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Group: streetfighter Message: 5507 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Group: streetfighter Message: 5508 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules
Group: streetfighter Message: 5509 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5510 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5511 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Group: streetfighter Message: 5512 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Group: streetfighter Message: 5513 From: Andy Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules
Group: streetfighter Message: 5514 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules
Group: streetfighter Message: 5515 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Group: streetfighter Message: 5516 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules
Group: streetfighter Message: 5517 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: blind fighting
Group: streetfighter Message: 5518 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Adjust of counts: Johnny Invincible Vs Mr.Military.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5519 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5520 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Group: streetfighter Message: 5521 From: joespitt@tsixroads.com Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: POLL: Offical Rule Vote
Group: streetfighter Message: 5522 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules Nominations
Group: streetfighter Message: 5523 From: Azathoth05@aol.com Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Group: streetfighter Message: 5524 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Group: streetfighter Message: 5525 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Dark Streets, Chapter 3, turn 1
Group: streetfighter Message: 5526 From: Azathoth05@aol.com Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Group: streetfighter Message: 5527 From: Andy Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Super origen.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5528 From: Andy Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5529 From: Andy Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: blind fighting
Group: streetfighter Message: 5530 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: POLL: Offical Rule Vote
Group: streetfighter Message: 5531 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5532 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Exp points Quarter finals.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5533 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Exp points Quarter finals.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5534 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Group: streetfighter Message: 5535 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5536 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5537 From: Vega Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Super origen.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5538 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: POLL: Offical Rule Vote
Group: streetfighter Message: 5539 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
Group: streetfighter Message: 5540 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
Group: streetfighter Message: 5541 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
Group: streetfighter Message: 5542 From: Fabio Alves Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Combos of combos
Group: streetfighter Message: 5543 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
Group: streetfighter Message: 5544 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Combos of combos
Group: streetfighter Message: 5545 From: Andy Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Combos of combos
Group: streetfighter Message: 5546 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/10/2000
Subject: The Pyschocrusher and Thropy.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5547 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/10/2000
Subject: Re: Combos of combos
Group: streetfighter Message: 5548 From: Fabio Alves Date: 2/10/2000
Subject: Re: Combos of combos
Group: streetfighter Message: 5549 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/10/2000
Subject: Re: Combos of combos
Group: streetfighter Message: 5550 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/10/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
Group: streetfighter Message: 5551 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/10/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
Group: streetfighter Message: 5552 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/10/2000
Subject: Re: Combos of combos
Group: streetfighter Message: 5553 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/10/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
Group: streetfighter Message: 5554 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/10/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
Group: streetfighter Message: 5555 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/10/2000
Subject: New Style.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5556 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/10/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion

Group: streetfighter Message: 5507 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
"At first glance, it would appear that the only Abort Maneuvers are the
Basic Maneuver Block and the Special Maneuver Jump... However, Kick Defense
and Punch Defense are both described in the Special Maneuvers section of the
original book (on pages 115-116) as follows: "This operates as a standard
Block Maneuver, except that..." This STRONGLY suggests that Kick Defense
and Punch Defense can be used as Abort Maneuvers, since the System
description says that apart from the specific bonuses/penalties to your
Soak, these Maneuvers are identical to the basic Block, which is an Abort


All Block Special Maneuvers count as Blocks. Blocks are Abort Maneuvers.
Therefore, Block Special Maneuvers are Abort Maneuvers.

"I have seen "House" rules that allow ANY Block Special Maneuver to be used
as an Abort Maneuver, but I feel this is unrealistic... If someone points a
gun at you and fires, can you Abort to Missile Reflection? Then again,
Fireballs are unrealistic, and THEY'RE perfectly legal..."

It's not a House rule per se, it's an interpretation of the standard rules
as spelled out above. I've been playing that way for years and it's yet to
cause any problems. Realism is not an option when you have Fireballs and
Whirlwind Kicks. ;)

"Anyway, I would suggest that Block, Jump, Kick Defense, and Punch Defense
should ALL be valid Abort Maneuvers, and that no other Maneuvers from the
original book should be given Abort Maneuver status. If an official
rulebook or a webpage contains a Maneuver that "operates like a standard
Block" (or Jump), it may be considered..."

Why not Missile/Energy Reflection or San He? If you can't defend yourself
at a moment's notice with a Block or Block Special Maneuver, what's the
point? Why should I bother to learn how to catch arrows if I have to be
standing facing the archer and know he's about to fire ahead of time? Ninja
never tell you they're about to put a shaft through your forehead.

"Furthermore, the rules state (on page 139) that "Basically, you can change
any other action into an Abort Maneuver at any point during the combat
turn." I choose to interpret this rule literally: AT ANY POINT DURING THE
COMBAT TURN, even if you have already performed another Maneuver, you can
spend 1 Willpower to Abort! The only exception, of course, is if you have
already spent Willpower during that turn..."

No. You can Abort at any time, but once you've acted, your turn is over.
Otherwise there'd be no point in *not* Aborting to a Block at the end of a
turn if you have a Block Combo. Besides, the word "abort" by its very
definition means "stop what you're doing". If you've already finished your
maneuver you can't abort that maneuver.

"And about Willpower expenditure... On page 106 it says: "If the fighter is
interrupted and cannot perform his special move (victim moves out of range,
fighter gets knocked down, etc.) he can always choose not to perform the
special move and save his Chi and Willpower. Only when the move is actually
performed does he have to spend that power's Chi and Willpower cost." It is
vague as to what constitutes "performing a move.""

Any maneuver that has movement as its effect constitutes performing a move,
in my eyes. You use a Rolling Attack, your Willpower is spent the second
you leave your hex. Ditto Scissor/Cartwheel Kick, Flying Heel Stomp, or any
of the other mobile Move-As-You-Attack maneuvers. Otherwise, I can use
Rolling Attack all day as an enhanced Move (+4 versus +3) at no penalty.

"I don't make characters spend Willpower until they actually complete their
Movement AND roll Damage, at which point they have officially "performed"
their Special Maneuver, regardless of whether or not the Damage roll is

What if I throw Dragon Punches into midair? No damage rolls involved.
Ditto Rolling Attack. Can I Rolling Attack all day long as long as I don't
hit someone with it? That doesn't lend well to the whole concept of
Maneuver costs.

"One more thing, which throws a monkey wrench in the works: On page 64, it
says "Only one Willpower point can be spent during a single turn." However,
some Special Maneuvers require 2 Willpower points! What's up with that???
Is there an Official Amendment for this rule? I've never really dealt with
it; nobody my chronicles has ever had a Maneuver with such a high cost..."

The One-Willpower-Point-Rule is usually only applied to spending Willpower
for automatic successes or extra damage dice.

"Gimme some feedback, folks!"

I'd rather kiss a wookie.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5508 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules
--- "J. Scott Pittman" <joespitt@...> wrote:
> >One thing I think we should try to resolve is super rules. Do we want
> >them? If so which kind (game version)? All of them? Who's rules
> should
> >we use? All of them? etc.
> OK, for those who don't know, what exactly ARE super-rules, and what
> effects
> do they have to the game? Why are super-rules a good idea? Do they
> reflect
> an aspect of the video game? What pages have super-rules?

Okely Dokely, Super rules simulate the super attacks introduced in Super
SF II Turbo and expanded on in the Alpha, EX, and Vs. serieses. To a
certain extent, these rules already exist. Repeating Fireball and Psycho
Crusher are both supers in the Alpha series, although in slightly modified

Supers are useful in making the game more cinematic (yes, even more
cinematic) and even closer to it's anime and vidgame origens. I mean, how
much cooler is it to win a fight with a three hit fireball than with a one
hit jab punch?

On a related note there are also Alpha Counters and Super Combos, which
don't fit in with the regular super rules, but use super energy to power

Most of these maneuvers do many hits (up to fifteen for a Raging Demon),
but little damage with each individual hit (can you say botches).

Pages with super rules:

Welcome to Ed's Home Page!
The Street Fighter Dojo
Warriors' World has super rules and can be found in the Vault

and of course, my own http://members.xoom.com/staredown

staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5509 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
...Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:
>My idea about abort is you can abort only for defensive ways (Block, Jump, Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip and Esquives but why not abort to movement?
>Ex: A huge guy advance and try to grab my fighter he is slow and have speed 6 after a block in the other turn my fighter block too but he don4t want being caught in a sustained hold because that he see the huge guy move and interrupt his attack moving back, is a valid way?

Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip, and Esquives might make good Abort Maneuvers, but I wouldn't go so far as to make Move an Abort... For a fast Move, you could just have a Combo like Block to Move, which would make you faster than just about anything... If you see the huge guy Block, and you think he's going to go for a Grab Maneuver on the following turn, you can Abort to Block during the turn in which he Blocks, and get the super-fast Move on the next turn... he reaches for you, but you're long gone.

Also, Jump only costs 1 Power Point to learn... If you want to be able to Abort, spend the 4 Experience points and learn how to Jump. Keep in mind that ALL of the World Warriors can Jump (even Honda!)

>his strength and now people can laugh his strength is 2 and the stupid size and weight of my fighter don4t let he make what he want.
>He can4t throw me or better say he can4t take me out of ground a powerful maneuver like that stopped by weight, I laughed all day with this :)
>But I don4t know if is valid, I take the support because by the book strength 2 can work without problems using 100 lbs.

This is interesting! Should there be a rule to determine whether you can lift your opponent? I don't know... maybe... But with something like a Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think the Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man!

If I think a Maneuver is too unrealistic or just plain wrong for the situation, I disallow it. Also, I don't allow my players to learn Maneuvers I don't want in my campaign! Rules are great, but the fewer the better.

Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 5510 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
"This is interesting! Should there be a rule to determine whether you can
lift your opponent? I don't know... maybe... But with something like a
Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think the
Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a
Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man!"

depends on the move. Rising Storm Crow is all about momentum and gravity,
not strength.

"If I think a Maneuver is too unrealistic or just plain wrong for the
situation, I disallow it. Also, I don't allow my players to learn Maneuvers
I don't want in my campaign! Rules are great, but the fewer the better."

I do likewise. If one of my players tries to lift the ED-209 (for a Throw,
or whatever) I up the difficulty of the damage roll and require at least
three successes for the secondary effect (Knockdown and distance, in the
Throw's case).
Group: streetfighter Message: 5511 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Azathoth05 wrote:
>I second the nomination for making punch defense and kick defense the only other official abort maneuvers.


>The rest of your ideas need further consideration as they could be potentially unbalancing. As far as performing a special move goes, I believe the accepted rule is to use common sense.
>Beast rolls, hurricane kicks, etc. cost points as soon as the maneuver begins, because the cost comes from the taxing physical demands on the body, not the actual attack.

I see where you're coming from... So, assuming you agree with my other Abort ideas (and you know what happens when you ASSUME) common sense would dictate that once you've initiated something like a Beast Roll and spent Willpower, you can't Abort, right? Well, what if I go for a Lightning Leg, and I get interrupted by a Suplex? Did I spend Willpower? Can I Abort to Jump to save my ass?

>The 1 willpower per turn has been previously addressed as being a limit on extra dice not
maneuver costs.

Okay. So could I go for a Jab, spend 1 Willpower to buy an automatic success, and then spend 1 Willpower to Abort to a Jump? Or can I Abort out of a Beast Roll like in the previous example?

Also, can Willpower be used to buy an EXTRA success, or is it an automatic success INSTEAD of a Damage roll? I almost never waste Willpower on automatic successes anyway, but I usually say that if you want an automatic success, you JUST get the one. If you want big damage, roll the friggin' dice!

Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 5512 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
"I see where you're coming from... So, assuming you agree with my other
Abort ideas (and you know what happens when you ASSUME) common sense would
dictate that once you've initiated something like a Beast Roll and spent
Willpower, you can't Abort, right?"


"Well, what if I go for a Lightning Leg, and I get interrupted by a Suplex?
Did I spend Willpower? Can I Abort to Jump to save my ass?"

No, and yes.

You haven't actually *begun* the Lightning Leg when you get interrupted, so
you can change maneuvers and Jump away. If you've gone into a Rolling
Attack and have already launched yourself three hexes, then get interrupted,
not only have you spent the Willpower, but I play it that you can't abort.
I also never let people abort out of Aerial maneuvers unless they haven't
left their hex yet (IE, haven't left the ground).

>The 1 willpower per turn has been previously addressed as being a limit on
extra dice not
maneuver costs.

"Okay. So could I go for a Jab, spend 1 Willpower to buy an automatic
success, and then spend 1 Willpower to Abort to a Jump? Or can I Abort out
of a Beast Roll like in the previous example?"

No. You can't spend a point of Willpower on a dice roll you're not going to
make (damage roll for the jab). The one Willpower you spend will be for the
abort. Technically, at least by my reasoning, you can't abort out of a
Beast Roll.

"Also, can Willpower be used to buy an EXTRA success, or is it an automatic
success INSTEAD of a Damage roll? I almost never waste Willpower on
automatic successes anyway, but I usually say that if you want an automatic
success, you JUST get the one. If you want big damage, roll the friggin'

Automatic Success on a non-combat die roll. One extra die on a damage roll.
Normally if you spend Willpower for Automatic Success, it's considered a
minimal (IE, one) success. In that case, you either spend or roll, not a
Group: streetfighter Message: 5513 From: Andy Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules
On the subject of "Supers", here's some trivia: Why did supers get put into
the games?

The most obvious reason is because Capcom wanted to make the game cooler,
but how did they justify this in the "in game" contex?

hehehee...I only found one location that explained the sudden appearance of
the Super Arts, and to be honest, with a little thought it justifies their
presence in the Alpha series, of 4 years prior.

