and
the general "supernatural can puree a human" attitudes that most WoD games
have. >>

So it would be things like how each creature takes Damage? IE, Vamps halving
damage from punches (after soak), Werewolves healing it up within a week if it
doesn't kill them and the like?

Tho if you want to keep the "supernatural can puree a human" feel, then better
steer players away from Demon Hunter X. there are a couple of ~interesting~
little tidbits in there to even up the odds (Special Manuevers that would be
rather easy to convert to SF). .. not that a Fireball doesn't even things up
against Vampires. (if you keep the Fire weakness)

eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 607 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 1/18/1999
Subject: Re: Rule #2 (Glory)
Well, so far all I've decided is that players can play either mortals or supers, and each type of super will have an option of one or two styles available to it.  Mortals can fight supers, but as supers have more powerful fighting styles, the mortals will most likely wind up dead unless they have some kind of supernatural protection themselves.  Fer 'zample, remember Morrigan's spike attack?  The one that turns her cloak into a multitude of spears and launches them at an opponent?  That would most likely kill anything but another Darkstalker, and humans can't use those kind of attacks without Dark Gifts (like Anita's protection shield).
-----Original Message-----
From: EvilTyger@... <EvilTyger@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Monday, January 18, 1999 12:11 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Rule #2 (Glory)

In a message dated 1/17/99 5:59:36 PM Pacific Standard Time,
skarsten@... writes:

<< the only thing it may have in common are the vampiric Humanity ratings for
humans possessing Dark Gifts or are part Darkstalker, like Donovan.  Oh, and
the general "supernatural can puree a human" attitudes that most WoD games
have. >>

So it would be things like how each creature takes Damage? IE, Vamps halving
damage from punches (after soak), Werewolves healing it up within a week if it
doesn't kill them and the like?

Tho if you want to keep the "supernatural can puree a human" feel, then better
steer players away from Demon Hunter X. there are a couple of ~interesting~
little tidbits in there to even up the odds (Special Manuevers that would be
rather easy to convert to SF). .. not that a Fireball doesn't even things up
against Vampires. (if you keep the Fire weakness)

eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
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eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 608 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/18/1999
Subject: Darkstalkers
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>From: "Steve Karstensen" <skarsten@...>
>To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:03:36 -0500
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Rule #2 (Glory)
>Well, so far all I've decided is that players can play either mortals
or su=
>pers, and each type of super will have an option of one or two styles
>able to it. Mortals can fight supers, but as supers have more powerful
>hting styles, the mortals will most likely wind up dead unless they
have so=
>me kind of supernatural protection themselves. Fer 'zample, remember
>gan's spike attack? The one that turns her cloak into a multitude of
>s and launches them at an opponent? That would most likely kill
anything b=
>ut another Darkstalker, and humans can't use those kind of attacks
without =
>Dark Gifts (like Anita's protection shield).

Hrm. How're you going to do that with the system? You'd have to make it
insanely high-powered, dice-wise, because otherwise you tag a
Streetfighter with it and..."Huh? Oh, I took 4 damage, all aggrevated?
Grrr. Okay, now she's done pissed me off..."


eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
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Group: streetfighter Message: 609 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 1/18/1999
Subject: Re: Tekken Styles
Jun's probly a Southern Kung Fu stylist (low kicks, deflecting maneuvers)
Kung Fu thats all.


On Sun, 17 Jan 1999 14:16:27 -0500 "Steve Karstensen"
<skarsten@...> writes:
>Content-Type: text/plain;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
>content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
>content-type: text/plain;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
>Marshall Law. Marshall Arts. Boooo. Pun. Pun.
>I knew Jun created her own style (Kazuya Self Defense) but I wanted to
> what to base it off of...
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Ryan M Rich <leonardsmalls@...>
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>Date: Saturday, January 16, 1999 3:23 PM
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Tekken Styles
>Tekken Styles
>Wang Jinrey: Kung Fu
>Ganryu: Sumo
>Nina & Anna: Jujutsu
>Yoshi, Kuni: (Space) Ninjutsu
>Jin, Kazuya, and Heihachi (Mishima) Karate, thats the concensous.
>King Pro Wrestling
>Baek and Hwoarang: Tae Kwon Do
>Eddy: Capoeira
>Devil is obviously using a derivative of Kazuya's Mishima Karate
>Bruce: Muay Thai
>>Jun Kazama (yay!)
>>"Jun's style seemed to be a derivative of Drunken Style, considering
>>allthe staggering around and cross-stepping she did."
>>Okay, no offense to whoever wrote this, but the thought regarding
>this =
>>idea is not only no, but hell no. Drunken is a lot more erratic- =
>>looking. In most documentation, I've seen her martial arts style =
>>stated as Bujutsu, or the empty-handed style used by the samurai.
>Jun =
>>practices a form of Wu Shu. This is mainly because the majority of
>her =
>>techniques are circular in nature, with a lot of whirling, a Chinese
>>style trademark. Not only that, but two of her techniques support =
>>this. Her sweeping front kicks spin forward, rather than in reverse.
>Also, =
>>her butterfly cartwheel kick is a trademark Wu Shu/Kung Fu maneuver.
>It =
>>rarely is seen in Japanese Styles.
>Her style is listed in Tekken books and on the Tekken 2 website it was
>also Kazama Self Defense (probably would be a family school of the
>style (since she's Chinese its Wu Shu or Kung Fu)
>>"(Marshall) Law is a Kung Fu man as are Lei and Xiaoyu (Shao-U (just
>His style is Capcom officially Martial Arts (I guess his dad is
>so martial arts isn't so wrong. I'm going to stick with Kung Fu for
>>"Julia's is a form of Native American Wrestling (?!?)"
>>(?!?) is right. All of Julia and Michelle's "Wrestling Moves" are =
>>Common Maneuvers (i.e. Pile Driver, Headlocks). I wouldn't say that
>their =
>>main style is NAW, but rather perhaps Karate, Kung Fu, Kenpo, or
>even =
>>Special Forces (Michelle in Tekken 2 reminds me a little bit of Cammy
>>with her thrust kick) with an emphasis on Grappling moves.
>>"but not to be forgotten the Man: King is a Professional Wrestler!"
>>Well, yeah. As far as everyone else, this is simply my opinion:
>Michelle: ?
>>Paul: He continues to annoy me in terms of both character design and
>>style basis. His striking style tends to suggest Pa Kua Chuan ( the =
>>style of Kung Fu used by Akira in Virtua Fighter who, in case you =
>>haven't noticed, Paul is very similar to). I'd have to stick with =
>>saying his style is a form of Kenpo.
>Paul is listed as Jujutsu with his own style added in, so Jujutsu.
>>Lee: I dunno, he seems to be one of those generic fighters, although
>>since he is supposed to be a rip of Law, I think Kung Fu would work,
>>Or perhaps Jeet Kune Do?
>Lee: I think he was a kickboxer? but he's too much like the laws not
>give him Kung Fu.
>>As for the Ogres, Devil, Alex, whoever the Kangaroo is, Angel,Gon,
>Dr. =
>>B, Kuma, and the Jacks.... well, I think they're just too unique as =
>>characters to assign any sort of real world style to them. They're =
>>meant to be damage machines without finesse, is my thinking. It
>doesn't =
>>really matter what you give them, just as long as they do damage and
>lots of =
>>it.Anyway, those are my thoughts on the whole Tekken conversion
>thing. =
>>It's not as timely as I would have liked, but I think i had some
>to =
>>offer. Let me know what you guys think.
>>PPS: Anyone have any working conversions of the following styles:
>>Sebakkha: Egyptian Martial Art named after the crocodile.
>>Dumog: Filipino Grappling
>>Shuai Chiao: Chinese-style grappling.
>>Kuk Sool Won: Korean fighting system.
>Sebakkha, a fictional style (I never)
>Dumog, Wrestling with a few tweaks if you want: the looser must be
>squarely on his back and like Glimae the wrestlers must hold each
>belts or waists. the entire object is to throw the opponent.
>Shuai Chiao, just another form of Wrestling (where participants wore
>horned headgear)
>Kuk Sool Won is a blend of Chinese, Japanese and Korean techniques, it
>emphasizes effectiveness of techniques over power. Its fairly new too.
>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
>or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
> =
>eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
>Free Web-based e-mail groups by www.eGroups.com
>eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
>Free Web-based e-mail groups by eGroups.com
>Content-Type: text/html;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
>content-transfer-encoding: quoted-printable
>content-type: text/html;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
><META content=3Dtext/html;charset=3Diso-8859-1
><META content=3D'"MSHTML 4.72.3110.7"' name=3DGENERATOR>
><BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
><DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2>Marshall Law.  Marshall
>Arts. =
>; =
>Boooo.  Pun. Pun.</FONT></DIV>
><DIV><FONT color=3D#000000 size=3D2></FONT> </DIV>
><DIV><FONT size=3D2>I knew Jun created her own style (Kazuya Self
>Defense) =
>but I =
>wanted to know what to base it off of...</FONT></DIV>
><DIV> </DIV>
><DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><B>-----Original
>om: =
></B>Ryan M Rich <<A =
>>To: =
>/A> =
><<A =
><BR><B>Date: =
></B>Saturday, January 16, 1999 3:23 PM<BR><B>Subject:
></B>[streetfighter] R=
>e: =
>Tekken Styles<BR><BR></DIV></FONT>
> <TR>
> <TD><PRE>
>Tekken Styles
>Wang Jinrey: Kung Fu
>Ganryu: Sumo
>Nina & Anna: Jujutsu
>Yoshi, Kuni: (Space) Ninjutsu
>Jin, Kazuya, and Heihachi (Mishima) Karate, thats the concensous.
>King Pro Wrestling
>Baek and Hwoarang: Tae Kwon Do
>Eddy: Capoeira
>Devil is obviously using a derivative of Kazuya's Mishima Karate
>Bruce: Muay Thai
>>Jun Kazama (yay!)
>>"Jun's style seemed to be a derivative of Drunken Style,
>ng =
>>allthe staggering around and cross-stepping she did."
>>Okay, no offense to whoever wrote this, but the thought regarding
>this =
>>idea is not only no, but hell no. Drunken is a lot more erratic- =
>>looking. In most documentation, I've seen her martial arts style =
>>stated as Bujutsu, or the empty-handed style used by the samurai.
>Jun =
>>practices a form of Wu Shu. This is mainly because the majority of
>her =
>>techniques are circular in nature, with a lot of whirling, a
>Chinese =
>>style trademark. Not only that, but two of her techniques support
>>this. Her sweeping front kicks spin forward, rather than in
>Also, =
>>her butterfly cartwheel kick is a trademark Wu Shu/Kung Fu
>maneuver. It=
> =
>>rarely is seen in Japanese Styles.
>Her style is listed in Tekken books and on the Tekken 2 website it was
>also Kazama Self Defense (probably would be a family school of the
>style (since she's Chinese its Wu Shu or Kung Fu)
>>"(Marshall) Law is a Kung Fu man as are Lei and Xiaoyu
>(Shao-U (ju=
>st =
>His style is Capcom officially Martial Arts (I guess his dad is
>so martial arts isn't so wrong. I'm going to stick with Kung Fu for
>>"Julia's is a form of Native American Wrestling (?!?)"
>>(?!?) is right. All of Julia and Michelle's "Wrestling
> are =
>>Common Maneuvers (i.e. Pile Driver, Headlocks). I wouldn't say
>their =
>>main style is NAW, but rather perhaps Karate, Kung Fu, Kenpo, or
>even =
>>Special Forces (Michelle in Tekken 2 reminds me a little bit of
>Cammy =
>>with her thrust kick) with an emphasis on Grappling moves.
>>"but not to be forgotten the Man: King is a Professional
>>Well, yeah. As far as everyone else, this is simply my opinion:
>Michelle: ?
>>Paul: He continues to annoy me in terms of both character design
>and =
>>style basis. His striking style tends to suggest Pa Kua Chuan (
>the =
>>style of Kung Fu used by Akira in Virtua Fighter who, in case you
>>haven't noticed, Paul is very similar to). I'd have to stick with
>>saying his style is a form of Kenpo.
>Paul is listed as Jujutsu with his own style added in, so Jujutsu.
>>Lee: I dunno, he seems to be one of those generic fighters,
>although =
>>since he is supposed to be a rip of Law, I think Kung Fu would
>work, =
>>Or perhaps Jeet Kune Do?
>Lee: I think he was a kickboxer? but he's too much like the laws not
>give him Kung Fu.
>>As for the Ogres, Devil, Alex, whoever the Kangaroo is, Angel,Gon,
>Dr. =
>>B, Kuma, and the Jacks.... well, I think they're just too unique
>as =
>>characters to assign any sort of real world style to them. They're
>>meant to be damage machines without finesse, is my thinking. It
> =
>>really matter what you give them, just as long as they do damage
>lots of =
>>it.Anyway, those are my thoughts on the whole Tekken conversion
>thing. =
>>It's not as timely as I would have liked, but I think i had some
>to =
>>offer. Let me know what you guys think.
>>PPS: Anyone have any working conversions of the following styles:
>>Sebakkha: Egyptian Martial Art named after the crocodile.
>>Dumog: Filipino Grappling
>>Shuai Chiao: Chinese-style grappling.
>>Kuk Sool Won: Korean fighting system.
>Sebakkha, a fictional style (I never)
>Dumog, Wrestling with a few tweaks if you want: the looser must be
>squarely on his back and like Glimae the wrestlers must hold each
>belts or waists. the entire object is to throw the opponent.
>Shuai Chiao, just another form of Wrestling (where participants wore
>horned headgear)
>Kuk Sool Won is a blend of Chinese, Japanese and Korean techniques, it
>emphasizes effectiveness of techniques over power. Its fairly new too.
>You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
>Get completely free e-mail from Juno at
>or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO
><P></CENTER>eGroup home: <A =
>ist/streetfighter</A><BR>Free =
>Web-based e-mail groups by <A =
>NextCard - the First, True Internet VISA: Get online account info,
>transfer balances and rates as low as 2.9% APR with no annual fee!
>Learn more at: http://offers.egroups.com/click/205/0
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You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail.
Get completely free e-mail from Juno at http://www.juno.com/getjuno.html
or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]

eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
Free Web-based e-mail groups by eGroups.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 610 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 1/18/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
not entirely sure yet... but that particular move will probably have multiple damage tests.  Mortals won't have the same power levels as your typical Street Fighter, I think...
-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Rogers <tkshockwave@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Monday, January 18, 1999 7:17 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Darkstalkers

>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>From: "Steve Karstensen" <skarsten@...> >To: <streetfighter@egroups.com> >Date: Mon, 18 Jan 1999 10:03:36 -0500 >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Rule #2 (Glory) > >Well, so far all I've decided is that players can play either mortals
or su=
>pers, and each type of super will have an option of one or two styles
>able to it. Mortals can fight supers, but as supers have more powerful
>hting styles, the mortals will most likely wind up dead unless they
have so=
>me kind of supernatural protection themselves. Fer 'zample, remember
>gan's spike attack? The one that turns her cloak into a multitude of
>s and launches them at an opponent? That would most likely kill
anything b=
>ut another Darkstalker, and humans can't use those kind of attacks
without =
>Dark Gifts (like Anita's protection shield).
Hrm. How're you going to do that with the system? You'd have to make it insanely high-powered, dice-wise, because otherwise you tag a Streetfighter with it and..."Huh? Oh, I took 4 damage, all aggrevated? Grrr. Okay, now she's done pissed me off..." ______________________________________________________

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Group: streetfighter Message: 611 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/18/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Might have to define it differently than supernaturals, then. Otherwise
you're including Ryu, Ken, and even E.Honda in that 'usually kill
outright' thing.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 612 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 1/19/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
well, the point is that the mortals won't be able to get to the power level of Ryu or Honda for quite some time, if at all.  A World Warrior could probably handle a Darkstalker, but there aren't many World Warrior-caliber fighters in the Darkstalkers universe.  Those who are are usually half Dark themselves.
-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Rogers <tkshockwave@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Monday, January 18, 1999 10:41 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Darkstalkers

Might have to define it differently than supernaturals, then. Otherwise 
you're including Ryu, Ken, and even E.Honda in that 'usually kill 
outright' thing. 


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Group: streetfighter Message: 613 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/19/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
True. Just a minor thing, I suppose. Sounded like you considered World
Warriors to be easily dispatched by Darkstalkers, something that would
kind of eliminate the usefulness of such a resource in a game. It might
still, or at least go unused for all but new campaigns, since old ones
involving characters of less than Rank 10 status would stand little to
no chance against them.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 614 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Another fix for Esquives
I was pondering last night, and something hit me. We all know Esquives,
as described, is "Just like Displacement, except the fighter cannot
initiate a counter-attack with this move". Well, Displacement allows a
fighter to dodge a maneuver and return to his original position as an
option in addition to just moving away from his opponent. Why not allow
Esquives to do the same? It's only got a (fixed) move of Two, and to me
that's perfect for a sidestepping dodge; step out of the way, let the
attack whiff, step back into your original position. This would warrant
its higher cost for Spanish Ninjitsu and Wu Shu since you can set up
some disgusting combos with it; it, along with Displacement, would be
the only maneuvers you can dodge any attack with and remain in the same
hex when you're done.

The main reason I came to this conclusion was how Displacement said the
fighter could move up to his full Move away, let the attack miss, then
if he had any Move left, move back into position. Esquives says that
the fighter can move up to two hexes away, and also that it's like
Displacement. So as I've already let Esquives dodge projectiles as
Displacement does, I think this is a good thing to tack on as well.

Thoughts? Comments?

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Group: streetfighter Message: 615 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Re: Tekken Styles
I just felt there weren't enough JKD fighters in my
>campaign world. :) (I am also cheezed because while I was away, my dad
ruined my copy of Enter the Dragon... die, dad! die!)
Still, there's almost no NAWs in my campaign... what to do,
>what to do?

Steve, you did see the postings I made a few months ago, right? I had a
Jeet Kune Do practitioner by the name of Amanda Savage (which I think
you were going to post on your page) and the two Apache siblings James
and Carolina Redhawk. I still have them in my mailbox, so I could
forward them if anyone wnats them?

