Yup this could be fun and it realy cost 1 willpower.
Chris Hoffmann wrote:
> A long time ago I play in campaing with my friend
but one of them have a
> Tekken
> complex (The Gm) because one of players decide make a copy of Lei
of Tekken
> 2,3
> and Tag of course with an entire arsenal of manuvers lied in the
> using
> ground fight and when a npc want grab him the player say his response:
> no
> fair I´m on the ground you can´t grab me you can´t,
grab me and a fireball:
> miss me, miss me. Of course he have willpower 10 to stay lied on
the ground
> but
> this a litle difficult to understand the mechanical of this manuver.
Even if the groundfighting maneuver read that way (and as Steve pointed
out, it
doesn't) I find it very difficult to swallow that when you're skilled
enough to
shoot chi from you hands, that you can't alter the angle a bit to hit
lying on their back. By the same token, it should be easier for
a grab move to
hit a prone opponent, although you may want to disallow some maneuvers
back roll throw. Bison would love to Iron Claw your friend's
Lei clone.
Just out of curiosity, why would it matter that he had 10 will?
"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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> A long time ago I play in campaing with my friend
but one of them have a
> Tekken
> complex (The Gm) because one of players decide make a copy of Lei
of Tekken
> 2,3
> and Tag of course with an entire arsenal of manuvers lied in the
> using
> ground fight and when a npc want grab him the player say his response:
> no
> fair I´m on the ground you can´t grab me you can´t,
grab me and a fireball:
> miss me, miss me. Of course he have willpower 10 to stay lied on
the ground
> but
> this a litle difficult to understand the mechanical of this manuver.
Even if the groundfighting maneuver read that way (and as Steve pointed
out, it
doesn't) I find it very difficult to swallow that when you're skilled
enough to
shoot chi from you hands, that you can't alter the angle a bit to hit
lying on their back. By the same token, it should be easier for
a grab move to
hit a prone opponent, although you may want to disallow some maneuvers
back roll throw. Bison would love to Iron Claw your friend's
Lei clone.
Just out of curiosity, why would it matter that he had 10 will?
"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
Classmates.com has them all. And with 4.4 million alumni already
registered, there's a good chance you'll find your friends here:
in the case of the sustained holds, you just jump on top of your opponent and
apply the hold. Far as throws go... well, this *is* Street Fighter, so I'd
say either judge on a case-by-case basis or just say that the attacker hauls the
target to his feet and *then* throws him.
-----Original Message----- From: Rinaldo Gambetta
[mailto:rinaldo.gambetta@...] Sent: Thursday, March 30,
2000 10:12 AM To: streetfighter@egroups.com Subject:
[streetfighter] Re: How work the dammit ground fight.
realy think this but just for a more explain the grab in a floor opponent how
the grab catch him?
Steve Karstensen wrote:
the player was lying.
Any non-crouching maneuver used against an opponent that is on the ground
and using Ground Fighting is at -2 to both Speed and Damage. It
does not miss.
-----Original Message----- From: Rinaldo Gambetta [mailto:rinaldo.gambetta@...]
Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 6:58 AM To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] How work the dammit ground fight.
A long time ago I play in campaing with my friend but one of them have a
Tekken complex (The Gm) because one of players decide make a copy of
Lei of Tekken 2,3 and Tag of course with an entire arsenal of
manuvers lied in the ground using ground fight and when a npc want
grab him the player say his response: Ahh no fair I´m on the ground
you can´t grab me you can´t, grab me and a fireball: miss me, miss me.
Of course he have willpower 10 to stay lied on the ground but this a
litle difficult to understand the mechanical of this manuver.
Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
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Good friends, school spirit, hair-dos you'd like to forget.
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Groundfighting gives you minor advantages, (a speed and damages penatly to
your opponent's attack), but does not PREVENT attacks, but as a crouching
maneuver (I am assuming here, but I think it is reasonable to do so), the
only maneuvers that wouldn't hit it are maneuvers that don't hit crouching
opponents, a fireball would most assuredly ruin the lei clone's day, as
would a well placed Yoga Flame. Also, maneuvers like foot sweep and both
slide kicks could be used to great advantage with this character, another
thing is him using drunken monkey roll to get out of the way, it does move
a good distance, but it is a semi slow avoid maneuver, anything comboed or
certain maneuvers by themselves (lets see him try to get out of the way of
a JKD stylist with lightfeet and scissor kick). I am a firm believer that
there is no one catch all "best" way to fight, each style has advantages
and weaknesses, another thing to think about doing to the Lei clone would
be Ice Blast to a sustained hold. . . . .
