heh... strangely enough, I plan on doing all of that ('cept props) in SF
Central's revamp. Anyway, one thing you can never go wrong with is a
writeup of your version of the campaign world and any interesting NPCs,
powers, or other things you've come up with. For example, I'm going to do a
writeup of United Enforcement when I add to my "thoughts on the genre"
section of SFC.
In a message dated 4/7/00 12:56:56 PM Central Daylight Time, mmorgado@... writes:
<< Well, I want to do some work on my Street Fighter web page, and I have no
idea what to do.
I can't think of anything that isnt on other peoples pages. I dont see a
reason to have the same thing in several different spots.
Does anyone have any suggestions? >>
Well... You can't go wrong with new NPCs.
You could try in-game props, like a scientific report on Elementals, or the
'Kraken' file...
Maybe you could do 'Shadows over [insert location here]'.
Or just put some of your ideas on the setting.
You can win $1000!
Time-limited offer. Enter today at: http://click.egroups.com/1/2864/4/_/17512/_/955130759/
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6308
From: Rinaldo Gambetta
Date: 4/7/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help
Well when I start the Ages tournament I´m sure about many mails for my part
but for now the problem is a new topic to people talk about or people find
other things to do and this remove the free time to they write to the list. A
sugestion to your page well I always want to see a weapon table from knife to
katana and others of course with weapon manuvers, maybe npc´s and ideas for
campaings so this could help ya :).
"Morgado, Mike" wrote:
> Wow, its really quiet around here lately.
> Well, I want to do some work on my Street Fighter web page, and I have no
> idea what to do.
> I can't think of anything that isnt on other peoples pages. I dont see a
> reason to have the same thing in several different spots.
> Does anyone have any suggestions?
> Thanks
> MikeM
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 6309
From: Fred Chagnon
Date: 4/7/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help
> Wow, its really quiet around here lately.
> Well, I want to do some work on my Street Fighter web page, and I have no
> idea what to do.
> I can't think of anything that isnt on other peoples pages. I dont see a
> reason to have the same thing in several different spots.
Speaking of Web Pages...is there a Street Fighter STG web ring? If not,
perhaps we should register one...
I'm sure there are plenty Street Fighter webrings, but maybe we could
set one up specifically for the role-playing game.
I'm sure enough people on this list have a page setup that we could get
one started.
Thoughts? I would be willling to register one of you guys agreed...and
if you would email me your URLs. I may even whip up a page myself.
Mike, with regards to your page, I agree that it's hard to find stuff
that "hasn't been done". One thing I would like to see is perhaps a CGI
script or Java Applet that would build a Playable character (or even a
smaller one that would generate an NPC) but I have to throw my hands up
there and say I don't know enough about CGI or Java to do it (yet). I
just remember seeing a page that had this for the Palladium FRPG and was
quite impressed.
*looks at Steve K*
Don't you know Java Steve? :)
Just Kidding. No pressure.
Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting seagull@... make you a better person." seagull@... - Peter Olafson.
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6310
From: Jeff Y
Date: 4/7/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help
Something we could do (like a list project) would be to complete the animal
companion attack rules (unless someone did this already) and then find
something we can all agree on (so that there isn't one version of the rules
for each one of us involved.)
Lets see...
Animal Compainion Character Sheets
Animal Compainion Special Attack List
How would we do this? Any other ideas?
>From: "Morgado, Mike" <mmorgado@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: 'StreetFighter' <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>Subject: [streetfighter] Help
>Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 13:55:20 -0400
>Wow, its really quiet around here lately.
>Well, I want to do some work on my Street Fighter web page, and I have no
>idea what to do.
>I can't think of anything that isnt on other peoples pages. I dont see a
>reason to have the same thing in several different spots.
>Does anyone have any suggestions?
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6311
From: Joseph Scott Pittman
Date: 4/7/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help (Web Ring idea)
Yes, as a matter of fact I run that web ring. However, we've been having
some problems with it, so please be patient. I won't even bother giving out
the addy until I clear up the problems.
>> Wow, its really quiet around here lately.
>> Well, I want to do some work on my Street Fighter web page, and I have no
>> idea what to do.
>> I can't think of anything that isnt on other peoples pages. I dont see a
>> reason to have the same thing in several different spots.
