Name: YangStyle: Kung FuTeam:
Player: N.P.C.School: Concept:
Chronicle: ThreeStable: Signature: Airwalks
Strength: 5Charisma: 3Perception: 4
Dexterity: 6Manipulation: 2Intelligence: 4
Stamina: 4Appearance: 4Wits: 4
Alertness: Blind Fighting: Arena:
Interogation: Drive: Computer:
Intimidation: Leadership: Investigation:
Insight: Security: Medicine:
Streetwise: Stealth: Mysteries:
Subterfuge: Survival: Style Lore:
Other: Other: Other:
Other: Other: Other:
(type backgrounds here)
Punch: 5
Kick: 5
Block: 5
Grab: 4
Athletics: 5
Focus: 3
Double Hit Punch, (S+C), Kobokushi, Foot Sweep, Senkju Tai, Kneebasher, Dive Kick, Backroll Throw, Jutting Kick, Throw, Ze Sho Hohou, Parry, Zenpu Tenshin, Dash, Hopping Overhead Kick, Super Jump, Hopping Punch, Jump, Kippup, Reverse Waterfall
Glory: Honor:
Division: world warrior(freestyle)
Rank: 9
Chi: 5
Willpower: 10
Health: 20
wins: losses: draws:
Moves that are not in the sourcebooks can be found in the "moves" section of this page.

To customize to a specific game, do the following:

SF 2not present
SUPER SF 2 TURBOnot present
Apha 2not present
Alpha 3not present
Ex+@not present
Threeno changes
Three 2nd Impact "Giant Attack"???