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6261
From: Steve Karstensen
Date: 3/30/2000
Subject: I can't believe I'm drawing parallels to this.
yes, I belong to eGroups' Pokemon mailing list. I started up this topic
this morning. I feel that it could be worth discussing here as well, due to
the comparisons I made between Pokemon trainers and Street Fighters. Read
on and comment, will you?
for those who haven't seen Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back, it's about a
researcher who tries to create the most powerful Pokemon in the world. He
does this by growing a clone of Mew from ancient DNA found in a ruined
temple where Mew was rumored to frequent. The result of his experiment is
Mewtwo, who understandably gets rather pissed at being grown as a slave.
Once he learns to control his power, he lays waste to the lab and escapes.
Fast forward to present day. Ash & Co. gets an invitation from someone
calling himself the World's Greatest Pokemon Trainer, and it states that he
and his friends have been invited to the Trainer's island to take place in a
grand tournament. (Sound familiar yet?)
Once they arrive, they discover this "trainer" is Mewtwo, and his Pokemon
are grown from tissue samples. IE, clones. By the end of the movie,
there's a grand melee going on between all the trainers' Pokemon and
Mewtwo's clones. The fight is a stalemate; neither side is more powerful
than the other, but the clones, driven by their need to prove their
superiority, continue to fight until it is clear that the battle will be to
the death. Nurse Joy comments on the fact that the fighting doesn't mean
anything; the clones will gain nothing by "winning". What she says is,
"Pokemon were never meant to fight. Not like this."
Ash finally stops the conflict by diving between Mew and Mewtwo just as they
launch some serious power blasts at one another. The resulting surge,
unfortunately, is fatal. As a result, all of the Pokemon realized just what
they were doing. Their tears revived Ash (earlier in the film someone
relates a myth about how the Earth was destroyed and reborn by the tears of
Pokemon, kinda like the whole Noah's Ark thing), and Mewtwo resolves to
learn from the experience. Excellent film, great moral, wonderful stuff.
my first post:
has this turned into the friggin' Advert List or what?
A topic for discussion;
I picked up a copy of The First Movie the other day (never saw it before).
Does anyone else find the irony in "the moral" has presented at the end of
the film? Apart from the fact that it would have been a more powerful
message had the writers not chosen the "let's sum it up in a lecture so even
the thickest viewer gets it", I found it really bizarre that they were
attempting to warn against violence by using creatures whose' very lives
revolve around fighting as an example.
The thing that really clinched it for me, though, was when Nurse Joy said
the line, "Pokemon were never meant to fight. Not like this."
I just sat back and said to myself. "What?"
Not meant to fight? Then what is it that they're doing when Ash and some
other trainer fling their Pokeballs at one another and do battle?
Other than that, it was a great movie with a lot of martial-arts-inspired
plot points. I'm looking forward to the second. Any word on its' release?
someone replied:
The Pokemon are supposed to battle, but not to death. They aren't trying to
kill each other!
I then responded:
young children usually don't fight to death either... so are you saying it's
okay for them to fight as long as it's not fatal?
I can see the Pokemon trainers squaring off as a sort of martial arts
exhibition... after all, you do spar with your opponent and injuries rarely
are serious, even though your strikes can kill if used with the proper
intent. The point they were trying to make was that the cloned Pokemon
didn't want to fight for the "right" reasons... whatever that might be.
They just wanted to prove they were the "best". But, isn't that what the
good trainers like Ash are trying to do? Prove they're the best?
Stephen Karstensen
Applications Consultant
Concurrent Technologies
(908)604-6100 x216
- Trey Parker
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6262
From: Jens-Arthur Leirbakk
Date: 3/30/2000
Subject: Re: hello
On Thu, 30 Mar 2000, Gander wrote:
> hello all, i am new on the list.
> And i have a little problem.
> I live in France, i got the player guide, the perfect warrior, and the SF rules.
> But i cannot find Secret of shadoloo.
> I wish to know more about Bison, Vega, saggat and their styles.
> I hear all the suggestion about the way i can find this book =)
> herve
Actually, you can find some of the information on my web-pages. They're
sorely lacking in updates, however, but I hope that that will change as
Easter passes. Try http://www.pvv.org/~leirbakk/rpg_e.html, click your way
Why not. You've all ready stated that Pokemon Stadium was one of your favorite
fighting games. Don't worry, as soon as your old enough you'll go on your own
pokemon journey, earn badges and learn real life lessons like how Rock pokemon
aren't really fazed by electric pokemon. Face it man, you're a pokefreak.
Take it from the man who's all ready drawn up Bulbasaur's stats.
> yes, I belong to eGroups' Pokemon mailing list.
Note to self: When Steve's not looking, sign up.
I started up this topic
> this morning. I feel that it could be worth discussing here as well, due to
> the comparisons I made between Pokemon trainers and Street Fighters. Read
> on and comment, will you?