>Speaking of Web Pages...is there a Street Fighter STG web ring? If not,
>perhaps we should register one...
>I'm sure there are plenty Street Fighter webrings, but maybe we could
>set one up specifically for the role-playing game.
>I'm sure enough people on this list have a page setup that we could get
>one started.
>Thoughts? I would be willling to register one of you guys agreed...and
>if you would email me your URLs. I may even whip up a page myself.
>Mike, with regards to your page, I agree that it's hard to find stuff
>that "hasn't been done". One thing I would like to see is perhaps a CGI
>script or Java Applet that would build a Playable character (or even a
>smaller one that would generate an NPC) but I have to throw my hands up
>there and say I don't know enough about CGI or Java to do it (yet). I
>just remember seeing a page that had this for the Palladium FRPG and was
>quite impressed.
>*looks at Steve K*
>Don't you know Java Steve? :)
>Just Kidding. No pressure.
>Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
>seagull@... make you a better person."
>seagull@... - Peter Olafson.
>@Backup- Protect and Access your data any time, any where on the net.
>Try @Backup FREE and recieve 300 points from mypoints.com Install now:
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6312
From: brian fish
Date: 4/7/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help (Web Ring idea)
I see, you know one of the pages crashes my comp EVERY TIME I try to access
it. Most of the pages are very helpful, and first rate though. . . . . .
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6313
From: Joseph Scott Pittman
Date: 4/7/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help (offical rules)
I tried this angle already, hoping for a vote to get an opinion of the
majority with a vote on rules, so that we could all choose the "offical"
version, since WW has kinda cut the SF out. Unfrtunatly, out of 100 or so
members on this list, I did not get much of a reply (something around 15 or
so people, not really enough for a "large" vote. -sigh-
I will probably try again in the future though. I hate an incomplete
system. I have Animal Companion rules on my homepage, though, if you would
like to see them....
>Something we could do (like a list project) would be to complete the animal
>companion attack rules (unless someone did this already) and then find
>something we can all agree on (so that there isn't one version of the rules
>for each one of us involved.)
>Lets see...
> Animal Compainion Character Sheets
> Animal Compainion Special Attack List
>How would we do this? Any other ideas?
>>From: "Morgado, Mike" <mmorgado@...>
>>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>To: 'StreetFighter' <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>>Subject: [streetfighter] Help
>>Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 13:55:20 -0400
>>Wow, its really quiet around here lately.
>>Well, I want to do some work on my Street Fighter web page, and I have no
>>idea what to do.
>>I can't think of anything that isnt on other peoples pages. I dont see a
>>reason to have the same thing in several different spots.
>>Does anyone have any suggestions?
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>I see, you know one of the pages crashes my comp EVERY TIME I try to access
>it. Most of the pages are very helpful, and first rate though. . . . . .
>Special Offer-Earn 300 Points from MyPoints.com for trying @Backup
>Get automatic protection and access to your important computer files.
>Install today:
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6315
From: John Queen
Date: 4/7/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help
Do evereything they have, just more of it!
>From: "Morgado, Mike" <mmorgado@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: 'StreetFighter' <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>Subject: [streetfighter] Help
>Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2000 13:55:20 -0400
>Wow, its really quiet around here lately.
>Well, I want to do some work on my Street Fighter web page, and I have no
>idea what to do.
>I can't think of anything that isnt on other peoples pages. I dont see a
>reason to have the same thing in several different spots.
>Does anyone have any suggestions?
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6316
From: Rinaldo Gambetta
Date: 4/7/2000
Subject: Ages fighters challenges.
Like I said the trainining is the best way to avoid mistakes in the real thing so
it´s time to run some challenges well I don´t known who I can challenge first many
people just disappear and don´t show up again but here goes: Of course I can make
more challenges but I don´t want push myself again so I think 4 challenges is
enought to stand up the air here.
Ernest Voss challenges Ghost Bear (Jeff Y)
Maso Challenges Rebellion (Chris Hoffmann)
Plague Challenges Dragon Reborn (Jens Arthur Leirbakk)
Gregori Tzarovich Challenges Huo Feng (Ronin)
1- Jim "Razorblack" Bob Joe- Player (Francis Black)
2- Rebellion- Player (Chris Hoffman)
3- Hymamoto Suzuki- Player (Jade M Prout)
4- Delta- Player (Josh Diemert)
5- Ghost Bear- Player (Jeff Y)
6- Joseph Masterson - Player (Cliff Rice)
7- Alisyn Summers- Player (Dennis Bryant)
8- Huo Feng - Player (Ronin)
9- Dragon Reborn - Player (Jens Arthur Leirbakk).
