
Home: Scottland
Style: Shotokan
Rank: 1
Win: 0
Loss: 0
KO: 0
Draw: 0
Permanent Honor: 3
Permanent Glory: 0
Fame: 0
Charisma: 3
Appearance: 4
Concept: young fighter
searching for answers
Age: 21

Background- My name is Mave, I am 21 years old and I was born in Scotland on October 31st, 1980. I cannot tell you much about my life, I have very little knowledge of who I am and where I came from except for brief visions which I will tell to you now. I was born in Scotland and I was raised there all my life. Both my mother and my father were native to the isle and they loved me very much. I've always had kind of an effinity for fighting, when I was younger I would come home from school with some kind of blood stain, or black eye. I was never the popular one and I had to fight to get home alive everyday. This distressed my parents and they tried to get me to leave fighting by any means that they could. They tried enrolling me in dance but this only helped my fighting as it made me more agile and limber.

That is about all I know of my childhood, when I was 13 I was involved in an accident... I don't know what happened. All I remember about it is being in a vehicle and the


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