Christian Tremain

Home: Fresno, CA
Style: Muay Thai
Rank: 1
Win: 0
Loss: 0
KO: 0
Draw: 0
Permanent Honor: 1
Permanent Glory: 2
Fame: 1
Charisma: 5
Appearance: 2
Vengeful Kickboxer
Age: 25
DOB: March, 27
Height: 6'
Weight: 190 lbs
Quote: "Stop making fun
of my jacket!"

Background- Christian Tremaine grew up devouring all information on martial arts that he could find, when he fell in love with Muay Thai Kickboxing. With a series of movies making Muay Thai more famous in the states, a few schools opened up, and Christian enrolled as soon as possible. He was let down to discover that his "teacher" didn't actually know much more about Muay Thai than he did, however, so he started saving up money to go go to Thailand. Shortly upon arrival, Christian was ambushed by some thugs and they took everything he owned, leaving him penniless in a foreign country. Luckily, an English-speaking Thai man, Tetsu Chang, took young Christian under his wing and started training him.

Christian entered the underground fight circuit and surprised many people with his ferocity and skill. However, he invoked the ire of Hu, Sagat's former pupil and current Shadoloo agent, and paid for it. Found unconscious in a motel room with a pair of underaged prostitutes, not to mention a small fortune in drugs and paraphenalia, Christian Tremaine was set-up big time. The Shadoloo-bought police came to take him away, and he rashly struck out and ran. Spending the next few months in hiding, Christian kept in contact with Tetsu, who used his contacts on the street to uncover the Shadoloo influence in his set-up. Christian, angered, set out to avenge the sabotage and, since the Muay Thai circuit in Thailand was now filled with enemies and closed to him, he entered the world of Street Fighting!

Christian has signed with the only manager that would touch him, a sleazy slimeball known as Rex Hannigan. Hannigan is a toad who tricks fighters who are WAY beyond him into signing, or finding fighters who are in a bad position and unable to get a leg up. His latest brilliant idea for marketing Christian's natural charisma is this horrid gold sequined outfit with a giant footprint on the back of the jacket, and the words Feet of Fury surrounding it.

Personality- Christian is driven when he fights, preferring to absorb a hit or two and land an elbowsmash or a knee of his own than to block and let his opponent go unscathed. His size, demeanor and fighting style have taken more than one opponent by surprise in a fight, and were the source of much of his success in Thailand.

Outside the ring, Christian is incredibly happy-go-lucky. He takes his fights and his training very seriously, but he doesn't let it derail him from having a good time. He's strictly against drugs of all kinds, and he rarely ever drinks, which is part of what angered him with the Shadoloo set-up in Thailand. Christian does, however, want out of his contract with Rex Hannigan just as soon as possible, but he'll continue to put up with it as long as he has to, in order to keep plugging away in the Street Fighter circuit.

Oh, yeah…and he HATES the jacket.

Matt's Conversions