>Paul: He continues to annoy me in terms of both character design and

>* Paul is a freakin' lamer. In that red gi, he looks like the result
of Ken pissing off Guile and being held down while Guile rearranges his
hair to make him look 'cooler'. He ain't makin' it to my campaign world
anytime soon.

Regarding the above: HAR! Paul is the cheapest, lamest Tekken fighter
there is. At least Eddy Gordo had STYLE, right!?
>* I like Hwoarang. He's going to be TKD, with lots of Double-Hit Kick
>combos and few specials.

I don't have Contenders (anyone have a spare copy?) but I was amazed to
learn that Tae Kwon Do was not included in the style kits.
>* When I converted Nina I made her Special Forces with moves like
Dislocate Limb. Special Forces uses Aikido and Ju Jitsu moves so it
works well. Plus, she wore camouflage and that kinda influenced my

You have a point, there. Special Forces sounds good, with an emphasis on
>If anyone
>is interested in the Dead or Alive fighters, I've done them all save
>and the weird female hidden character whom I've only seen once and have
>yet to unlock. Her name escapes me...

I believe it's Ayane.

Cool, thanks for the input, Steve.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 616 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Re: Tekken Styles
Yes, I have them. I'll post them when I get a chance. I think they're
buried in my stack of books somewhere. If I can't find them I'll ask
you to send them again. BTW, there have been some updates to
Contenders, including the first of the Virtua Fighter character
conversions (Akira) so whoever wanted them can check him out.


Darrick Chen wrote:
> I just felt there weren't enough JKD fighters in my
> >campaign world. :) (I am also cheezed because while I was away, my dad
> ruined my copy of Enter the Dragon... die, dad! die!)
> Still, there's almost no NAWs in my campaign... what to do,
> >what to do?
> Steve, you did see the postings I made a few months ago, right? I had a
> Jeet Kune Do practitioner by the name of Amanda Savage (which I think
> you were going to post on your page) and the two Apache siblings James
> and Carolina Redhawk. I still have them in my mailbox, so I could
> forward them if anyone wnats them?

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Group: streetfighter Message: 617 From: Kristofer Lundstrom Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Re: Another fix for Esquives
>I was pondering last night, and something hit me. We all know
>as described, is "Just like Displacement, except the fighter cannot
>initiate a counter-attack with this move". Well, Displacement allows a
>fighter to dodge a maneuver and return to his original position as an
>option in addition to just moving away from his opponent. Why not
>Esquives to do the same? It's only got a (fixed) move of Two, and to
>that's perfect for a sidestepping dodge; step out of the way, let the
>attack whiff, step back into your original position. This would
>its higher cost for Spanish Ninjitsu and Wu Shu since you can set up
>some disgusting combos with it; it, along with Displacement, would be
>the only maneuvers you can dodge any attack with and remain in the same
>hex when you're done.
>The main reason I came to this conclusion was how Displacement said the
>fighter could move up to his full Move away, let the attack miss, then
>if he had any Move left, move back into position. Esquives says that
>the fighter can move up to two hexes away, and also that it's like
>Displacement. So as I've already let Esquives dodge projectiles as
>Displacement does, I think this is a good thing to tack on as well.
>Thoughts? Comments?

Fine with me. Go rigth ahead. U have my full support.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 618 From: Kristofer Lundstrom Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Re: Tekken Styles
>Steve, you did see the postings I made a few months ago, right? I had a
>Jeet Kune Do practitioner by the name of Amanda Savage (which I think
>you were going to post on your page) and the two Apache siblings James
>and Carolina Redhawk. I still have them in my mailbox, so I could
>forward them if anyone wnats them?

Sure. Post 'em. I've got a zillion decent NPC:s laying around too. I
wont post 'em here though. Rather on Steve's Contender TNG page. My John
Landis and Ragnar popped up there some days ago.

>>* I like Hwoarang. He's going to be TKD, with lots of Double-Hit Kick
>>combos and few specials.
>I don't have Contenders (anyone have a spare copy?) but I was amazed to
>learn that Tae Kwon Do was not included in the style kits.

Anyone got two copies? I need one too...



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Group: streetfighter Message: 619 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Repost: The Redhawks
Okay, here's the reposting of my Native American Fighters. As a;ways, if
you use them, tell me how they work out.

Okay, here are the stats for James and Carolina Redhawk, my two NPCs.
As far as game background goes, they are part of ISF, International
Special Forces, a special operations team assembled by the United
NAtions for the specific purpose of combating Shadoloo. The ISF is
headed up by Guile, with Cammy as his lieutenant. (I know, shades of the
Van Damme debacle, but it works, anyway.)

James "Jimmy&" Redhawk

Chronicle: New Legends
Style: Special Forces/Native American Wrestling
School: Redhawk tribe/ ISF
Team: ISf Martial Arts Unit
Concept: Angry Tribal Rebel
Signature: Tears shirt off


Strength: 4
Dexterity: 3
Stamina: 4
Charisma: 2
Appearance: 2
Perception: 3
Wits: 4


Alertness: 4
Interrogation: 4
Intimidation: 4
Insight: 3
Streetwise: 2
Subterfuge: 3

Blind Fighting: 3
Drive: 3
LEadership: 2
Security: 3
Stealth: 1
Survival: 3

Arena: 1
Computer: 1
Investigation: 2
Mysteries: 2
Style Lore: 2


Backing: 3
Allies: 2


Punch: 4
Kick: 2
Block: 3
Grab: 3
Athletics: 2
Focus: 2

Chi: 3
Willpower: 7

Health: 12

Special Maneuvers

Buffalo Punch
Ear Pop
Spinning Backfist
Flying Knee Thrust
Punch Defense
Grapple Defense
Brain Cracker
Face Slam
Neck Choke
Flying Tackle

Description: James is a young Native American man in his early twenties.
His black hair is cut short like a military buzz cut. He is tall, about
six foot two, and is powerfully built.

James has left his tribe, swearing to make a name for himself outside of
the reservation. He has cast off the ancient ways, thinking them
anachronistic and too old-fashioned. He joined the military in hopes of
becoming a national hero someday.

James is a gruff, unsociable individual,, and should not warm too
closely or too quickly to anyone he doesn't know, like, or hasn't fought

He's not all bad, though. While he claims to just tolerate his sister's
presence, he is actually quite grateful and comforted by her being near,
because he's starting to regret leaving his family.....!

Distinguishing marks: As does the rest of his tribe, James has a tribal
tattoo of a hawk over his left eye. Outside the ring, he is always
dressed in the navy and gray fatigues of the ISF with a navy beret. In
the ring, he removes the beret and coat and ends up looking a bit like
Guile, except with a blue undershirt.

Name: Carolina Redhawk
Chronicle, Style, School, and Team are the same as James'.
Concept: Medecine Woman


Strength 3, Dex 4, Stamina 3
Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 2
Perception 3, Intelligence 4, Wits 3

Alertness , Interrogation 2, Intimidation 1, Insight 2, Streetwise 1,
Subterfuge 2

Blindfighting 2, Drive 3, Leadership 3, Security 1, Survival 4

Note: Both the Redhawks have high Survival ratings because of the
teachings of their tribe.

Computer 2, Investigation 2, Medicine 4, Mysteries 4, Style Lore 3

Same as James with the addition of Tribe (Clan) 4. Carolina was trained
in her tribe's ways, learning the secrets of healing and the Old


Punch 2, Kick 3, Block 4, Grab 2, Athletics 3, Focus 3

Special Maneuvers

Jump, Throw, Power Uppercut, Spinning Backfist, Foot Sweep, Handstand
Kick, Wounded Knee, FLying Knee Thrust, Back Roll Throw, Kick Defense,
Grapple Defense

Chi: 5
Willpower: 3

Health: 12

Description: Carolina is James sister, one year his junior. SHe is a
good-natured, friendly young woman, with an ability to adapt to almost
any situation (which explains why she could get used to the Military,
after living on a reservation for most her life.

While following James at her tribe's request, she is concerned about him
herself. Her main purpose is to assit him on what the tribe has called
his vision quest, even though he himself doesn't believe ibn such a
thing. Her lot is to simply observe and aid him when possible.

Carolina resembles Rebecca Chambers from Resident Evil in both
appearance and function. The difference being that she wears blue
trousers instead of green, and she has long black hair ties in a
ponytail. She also sports a feathered earring, as well as the same hawk
tattoo over her left eye.
Her function is the team medic, but her methods are largely homeopathic
and natural rather than artificial.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 620 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Repost: Amanda Savage
These are the stats for one of my home brewed characters, who I
admittedly didn't use very much. Her name is Amanda Savage, and she's
pretty basic as far as NPC flavor goes.

Name: Amanda Savage
Age: 19
Chronicle: New Legends
Style: Jeet Kune Do
School: Locarno's Martial Arts Gym
Stable: Simon Vincenza
Team: Team XLR8
Concept: Athelete
Signature: Throws fist in the air, "Yeah!"