> >
> > >One thing I think we should try to resolve is super rules. Do we want
> > >them? If so which kind (game version)? All of them? Who's rules
> > should
> > >we use? All of them? etc.
> >
> > OK, for those who don't know, what exactly ARE super-rules, and what
> > effects
> > do they have to the game? Why are super-rules a good idea? Do they
> > reflect
> > an aspect of the video game? What pages have super-rules?
> Okely Dokely, Super rules simulate the super attacks introduced in Super
> SF II Turbo and expanded on in the Alpha, EX, and Vs. serieses. To a
> certain extent, these rules already exist. Repeating Fireball and Psycho
> Crusher are both supers in the Alpha series, although in slightly modified
> forms.
> Supers are useful in making the game more cinematic (yes, even more
> cinematic) and even closer to it's anime and vidgame origens. I mean, how
> much cooler is it to win a fight with a three hit fireball than with a one
> hit jab punch?
> On a related note there are also Alpha Counters and Super Combos, which
> don't fit in with the regular super rules, but use super energy to power
> them.
> Most of these maneuvers do many hits (up to fifteen for a Raging Demon),
> but little damage with each individual hit (can you say botches).
Group: streetfighter Message: 5514 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules
yea, funny how the Alphas take place prior to the World Warrior tourney, and
the fighters have Supers in the Alphas and not in the WWT.

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy [mailto:dlatrex@...]
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 2:43 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Offical Rules

On the subject of "Supers", here's some trivia: Why did supers get put into
the games?

The most obvious reason is because Capcom wanted to make the game cooler,
but how did they justify this in the "in game" contex?

hehehee...I only found one location that explained the sudden appearance of
the Super Arts, and to be honest, with a little thought it justifies their
presence in the Alpha series, of 4 years prior.

> >
> > >One thing I think we should try to resolve is super rules. Do we want
> > >them? If so which kind (game version)? All of them? Who's rules
> > should
> > >we use? All of them? etc.
> >
> > OK, for those who don't know, what exactly ARE super-rules, and what
> > effects
> > do they have to the game? Why are super-rules a good idea? Do they
> > reflect
> > an aspect of the video game? What pages have super-rules?
> Okely Dokely, Super rules simulate the super attacks introduced in Super
> SF II Turbo and expanded on in the Alpha, EX, and Vs. serieses. To a
> certain extent, these rules already exist. Repeating Fireball and Psycho
> Crusher are both supers in the Alpha series, although in slightly modified
> forms.
> Supers are useful in making the game more cinematic (yes, even more
> cinematic) and even closer to it's anime and vidgame origens. I mean, how
> much cooler is it to win a fight with a three hit fireball than with a one
> hit jab punch?
> On a related note there are also Alpha Counters and Super Combos, which
> don't fit in with the regular super rules, but use super energy to power
> them.
> Most of these maneuvers do many hits (up to fifteen for a Raging Demon),
> but little damage with each individual hit (can you say botches).

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Group: streetfighter Message: 5515 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
...J. Scott Pittman wrote:

>I think that after movement, aborting to an Abort Maneuver is fine. However, if you have already COMPLETED movement and damage, the character's combat turn is over, therefore if you aborted it would not be DURING your character's combat turn, it would be AFTER it. Therefore, abort maneuvers would only be optional before or after the movement phase, but before damage rolls.

I hadn't thought of it that way... the description of Abort Maneuvers (p.139) says "...at any point during THE combat turn..." not YOUR combat turn. And THE combat turn isn't over until everyone has completed their maneuvers... so by that logic you could wait until the slowest guy in the fight is about to roll damage, then declare that you are Aborting to a Block (to set up a fast Combo maybe...) HOWEVER: although I feel that the rules back me up on this one, it's still JUST an interpretation (literal or not) and it could severely disrupt a balanced game. In my Chronicle, however, EVERYONE plays this way, so there's still balance... There needs to be more discussion, I think.

>>I don't make characters spend Willpower until they actually complete their Movement AND roll Damage, at which point they have officially "performed" their Special Maneuver, regardless of whether or not the Damage roll is successful.

However, Azathoth05 brought up a good point... Maneuvers such as Beast Roll give you a superhuman movement range. He suggests that if you use a Special Maneuver to move a greater number of hexes than your Athletics rating, you should have to spend the Willpower and/or Chi. He also stresses that common sense must prevail.

>Although there has never been a correction for this, or an explanation, I think the books make it pretty clear that the rule implies that a character can only spend one Willpower point other than what his Maneuver calls for in one combat turn.

I like this explanation better than any others I've heard... In other words, you can only spend Willpower once per turn, and only on one thing (ie, an automatic success, an Abort Maneuver, or Special Maneuver) Right? Good.

Azathoth05 said the 1-per-turn rule only applied to automatic successes... but that would mean I could go to town with Willpower expenditures!
Example: Say I start with a Flying Knee Thrust, which costs 1 Willpower; my opponent, who was going to simply Block, now Aborts to Kick Defense; so I spend ANOTHER Willpower for an automatic Damage success; then I spend ONE MORE Willpower to Abort to a Jump, landing several hexes away with not a scratch on me. Now all I have to do is not get hit for the rest of the match, and I win! Doesn't sound fair, does it?

Of course, my opponent could just challenge me to a No-Time-Limit match in a 2-hex-by-2-hex steel cage, and tear me to shreds! I freely admit I'm going to extremes here, but I think if we want to come up with mutually agreeable rules, we need to consider EVERY possibility, no matter how unlikely (or unfair)

Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
Group: streetfighter Message: 5516 From: Chris Hoffmann Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules
--- Andy <dlatrex@...> wrote:
> On the subject of "Supers", here's some trivia: Why did supers get put
> into
> the games?
> The most obvious reason is because Capcom wanted to make the game
> cooler,
> but how did they justify this in the "in game" contex?
> hehehee...I only found one location that explained the sudden appearance
> of
> the Super Arts, and to be honest, with a little thought it justifies
> their
> presence in the Alpha series, of 4 years prior.

Hmmmm, the only reason I can think of for the lack of super arts only
applies to Mr. Bison. In Rose's endings in either alpha 1 or two (can't
remember) she seals his power away at the cost of her life.

Of course this shouldn't affect Ken/Ryu/Cammy/etc.

Well don't kill us with suspence, give us the theory man!

staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown

"We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
--we merely expect them to try."
-- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5517 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: blind fighting
>>Hey scott.

Hey there!

>>I checked out your web page and I love it,

>>but I have to say I still disagree with your blindfighting rules.
Its been listed multiple times in the books that when a character must react
in combat he uses wits not perception.

In total darkness, which is the case of blindness, I must agree that Wits
applies more than Perception. Any comments on this by anyone else?

>>I still also think its much easier for a story teller to simply assign
a difficulty to the level of darkness and the player try to roll to see if
he can succeed.

Agreed in out-of-tourament fighting (normal role-playing), but in tournament
fights, there seems to be a need for a rule that is fair and consistant, but
can differ from round to round so you can't just make up a character that
causes blindness and kick butt or lose all the time, or just have the victim
making rolls that seem kinda average. Like everything else about street
fighter, the element of suprise in the dice rolls keeps tournament fighting

>>I also think characters should be allowed to jump to dodge most

No arguments here on that one, I never said diffrent. The Jump Maneuver is
designed for just that purpose.

J. Scott Pittman
Game Designer, Writer, Artist
Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
"Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious

-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Pascuttini <rpascuttini@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Monday, February 07, 2000 6:50 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: blind fighting

>Hey scott.
>I checked out your web page and I love it,
>but I have to say I still disagree with your blindfighting rules.
>Its been listed multiple times in the books that when a character must
>in combat he uses wits not perception.
>I still also think its much easier for a story teller to simply assign
>a difficulty to the level of darkness and the player try to roll to see if
>he can succeed.
>I also think characters should be allowed to jump to dodge most
>>From: "J. Scott Pittman" <joespitt@...>
>>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: blind fighting
>>Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 22:46:56 -0800
>>Dogs Of War (Street Fighter site):
>>Have Fun!
>>J. Scott Pittman
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Robert Pascuttini <rpascuttini@...>
>>To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>>Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 8:17 PM
>>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: blind fighting
>> >Ok Ill need the address for dogs of war again.
>> >but I doubt Ill agree.
>> >mainly because this is in perfect vein with the system.
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >>From: "J. Scott Pittman" <joespitt@...>
>> >>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>> >>To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>> >>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: blind fighting
>> >>Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 09:44:56 -0800
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>This is a good system for the role-playing aspect of any Storyteller
>> >>system,
>> >>but for a Storyteller to have to set a difficulty for the action in a
>> >>tournament combat could be unfair unless the number is always
>> >>think Rinaldo, Diemert and myself came up with a better system. It's on
>> >>Dogs
>> >>of War.
>> >>
>> >>J. Scott Pittman
>> >>
>> >>P.S. - I had not realised it had been so long since I started moving!
>> >>The holidays combined in there also, and like a month has gone by since
>> >>updated Dogs of ar or even provided one turn of Dark Streets. Promise
>> >>get
>> >>back on tack soon - what can I say, the beginning of the year did us
>> >>for a bit I think, even Rinaldo, who has to be the typingist person on
>> >>mailing list!
>> >>-----Original Message-----
>> >>From: Robert Pascuttini <rpascuttini@...>
>> >>To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>> >>Date: Friday, January 07, 2000 11:55 PM
>> >>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: blind fighting
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> >Hey everyone. Sorry Ive been gone for so long but I had a long two
>> >>and
>> >> >wasnt able to resond.
>> >> >
>> >> >Anyways a good friend of mine came down over the time and the subject
>> >> >blind fighting came up. I know we drilled this one into the ground
>> >> >and I dont think this was mentioned, bu heres a go at working the
>> >> >fighting. When my friend mentioned it It was so simple
>> >> >I was shocked.
>> >> >
>> >> >The story teller assigns the difficulty to the player for his
>> >> >success. the player than makes a roll of perception + blindfighting
>> >> >Or wits + blindfighting
>> >> >and reduces the difficulty by the number of success he received.
>> >> >minimum difficulty of 6.
>> >> >Tada.
>> >> >So a person with more dots in blindfighting than 5 simply has better
>> >>odds.
>> >> >______________________________________________________
>> >> >
>> >>
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5518 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Adjust of counts: Johnny Invincible Vs Mr.Military.
Mr. Military blows smoke down on the fallen Johnny.
"No need for name callin', boy."

J. Scott Pittman
Game Designer, Writer, Artist
Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
"Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious

-----Original Message-----
From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 3:36 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] Adjust of counts: Johnny Invincible Vs Mr.Military.

>Johnny Invincible Style: Thai Kickboxing Country: USA Player: downfall
>Appearance: Johnny is in his mid 20's. He has an athletic, muscular
>build. His
>hair is short and bleached blonde- spiked up. He is wearing dark shades,
>T-shirt, and blue jeans.
>As he suanters down to the arena there is a supermodel which he has
>around each
>arm. As he nears, they both help him take off his leather biker jacket.
>Quote before fight: *Grandoise music plays. An announcer is heard in the
>background* "Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages.
>Comming to you for one night and one night only- the grudge match you've
>been waiting for! Team CLAW proudly brings to you Johnnyyyyyyyyy
>>From Santa Cruz Califonia, he is 210 pounds of muscle and good looks
packed into
>one RAW package. He is the street fighter terror. He is the
>dirty uncle that will slap your ass until you call him daddy. Yes ladies
>gents it is time to him to kick some ass and chew bubble gum and he
>No, he is
> Vs
>Mr.Military style: Special Forces country: Usa player: J.Scot Pittman.
>Appearance: Mr. Military, an afirian-american, dresses in a marine full
>uniform, and is very clean cut. However, he is almost always seen
>smoking a
>smelly cigar.
>His expression is always one of disgust or seriousness. Mr.Military
>stands 6 ft.
>exactly, with black, crew-cut hair, deep brown eyes. He bears a scar of
>origin that runs from the top of the left side of his forehead all the
>way down
>the side of his face.
>Quote before fight: Mr. Military spits out an old cigar butt and narrows
>eyes at his opponent.
>Arena: Some Hong Kong dark alley
>Fighters are 3 hexes from each other.
>Move 1- Mr.Military move 1hex to make a Foot Sweep for combo (dizzy) but
>nothing and Johnny Invincible don´t move and make a Double Hit Knee but
>Move 2- Johnny Invincible make a Foward Kick with Toughskin but hit air
>Mr.Military make a Backflip Kick but hit nothign and retreat 2 hexes
>Move 3- Mr.Military block and Johnny Invincible move 3 hexes and reach
>Mr.Military hex.
>Move 4- Johnny Invincible try to make a Foot Sweep but use Toughskin and
>Mr.Military more faster hit a Foot Sweep for combo (dizzy) and Johnny
>Invincilble receives: 3 points of damage fall at ground (knockdown) and
>He stand up in this turn but is dizzy.
>Move 5- Mr.Military don´t make Backflip kick and Make a Roundhouse kick
>and hit
>the dizzy Johnny Invincible receives: 5 points of damage.
>Move 6- Mr.Military block and Johnny Invincible make a Foward kick and
>Mr.Military receives: 4 points of damage.
>Move 7- Johnny Invincible try to make a Foward kick but Mr.Military is
>faster with a Foot sweep for his combo (dizzy) and Johnny Invincible
>receives: 3
>points of damage and knockout.
>I can´t give exp points for this one because this remove my balance
>power in
>What’s better than getting a Great Deal?
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5519 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
>>This is interesting! Should there be a rule to determine whether you can
lift your opponent? I don't know... maybe... But with something like a
Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think the
Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a
Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man

I disagree. Street Fighter is very cinematic, and guys with little strength
still seem able to pull off incredible moves with nothing more than pure
skill. The damage won't be that much anyway. Besides, if you make a rule for
that, whats the weight-strength ratio to throw someone, knock them back a
hex, etc. Could cammy really knock E. Honda off his feet? Not likely. I say
keep the "strength needed" rules out of Street Fighter myself. If you want a
realistic system, try GURPS (which really is a GREAT system).

J. Scott Pittman
Game Designer, Writer, Artist
Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
"Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious
-----Original Message-----
From: Jade M Prout <twitchboy@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 10:46 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Abort ways.

