Name: GenStyle: Kung FuTeam:
Player: N.P.C.School: Concept:
Chronicle: One, AlphaStable: Signature: Old as a motherfucker!
Strength: 5Charisma: 2Perception: 5
Dexterity: 6Manipulation: 4Intelligence: 4
Stamina: 4Appearance: 4Wits: 5
Alertness: Blind Fighting: Arena:
Interogation: Drive: Computer:
Intimidation: Leadership: Investigation:
Insight: Security: Medicine:
Streetwise: Stealth: Mysteries:
Subterfuge: Survival: Style Lore:
Other: Other: Other:
Other: Other: Other:
(type backgrounds here)
Punch: 5
Kick: 6
Block: 5
Grab: 3
Athletics: 5
Focus: 3
Foot Sweep, Brain Crack, Kneebash, Reverse Waterfall, Hundred Hand Slap, Double Hit Kick, Handstand Kick, Flying Dive Kick, Overhead Punch, Dim Mak, Chi Kung Healing, Alpha Counter, Breakfall, Jump, Kippup, Snake Drill, Air Throwing(Knee Bash)
Glory: Honor:
Division: world warrior(freestyle)
Rank: 10
Chi: 7
Willpower: 10
Health: 20
wins: losses: draws:
Moves that are not in the sourcebooks can be found in the "moves" section of this page.

To customize to a specific game, do the following:

SF 2not present
SUPER SF 2 TURBOnot present
Apha 2remove air throwing
Alpha 3no changes
Ex+@not present
Threenot present
Three 2nd Impact "Giant Attack"not present