Background: Amanda is the youngest in a large family. She and her five
older brothers (Mark, Fred, Eric, Steve, and Lorenzo) were very close
growing up. Her entire family being atheletes, each of her brothers was
into a particular sport (baseball, basketball, soccer, tennis, football)
and she grew up in a very testosterone-heavy atmosphere.
But after Lorenzo was almost paralyzed in a football game, Amanda's
parents soon became against her engaging in any sort of contact sport.
So, she was doomed to spend her teenage energy in aerobics classes.
But, one day she saw a notice on the bulletin board at the health club
for a free martial arts lesson. Having nothing to do at the time, she
And she loved it.
She got in touch with the instructor and soon began to take private
lessons in Jeet Kune Do. Her parents still frowned upon contact sports,
so she kept it a secret from them, although her brothers knew and
supported her.
Eventually her parents did find out and were quite upset about the whole
deal. They forbade her from continuing with the lessons. Desperate,
Amanda made them a deal: if she could win her first upcoming
competition, then she would be allowed to continue. IF she lost, then
she would stop.
At the tournament, Amanda made an impressive shwing, but did not win due
to a technical knockout. Depressed that she would have to give her
passion for martial arts, she was surprised when her father declared
that she could continue on if she wanted.
Seems that her father ran into an old friend of his at the tournament, a
man named Simon Vincenza. Simon was an ex heavyweight boxer who had
retired a few years prior and now acted as manager to his own team,
XLR8. During her match, Simon had commented on the potential she
possessed and had persuaded her father to not only let her continue with
the her training, but also to sign onto his stable.

Playing Amanda: You are still somewhat of a tomboy, welcoming each an
every challenge that the ring has to offer. You don't hate men or
anything, but you like to rub it in thier faces when they lose due tpo
underestimating you. Otherwise, you are a rather friendly, cheerful
young girl with a strong sense of fmaily and loyalty to your friends.
You are also a born leader people seem to always rally around you when a
team effort is needed.

Appearance: Amanda is of average height and weight, with a body toned
from aerobics. Her brown hair is short and combed to either side of her
face (imagine Kyo Kusanagi from King of Fighters or Akira from Rival
In the ring or in training, Amanda wears biking shorts, hi-top shoes, a
T-shirt, and one of her brother's basketball jerseys.


Strength 3, Dexterity 4, Stamina 4
Charisma 3, Manipulation 2, Appearance 3
Perception 3, Intelligence 3, Wits 3


Alertness 3, Subterfuge 1, Everything Else 2
Blind Fighting 2, Drive 3 (father races cars), Leadership 4, Stealth 1,
Survival 2 (Camping with the family every summer)
Arena 2, Computer 2, Investigation 2, Medecine 1 (mother is a nurse)
Style Lore 2

Allies 3 (Team XLR8)
Fame 1
Manager 4 (Vincenza is GOOD)
Resources 1

Techniques: Punch 3, Kick 3, Block 3, Grab 2, Athletics 4, Focus 2

Power Uppercut
Spinning Backfist
Triple Strike
Reverse Front Kick
Double-Hit Kick
Spinning thrust Kick
Knee Strike
Foot Sweep
Handstand Kick

Glory: 3
Honor: 4
Division: Freestyle
Rank: 5
Wins: 22
Losses: 6
Draws 3
KOs: 13

Chi: 4
Willpower: 5
Health: 12


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Group: streetfighter Message: 621 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/20/1999
Subject: Diamondback
Here's a character of mine, whom might be useful (or might just be
someone to make you swear off hybrids altogether). Figured I'd send him

History: Diamondback was born in the amazon basin, and rather quickly
stumbled out into the world of man. His beginnings were more basic than
most, being taken in by a cheap tourist attraction, wherein he wrestled
full-grown crocodiles. Luckily for him, when the Outsiders, a team of
Streetfighters, came into the area, he was immediately recruited,
despite any formal training whatsoever. This was soon remedied and he
began to train in the brutal art of Muay Thai Kickboxing, something
highly suited to his size. After several years of intense practice, he
ended up in a fight with none other than Sagat, whom he managed to
defeat, trading Tiger Uppercuts and actually hurting the Muay Thai
champion severely (nothing permanent though- unless you count when
Diamondback's teammate dropped a 55 gallon drum on the fallen fighter
from 8 stories up...). Following this, Diamondback met T. Hawk, and
began studying the art of Native American Wrestling, combining it's
moves with Muay Thai to form a devastatingly powerful style that had
speed, strength, and mobility.

Name: Diamondback
Team: Outlanders
Rank: 8th
Concept: Anaconda Hybrid

Strength: 6 Charisma: 2 Perception: 3
Dexterity: 6 Manipulation: 1 Intelligence: 2
Stamina: 5 Appearance: 2 Wits: 3

Alertness: 3 Blind Fighting: 3 Arena: 0
Interrogation: 2 Drive: 0 Computer: 0
Intimidation: 3 Leadership: 1 Investigation: 1
Insight: 0 Security: 0 Medicine: 2
Streetwise: 0 Stealth: 4 Mysteries: 1
Subterfuge: 2 Survival: 3 Style Lore: 0

Animal Hybrid: 5 Punch: 5
Animal Companion: 2 Kick : 5
Sensei: 5 Block: 5
Resources: 3 Grab : 5
Fame: 2 Athletics: 5
Focus: 4

Glory: 7 Chi: 6
Honor: 5 Willpower: 6

Health: 15

Special Maneuvers: Shockwave, Anaconda Squeeze (Bear Hug), Bite, Tail
Slap, Power Uppercut, Tiger Uppercut, Elbow Smash, Kippup, Breakfall,
Jump, Knee Basher, Flying Knee Thrust, Suplex, Thunder Strike,
Regeneration, Throw, Air Throw, Storm Hammer

Division: Freestyle
Wins: 47 KOs: 13 Losses: 0 Draws: 0

Note: Diamondback isn't a world warrior, despite knocking out Sagat-
that was an unsanctioned and unsceduled fight that took place while
escaping from Mriganka. He is also currently on vacation from the
circuit, as he's attempting to master both of his styles before
attaining World Warrior status.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 622 From: Wayne French Date: 1/21/1999
Subject: Compendium; revised
Alright I found a lot of mistakes and fixed most of them, the COMPENDIUM
is now listed is parts for easier loading.

I am in the process of writing a second book called TOME OF THE FIGHTER,
it will include non-official maneuvers(hint hint nudge nudge send me
anything you'd like to see in it I have a dead line of friday 22nd cause
I wanna try to finish it by monday) and NPC's,and my homerules.

Well I hope to get e-mail from my fellow Egroup members



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Group: streetfighter Message: 623 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/22/1999
Subject: Contenders Update
four, count 'em *four* new characters yesterday; two original, two
adapted. Eiji Shinjo, Tracy, Chow-Yen, and Taurus of Crete. more to
come if I get bored at work today :)


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Group: streetfighter Message: 624 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 1/24/1999
Subject: My maneuver ideas for the Compendium
Come see my web page, there you'll find my suggestions,

RMR (the street fighter's dojo):

pages with maneuvers:

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Group: streetfighter Message: 625 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/24/1999
Subject: Fwd: Fw: ketty (fwd)
Yeah, yeah, I know. But why not, ya know?

>From: NadineCros@...
>Date: Sun, 24 Jan 1999 18:06:16 EST
>To: DRogers23@..., tkshockwave@..., Stsorg@...,
> jeff@..., gabe@...,
> dahak@..., SOLARBAIR@..., MINDIBAIR@...,
> LelndGaunt@...
>Subject: Fwd: Fw: ketty (fwd)

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Group: streetfighter Message: 626 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
About the Darkstalkers, they would be on the same power level as the
world warriors, that is, human with superhuman abbilities (like stats
over 5, they are listed as "Super Human"), any way Ryu or Ken could take
on a darkstalker, after all, Capcom said that rose from SFZero was a
Darkstalker (of course they then said they could'nt confirm this).

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Group: streetfighter Message: 627 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Street Fighter Zero 2
I have a full list of new moves, styles & characters from SF02,
including Gouki(Akuma)'s raging demon move, all of them have been looked
over and talked over with former members of White Wolf & Capcom, & they
work really well.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 628 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Rose, a possible tie-in for Darkstalkers, and other ramblings.

I've come up with a neat bit of campaign background I think you guys
might like. Be forewarned, this is only really intended for:


*People who haven't used Rose yet.

*People who haven't tied Darkstalkers in yet.

*People who refuse to use that incredibly STUPID STUPID STUPID
explanation that Bison got his powers from a STUPID STUPID STUPID

First off, I should maintain that I use the concept of Psychopower
heavily in my campaign. I am not a weirdo, or anything, but I'd rather
use that than the stupid meteor story.

Also, the character Rose has also been an integral part of my campaign
storyline. She's become a sort of mentor to some of the younger NPCs. I
like the way she's become part of the story.
Incidentally, did you know that there is a long standing rumor that Rose
is actually Anita (or Amanda) from Darkstalkers fame? If you watche the
characters Donovan's ending in Night Warriors: Darkstalkers 2, you see a
grown up Anita reminiscing about her lost friend. The clothes she wears
(a long red coat, as well as a scarf) look suspiciously similar to the
raiment Rose sports in the Alpha series.

Now, you may ask, what do the two above mentioned concepts have to do
with each other?
Dig this:

What if "Psychopower" was actually the result of Anita/Rose's absorption
of the "Dark" power during the whole Darkstalkers theme. (Of course, it
would have to stand that Darkstalkers happened in the past, but a handy
"nexus of all realities'time warp" plot twist takes care of Felicia's
and Raptor's presence in the games.)