>...Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:
>>My idea about abort is you can abort only for defensive ways (Block, Jump,
Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip and Esquives but why not abort to movement?
>>Ex: A huge guy advance and try to grab my fighter he is slow and have
speed 6 after a block in the other turn my fighter block too but he don4t
want being caught in a sustained hold because that he see the huge guy move
and interrupt his attack moving back, is a valid way?
>Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip, and Esquives might make good Abort
Maneuvers, but I wouldn't go so far as to make Move an Abort... For a fast
Move, you could just have a Combo like Block to Move, which would make you
faster than just about anything... If you see the huge guy Block, and you
think he's going to go for a Grab Maneuver on the following turn, you can
Abort to Block during the turn in which he Blocks, and get the super-fast
Move on the next turn... he reaches for you, but you're long gone.
>Also, Jump only costs 1 Power Point to learn... If you want to be able to
Abort, spend the 4 Experience points and learn how to Jump. Keep in mind
that ALL of the World Warriors can Jump (even Honda!)
>>his strength and now people can laugh his strength is 2 and the stupid
size and weight of my fighter don4t let he make what he want.
>>He can4t throw me or better say he can4t take me out of ground a powerful
maneuver like that stopped by weight, I laughed all day with this :)
>>But I don4t know if is valid, I take the support because by the book
strength 2 can work without problems using 100 lbs.
>This is interesting! Should there be a rule to determine whether you can
lift your opponent? I don't know... maybe... But with something like a
Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think the
Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a
Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man!
>If I think a Maneuver is too unrealistic or just plain wrong for the
situation, I disallow it. Also, I don't allow my players to learn Maneuvers
I don't want in my campaign! Rules are great, but the fewer the better.
>Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
>Finding a sweetheart is hard work. Shopping for one shouldn't be.
>Click here for Valentine Surprises!
>-- Talk to your group with your own voice!
>-- http://www.egroups.com/VoiceChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1
Group: streetfighter Message: 5520 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Old letter:
>I think that after movement, aborting to an Abort Maneuver is fine.
However, if you have already COMPLETED movement and damage, the character's
combat turn is over, therefore if you aborted it would not be DURING your
character's combat turn, it would be AFTER it. Therefore, abort maneuvers
would only be optional before or after the movement phase, but before damage

Your Response:
I hadn't thought of it that way... the description of Abort Maneuvers
(p.139) says "...at any point during THE combat turn..." not YOUR combat
turn. And THE combat turn isn't over until everyone has completed their
maneuvers... so by that logic you could wait until the slowest guy in the
fight is about to roll damage, then declare that you are Aborting to a Block
(to set up a fast Combo maybe...) HOWEVER: although I feel that the rules
back me up on this one, it's still JUST an interpretation (literal or not)
and it could severely disrupt a balanced game. In my Chronicle, however,
EVERYONE plays this way, so there's still balance... There needs to be more
discussion, I think.

My New Response:
Sure, you could wait and interrupt, aborting to block to set up a fast
combo, but only if you had not preformed any Maneuvers yet.
Yes, the book does say during THE combat turn, but obviously we can't take
this literily. If that was the case, you could complete a Maneuver, and then
before your opponent makes his Maneuver Abort to another Maneuver
altogether. Street Fighters may be fast, but they can't preform two
Maneuvers at once!

Old Letter:
>>I don't make characters spend Willpower until they actually complete their
Movement AND roll Damage, at which point they have officially "performed"
their Special Maneuver, regardless of whether or not the Damage roll is

Your Response:
However, Azathoth05 brought up a good point... Maneuvers such as Beast Roll
give you a superhuman movement range. He suggests that if you use a Special
Maneuver to move a greater number of hexes than your Athletics rating, you
should have to spend the Willpower and/or Chi. He also stresses that common
sense must prevail.

My New Response:
My ruling is that Maneuver that give you a bonus to Movement, and that is
thier ONLY advantage (meaning no damage roll or ability that has already
been used, such as jumping over projectiles) cannot be aborted from once the
Maneuver has reached it's full effect (moving as far as it could have). In
this case, the fighter has not completed the Maneuver, and still has a few
precious milliseconds to change his mind and defend himself if he likes,
aborting to block if neccessary. He would also not have to spend the
Willpower or Chi required for the Maneuver. Of course, if the player
announces that his movement is completed, even if he has not moved the full
distnce, then he has completed the Maneuver as he had planned, and in this
case cannot abort to block and spend the full Willpower and Chi required.
In the case of Maneuvers that cause damage, my view of the rules remains the
same. If the fighter has not rolled damage as of yet, he is still in
mid-motion, and can change his mind on whether or not to abort the maneuver
and defend himself, and negates any Willpower/Chi cost.
Although I disagree in some cases of expenditures, someone mentioned paying
only part of the normal cost if part of the Maneuver has already taken
place. This deserves some discussion. Prehaps paying 1/2 poits? Willpower
and Chi could be divided into 1/2 point totals, and fighter would have to
pay "half a point" per each point they would have normally spent if they
abort a Maneuver that has already begun but not taken it's full effect as
mentiuoned above. Hmmmm... any comments on this? Sounds better the more I
read it!

Old letter:
>Although there has never been a correction for this, or an explanation, I
think the books make it pretty clear that the rule implies that a character
can only spend one Willpower point other than what his Maneuver calls for in
one combat turn.

Your Response:
I like this explanation better than any others I've heard... In other
words, you can only spend Willpower once per turn, and only on one thing
(ie, an automatic success, an Abort Maneuver, or Special Maneuver) Right?

My New response:
Wrong. You can spend any amount of Willpower and/or Chi as long as the
Maneuver you are preforming reqires it, plus one point of Willpower to abort
or gain an extra success (the later only in out-of-tournament fights).

Your response:
Azathoth05 said the 1-per-turn rule only applied to automatic successes...
but that would mean I could go to town with Willpower expenditures!
Example: Say I start with a Flying Knee Thrust, which costs 1 Willpower; my
opponent, who was going to simply Block, now Aborts to Kick Defense; so I
spend ANOTHER Willpower for an automatic Damage success; then I spend ONE
MORE Willpower to Abort to a Jump, landing several hexes away with not a
scratch on me. Now all I have to do is not get hit for the rest of the
match, and I win! Doesn't sound fair, does it?

My response:
During matches, you cannot spend Willpower points for automatic successes.
As a matter of fact, a rules lawyer will not allow ANY expenditures of
Willpower to affect combat results in or out of tournaments (see Automatic
Successes, pg. 33, Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game). The "automatic
damage success" is NOT supposed to happen in Street Fighter as it does in
other Storyteller games.

Your response:
Of course, my opponent could just challenge me to a No-Time-Limit match in a
2-hex-by-2-hex steel cage, and tear me to shreds! I freely admit I'm going
to extremes here, but I think if we want to come up with mutually agreeable
rules, we need to consider EVERY possibility, no matter how unlikely (or

My New response:
Most fighters that rely on Grabs could do the same thing to most fighters
that rely on speed and agility. A large ring can be the downfall of most
large, slow fighters. I make sure the ring changes size alot in my games.

J. Scott Pittman
Game Designer, Writer, Artist
Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
"Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious

-----Original Message-----
From: Jade M Prout <twitchboy@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 12:43 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]

>...J. Scott Pittman wrote:
>>I think that after movement, aborting to an Abort Maneuver is fine.
However, if you have already COMPLETED movement and damage, the character's
combat turn is over, therefore if you aborted it would not be DURING your
character's combat turn, it would be AFTER it. Therefore, abort maneuvers
would only be optional before or after the movement phase, but before damage
>I hadn't thought of it that way... the description of Abort Maneuvers
(p.139) says "...at any point during THE combat turn..." not YOUR combat
turn. And THE combat turn isn't over until everyone has completed their
maneuvers... so by that logic you could wait until the slowest guy in the
fight is about to roll damage, then declare that you are Aborting to a Block
(to set up a fast Combo maybe...) HOWEVER: although I feel that the rules
back me up on this one, it's still JUST an interpretation (literal or not)
and it could severely disrupt a balanced game. In my Chronicle, however,
EVERYONE plays this way, so there's still balance... There needs to be more
discussion, I think.
>>>I don't make characters spend Willpower until they actually complete
their Movement AND roll Damage, at which point they have officially
"performed" their Special Maneuver, regardless of whether or not the Damage
roll is successful.
>However, Azathoth05 brought up a good point... Maneuvers such as Beast
Roll give you a superhuman movement range. He suggests that if you use a
Special Maneuver to move a greater number of hexes than your Athletics
rating, you should have to spend the Willpower and/or Chi. He also stresses
that common sense must prevail.
>>Although there has never been a correction for this, or an explanation, I
think the books make it pretty clear that the rule implies that a character
can only spend one Willpower point other than what his Maneuver calls for in
one combat turn.
>I like this explanation better than any others I've heard... In other
words, you can only spend Willpower once per turn, and only on one thing
(ie, an automatic success, an Abort Maneuver, or Special Maneuver) Right?
>Azathoth05 said the 1-per-turn rule only applied to automatic successes...
but that would mean I could go to town with Willpower expenditures!
>Example: Say I start with a Flying Knee Thrust, which costs 1 Willpower; my
opponent, who was going to simply Block, now Aborts to Kick Defense; so I
spend ANOTHER Willpower for an automatic Damage success; then I spend ONE
MORE Willpower to Abort to a Jump, landing several hexes away with not a
scratch on me. Now all I have to do is not get hit for the rest of the
match, and I win! Doesn't sound fair, does it?
>Of course, my opponent could just challenge me to a No-Time-Limit match in
a 2-hex-by-2-hex steel cage, and tear me to shreds! I freely admit I'm
going to extremes here, but I think if we want to come up with mutually
agreeable rules, we need to consider EVERY possibility, no matter how
unlikely (or unfair)
>Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
>Love. Relationships? E - Commerce!
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>-- http://www.egroups.com/VoiceChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1
Group: streetfighter Message: 5521 From: joespitt@tsixroads.com Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: POLL: Offical Rule Vote
The following rules have been nominated to become Offical Street Fighter Mailing List Rules. The nomination that wins will proceed to further discussion and a new vote on which version of that rule should become offical. The runners up will remain and appear on future nomination votes. The Poll will continue until either everyone has voted (please vote) or one week has passed (sorry for the 7 day wait, but everyone deserves to have time to see the poll and vote). Polling will end Febuary 15, at 5 my time (or sooner if everyone votes). - Scott

Please select one of the following:

o Super Maneuver Rules
o Defining what an Abort Maneuver is/what Maneuvers are Abort Maneuvers
o Blind Fighting rules

by going to the following Web form:


Thank you!
Group: streetfighter Message: 5522 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules Nominations
Please make nominations in the open mailing list and with the subject
heading "Official Rule Nomination".
Make return messages with the subject heading "Official Rules discussion".
This will make it much easier for me to keep track of the nominations.

J. Scott Pittman
Game Designer, Writer, Artist
Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
"Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious

-----Original Message-----
From: ArkonDLoC@... <ArkonDLoC@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Thursday, February 07, 2036 1:32 AM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Dark Streets, Chapter 3, turn 1

>In a message dated 2/3/2000 1:40:04 PM, joespitt@... writes:
><< Sabrina had just slid into the room. She wondered if the robots
>her as well, but she was hidden near the fallen guard, and they might not
>sense her as seperate from him. >>
>This matchstick won't do anything against those machines, Sabrina thought
>she slid the baton into her belt. Fortunaty Sabrina had something for
>emergencies. She coldly drew her gun.
>Body Paint, Chocolates, & Roses Oh My!
>-- Talk to your group with your own voice!
>-- http://www.egroups.com/VoiceChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1
Group: streetfighter Message: 5523 From: Azathoth05@aol.com Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
In a message dated 2/8/00 4:06:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,
twitchboy@... writes:

Only problem is that you can't abort to the jump since you've already
completed your attack and your turn is over. So once that Flying Knee Thrust
hits you're done. And apparently the 1 willpower is an extra die in combat I
guess I just went off the top of my head to be honest I don't use that
rule-Street Fighters recover Willpower too easily to allow automatic
successes any time they want. Also I agree that you can't abort to a block or
jump in midair and unless your opponent is really slow he'd wait until you
left your hex to abort to a kick defense.

<< Example: Say I start with a Flying Knee Thrust, which costs 1 Willpower;
my opponent, who was going to simply Block, now Aborts to Kick Defense; so I
spend ANOTHER Willpower for an automatic Damage success; then I spend ONE
MORE Willpower to Abort to a Jump, landing several hexes away with not a
scratch on me. Now all I have to do is not get hit for the rest of the
match, and I win! Doesn't sound fair, does it? >>
Group: streetfighter Message: 5524 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
Former letter stated:

>>>Only problem is that you can't abort to the jump since you've already
>completed your attack and your turn is over. So once that Flying Knee
>hits you're done.

I agree with this.

And apparently the 1 willpower is an extra die in combat I
>guess I just went off the top of my head to be honest I don't use that
>rule-Street Fighters recover Willpower too easily to allow automatic
>successes any time they want.

No, the willpower point cannot be used for combat purposes.

>>Also I agree that you can't abort to a block or
>jump in midair and unless your opponent is really slow he'd wait until you
>left your hex to abort to a kick defense.

this sounds logical at first, but I do not agree with it. If you used a
combat maneuver that allowed you to perform an aerial stunt, then you could
end that, falling to the ground and bouncing away with a jump, so long as
your Jump still had a higher Speed than your opponent. Perhaps a good rule
would be to apply a -2 Speed modifier to an aerial maneuver that is used as
an Abort if the Maneuver previous to the Abort was an Aerial Maneuver.
As for blocking, why couldn't you block in the air? Fighters could block
with their arms or legs even if airborne, aborting to Block.

J. Scott Pittman
Game Designer, Writer, Artist
Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
"Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious

-----Original Message-----
From: Azathoth05@... <Azathoth05@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 4:37 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]

>In a message dated 2/8/00 4:06:46 PM Eastern Standard Time,
>twitchboy@... writes:
>Only problem is that you can't abort to the jump since you've already
>completed your attack and your turn is over. So once that Flying Knee
>hits you're done. And apparently the 1 willpower is an extra die in combat
>guess I just went off the top of my head to be honest I don't use that
>rule-Street Fighters recover Willpower too easily to allow automatic
>successes any time they want. Also I agree that you can't abort to a block
>jump in midair and unless your opponent is really slow he'd wait until you
>left your hex to abort to a kick defense.
><< Example: Say I start with a Flying Knee Thrust, which costs 1 Willpower;
>my opponent, who was going to simply Block, now Aborts to Kick Defense; so
>spend ANOTHER Willpower for an automatic Damage success; then I spend ONE
>MORE Willpower to Abort to a Jump, landing several hexes away with not a
>scratch on me. Now all I have to do is not get hit for the rest of the
>match, and I win! Doesn't sound fair, does it? >>
>Unique Valentine gifts, available now at eGroups.
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5525 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Dark Streets, Chapter 3, turn 1
To Yu Ominae:
Do you have the Street fighter rulebook?