Npc´s- It´s only a list they could appear in the tournament but people of list
can make a vote work here to see who enter in the tournament.
1- Ernest Voss Concept: German Nazi Officer.
2- Tom Sawyer Concept: Bartender from Scotland.
3- Gregori Tzarovich Concept: Russian ocultist.
4- Chaotic Concept: Dark Shotokan student from Akuma.
5- Plague Concept: A hideous lab creature hide his face behind a fencing mask
works for Shadaloo.
6- Lee Yung Concept: A chinese monk
7- Maso Concept: A punk rock girl with a litle interesting for the pain.
8- Van Seddar Concept: A netherlands poet with "iron fists".
9- Jean Paul Collier Concept: French pirate captain.
10- Lars Ax Concept: Norway Pro Wrestiling Champion.
Want a challenge or enter in Ages tournament just e-mail me for info.
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6317
From: Chris Krug-Iron
Date: 4/8/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Romeo Must Die
Dude, I so have to agree with you on this one. I saw it last week with my
lady. The football scene was hilarious! AND we're off to play
Streetfighter right now...:p
>From: "Mike Morgado" <spirto@...>
>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Romeo Must Die
>Date: Fri, 24 Mar 2000 09:08:03 EST
>Anyone see this movie yet? Man I loved it. Some of the fight scenes had
>some cheese in it, but all in all, I thought it was really good. (Except
>one anoying thing but I'll let you watch it and make your own decision) Not
>Oscar winning material by no means, but for an action movie, it rocked!
>Li is the man! I so want to play Street Fighter now.
>Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 6318
From: sigma176@aol.com
Date: 4/8/2000
Subject: [streetfighter] Romeo Must Live!
If Romeo dies who gets Juliet?.....
I'm pathetic........
Ignore me.............
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6319
From: Mike Morgado
Date: 4/9/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Romeo Must Die
Well, I had heard it from Fred but I thought it was too good to be true.
Turns out, it might happen. Just read this online.
"If filmmakers Andy and Larry Wachowski have their way, Jet Li will be
joining the cast of the two upcoming sequels to The Matrix. Even though
negotiations on the deal have not begun, the Wachowskis are said to be very
interested in having the star of Romeo Must Die around once filming on The
Matrix 2 and The Matrix 3 starts.
there is one, administered by our very own JoeSpitt. SF Central has a link
to it.
-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Chagnon [mailto:seagull@...]
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 5:56 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help
> Wow, its really quiet around here lately.
> Well, I want to do some work on my Street Fighter web page, and I have no
> idea what to do.
> I can't think of anything that isnt on other peoples pages. I dont see a
> reason to have the same thing in several different spots.
Speaking of Web Pages...is there a Street Fighter STG web ring? If not,
perhaps we should register one...
I'm sure there are plenty Street Fighter webrings, but maybe we could
set one up specifically for the role-playing game.
I'm sure enough people on this list have a page setup that we could get
one started.
Thoughts? I would be willling to register one of you guys agreed...and
if you would email me your URLs. I may even whip up a page myself.
Mike, with regards to your page, I agree that it's hard to find stuff
that "hasn't been done". One thing I would like to see is perhaps a CGI
script or Java Applet that would build a Playable character (or even a
smaller one that would generate an NPC) but I have to throw my hands up
there and say I don't know enough about CGI or Java to do it (yet). I
just remember seeing a page that had this for the Palladium FRPG and was
quite impressed.
*looks at Steve K*
Don't you know Java Steve? :)
Just Kidding. No pressure.
Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting seagull@... make you a better person." seagull@... - Peter Olafson.
@Backup- Protect and Access your data any time, any where on the net.
Try @Backup FREE and recieve 300 points from mypoints.com Install now: http://click.egroups.com/1/2345/4/_/17512/_/955144686/
Get Your Private, Free Email at http://www.hotmail.com
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6328
From: Jens-Arthur Leirbakk
Date: 4/10/2000
Subject: The Dragon Reborn looks up in surprise...
battle? So soon? Wishing for more time to prepare, and with a sinking
sensation that this may not go very well, he rises. The glowing, blue halo
of the Dragon Spirit surrounds him, suffuses him, then enters him.