All right, how does this fit in with the RPG? I think Psychopower should
be listed as a Trait or Background, but can only be used if Rose is
listed as a fighter's sensei or mentor. In other words, Psychopower can
be used with any martial art, not speifically Ler Drit.

On that note, I hate the fact that the books depict Ler Drit as a weird,
wonky martial art that BISON CREATED. In truth, Ler Drit is actually a
militarized version of Muay Thai that the Thai army practices. This
makes sense as Bison is a sort of Thai general, and that if you look at
his moves closely, you can see that he utilized some Muay Thai
techniques (shin kicks and whatnot.)

Anyway, as far as Rose's background goes, this is what I'm using:

Name: Anita Rose Ryan (Contrary to popular belief, having a fighting
stage in Italy, does not necessarily make you Italian. Rose strikes me
more as a mixed breed, but mostly European. Perhaps Transylvanian, just
to be cute? I wouldn't rule out a little Asian heritage, either.)

Age: I don't know about you guys, but I am never going to disclose to my
players exactly how old Rose is. In my mind, she's probably a lot older
than she looks. In fact, I wouldn't be adverse to setting Darkstalkers
back in the 1800's and having her be kept alive due to the Dark or

Style: I don't think Rose has a specific martial arts style, but rather
most of her fighting is done with the Psychopower. I am considering
using the Mage and/or WoD conersion rules to make her some sort of Mage.

Purpose: To find someone worthy of carrying on the Psychopower and also
to make up for the damage her pupil, Bison, has wrought. It's up to you
to decide how and when Bison went bad, but Rose should feel a modicum of
guilt and responsibility for his actions. Whatever you guys do, don't
amke Psychopower too attainable. Make the prerquisite a ten in Honor,
and the GM's approval. After all, Rose doesn't want to make the same
mistake again.

That's all for now. Hope this posting didn't seem too disorganized; it's
three in the morning as I write this, and I had quite a few ideas to
write down. I had a bit of trouble keeping things straight.

Let me know what you think:



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Group: streetfighter Message: 629 From: Tristan Anderson Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Rose, a possible tie-in for Darkstalkers, and other ramblings.
Three words:

You da' man!

More please. (four, five)


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Group: streetfighter Message: 630 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers


Capcom needs to have their collective heads examined if they think the
Darkstalkers are "human with superhuman abilities". Very few of the
characters in the Darkstalkers games even remotely resemble humans;
Morrigan is a *demon*, Demitri is a *vampire*, etc. A World Warrior
*could* take on a Darkstalker, but they'd have a hard time of it. I'm
basing the Darkstalkers conversion on the anime series, and not even Ryu
could make a bomb crater with one of his fireballs. The Huitzl, on the
other hand, could. Some of the lesser Darkstalkers could be on the
level of a Street Fighter; I can see Felicia being little more than a
fast character with some hybrid maneuvers and Rolling Attacks...
'Superhuman' ratings in the game are subjective, based on the stats
given... I saw the Strongest Man in the World Competition on ESPN a few
weeks ago and a few of those guys could *easily* qualify for superhuman
stats, but I just do *not* see a vampire lord getting trounced by
someone like Cammy. Especially not one who could morph into a flaming
demon at will. I suppose it depends on what level of super ability you
assign to the World Warriors... if you subscribe to the X-Men versus
Street Fighter school of thought, maybe. It's still skill (Ryu) versus
raw power (Juggernaut).

Dennis Bryant wrote:
> About the Darkstalkers, they would be on the same power level as the
> world warriors, that is, human with superhuman abbilities (like stats
> over 5, they are listed as "Super Human"), any way Ryu or Ken could take
> on a darkstalker, after all, Capcom said that rose from SFZero was a
> Darkstalker (of course they then said they could'nt confirm this).
> ______________________________________________________
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Group: streetfighter Message: 631 From: Ryan M Rich Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Purism, and analism (that is being anal [retentive])
Ok, well it looks like we're getting to the fight I have wanted
and waited for, "What about all these new styles?" "What's with all these
lame maneuvers you make up?" "Why make this stuff up, there's already a
move thats pretty much the same."

First things first, The Street Fighter and WoD games all have the
first rule in common, use what you want. This could be the end of my
argument. Storytellers (now abreviated St) rule. Its just not that
simple, some people prefer more lenient or harsh St. Everyone likes it
different and some use all the rules provided, I on the other hand forget
and expedite matters with fewer rules, most probably use some of the
rules, with a few 'house' modifications. Here's some of my reasoning.

Why to add styles (and substyles), you ask? First many many many
many (ok you get the point) martial arts exist, aside from the 28 Styles
in official SF:STG books (this is even counting Cheese Crow Kung-Fu,
which I put as a Substyle of Kung Fu). What about Krav Maga, Panaktulan
and even Arnis/Escrima/Kali which is quite common and some say is very
deadly (many techniques taught in military and police baton classes are
from Kali). These styles and the many variety of Silat, Karate and Kung
Fu make me want to expand on and create a more flavorful deep campaign
world. I have a few of mine up and going at my page and more on the way.
Martial arts movies show rival schools fighting all the time, each with a
different style, and maneuvers, some even having secret technique! I'm
not tryiing to give each master or grandmaster his/her own style, just
diversify the styles available.

Now, on to the new maneuver explanation. First, I'm cutting out
maneuvers on my list that are similar, but I'm adding in a thing that I
saw on some website maneuver advantages they are qualities of the
maneuver (like it being Aerial or Crouching) that determine what it
'does' in combat. Aerial opponents are missed by Crouching maneuvers and
vice versa. Ok, I think its a bad idea too, but its the only way I want
to get into maneuvers that Stagger and Knock Down Aerial opponents,
repetitive maneuvers like Hurricane Kick, Whirlwind Kick and Tumbling
Attack. I want to keep it simple so here's the system:

Maneuver Advantages:
, on Block
, on Interrupt,
Submission Hold
Sustained Hold

Repetition Maneuver: This sort of maneuver uses the hurricane
kick rule, you hit opponent push then back, move into them, hit,
knock them back, move into them, hit them, etc.

Knockback: your opponent is 'pushed away' from the fighter, In a
Straight Line from the fighter the opponent is moved away the
number of hexes specified by the manuever.

Stagger: This is based on Knockback but is a more harmful to the
opponent, If there is a number with it the opponent is pushed
back that number of hexes and in addition, any Combo bonus he may
have had for next round is negated. (Ouch!) This is from the
Tekken stagger and from a few other fight games which have Combo

Stun: I want to add this but I think its just Dizzying an
opponent >?!

, on Interrupt or , on Counterhit: these manevuers are put with
some other maneuver advantage like Stagger (ie Stagger on
Counterhit) the on counterhit means when you interrupt an
opponent. This isn't really something new, just a name to use for
for maneuvers that share this quality.

, on Block: This is simple, when you hit someone with a Stagger
on Block maneuver he would suffer the Stagger effect only when he
performs a succesful Block (subtracts any dice from the
Damage pool), this may seem goofy but I add it so Knockdown
maneuvers don't just do damage when they are blocked Imagine a
Stagger on Block Fist Sweep, thats the point.

Here's a list of my intended Substyles: they are'nt going to be separate
'styles' just a few different maneuvers the character could get in
addition to the normal Kung Fu maneuvers, maybe a few that only may be
taken by that style of Kung Fu, like pounce.

Kung Fu
Choy Li Fut

Bok Pai (White Crane)

Xing Chiao (Eagle claw)

Hsing I

Hung Gar
one of the original 5 kung fus founded by the elders that escaped
the Shaolin temple in Fukien province when it burned (---
Hung - remember its chinese, names go last first and first last
founded this art)
Pao Chuan (Leopard)

T'ang Lang (Praying Mantis)

Ta Sheng Men (Monkey)

Pakua (8 Trigram/Hexagram)

Fu Chiao (Tiger)

Wing chun
you know this one
Storm Crow Kung Fu
and last and least

Goju Ryu
(a circular Karate! thats definately not using those maneuvers
for Shotokan)
(Okinawan Karate that is quite new, it uses short low line kicks
(high kicks may be grabbed or deflected, so keep it low and fast)
with Karates usual strikes

Shorin Ryu
One of the first Karates, it has developed into 3 distinct
styles, each named after the supposed forest containing hte
Shaolin temple (small forest, young forest, and ____ forest
(the one in the books)
Uechi Ryu (pronounced Way Chee)
Okinawan Karate
Wado Ryu

Well. . . feedback?


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Group: streetfighter Message: 632 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Rose, a possible tie-in for Darkstalkers, and other ramblings.
not bad... I, on the other hand, decided that M. Bison had adopted Ler
Drit from Special Forces and, upon discovering Rose and her psychic
powers, somehow learned them for himself/stole them from her and then
killed her. If she ever shows up in my campaign, it'll be as a ghost.

