Miwa Arimi

Home: Japan
Style: Jeet Kune Do
Rank: 1
Win: 0
Loss: 0
KO: 0
Draw: 0
Permanent Honor: 1
Permanent Glory: 2
Fame: 1
Charisma: 4
Appearance: 3
High School Tennis Player Age: 17
Place of Birth: Tokyo
Home: Tokyo
Nationality: Japanese
Height: 5'3"
Weight: ??

Background- Arimi has led a relatively normal life, although she is not quite a normal girl. She is a student at Budokan high school and one of its star tennis players. The only less than normal part of her life is her devotion to the continuation of the Miwa Anything Goes Martial Art (Jeet Kun Do). She is a tough young lady and the combination of tennis and martial arts training have left her in top physical condition.

After her years of study her father has asked her to enter the tournament so that he may gauge how far a long in her studies she is.

Personality- Arimi is a very cheery young lady and seems to get along well with most other people. Her happy attitude is tempered by her fierce determination to make her father proud.

Matt's Conversions