-----Original Message-----
From: Yu Ominae <yuominae@...>
To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
Date: Friday, February 04, 2000 5:48 PM
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Dark Streets, Chapter 3, turn 1

>Sure I'll Send my character,But at the risk of sounding kinda silly what
>freebie points, I'm new to this. Sorry
>>From: "J. Scott Pittman" <joespitt@...>
>>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>>To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Dark Streets, Chapter 3, turn 1
>>Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 22:28:22 -0800
>>sure thing, just send in a character, make sure to tell me how you used
>>freebie points
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: Yu Ominae <yuominae@...>
>>To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>>Date: Wednesday, February 06, 2036 11:13 PM
>>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Dark Streets, Chapter 3, turn 1
>> >Can I get into this?
>> >
>> >
>> >>From: "J. Scott Pittman" <joespitt@...>
>> >>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
>> >>To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
>> >>Subject: [streetfighter] Dark Streets, Chapter 3, turn 1
>> >>Date: Thu, 3 Feb 2000 13:13:04 -0800
>> >>
>> >>Dark Streets, Chapter Three, turn 1
>> >>
>> >>Eric looks at the others, then to the crow on his shoulder, then up
>> >>the
>> >>sky. "I have tasted death once. Its not that good. I suggest we go in
>> >>through
>> >>the back. If you all decide differently, I'll go with you."
>> >>again, I send my crow on ahead, just a bit, and slowly follow it
>> >>
>> >>Sago picks up the radio and answers in a tired, scratchy voice, "Yeah,
>> >>nothing new to report. Um... I may have to leave early, I, uh, I think
>> >>I'm coming down with something."
>> >>
>> >>Sammi quickly stifled a giggle when Sago answered.
>> >>"Yeah," she whispered, "a case of 'Boot to the Head'
>> >>syndrome." She waited until Sago put the radio back
>> >>down and looked at him. "Look, I'm sorry for turning
>> >>'dictator' back there on the roof, but these kids are
>> >>in trouble, and we're the only ones who can help. It
>> >>seemed like we were just going to stand there arguing
>> >>all night on how to get in. I had to do something."
>> >>Sammi began rubbing her left arm, then reached down
>> >>and searched the guard.
>> >>OOC: You said in the description that the guard had
>> >>half a pack of smokes. Sammi's gonna look for that,
>> >>and a lighter or pack of matches. Might come in handy
>> >>inside. She's also gonna snag the goggles, if they're
>> >>still intact. (I've gotta hunch...)
>> >>I snagged 'em in case they're polarized,
>> >>or IR or something. Scott, Sammi does try on the
>> >>goggles to see if her view of the world is
>> >>'different'; if not, she tosses them.
>> >>
>> >>As she approached the old warehouse, she noticed some commotion, a
>> >>fight and then some people trying to get into the place. They sure
>> >>look like the police, but the more important thing was they didn't look
>> >>like
>> >>friends of Shark.
>> >>------- >>
>> >>IC: Sabrina's grib on the baton tightened. It was tempting to think
>> >>this would be like the old days, but the cold cut shattered her
>> >>The old days were gone, and there was no hope of anything but revenge
>> >>She moved, darting from one shadow to another while watching for any
>> >>guards. The civilians may be against her enemy, but she didn't have to
>> >>show
>> >>herself. Not until she knew more about them. His games start to to
>> >>here, with Shark.
>> >>"Winter's coming B******." The threat was almost loud enough to be a
>> >>whisper.
>> >>OOC: Sabrina will sneak to the warehouse while watching for guards.
>> >>____________________
>> >>
>> >> The walkie talkie hissed more static for a few seconds. "OK, man, if
>> >>need to. Hope you start feeling better. I'll cover for you tonight, but
>> >>you've got to take my shift Saturday."
>> >>"OK", Sago replied, trying his best to copy the same voice he used, and
>> >>thankful for the static on the line.
>> >> Sammi tried on the goggles. They looked normal, like a pair of large
>> >>sunglasses, but when placing them across her eyes, she could tell that
>> >>were some type of special electronic equipment. Tiny messages flashed
>> >>the
>> >>upper left of them, and as she looked at things, they seemed to be
>> >>as if connected to a computer. Readouts of the objects appeared,
>> >>them in some detail. Looking at a nearby trashcan gave the readout:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>looking again at Sago, the readout printed in bright letters:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> Sammi also noticed at the bottom of the glasses were smaller
>> >>that stated LIGHT SOURCE NORMAL. She decided to keep the goggles.
>> >> Ryuu looked at Sago and Sammi, very interested in what was going on.
>> >>attention then went to Eric, who looked to be doing something of
>> >> Eric stretched out his arm, letting the crow that rested there fly.
>> >>as Sago placed his card into the pass slot on the door, the bird
>> >>flew into the room beyond.
>> >> A few seconds passed, and the bird returned and chirped a few sounds
>> >>Eric. "The interior is empoty except for two "silver men", whispered
>> >> "Silver men? What the heck does that mean?" asked Sammi.
>> >> Eric shrugged, looking at Sago, who looked back at Eric with the
>> >>same glace of unknowing.
>> >> "One way to find out, said Sago, and he slipped into the door as
>> >>as possible.
>> >>-------
>> >> Once inside, Eric could see that this was some sort of storage room,
>> >>with
>> >>lots of boxes and equipment that might be found in a mad scientist's
>> >>Bottles of strage-colored liquid, tubes running all over the place, and
>> >>wires with little streams of electricity running between them. On one
>> >>he noticed two book ends with tiny metal men as the carvings that held
>> >>side.
>> >> "Just some book ends. Come on in." Sago said with releif.
>> >> The rest of the team entered, Eric first, then Ryuu, then Sammi, who
>> >>dragging the unconcious guard behind her. She dropped him on the floor
>> >>behind some boxes.
>> >> Sago started down the hallway that led to Shark, he thought.
>> >>however, he felt a terrible pain sweep across his back, as something
>> >>knocked
>> >>him to the floor.
>> >> Sammi saw the laser strike into Sago, knocking his off his feet. She
>> >>diddn't know how badly he was hurt. Looking in the direction of where
>> >>blast came from, she saw a gigantic robot stepping from some of the
>> >>machinery on the wall. The robot was perfectly camoflauged within. It
>> >>been standing there all along, almost impossible to see. It was filled
>> >>flashing lights, and made an odd WHIRR sound as it moved. It's feet
>> >>rather deep CLOMP sound as it stepped foward, it's head shifting back
>> >>fourth to see the other people in the room.
>> >> "You are unauthorized in this area." it said in a hollow, electronic
>> >>voice. "Drop your weapons and surrender so that you may be detained for
>> >>questioning."
>> >> OK, Sammi thought. One giant robot and Eric and her left (and Ryuu,
>> >>she would have to look out for, he was just a kid). They might be able
>> >>take this thing, but it would be loud....
>> >> Eric stood silently, thinking of what to do next. The thing was big,
>> >>really big. But just mabye...
>> >> Then the second robot appeared.
>> >>-------
>> >> Sabrina had just slid into the room. She wondered if the robots
>> >>her as well, but she was hidden near the fallen guard, and they might
>> >>sense her as seperate from him.
>> >>-------
>> >> The world was a blurr as the gooey liquid drained from around him.
>> >>who
>> >>was he? He appeared to be surrounded by all kinds of machinery, with
>> >>strange
>> >>wires connected to his chest and head with tiny bits of surgical tape.
>> >>wires were not connected to him, but prehaps detecting his heartbeat,
>> >>pulse,
>> >>etc.
>> >> "Where am I?" He asked.
>> >> "You are in my lab. I have awakened you." The pleasent man said. He
>> >>stood
>> >>before the awakened man, very nicely dressed, but with a scientists
>> >>on,
>> >>or prehaps it was the gown of a doctor.
>> >> "Who are you?"
>> >> "My name is Donavan Sharke, but my friends call me Shark." The
>> >>scientist/doctor replied. "I am most pleased to see you are doing well.
>> >>may feel a bit weak, it's kind of normal, I should think. Not that
>> >>anything to compare to."
>> >> "Who am I?"
>> >> "Oh, yes, of course, heh, excuse me. You may call yourself Jean
>> >>victorian fellow. Here, get dressed." Shark passed Jean Paul his
>> >>some cigars and matches, a wallet with some money, a heavy-weighted
>> >>hat, a gold ring, a watch, and a pocket sized bible.
>> >> "I bet you're full of questions, eh? What you're doing here, where
>> >>came from, all of that. Not to worry, my friend, you are safe and I
>> >>all
>> >>of your answers."
>> >> Jean looked around. There were more containers like the one he had
>> >>from, filled with a clear liquid, and containing what appeared to be
>> >>children.
>> >> "Who are those children, and why are they in these tanks!?" Jean
>> >>something was wrong here, very wrong.
>> >> "Please, don't be alarmed, my friend, they are simply -"
>> >> There was a buzzing noise from Shark's communicator, and he quickly
>> >>answered it. "What is it?"
>> >> "Miriganka 12 here sir. Intruder in storage room 4, awaiting further
>> >>orders."
>> >>---------
>> >>Storyteller to players:
>> >> This turn ends chapter two. The following exp awards apply:
>> >> 1 point: automatic
>> >> 1 point: consistancy
>> >>
>> >>Honor awards:
>> >> 1 point of temporary Honor to Sago for being harmed while protecting
>> >>innocent
>> >>
>> >>Special Notes:
>> >> Sago has taken 1 Health level of damage from a glacing laser strike
>> >>his
>> >>back. He is getting off the floor, and is concidered Knocked Down for
>> >>purposes of his next action.
>> >>
>> >>J. Scott Pittman
>> >>
>> >>
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5526 From: Azathoth05@aol.com Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
The problem I find with aborting to a block from an aerial maneuver is all a
matter of timing. If I'm in mid-air in a hex right next to an opponent when
he interrupts with a power uppercut or a dragon punch, I may get the extra
soak from aborting to a block but I'm sure as hell gonna suffer a knockdown,
which most blocks prevent. That's the most logical way I can see it
happening, because even though you're using your arms and legs to defend
yourself, you aren't firmly planted on the ground as with a normal block.
Also, keep in mind that the system is supposed to resemble the video game,
and until Alpha you could never block in the air. I feel Blocking from the
air should possibly be an advanced maneuver, maybe like below.

Air Block
Cost: Any: 3
Prerequisites: Block 4, Athletics 3, Jump
Air Block can only be played as an abort maneuver after an aerial maneuver.
Air Block costs 1 Willpower(for the abort) and works as a normal block,
except that knockdown is translated into knockback. Maneuvers that would
normally knock down an aerial opponent instead push the blocking character
back 1 hex for each level of damage he takes greater than his stamina,
minimum 1. (this keeps it very close to the feel of the video game).

Anyway, that was just an idea off the top of my head.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5527 From: Andy Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Super origen.
Well, according to the much-less-that-satifactoraly-official-information
that I have writen in a GAMETEK (!) instruction booklet for Super Street
Fighter 2 Turbo (The first game to sport 'supers') it say that the world
warriors were FORCED to learn the new techniques.

The reason they had to was for survival; in order to combat Akuma. In every
game the Akuma has been in, so have Supers, and never before akuma were they
seen. This makes sense, if you want to go back to the alpha Series and
re-write some history. If we reason that Akuma first poked his head around
the circut back during the Alpha tourni, then it's safe to say that that is
when the characters could start teaching themselves Super Arts. If you
remeber, when akuma first showed up, he was the only one in the game NOT to
have any super. As for why supers aren't present in the first SF2 games,
that's simple; capcom made the games <and story> out of order.

> --- Andy <dlatrex@...> wrote:
> >
> > On the subject of "Supers", here's some trivia: Why did supers get put
> > into
> > the games?
> >
> > The most obvious reason is because Capcom wanted to make the game
> > cooler,
> > but how did they justify this in the "in game" contex?
> >
> > hehehee...I only found one location that explained the sudden appearance
> > of
> > the Super Arts, and to be honest, with a little thought it justifies
> > their
> > presence in the Alpha series, of 4 years prior.
> Hmmmm, the only reason I can think of for the lack of super arts only
> applies to Mr. Bison. In Rose's endings in either alpha 1 or two (can't
> remember) she seals his power away at the cost of her life.
> Of course this shouldn't affect Ken/Ryu/Cammy/etc.
> Well don't kill us with suspence, give us the theory man!
> =====
> staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown
> "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
> --we merely expect them to try."
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5528 From: Andy Date: 2/8/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
Besides, most things that require any amount of strenght <Grabs> in hefting
opponents, is going to be purchased by a wrestler with loads o' muscels
anyway. Most grabs that slimmer styles get (such as Kung fu) have tosses
that are based on leverage and momentum. And heck, at least ONE maneuver
<face plam> has a Strenght Prerequisit anyway.

Against truly enourmous characters, that are approaching the 0.5-1.0 ton
mark, I use the rules that have for the mutant bull Diablo.
You have to roll strenght against them before you can even ATTEMPT a grab,
and to knock them back you have to equal thier stammina (good luck).
So why dont' my players make characters that are 16' tall and wiegh1 ton?
Because then they couldn't move more than 1 hex per turn, and never will
have more than a 1 or 2 in Dex.
My Rules.