(Wouldn't be the first time. Cammy came back after I killed her, too)

Darrick Chen wrote:
> Yo,
> I've come up with a neat bit of campaign background I think you guys
> might like. Be forewarned, this is only really intended for:
> *Storytellers
> *People who haven't used Rose yet.
> *People who haven't tied Darkstalkers in yet.
> *People who refuse to use that incredibly STUPID STUPID STUPID
> explanation that Bison got his powers from a STUPID STUPID STUPID
> meteor.
> First off, I should maintain that I use the concept of Psychopower
> heavily in my campaign. I am not a weirdo, or anything, but I'd rather
> use that than the stupid meteor story.
> Also, the character Rose has also been an integral part of my campaign
> storyline. She's become a sort of mentor to some of the younger NPCs. I
> like the way she's become part of the story.
> Incidentally, did you know that there is a long standing rumor that Rose
> is actually Anita (or Amanda) from Darkstalkers fame? If you watche the
> characters Donovan's ending in Night Warriors: Darkstalkers 2, you see a
> grown up Anita reminiscing about her lost friend. The clothes she wears
> (a long red coat, as well as a scarf) look suspiciously similar to the
> raiment Rose sports in the Alpha series.
> Now, you may ask, what do the two above mentioned concepts have to do
> with each other?
> Dig this:
> What if "Psychopower" was actually the result of Anita/Rose's absorption
> of the "Dark" power during the whole Darkstalkers theme. (Of course, it
> would have to stand that Darkstalkers happened in the past, but a handy
> "nexus of all realities'time warp" plot twist takes care of Felicia's
> and Raptor's presence in the games.)
> All right, how does this fit in with the RPG? I think Psychopower should
> be listed as a Trait or Background, but can only be used if Rose is
> listed as a fighter's sensei or mentor. In other words, Psychopower can
> be used with any martial art, not speifically Ler Drit.
> On that note, I hate the fact that the books depict Ler Drit as a weird,
> wonky martial art that BISON CREATED. In truth, Ler Drit is actually a
> militarized version of Muay Thai that the Thai army practices. This
> makes sense as Bison is a sort of Thai general, and that if you look at
> his moves closely, you can see that he utilized some Muay Thai
> techniques (shin kicks and whatnot.)
> Anyway, as far as Rose's background goes, this is what I'm using:
> Name: Anita Rose Ryan (Contrary to popular belief, having a fighting
> stage in Italy, does not necessarily make you Italian. Rose strikes me
> more as a mixed breed, but mostly European. Perhaps Transylvanian, just
> to be cute? I wouldn't rule out a little Asian heritage, either.)
> Age: I don't know about you guys, but I am never going to disclose to my
> players exactly how old Rose is. In my mind, she's probably a lot older
> than she looks. In fact, I wouldn't be adverse to setting Darkstalkers
> back in the 1800's and having her be kept alive due to the Dark or
> Psychopower.
> Style: I don't think Rose has a specific martial arts style, but rather
> most of her fighting is done with the Psychopower. I am considering
> using the Mage and/or WoD conersion rules to make her some sort of Mage.
> Purpose: To find someone worthy of carrying on the Psychopower and also
> to make up for the damage her pupil, Bison, has wrought. It's up to you
> to decide how and when Bison went bad, but Rose should feel a modicum of
> guilt and responsibility for his actions. Whatever you guys do, don't
> amke Psychopower too attainable. Make the prerquisite a ten in Honor,
> and the GM's approval. After all, Rose doesn't want to make the same
> mistake again.
> That's all for now. Hope this posting didn't seem too disorganized; it's
> three in the morning as I write this, and I had quite a few ideas to
> write down. I had a bit of trouble keeping things straight.
> Let me know what you think:
> Dare
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Group: streetfighter Message: 633 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Rose, a possible tie-in for Darkstalkers, and other ramblings.
Hmm. Okay, I like it, cept for a couple things-

1) Yeah, Ler Drit is a Special Forces variant of Muay Thai- but if
you're going to make it that, you'd almost be forced to go in and get
rid of the Nation-State of Mriganka, make it just an island, give Bison
rulership of Thailand, and... okay, nevermind. That's a good thing.

2) How do you differentiate between Bison's version of Psychopower and
Rose's? The idea of Rose being a 'good guy' makes her having something
like Psychic Vise seem wrong- not to mention Poison Haze. You could
describe it as part of the Dark influence, but those aren't powers I'd
give players even the chance of learning.

3) Ancient, wise Master, passing on secrets almost lost to time, whose
former student has horribly corrupted the teachings, and now looks to
destroy his former Master. Is it Rose and Bison, or is it Obi-Wan Kenobi
and Darth Vader? Use the force..I mean psychopower...


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Group: streetfighter Message: 634 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Okay, yes. In the Darkstalkers Huitzl could make bomb craters. But then,
this tends to happen in many anime. Personally, I say again that
playability comes before strict translation. Okay, great- you've got a
compendium of Darkstalkers, all of which are so powerful even characters
who have reached Rank 10 would have a hard time beating. And if you play
a Darkstalker, fighting Street Fighters is like Ryu beating up
accountants. You either need to translate the intent and not the strict
power, or you need to make it a separate game, because the power levels
alone are rediculous. To paraphrase from that old movie Spies Like Us :
"A weapon that isn't used, is a useless weapon." So making a book that's
completely out of league with existing material and campaigns is just a
shelf-holder waiting to happen.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 635 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Rose, a possible tie-in for Darkstalkers, and other ramblings.
Joshua Rogers wrote:
> Hmm. Okay, I like it, cept for a couple things-
> 1) Yeah, Ler Drit is a Special Forces variant of Muay Thai- but if
> you're going to make it that, you'd almost be forced to go in and get
> rid of the Nation-State of Mriganka, make it just an island, give Bison
> rulership of Thailand, and... okay, nevermind. That's a good thing.

Bison *was* dictator of Thailand until a people's rebellion ousted his
ass. It's in Secrets of Shadoloo.

> 2) How do you differentiate between Bison's version of Psychopower and
> Rose's? The idea of Rose being a 'good guy' makes her having something
> like Psychic Vise seem wrong- not to mention Poison Haze. You could
> describe it as part of the Dark influence, but those aren't powers I'd
> give players even the chance of learning.

They're available to Kabaddi. Assuming you can find someone to teach
them, that is. However, I could see Rose passing on Psychokinetic
Channeling at the very least.

> 3) Ancient, wise Master, passing on secrets almost lost to time, whose
> former student has horribly corrupted the teachings, and now looks to
> destroy his former Master. Is it Rose and Bison, or is it Obi-Wan Kenobi
> and Darth Vader? Use the force..I mean psychopower...
reminds me of the time I took David from Toshinden 3 and made him the
son of Bison...

anyway, Bison could have developed the mental aspects of Ler Drit
himself (Psychic Vise, et al) and gotten the more external methods
(Psychokinetic Channeling) from Rose. I'd initially decided that Rose's
experiments into the harnessing of psychic ability in conjunction with
martial skill formed the basis of the 'new' Ler Drit, and Bison took
that knowledge and killed her so no one else could have it. She gave
him the springboard for a whole lot of nastiness.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 636 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Purism, and analism (that is being anal [retentive])
I can see about 2 big problems with this. Feel free to ignore them.

1) You're contemplating completely restructuring the main focus of the
game- that being special maneuvers. Doing this will either ultimately be
useless, as for simple ease of understanding you return to the standard
stuff, or you'll end up with a game system completely separate, but just
close enough that talking about it with other Street Fighter enthusiasts
with lead to complete confusion.

2) One of the more useful things about the list of maneuvers being as
large as it is (redundant or no), is that it really helps to identify
the characters. If you start trimming it down and making some of the
maneuvers more general to cover differences (such as Stepping Front
Kick, Double Hit Knee, and Double Hit Kick all becoming one maneuver
labeled 2-Hit Kick) you're going to end up with an army of clone


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Group: streetfighter Message: 637 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers - the controvery continues

that's the *POINT*. The Darkstalkers conversion was intended to be a
separate game with its own setting, rules, and campaign world - not
Street Fighter with some scary monsters thrown in. I have been trying
to make clear *from the beginning* that I never intended it to be mixed
with existing campaigns; I could've sworn I said it would be separate
and its world would be based on the one presented in the anime - I think
the mistake people are making is that they haven't *seen* the anime and
are just assuming that it's just like the World of Darkness, except the
Vampires know kung fu. Darkstalkers is NOT Street Fighter and I never
said it should be. If I wasn't clear on this, I apologize. There are
no such things as Street Fighters in the Darkstalkers anime (I'm still
trying to figure out if the setting is indeed Earth; I would have pegged
it in the Dark Ages if there weren't cars and airships running around)
and most mortals were the equivalent of peasants, except for heroes like
Donovan... but even he was tainted by the Dark. If I were, indeed,
merely adapting Darkstalker characters to Street Fighter, they would be
toned down in a big way. But, I am not doing this...

Anyway, I think there's been a big misunderstanding all around. I am
not writing a new set of rules and styles for Street Fighter. I am
writing a new game using Street Fighter as a base. Is that clearer?