Your greatest wish is our slightest command, or something like that.
> for those who haven't seen Pokemon: Mewtwo Strikes Back, it's about a
> researcher who tries to create the most powerful Pokemon in the world. He
> does this by growing a clone of Mew from ancient DNA found in a ruined
> temple where Mew was rumored to frequent. The result of his experiment is
> Mewtwo, who understandably gets rather pissed at being grown as a slave.
> Once he learns to control his power, he lays waste to the lab and escapes.
On a side note, Mewtwo also briefly appears in the show during the episode
where Ash and co. get the earth badge.
> Fast forward to present day. Ash & Co. gets an invitation from someone
> calling himself the World's Greatest Pokemon Trainer, and it states that he
> and his friends have been invited to the Trainer's island to take place in a
> grand tournament. (Sound familiar yet?)
Well, I've never had my tournament sponsors actually _say_ they're the
greatest, I just made them act like it. On another note, I was expecting
someone in the movie to say 'Enter the Dragon' when Charzard walked in.
[sniped the rest of the synopsis]
> A topic for discussion;
[sniped topic for discussion]
You seem to have forgotten a couple of facts about the pokeworld. This is a
place where almost all injuries can be healed in a matter of minutes by a
competent pokemon care specialist (read: Nurse Joy) Even when a normal doctor
has to work on pokemon, most injuries can be taken care of by super-glue.
The point to the above is that, for the most part, pokemon are in no danger of
dying or even getting permanently injured from their fights. But on mewtwo's
island (hmmm, The Island of Dr. Mewtwo...) I didn't see very many pokecenters.
Although they had Nurse Joy and Mewtwo probably had recover, I don't think that
would have been enough to treat all those pokemon.
> someone replied:
> The Pokemon are supposed to battle, but not to death. They aren't trying to
> kill each other!
> I then responded:
> young children usually don't fight to death either... so are you saying it's
> okay for them to fight as long as it's not fatal?
> I can see the Pokemon trainers squaring off as a sort of martial arts
> exhibition... after all, you do spar with your opponent and injuries rarely
> are serious, even though your strikes can kill if used with the proper
> intent. The point they were trying to make was that the cloned Pokemon
> didn't want to fight for the "right" reasons... whatever that might be.
> They just wanted to prove they were the "best". But, isn't that what the
> good trainers like Ash are trying to do? Prove they're the best?
It has been a while (I saw the movie in the theaters), but I got the impression
that Mewtwo was psychicaly goading his clones to fight on. After all, they
imediately stoped when Mewtwo did.
"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Talk to your friends online with Yahoo! Messenger. http://im.yahoo.com
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6264
From: Ronny Anderssen
Date: 3/30/2000
Subject: Re: Feng Shui
Feng Shui is coooooool... I've made the maneuver Flying Windmill Kick from Feng Shui and sword maneuvers... It's genius...
I love to that you can run on bullets from a machine gun... ^_^
On Wed, 29 Mar 2000 15:21:30 AJSolis wrote:
I have a query. How many people use the game Feng shui for their street
fighter games? Mechanics, shticks you convert to maneuvers, setting,
anything of the sort.
Many things happen in the fighters list first B.Fish enter and after go
out (it´s his choice) now Enter in the scenario the fighter from Ronin.
News after all problems I give a vacation to Julian Del Solar III (but
the friendly for Ghost Bear will happen in the Weekend).
If someone of the list want make a "Test - no valid fight" (Where
mistakes can happen and could be fixed) just let me known against who.
- Jim "Razorblack" Bob Joe- Player (Francis Black)
- Rebellion- Player (Chris Hoffman)
- Hymamoto Suzuki- Player (Jade M Prout)
- Delta- Player (Josh Diemert)
- Ghost Bear- Player (Jeff Y)
- Joseph Masterson - Player (Cliff Rice)
- Dennis Bryant Character: I wait for a one using the rank 9 pack.
- Huo Feng (Ronin)
- Ernest Voss Concept: German Nazi Officer.
- Tom Sawyer Concept: Bartender from Scotland.
- Gregori Tzarovich: Russian ocultist.
- Chaotic: Dark Shotokan student from Akuma.
- Plague: A hideous lab creature hide his face behind a fencing mask
works for Shadaloo.
- Lee Yung: A chinese monk
- Maso: A punk rock music a with a litle interesting for the pain.
- Van Seddar: A netherlands poet.
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6266
From: Rinaldo Gambetta
Date: 3/31/2000
Subject: Re: Update Ages fighters list.
Ops Dennis Bryant Character is ready and I forgot here is: Alisyn Summers.
Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:
Many things happen in the fighters list first B.Fish
enter and after go
out (it´s his choice) now Enter in the scenario the fighter from
News after all problems I give a vacation to Julian Del Solar III (but
the friendly for Ghost Bear will happen in the Weekend).
If someone of the list want make a "Test - no valid fight" (Where
mistakes can happen and could be fixed) just let me known against who.
- Jim "Razorblack" Bob Joe- Player (Francis Black)
- Rebellion- Player (Chris Hoffman)
- Hymamoto Suzuki- Player (Jade M Prout)
- Delta- Player (Josh Diemert)
- Ghost Bear- Player (Jeff Y)
- Joseph Masterson - Player (Cliff Rice)
- Dennis Bryant Character: I wait for a one using the rank 9 pack.
- Huo Feng (Ronin)
- Ernest Voss Concept: German Nazi Officer.
- Tom Sawyer Concept: Bartender from Scotland.
- Gregori Tzarovich: Russian ocultist.
- Chaotic: Dark Shotokan student from Akuma.
- Plague: A hideous lab creature hide his face behind a fencing mask
works for Shadaloo.
- Lee Yung: A chinese monk
- Maso: A punk rock music a with a litle interesting for the pain.
- Van Seddar: A netherlands poet.
Learn more with SmartPlanet. It's a new way of learning online.
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If you really want to be mean try either of the pin maneuvers. To use pin
you've got to use it on either a knocked down or dizzied opponent...but if
he doesn't want to get up...
-----Original Message-----
From: Jeff Y [mailto:shinjo7@...]
Sent: Friday, March 31, 2000 2:20 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: How work the dammit ground fight.
If you really want to be mean try either of the pin maneuvers. To use pin
you've got to use it on either a knocked down or dizzied opponent...but if
he doesn't want to get up...
Hey, I agree, if he's actively STAYING on the ground. . . . .he deserves
what he gets
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6270
From: Jeff Y
Date: 3/31/2000
Subject: Pin Nuking
Ok, here's another sick idea from the deapths of my over-excercised
Electro-Grasp Treatment
Prerequisites: Grab 4, Focus 4, Improved Pin, Shock Treatment
Cost: Any 4
Take (your standard pin maneuver = 2) and (Shock Treatment = 2)
Now put 2 and 2 together.
System: Damage is first rolled for the pin maneuver, and if at least two
damage is scored the opponent is considered to be both knock down and in a
sustained hold. For the first round the attacker's strength is considered to
be 3 points higher for purposes of the resisted strength test.
Starting the second round of the pin the fighter will pump around 10,000
volts of electricty (i have no electrical experience... consider the 10k a
ballpark guess of fluff) into his opponent instead of using leverage to hurt
him (you can't anyway. All attention is used to keep him in your grasp!)
Damage is calculated with strength + grab 1st turn, and then intelligence
+ focus 2nd turn plus.
Cost: 1 WP first turn, 2 Chi 2nd+ turns
Speed: +0
Damage: +2/+7
Move: +1(1st turn)/2(2nd turn+)
Do I count as evil yet?
Group: streetfighter
Message: 6271
From: Ronny Anderssen
Date: 3/31/2000
Subject: Re: How work the dammit ground fight.
Hmmmm..... Picture a Fighter executing a hair throw on a grounded vicitm???
I'll say it would work...
On Thu, 30 Mar 2000 10:04:46 Steve Karstensen wrote:
>well, in the case of the sustained holds, you just jump on top of your
>opponent and apply the hold. Far as throws go... well, this *is* Street
>Fighter, so I'd say either judge on a case-by-case basis or just say that
>the attacker hauls the target to his feet and *then* throws him.
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rinaldo Gambetta [mailto:rinaldo.gambetta@...]
>Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 10:12 AM
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: How work the dammit ground fight.
>I realy think this but just for a more explain the grab in a floor opponent
>how the grab catch him?
>Steve Karstensen wrote:
>the player was lying.
>Any non-crouching maneuver used against an opponent that is on the ground
>and using Ground Fighting is at -2 to both Speed and Damage. It does not
>-----Original Message-----
>From: Rinaldo Gambetta [ mailto:rinaldo.gambetta@...
><mailto:rinaldo.gambetta@...> ]
>Sent: Thursday, March 30, 2000 6:58 AM
>To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>Subject: [streetfighter] How work the dammit ground fight.
>A long time ago I play in campaing with my friend but one of them have a
>complex (The Gm) because one of players decide make a copy of Lei of Tekken
>and Tag of course with an entire arsenal of manuvers lied in the ground
>ground fight and when a npc want grab him the player say his response: Ahh
>fair I4m on the ground you can4t grab me you can4t, grab me and a fireball:
>miss me, miss me. Of course he have willpower 10 to stay lied on the ground
>this a litle difficult to understand the mechanical of this manuver.
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