> >>This is interesting! Should there be a rule to determine whether you
> lift your opponent? I don't know... maybe... But with something like a
> Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think
> Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a
> Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man
> I disagree. Street Fighter is very cinematic, and guys with little
> still seem able to pull off incredible moves with nothing more than pure
> skill. The damage won't be that much anyway. Besides, if you make a rule
> that, whats the weight-strength ratio to throw someone, knock them back a
> hex, etc. Could cammy really knock E. Honda off his feet? Not likely. I
> keep the "strength needed" rules out of Street Fighter myself. If you want
> realistic system, try GURPS (which really is a GREAT system).
> J. Scott Pittman
> Game Designer, Writer, Artist
> Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
> http://www.tsixroads.com/~joespitt/StreetFighter.htm
> "Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jade M Prout <twitchboy@...>
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> Date: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 10:46 AM
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Abort ways.
> >...Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:
> >>My idea about abort is you can abort only for defensive ways (Block,
> Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip and Esquives but why not abort to movement?
> >>Ex: A huge guy advance and try to grab my fighter he is slow and have
> speed 6 after a block in the other turn my fighter block too but he don4t
> want being caught in a sustained hold because that he see the huge guy
> and interrupt his attack moving back, is a valid way?
> >
> >Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip, and Esquives might make good Abort
> Maneuvers, but I wouldn't go so far as to make Move an Abort... For a fast
> Move, you could just have a Combo like Block to Move, which would make you
> faster than just about anything... If you see the huge guy Block, and you
> think he's going to go for a Grab Maneuver on the following turn, you can
> Abort to Block during the turn in which he Blocks, and get the super-fast
> Move on the next turn... he reaches for you, but you're long gone.
> >
> >Also, Jump only costs 1 Power Point to learn... If you want to be able to
> Abort, spend the 4 Experience points and learn how to Jump. Keep in mind
> that ALL of the World Warriors can Jump (even Honda!)
> >
> >>his strength and now people can laugh his strength is 2 and the stupid
> size and weight of my fighter don4t let he make what he want.
> >>He can4t throw me or better say he can4t take me out of ground a
> maneuver like that stopped by weight, I laughed all day with this :)
> >>But I don4t know if is valid, I take the support because by the book
> strength 2 can work without problems using 100 lbs.
> >
> >This is interesting! Should there be a rule to determine whether you can
> lift your opponent? I don't know... maybe... But with something like a
> Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think
> Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a
> Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man!
> >
> >If I think a Maneuver is too unrealistic or just plain wrong for the
> situation, I disallow it. Also, I don't allow my players to learn
> I don't want in my campaign! Rules are great, but the fewer the better.
> >
> >
> >Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
> >
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5529 From: Andy Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: blind fighting
And the blind goes on...I concur with you in that Wits is the Att. that
should be used especially in combat situations.
However in my eyes there are two types of blindness: Prepetual and

These are two type of blind fighting that should be treated differently in
my opinion.
Prepetual: A slight exaguration. What this means is that the surrounding in
which the events are going on are poorly lit. Examples: In the woods at
night, or in a warehouse with the lights off. Under these circumstances
<usualy> the fighters can expect to be 'blinded' in each turn, and should
not be shocked with it each time.
The system of increased difficulty from 6-to-10-to-unable to act, sounds
fine to me. However, if you succed on a roll <let's
say...wits+Blindfighting> then I say that you should be un-encumbered for
the # of turns equal to your successes. This term might need modification
(maybe turns equal #successes after lowering the Difficulty back down to 6).

Temporary: the only instances where I can think of this rule coming into
play, are either Blind, Eye Rake, or some other maneuver that causes short
term blindness.
It seems to me that it should be more difficult to function in this type of
blindness for three reasons:
1. The fighter wasn't "excpecting" this, as just moments before he had full
2. If it is one of THOSE maneuvers then they roll for little to no damadge
and are DESIGNED to be a cheap shot-blind.
3. This type of blindness it temporary.

IMO, since someone could have a BF talent from 0-8 (not 5 as most think)
then all that should be rolled is the Blind Fighting rating. 3 successes
<not hard from my players to make usually> results in unhindered action. 2
Successes puts it at difficulty 7. And one success makes it difficulty 8. If
you don't get any, of course, you're treated like a dizzied opponent.
In my games, the characters can take a pot-shot with a projectile if they
wish, by rolling a D-6, down a stright hex line.

This all of course is just my take on the matter.
All feed-back is welcomed.

> Hey there!
> >>I checked out your web page and I love it,
> thanks!
> >>but I have to say I still disagree with your blindfighting rules.
> Its been listed multiple times in the books that when a character must
> in combat he uses wits not perception.
> In total darkness, which is the case of blindness, I must agree that Wits
> applies more than Perception. Any comments on this by anyone else?
> >>I still also think its much easier for a story teller to simply assign
> a difficulty to the level of darkness and the player try to roll to see if
> he can succeed.
> Agreed in out-of-tourament fighting (normal role-playing), but in
> fights, there seems to be a need for a rule that is fair and consistant,
> can differ from round to round so you can't just make up a character that
> causes blindness and kick butt or lose all the time, or just have the
> making rolls that seem kinda average. Like everything else about street
> fighter, the element of suprise in the dice rolls keeps tournament
> exciting.
> >>I also think characters should be allowed to jump to dodge most
> projectiles.
> No arguments here on that one, I never said diffrent. The Jump Maneuver is
> designed for just that purpose.
> J. Scott Pittman
> Game Designer, Writer, Artist
> Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
> http://www.tsixroads.com/~joespitt/StreetFighter.htm
> "Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Pascuttini <rpascuttini@...>
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> Date: Monday, February 07, 2000 6:50 PM
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: blind fighting
> >Hey scott.
> >I checked out your web page and I love it,
> >but I have to say I still disagree with your blindfighting rules.
> >Its been listed multiple times in the books that when a character must
> react
> >in combat he uses wits not perception.
> >I still also think its much easier for a story teller to simply assign
> >a difficulty to the level of darkness and the player try to roll to see
> >he can succeed.
> >I also think characters should be allowed to jump to dodge most
> projectiles.
> >
> >>From: "J. Scott Pittman" <joespitt@...>
> >>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >>To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> >>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: blind fighting
> >>Date: Tue, 25 Jan 2000 22:46:56 -0800
> >>
> >>
> >>Dogs Of War (Street Fighter site):
> >>
> >>http://www.tsixroads.com/~joespitt/StreetFighter.htm
> >>
> >>Have Fun!
> >>J. Scott Pittman
> >>
> >>-----Original Message-----
> >>From: Robert Pascuttini <rpascuttini@...>
> >>To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> >>Date: Tuesday, January 25, 2000 8:17 PM
> >>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: blind fighting
> >>
> >>
> >> >Ok Ill need the address for dogs of war again.
> >> >but I doubt Ill agree.
> >> >mainly because this is in perfect vein with the system.
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >>From: "J. Scott Pittman" <joespitt@...>
> >> >>Reply-To: streetfighter@egroups.com
> >> >>To: <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> >> >>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: blind fighting
> >> >>Date: Sat, 8 Jan 2000 09:44:56 -0800
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >>This is a good system for the role-playing aspect of any Storyteller
> >> >>system,
> >> >>but for a Storyteller to have to set a difficulty for the action in a
> >> >>tournament combat could be unfair unless the number is always
> >>consistent.
> >>I
> >> >>think Rinaldo, Diemert and myself came up with a better system. It's
> >> >>Dogs
> >> >>of War.
> >> >>
> >> >>J. Scott Pittman
> >> >>
> >> >>P.S. - I had not realised it had been so long since I started moving!
> >>Whew!
> >> >>The holidays combined in there also, and like a month has gone by
> >>i
> >> >>updated Dogs of ar or even provided one turn of Dark Streets. Promise
> to
> >> >>get
> >> >>back on tack soon - what can I say, the beginning of the year did us
> all
> >>in
> >> >>for a bit I think, even Rinaldo, who has to be the typingist person
> >>this
> >> >>mailing list!
> >> >>-----Original Message-----
> >> >>From: Robert Pascuttini <rpascuttini@...>
> >> >>To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> >> >>Date: Friday, January 07, 2000 11:55 PM
> >> >>Subject: [streetfighter] Re: blind fighting
> >> >>
> >> >>
> >> >> >Hey everyone. Sorry Ive been gone for so long but I had a long two
> >>weeks
> >> >>and
> >> >> >wasnt able to resond.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >Anyways a good friend of mine came down over the time and the
> >>of
> >> >> >blind fighting came up. I know we drilled this one into the ground
> >> >> >and I dont think this was mentioned, bu heres a go at working the
> >>blind
> >> >> >fighting. When my friend mentioned it It was so simple
> >> >> >I was shocked.
> >> >> >
> >> >> >The story teller assigns the difficulty to the player for his
> hitting
> >> >> >success. the player than makes a roll of perception + blindfighting
> >> >> >Or wits + blindfighting
> >> >> >and reduces the difficulty by the number of success he received.
> >> >> >minimum difficulty of 6.
> >> >> >Tada.
> >> >> >So a person with more dots in blindfighting than 5 simply has
> >> >>odds.
> >> >> >______________________________________________________
> >> >> >
> >> >>
> >>
> >> >> >Toys, Books, Software. Save $10 on any order of $25 or more at
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> >> >
> >> >-- Create a poll/survey for your group!
> >> >-- http://www.egroups.com/vote?listname=streetfighter&m=1
> >> >
> >>
> >>
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5530 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: POLL: Offical Rule Vote
Just asking but that blind fight rules are that made by you and using some concepts of Josh Diemert if it is I agree with that.
Super Manuvers rules, I read only that one made by Chris Hoffmann what is new in that one here?
Abort cases? What we need more known only defensive ways block and jump, but I think realy a crouching block isn´t a way to avoid aerial manuvers, how you can block a Jumping Fierce punch crouched, of course only if you crouch just in time to enemy fighter pass but he will finish his movement in his opponent hex, it´s realy confuse...

joespitt@... wrote:

The following rules have been nominated to become Offical Street Fighter Mailing List Rules. The nomination that wins will proceed to further discussion and a new vote on which version of that rule should become offical. The runners up will remain and appear on future nomination votes. The Poll will continue until either everyone has voted (please vote) or one week has passed (sorry for the 7 day wait, but everyone deserves to have time to see the poll and vote). Polling will end Febuary 15, at 5 my time (or sooner if everyone votes). - Scott

Please select one of the following:

   o Super Maneuver Rules
   o Defining what an Abort Maneuver is/what Maneuvers are Abort Maneuvers
   o Blind Fighting rules

by going to the following Web form:


Thank you!

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Group: streetfighter Message: 5531 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
Well if they can´t be catched just put dex 2 and put the rest in strenght and stamina, follow the Zangief way. :).

Andy wrote:

Besides, most things that require any amount of strenght <Grabs> in hefting
opponents, is going to be purchased by a wrestler with loads o' muscels
anyway. Most grabs that slimmer styles get (such as Kung fu) have tosses
that are based on leverage and momentum. And heck, at least ONE maneuver
<face plam> has a Strenght Prerequisit anyway.

Against truly enourmous characters, that are approaching the 0.5-1.0 ton
mark, I use the rules that have for the mutant bull Diablo.
You have to roll strenght against them before you can even ATTEMPT a grab,
and to knock them back you have to equal thier stammina (good luck).
So why dont' my players make characters that are 16' tall and wiegh1 ton?
Because then they couldn't move more than 1 hex per turn, and never will
have more than a 1 or 2 in Dex.
My Rules.

> >>This is interesting!  Should there be a rule to determine whether you
> lift your opponent?  I don't know... maybe...  But with something like a
> Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think
> Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a
> Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man
> I disagree. Street Fighter is very cinematic, and guys with little
> still seem able to pull off incredible moves with nothing more than pure
> skill. The damage won't be that much anyway. Besides, if you make a rule
> that, whats the weight-strength ratio to throw someone, knock them back a
> hex, etc. Could cammy really knock E. Honda off his feet? Not likely. I
> keep the "strength needed" rules out of Street Fighter myself. If you want
> realistic system, try GURPS (which really is a GREAT system).
> J. Scott Pittman
> Game Designer, Writer, Artist
> Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
> http://www.tsixroads.com/~joespitt/StreetFighter.htm
> "Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jade M Prout <twitchboy@...>
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> Date: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 10:46 AM
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Abort ways.
> >...Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:
> >>My idea about abort is you can abort only for defensive ways (Block,
> Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip and Esquives but why not abort to movement?
> >>Ex: A huge guy advance and try to grab my fighter he is slow and have
> speed 6 after a block in the other turn my fighter block too but he don4t
> want being caught in a sustained hold because that he see the huge guy
> and interrupt his attack moving back, is a valid way?
> >
> >Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip, and Esquives might make good Abort
> Maneuvers, but I wouldn't go so far as to make Move an Abort... For a fast
> Move, you could just have a Combo like Block to Move, which would make you
> faster than just about anything... If you see the huge guy Block, and you
> think he's going to go for a Grab Maneuver on the following turn, you can
> Abort to Block during the turn in which he Blocks, and get the super-fast
> Move on the next turn... he reaches for you, but you're long gone.
> >
> >Also, Jump only costs 1 Power Point to learn... If you want to be able to
> Abort, spend the 4 Experience points and learn how to Jump.  Keep in mind
> that ALL of the World Warriors can Jump (even Honda!)
> >
> >>his strength and now people can laugh his strength is 2 and the stupid
> size and weight of my fighter don4t let he make what he want.
> >>He can4t throw me or better say he can4t take me out of ground a
> maneuver like that stopped by weight, I laughed all day with this :)
> >>But I don4t know if is valid, I take the support because by the book
> strength 2 can work without problems using 100 lbs.
> >
> >This is interesting!  Should there be a rule to determine whether you can
> lift your opponent?  I don't know... maybe...  But with something like a
> Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think
> Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a
> Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man!
> >
> >If I think a Maneuver is too unrealistic or just plain wrong for the
> situation, I disallow it.  Also, I don't allow my players to learn
> I don't want in my campaign!  Rules are great, but the fewer the better.
> >
> >
> >Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Finding a sweetheart is hard work. Shopping for one shouldn't be.
> >Click here for Valentine Surprises!
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> >-- http://www.egroups.com/VoiceChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1
> >
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5532 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Exp points Quarter finals.
Just for curious why this people don´t spend exp points? Rise an atribute? Buy
new manuvers or just forget it? If the case is don´t known your experience
points just email me to say where you spend it, I don´t say to spend points now
but I think this strange.

Whisper have 17 exp points.
Tsui Hui have 15 exp points.
Group: streetfighter Message: 5533 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Exp points Quarter finals.
I haven't had time to do anything but download my mail lately. I will be
spending Hui's XP prior to the next round, you can be assured of that.