Joshua Rogers wrote:
> Okay, yes. In the Darkstalkers Huitzl could make bomb craters. But then,
> this tends to happen in many anime. Personally, I say again that
> playability comes before strict translation. Okay, great- you've got a
> compendium of Darkstalkers, all of which are so powerful even characters
> who have reached Rank 10 would have a hard time beating. And if you play
> a Darkstalker, fighting Street Fighters is like Ryu beating up
> accountants. You either need to translate the intent and not the strict
> power, or you need to make it a separate game, because the power levels
> alone are rediculous. To paraphrase from that old movie Spies Like Us :
> "A weapon that isn't used, is a useless weapon." So making a book that's
> completely out of league with existing material and campaigns is just a
> shelf-holder waiting to happen.
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Group: streetfighter Message: 638 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
---Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen <skarsten@...> wrote:



Capcom needs to have their collective heads examined if they think the
Darkstalkers are "human with superhuman abilities". Very few of the
characters in the Darkstalkers games even remotely resemble humans;
Morrigan is a *demon*, Demitri is a *vampire*, etc. A World Warrior
*could* take on a Darkstalker, but they'd have a hard time of it. I'm
basing the Darkstalkers conversion on the anime series, and not even Ryu
could make a bomb crater with one of his fireballs.

*Why not? Ken did in the animated movie, and he's not even as good as
Ryu is with fireballs.*

The Huitzl, on the other hand, could.

*Of course, I haven't seen the Darkstalkers anime, so maybe your
definition of crater and mine differ.*

Some of the lesser Darkstalkers could be on the
level of a Street Fighter; I can see Felicia being little more than a
fast character with some hybrid maneuvers and Rolling Attacks...
'Superhuman' ratings in the game are subjective, based on the stats
given... I saw the Strongest Man in the World Competition on ESPN a few
weeks ago and a few of those guys could *easily* qualify for superhuman

*Yeah, I went to school with a guy who would qualify. Not much of a
scholar, but definitely someone you want in your corner when things go

but I just do *not* see a vampire lord getting trounced by
someone like Cammy. Especially not one who could morph into a flaming
demon at will.

*I didn't think he could. In the manga, he only does while
experiencing intense anger (i.e., his rage meter maxed out)*

I suppose it depends on what level of super ability you
assign to the World Warriors... if you subscribe to the X-Men versus
Street Fighter school of thought, maybe. It's still skill (Ryu) versus
raw power (Juggernaut).

*Heh, by rights, Ryu shouldn't even scratch Juggy without his
fireball. Even then, it would barely faze him.*

Dennis Bryant wrote:
> About the Darkstalkers, they would be on the same power level as the
> world warriors, that is, human with superhuman abbilities (like stats
> over 5, they are listed as "Super Human"), any way Ryu or Ken could
> on a darkstalker, after all, Capcom said that rose from SFZero was a
> Darkstalker (of course they then said they could'nt confirm this).

staredown@... staredown@...

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win--we
merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein

If it turns out that there is a God, I don't think that he's evil.
But the worst
that you can say about him is that basically he's an underachiever.
-- Woody Allen
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Group: streetfighter Message: 639 From: Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
Chris Hoffmann wrote:
> Morrigan is a *demon*, Demitri is a *vampire*, etc. A World Warrior
> *could* take on a Darkstalker, but they'd have a hard time of it. I'm
> basing the Darkstalkers conversion on the anime series, and not even Ryu
> could make a bomb crater with one of his fireballs.
> *Why not? Ken did in the animated movie, and he's not even as good as
> Ryu is with fireballs.*

what scene was that? I can't remember for the life of me.

> The Huitzl, on the other hand, could.
> *Of course, I haven't seen the Darkstalkers anime, so maybe your
> definition of crater and mine differ.*

yea. I'm talking mile-wide "was that Ground Zero?!" craters like the
ones a full-fledged airstrike would produce. When Darkstalkers and
squads of Huitzl collided, the city got levelled.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 640 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers - the controvery continues
Oh, in that case, by all means, go ahead. As for the world, I'm thinking
it's a variant Earth from what I understand of the 3rd game. Nothing
quite like going to a different dimension to learn about the original.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 641 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
I think he means the final scene. I could be wrong.


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Group: streetfighter Message: 642 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
--Steve 'Doom Trooper' Karstensen <skarsten@...> wrote:
Chris Hoffmann wrote:
> Morrigan is a *demon*, Demitri is a *vampire*, etc. A World Warrior
> *could* take on a Darkstalker, but they'd have a hard time of it.
> basing the Darkstalkers conversion on the anime series, and not
even Ryu
> could make a bomb crater with one of his fireballs.
> *Why not? Ken did in the animated movie, and he's not even as good
> Ryu is with fireballs.*

what scene was that? I can't remember for the life of me.

*It was when Ken was controlled by our favorite crime lord M. (for
Mister) Bison. He was trying to turn Ryu into ground-round.

> The Huitzl, on the other hand, could.
> *Of course, I haven't seen the Darkstalkers anime, so maybe your
> definition of crater and mine differ.*

yea. I'm talking mile-wide "was that Ground Zero?!" craters like the
ones a full-fledged airstrike would produce. When Darkstalkers and
squads of Huitzl collided, the city got levelled.

*True, this one was only about 30' or so across (I have no idea how to
convert that to metrics)
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Group: streetfighter Message: 643 From: Kristofer Lundstrom Date: 1/25/1999
Subject: Psychos...
Attachments :

    You have to stop doing this! One day, one mail from SF-egroups. The next
    day, 18 fairly long mails. Don't.

    My knowledge of Darkstalker can be summarized in the square at the end
    of this mail.

    Ler Drit and Rose have been mated by Shadowmyre and before him (I got
    the impression this is waaaaaay back) some Gryphon fella.

    With a few exceptions to what you have said:

    - Psycho power is the same thing as Rose's Soul Power. The same source
    of power used for either good or bad. Same for Ler Drit. Can be used for
    either good or bad. I interpreted this as there being a Soul version of
    all Psycho maneuvers. Soul Crusher. Neat...

    - Rose is not Bison's mentor. But they did share the same master.

    - 'Ler' is simply a fancy word for Soul/Psycho power.

    And what I have to add:

    - Ler Drit in its pure form isn't really a martial art. What can be
    found in SoS is Bison's violent version of the teachings.

    - Er...

    That's my contribution for tonight. Currently busy with my new players
    group (group 4/Delta). You should have seen the team combo I pulled off
    against them yesterday... One of them declared an aerial and got smacked
    by an Air Throw, an Elbow Smash and a Double-hit Kick. From unharmed to
    3 aggravated in one turn. One pissed player :)



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    Group: streetfighter Message: 644 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/25/1999
    Subject: Re: Psychos...
    >Ler Drit and Rose have been mated by Shadowmyre and before him (I got
    >the impression this is waaaaaay back) some Gryphon fella.

    Actually, Kristofer, I read the fanfics written by Gryphon, which is
    where a bit of the campaign settings I use (None of of which I've posted
    as my own ideas.)
    >With a few exceptions to what you have said:
    >- Psycho power is the same thing as Rose's Soul Power. The same source
    >of power used for either good or bad. Same for Ler Drit. Can be used
    >either good or bad. I interpreted this as there being a Soul version of
    >all Psycho maneuvers. Soul Crusher. Neat...

    Actually. that sounds like a good idea. Soul and PSycho power:a way to
    differentiate between the two.
    >- Rose is not Bison's mentor. But they did share the same master.

    ?? I 've never heard that theory before.
    >- 'Ler' is simply a fancy word for Soul/Psycho power.

    Never heard that one before either. Perhaps I need to do a little more
    >And what I have to add:
    >- Ler Drit in its pure form isn't really a martial art. What can be
    >found in SoS is Bison's violent version of the teachings.

    I have to disagree. Obviously, the writers had to fancy the Ler Drit
    style up in order to make Bison seem more thretening and imposing.

    Well, that's all. Do any of you have ICQ? I'm in the process of getting
    myself hooked up. Maybe we should conduct a forum in real time chat.




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    Group: streetfighter Message: 645 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
    Subject: Re: Psychos...
    Um. ICQ- 6742917

    Anyways, on to Soul Psycho and Ler Drit.

    Well, regarding Ler Drit, if you wanna get rediculously technical, the
    Thai special forces style is called Ler Dit, not Ler Drit. But we've
    also got Balrog supposed to be Bison, Bison supposed to be Vega, and Fei
    Long turning into a girl when you throw cold water on him. Or something.

    Never heard of Ler being anything. But then, I speak only english. And
    that, not particularly well.

    I've heard the Soul/Psycho thing elsewhere. Can't remember exactly
    where. Including the 'same master' thing. Think somebody incorporated it
    into their house rules from some source (which may have been
    themselves). Dunno. Personally I don't see them as being identical. I'd
    probably make up some different powers for Soul Power- say, either
    counters for Psychopower, or opposites.


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    Group: streetfighter Message: 646 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/25/1999
    Subject: Help!
    Hey guys,

    I need some advice concerning a problem I think most GMs have had to
    face: the power player.

    I have a freind, whom I deeply respect, save for one aspect: The guy is
    just a whiner!

    First of all, it always seems that he has chosen one personality type
    and has stuck to it EVERY SINGLE GAME HE PLAYS IN!!
    I have played with him in three or four different campaign settings
    (D&D, Star Wars, Big Eyes Small Mouth and of Course Street Fighter) and
    he keeps the smae freakin' persona EVERY GAME! I really wouldn't have a
    problem if it weren't for the fact that:

    1: Apparently the persona is "I wanna be a badass that does all the cool
    things. And I want a gun."

    2: He seems to have a fit every time I call him on something I think is
    inappropriate for his character. I mean, I can't dole out honor points
    without getting into some moral debate or philisophical argument.