"Very well. Challenge accepted. But remember this; boards don't hit back!"
Subject: Anyone here familiar with international law and multinational cor p
This is a tricky one. I think I may have painted myself into a corner here.
First, a little background. There's a huge multinational corporation in my
campaign called United Enforcement. UE works on some of the highest-level
technology in existence and in order to protect it, has a private security
force on the scale of a well-funded militia. UE is so powerful that in
almost all cases, it is above the law (and is rumored to have ties to
Shadoloo, yadda yadda yadda, you know the drill).
These past two weeks, the plot has revolved around a corporate espionage
group that has stolen a CD of sensitive data from UE regarding their latest
project, rumored to be something huge. The disk had been slipped into the
players' manager's briefcase by the thief after he was pursued by UE's Shock
Troopers to the arena the players were fighting in. To make a long story
short, the players now know about the disc and are trying to keep it away
from UE. They were cornered by UE's forces at an airport in Brazil as they
were attempting to leave the country, along with two newly-made friends (Lei
Wulong and Jann Lee).
There was a battle to end all battles, with the UE Shock Troopers and two
hired Street Fighters sent in to head off the players and recover the disc.
The players managed to hold them off long enough for airport security to
call in backup (in the form of whatever it is Brazil uses for SWAT teams).
The whole lot of them were arrested.
Here's the problem. Lei hid the disc, so there is no evidence of "violation
of corporate security", which is the reason the UE soldiers gave for the
pursuit. In addition, Lei is a Hong Kong police officer with minor ties to
Interpol, which would be a big problem assuming he WERE liable. One of the
players, appalled at UE's apparent lack of regard for local law
jurisdictions, insists that the Brazilian airline (and government) or United
Enforcement make an effort to compensate him and the rest of his team. He
feels UE is more responsible and that the government should force UE into
settling for damages, or be prosecuted for dangerous negligence.
I need to find a legal-sounding way out of this, since UE has some of the
best lawyers in the world, in addition to enormous funding, economic
pressure, and political power to back them up and cover the whole thing
over. From what I understand, multinational corporations must operate
within the law of the countries they operate in. However, UE's lawyers are
going to point to a charter that the Brazilian government signed allowing
their security force to "pursue by any reasonable means enforcement of all
security violations related to United Enforcement, its grounds, or
intellectual properties". Tenuous at best, but... on the shady side, UE is
going to contact Shadoloo and get them to insure that any Judge who takes
the case is going to be pressured "anonymously" to drop it.
Assuming this doesn't happen and UE must be held accountable, what can the
Brazilian government do? How can UE be prosecuted? Can this "crime" extend
to the United States? Would an international incident be made out of it?
Can UE merely escape blame by dissolving its Brazilian offices and set up
shop elsewhere?
Stephen Karstensen
Applications Consultant
Concurrent Technologies
(908)604-6100 x216
- Trey Parker
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6330
From: Steve Karstensen
Date: 4/10/2000
Subject: OUCH!
From the "Good Lord, that must've hurt" department:
during the aforementioned battle in the Brazilian airport terminal, one of
the players, in an effort to keep the stolen data disk out of UE's hands,
ran up an escalator and sprayed it with a fire extinguisher to dissuade
pursuit. One of the enemy Street Fighters remedied this by leaping onto the
handrail and running up after him, thereby avoiding the slippery foam. Cut
off by UE Shock Troopers at the top of the escalator, the player turned to
fight. From a balanced perch atop the end of the railing to the second
floor, the enemy fighter went into a Forward Flip Knee, but was interrupted
by the player...
...who pushed her off.
She was in the air when he pushed, and he merely clipped her legs. But as a
result (of a very good roll), he pushed her legs too far into the flip too
early, throwing her balance and momentum off. She fell straight down, onto
the railing (hitting her in the stomach) then flipping backward from the
impact and landed on her back on the ground floor, nine feet below.
I still wince when I think about it. The fall Dizzied her. Naturally.
Stephen Karstensen
Applications Consultant
Concurrent Technologies
(908)604-6100 x216
Well I need known your battle plan you known the 20 moves and abort notes
Like abort to jump in fireballs case or something important to note, and I
will make this quickly, see ya :).