-----Original Message-----
From: Rinaldo Gambetta [mailto:rinaldo@...]
Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 5:50 AM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Exp points Quarter finals.

Just for curious why this people don´t spend exp points? Rise an atribute?
new manuvers or just forget it? If the case is don´t known your experience
points just email me to say where you spend it, I don´t say to spend points
but I think this strange.

Whisper have 17 exp points.
Tsui Hui have 15 exp points.

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Group: streetfighter Message: 5534 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]
I've said that if I ever did allow air-blocking in my campaign, the fighter
who aborted to a Block from an aerial maneuver would indeed get the extra
soak, but would still be considered aerial for purposes of maneuvers that
affected aerial fighters.

by the way... had my second-ever character death last weekend while running
The Perfect Warrior. Same player as last time, too. ;)

-----Original Message-----
From: Azathoth05@... [mailto:Azathoth05@...]
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 10:51 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Offical Rules [can'o'worms]

The problem I find with aborting to a block from an aerial maneuver is all a

matter of timing. If I'm in mid-air in a hex right next to an opponent when

he interrupts with a power uppercut or a dragon punch, I may get the extra
soak from aborting to a block but I'm sure as hell gonna suffer a knockdown,

which most blocks prevent. That's the most logical way I can see it
happening, because even though you're using your arms and legs to defend
yourself, you aren't firmly planted on the ground as with a normal block.
Also, keep in mind that the system is supposed to resemble the video game,
and until Alpha you could never block in the air. I feel Blocking from the
air should possibly be an advanced maneuver, maybe like below.

Air Block
Cost: Any: 3
Prerequisites: Block 4, Athletics 3, Jump
Air Block can only be played as an abort maneuver after an aerial maneuver.

Air Block costs 1 Willpower(for the abort) and works as a normal block,
except that knockdown is translated into knockback. Maneuvers that would
normally knock down an aerial opponent instead push the blocking character
back 1 hex for each level of damage he takes greater than his stamina,
minimum 1. (this keeps it very close to the feel of the video game).

Anyway, that was just an idea off the top of my head.

Body Paint, Chocolates, & Roses Oh My!

-- 20 megs of disk space in your group's Document Vault
-- http://www.egroups.com/docvault/streetfighter/?m=1
Group: streetfighter Message: 5535 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
"So why dont' my players make characters that are 16' tall and wiegh1 ton?"

...because human beings can't be that big. ;)

"and in this corner... FAT BASTARD!"

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy [mailto:dlatrex@...]
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 11:44 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Abort ways.

Besides, most things that require any amount of strenght <Grabs> in hefting
opponents, is going to be purchased by a wrestler with loads o' muscels
anyway. Most grabs that slimmer styles get (such as Kung fu) have tosses
that are based on leverage and momentum. And heck, at least ONE maneuver
<face plam> has a Strenght Prerequisit anyway.

Against truly enourmous characters, that are approaching the 0.5-1.0 ton
mark, I use the rules that have for the mutant bull Diablo.
You have to roll strenght against them before you can even ATTEMPT a grab,
and to knock them back you have to equal thier stammina (good luck).
So why dont' my players make characters that are 16' tall and wiegh1 ton?
Because then they couldn't move more than 1 hex per turn, and never will
have more than a 1 or 2 in Dex.
My Rules.

> >>This is interesting! Should there be a rule to determine whether you
> lift your opponent? I don't know... maybe... But with something like a
> Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think
> Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a
> Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man
> I disagree. Street Fighter is very cinematic, and guys with little
> still seem able to pull off incredible moves with nothing more than pure
> skill. The damage won't be that much anyway. Besides, if you make a rule
> that, whats the weight-strength ratio to throw someone, knock them back a
> hex, etc. Could cammy really knock E. Honda off his feet? Not likely. I
> keep the "strength needed" rules out of Street Fighter myself. If you want
> realistic system, try GURPS (which really is a GREAT system).
> J. Scott Pittman
> Game Designer, Writer, Artist
> Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
> http://www.tsixroads.com/~joespitt/StreetFighter.htm
> "Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jade M Prout <twitchboy@...>
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> Date: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 10:46 AM
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Abort ways.
> >...Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:
> >>My idea about abort is you can abort only for defensive ways (Block,
> Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip and Esquives but why not abort to movement?
> >>Ex: A huge guy advance and try to grab my fighter he is slow and have
> speed 6 after a block in the other turn my fighter block too but he don4t
> want being caught in a sustained hold because that he see the huge guy
> and interrupt his attack moving back, is a valid way?
> >
> >Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip, and Esquives might make good Abort
> Maneuvers, but I wouldn't go so far as to make Move an Abort... For a fast
> Move, you could just have a Combo like Block to Move, which would make you
> faster than just about anything... If you see the huge guy Block, and you
> think he's going to go for a Grab Maneuver on the following turn, you can
> Abort to Block during the turn in which he Blocks, and get the super-fast
> Move on the next turn... he reaches for you, but you're long gone.
> >
> >Also, Jump only costs 1 Power Point to learn... If you want to be able to
> Abort, spend the 4 Experience points and learn how to Jump. Keep in mind
> that ALL of the World Warriors can Jump (even Honda!)
> >
> >>his strength and now people can laugh his strength is 2 and the stupid
> size and weight of my fighter don4t let he make what he want.
> >>He can4t throw me or better say he can4t take me out of ground a
> maneuver like that stopped by weight, I laughed all day with this :)
> >>But I don4t know if is valid, I take the support because by the book
> strength 2 can work without problems using 100 lbs.
> >
> >This is interesting! Should there be a rule to determine whether you can
> lift your opponent? I don't know... maybe... But with something like a
> Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think
> Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a
> Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man!
> >
> >If I think a Maneuver is too unrealistic or just plain wrong for the
> situation, I disallow it. Also, I don't allow my players to learn
> I don't want in my campaign! Rules are great, but the fewer the better.
> >
> >
> >Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
> >
> >------------------------------------------------------------------------
> >Finding a sweetheart is hard work. Shopping for one shouldn't be.
> >Click here for Valentine Surprises!
> >http://click.egroups.com/1/1182/3/_/17512/_/950035420/
> >
> >-- Talk to your group with your own voice!
> >-- http://www.egroups.com/VoiceChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1
> >
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5536 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Abort ways.
That´s right but maybe a cyborg freak or lab hybrid, who known. :)
I´m not saying to change all and what we can do because for example is impossible to a "normal" weak guy lift a heavy dude, but like J.Scot Pittman said this a cinematic games where we can dodge bullets or receive them and not receive damage, why not throw a heavy guy, In my case I already known all this but in that game I don´t want my fighter Cenzo Kilinmanjaro a sumo fighter hurt or worst lost the fight because that I try that conversation and works, the Master decide the manuver don´t work, but whatever I just say to keep the current order.

Steve Karstensen wrote:

"So why dont' my players make characters that are 16' tall and wiegh1 ton?"

..because human beings can't be that big. ;)

"and in this corner... FAT BASTARD!"

-----Original Message-----
From: Andy [mailto:dlatrex@...]
Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 11:44 PM
To: streetfighter@egroups.com
Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Abort ways.

Besides, most things that require any amount of strenght <Grabs> in hefting
opponents, is going to be purchased by a wrestler with loads o' muscels
anyway. Most grabs that slimmer styles get (such as Kung fu) have tosses
that are based on leverage and momentum. And heck, at least ONE maneuver
<face plam> has a Strenght Prerequisit anyway.

Against truly enourmous characters, that are approaching the 0.5-1.0 ton
mark, I use the rules that have for the mutant bull Diablo.
You have to roll strenght against them before you can even ATTEMPT a grab,
and to knock them back you have to equal thier stammina (good luck).
So why dont' my players make characters that are 16' tall and wiegh1 ton?
Because then they couldn't move more than 1 hex per turn, and never will
have more than a 1 or 2 in Dex.
My Rules.

> >>This is interesting!  Should there be a rule to determine whether you
> lift your opponent?  I don't know... maybe...  But with something like a
> Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think
> Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a
> Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man
> I disagree. Street Fighter is very cinematic, and guys with little
> still seem able to pull off incredible moves with nothing more than pure
> skill. The damage won't be that much anyway. Besides, if you make a rule
> that, whats the weight-strength ratio to throw someone, knock them back a
> hex, etc. Could cammy really knock E. Honda off his feet? Not likely. I
> keep the "strength needed" rules out of Street Fighter myself. If you want
> realistic system, try GURPS (which really is a GREAT system).
> J. Scott Pittman
> Game Designer, Writer, Artist
> Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
> http://www.tsixroads.com/~joespitt/StreetFighter.htm
> "Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jade M Prout <twitchboy@...>
> To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
> Date: Tuesday, February 08, 2000 10:46 AM
> Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Abort ways.
> >...Rinaldo Gambetta wrote:
> >>My idea about abort is you can abort only for defensive ways (Block,
> Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip and Esquives but why not abort to movement?
> >>Ex: A huge guy advance and try to grab my fighter he is slow and have
> speed 6 after a block in the other turn my fighter block too but he don4t
> want being caught in a sustained hold because that he see the huge guy
> and interrupt his attack moving back, is a valid way?
> >
> >Drunken Monkey Roll, Backflip, and Esquives might make good Abort
> Maneuvers, but I wouldn't go so far as to make Move an Abort... For a fast
> Move, you could just have a Combo like Block to Move, which would make you
> faster than just about anything... If you see the huge guy Block, and you
> think he's going to go for a Grab Maneuver on the following turn, you can
> Abort to Block during the turn in which he Blocks, and get the super-fast
> Move on the next turn... he reaches for you, but you're long gone.
> >
> >Also, Jump only costs 1 Power Point to learn... If you want to be able to
> Abort, spend the 4 Experience points and learn how to Jump.  Keep in mind
> that ALL of the World Warriors can Jump (even Honda!)
> >
> >>his strength and now people can laugh his strength is 2 and the stupid
> size and weight of my fighter don4t let he make what he want.
> >>He can4t throw me or better say he can4t take me out of ground a
> maneuver like that stopped by weight, I laughed all day with this :)
> >>But I don4t know if is valid, I take the support because by the book
> strength 2 can work without problems using 100 lbs.
> >
> >This is interesting!  Should there be a rule to determine whether you can
> lift your opponent?  I don't know... maybe...  But with something like a
> Rising Storm Crow (which quite frankly defies logic and gravity) I think
> Storyteller would be within his rights to say it just won't work with a
> Strength of 2 against a 600 pound man!
> >
> >If I think a Maneuver is too unrealistic or just plain wrong for the
> situation, I disallow it.  Also, I don't allow my players to learn
> I don't want in my campaign!  Rules are great, but the fewer the better.
> >
> >
> >Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
> >
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5537 From: Vega Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: Super origen.
"andy" <dlatre-@...> wrote:
>If you
> remeber, when akuma first showed up, he was the only one in the game
NOT to
> have any super. As for why supers aren't present in the first SF2
> that's simple; capcom made the games <and story> out of order.
> =P

To say the truth, Gouki/Akuma has a super in SSF2T (but Capcom don't
let us use it), the Super is the Shungokusatsu (Ranging Demon), when
you do the trick to fight against him, he kills Vega/Bison with it.
Well, he's very powerful in this game, and, he could be invincible if
he released that super against any opponent.
As for Capcom's story. It isn't out of order. The SF2 series and SFA
series aren't the same.
That's why:
In the Alpha series, the Street Fighters are very powerful characters;

In the SF2 series Nash/Charlie is dead, but in his ending of the Alpha
3 he don't dies, but in the ending of Guile he dies with Vega/Bison;

Vega/Bison dies in almost all endings in the SFA3;

Ryu don't know Gouki/Akuma in the SF2 series and there isn't a Evil Ryu.

There could be some connections between the SF2 series and the SFA
series but they aren't the same story.

Vega/M. Bison

> > --- Andy <dlatrex@...> wrote:
> > >
> > > On the subject of "Supers", here's some trivia: Why did supers
get put
> > > into
> > > the games?
> > >
> > > The most obvious reason is because Capcom wanted to make the game
> > > cooler,
> > > but how did they justify this in the "in game" contex?
> > >
> > > hehehee...I only found one location that explained the sudden
> > > of
> > > the Super Arts, and to be honest, with a little thought it
> > > their
> > > presence in the Alpha series, of 4 years prior.
> >
> > Hmmmm, the only reason I can think of for the lack of super arts
> > applies to Mr. Bison. In Rose's endings in either alpha 1 or two
> > remember) she seals his power away at the cost of her life.
> >
> > Of course this shouldn't affect Ken/Ryu/Cammy/etc.
> >
> > Well don't kill us with suspence, give us the theory man!
> >
> > =====
> > staredown@... http://members.xoom.com/staredown
> >
> > "We don't expect kittens to fight wildcats and win
> > --we merely expect them to try."
> > -- Robert Heinlein
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Group: streetfighter Message: 5538 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/9/2000
Subject: Re: POLL: Offical Rule Vote
Attachments :
    I will add crouching maneuvers clarification to the next nomination vote. Whether or not to allow a crouching block, etc.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Rinaldo Gambetta <rinaldo@ez-poa.com.br>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 2:44 AM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: POLL: Offical Rule Vote

    Just asking but that blind fight rules are that made by you and using some concepts of Josh Diemert if it is I agree with that.
    Super Manuvers rules, I read only that one made by Chris Hoffmann what is new in that one here?
    Abort cases? What we need more known only defensive ways block and jump, but I think realy a crouching block isn´t a way to avoid aerial manuvers, how you can block a Jumping Fierce punch crouched, of course only if you crouch just in time to enemy fighter pass but he will finish his movement in his opponent hex, it´s realy confuse...

    joespitt@tsixroads.com wrote:

    The following rules have been nominated to become Offical Street Fighter Mailing List Rules. The nomination that wins will proceed to further discussion and a new vote on which version of that rule should become offical. The runners up will remain and appear on future nomination votes. The Poll will continue until either everyone has voted (please vote) or one week has passed (sorry for the 7 day wait, but everyone deserves to have time to see the poll and vote). Polling will end Febuary 15, at 5 my time (or sooner if everyone votes). - Scott

    Please select one of the following:

       o Super Maneuver Rules
       o Defining what an Abort Maneuver is/what Maneuvers are Abort Maneuvers
       o Blind Fighting rules

    by going to the following Web form:


    Thank you!

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 5539 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/9/2000
    Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
    On Tue, 8 Feb 2000 16:55:48 J. Scott Pittman wrote: Street Fighters may be fast, but they can't preform two Maneuvers at once!

    Today, I write: OK, I guess I agree. Being able to perform two maneuvers during the same turn is kind of cheesy... even if a turn is supposed to be 3 seconds (?) So if you have already COMPLETED your chosen Maneuver, you CANNOT Abort. This means Abort Maneuvers exist to give you a last resort when you're interrupted.

    Pittman: In the case of Maneuvers that cause damage, my view of the rules remains the same. If the fighter has not rolled damage as of yet, he is still in mid-motion, and can change his mind on whether or not to abort the maneuver and defend himself, and negates any Willpower/Chi cost.

    Me: Yes! See if we agree on this: Say I'm going for that Flying Knee Thrust at speed 5. I complete movement, ending in a hex adjacent to my target; he interrupts me with an Elbow Smash at speed 6; I could Abort before he rolls damage, or I could try to soak it up and follow through with the Knee; either way, it costs 1 Willpower. Finally, say he used the movement of his Elbow Smash to step one hex away from me... my Knee can no longer hit, so I could either call it off (spending nothing) or Abort (costing 1 Will) ...Or I could throw the Knee anyway, wasting a Will point, but the only reason for that would be to set up a Combo! Do we agree?

    Pittman: Willpower and Chi could be divided into 1/2 point totals, and fighter would have to pay "half a point" per each point they would have normally spent if they abort a Maneuver that has already begun but not taken it's full effect as mentiuoned above.

    Me: Well, it sounds reasonable, but also unnecessary. So what if a Maneuver gives you a huge Move? So does the Basic Maneuver "Move" and it costs NOTHING.

    Pittman: You can spend any amount of Willpower and/or Chi as long as the Maneuver you are preforming reqires it, plus one point of Willpower to abort...

    Me: ...I'm with you...

    Pittman:...or gain an extra success (the later only in out-of-tournament fights). As a matter of fact, a rules lawyer will not allow ANY expenditures of Willpower to affect combat results in or out of tournaments (see Automatic Successes, pg. 33, Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game).

    Me: A sloppy rules lawyer might... the book does not say you can't use auto-sux in Combat; it merely suggests that you shouldn't. But I'm very, very tired of arguing. I'll bend. No Willpower for an Automatic Damage Success.

    CAN'T Abort after damage has been rolled!
    MUST pay Maneuver Cost when damage is rolled!
    MAYBE pay 1/2 Cost if Movement is enhanced?
    CAN'T buy automatic successes in Combat!

    Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 5540 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/9/2000
    Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
    Steve Karstensen wrote: If you've gone into a Rolling Attack and have already launched yourself three hexes, then get interrupted, not only have you spent the Willpower, but I play it that you can't abort. I also never let people abort out of Aerial maneuvers unless they haven't left their hex yet (IE, haven't left the ground). The 1 willpower per turn has been previously addressed as being a limit on extra dice not maneuver costs.

    NOW I WRITE: It has always been my understanding that the "1-Willpower per turn" rule was supposed to prevent you from Aborting from a Maneuver with a Willpower Cost... that you are so focused on and committed to the attack that you can't abruptly decide to do something else.

    However, until recently I wholeheartedly believed that you could make an attack, roll damage, then spend 1 Willpower to Abort to Jump or Block. And since this is apparently WRONG (despite what is written on p.139) then there is NO official rule in place to prevent someone from Aborting from a Lightning Leg or other Will-fueled Maneuver... After all, if the attack is not made, no Cost is paid.

    Obviously, people are now talking about the "fact" that Maneuvers with bonuses to Move should warrant Willpower expenditure. Why? Every Street Fighter in the world has a Maneuver called "Move" which gives them a PLUS THREE bonus to their move, and it does NOT require Willpower expenditure.

    Furthermore, anyone with 4 Experience Points can learn to Jump, allowing them to hurtle through the air and deliver flying attacks. Isn't a Jumping Roundhouse extraordinarily physically demanding? Why not make THAT cost Willpower while we're at it? Here's why not: Rolling Attack and Beast Roll are UNREALISTIC! Why go out of our minds trying to make a realistic rule to govern a fantasy-based Maneuver?

    And as far as Aborting in mid-air... I don't know! Street Fighters are pretty clever, but...

    Steve wrote: Automatic Success on a non-combat die roll. One extra die on a damage roll. Normally if you spend Willpower for Automatic Success, it's considered a minimal (IE, one) success. In that case, you either spend or roll, not a combination.

    I now reply: Well, I always thought if you bought an automatic success in Combat with Willpower, it either replaced the damage roll or simply added one success (point of damage). There's NOTHING in the rules to suggest an extra die of damage, but the (typically) vague blurb about automatic successes being "minimal" (one success) could imply either that your damage is automatically ONE, or that you simply gain an extra success.

    Still, there's a weird disclaimer in there that says automatic successes are not reccommended for Combat applications. It doesn't say you CAN'T, but Whether this means regular automatics (Attribute+Technique>5) or the kind purchased by Willpower is (typically) unclear...

    But like anything else, it's ultimately up to the Storyteller to make a call like that.

    Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 5541 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/9/2000
    Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
    Steve Karstensen wrote: All Block Special Maneuvers count as Blocks. Blocks are Abort Maneuvers. Therefore, Block Special Maneuvers are Abort Maneuvers.

    I WRITE: I'm not sure I agree with your logic here. Once again, it's White Wolf's fault for rushing out a slapdash product. The only place in the ENTIRE BOOK that says ANYTHING about this is on page 137 where it says "Finally, Block can be used as an Abort Maneuver." This is in the description of Blocks (plural) but the text says "Block," not "Blocks" or "A Block." It's really anybody's guess what that means... and it's ultimately the Storyteller who decides.

    STEVE AGAIN: I've been playing that way for years and it's yet to cause any problems. Realism is not an option when you have Fireballs and Whirlwind Kicks. ;)

    ME: I've been playing without Fireballs or Whirlwind Kicks for years and I have yet to encounter problems with realism.

    STEVO: If you can't defend yourself at a moment's notice with a Block or Block Special Maneuver, what's the point? Why should I bother to learn how to catch arrows if I have to be
    standing facing the archer and know he's about to fire ahead of time?

    ME: Uh... Okay, you got me. You're right. They should probably all be Abort Maneuvers. Woulda been nice for the BOOK to say that.

    STEVARINO: Any maneuver that has movement as its effect constitutes performing a move, in my eyes. Otherwise, I can use Rolling Attack all day as an enhanced Move (+4 versus +3) at no penalty.

    ME: Blanka can! (if you've got magic fingers) But that's not the point... you only get to keep your Will/Chi if the target moves out of Range. If you have no target, your target can't move out of range (because he doesn't exist) so you HAVE to spend the Willpower. No Storyteller in his right mind would just let you Beast Roll around all day. He wouldn't need a rule to back him up.

    STEEEEEV: What if I throw Dragon Punches into midair? No damage rolls involved.

    ME: No target either. Besides, a Dragon punch is just an uppercut with a gay little spin on it. Face it, the rules don't say when to pay the cost... It's up to the Storyteller.

    S.K. The One-Willpower-Point-Rule is usually only applied to spending Willpower for automatic successes or extra damage dice.

    ME: Nowhere in the rules is there any mention of extra damage dice, OR exceptions to the 1-per-turn rule. IF you CHOOSE to allow the Willpower-bought-Automatic-Success in Combat (which the rules lean against) there's no reason to believe it's anything but an Automatic Success, and a marginal one at that; you don't roll dice for damage, you do 1 automatic point of damage and that's all.

    I think it was a bad idea for White Wolf to use grade school children as playtesters.

    Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 5542 From: Fabio Alves Date: 2/9/2000
    Subject: Combos of combos
    I would like what you think this:

    Here's two generic examples of a fighter's combos:
    *Jab TO Fierce
    *Fierce TO Fireball (dizzy)

    Now this situation:
    Move1: Jab
    Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    Move3: Fireball (+2 to speed,dizzy????)

    This is problem. Peharps the most correct was:
    Move1: Jab
    Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    Move3: Fierce
    Move4: Fireball (+2 to speed, dizzy)
    http://www.zipmail.com.br O e-mail que vai aonde você está.

    Group: streetfighter Message: 5543 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/9/2000
    Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
    >CAN'T Abort after damage has been rolled!
    >MUST pay Maneuver Cost when damage is rolled!
    >MAYBE pay 1/2 Cost if Movement is enhanced?
    >CAN'T buy automatic successes in Combat!

    we have reached an agreement here
    Group: streetfighter Message: 5544 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/9/2000
    Subject: Re: Combos of combos
    the second scenario is correct since no combo can last beyond 3 maneuvers.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Fabio Alves <sfrpg@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 9:10 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Combos of combos

    I would like what you think this:
    Here's two generic examples of a fighter's combos:
        *Jab TO Fierce
        *Fierce TO Fireball (dizzy)
    Now this situation:
    Move1: Jab
    Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    Move3: Fireball (+2 to speed,dizzy????)
    This is problem. Peharps the most correct was:
    Move1: Jab
    Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    Move3: Fierce
    Move4: Fireball (+2 to speed, dizzy)
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 5545 From: Andy Date: 2/9/2000
    Subject: Re: Combos of combos
    Steve I agree with you that the second example is the valid one.....but I don't see how the 3-maneuver-rule applies to there first one. It's still only 3 moves long...
    the second scenario is correct since no combo can last beyond 3 maneuvers.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Fabio Alves <sfrpg@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 9:10 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Combos of combos

    I would like what you think this:
    Here's two generic examples of a fighter's combos:
        *Jab TO Fierce
        *Fierce TO Fireball (dizzy)
    Now this situation:
    Move1: Jab
    Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    Move3: Fireball (+2 to speed,dizzy????)
    This is problem. Peharps the most correct was:
    Move1: Jab
    Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    Move3: Fierce
    Move4: Fireball (+2 to speed, dizzy)
    http://www.zipmail.com.br   O e-mail que vai aonde você está.

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    eGroups.com Home: http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 5546 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/10/2000
    Subject: The Pyschocrusher and Thropy.
    About pyschocrusher someone have a more detail description about?
    Hey someone have a picture of champion thropy to I search and don´t find
    nothing, I want use it to put in the winner mail for the Gateway champion,
    or better I will ask to J.Scot Pittman to make one, he is good with
    Group: streetfighter Message: 5547 From: Jade M Prout Date: 2/10/2000
    Subject: Re: Combos of combos
    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Fabio Alves
    > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    > Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 9:10 PM
    > Subject: [streetfighter] Combos of combos
    >Here's two generic examples of a fighter's combos:
    > *Jab TO Fierce
    > *Fierce TO Fireball (dizzy)
    >Now this situation:
    >Move1: Jab
    >Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    >Move3: Fireball (+2 to speed,dizzy????)
    >This is problem.

    Really? But linking Combos SHOULD work that way. The example in the book says of Balrog:
    "If Balrog has a Jab Punch - Fierce Punch Combo Maneuver, then Balrog's Fierce Punch would gain a +2 speed bonus WHENEVER HE PLAYED IT IN A TURN IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING A TURN IN WHICH HE PLAYED A JAB PUNCH." The same thing would be true of the Fierce Punch - Fireball Combo, right? So why wouldn't you get the +2 speed bonus on both the Fierce Punch AND the Fireball if all 3 were played back-to-back?

    Your second example:
    >Move1: Jab
    >Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    >Move3: Fierce
    >Move4: Fireball (+2 to speed, dizzy)

    I don't think the second Fierce Punch is necessary. If move 3 was Fireball, you'd still get the Combo bonus. The advantage of linking Combos is that you could also have a Fierce Punch - Suplex combo (or whatever) and surprise your opponent (who expects a Fireball)

    Street Fighter is the only fighting game I know of with such short combos... Tekken fighters can easily string together 10 moves in a row!

    Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com
    Group: streetfighter Message: 5548 From: Fabio Alves Date: 2/10/2000
    Subject: Re: Combos of combos
    "jade m prout" <twitchbo-@...> wrote:
    original article:http://www.egroups.com/group/streetfighter/?start=5547
    > >
    > > -----Original Message-----
    > > From: Fabio Alves
    > > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    > > Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 9:10 PM
    > > Subject: [streetfighter] Combos of combos
    > >Here's two generic examples of a fighter's combos:
    > > *Jab TO Fierce
    > > *Fierce TO Fireball (dizzy)
    > >
    > >Now this situation:
    > >Move1: Jab
    > >Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    > >Move3: Fireball (+2 to speed,dizzy????)
    > >
    > >This is problem.
    > Really? But linking Combos SHOULD work that way. The example in the
    book says of Balrog:
    > "If Balrog has a Jab Punch - Fierce Punch Combo Maneuver, then
    Balrog's Fierce Punch would gain a +2 speed bonus WHENEVER HE PLAYED IT
    The same thing would be true of the Fierce Punch - Fireball Combo,
    right? So why wouldn't you get the +2 speed bonus on both the Fierce
    Punch AND the Fireball if all 3 were played back-to-back?
    > Your second example:
    > >Move1: Jab
    > >Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    > >Move3: Fierce
    > >Move4: Fireball (+2 to speed, dizzy)
    > >
    > I don't think the second Fierce Punch is necessary. If move 3 was
    Fireball, you'd still get the Combo bonus. The advantage of linking
    Combos is that you could also have a Fierce Punch - Suplex combo (or
    whatever) and surprise your opponent (who expects a Fireball)
    > Street Fighter is the only fighting game I know of with such short
    combos... Tekken fighters can easily string together 10 moves in a row!

    I hava a one observation: in first example, the damage of Jab not entry
    in dizzy. It's because is in other combo.
    Group: streetfighter Message: 5549 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/10/2000
    Subject: Re: Combos of combos
    ...and if you've ever gotten knocked out by one of these ten-stringers you'd
    know they're imbalancing and annoying. No fighter should be able to buy a
    Jab to Jab combo and gain a +2 speed bonus for the entire fight by just
    throwing jabs. Speed is a very important factor in the RPG and if you mix
    your combos right you will destroy your opponent. Nobody needs an extra
    edge like the one your combo-linking provides.

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jade M Prout [mailto:twitchboy@...]
    Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 6:41 AM
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Combos of combos

    > -----Original Message-----
    > From: Fabio Alves
    > To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    > Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 9:10 PM
    > Subject: [streetfighter] Combos of combos
    >Here's two generic examples of a fighter's combos:
    > *Jab TO Fierce
    > *Fierce TO Fireball (dizzy)
    >Now this situation:
    >Move1: Jab
    >Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    >Move3: Fireball (+2 to speed,dizzy????)
    >This is problem.

    Really? But linking Combos SHOULD work that way. The example in the book
    says of Balrog:
    "If Balrog has a Jab Punch - Fierce Punch Combo Maneuver, then Balrog's
    Fierce Punch would gain a +2 speed bonus WHENEVER HE PLAYED IT IN A TURN
    thing would be true of the Fierce Punch - Fireball Combo, right? So why
    wouldn't you get the +2 speed bonus on both the Fierce Punch AND the
    Fireball if all 3 were played back-to-back?

    Your second example:
    >Move1: Jab
    >Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    >Move3: Fierce
    >Move4: Fireball (+2 to speed, dizzy)

    I don't think the second Fierce Punch is necessary. If move 3 was Fireball,
    you'd still get the Combo bonus. The advantage of linking Combos is that
    you could also have a Fierce Punch - Suplex combo (or whatever) and surprise
    your opponent (who expects a Fireball)

    Street Fighter is the only fighting game I know of with such short combos...
    Tekken fighters can easily string together 10 moves in a row!

    Angelfire for your free web-based e-mail. http://www.angelfire.com

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    Group: streetfighter Message: 5550 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/10/2000
    Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
    "Me: Well, it sounds reasonable, but also unnecessary. So what if a
    Maneuver gives you a huge Move? So does the Basic Maneuver "Move" and it
    costs NOTHING."

    you can't roll damage against your opponent with a basic Move. You can with
    nearly any other Special Maneuver. If a fighter wants to get across the
    arena real fast, let him... he just won't do any damage. If, on the other
    hand, he wants to hit me with a twelve-die attack at the end of his 10-move
    exodus, there better be a cost involved.
    Group: streetfighter Message: 5551 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/10/2000
    Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
    you're trying to give me a migraine, aren't you?

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Jade M Prout [mailto:twitchboy@...]
    Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 7:45 PM
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Offical Rules Discussion

    "NOW I WRITE: It has always been my understanding that the "1-Willpower per
    turn" rule was supposed to prevent you from Aborting from a Maneuver with a
    Willpower Cost... that you are so focused on and committed to the attack
    that you can't abruptly decide to do something else."

    whatever maneuver you abort to becomes your maneuver for that turn. You are
    considered to never have made the other attack. You aborted it, remember?

    "However, until recently I wholeheartedly believed that you could make an
    attack, roll damage, then spend 1 Willpower to Abort to Jump or Block. And
    since this is apparently WRONG (despite what is written on p.139) then there
    is NO official rule in place to prevent someone from Aborting from a
    Lightning Leg or other Will-fueled Maneuver... After all, if the attack is
    not made, no Cost is paid."


    "Obviously, people are now talking about the "fact" that Maneuvers with
    bonuses to Move should warrant Willpower expenditure. Why? Every Street
    Fighter in the world has a Maneuver called "Move" which gives them a PLUS
    THREE bonus to their move, and it does NOT require Willpower expenditure."

    it also does no damage. I don't mind if Mungo wants to run around the arena
    twelve hexes at a time every turn. It's if he's getting a twelve-die attack
    roll at the end of that twelve-hex move that I'm not going to be happy. In
    addition, did you know that you can play a Move, move your full allotted
    movement, Abort to a Jump, then move your Jump's allotted movement? You
    can. (that'll be good for another week's worth of debate...)

    "Furthermore, anyone with 4 Experience Points can learn to Jump, allowing
    them to hurtle through the air and deliver flying attacks. Isn't a Jumping
    Roundhouse extraordinarily physically demanding? Why not make THAT cost
    Willpower while we're at it? Here's why not: Rolling Attack and Beast Roll
    are UNREALISTIC! Why go out of our minds trying to make a realistic rule to
    govern a fantasy-based Maneuver?"


    "But like anything else, it's ultimately up to the Storyteller to make a
    call like that."

    Storyteller System games have never stood up well to intense rules scrutiny.
    If you're looking for hard-and-fast facts spelled out to the letter you're
    in the wrong place.

    Group: streetfighter Message: 5552 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/10/2000
    Subject: Re: Combos of combos
    it may be three moves long, but the fighter never purchased a Jab to Fierce to Fierce combo.  So it doesn't count.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Andy [mailto:dlatrex@...]
    Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 11:22 PM
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Combos of combos

    Steve I agree with you that the second example is the valid one.....but I don't see how the 3-maneuver-rule applies to there first one. It's still only 3 moves long...
    the second scenario is correct since no combo can last beyond 3 maneuvers.
    -----Original Message-----
    From: Fabio Alves <sfrpg@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 9:10 PM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Combos of combos

    I would like what you think this:
    Here's two generic examples of a fighter's combos:
        *Jab TO Fierce
        *Fierce TO Fireball (dizzy)
    Now this situation:
    Move1: Jab
    Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    Move3: Fireball (+2 to speed,dizzy????)
    This is problem. Peharps the most correct was:
    Move1: Jab
    Move2: Fierce (+2 to speed)
    Move3: Fierce
    Move4: Fireball (+2 to speed, dizzy)
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 5553 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/10/2000
    Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
    Steve wrote:
    you can't roll damage against your opponent with a basic Move. You can with
    nearly any other Special Maneuver. If a fighter wants to get across the
    arena real fast, let him... he just won't do any damage. If, on the other
    hand, he wants to hit me with a twelve-die attack at the end of his 10-move
    exodus, there better be a cost involved.

    I think that was the point of the original discussion, of whether or not a
    Maneuver that caused damage but allowed greater move would still cost
    Willpower/Chi if only the move factor was used. We have all agreed that the
    moment you roll damage the Chi/Willpower cost is applicable.

    J. Scott Pittman
    Game Designer, Writer, Artist
    Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
    "Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000 6:00 AM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Offical Rules Discussion

    >"Me: Well, it sounds reasonable, but also unnecessary. So what if a
    >Maneuver gives you a huge Move? So does the Basic Maneuver "Move" and it
    >costs NOTHING."
    >you can't roll damage against your opponent with a basic Move. You can
    >nearly any other Special Maneuver. If a fighter wants to get across the
    >arena real fast, let him... he just won't do any damage. If, on the other
    >hand, he wants to hit me with a twelve-die attack at the end of his 10-move
    >exodus, there better be a cost involved.
    >Want To Be Showered With Kisses?
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    Group: streetfighter Message: 5554 From: J. Scott Pittman Date: 2/10/2000
    Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
    Steve wrote:
    addition, did you know that you can play a Move, move your full allotted
    movement, Abort to a Jump, then move your Jump's allotted movement? You
    can. (that'll be good for another week's worth of debate...)

    Sigh, and so it begins...
    No way! Once you have COMPLETED the FULL movement of Move then you are
    through with the Maneuver... you chose NOT to abort it, because the Maneuver
    has completed doing everything it could possibly do. You can't Abort
    something DURING if it's DONE. This is exactly why the character with the
    highest Speed is allowed to wait to interrupt. So you can choose a Maneuver
    like Move and then wait to see if that was a good idea, if not, aborting to
    a defense that suits you.

    J. Scott Pittman
    Game Designer, Writer, Artist
    Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
    "Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000 6:06 AM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Offical Rules Discussion

    >you're trying to give me a migraine, aren't you?
    >-----Original Message-----
    >From: Jade M Prout [mailto:twitchboy@...]
    >Sent: Wednesday, February 09, 2000 7:45 PM
    >To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    >Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Offical Rules Discussion
    >"NOW I WRITE: It has always been my understanding that the "1-Willpower per
    >turn" rule was supposed to prevent you from Aborting from a Maneuver with a
    >Willpower Cost... that you are so focused on and committed to the attack
    >that you can't abruptly decide to do something else."
    >whatever maneuver you abort to becomes your maneuver for that turn. You
    >considered to never have made the other attack. You aborted it, remember?
    >"However, until recently I wholeheartedly believed that you could make an
    >attack, roll damage, then spend 1 Willpower to Abort to Jump or Block. And
    >since this is apparently WRONG (despite what is written on p.139) then
    >is NO official rule in place to prevent someone from Aborting from a
    >Lightning Leg or other Will-fueled Maneuver... After all, if the attack is
    >not made, no Cost is paid."
    >"Obviously, people are now talking about the "fact" that Maneuvers with
    >bonuses to Move should warrant Willpower expenditure. Why? Every Street
    >Fighter in the world has a Maneuver called "Move" which gives them a PLUS
    >THREE bonus to their move, and it does NOT require Willpower expenditure."
    >it also does no damage. I don't mind if Mungo wants to run around the
    >twelve hexes at a time every turn. It's if he's getting a twelve-die
    >roll at the end of that twelve-hex move that I'm not going to be happy. In
    >addition, did you know that you can play a Move, move your full allotted
    >movement, Abort to a Jump, then move your Jump's allotted movement? You
    >can. (that'll be good for another week's worth of debate...)
    >"Furthermore, anyone with 4 Experience Points can learn to Jump, allowing
    >them to hurtle through the air and deliver flying attacks. Isn't a Jumping
    >Roundhouse extraordinarily physically demanding? Why not make THAT cost
    >Willpower while we're at it? Here's why not: Rolling Attack and Beast Roll
    >are UNREALISTIC! Why go out of our minds trying to make a realistic rule
    >govern a fantasy-based Maneuver?"
    >"But like anything else, it's ultimately up to the Storyteller to make a
    >call like that."
    >Storyteller System games have never stood up well to intense rules
    >If you're looking for hard-and-fast facts spelled out to the letter you're
    >in the wrong place.
    >Save on products you choose!
    >-- Talk to your group with your own voice!
    >-- http://www.egroups.com/VoiceChatPage?listName=streetfighter&m=1
    Group: streetfighter Message: 5555 From: Rinaldo Gambetta Date: 2/10/2000
    Subject: New Style.
    One more folks.

    Fan Dancing Art Style:

    This the ancient art of combat who use combat fan in a fight, major
    part of students from this styles are women, but the refinement and
    don´t danger appearance are their best weapon, this style is mix of
    dance and delicated moves but are very fast indeed, this a danger make
    confusion with dance and harmless appearance.

    Punch: Rotate (Spinning Clothsline) (3pt) Improved Rotate (Turbo
    Spinning Clothsline) (2pt), Triple Strike (1pt), Spinning Fan Attack
    (Spinning Back Fist) (1pt), Spinning Fan Knucke (Spinning Knuckle)
    (3pt), Fan Grab Punch (Monkey Grab Punch) (1pt)
    Kick: Double Hit Kick (1pt), Reversal Frontal Kick (1pt), Flying Knee
    Thrust (1pt), Foot Sweep (1pt), Stepping Front Kick (3pt), Lightining
    Leg (4pt), Wounded Knee (2pt), Handstand Kick (1pt)
    Grab: Dislocate Limb (3pt), Eye Rake (1pt), Back Roll Throw (1pt)
    Block: Deflect Punch (1pt), Missile Reflection (1pt), Energy Reflection
    Athletics: Breakfall (1pt), Esquives (2pt), Displacement (2pt)
    Focus: Stunning Shout (2pt), Musical Acompaniment (1pt)

    Special Weapon: Combat Fan: Speed +2 Damage +1 Movement +0
    These fans were specially made of hardwood and added metal blades to
    provide both cutting and blunt weapon. Closed, the fan could be used to
    fight like a brass knuckles. Open, it was using slash attacks and with
    more danger because isn´t common the fan blades with poison on it. All
    punch manuvers receive the bonus like Claw used by Vega, grabs don´t
    receive bonus.

    Poisons: Many types of poisons but I´m still working in it but if
    someone already have some poisons can send to me?
    Group: streetfighter Message: 5556 From: Steve Karstensen Date: 2/10/2000
    Subject: Re: Offical Rules Discussion
    I still say yes. The cost involved is from the method of motion. There is
    a big difference between somersaulting yourself aerially at a great enough
    velocity to damage a target at the end of your path and jogging that same

    -----Original Message-----
    From: J. Scott Pittman [mailto:joespitt@...]
    Sent: Thursday, February 10, 2000 12:22 PM
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Offical Rules Discussion

    Steve wrote:
    you can't roll damage against your opponent with a basic Move. You can with
    nearly any other Special Maneuver. If a fighter wants to get across the
    arena real fast, let him... he just won't do any damage. If, on the other
    hand, he wants to hit me with a twelve-die attack at the end of his 10-move
    exodus, there better be a cost involved.

    I think that was the point of the original discussion, of whether or not a
    Maneuver that caused damage but allowed greater move would still cost
    Willpower/Chi if only the move factor was used. We have all agreed that the
    moment you roll damage the Chi/Willpower cost is applicable.

    J. Scott Pittman
    Game Designer, Writer, Artist
    Visit the Street Fighter:Dogs of War page at:
    "Oh, you want a little fisticuffs?" - Mr. Furious

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Steve Karstensen <skarstensen@...>
    To: streetfighter@egroups.com <streetfighter@egroups.com>
    Date: Thursday, February 10, 2000 6:00 AM
    Subject: [streetfighter] Re: Offical Rules Discussion

    >"Me: Well, it sounds reasonable, but also unnecessary. So what if a
    >Maneuver gives you a huge Move? So does the Basic Maneuver "Move" and it
    >costs NOTHING."
    >you can't roll damage against your opponent with a basic Move. You can
    >nearly any other Special Maneuver. If a fighter wants to get across the
    >arena real fast, let him... he just won't do any damage. If, on the other
    >hand, he wants to hit me with a twelve-die attack at the end of his 10-move
    >exodus, there better be a cost involved.
    >Want To Be Showered With Kisses?
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