    3: He seems determined to prove that he knows more about the game than
    the GM (me!). Again, this would not be a problem if it weren't for the
    fact that he will whine and moan over little nuances in the Maneuvers
    This is compounded by the fact that he is a martial artist (although I
    seriously doubt his discipline) and that he will choose to argue over
    exactly HOW difficult a particular move is and exactly WHERE it should
    LAND on an opponent's body. Again, this is the same friend that wants to
    me to let him create new moves. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!

    4. He seems hell-bent on taking every advantage possible and at times
    JUST MAKING NEW ONES UP! One example: Last time we played, he ended up
    using a pair of Beretta handguns! He's an ex-cat burglar/Shaolin monk in
    training (don't even ask me how this came about), and he HAS NO FIREARMS
    PROFICIENCIES!! He just said basically that he's going to pick up some
    BErettas (which I didn't say were there) and start using 'em. His
    reasoning? "It's easy to pick up and use a simple handgun."
    AARRRGGHHH!! FRUSTRATION!! I ended up just letting him have them because
    a) I was just too tired to argue and b)I had two other players to worry
    about and I just didn't have the energy or inclination to hold up the
    game just to hash it out with him.

    5. He's a jerk! But only when he's roleplaying. He gets snotty and
    screws with the other players and his main justification i sthe old
    excuse: "I'm just playing my character."

    I don't know if I'm just venting or not. But this has frustrated both me
    and my fellow players/gamemasters. The reason I bring this up on the
    list is because this is the only gaming collective where I actually know
    what I'm doing. If any one you have suggestions/and advice on how to
    deal with this, let me know.




    eGroup home: http://www.eGroups.com/list/streetfighter
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 647 From: Darrick Chen Date: 1/25/1999
    Subject: Help!
    >Hey guys,
    >I need some advice concerning a problem I think most GMs have had to
    >face: the power player.
    >I have a freind, whom I deeply respect, save for one aspect: The guy is
    just a whiner!
    >First of all, it always seems that he has chosen one personality type
    >and has stuck to it EVERY SINGLE GAME HE PLAYS IN!!
    >I have played with him in three or four different campaign settings
    >(D&D, Star Wars, Big Eyes Small Mouth and of Course Street Fighter) and
    he keeps the smae freakin' persona EVERY GAME! I really wouldn't have a
    problem if it weren't for the fact that:
    >1: Apparently the persona is "I wanna be a badass that does all the
    cool things. And I want a gun."

    2: He seems to have a fit every time I call him on something I think is
    inappropriate for his character. I mean, I can't dole out honor points
    without getting into some moral debate or philisophical argument.

    >3: He seems determined to prove that he knows more about the game than
    the GM (me!). Again, this would not be a problem if it weren't for the
    fact that he will whine and moan over little nuances in the Maneuvers
    This is compounded by the fact that he is a martial artist (although I
    seriously doubt his discipline) and that he will choose to argue over
    exactly HOW difficult a particular move is and exactly WHERE it should
    LAND on an opponent's body. Again, this is the same friend that wants to
    me to let him create new moves. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
    >4. He seems hell-bent on taking every advantage possible and at times
    >JUST MAKING NEW ONES UP! One example: Last time we played, he ended up
    using a pair of Beretta handguns! He's an ex-cat burglar/Shaolin monk in
    training (don't even ask me how this came about), and he HAS NO FIREARMS
    PROFICIENCIES!! He just said basically that he's going to pick up some
    BErettas (which I didn't say were there) and start using 'em. His
    reasoning? "It's easy to pick up and use a simple handgun."
    >AARRRGGHHH!! FRUSTRATION!! I ended up just letting him have them
    because a) I was just too tired to argue and b)I had two other players
    to worry about and I just didn't have the energy or inclination to hold
    up the game just to hash it out with him.
    5. He's a jerk when he's roleplaying. He gets snotty and screws with the
    other players and his main justification is the old excuse: "I'm just
    playing my character."
    >I don't know if I'm just venting or not. But this has frustrated both
    >and my fellow players/gamemasters. The reason I bring this up on the
    >list is because this is the only gaming collective where I actually
    know what I'm doing. If any of you have suggestions/and advice on how to
    deal with this, let me know.
    >Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com


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    Group: streetfighter Message: 648 From: Joshua Rogers Date: 1/25/1999
    Subject: Re: Help!
    Um...2 guns. 1) Remove all permanent Honor and Glory. Boot him out of
    the Shaolin temple. Invoke the unheard of (but existing) rule that if
    you lose all permanent Honor you become an evil NPC.2) Then take him
    aside out of the game and tell him you want him to play a very special
    character. That this special character needs to have dots in certain
    things (something vaguely important, like Computer). He ought to jump
    for it. Then in almost every adventure tie in something to do with that
    skill. Suddenly, he's important. Maybe get him to take points in Backing
    and define it as some agency which will treat him as an agent. Even more
    important. Let him call in backup to deal with the thugs after they're
    beaten. Maybe have Cammy or Chun Li recognize him from a dossier they
    have or something. Meanwhile, your other players are still being who
    they are, and having their own strengths, which come up all the time.

    If the above doesn't work, give him access to 2 Berettas, and repeat
    step 1. Do not go on to step two.


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    Group: streetfighter Message: 649 From: Jeremy David Balsley Date: 1/25/1999
    Subject: Re: Help!
    On Mon, 25 Jan 1999, Darrick Chen wrote:

    > Hey guys,
    > I need some advice concerning a problem I think most GMs have had to
    > face: the power player.

    Gee, there seems to be one in every gaming group, and one in every system.

    > and has stuck to it EVERY SINGLE GAME HE PLAYS IN!!
    > I have played with him in three or four different campaign settings
    > (D&D, Star Wars, Big Eyes Small Mouth and of Course Street Fighter) and
    > he keeps the smae freakin' persona EVERY GAME! I really wouldn't have a
    > problem if it weren't for the fact that:

    Heh, kind of like a friend of mine who plays a race of half dragons who
    seem to be of the opinion that they are the baddest things to ever grace
    the Megaverse with their presence...

    > 3: He seems determined to prove that he knows more about the game than
    > the GM (me!). Again, this would not be a problem if it weren't for the
    > fact that he will whine and moan over little nuances in the Maneuvers
    > This is compounded by the fact that he is a martial artist (although I
    > seriously doubt his discipline) and that he will choose to argue over
    > exactly HOW difficult a particular move is and exactly WHERE it should
    > LAND on an opponent's body. Again, this is the same friend that wants to
    > me to let him create new moves. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!
    > 4. He seems hell-bent on taking every advantage possible and at times
    > JUST MAKING NEW ONES UP! One example: Last time we played, he ended up
    > using a pair of Beretta handguns! He's an ex-cat burglar/Shaolin monk in
    > training (don't even ask me how this came about), and he HAS NO FIREARMS
    > PROFICIENCIES!! He just said basically that he's going to pick up some
    > BErettas (which I didn't say were there) and start using 'em. His
    > reasoning? "It's easy to pick up and use a simple handgun."
    > AARRRGGHHH!! FRUSTRATION!! I ended up just letting him have them because
    > a) I was just too tired to argue and b)I had two other players to worry
    > about and I just didn't have the energy or inclination to hold up the
    > game just to hash it out with him.

    Ah, something that I CAN comment on. Borrowing from Palladium: Any
    weapon can be used, regardless of whether the wielder has a Weapon
    Proficiency or not. However, the attacker will only get additional
    bonuses to strike if he has the WP for the weapon he is using. Suggest:
    When rolling to strike with the gun, use only his Dexterity to determine
    his fireing pool, and if he has ANY kind of modifier, double it. :) He is
    just as likely to shoot a critical success as he is to botch the shot and
    shoot himself in the foot. ;)

    > 5. He's a jerk! But only when he's roleplaying. He gets snotty and
    > screws with the other players and his main justification i sthe old
    > excuse: "I'm just playing my character."

    Three words..."Payback's a bitch."

    > I don't know if I'm just venting or not. But this has frustrated both me
    > and my fellow players/gamemasters. The reason I bring this up on the
    > list is because this is the only gaming collective where I actually know
    > what I'm doing. If any one you have suggestions/and advice on how to
    > deal with this, let me know.

    Well, sit him down and tell him that he is distracting the other players
    and making their enjoyment of the game weaken. If that doesn't phase him,
    simply bar him from the game. As for the pistols question, let him shoot
    them...without any bonuses. After all, if you don't know how to shoot a
    pistol, you are just as likely to hurt yourself as the badguys.

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 650 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 1/26/1999
    Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
    I didn't say that Dark stalkers were "Human with super human abilities",
    I said that the street Fighters were (do you know anyone who can throw a
    hadoken, or fly?).


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    Group: streetfighter Message: 651 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 1/26/1999
    Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
    I didn't say that Dark stalkers were "Human with super human abilities",
    I said that the street Fighters were (do you know anyone who can throw a
    hadoken, or fly?).


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    Group: streetfighter Message: 652 From: Dennis Bryant Date: 1/26/1999
    Subject: Re: Darkstalkers
    >*could* take on a Darkstalker, but they'd have a hard time of it. I'm
    >basing the Darkstalkers conversion on the anime series, and not even
    >could make a bomb crater with one of his fireballs. The Huitzl, on the
    >other hand, could.


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