If you're expecting some kind of sob-story tragedy, forget it. Nothing too terible has ever happened to me, and I'm going to make sure that it never does. I've seen too many of my 'friends' get backstabed and stab each other, knowing that I could just as easily be next. L.A. taught me to look out for number one, and I learned well. That's why I went to Mirganka. I didn't believe the Holy Unity shit those black robed freaks were spouting, but I knew power when I saw it, and I thought they had it.
It wasn't until I met their boss that I knew what power was. Vega presence is just overwhelming. In the begining I could barely stand to look straight at him, but it got better over time. He picked me, out of thousands of other to become his disciple, teach me Ler Drit.
My first fight was GLORIOUS! I've never felt anything like it, not sex, not drugs, nothing! I don't remember who I fought, someone who Lord Vega was angry with and gave to me to practice on. I crushed his ribcage and felt not even the smallest moral qualm. He would have eventually betrayed me anyway.
He's just using me, but I don't mind for now. When he tries to backstab me, I'll be ready.
Motivations for fighting: Until recently power was what drove you. That and fear. Now nothing exists like the white place you find in the fight. You're contstantly seeking out other fighters who can stand aganst you for more than a few seconds, just so you can extent the high.
Paranoia is more than your religion, you genuinely see it as the only sensible way to live. Lord Vega certainly hasn't helped your condition any, and neither has your current occupation. The only time you're not afraid of someone or something is when you're in a fight. That's the only thing that can chase away your fear.
Despite this, you're still a fairly honorable person. You only do nasty things to someone who has betrayed you, or at the command of Lord Vega.
That last bit, of course, is the result of being in Lord Vega's presence for a long period of time. His Mind Conditioning was so subtle, you still don't know he's done it.