disregard the very existence of the shades of grey book with the exception of the flying tackle and maaaaaybe the heart punch. this book is EVIL!


Heres how they work:
A:They use grab for calculating damage.(Unless otherwise noted)
B:They move further than "one".
C:They can be blocked.
D:You don't need to be in the same hex to hit, you can be in an adjacent one.

All in all they work pretty much like strikes but use the grab technique.
Semi throws are from part three.


A term for moves that knock you around backwards, leaving you vulnerable.
A:For "spin-around per point of damage inflicted", every point of damage you do with the move, causes your opponent to be at -1 speed next turn because theyve been knocked around backwards (They have to turn around).
B:If you beat them at speed next turn and interupt them, they cannot abort, and they are at half stamina (rounded down) for soaking damage (Since their back is turned).
C:You lose a point of temporary honor for everytime you hit someone in the back like this.
D:If you hit someone who is already spun-around with a spin-around move, theres no effect, they just take damage (Cant keep hitting them and keep them backwards forever).
E:If its "spin-around per two points of damage", the same thing happens except for every two points of damage you inflict, they are at minus 1 to there speed next turn. (Its not as good as spin-around per point inflicted)and the same goes for"-per three points","-per four points", etc...


I think a lot of vegas good moves were left out because of the complication of flipping up onto the wall etc. heres how:
A:These moves have two "move" modifiers. the first one is backwards, to the nearest wall, the next one springs off the wall and goes forwards.
B:If you cant reach the back wall with your move, you cant spring off and complete the manuever (You just jump backwards). its good for getting away though!
C:If your fast enough to interupt someone with a back wall move, you can make them miss your character who is flipping back out of the way, and still hit them!
D:All back wall moves, unless otherwise noted, can go over fireballs with the usual dex+athletics vs. focus roll(Like jump)


This is when a fighter attacks in such a way that is very difficult to block correctly. If successfull, the block is useless!
A: If a fighter uses this move and the victim blocks, the attacker rolls her technique rating versus the opponents block rating in a resisted roll, if you beat them they are considered to be not blocking.
B: Before the roll is made, they can choose to instead spend a willpower point to abort to "the correct block" thereby cancelling out the overhead attacks nifty little ability.


A: If your opponent is doing a low attack, like a sweep (g.m.'s discretion) and you are fast enough to interupt with a hopping attack, you can roll your dex + technique used(punch or kick usually) vs. the low attacking characters technique (kick for a sweep) in a resisted roll. If you get more successes, their attack misses.
B: Hopping Attacks can Also work the same way on grabs (unless the grab hits aerial characters)
C: Hopping Attacks are not high enough to go over projectiles.