
Home: Japan
Style: Wu Shu
Rank: 1
Win: 0
Loss: 1
KO: 0
Draw: 0
Permanent Honor: 3
Permanent Glory: 0
Fame: 0
Charisma: 2
Appearance: 3
Concept: Gypsy
Nationality: Scandinavian

Background- Vedi is a strange young woman. Born in Norway in Scandinavia, she was actually kidnapped by a group of gypsies traveling through her town. Heading for Japan with all speed for whatever unknown reason, Vedi was then hidden from Bison and cared for by a secluded Wu Shu sensei who cared for her as though she were her own daughter allowing her to have some semblance of a normal life.

While all of that was extremely frightening for a six-year-old girl, the truth of the matter as told to her by her adopted family when she turned twenty was far scarier. Born intravenously in a Shadowloo laboratory, she was the only one of a set of octuplets to not be aborted by the doctor to insure that naught but the strongest survived. Created by the combined DNA of many physically “perfect” people from across the globe, Vedi has no discernable nationality. Given into the care of a loving family who were in truth Shadowloo agents, she was destined to become one of Shadowloo’s top assassins.

Then the gypsies came, led by the visions of the tribe matriarch, to spirit the child away so she could grow to become whatever she wanted without the deprivations of Shadowloo.

Now twenty-one years old, Vedi has devoted her life to the fight to bring down Shadowloo in all its many forms. She and her family travel all throughout Europe and Asia undermining Shadowloo operations wherever the find them.

Personality- Although she appears to be a bit of an airhead and a thief, Vedi is really quite sharp. Unfortunately, she does have a tendency to come off as a bit naïve, and people tend to not do what she tells them too. Her most trusted friend is her brother, another rescued Shadowloo puppet who acts as her ring doctor with his significant medical skills. Other than him, she trusts her family and adopted mother; no one else.

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