Ronny Anderssen wrote:
> >Gregori Tzarovich Challenges Huo Feng (Ronin)
> Huo Feng the Mighty accepts your humble challenge...
> -----Ronin-----
> Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
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Group: streetfighter
Message: 6332
From: Steve Karstensen
Date: 4/10/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help
yea, I do. The number of languages I know would boggle the noodle. ;)
Anyway, this would be difficult. The crux of creating a Street Fighter is
in selecting Special Maneuvers and there's too many factors that would come
into play to select a valid set. Palladium systems is just number-crunching
a bunch of templates. SF is not.
Still, there are some Vampire character generators, so maybe it can be done.
-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Chagnon [mailto:seagull@...]
Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 5:56 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help
> Wow, its really quiet around here lately.
> Well, I want to do some work on my Street Fighter web page, and I have no
> idea what to do.
> I can't think of anything that isnt on other peoples pages. I dont see a
> reason to have the same thing in several different spots.
Speaking of Web Pages...is there a Street Fighter STG web ring? If not,
perhaps we should register one...
I'm sure there are plenty Street Fighter webrings, but maybe we could
set one up specifically for the role-playing game.
I'm sure enough people on this list have a page setup that we could get
one started.
Thoughts? I would be willling to register one of you guys agreed...and
if you would email me your URLs. I may even whip up a page myself.
Mike, with regards to your page, I agree that it's hard to find stuff
that "hasn't been done". One thing I would like to see is perhaps a CGI
script or Java Applet that would build a Playable character (or even a
smaller one that would generate an NPC) but I have to throw my hands up
there and say I don't know enough about CGI or Java to do it (yet). I
just remember seeing a page that had this for the Palladium FRPG and was
quite impressed.
*looks at Steve K*
Don't you know Java Steve? :)
Just Kidding. No pressure.
Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting seagull@... make you a better person." seagull@... - Peter Olafson.
@Backup- Protect and Access your data any time, any where on the net.
Try @Backup FREE and recieve 300 points from mypoints.com Install now: http://click.egroups.com/1/2345/4/_/17512/_/955144686/
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6333
From: Joseph Scott Pittman
Date: 4/10/2000
Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help
The Web Ring is horrible in it's upkeep by the Web Ring founders. It keeps
deleting us! strange and fustrating, and the goobs at Web Ring seem
unconcerned. Instead of a web ring, I suggest a site club. Therefore, i have
changed the ring into this club, so we wont have to deal with Web Ring and I
can take care of who is part of the club myself. If you are interested in
being a part of this, instead of the web ring, please let me know. Let's
drop the web ring crap!
>there is one, administered by our very own JoeSpitt. SF Central has a link
>to it.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Fred Chagnon [mailto:seagull@...]
>Sent: Friday, April 07, 2000 5:56 PM
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: Re: [streetfighter] Help
>> Wow, its really quiet around here lately.
>> Well, I want to do some work on my Street Fighter web page, and I have no
>> idea what to do.
>> I can't think of anything that isnt on other peoples pages. I dont see a
>> reason to have the same thing in several different spots.
>Speaking of Web Pages...is there a Street Fighter STG web ring? If not,
>perhaps we should register one...
>I'm sure there are plenty Street Fighter webrings, but maybe we could
>set one up specifically for the role-playing game.
>I'm sure enough people on this list have a page setup that we could get
>one started.
>Thoughts? I would be willling to register one of you guys agreed...and
>if you would email me your URLs. I may even whip up a page myself.
>Mike, with regards to your page, I agree that it's hard to find stuff
>that "hasn't been done". One thing I would like to see is perhaps a CGI
>script or Java Applet that would build a Playable character (or even a
>smaller one that would generate an NPC) but I have to throw my hands up
>there and say I don't know enough about CGI or Java to do it (yet). I
>just remember seeing a page that had this for the Palladium FRPG and was
>quite impressed.
>*looks at Steve K*
>Don't you know Java Steve? :)
>Just Kidding. No pressure.
>Fred Chagnon "Only in RPGs does fighting
>seagull@... make you a better person."
>seagull@... - Peter Olafson.
>@Backup- Protect and Access your data any time, any where on the net.
>Try @Backup FREE and recieve 300 points from mypoints.com Install now: